CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 2 Jun 1921, p. 1

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tVeiùs 17c 1 e l. at th.i vt'ry, r eal LIBERT"YVI.LLE LAKM CO UNTY INDEPIENDENT I-NDEPENDENT- WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN Five removed to hospital for treatment; north bound car is held to blame. S.s -- I oîîîlîlî- t I o îîf;11 ul 1 jury- \I,-îî' ljgltit alliiT 7 2o Tir I îk wl.R lth. çî'Iî onIîi NorthVL- -'ii ,i v. j.- l 1, lie-il' hl * Ill.i Tn hpoil ij l i 'iTi. II l,îlli I ii- ' '1T île a dMi J , lj' I ulllil0 511 , r 'I 'h -1 W, irjlb-îîT A97 Nu . \'.lilu-î.z and Min T 131 I-lu" '14 'l a'ni-lssll i ililli-'î ~ N r'e- and wiii T- F:' ln d0 Ton ll.uîI',' i-r.- hurl-îlt1Ç j - v:ah t -.- ..nîl ljir -rîjîlI -,Cn a'eO th', -id.. Ail îc-l 'a. If lb.- loisa il ill1-o '-Il. TIi,' 5'1 ('T' f IT Orsi t- I t; ix 1:.: ~Ii i i-s s' l'ji "'i (~i Il I 'i r' I 'f se la broyna mii range. % vomIOte s to $5 195 ais hiacbiWý lyet ortyles a»lq ch are nicely triai- tticoats (at 2.59, ers t» $15 ro:t $9.9 LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY. ILLINOIS. THL'RSDAY, JUNE 2, 1921. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVAI4oe SMALLPOX SCARE AT GRAYSLAKE; STATE QUIZ ON Undertaker called to fumigate; state man makes house to house canivass. W îtur-n an,] %i)în .î Ijîol djnitîilts t in A vi:ii f st lji'lk-are in .\ lîî,-n O I.- Tin l, sTITI'i- raTi-OwT ofliTcaIThT ans rallî'l Tup.ela~ 1 a îdi4maing anjreTî.'fl H îî,tl 10 .jla i j t O hîî -î O T il.'I.- tTC lT .! ,'111, 1d'n 1 Tîatsi j-'if Ti,-1111 1 t' iii; n b i, ijin,- Tue-.da> s i. trij e)it ii iî lplis -illmlloca MiED UAN DROPS DEAD IN lItS BACK YARD WEDNESDAY a h1 ailbe-n a IXITRA <UNMEN IIOLD UP EXTRALAKE VILLA BANK. FLEE WITH I»."50 a few months ago, gel mto a scrap Cashier D. R. Manzer Looked thîs (Thursday) mornmng about sixl in Vault After Unmasked oclock. They useri revolvers, clubs I Men Shove Guns in Fae. and other weaporls. and the result cfi thse battliv ait that two meflimbers of, Two nia,ýkenI-(men -Friday mqrniag M il11 clock lockedfD. R. manzer. cg uhWo thse opposng factions are n a hospîtal 1 n îte valle of the- Lke Villa Stat. and the other three are in Jail. Theyl banik. aftAr hoointz four guns agaiuia vere bound over te tise grand jury in1 l'îbv rimd hi saewt $5,000 bonds eaeh. Dr. A. H. Claeboe1 l 'lo oh-1i -ntere-d the bank of Waukegan was called. and upon hi$1wiInrIs aj%ûýan rk til fi):-$., worrli of niceipo fr. MaU,. a rrivai he fQund Sedaray Arakilin ly. 7 j ur..-liround te g-i the change and yh*-n lit, again iurfled i- ewas ng on the floor -of the barni with a 1 \-inlwtlj1 r guas. fractured skuîî, and Mrs. Verkeni, vhoi The loîiîîjlT,. ordeprêd lm inloto the. 'es n àdelcat coditonbafly n- aji' Vljm'nz Ii m nanaged to get, s n deîcae c odîton. bady n out tliuon in an alarnî lthe rouers jured. The Holland abulance was ca1lîl-ijail l i-j'. d îe hilies ed th.iy ed <voni Waukegan and the 1540 pa)i;!s bl i--. - o îjg'j in.ake Villa 1e ts t k e n o th e M c A lster h o sp it l sbo iit i i n , n r î l w s se n t' ri that City. Mîrshai Limberry was îi-adl ,, et) th .e trainb jOTA i lei e t ; 1,1 ii%, oý ýln if h swmmoned from ni bertyville and Plac. îî,rolv .e'ij- i,.ej, îjfon t cd two of the Armenîansiunder arrest Wo'lil. so l -irTto Sbertff UB- I mrireî-fl .0and lji- djl.eiçafl pi and Iodgd them n the village jail, anld the roaîl, , laîîng frotîli.Lke Vil.. later taking themn to thse counity bastilI la were go iid I'tepî-venr ltte eMF fat, or t he-roliljirs if tIi-v were trav- tr Waukegan. They are Paul Saha- dIgnanaT)jilji gia. husband cf the injured weman. The autoiies have been supplig4d and arsaf Keekoran ad Hary ili the oloing description of the and arsuf ereoroa an Hary wo men; One appeared te be about Sahagian. 35 to le) years old ani wore browlb overalls . uch as would be wor 111F,, unaitonsobilt niechanie. The thet Iu1ftUEA~i man was j-.nsidemably younger Aà", AU BOLD WO W, wore a Miue shorti. lie wscalQ Iloil men were -;moottk sha'.en. IMITII. <flf fl Tijat th two rmti)oprobablyia"l IK TÛR'Solo'h heir e rai n thleh pulled ot .25 Kî,it Suits Wkilt ui )n iwtsa ln &i5Il 14 yil, Covers 0>3.75 )9 iîg Df 'iîlk cornet wlte eImboratlI cnbridery trIim- .-S5c b111e ln ail coloîre 1 fur $i.00 14 nqqw mvi dolluîg- H-ose 1.75 Val. took place j., indicated by thei. M that two sirangers were seen t» boardl the train froni the oppoSite side. notht-r ilîeory whjch ila 001 gl niuch credence la that the men me* have esacptin on0e of two poOitO automobiles which psssedl thruu l.ake Villaî slortly after the. robbe*, The. machines. a Hayflfs and M ii. are aid to have been trsvellm ai a hîgis rate of speed. Later is was learned at GrayalI iliaT Tîlere w.îs ni) one on the tu wvlî .nswered tIhe description of tbê 'wo nien.EVeî3 asselg'er vas 90M tinizetl sery ,Žlosely but tuere wEt nione wljo coco res..mhled the Mme~ .iiugli is ltîlougîît that the thielvu nias hjave drOLPped off the tîrIâtL b" tw.eef L ake Villa, and (lrayalaite Md nian jiave hien picked Up by on. 4 le, speding automobiles. 0F ELECTRIC LlINEg; ARE NOW MAYORM, Highwood, Libertyville 1 Winthrop Harbor Headed by No. Shore LUne EmpIoYe&' Britten hL udd recently told M ployes uofTteChicago, North lb« and Milwaukee Etectric railfQad 0 he likte 0siee 'hem take anuCt«M interest jn ihe 'affairs of the «MU nîiunitieii in wlich hheylive. Yesterday lie was surprised b SM tbis list' j. S. Hyai t. engineer cf U"Ia once of way. lias bei-n .1ectede~ dent of Libertyvile, .z john ànen. carpenter for.5um4 the ni-w mayor oîf WinthroP Ho4 Tom Welsh, auperinteladént Ct f ing car servce. la 00w mail Higliwood. wlîere the railroad ï0 quarter. ire locoted.- George KenrV, a chief. dls& is cils clerIt or Highwood.~ Nsorman Muldoon. an LÎ2vanmtM orne nifor the road.niade the co'. ets DIÀD IN. Dianiel Sioan, 61, who blousE. ander Dcvi.. organise ahI zion and the Zion laoe irasthe. ispector genera auditor of the founder OC. f Ik h bir afernoo n at h ,ble b« . M n city. 2619 Galitte.e t f d100 «., the overthrc'W of DeW'l )Y Zion he was a lecturer MdI Mnected with the Siildo. ly Ares. and of recent 75575 3 n AUoffice in R al a. ma à dx - f- Beaides tis 1vit, b . la es one son. Samiel adItue Aý PAra. Mabel iialch. aM ad Hazel of Nevr York. ke Funerai 10 s. ni. moud" ce reidece; burla in aPUWIiW ui Mr vvrv -Ni Y SIX INJURED AS ALTOS CRASH ON SHIERID~AN ROAU Lake C ounty l- Big Weekly QuaatoGreat& dm ioth& Weeklies in Ui tt7y Combiaed I The Valedictorian Saves the World 'oros MIîîlr.l iîîs tja] vwljeî.t I- -laîf a century. urolipi-d îhad in the- 81 r-IjF 'î ateîî- ,ttinde(t, Johin % t aLiL - In __________________________car_________________- act a rdlîof hi, home Wedînesd ay ,î-. ATi- fIs,n rhi a.. - Mayv 251h. about 4 o'clocif p- ni. A son DIES SIJDDENLY -n-A t,îls Ai.-îb~în î s.-i aw hlm flau and rushed tobsîd al l ht- lnlur.-d pp- le lT Ibe.1m's ýIia HAYFINES AD'IEA'- YIN liUDDIES CARRY LIIPER LIII as 'arried inio file bouse- luti'N'as Doctors in autopsy believe Ili> ine wei-e baulod o al4'ei eo-te at a fILIh , r ciin r-s d u s il rae -. rnna i-k u, dîMbuneSENTENCES , PASSIN(i C16ARS JIERO C MJÀDE TQ jîdb ]anh. lT"ii'i ltiy. pattinu s ed ski Mishp aI ýupIsTtoroner's qut was lield Wediulmtod. e , 1, a vvqned.ts nîghil and resulted in a Ver 4j~ -".'i. Aî'-ri inît'-lIa TOLIE .. Auma.:'r ~ EDL'E WI.dîct tir deail front 'a strote or îarals FOR VIOLAIUKR CENDS IN ÀRRAKIURESI3 l'LAIL ais Ail Ilîinqusiand îutopsy oer i lie 'i ' a ilOT' -aTier Mi.. Lîlj~t.i' II. J .1 fl r i e ST I Tv ofilarnce-rb 'r lfeiz hadlhi-en, conPlaîouflg Of bod i VîjFri-di-rîîk A. Mitchell. aged 3. i Jme naeC~ lne $00 nujhFunra Prvae feeling well for, about a we-k, sn or Nli' anti Nus. George Mitchell,a Ir,1 WanrI Ti rflCpe dwbtn Set-il].o - -1"),-nu neinokIl i-nus1 a îie 1117S. Lncoln streeT Nor'th Cbico -arîr Tla T rî,-n ee v. i-I e tIns lng Serv~e 90 days , ' j"'fg 1'Theld this afternoon; body thoîucbl lie tleTielS ais iicd (utA t.t îli-.jinjlti ain Jail; Others Hit Hard. -r 'ii i ""o TI.I'- brought from France. wTies'carne s uipdfoi Tî- n aîi ji rît ji .nîir 'Ty j.: - 2.' iîT li- v.i'riisi-d te)i i fî ", Fr v'îjl a ai- emas ddorn in e* î'Trt" Ioitii t the. - I i tttîntoeî' L.Tat t 'î,r~ ~ ~~ -Tuuoi.hTu li i N 000j't "h. elw îîîî and~ I, !it Ii ( lký n ii) ýriie jnts. i 7 Privat- Cla no t crreh t)le iýls boo n -T 11005liii IýtilT'ii i-lmTr1 h tt 1"- 'ii ii- T~ --W 11Th' f. '. .uîI;-' Pi'T- sI)li f10 Ti, oUOTI Waldt'on'i zorotîry f-ioe \Vi-îîinesdua Fi) 1' ,01> site '1' aas bougo Lriij î ou a lie a ii ade Ilit hnt e s. îî'îîîî i-.. an a .î . coi-on- oi, ITla i at-ehi ,nd rees j s Tt'I nen ,-'nc' lI T. -ia, 29. The lads a ieaIl 'w_e ' F n - v.l ii' l e rn so ntl* 1 tlI t ,un isi-s i-t ince.IBesidles îjs -ITI:1'il. - llltTe a er iOnu lt, Il 'i it;getî Tiià; be aîar V ieals1)rlî%e n li ig nn d w i,îoae fn, on ndtw încerningistnin cncrin weit 1 . teOT lîWauk,-gan lit i-Te, -l - jI. ' 7d~i '1.Ied Tui'sday li-rnoon att h@ Erb ce- daughters. Ipndilthj~- %0'ond icidi-nt E 'ii s iTi i"I'- on' t Ti -Ticgril ii TiTre 55.1 de4ce in Wauk'gaot. the-Atuerican The fune'aI a-as hi-id lasi -SatuT'da .AiTcIiîsîn, 215.5 sunoîside avenue, coj,.T i~O'Tlh< -~T Ifl tll o - t-lut ie "s ýt;4 0'." el' 'f if la"j", 11 aelii'lla T i-Tibia Li-ion hein, In chiarge,iîorniojt, ss'th bifIh mass ai St, Mar' s' Svto oleroi-îi jîonthe- child, maylbe IITj ,îln il %lis l.-lT Ttl aiii i ' unOi-iil 'T " 1 - N-., , I ai- i -I : TII'- l i'.. ,i i -%ai-'.j'ijjhoy i h'- aue Ille cili, I.' li s delie - 11h1 i--i i j ' ss i. is, il, lîs l ii \Tt-ii4on, accordiog Eet i f l K O d ý - ; i n i a c -T' v u r ji i- ' t - . . ' r i i l e T t'! i i , . . , .- - a l 1 ( o E ) b a s tm iu s h - I e l -i l ' O z o n e T r i - a t k IIufiu ae auo : I ý Iý n asil1Ilb Is a S 4 ue - v. thI, i .ngbol asor is i-t . tri a -le lin.t, i - sil- ti, he ontîcr- wol - li-9000 .1.5 T>ofjf I i-l itT inques i Nlie of lise _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _g T e l a - , ýa l l tl t e," i l s o i ilT h e p r o ess i o nl o s el - i l a s e r d i c t t u a I t I s e h o > ' TIlji Ileil( its Irv1inlg ' T.t g in 0the- rigarA of tihe sanie bcand toi ssbei'.-fil(t- ITIi servicewans hl-hiic n oîi thoeis e l, a i. asuItfpr- OX LAKE KI~~SUKI ~ ou Ille,-'..T.ieI ao alsîuiîeîIds. and arreisted bilai. HeBe l A lijiil. TIi, ,IlionTS v. 1tII(hI' Wilianil. Hanka oIl-86St s a u tt o oftIs oadi- ti hansIof r. ai-LKEt.OR - 'e tluheýd alnd -iie a suw; lesclaTconflicting tori-s, and aller, ttnjdlp\I i1-:11),s coulishati>.Cap- and 2 monîhuspassed awos Friday, îî.î-nt un il-e unsîiliIbnafDr pos 'd, ;âjk ,aocs sten-nmd T'luser%,bcîng quizzed b> the marshal Ifor saie Fýi.wk hIE 1h u2945 Shjeffieldl ivi- May' 27, aIlIloi boItaeon Statele n1e .'itchî-iiu .0. to ecclitîmendatiofl liat la'.sc inTilan d pay a une lt i fiiefioally confessed iluat ie hi- an e C li(ii trI ronul. île'-wasinon d pioneer of ihat ith. cas. hIe jîken u,- wîth thse stale ERS <60 DRY AS AÀ ;' 'iI.iit1 e nt -itcntl,l te) mîungGabniz ha.d taken thecigars:anld tiThse li:ai, .iying Ille rtmi-jjfî-vi'î-nit and iiilwar veteraus H-liie I 'l'lie othrh it1 RES LT F R IDS T ine ut $11. SaI »il.\a ound hGfbriz'a-as then arrsted ad con-a teanu u(fii led Lv Lezionairi-s. oswas h ai-ai Pre i ahog V Isul V I> eI1I s-îgineeted iiie i-aI Frantî sh 'ia ,'îof breakiog nto tise sane store on IWO Aril',ji lijI l e1 iai Iset no ifsince ih M e a r a e l e d , i ti q u a o i o - a d frO x l i l e g u u se r nn ie n l i n îîe l l T u e I a e t i i 0 1 k n - I n i fia. aslie ccsio ~lj îeu aas TourisînlujIty. diti n1501 occasions Thse ast tin- i- secur-d a Sî-iholi teaAi-lY'o s M. at fe bdo ll iurti, s' ti, uusieaulseil 10falit. or ort 1h0 1- uoalstientitapl>lîin 10rouittijîs uorliîng and bain. sotie bananas, appui-s. candy and laps i-ing sud lis expériensces a-las tie Indians. I) iKtuih--of Nou ii Chîao d ýFtux 1, epe-cilyfor îIirsIs' .'ils oîri-It i - rîsuglît in. cigars. and dis îded up witis Wier. He sthi lie hile wgisvlstand hi-ars arond his faliers IIi iTIe t ~~iliehiego'luo h iaswbo vi-re apendiig 1lIse pTwo Men Freed. saîd lisethre' fhue ba. m inohe sessen. me hfirl ici nouid d mra*..adi'so. iio.i. wekend and Mooday ai the variaus 'uale hniv'k n uî 5n rLnbrysoe sdrbe - abin wben oie of a vrychruti>dis- -iseîîii hîcgs o si-i-k~~~~~~~~ w.spse1dolasin heru lssei ol,oiitS ilei'conaulied Dr. resont. Raids conducteti 1) Sates racuI, . ti nedluI 2.1 ad iianed tl a dt-tv4niapgth ngosition anti always Iliouglit of tise Aili'inOn os Iîoî isrwarthfiise A.torney Smth'tisponge s&i lu' .spi-cti"'I5. aeî- ii-l$",cd o f the tiseft. MIICL iI6Et C'IR~ffLDO l .t-ýbe - lT-dli ht s-iig f1Il , siabeainient-,It-i i e)sve:,,f)days in jait l AbouTitliree mnioiis atto lalriz ,,,6E . IEUJ cofn nlwefr fdsns il -ili eajis.î 1 nib>-ue lne "s-i-twer god"a isa. eî. vleasî'd hlilîscustody ioda> lSa- as arre.ited on a charg f hvn oet rshaneanVi--n al T .-btsa, -~î-2 îuslt Tie900 in lcsWeeRie a result i îîa litition for their re- broken 1 i i-e Seliancis liîai, SNT EILUU quit - happyas liC tee. ornelu ,-oun .'i-ui' îdlo.ty .]cin i.f ia's . N -saI(>njlie oIaabingatni.oatiofthemanstohe.. orer vilu.lieil aflihmoe .eth' lg o- oî'leîîîoled11%ITayloruideandDr quarts. bod whiakeys si-il-i lias si-ns d lie jail se-ntence. Tî 1î il îeiwtardfor luis res nIlE ;g taee ie lglro ieanl-idl>i"Piyitu 1C 7Iy Pre Bona umml- ote ba- ition sesfi-a trh usaitIi.-> are peni-Oiîuuoseiiun %sss dropped. l u ~I~~ greot Em-inchpaior. Hi-lis stî-ived D .s s.Dr iudSî1io womelan OD ,e f1.e suAsîjulit hi- nleased untier About live seins tige, accojiîng lII~çI~ I1E vfu ons: oscar, William, Le-wis.Joh l I.PiliIl" il.,of sDr.inia-i-ne aI Balh places. i.Illea etond. wei- do tise Pauper aut. Mhile tis e ne loni-iTihihertyis"le authanities. Wier was oanyarEl-mn. Hiwie asseod awaf-tie anite ilti i ea. ln alrcn xnga an ofic bsies u li ie leased fori, tue nebeing tIse iiîaring :îîji-sieth in Watitegan on .a charge of Tfuhs-neao ui-a ona I cghie çw.t ni liedai IleF- oreratives front the poseulor's af- onlise malter vas raontînued 5laii-e ribbing tIi-.fis'.' n 'in t s.0 tn ildPoitoreLw Hr0enonatnonlottsentch ntd'w. 1'>'lîtînji utYleP- lire swoop'ed down andcarriçd asvay June law terni af coutOy cour.t.-. 'net ilise Globe Iepanument store inl Husbands Motion For New îotCne ih-I" tînhî tI, tise "cweI -Thes aes attorney Of htie n'en weî'e coovicted on aO Wauk egaMRYn-RE Iost --flé -informations To couflly ecarge (if bidig bootIe«ggi-5't hardng artem h e yugmn ra Ssa d o aanatliep spreoaf bolîs States Attorney Smithî today fle i-Thrsgiafernonboe -.,usilîlcie - S,-0 YAR ,LDVSB TE IN -0 agansinstjshthean bupnroer riit-tGoiPREoY ERIonei plucac.Ti iefnl adaaed United States hjunclions aa îlîa-I ndtey hoavaier.t - George Shelîlon. proprietOnof 01e Mn.. Mary Banni-h. 91yesrs. died pîylbe.-Thiseculntin filer aintg 'ayPeg er and Leoniird Sehoe- le action of tise grand jury. tisey of thliselîosi noiiou ou nisorts hn Lake qalurday atlher homne on Jackson St.ONR C D ANS IlOOZE si-lieushave been lulled lto a ben, bOtis Of vhOm coicducts r-sorts ae0Wcnied in tise cc.ty Jail caunty, brail auitiouth bitte, bas Waukegati. She was lhe moIsi-r .Rof À À state af false securiîy as a esul. on Grass. Tii. inJunethns Pr'eVent, at Ilautegan - had nmorenirtow escapes on chaorges Mrs .Mlke Riclienwald. Mrs. d Oh- Staes AttY. Smilth lias re-argan-ls dofanafon eovn nyn ialating the prohbibuhay law lisan son. s. Solomon 'eiter. and Mrs.E A RAi izedhis"radin crw"tisal:was dis- l.toxicabing LUquor Irons thefirents-Ilohrprosi i econbuHel'vshlot-wa rWukgE S EN R AQ towneletio, ies r frm dspoig f ay obis vife vas not se lortunate last veet qr.-Ilor h iuri' Ilecluîii-nvld wlu sias anptd nov thepropari-d 10 reaunie hua Ihcounis court vhen Judge P.OTisneSbe also il sursved by 19 LPensons seotenced lber t-IItas uindcilîdiuen andl la great grandrhsil-Moins oa l te ntheay 24 li attacta on the itadel of King Bar- Moies lw10ii ntrllt lseI:4t leyco-OASrT B.ScRTAT DIAMONU LAKE in jaiî and flned ber $400. r. ieycoMl'ti.OR Mns. Sheldon anA bier îîîsbanîi Fuoc.rx'l Mond'ay oioroing. in0 &clock generai assembly of tise Presbyîi-riafl Winnetka toPbihTh is cidna rl AIfniane hyweecagdwihbra IEakgn As the ressit of a unimous vote by nuisance Ththver.scharge. Phisshurlaiha Wautegan "Vote Slackers"' Nms T I E L 14t seaso n Lake counly. occurred xnoonshinilig. thre. istilîs and a quanlieasnbprbyranIstr Wineta itses WdleeYor -ai Diamond L.ake lah.i Monday aiter. tity of bonze belng found on their George Mîlla of Waukegalu vas * are requeted 10 oberve more cîceir ganzed a iglalce O9mhuilbbM uhici Superviser J, J Barnslu5ble says 0000. vhen Chas, Arrigo, Chicago, 21, premises. visen dry agents of Sîale made defenda ti nh a bi l fer divorce ,'ie c ucs n l a d sa d r . vso ail ~ ~ ~ t voVovh aI te <Inli"Y1 cunty Ibis year due tote iacIltbatIng 10 reach a boathonvlich a girl Both Sieldon and big vilfe filed Mo-vt.EuMlsvo cgd hvred berado ct isrofdiurc aiet vtera. IWyol bilu prbe ih îva ln. al n iise Irieind vas dilngt bie..Cor- lions for 0ew trials, Judge PeMnsswitb crnelty. 8h. sald lie had sîrilck aebnotido hrac o bile ~ ti j iia eU o r e JungOi. wll I long cold speI- hýetarded Its grle h. nr ,L. Tayor of Lîberbyville con- eustalnd tish be i b M, SC-ad cokd br i. M t e. dlt rohrsrca go d.a iam B. MIOli, former presid« atBan1isbadlýy needed nOv .5 dhlb. dted an nquet Tuesda fenci o' aebtsneced Mrs. Siiel married a Pd ldiisge n- lethvennie pnt paptî n e i-'ar lb. -tate Civil service commission. . is raw vill. b. shrt unes& ve get and th. body vas taken 1to t.ehomel don. Tise Shldons vr.rreen-June 12. 1918. an iIveaogteru-I 1. incn at iedvr o~é.-aulne _h.a0VI, aboyeM _30011I._ ci bis grut.aolin C hicago -liaI n igh,1cd b 1y A tt -orne Y Wiliam .Dan. tii Pebruary 17, 1920. cin tse gret Ot Io )tirer s4tare hîi t-v. tutoie âMît boa' ha $3-at $ 1.85- a, col95i Oc e 35C tr liýaud coi- )ors aI Oc Hose, 1 ý Five Armenians, who live on a farni near Ivanhoe. which thev Purchased'

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