CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 19 May 1921, p. 12

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mb sape titan amy ohev andi h4tIM asaoalta feel exceed. ÉWÜdtiat we lu intaeniddle leen gettins aloatg sà Weil 1yIliuaîrsîed in reinarka jtIL E.Morris, manager aofiic Eavelope Co., aho lias just tfrm a ive weesq'a l1-11)lit sud hotha est. sIari aya titat everytltlng la WWày eloaed out lucre, taIIthe qet i di. meni la amazing andl tact titere la absoluly "not-. ef a cage wuere lie met 1iitLgmgineai two yeara @Mom met hlm &gain rpentliy = antWoyeai-a ago was 1mailu week witea Mr. Mer- With hiXu. lie expiaine<i rwm'workig tlten for $30 a ,*«Ir he explainedti iat te ~M *«tht tera was î.othiusc W4»» la mining sud lie had to >,Ig living nome vay. The mines ý *ctlC*Ialai ahut down anti jMtliousads andti iousantia MWten col get nothing ta do Uitrmgay tat lu OnIY oua ec- ,AU lie gidany semblaiice ot Inwity andt t aonva aIBillînga. senti luit at case il wss due la thalttýy bitistruck oh la "Iiity. Andt ie farmera, lie JaaaeC st. as the 'woiklli ?bey cafinot get Ionus on thier s-t! ocka andi manY Of them ~ h tebikastesover Ibeir = dolthîs lu ortier topay Mà de&they bave ad. eUUdlllo8. N>. .%I3orrs aya. la ïW"t@qUd.te a- big citent In the SWbli. la bis travelo over ho gN le ayastaILthe mididle temla ie te ouiy Part Of SUe4qtfT uhere titinga are &DY' 00, oatlfaclory. ~COST 0f hEPRESCRIPTION TB CUT NOW ms Hope for the Thirsty ho Have Been Paying the ocos$3 Per For Long. ,ULD MAKE IT BUT $1.00 vlew of te tact tliat Waukeafn M arae hargitg $à for booze. per- 4~t alu gel big pay for a bilîle 0bl.n anoanbrain-work. ant Itn ý«tbe tact taI the truggisi lhar, Ne real aluff whicb comta hlmt sy for te same amount. $3. te j aby wfront Springfletd tne,- «. showittg taI Binois 'mv In i .17 vtlWisccnsin la planning t a the mater or fixing titi prire eue prescriptîitn%. oe tact la thaltioctors malte a * permit represeut "an office rai pveariptlon." for the regulation Lot local Phtysicians are-:Ofiî 1Iiil~~TpUn riu idillol $1i go you opeaboozs permit$s m-an L sud vijîf." et bers-lt itat's beitg planne inli rngfielti, Ill., May 1. Ileprî'Si-ri te Frank J. SielI nIf(Chicago 10- i. introducetinlitthe- bousea sljl ÏWg a brmit of $1 tpon the piic- byscians' prescriptions for liuor owdcln&l purposes. 'Jeow of daclora lit are chiarig Vik h l$5 a lhro,' Sicit said. tee mtucit." te bibi vas referredt thlit-enîCse ND FERRIS WIIE~L FOR ELECI RIC PKm «*a Legion Announce 1 m ent Features; Sat. Sun. Dances Planned. SY SEASON IS PLANNED. Me Waukegan Vogt of te Amer- rlatton liave mofde arrangements W4Salurday ard Suuday niglit tm et.'lelcPark. startlog M . exBaurday Igitt. Music vili ' tihlahst by te Ixperal Players. ge warrantm il te Legion tbolti dances more freqtenLtiy tête summar montîs, An- t la matieIhat te spieu- bau beau aaatied and o- an.d now la ouneoite inest U2-th. nortit slore. snt anti soft drink botas etablsieti on te grounda. ton la exteadedta1 C1e pub- Umdtiteir Sunticys titere. of te Leglon aay tai imenfoot1ta Insal î a erris Md merrygoi-ound in ite near me! pessibly ol.her attractions. ffed. L The plan tu te tW pari an attractive place sb ilie wll lad lpleasant sla em bcourm tmstiter tisaI ail preccu- iEL LO! EFJRYDOL7 Ï î G? LAD',O NEW (IOLFCOURSE CALLED' ONE 0f BI3ST IN COUJNTRY Sporting Writer Pays Htgh Compliment to Local Course IS FULL 0F GOLF THRILLS Titallite naw (lieu Flore Golf Club at Waukegan las oneaofthtit beat cour, ses lualtae countr-y, la lthe statement matie ty a sportlng wnlter lit a Chi- cago liaper. Ilu tiinltg lte local course itis writer mays: Te mev clubithouseofthîe Gien Flore, club at Waukegan la tn' open. anti lte met'course vill ha ready foi- play anme tinte about mli.asunifls. Pending Ils coffiplelOn, lthe nId nin-- bte course yul l e useti. 'Tité net' lunks eluirt Lakte Michigan abtout a mile and ae laItnorth ofnIle cily. Hila. tiales. wotis andi a broOk* let lenti ancitmntti tand,. viet fln- isitedthlIe coursepromisestla haone .f the most itatural antiaPOrtilStinl Ibis section ofthlie Fcnrntry. (),eofuthte Iar ues laltai lihe brook is crosrset abtout a dozeittlimes m'hile playing tite aiglîleen îtoles. Neary all of lte firal mine andtihie seventeeti andi elgitteenlth traeorse lthe ridge. whie the otiters. arc laid otlînîîrugh tbe Open. -ts ren r 1leri-eil.' 01sltinig anti nealle on the sides of kitoits. on lthe wabthIte course wilt rail for a i ariety Ot r-laI tat wlll tlînill ip lrepr Cfroin tari ha fitisit 1 Golter MueI Have Talenrt i ligit elfqý lta iîhwirk ettitrotithe golt iglîl fromtlire staitj 1'l' 0orrIle tir-t tee tirle fa i wa.vrir s nt ud lipes Io tipre iîrhr. ahidqi neans tbt mtice or ashorj t biilreihall wrinll I Ina n thre incline mm tîrte brook, am th,' latter ainda s lfaloitg lthe orai i-tge of lte bortndary ine. The green Is eleutateri aitîl ala ir Ra ityîiit('ii iii ir lthe trooklet.' Te seeîînti iole ml-a' irrrn oity 110 yairds, brut ir is a plîrîrri. Vite brook ajidena orrt tînt formas a miniature take. iml atricirauitislanti tee lias beci sel. Te tIageür fcesq ite anti ex- patneutfa-at-r directlYin front of hiîtaself. ylile the green mesîles an a Ijili ut the iglît ride or lthe ci-ek. A claimp>of treeca rtIrle i-rge of Ilre nel- vet Intensifies the shol. anti makes lte liole lthe equai of amything of tite short n'ariety in the local district., Siotooing lte titird, the player goes on-si a steep hilI anti ulong ltse ritige lo a rollina greent. ailer pasaiitg xny nattîral bazarda. Il is a fine lest of lte di-iver, an i-on andti ly pulls. Many ofthtie other hos are Juat as lmlerealing, anti Glea Flora lalils en- tinsly ila a iltest of citamtllomttip golf. Mamberahlp Limit la 300 Te membari-mitl imiteti nt 300, lias already reacliet 250 ant iincludes f ifly lite members. Te adissaion e le1 $150. whila thet annuel dues ai-e $100. Te officeis of lte club are as fol- lova: Presideat. C. C. Commons: vice lîresident, William J. Vantierkloot; aecretsry, A. K. I[ovea; treasurer. Leonarti A. Doolitile; board of gover- fora, D. T. Aisituler, F. W. Buck. C. C. Commons, C. L. Dotige, Leonard A. .Doplîttîs, E. P. Kerrman, C. L. Ki-afft. I. 11B. Robinson, W. J. Sackmau. Wil. lian J. Vantiericloot, C. R. Whitney. VTe vaiiua comipithees are iteatiet li l taefoilowIng chai-men: Hous. W. J. Sackmau; groundis, C. L. Ki-afft; §sports anti psstlmes, C. L. Dotige; en- )tertainment, D. T.«-Alshuler; member- s aip, C. S. Alschituer. Jîid 1unkrîs. Juil Vunkins art!5 e man's nollest Helen Was Not in a Receptive Mood- WOIJLO WORftI OR NOTRING. Vliese are getîiug 10 ha rallier liard tites ou aecoueI of an muni u»ent- Ployment andt ierefore one may ex- peclt toaee everybody turMlng 10 titis, taI or te otier thing lnorder 10 make a dollai-. But iterea the latest suggestion or ettempt of a local man to pull dowa sont. easy mouey whereby autoista of Lake counly ant-i vmiting enloisîis woulti b. paying te hidier anti giv- ing hlm a ic. easy snap.1 Te bard «0f supervisors are in irietSat surday in apeclal session. anti according 10 a Waukegan young man elto owns a molorcycle. lie la golngi 10 aPPear before te board antimoake a Proposition, anti believe us, il la soutie proposit.ion! VThe young man vîit au 5y0 10 business apparently itas beau hltbng Il uP over, lhe concrcts roada 0f Lake cOilty anti has discoveredtheltatact Ilitiliiere itgncounty moluicycle eaîî It opeîation. Ant ie halis teciti- cd ta be one provideti the board ai- lrrws hit. Not i lI Isul going 10 coat thte eounîy a cent" 10 hav-e hlm.tender bita services lu beliaif of te tun- drçds oft tiousands vitontlia declares ai-e jeopardizati by fast driving auto- lIss over lake counîy. Ilie-s lus proposition.: liesaa)s tlitIlie bas a molorcycle; titho Ie Dtntworking now anti ilierefore. If te oouuty will aultoer-, iez hlm lui()do ao.lite vili go otit on litis motorcyrle. patrol tière -atta of L.ake couuirvandthie uounty wyul foi have tla î itt1dma dîme for Ihis lime or for - lire gas lie consoines. Howiîll do il art ont a coammission basis. Anti do'ti you lliink lie iii goiug 10 log a ney doiug it. Hlelias conferi-edti îlia ubro 4hes solefvWiofo -and 1iaisty' de-e4djed-1 bu- vouiîl atlear itefure te tiari Slara nIniâke tia offer. Supervimsors Luowarmn. Vue stprrîîsors lihasotaiket i ur lia-e înot tai met uP 10thie pruliti tion nci,»- arr ngl y for rtle simplîte -ca aon tîrit ti-vc erisecrtre rainifira lions o! a "commiiisslor. li d ii tror' cyucleC(ni,," 'The> clra ifuy sie h lire itîril no! lise îrrîîtey per fo)in siatjiît;. VTiev crin aiso ses wlîere Ille R! toiiiojtjljsts would lie paslirg Ir ilte- hn a îriglîly coititaous aLd iiiii oluI ablie îîînier. A mtoiycle cop vito la out work-a tmg on a comission ls ot going Iol et aM.y opporluoity slip ity ant i Ie ad-i- mis lire wotuld pul lu a certain ittri- ber of automobilliassavei-y day. Nom then, " to10 the fes-it wouhd ail depenti upon hov manyotachinest wcre laîîring as 10 loy mîrcîthe l matie. Tl woultialso depeittior.itou' fan ie woul have to takle tItini to a Jutige. Andlin any eveot l:il l a moral cer- talty tluat lucre youltl mot lieaa dearlt of business î-ery maty tisys it tae week wit motorcycle cap pst roi- iî.g 'on tse comîmission basis." Lake cotînly has hati no molor- cycle cop ince te Northt Chicago yong pasn, Wm. Hunna. wîas killeti vhite working on te Lake Villa roati and icolideti siit an automobile.îBe- sities te nvetmnent ln ite prrcitase of a mtooicycle tae counîy. liadti puy lit widov about $4000. Anti lterefore te venture proa-ed an ex- pehlv oaaeb lte counttI.go fai- as eau lie determite iets lmactinitieq a ia litIle or n effact on cuting <ova thec speeti of drivers. However. tait lte eveut of te automoble andthîe tilappearanresof1 te i-se dovit riga. lit la admillati ger.aralh lîsh t Il&laonly te excep- tion wÉtere a moltorial drives more titan about 30 of 35 miles an l'Our' anti appareiîlly lhtlùlaconsldereti a sate apeati lerause lui Wisconsin a driver la ailoiveul la trike 30 miles tînter te lat'. Te Ides itowever, of a molorciycle eop isho vouiti b.pabti ýhrougit a commîssior. wouid lie mot oniy lric- roua but wquli b. an oPening for te woral kînti of grafting Ihat counly lias ever i3at, Tbersfore. Il la n et athslitaIeb.boar itilencour- agetbeyroposlilon. INEW RULING ON POSTMASTERS IS 4iIVEN-IIARDINGi President Issues 0Orders For Selection irom the Three Patsing- Highest Test Washtington. - Presitie.t lHarding totiay I$kiued an execulive ortier cliansg lthe matito f sppoîr.imenl of posîmasters under civl sari ice. as establishretiby toi-rier l'resident Wil- son- Under lte Wilson oi dci lire ap- pointment of poatmiastera vas rutade atter compatitive eClinaiitrtonstrt ire candidate rankîng Iriglica in lte ax- aminationsaCecui-ing lthe alpitontisnt Ths excutive entier isaniet by Pî'asidtiu Hardiing prou-ides 1ha1 vitef a vaeancy exista anti is itot dulled by a nomination of a candidatel qualiffeti under lte civil service, lthat lte civil service commission shalh b. caleti upon toconducl an open cour- petihiva axamînalinantilthe poat- mastai--general salii select ot.e Of the tities candidates standing bitgit- est I hoie examination anti ieron- ment i hm for apinltment. Vire ortiet-covrs rte spoinrrritrris of îîostmaateîý for final, second anti liid duss otfices: Te order huwescr prou-ides tliraI ai lthe expiration oftheits cim of amy particular posîmaster that tire Iot master-gencial mari aubuit the nitnîe ..of the posnatelr for re-alpiLntiierit wîtîrout furtitar examifalom. May Aak Congrema for 'Change. ?freldeml tailArg lllfllfflTUd for- lowing lire lssiance of tire eider. tîtat he înay ask conriess la place lii ai, secondlandti îird cnass pari- itastLîir undtirrie classiheri -inil ser- v lt-a. NEW SLEUTIIS ON TRAIL Of BIOi "SCOOP" ALMOST Vire or lier day a Sun reporteri gat a hiot tîip lrirLiberlyviîle lthat a mnt rît Rolind Lake itat bean atreslti oita charge aI listing ketpt ha tiaugitter a Pnisoner it a cclil It habhoitte for' 16 3er an- ]rad nloi ever hast peninittadte 1 sea ans one except Immediats ment- bters of Ire family. Witen forînti iy a orale member -t th litHumiane So- ciety site vas lerrititity tte aiglit of % stramgcr, neyerit aviitg 5e-t one. Shre Iradtiire mind of a chuld. Vire teporter liccame exciter! and uned tire helepitone vire ln an ef- fort te gel tielaila of ltsealoi-y. lie spart mai-stitan bli a day anti calleti scoi-es 0f pensons 10 chiaektae rumor. Flnally titis la vitl ladîscovi-eti: The driver of a breati wagon itadti ld tite aloi-y 10 a Grayalake vontan, vito told ilt t sevaral ollers. One of lthe otit5rs *ilh a keen sansa for neya hp' lied il cff hoelite Suu's Liberlyvilla neys a grterer, wyit u telepitozed il o tie Sun. Te breati wagon driver ltad, reati an account of ltse sîrange oc- currence. arlichit wsadiscovereti et Rloundi Lake, N. Y. FIRST WARM RUN t RERL BENEFIT Te fiaet wsrm rein aincetire gai-- danst ai-e TIIihti vîsileti Waukegait anti vicinlty' Isl nigliland d iti a voriti of goodto lthe growing veget&' bics. Ram vwas beLdiy neetiat. Itlila belleve( lteewrin relh ittllbe foi. lowed bly more balmy veatser, anti taI the bachubone or vîntes hem bean broken. an ,acctdent- I taI alwYcs bititga joy In ltia sectiotn viere falter geti quite wea,'y 09 heavilig ceai and tui mort vcary cf payInz lfor Il. l f OPfib WINNERS IN COUNTY SIOL I ContInued irom rate oue.1 ÀR S AD' THE UFFS MEWEST AND IN M EAST AS WELL WN1 OP tTo p E 1111 ris says that Middle Sems to be in the idt Shape of Any. #AS MANY IDLE MEN' tlm part o fthe couniry la in iÈ Christ enson, Vera Nelson. Radîng-TlilM'a Rosiug, Marie Sass, Vernon Rogers. Penm anshp-Myrile Norman, The- reFa May. Mary Micheli. LAKE VILLA Arithmetîc -Marie Nader, Ndxeaa Sehora. t-arriet Freentan. Spelling - Maiion Neahaus, Ruth Mtinto. Grire Jack. Reading-flaisy Ehrenberg, James Crey. lbn rfls. Penmnanaîi p-Katlierine Minto, Vida rptimer, Mitiice, Keller. Marlon Neahaus wns alan third ln W*UKEGAN Arthmetie -Frank Brun. John Cita- mernick. Loirs Kerpait. Speiting - Kuili Haley, Cecile Amsunn.Evelvn Crahamn. Reading - tiessie Luda. Elizabeth Lud-as. Mamie Svete. Penmansh lp »iiamie Svete, Rutht fletmikamp, . Joe robnic. B ossai.ueào les aien tbîrd tu arittimetit' Arittimeti- LMetcaif. Vernon Strohm. Ensil 1E yer. .Speling - Lucilie Sponenbuirg, Lit- lian i'owis, Blilie Peristy. Reading-Linnea Jobnhon, Dorotity Mef ullnugit. Allen floodi. Penmanahip Nngm iSumitht, Evelyn Wright. Doroth ,v Floodi. Lîteille Snonenbitîg waa aso second lnt rrithmtui. ' Lînnea Johason was aso Ihiréf ln spelling. Liilian Pow was also, third ln reati. Ine. ^AVON Arthmet'c-lFverett Neville. Walter Horneniterger, Mariorie Cevelandi. Spelling - Frank Tracks. George White, Della Amaun. Reading-Katherine Traeka. Ceciq Arnann. Luella i4nnk. Penmanahip - Cella Rosing, Della Amanit, Milred Heudep. Et-erett Net-;llie wanselnhilrd ln GRANT --Arithffieto-Artliur Wiu'kier, Frank Lumber. Teddy Grrettaon. Spelling - Helen Drecoîl, ULlilau Kazlasaky, Brnadine Walsh. Reading-Frances Johnson, Heleu Nagle. Itileen Kimbali. Penftanmhp-Maýrie Tonya. Mary Hulielc, Eîleen Kmball. SHIELDS Arithmtc-Vincent Sheridan, Dor. othy Classer, Charte% Neal. SPmîing - Dorothy Schultz, Eva Luni;. Florence Shebasta. Reading -' Donald Davis. 'Helen Smuth, Gladys Deyop. Penmanship -Citarle.q Neal. Rutht Streeti. Emtma Caya. Helen iîo third ln spelli rit LIBE RTYVVILLE Arithmetc-Eda Naumann, George Prye. Charles Kuester. Speling-Russell Lui, Gladys Gro- ner. Irene Schwandt. Reading-Lucynda Miller, William Triue. Aice Thorngren. Penmannhp-frene Scitwandi, Lu. citil Mifler. Alice Tlrorngren. VFRE MONT 6Arthmetic -Caroline Kublank, Ber- ntard Larsqen, Leonard Wagner. Speling - Harriet Ilotge, Donald Poulton. Bertha Zersen. Readng-Luthter Small, Jullus Ku- blank, Alice Pfannenatlll. Penmanship - - Caroline, Kublank, Dorothy Do'oj-n. 1-ei Towner. WAUCONOA Arîllimetic- Harold Rusinski. 1.11 liit Winkler. Myrile Darreli. Spelin-Uo')a-IZoeshtsiu. Doris Nie Corîuick, Soi-hial ioe.-slein. Readmg-Dorotlip;t 'trol<er, Warr<nn Powers. Vera Va-,ey. Penmanohp-Tlosa Rzoeqslt-ii, Mar- garer Dalev. Marie Martin. l.Illian W',ililerr a, suc> third lit DE ER FI ELD Arittimmdc--%gfles Gioden. E1e mur Spelling-Mary y ore, Marlou Lait (tau, Alice (ut ley. Readng-Ituth Roseland. Helen Tut 1ev. Vvian Haggie. Penmansh ip-Segî id Holimbet gCa itriella Wls.Anna Coleman. EIuanor Fl.nn.1g:în wi also set riid lnt realiri. VERNON Arithmèe-Rludoll>h Hansun. Elia- lieth Rue kenha'cll Ethel 'ImitdenFt ock. Speiling- Helen 1tceckmanit. Flor ence Schuler, R. Dell Buschlng. Reading-Ruthi Wolf, Vernon Gls. Bornire Wylie. penmarship- Mitel Hans. Piiscilla That cher. Kiathleen Wylie. Hielen Trnekutan was also Ihird lu a rit hinetice EL^ Arithmetic - Dora Sclîumacker, MiI.îreil Umnhdenstock. Frances Lohe man. Spelling-Blanche BIergitorn. Marie Frank, Marte Voss. Readng-Elizabetht Busching, Gi-sec 1irandiug. Verua Hanseni. Penmanship - Velda Hoeft, rred Buit, Etîri Kingtna. CUBA Armîlimetie - Margaret Kanilager, Lloyd Prouly. ]Edwin Welmuth. Speling-Anie Pronita, Edna Hiornt, Gertrude Schumacker. Readina-DorotitV Melow, Beatrice Trimble. Rth Hollister. PommanthIP-Rohei-t Frekitiz. Annia Pronite, Margaret Kamliager. 1Margaret Kamlager was alsO second ln reading aad spellng. Dorothy Mpkw wam lso Ihird ln spelbIitg. JUDGE EDWARDS ENTEAS t3,000 DAMAGES: APPEAL Proof of Highest Value Spring Su its From, Hart Schaffner &Marx s28~~ One look at these clothes will con- vince you. You'il see the quality is the sanie y«~ ha&t pay $50 to $6Q for >a -year aigo. That's a mucli larger reduction than wholesale costs justify. We have to sacrifice profits to give it to you, but we're willlng'todo that 'to help bring down the cost of living in Wau- kegan Money back, you know. if one of our Hart Schaff ner & Marx suits ever f ails to give satis. faction. - i Io Wde 4 Whyte The hoine o Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes. THIIS IS THE"6 Off Twice Marri Tries to F Marria 4HAS PERPL VTe ar-e pi nratteaîrul wcii d tas " i tai PhirlaulcîjIihi lllte asot t)v Att oiiey j1 îl it (lin Jiir lt-do mama ît lii e0î. -a,îvI iir 190, a,, ,,lddit Io î --<.Ille Ile lti<k aI (lui liag,s niri cior1e afS ili ttlt a l i FcI. o-ee iiii în o1i Ol a4a i go il. r.\ -i.lan In it t. -1 i *i, H'i-N(4. THE1, ia i.p tri Liitî tlan( End -'ila tiui 11,le. - Cth \ni W. j l tI 1 . t.nd landhIand R,2 i r r'r- it 'fi Il,. t : Il. tl. , rnocrei I.j it. tt r i . (i -1i14g the'l anl fi ci - eh <fii lrrit I .ti -c taimoul ThFei Publc s iI Ma0ilth m ter lani 4.300it' Iil te eli h f-lt aînti e rmit inds lNite-rIyIi frite,îcopra blance lu> s uplie MPru .ainos. etite- sbard tlmc Cétyrkht 1921 Hant sclislncr & NI-£

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