CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 2 Jun 1921, p. 10

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montlia and tht wbalesale pi-rteI lctwest durlng that Veriod. The war- tinie price a-as $1.70. "If the fat liera wouid selfI mtlk at $175,'Iaid Nir. Poote, -a riduction of 4 cents a quart eaittd leave thc- dit-tiIt ibittor a ftir p l! Prit---a tid iy te iiitîjiitors for liotuie feetl. gai. aline, artd tiresarate greaty under tanse paid duitiîg thet war" lie rhai-ged a gross tuctfit or 2001 Rai! wages of entire country oprcnIshngmdonrû, y be Iowered and $400,- tle big deals. 1 000,000 Iooped off el/ERAGE SLASH 12 P. C.IDEATII PNALTY An ast-taite 12 pt- cent 'vuire culi F R (U M N I for reitroati emptoye-'. ahie-h aitI F R U M N -hOP Scfe<lit a %i-tr off the car-.f rier' psy rail-. evas announced Tue-- ILLINOIS BILL ftay night b1w lie I'nfîed States rail- WaY labor oin-ln a iteci-an ap- Iptying to 104 ruads. 'P'or of te Saflér billseL inleItel, The new a l tae bt-tornes effective noiq sertae dii cèlci agtinst t-in nmen JîîtY 1i. the date peét for abrogation and buiglarr, acre Paused b>' teïIen- of the national a-o-tient agreenîentt. te 'Putsan. Tht first biiltirosittet. Evcntîtaiiy filie na' age rate twill a nminimaum sentence of fourteen 5î-rl>' taevery roninthte counr- yeou-e and a maximum of lifs or death 2(n roida a-bot-e equestt, for waare enteî.Ce for biltrgliry or robbery rfitieti(-ns bave been filcîl sinft-ht-n tht accused lit armed a-it n Aptil 1IZ. -hi-n the heaingg began, deadly weatton or witit any-foi-m et -vrAi start pi-ca-r-ing titeir ca'-es ta deadly gas or anaesthetic?-- lTe sec- lte tnaidl r-t tMenda>, entibill takes te crinme ofrobbery Statue of Roads Dffers firntunder tht prio-isions of te pro- Uiientialty ithe decision itis $401. ballon iaw. (00 <i(î off tlie annuat railrosîl ta! rcAtis of the counitry. That is, If il Ue'-e arihliet 10 ait cniltloyeI- nter inrtli n,ta CtIo1mtnf of t-as-i 1, roads Whre te Groucli Erre. - lI ar-ci;:TCglte .rettu-tion aolîld lie Alfilt tthe groucit needs tb do l9 ts0e-rîOa peAr. Bt m orne ronds to gel ln stop a-th bis feliovra. AUl bave- s. ugtc- u s in the wae-eof that aila hlm Ila litI rying te ,I--rrr-vn tahor or-Tv: otiers liav-eIn- k (I t1-g-l t-it r croup-: soir-ebave a sk- keP Iep "11th hlmt and md aire fît aIic -tii'-tiî for ail lcameF-e ver>-body tise Comae 10 lime wlth llm, !fç-ec ro uîi-ormît v inialite ris- end no man est-r vas big enoîîgh to rf-ce. Tht- iîit- tiio-tn Iet.,-i p jýoii f-L li-e aie wuni fortî italts-t- îilct-olitPs_____________________________ i cf lo- V'. fri-tntliai k t paircîs Io nt tnt-t' r- itdcnîtîuictiis. int! tis e eroi il n%(It-tr-it t atpîi v 11wnea- Iott li, Itt tciai rloups abhoe- Kerp $20C-0000 f Od Raîse Tti-#n-s ttep - tpcld i e a Seconrd -tsion Ilte ltitt o!f teronuhs in- - mitai u ila-aIl ie Itié ai ecýltd- g, tAIsIat-tîiet to tieni Wiîen Ihua tm FlèoT fil pii ntt-roi!. irteriting ta the _________ Tr lV(tt mri anthurn. Titus Iltltoe i-t wire (,ut atli ttin~mcte rrani-- itI1ý th' îe itoitîtlait i-ar. a len a - wfuîOlt Pii1-t ý t-tit6 blite arnilal rslri tbc'I, R wpt' tio-stcftti- - tsfý 1 . l"(). To putif it itottr wais, te Itbor ltî:tIstparit gitntdilan sIer- e - wtt-ae in(-CIense f 2 2 lit-cent; Inst - ui-i t ,ril utitn tt--te a9tg ol ' f 12 t-enritj RKPRICE TO > F&RMEFS REM1AlNS1 TU1E SAME IN JUNE P~kVgcompany fixes price i., Chi,ýrîo as city planned move for tut. i*t l Rail ll J. ttoc <liit ii <iCi C-t 1 l i a I tail ,ilS i Jr-it. lite htag i rt l i -bîtons ritt Si. f-iiiii' i rs crf Ttw i t." îýk F)ttiiiet i. <tc i V IîFI rtt-i (ir-C caillaant ami etl -,nl utîet irniiitr ion- lt-t--lt- ic fl t- it - I t i l 'f t il ita - ti;-g oif tais. Ttc'vht--: Pille agi i-1 it iîu 1(,, i r-, J ii ti - ttL , -t *ai e 4--n N i f t , jCrt Liiait i il ;îiîndtiti The .1 îît v-î:c XsiI1 !t 2, -iiligiet, Lbut, as n., : Il tu t-U -i loit-ix tînt! Icty 1' t iar sttiiî I llC- e u f l- i - ll e t titn a Nyil n*it b, tif, ]prî irt11 t taÀ Itu(e--t4 cri a a C' ý,ir. t'î,l<s i e ith at t- t ascii vjtl . ý t- \,( l-t t i t tN i l ; din.% andt j-i.e tCU11;1I-llet -LeFt p!tst n c; tender e5 eson read' lyto its mcthocl& Condit ions, which neg. Lecte-d miegkt resuit un a tifettmr,.of pain nby be, speeddy corrected CHIROPRACTIC M4AS PREN 0 to EGE& E'Bk I IRFWrv~ EENT. THURSDAY, juNE. 2, 1921 i LOCAL RAILROAD 1MEN HEAR 0F CUT IN PAY JULY IST. APPOINT "BOB"1. PEARSALL CLERK 0f REVIEW BD. Board aiso appoints Miss Mar- ian Persons, judge's daugh- ter, assistant cierk. JUDGMENT DAY MOND)AY.ý Robert J. Pearcsall wes appolited Clerk of the board ef revlew late Taegday atternoon when lthe new memibers held an orranizailon mect- Miss Nlarian Pel'sons. daugitter of County Judge and Mra. P. L Persovs, 'sas appointed ns ssistant clerk. Thle new board makfng lthe aupointment, cOnsiSt 0f the follwing members Rlay Paddock, tngç-lside, chaalrînan; AO.Nlp.ether, Mtairie Vîcw and David 0. Wljite of Guiaee and Wau- kegasi. The board wll begin work on the tax books as eoon as the books are t0 be htd from lthe trefisurer's office. which wiIl be lthe latter part of titis niont b. Ne xt NMonday la thte day Treasurer Roy %V. Bracher wtt! appeair before COttntY Judg@ Peisons to ssk judg- ment upon ail proîteî-iy upion wiiich taxes haNe not been paid. o>n prpp- erty affected by the temPorarlu- junction le wili aEk jludgnûe(nt onlyl for the 67 Per cent of t le apseseed value, Su mmer Frocks Just Arrived Like aýPrf-ii o latrrow upü of l a<tfn(ifi(ck- lhnýe arrivtd each rivaling thé nextmj beanjty of cultics nidtaint ini-Ths II e ie rnft it i(ýiiFt nî ligrF, .cicrful tp:ndie6 eaid nit r doti d st - iaîttîi Tultîanîd tUtitî. j* i( th Iint ut gaiden p.îisand suinît netdi- $1O.50. TO $35.00 White Wash Skirts Yeu -i4ii rbe sut, "lanlt ane cf dicte white tub titts. Fi r itiy ç%ill be rcady tleti ivü cn îiiy crti-ûr .1 , tîît cta!t te 't i. «rIiltry club linaconneir rie neas et tird as 7iîîî plt,î-cfoi a tttîig aj %lî l i ti l as It icd asjit(w. A eu ic (f nîe%%#niÀ-delm in c. lon tît,îrîC î'tt ti itriotine an -rd and Njhirt p tid4 ailtu pccliete t-îîid lidts $4.75 TO S10.0O Entire Stock of Suits FOR WOMEN AND MISSES Every suit inctIuded a!t tese two pi-!ces. Ycu eut DbeEcura to lime ttiern for the attrative 0Wtt>aIni e-bit-h tliey are trimmcnd, the beautiful liinga aîid the caîctiat attention given to detail vill be in»- rtantiy motet . Po iret T3vil, Tricotine end Mn Va-ea are lte atterlel umed. $16.75- $33.75 Ail Wool Coats, and Wraps, Thon are so vried lhit t ery itrelerence rnu tybe m-et. 'Pi e>aie fashoncd of al atOl velotir and ter cr t n t lriaIs. Values that Bell reguin iY fur Heeraii mcsiispii Lovely Silk Frocks Ciaia ing fiodls f,iIoünct cf att -itk taffeta. t Lai it UtC, Cci t-ti 'Pi i(oiitte. Clopetic Chine i n, I hi ot ik A gîetat tutt>'Of ni W ilOdeS aie iLCLlI t-it tt li i l a i n ctu $ 27 i................... ................................................................. WOOL OR SILK SKIRTS G'iNGHAM4 OR VOILE FRCCKS, 'tieof itk juplint iftt (,ii, ,- !ircti 1Tho tint t .2l-t to ie ci1teî r1 titî Ttîey are Ntiiiîs I tb i L ý n laîe î f i ( iàs. icîcining te i $ i ut 10.t, ..i. ..I..t. ....t..tiii10 $iec4.99i ii Wornén's Petticoats .-f Taffeta and krsy 1< it ta aie (if al itî aik iii ris cfJîry a iIi itgtO etl- ilc Ail aanted colit aare tLt - c iîail. \ i-y st tIt-city tut illi t ............. .......... ...............................8 Norhen Il'. retet Store For W omen-- Some Remarkoble Values Are Prefernted In. 7hisf Sale Women's Coats & Wrapo $1 Values Up To $27.50, At ad $1 îF In ef(iiî.g ln-e alues a lit te lai-ut-arleQ t c f ii h ling thie i.¼tt n Ille 1f .it Tllu (,arte Ciii raI j, id tecknlg -tylfF Ili l atîît'ndii î~ 11s;ilcec~ ae duldciy iett itlnt"- I t>itd foalS and cape* und ,.rapy-y îî:-Ilii fîi :i idti nieu r ( Mit-. 21 -t tii i-zt, ai mlnduded. Avon.Park Hotel Summner..,Resort At Round Liake, Illinois Extensively Improved Foir 1921 Big improvements have. heen made for this season. - Among them: FIRST-Dancing Pavillion, 110x40 feet, with 5-piece, orchestra nightly. SECOND-Twelve room addition to hoté], giving 60 rooms. Some with bath. THIRD-BungaloWý of eight rooms available for par- ties or families who wish to be away fromn other guests. FOURTH-Fine bath house of 36 rooms, with shower baths. VIFT1I-1iO-Foot pie-r we von takle 11trfi> go btisCe fincst fisliig groîmlds inIllte stifte. 'IXTI [Ia-blId nnbeaut iftilly ie.- I er hotel. C.111t0 evety Siiiday. ~SEVENTI-Piiicio uier\ll CLe salxd bto e cprovidiul for. ra11ts lWISI ilig oij\VS ctis. E 1-lriTJ-tCnelil nt rond m ai-ly' bo our dor. Alid t lu-n the-i Ille flic nîe-bele golif <iAni5se aa i 1<11 nmr-vyw lîie Pfolks cani plix golf ir tiey donCt <ai. to fish, dlnicor 0w iv1 i. La -ielIl >'-,e0ifi 'able lnlîig<li .s-terç-i ei ,d',î Ill- j laui- lI fortr s t i d Pit oli'ilete 1l<tl01 1. Ouv i îgua I ~pav il]iil oi l-s îLe fi11:est i le 1e <-i îî îyfor flie l iitll , î of (1. iîl it ~i ts, Soeîelity m ctu s ~'.and(1 !1(oît --eLt i s e î' ie - of Ile (.it 1 e ePt liaidli h' -t, the Sio I îl I : tý-'. Y'oit eaii seat 550 iii çiUli ax-il lb îl v i us m tW <n<Itf~1 ttlS o r l -it' 1 I-is inria e. - 601%~ UP NORTHJ READ TUEF LAWS Advlce Io local fiaiteimen a-ho ta- tendIto tnt-aie Wisconsin iuting te coming menthe w:as contalned lnaa lItter fromlte Wisconsin Conserva- tion Commissior. at Madisoni. Foiiow- ing are a fea- exil-acte from thte jet- tler: "Non-reqîdenîs. a-lIha $2 license, maY catch black basaea-ith book end int on and aler June 15, 1921 until i'tarch 1, 1922, excePt ln lte 15 noit eîn counties of Wisconsin. Tht sea- ton for black base in tlieiorîliern eountiee opena Jîîly 1, 1921, An 'sau1 dillonai chiarge of $1 la maie for il cen se to fiait for'trou!. Tht cotinties a-hicit Irolibit baysa llhing unîi July 1 are 1)o)ugla, 'ilas, Price. Bayfield, BUretît, Polik, Aehiand, Waehburn, Bîarrow, Il-on, Saa>er, tlu-k. Oneida, Florence and Forest. Ail liaitciasiiei as 'geîîe fiat", namely pike, picket-el, muscaiionge', large andi saall iituîblack hasp, rock base an.d pet eh. can be caugiti June I1aitL the exception of biack base. BliackiLaine caugitt before JusÇe 15 mua! be canefully îemoved front bock and retrne-i 10 aaec, a-hether liiving or ehîad. ..'he ieee tutu! for blaük basa le ten incites fram n0ose t tiçu of tai! anti te caItc tti! ten per- day. 'Ple daiiy bat- litait ut- 50 pounds of Spht mlot Includint- maie than ten blak basa." LIBE'RTY'%o v il Mo

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