Duin PeLSmmrC imHANGo~tES ys Firt Whte C bolre Jamesp Blanchard.cm aLk (Icoge Iettl hiti, a. ne (if Ai "ai iitP o m Blanch ar state j r. 117 bAlvo Hon sandeResoi't Hv a<ewa'is h dent un t feirtrnnat lJi's ccUflly iv makv eflprvl are i ré @Cînîsidee.aronGensuee Hetwsa o ment.g bsprcpumer n t Imebe f they frstwhite ciildrevs Hia endcf liewOil< aw îraree in paes eîeta SHeriR c adon o Gecrg&s f -jeudi-lu Laer ofitAvony lil185 Blancrd Mi- Bacamdled L ]ParkdliotkIt o til place, ore Othe Jforaes Baago ried's ald bis ar bet kit rmere. réin ak ýsd plinh in dsugbteraliet wlly'b Aout suy ses aige of but$2100mpr. alwaoiesk eaLb- he af ber pgroes menebaon bis caniuerl.d >the tîuo eîl juta teleeee reet rel C ofk flic w oe * Y o w ov ut t e rsing paen tse. e S er d n 1 o d l Geaull*ul i-cdi-arts tites kl mIiu 1S .3 wîr. laMhrdBlancharr ied ecein- tcudy nocre iultce tuutdSles. ber 16, 186 tag MIss Surd b a r ent erbaath et motatland utli bsdstock. Six iîde, werebor .lioaepelaLe eofcabout a d Ma Iw a tbeliet h hmeif ar Paens, lvg liai-Ias nerted as a ond R.t) ved no.tedward p.. ('huilt es A. Laetian baIl. 1 one.f feleesiot be nc is e -c fW.egn u Ivît iLIlîiresol woflb rhs ind tuii-bc5 M. ('hareles Lteck cf aid Decem, leay at nupnutIlae Unteud luatesher 16'ni, 1f1t ieSrhBn peaps. t llhe ms seipotcaty Nîrf Wos.tachur iix il lic werba prfemtinv th eneltiin opeadac-ta sud sas rive fut t.lake living, cern- bug'peviliat b isedtte ifli au aa co-R.cD.uy hcredMr. P.,Char esA. lei ultflot110x40 for danhea Ofbut oransd jjjsîeAlie. ofWa 'ean.anda prnitsupte foelietichin slic. rMs.Cre s e ofd ancbrthrsr-, iaites t n is lieas re d a fdlntewViina hall th hanse2]lave et lu whlc -i e Ir. Bachard. Md is. Ssa Saf fard and Mr. uReucuhcin )dotilesike oflhi Iîryronaadslo.i an, lira.ia a e lcf celui biuis. t îtbeg 11di-tniasau ataduc iyis., sud Ms.Blanchard as els u bive lpotlnbut illfobeallen laban>for aaiilte eccnlf Loutyisa ls lints a go bathnît. y h% e rlylitehard.)Mi. Sarhlnt.ar b ath tioe ta th0 eset inpraiehiueti adAotdLhurmnh ar ft),airoad Mi.the ncilut whaiclaredhe otel bti Wulding . vgcunt4rod oum by buidingaun sddition Io te sourt sluer for îîirly fou, icai s. Ilîs rep- whicb prixîlî ts uwelty mare taoon .itation as ioud commis-lofler was ta uuaijýng te total ot Ille holet fDowSbe envîcîl. le was railsud mut lu 9t) ]le liasi i~ail lviiite bathinl ', taig adieture m lioiue oftItle 1,001118 unibeiides thatIlbsdaigan epcdan lie lias ci-cited aun elgbt roam bunga- sdiired by ail wba kuew ini. le halil bei-n affîicted a ith icu- 1ev.t tItle i car or Ileii- l li l ir, at isrn far fia thit iy~est s and bad wiît be fîirnistuud î ju t iuilogauyn) ttrc uiîclht'u asat a ili iU wiiI le poîîded wtlîbati sunt aio s frdnNrcna 'ltsr setiC ls plce a tbe ureit leiteJeer uind -ii onîlained. le lînt s Pla c ,5~e 10liote c(Ite vry winter lunîlot Stuiluda ory çvrltiüiv feff 14li, l"te. lissiug t'so*inters In the lhiiufY Ilitue ouet I (erIci lr. lti-fltitb 1-als andi huis i-uny disîno9iti,(Lntud ),--" 1iiroicil a laige lobby anfd the En- democatcêpli-lt wonuflim nanY 1lire lower floor fil ftied with tattuir, fricudm tere as weIl as iu Waukc- ivitli large radian rtigs au the floor.. gan. il was lu the Soulla where be lu the botl wo-lage lire iplaces wuas stricken radden-ly îîîth hicari Ilaie bcein (aflutr-ucicd tinthe mnn aiiiire, only being lu bcd frum Sun- fluor aud the [nrtico lias bec built day t111 Tuesday noa. NWord was ot aitftle ,outil end1of flic liotel sent Tucsday uorning titat lie was maisinît a ici-y preity cutirudce. iII sudcItailes staited inimeîliitely. ,Andtilîc Mi. Renetian le building but witlîiu an bonut tffti i-t mes- auroutlpier outinl front oftheliti sge woid came tijat le bad dlc- hiilrurnintg »0leutt iuio tltic lib- and ipltt fi-t widc. ,.in@ A Thle buildings are al Paited wyluil(- lCrack s iiin i n m a laoilit -lI-ve wiLt i reen trinu andI a îed rouf. Ar,- the uail tc l lie isearci, îîîay lie ether fete ile ciNir-Reuctialibas eit>i-ci tii i-,î1 %ii Higelîliile, in)ixcO pi-ovided la theinjs taltlationu cf maul îf l, flot utii-tuIltlie (IfiIut yu bencites uinne ait oftItle gi-ui, luegta. 'The crack la ilîl w Iiffile ayailable for Iicfic paities and aitlltieudIl gltlesuolt( evet-y fouitiibencli a ire ilace bai iiîruidhegttt1 ioti- itecu lstslled whlîre peoille rail couk dçIIh h illi itlîeIl euttbcqi, w here- 11w ir coftee, et c. li i-Il0114' oi- I w a îtlîigni of fori-tuI it thle inproîcîicuts as a aitule are (40> lwr cenlt forui-iiidehliy<) ai-e fp- f itm ztthe ntti5t expeLsiveee- nlit , pil la thle i itth. 'Tbe fuilii i uis lu h.y auy stmer iesort owner. Ille c ciie- t lîîrd-îIlle t-gel-itlît, iiiii iiiig it wî epof tougli, anidl1w suiuble iîiatci-. Dêt.". fStiO-a sLz-..;.id Watcr A etîtill lM i tiiI lati le pli of T'c u'i ui 1l nl iirca of Uitina î 15e Inri-tituitblihrury ma1dnviineed 3<16-t tilt> sare mles; the ttal w5- proîidly: --'i gii uîg totI -4l mrci-îtî fer éien Is 125755 square inilcu, ibut the books lrue ever i-end" Tinîlicelj. the total WStei- iara about equal aîléil su itifelfugi l l "'i i-cadto or*-hIîuîf te total ares of Sukatcbe- tbri - 1 Ian.- M. n M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M i. Irice $1 215 Delivcred-Including War Tax Price $1965 Delivered-Including War Tax -P U7 'VOUNO PEOPLE'S '>ICUS COMIN4i -TO CONFERENCE" TO WAUKE(iAN *JUNE 8 BE IIELD NEXT WKO &Waukegan la ta bave a big ci-cui- onWednesday June 8. Thte advauce agent of'Rhoda itoyals big combina- Plan Meetings in two Churches flen cl-eus and utenagerie, le naw In at Libertyville, Good Speak- Old SoutYh aide5?hall ceurd uL ers Are To Be There. wbitch tc pliththit t a. It wlll i-- _______ Qi-e w10las uh kjace for tite The econ annlai ouvgrecpe'stenta au titat iequircd b)>sotei shoaws The ecod anua Yong eoPeswhlch hai-e been ber.I-e nlte cîrcus Conference of Lake Counly will- be lesnt, noJeans than e-Ici-e events are belil lu the Methodist sud Pi-esby- carried en etfoee ime. terian churches ai Libertyville, May One gcod feature abotfte show 28tit. la tbat It bears a tii-ft clans reputa- 'rTe cuference teme bas been dê Ilan as belng clean and fris frein ail signed as ,ln Queutof te Best." In1lpick-pockts and uetty titieves. A limcralvg a joint sessionu yul bels@mal, detective force Iravel wlfb lthe held In te Metbcdisf ciurcit and jshtow te guard against the Presenue paàrallel sessions willI tu be held for O f Iis undesirable claus. Itlm1 made the Young uen In the Piesbteri&n a Pfrtictlar feai-ure aud for thisi-eu- ciurcb aud tite Young womev lIn e son lte appeai-auce uft the show ln Methodist chitrcit. th taed wiloyje-cîeryîvberc. Baeanse tbe tii-t Young pieeple's There wil be twa lncifruîavces, canference beld last.year attracted a one lu the atteinaun aud tbe other large crowd sud crcated- mtîcb ln- inftic evening. teret il la cxttccted that the cou-________ ference Ibis y1-r a ilI be s-ien more Important sud te ttendauce mucb s IiiiiILHI larger. a -uA5I D WH uI.a41 ,laTh pogamas rranged for te SEEKINGJO;uS surinalno d evenîn -JO ; S foîlows: MORNING Riegistration of delegates. $10,00 DAMES Service of worsitip, I.H. P a':cu. "Seelng Striagt," D. H. Wing.____ Une tîp te meeL auy frienîl. HelenAdisttrFo Esae o A. Wrght. d iitao Fo ste f Parallel sessions. Young -mcv In Stanley Sventon Files Suit Presbyterîsu citurch and Young 'e n itutCor mn In luM. M.. chu-cb. I ici or Orgzanlzutlon of Conferenees. Frank ____ R. Sherwccd and Helen A. Wright. The piaecipe lu a s$10.000 suif for The Organizcd Claus Vii-ualized. D. damages agains Ile Chicago, Nart H. Wiug sud lHelen A. Wrighît. Shore sud Milwaiikee electiicrail- Thte ClavathuaI Puinction-fa) Thrilers was flled satuiilay in te circulit Piesî dent on Ilis Job- (b) rTe See- court thi-ougb Atoures Jas. A. Jad- rtsry as a Sýtitician;, (c) The iich for Adolph i aiauowicz, aduilu Tri-ai-ni-ci- as a Financier; (d) ram- Istratar c fibe cies - forStanlcy mitcc i-cii ce. In. A. Waile sud Mu-v. SientonWito wa killed ou oi-kout F. ENettlîrît.Jan. 17, at Setornd au<nue, Just aie Arnoinceueuir i., ig. as going tt: Cirago ia. ssich ut a lisyon mmFIn'uwI-bend yoîng for Sîcuton v.ss atout 40 years old thectYongfrîn I -and Youngil230'cks ad la survi led hi a wif sud severt Seciice u Wom :; i-'-il 2:Fred Ilulr.cildren. the fau.'Iy iesiding at 1th SIcet s od Dor l .uug. ttrandilictoria ltiîcts1. le 1usdi cen Ilew we put It oer-ta'I low we empioyed at t;reat Lakes sud . len put oî-er te Faîber and Son celeitra- thte cîvilian fori- e asi-îucm ed icS flan. Gilfoi-d Bock; tb) Haie ve put amontOIh oseetout over te Mothter and Danghtercrsele- bratian. Hienrietta Laing; (c> Other J1iI Intercias s ctlîities. Discussion, R. KAN W OC P A. Waitc. 'Mrp. P. E. Nerf hrott. JointLrssson-M E.citur-ci. TDDRO B R Tite Young Peop)les PeDparfrnent , R. T R D Ê DE S A. Waite. ChogngRIif Wrk, at Jon Wlu -CAPTIURES BRIDE I Corby. du-ceLai- of resear-ch, ('Yclene Foneî Co. Waukegau. III. Muuslc, Roseci-sus Baud. Libertyville Girl is Married to Play suit reci-cation. fligh ii-boil M athietie field. in charge ot Frank E. PauilM.Dae of Heyworth pici-son. Y. M. C. A.,1 WaUkegau. Who Got the Reward. Fusa np Pcriod._____ Ticiegation meetings, . P. H.Wlvg. Hy--h -Banqueat, mugie. fîu, table sîtilts. .nul M.. Drapner utof aiit I AFTER DINNER PROGRAM n ovef tbree whlo Stlit the reward Of ofetse secretaries. 126,000 for Ille capture Of *"Wiliia" D)elegation reports. l)aitan, te 17,nn bond thief. made Thaulyen ammite~.anotiter capture Saturday. He mai-- JEVENING ri-ed Miss Sara odo ieyile Twe aas$ meetlgs-fa) Tlîe fli-l at te home of ber brother, Fred- of My Dreamp. Mrs. F. E. Norf hdclt; erick Wood, 2618 Washiington boule' <b) Tite Challenge et Lite, R. B. yard., Draper gat $10500 for bis Waift.miai-e In te Dalton ai-iest. 'bat Ils 1,p 10 Me, R. A. Waite. ineaus au exended hitcymooet tnp Frieudship Cii-cIe. Helen A. Wright._fcr bin and fis bride. HIilEI SCIIOOL BOYS- ARE WARNEI> 0f A FAKE FRATI3RNITY Students'of Local High School At WeII as Those Elsewhere in state approached, report. BLAIR SOUNDS A WARNING. 'A warving bau been sent outf fi-m Springfield ta the blgb tcbool boys tbrougbout the atate te beware of a fake fraterfllty Wblcb an orgaDit0r le attemptlng toe etablub. RelIef le ex- pressed tbat avertures bave been inadet lstudents in verY hilgb achool In the state, In vlew of tii tact it la probable that the saute prepoal* tien bas been presevted te students of Waukegan township hlgh sCbOaI. The following dispntclh tram Springfield contains the warulLýg ta Springfield: - Warning ta lill S c h e l b o y s o f Illin o s t a v id ' h e ' luigh school tîaternity take" la cOn- talued In the monthly bulletin Wut issued here by Francis (7. Blair. state Buperinteudent of public 1v- struellon. .ove or mare studentz in practical. ,y every' llgb tchad luinIllinoli-," Mr. ,lair wi-itea, *I.s, e<ei,,,d a llr tram a fleorge Blandàng Uyer, -46 Fil Lb avenue, New York Tlhe letter CHIROPRA C TORS3 BOLN LL.R> DU- E3 HOUM,-IOM IZl2A.M. T05 7-M7 8-.30P.M I 123 N.GENDSfl ST. I WAUKGAN. 4ILL.1 Motor Car Values That Challenge Comparison Effective at onvthei Doit Motor Car Comupany of Flint, Michilgan, an- IIJiomcs prihc reduction on the Inew faîuily of Dort 1ars as follows: TIoîuring t-a1r and roadster frons $1215 t $1115, Couîpe $lSfi5 tci ýI685, 8tndan $1,-993 to $18ý5, F. 0. B. Flint. 'These reduetions are oi the ncwiodel.Doî't cars fit-st introduced in ,linuau-y of Ibis ycaî," says Johln 1). Manîsfield, (leieral Sales Manager of Ille Doit Motor Car Coînpany. "As the new Dort is not a pre-w'ar car we of courîse ai-c not ondcavori g fi) establish prc-w'ar priees for there is not a prc-war standard fromi whieh Io judgc these ncw modcls. Dort prices have been lowcred because wc, htave reached a production basis that enables us to operatc on a lomver oN'er- bead per car built."1 AI1Tmr va Mrkeê conidential. rTe objeet $et fOrtb Ias lte Orgaiton et a Ktappa Delta Nippa traternity 1vlte hih scbool." Publie flvetlgatlov, Mr-. Blair Bays, has revcaled titat titere la no sncb traternlîy, and taI the chiot' Postottîce Inspecter ln New York lui looking for Dyer, for violation of Postal la.. mi *i MI M M M M M M M Price $1965 Delivered-Including War Tax fl(W1) A XIV Lake County Dis tribu lors For Dort and Reo Passenger Cars and Trucks a 205-207 South Sheridan Road .-:-Phone 270 :- Waukegan, Illinois* Suý Shredded -- lu bluk,I per pouvd Vinegar, N. Y. Stal, Vln.-gir, g; Flavoring oz. boilles, vanilla... Look for ON(WAUKEGAN, ILL DAY <i ONYWed, June 8 THE ONLY CIRCUS THAT WILL BE HERE THIS YEAR RHODA ROY-ALý CIRCUS' Tramned Wild Animal 'and Wild West Exhibitioni A Ilitorica, Ethiolgic and Edmutional Exhibtio Greater, Nob)er and Grander than Cver Be/or.. ENLAROED AND RECONSTRUCTES FOR -THE PRESENT SEASON RINGÇjrcus and Menagerie 300 - H(>RSES, , MARVELOUS BEAUTJES -300 HISTORICAL WILD WESTEXHIBIT1ON 500 -PEOPLE, ARENIC CI-FRRITIES -500 Open Cages of Rarest, Wid Animais SERYAL'S FINOS MMS 0F PERFORMING ELEPNANTS, lihe Stickneyt, Worlds Famous BARE BACK MIERS 50O-FUNNY CLOWNS and AERIAL ARTI.STS--50 Rhoda Royals High School Horses. A Big Magnificientf FREE Street Pageant 3-BRASS BANDS AND CALLIOPES-3 A CIRCUS TEEMING Wth WONDERS ATRO 2 COUnlt &ounc Under Water.Proof Tent-Doors Open one hour earlwir Lcys' ar Women 'a V. fin . Mena GCu û9c \. - - i I nu;, 6 j'i.l women's ena ,At oui Cwint xtensve- have dcci en the ce discount. welt knoe <ut x.unt. Women' Pair- Alun uucld nîn t Oxfci-ds,! inittlu trit regulari Speai-lia whfte 7c, Shoe Pi Bltîik. hi-n Dc 411.36 P luA r.1 72xO0 W. Shzker 1 5 Yards I Best Dres Atl Lien Tcwe a, 2 Turkshu 1 Table D 10 Yards t i i i fm! i ý' Èà 1 unau mamans mormannang à manu@ Blonnannagnouen wwm 1