CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 12 May 1921, p. 2

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THE LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1921 00 0 0 0 0 0 O0 0 00 00 0 ~ VOLO 0 6600O0000é000000000 Misses Esther and Zelnia IUus>- 11peUt Saturday in Walikean. Ed WosîH 'UICOI i lhe irst <0 tIti lWUeekWtti tus parent, ai <iii anititi Albert Burress arnd Mis, M\oore of K*,Ike Villa sîsiteil t! îetids 11iTh~tis %j cl5ity sunda3. Vernie Ward of lkhorn is spendiflg this week witli friends here. ýAl Interested in the Volo ceîuetery ai nvitetl 10 attiend à business nieet- Ingai th(le home of C_. Dillon Saturday evenina. Msay 14. ITota are inost cordially iflvited to at- tend a May Day parly Iiriday evening, May 20, ghven by the Laidiesi' Aid So- elMy at lhe M. E. eiurch. The teaclier and pupils ofthtîe Vasey mebool vsited Mliss Ruby Petetson and ,9t4ls ai the' GI>ncl school Tîînsday atternoon. Misses Esthier Russel. Olga Globib, Dorotby Dillon, Vera Vase>. lazel 3Naumaarten and Harry }ironiinus and Athur Martin attended tIe 7(h andi fth grade contest heId byS~u1t. Sinip- un0 nt Wa.uconda [ast Tttursday. Mir. Firank Echredi and chiîdrer 4"d Miss Aice Myer are visiting rela- tives at Savannali this week. .Mr. and Mrs. Hart Thomson of No. Chicago; Mr. and MIrs. R. V. Fitch of Waukegan; Mr. and Mrs. flobeW Rich- Sal*mOf and daughter Sylvia of Ridge- fildM,and Russell Thomson of Chicago *are 'SuSday isitors ai C. Dillons. Uns. Sinions of Elgin is N-isiting biei ater, Urs. James Kirwan andi motiset titis week. Mr. and Mrs. Pied ('roker of Liberty- ville spent Sunday at the lhomie if Lee There was a large attendance 'aithel M, B. chur-eh to lte ar IRe%. Iuriows splendid sermon on MNot her-s 1)53 Bunday Sehool ati 131) p- ni..tand --eurti serym ae:1.5 lSunclas -& My15. 04inst In, Lake Counxty -The INDE. New FederalElectric Washing Machines Each Equ ped wth a Sàdon Monthly Payments Electricity ta run the machine while doing a weeks wash- ing for a family of six costs 5 cents. The saving made in laun- dreas wages wîillpay for the machine very rapidly as you sec. in Your House 0F NI)RTtIERN ILLNOIS A mt11painte<I house [s Worth mmore in (the market. ýUaPogt Prepared Pa8it ila tli betIoue Peintmde. [ts litting besuty makes t cap- c" isfy utabie for reudcnoS. A Du Pont Produc. . NIcOS foika think that FLOW- KOU ENVAMEL is thl i[nest UMbi n the world for fitishinkg itlewoodwork. We knoe' k. A DU Pont prouct. ,G.T.Luce&, P'hone 27 LIBERT' stable .a [s tor-(tutu an ctunitition. (~f~~DL' A'I'fl~TDl',Cocoanut oil ut said to (it% e reltlacedt CO-OPERATION IS TO BE THE 40>00 COI in Aerica [ast :ear. stiliti eul fTetn ~~ TO DL IflE ~cl ttlicisn ts .Offered agaifst the ttr.-; R s i of T tn DAN I RY M A NS IA ATCJJIATf D th(le fariner was furnlshing "" e '1's1 Th- following us a-report of tlie LaII ~ ofuth(e preparatjun, and dtat "'lhe tonIti tif Alîril. 1921, furnished bYA tallit producers woulci utilize their FIVE HIGI4EST P; Sy Arthur Richmond. otgaltizdtiuf la bis miarke'ting associ- skint milk by feeding ilt to calves and Owner Bread Age i If Indlvidtaalisoti in the dairy world la ition, during thl ast four years. lie pigs (hure would lie noue tu use in IL IL. Scitruder PBH 4 tuthooed. At tile national conWYence declared tîtat 3,000,000 of the dairy manufactur ng 'filied" voilà. . John S. Nicliàl.- ... PBH ý- if daîrymnen. lueld in Chicago Tuesday cuitsin tîjis country today are not Among the delegates froi teflicCi- John S. Nicliol ..a ....... PBH .. in d NWednt-sday,. May 3 and 4, dele- rut14îning saSti-Oit. But. in spitt' of the cago district liho jouit part ini (le con- Tliornbury Paroi... ... PBJ 9gaies S trtuck oui tlie word individual tlact. due -t0 organization, and organi- vention were: I. H. Love.,liresideni, H. H. Sciîroeder.. ... PBH 8 isni and substitied co-operalon on zation alone, the tots to the tsi-mer and W. J. Kittie. general manager. FIVE HIGI4EST PR( Yilic iîîîlk troducers future calendar. upon lts milk and daii-y products lias boh of lie Milk Producers' Coopera- No. Cows No. Cows tOwneî-s ut thte 23,00).000 dairy cows in' been lesciao upon any mter îîrodiutt tNe Marketing Comnpany; so T. JL Owtier In Mord In MIlk the l'nited States are being more forc *fth arn"Williams, liead of (lie organization H. H. Schroeder ..... 15 il tbl> ttinvinctd of' the absolute neces- We are fot bind, liowever, to eco- commlttee of (the Chicago coPat John S. Nichol.. 15 13 tsitt of dairy farniers locking hands notule trutha,*" continued (lie dalry- and directors E. C. Rockwel, A. C. RouseBo. 32 28 aithth îeir neiglibors and working as a ins national liead. "We know (bat Stoxen, Thomas Keent', R. F. Tuttle, F. H. Krog ...1019 soi f-OOitnit tu solve titeir problemas. our producta wilbin city zones estimai Frank T. Hoît, H. C. Benhsrt and C. L. G. Hutchînge . 7 6 Moi-e iian -'(u telresentalives front lie maintained at living prices With or- D. Wing. r3 ar district in the' country met ganized banditry going on aniong un- The meeting was cailed b Iefr Herds Teated ........ . 25 yoni lie old siuuuuaig grountîs of (lie organized mllk producers Just outslde. ueusntoa raia n 7 NMilk Prnducer'i Co-operati'ce Market- In this territory îîiik of the, test i ____ os nMl ing ('onàpsný of Chicago to shake beiflg sold at front une dollar 1t rel Cows on Rtecord -....533 lîtnds and exciuange exiterienees and dollars a bundred, depending aioatiti0 nreoe o.(uw rslet'd' ideas on flitc probients of selling ntilk entirely IIon aletiter the tannier lias 0 REAL ESTATE TRANFR and products in a co,-operative way. an PcOp(etra tiîe defense. When lie -1 .--- iStrtggling to sîtake off the coil o huis a ceî-.tiî cr.aeKy. hees chaos noa \S'appted around the' dalry factoîy. Or, other farmercontrolleil 0Assifatant Socretary Sqcurity TItI. : cows i n îîilk was 941 jiaunda of nîîlk. induacry. leaders of co4it*rative selling ways ta diajiose outit. coanpetitioOgnzitOsonnsfdl-d 0AI Coya.n.,WaueS o 0 Teii>- a3.66eioutioni l'4o ts 7 Oraiain osdrdit poecuiiat-ly ilows ant i lus [rices ,aîe better 0 ra opnWtkO*l Otslg36.cotiig3.4loOi lifting iliat they should itteet in tbis Fartuteis sltould own their marketing 0 0O O O0 OO O O O O O OO of u butter fat respectively. ditrtct, for alittîct one-lialf. itxîproxi- faciiities and manufacture their dairy .Xprii 29,.î1921. IL. IL .Seiroeder lîad four- ctits on ett' J000I0 oflftie countt-'s huge jîroducts, adiocates Mr. Campbiell. Maria Billey and liittvland to W. W. scien da35' lest during thte jiontît. dairshe'rd is wit (un 500 milesof Chii- Some of tlie thinga are already beîng Sorsen. w. dl. $4.000, Lois, 15 and 16. llii'ee ouf whiiei itade better ((ian 20 cago.Frn the lîesrt ut tbis big carried out by co-operative daiî-ymen Block 7, Wrenns add. llighlattd park. dairy center. reaching back south and in the Chicago district, furnishing ex- Jennie P. Shatît tin C.. Rodgers pounds of butter antI une 27.44 Itounds west front tii'laite, coveringa stril) amples tliat will probs.bly lie Iiatterned and wife..w . $10. L.ot 1'21, Ravinia uf butter fiont 570 Itounds milk. as a 200> miles long and Ilot inules wide in atter b> otitep selling organizations. and Lots 4 and t. fBloc'k --. Wrenns four- year Uld. Mr. Scliroeder ta i lie r \V isconsîn, Illinoots and Indtana. contes The tat'niers wvlo supply Chicago wltii atd Highland Park. gittttr binte litre liredl liosness. and the nulk that supplies a city of nearly . îilk and are opet'atlng three, and are C. A. Newcontb. Jr.. I taS. 'ffl fi;tciefort, in, bu congratulateti on r ?5OI0.000 pteople, lacticallv ail Of building Iwo mtore, evaxtorating plants. sephi Polis ali 'Ti'l atholic chîtucl ite l.ihs voltifk etaies thiaugli the NMilk Pro- They need mureît equipnuent fto handie deed $65o0,'4,oiq 2X. 218 antI 29, Block suiî a stlendtd stari PîticenI'Caotteralitîs'Marketing Co. the sut-plus at certain seasons ufth(le 27. Vashburn l'artk. North Chicagot G. Tt. W'itt-of Antiocit bouglit t (u-olterators. liungry foi- seassoed yesr, according to W. J. Kitît. sen- Grace W. Slpecer antI iushand to hitt caîf at the P(abst sâle. ied b% and lested informt'nn got a gi-est erai manager ut' the Mlk Pi-oducers*I.H BaIl. w. d. $10. Lit 1.ll c'rt'aîor. II îisii20 pîound 2 yt'ar nId. ttUIiu3 aluable ideas fi-ont reltresen Cooptrative Markettng COnîpan)>. 1, t"ashbui-n Park. North C(hicago. daigliter utf a ituric recordcl ow. (ru iattv.'s ut the Chicago îîik itroducers' n'ttlout triler eluitpment titis organt- Ma-A.C PakrstoFH lu'sdtiùthonyowtth'tîii e-ncern, wicli dirynien 'believe ,is 'zaton choita business of $26,000,000 MyoA . for iarsidc aost1001olF. Hl suta.ssed by puu other n ilk slJIig utof at> Younanltg ml r ~w. dl.$10. Lots. Ianti 11. trs(anstholcwintewilt u las yeal limding mlk frm a. i-tl-Block20. 'Lake Bluff. - - 1 1bavmtg fu terïaI104nud ganîzation in tihe cduntr-y.' Offiias of firt of ab4out 20.000 square miles. L. G. i"urness and wife 1 t CW. of butter. the' fîtteen or muole leading milk pruo-lHandling the surplus of titlk is con, Stockwell et ai g.' c.d $1I Mi Lut 12. Grain should lie ied tu hetîty iiitko-'ts tlucing associations, coveî'tng twO0 sidet-ed the' fundamental dlfficulty te(le 9 aeBuf naypsue.Cw ihmdu that tofîte atnen generslly admitted dairymen haveefto deai with. To do A Abercrombv. Si' anti witeo A. p Iroduction do not îiarticuiarly require liitithe ren of (lie Chicago tel,-(blis fi takles money and in practicallyAbrrm ',J an wfe . .$ grain uniess the pasture is itor. In ritory iat enioura e Oesful with every case wliere thie farters 000. W 1-2, Lot 2. Blo-ck 7. Wrenn's the latte>- case. adlage or soillng cil their organization thlà ofliers. îablislied their own seiling organiza- ihan Pr.ttalematpsiabeAgodain Tht ict ha fanî-rs.suun Ciitiens tey have bet'n landicaiieoed by L. E Hulse tind wifete o A for thie average pasture wuuld lie cao cag itre hI iogeta easnabe ot ein abe o euiptlemseivsWitt and wite. w. il. $10) 17 12 acies tarts oats. 2 parts bîsî'n and 1 liait »tlce for leir nilk. even during the wltli a sufficient antount of capital î . .Seil'ncowshp rn. critical perlod of (lie last six ontis. liandie (lie business. In o0 f lie I .e. S. Z13nkAvon townif p. li ________________ s'as frequentl3' and alinost envioualy clieese districts (lie lack of capital wss Johinson and wif'. W. il $1.200. lAt relerred to by (lie fartera durlng their taken care ut' by nîaking an asses i uiofllc ', m d (wo days' nmeeting. Wtien casterfi and tment ut one mantlis business. 1in ifd'P. REocD8,ExmoDDEd ntddewetendarme bgn O..In sonue of (lie districts, failichuecks Paul Sahiagian andtifet t compare notes the latter gt-oup wa were hled uit lor tour mtontha. dele P F.louse w. il. $10 N. 7 f WEýn comnuended fur, its (rue spirit of co-gtsufi eaethylcecpi AUCTIONEERINO oe1usd recel e2,00samembrie fr (ai tukeep business going tlirough ist adO Waukegan. wh iatreeve.b sie rcefrthe peniod uf critical deuression and -A. F. Olander 'ant i mii' to Il't FR AN STC SLE their nîtlk. This wss in striking con- readjustmient. 1airy t'armera in thie trsst to tite condition exîeriencedl lasi W'icklander. et it, w it Lot 4 FR N TC AE wintet b le ît'itembers of the î)airy Chicago district were able to huast ams c u.Iigioo PCAT ain 1 fibe it utganzatto's doing an enof a-nuse-sutîtlttlASPC LT msnî eague of<Je'w York, siien for-'otous business and nunt' ut IIIheulat APRIL 28, 192,1. 3 etgh t condenser plants ciosed their I atm, .1.V.ou n iet Wlim 57NO T O N YS doors and the farinera througliu letaîatttre (han thirty daNs for t)Y'ruanivfetiWlatt'57N THC U YS. ot th î iou ~dintun ae b>Krase. Wl) $200, lots :27 anti 38 hlm-k ' W U E ditit urudigtebig metropo-ruei ie theurdcicks un cnes 1>47Nutth 'hicag lis a ere left witltout a nmarket for r (luter hc'nfne.irit"aNorthChingo. 4Jclila l district surrounding) Jaob la(lie P ONE 2441 îîilk. CunseQuenty many outhtiei dis- Il Mas brouglit tu out scierai tfoutes $l10*I acres, ont' (alItumile a-est otfP posed utf their cîtoice herds fIat liad uring (lie convention that alit- te i'Lhryil.'Rvr.Cagso ,ens ei taoken thent years to build Wi). Tliey fat-iers ar.ecntering (te sellng and Jacobli lai' vîft)Eltî M. lit aa'ong Wtt1 Isold many uf their coa's for one-fourth ntanufacturing end ot' the bustnes.s, as $1) 3actes t5 ml]e'wes ofrtLiberty- Yrkers were g'oing thi-oughibihas stug. they ittuat lie willing lu ini'Cst îîîoneY Jennie E. Long and hu'J t 3 gle dsir>men in Wiacongin, Illiînois and to det Ciol and bltltite necesaty P. 'salmore and wit'e.Wl) $1, lot on Indiana wvere able (o move their rilk mschineî'y to duoiue a-ont s;ccessful]Y. forth side ot' Grand avenue just eass to market andI lold their high produc- A sut'vey >made anîong.the delegates of LeIs sienue. Waukegan. ing fiérots, resulting in a saving of revealed (lie tact (liat in every Iocality JosephLi Lndenmeyer and wife tu E. 1 îttany tintes thle amail amount of mon- abwether east. ausi. nortli or soulli. G. Lindenmneyer. W'D $800. lot 14 subt ey tie3' paid for the privilege ut' cotiik fta being soid for lcas than iii, ofTlôt 289 and 290, Lake Forest. operating with tIII neigibors. . cost uof production. Many ut thunu satd lohn Pish and wife to William The [(ght tu gel dairymen to appre- t ilet they were surîîrised to find that Walker. WIt') $250î0, l in- village ut T ciate the value of organizing has been totllýla selltng itt a iairiy un ilurnu take Villa. a fierce one, M ilo 1). Campblcl, preat î,p'iée auilihe local stations un cicr) John Jelovset' and aife Io Peter dent ut the' National NMilk Producers' nook and corner of the' countt'3 wli Stanonik and wito 'tD $10, lots 15, 16,S e o federationicld (lie delegates. He salO eter Osir>' cotas aie ta lic faund. In and 17, block 87, North Chicago. iliat owners. ivit cows worth $100 nljal cases îhe larme>- get.s about [ie -fay 3, 1921. I eaci. wili %tables and equiptent cents a quart, but (hure is a variation il. E.liarlty and aife. et al to worth anotluer iundred dollars a cow, in [rice paid by consuters tn the var- Paul Patte and a-if e. Warîanty deed. O Rf tft-i iosI impolani b giineas. 1 A usdntaueaiie îet in sec. ý4 -Grant townshuip. m uarkting hIr milk. Mi-. Camipbell tng, and One al of ihe-.delegatea Wt-rP E M.liai iy tind aife -t Paul PadeBe7 e n adde iht te frte lis sved$50agreeti upon. Mas the necessity ut a anti wife. waîî'anty deed, $10. Lots, ior et>r dollar lie has lnîested in cuntract. comîîelling the pi-uducer to 47, 48 and 49 WVodtand tub. in sec _________agree to delivc-r lis nllk ta fls sellîng 1%1. Grant townshuip. agent> ater a detinite iteriod.olcutnie. [fermuan iut latz and aife to Aslak Titis. (bey lielieve, tif itoîeratîve ta Mdokkeliiosr antI tife Marranty dpeut succcssful cooîeration. Otuîin 1t11 $1-1o .Lot hU, lilaîz suli. un tuon Trains nurthwest the tOregon IDtuîy-inns (fi'.: for the Ieague lias a coniract that î'xtends 'to>"ltIanski and wife ta Jo- o% ci a'-riao~ttd ut five and a liait %Pr. se Cafleki, ri? '(d$1 Âîusns 'l' t,tîîr>en along the lPac'iti .C anti tydeers suhABuins tashionpd iteir marketing riaciineu'> North'li (luta.go.Ma at>iîr iluosu buîlt and used by fict-i[ tilt 'f F Pt-:rsac- nd aife in .Harry 5 ~ ~ ~ ~ o - tuttsCiialifornia. lieitzt'l et al. warranîy deeti $51). Atli hi- clostetiithbe neeting llwit-us-I E.50 'l~, l'Ot 12, Bluock 1. KutI)kers tltttîns coînnittee. Ileadcd b3.v C. at r sittibei>yil[e Fr SInonfutthe-Ilîlinois Agricultutal Astýo, A.1 t («eues ta A. F. Keliqulsi uand ol J 1t itOn. tsked bhaî a commitîce utofaltiffIrti,3deed $10. N.,42 ff-et, u hon Peten b.' aîtîsix)nted ta siudy lie clatry tLots -.tntl ýt tlock 3, Kirk antimnhe j nlustit'~s profileras front a nutiaonal Powell. addition M'aukegan. t ~ Matinee, st ad pint.Thee elvenmen vil ho, Il.III ermaL and wlfe t ir Timn y s 1eted by J. ILHoward, president ut guiî- T. Parnier. warranly deed, or Shopping t lut' Ami"rican Parnu Bureau fedet-ation,i $10. S. 14q) ît. Lot 1, Blockt 1,. esTrip * ~itti tht' advice and content of the~ addition fligliland Park. Fips on National Milk Producers' tedleration. Ltouils Velkovicli and wîte la John i Tîtese eleven mn uwill begin inuie- Gabi-aîst'k and wife, warrauty decd D w o nt diaielY afler they aeclosen toIntudy $3,9j25. Lots1 anti 2, Block 18,. 'ashD w To nt Painting the' îarious dairy mîarketing organiza-bîJr Spinigs, Waukegan. ,Dne tions. (lana wili lie dratted and car- MAY2, 121. j t te mbo praion tfou akegliisuCIt I'. . Iaker and wife co Lottie But-. or to the olitue o prvid formaretin aso- eîfîel,îdWIt) $10 lot 28 block 3 WrensT eae C allons in unorganized conîmunities. add, Hightand Park.Thar An attempt wilI be made to coirelate William Kubicz and %vlle (o Anton 1Du Pont Fiat Wall Pint (lie varlous dairy products o-pe-ativeMakan leWD$0ot49od makes abeautifuî intenior [inish miarketing agencles in a national 0. (1Cumnuinga sub W of EIec R. R.' Trains continue ta ri (bast Cao ie washcd ith eI ~A nation-wlde educationai caiagn Nrh(hcto safety. awilI be condtjeted for (lie[surDose of . E. Goque and wife to Rusa Alford 1 i;1:8i increasang (lie consumpt on of MlklWD $10 lui 9 (uunf v cleiks sui on' Take an10oi: f oo- s and milikproducte. Sectional CaSh' Asi street forth of Sewmrd atreet,. This Suprenit Flocr Finish civecs a paigns of this klnd are aiready being Wî6ukegan. touglitransarent' finish that carried on lIntnany stalles. rarticuîarly Mary E. Hardie tnd husband eteîu will last for yeors Dries In (lie east. P. P. Wlllets of (lie Inter-.t< C B. and 'W. B. Wetzel and P~. I. raPilY --eaty to putraon. A state MAik Pi-oducers Aissociaýt on, O[p- Pete-on Wl) $10. lots.i6, 7. 8 and 9 Du Pont Product. eratlng tlie.district around Phlladel.'block I1F1t1tNortli ad,"(o.Wauke- pilos, told af the $100.000 edt1catlottai gan and vst-eated Julian seetIldd. C drive that fos now belng conducted b> .1 R.II Yeoman and wte t H0 M Now [s the fimie to freshett P dai-Y'men and dealers In (lie Quaker 'Janson and wife, WD $1. lot 6 block ýAssn.1 for Apn*i Women A:soc7tialo foi liMade Young HUUUtCING COWS: ha.s Mtik Te;t Lbe 2524) 3.5 s 1941 4.3 1977 4.1-1 1515 4.9 1752 4 7 RODUCIN4Q HERDS Breed JIDIH & GIl P'BH &GBH i'BH & GiI I'DR & GH IIBIi & GH a. Fat 98.2 3.5 83.o tV.U Lb.. Mik 1450 1291 1299 1276 1116 Lba. Butter 110.25 1014.38 103.75 92.79 s7.63 Lbs. Fat 51.05-: 48.83 43.76 39.97 37.40 pAs?~ EflNiS'S umeviug F. Ufl.~Y~.fff S mmi NVOUSNS 4*1. aTilal Solda mi Dh.kjaemalhj fi... - ~ Dn.C.USW.Iê.S~ oe..,U. Bight eyesa clear si6n and a body fui! of youth and health mnay be yours if you wl keep your systern in order by regularly takig Th* world'a standard iem.dy fcr kidner. Sivas. bladder and urlc acid t:oubI.s. the .nauiaof lit* and looksnuse, ts. nfce 169&. AIS druggl titres sizei. The lbeortyvlle Independont o.,. 1naso,LATI!>I1 county newg. rransportation )ice Une qua lied! ï SHO RE TRAIýNS 1 Libertyville and Chicago 5: 48 a. m. 6: I8 a. nm. 6: 48 a. m ï: 18 a. m. <.7: 48 a. mi. 8: 18a. m. 6:03 a. mi. 6:33 a. mi. 7:03 a. mi. 7:33 a. n. 8: 16 a. m. 8: 33 a. rn. And every haif houruntil 11I:48 a.m. 12:03p. m. 12:18 p. m. 12:33 p. m. -12:48 p. m. 1l:03 p. m. 1I:18p. m. 1: 33 p. m. 1: 48p. M. 2:03 p. m. 2:18 p. m. 2:33 p. m. 5:48 p. 6:1 Ip. 7:25 a. mi. 7: 55 a. mi. 8:25 a. rn. 8:55 a. mi. 9:38 a. mi. 9:55 a. mi. 10: 48 a. mi. 1:25 p. Mi. 1 :55 ar. m 2-25 p. mi. 2:55 p. Mi. 3:25 p. ni. 3: 55 p. mi. Every 30 minutes thereafter until .M. 5: 03 p. m. LrM. 5:33 p. m. P. . 6: 16 p.m. ).i. 6:33 p. m. 6:25np. 6:55 7131 p.m 7:55 tîn at 30 minute intervals until 8:48 p. mi.; then 9:48 p. m.; and every hour thereafter ta 12:46 a. Mi. [(edule fi operated on Daylight Savig t ime. )rth Shore & Mlwaukee R. R. Libertyville Ticket 0ffItc Phone: Ubetyvile 74 ST4TE 0. K' IMPROVI 0F2 Highway Depar S To Advertise F Mile of Pli Iî.t-sof tt Metnirbas ag rfted( 'rhs fg]Ii n is îr stg. Itîli r- it tItilli TIiiisn 'li v.n 1 aecil«<tv tihi titicorgain isa! on feiius andI rt er nf n ei of " di ' of pubtir ings F:oprçsentatlt. oi f ~ ieeReie %%'( i -- (. rLe Il titan Lake -ttoi 4,ormit'te, ('Ilartt'. Iî ,u;,!nttýn'l nt , vei , Rijot urd at litt'. 7p'l.t---tifL <oiti (i bitago Ch o in' lotof (it. con'. or ,f lIim ei ns- for bids for f r"oat undpr theiî.î for'"-r-extenslie whbu't (ontracto; tC for 7'r .,gI*fe-t u<e .,f-at'-- r!itcias <a * tarif 't ilt, Jet it-rs w'ici'figuries iftiia pet tttilt. Nv hit" Xeei t liat .T- -- .i a. . f ' ý 'a fo f1 000000000 0 H A LF uni,,'!- m'i il.. T>-W, C 1' U J . .,'.f 4ten. CH-ARLES R Public Accounitaý AîÂaîtujn',ng S% ' CIL Po-îtd l'Peri4tdit clIi d i i ii id a'V'itti DR. J.L. Office :n, Frist Na 1to r li f3t3l itrtad DR. 0. F. Bt \X!LTEIINAL'1 Assistanit State ELFIANAN Attoney Oftîî 4. at li it' 4l LYELL E. Attornie) L14fI4RTYV Lt, Luce'Bq Ites. lione 1316-M. PAUL Ma( Attorne> LIBERTYVILI Telepht DR. C. B Veterinary Telephones Office With 1 LIBERTYV ILI F. BAH MANIJPAC7 ÏMARBLE Ab~ MONUI Cemetery Wi Descri S CORIRESPONDÉ1 116 South WAUKEG SERVICE FI RST Long-Distance Telephoning Is Easy -Do you realize how easy and simple it as. to make a long-distance telephone caill? Justcall "Long Distance" from your own, telephone. Our operator does the Test. The service is good, 'the lines are adequate to handie your cails, and the charges are reasonable. Get acqusinted with the money and timie jsavint "station to station" service. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE .COMPANY ýPAR TWO

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