CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 2 Jun 1921, p. 9

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in f ull swing now and he balièer) Une riiay b- d.Mir. W'îirnloft la4 :eri, or iîngiiiont. CO!, o tte theli funetiil Of itarriet ttowiflg 'ti P-l hii -l ;iliý-t <onSti tii a t-li-i ahii I1 aling's ilinuaIg- Il t.- ! ai- Iwrt antd in, Bali uirning titnne. ilth, Vice Prouident iager. tUST CO. ES ÉUARANTEED Wnmois Field, Standing. amses.« il 5 miles east i nid Lake, oni Ill- ýTernis. Shops lie noons 4, we y after- ; ON ook %SURF" ave houra of hard, ork. laut mai»' do&- Fuel. Chesp cuit of hat require heurs af declciouaty tendut in 41 te fuel tnai i eut iaktgey. x-d. No disagree"tt restat mam =tll ab a NationalBss y. for limait in a fis, ae wlula Yan ehauld boume 0 LIBERTY VILLE LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT VOLUME XXIX, No. 22 OUNTY SCIIOOL CONTEST IIELD; WJNNERS NAMED SUSPECTS TAKEN &T RONDOUT CON- FESS TO ROBBERY. Are sentenced at Keqosha ta orth Chicago again wins two years in prison after honars in the contests at admitting their guilt. Libertyville. MANYWER PREENT GREEN MN!E THE CAPTURE Walter fanuiki an-!G i Mark The couaty ichlol conteit» were1arew.3kithIle îwo nn whi werwe ar- hn'id in le Lîls'rtyvilie granlalartrr-. ted tn r(ndout on Wie-tyandi eptio3i lai;t Satîlr-tayand ire-w a; wto lter conleaý8t,, î:i-rof po- large cru-uwdtof l-în-e-iafti wPhit riîr ii ' Qtara. of Ké,nîîalî-. that tIi-y te rl"-4 ir--ntsan ItmiIi f r e tii 01 Wi"'"w')robil h e-I hC(on- [n ait o!r l erîmt~a he cO ,iiitTiitir Sîinii K-no4ihi, were tion rvîa kcn an 1i n none of !,1i1:nl utc-uar-Rl a .-iaa i iR-t ti *n.n--a- ', rnfi al>i ai .1 tniinîry I)v Ju-i -eTuit in t tg- -r- i -'rni' iad Ji wilf;inmncil:îI Couîrt ita K-nî h i»h onl-y il- c-rct .ruinty of ticrliliriing. Th'- mn n ,It,aling guiliy n--r' i Or- il "- tîUlg ~'iiiI nu (Sliri lat tii,-y had t île»n v-i"ý» -c-R -ia li- iu W -i t *liiý ia iiit in orler Ila, mv' t rmoue 'iw i .,,ItC iinit, tri. -~- rn. - înr-îilc nî'ng If 'i--ni--n ,-waa ni, . wfi ti,,nir iP--of It iw ho ---rt ~t ,Jii!.r- Triiy gave ii--,m nhe tic n Xi W- t!î- iii -hoy i-ir filti'l in ie- TI,-y wil L e '-- - îim w -wIl-ti etrfi %;n, K . J, andîl t raitrial ai Itaindout l Lv -.Ir. Tiv r t -ky wtiii lý h-caneucDùtolîof filicrn-n whprti of_ rLjagIn 'i, -ilo.ring an!l lv lie0c"w tIi-e-mwtîh big hua-lt--auni-ýr: i-i andm Mxa-a"'Ili i-n anj thi isci aât Watoîedav niglit. H-t In i tm 1 h v af* i ,n wtners f ct dSlwrtff flr-en whti briaugiit i-- T)t-ow re mh-wn t-tinan n 10 Iecounty jail ait - tck--t T3ploi rm p The Lunwies wreifofn0 thm prînet, the ion~-a wlîo we-vpri hn p h ud-swr o l ti-ainiait moa< pro)fl--niin tire var- c)ntinseteral gui-ta of ctotiing toSt isietcfthu-in bore tl1mbi of Boit.Contats:Kenosha tailering flrm, Readirig Tire mRheriff calied thr- Ke-ncoaipo-c t-11Avitn mtir lice andt wai; tnstructed te boRd the- 2-to alhvi-M e-n Officecm froin iCeno-iha calied 3-Etîzabeth Blusa-iig fur the-m ater and triey wo-re taken 4-Katherine Tracscite tire Wsconsin clty for trial. Tirey S-Lucynda Mitier. salut aI tr tirâttat the suite had been 6-11tien Tuitey glu-en tire-m by a man tbey met in Poenmansimip - Waukegan andt aduted that tirey bad 1-Chla-Rs Neuat beenakemi te dispose orttie-m. Tbeu' 2-Se-grIl uoieb later made a complete statement to 3-Ruth ir re-il. 4-Ire-ne Scbwanil'. r.-Gairilla WualhO NT.O ORCI 6-K-.tlerine Muin' iC VN YN TO O 1- tiorothly S iaSele O B E U SE 2-Frauuk Tracli-. OB RE U S D 3-Aaqridlergi-n. 4-ar HeY tornan BY THE SBERIFF' 6-il-Ian Drecoli. ' 1-FrankG Arlhrne1 O Will appear bel are caunty 2- 1hilip An-lirî in, board this month and ask 3-Carolan Kublack. frmtryl oiein for )orotiyce policeman fe-Juhu CChernk-rni,,-L 6--.Acrue'm I,-'-i- MUST CURB THE SPEEDERSi lJute--,of r-aiIn7 4we-r - Mi..It. 1B Iteauiet'. Miss Franc--à Siag@le. %tira Eatnia Si-r. NI-iie Elie Graeff, %Ir. M' A. Thfui.iu-an I Mr, G. S.WillY. Mr C. A. Fau-i. -, Iiilte tien zian-iiiilu GRADE SCHOOLS TAI<E SEVEN M E(-A LS At lii- ake Couat-î cunteasi ie-id a(t Libertyvie on Satur-lay. May 28, thue Niwrtb Çiicago sciruics made a vondet fui sirowung wiren eigbt scirci- -ara fr s -asilhe variette- týairai eroul carrîeàu away ribLona anl medais. Six ribirna were awarded for eavb cf tire tolewini; subje-cIa- Reliag. wrtting. britiruiettc mnd îpeling. North Chil cago took tire- four flrit prizes and two sgrand prives. The wtnners were as fmows: Firat readung, H-le-n Smith, Southr aciroot; Se-vend readiig. Docnald Daist -Ce-rral irirmuuai First writing, Cirai%.. Neil. Soutir scirol; Third writing. Rtuth t Sre-e-. Southr iciooi; Fir-.t arjlîunuerlc, Frank Grum. Northr éiéhool; Fourtir arîihmetic Dorotiry a$iaaer. ('entrai gciroui:FIrat s1ieii- Dag, Dorotirca Schrultz, Centrai schaol. TO DEDICATE A PARK EI1VEN BY MRS. A. LEIHMANN -'atetautainobile smod-ents an-t report-i of aimnost contant speedinit ln i gnous parts cf Lake ceunty. airo welIe Lped, accordîng 10 off - ciata, of a county motorcrd:e- police- mato lreguisie traffic Suerff G'reen innounce-i today tiraiire wiil apulear befure tire cîîunty boardt wle-n It coul ve-ne-a hua montir and wiit aait for tire appoîntmuerit cf guct ila office-r 'We need surir an office-r ver-y bami y' tire lirerIff saiR 'Tirere appears, te be nDo rrer way to reguleimi tire trafic On tiere Otnty rfMdS -4' tloi- tirng murt Le done ai mooritare becomtng recklesasand t am afraid we ,'ill bave sanie fatal accidents before the endt of tire aurimerc îmle--, we do somethirii. Asst. C'bie-f TyrreRi cf Waiike-gan shares tire opinion- -Our motorcycle police 13 regitiat ing the iraffic in Waitkegarm tn gond shape but naturally ire ean do nue-h- lig outamute- of tire cil y' lie salut "One intorcycie policeman IDLte CeuDil van cover ad mucir terrîtory and d,) munir good but itw0uid ire- even bet. te-r If tîtere were tirree office-ca Tire condition on tîte reine-y oada ah lime, are se Lad tirat cautiou& driv.- era are in jeopardy constiiDtly fer 1no [atter irew rarefuIîy tire-y a drive tire-yare nenaved I Wthie carele-s drivera." Tire county lias 1usd nu 'iioocYcte policeman since William Ilanna was killem whiîle pursuing a speetter two years ago. lianna mnade- a splendid record up te tire ime of lita untime-It deaii. '..ake Villa plans big celebra tian on iuIy 4th says Cham- SCORE 0f PUPILS ber of Commerce. Lake Villa plnsa ig tinte for A D T A IE N juy4h fwiicir the- generai coon- [nin e-e othie ciramber ef commerce. G! DER QUARANTI.NI3 Whe .T. Fowier la clarman, ta- 1:0p i-Rec2tiving de-eut te Leh- G es Lk sh6i uaran- nain park. given Lake V[laa 1w tire lite- Mr. Auguta Lehîmann. o ei tined as two pupils With linveillng tue- bronze tabletetd- icatin. 1smallpox are îauniu De-iating a new flag poie andt fiag tu nîenuory Lake Villa tewnshîp ALSO Q ARANTINE FARMERý 1 SOIera of al wars._____ ^1':30 p.m-,Illcetirevents. Foot cesq for boys and gtr!s. me-n an-i A amaiRpox and. Saamet fi-rer epil woten, otir foc Lake Villa to)wneiip demic in thie Crne-e and Grayatake residents, aisoe-rventa fre-e- 1 ali. neigRbotuood-ion Tum-,iday ie-ute-utIt cati es. an investitgation l-ymade by Dr Atptoîriate andt -iýot a-li-ies S. Il. WiD¶e-r. mf titi Siale- Board o!- wiltI île iî Lt- Clne-I lilt-n J. h- a tl ,in[ltlie- I-o -tiwo f~-i Foreîîîan, Chiicaét; L); t A. 'V. Siiti 1e-iiSIlpox i lit e (i gta Lake 90i-'- Waukeg.i eiit ilny -ulias cii * - -i IM, i 1itaitin'- ;lf .i - (tianilhilrn of tlaie P rs. Le-b- 20 or more puptîs and leachier. I-iv mana-ii uLnr-eil tht a aIlei -- J -sale Wall. Soutierî ut thît -e rarî will r:ise lie aise fout Williaia Belena3k*- -tie*flag - aflîicd a~îch'idecelope iv-t __________________ 3f Seartle O #%Ar-mIer Reason for Smiitg. -iReGa 'itu Iu i oieu. iiefiers oethlie famiea of LE111 Sian ait cqilre," sgays a sleittiat.x- and cinton L. Toil. - ý,t-ft'e museies f the~ face- te malke a Thre etilteif,1 iic aie lsUlrd week ýMitiItl nd Ùijly 1ftiJt4rblitt> mÉ4 a Dr'Wialse-n-halli ordered the. u lichoolis 0 cîîIU-iî vaccînaria orcfaIR vutis. State quarantine officer. P. Il. ('ooneY, as m4kiné; an invesIgation today. The Ittiantiue order ircludes the 20-day expeaure perlod andt three weeks quaranttua for thre dise-e. Dr. Winner declared titis afternoon tliat Le belleven titare are a number of otirer cases la tire two neighborIiîooiis anti that a fulil nvestlgation wilI b-i miade. Bo far as Lo ha@ been able u If-arntb ere are ua very serlou c.ie3. Wattest Spot la ln Hawall. Th Tir umnilt of Mount Wauileale la the Isandi of Kauatl <lin aan ta- lande) Lad a ratofalilof 590 luches n tltirteen monîlis. Tuie mîuntiiîlîîtg 5OSO feet blgh and la exposemî tii mia prevahîing trade WIdii.-S(vîc!titlei éjnerlciun. Bhouldnt Forget the Pocketbock. "When makiîig a long sé-ti miAge penty of renîty cassb should lau tiuiiin"1 advises a correstuondent lii a laiiy papi-r. Tt cerliiinily ust hie ti-rrjiie- )oai siiiruwr»-vh-îIandt cn't utîonaa antihablted Isanmd witbout a shlliîîg na your pock-t-London I'uncti. INDEPENDENT Lake County 's Big Weekly Circulation Greater ta other Weëklies in County Comnbned LIBERT*YVILLE INDEPENDENT, JUNE 2,1I92 1 23 ARE ALLEUE BOOTLE66~ERS IN NEW BOOZE WAR State's Attorney A. V. Smith files informations against - many in county. SEVERAL FROM FOX LAKE ýite's Attorney A. V. * SîI a iih, la; e going aiong ra ttiir ],;] -'lV foîr a few wee-ks in MAi war on 1- Ieggers and it nîonmnes. a:tnl lia-ï re-o ri hi.,; second ma l1i n 1 WednAr-iay ire flie-d 23 ne-w n[ .-!!-iL lions li e vounty rouit a i uiany Itîhe- colnty tpersaona. ia - t tic Cmîrg' 3 sale-c aLd manul h b i ntoxiîcating lîquor. Aia rpsuît, Mie ne-at t-l"i"i11?,lit iQii ito ) 1 e- as blîîîy :i-1 ju-4L adjourned. j b nar-icit in thre in f i: ,l and tire ciîirge-s a fr ' Pa'e nd Anna agin-itt hie aianie Jarobi Novak. alieged sale. Vrank Petkovsek. alleged ale. Jaïper Loglndls, alieg#d s ut Frank< Corn and i Mke Zeleznik, 3i l-ge-t sale. Wm. Leonard. allege-it ale. John Sîlfier and Socra bMgtIle, .ai le-gi-ilmanufacture.1 Lopold and Pi-aùcem tllvyak, allo4 el nmanufactuire. Ani-in ad ra ros aYucî-tîalale-gel manufiil actuire. Fî-sîîk <tile-n allgI~' inf-tr Anton t les-i. alieg ilaîl pfjîlRîta-tPcan-4 il on. ali-l i ,;,leo i :îtaar-t Froplcl. atl -gi- sî Vîarik Neua i. I-iailic Neu-a m:in luXe Aitem ailg---i A riîîîfiiî)-r îof I! , iu * l-i- hinn N,-w?în and-t i-lt i Mt. :- ii- ,li h-un. ihie l-î î .h i. il-i itdJohn i : ,ahoîî*a tit Al~ li .. i iruili--r -z' h i ai from W-uîik,-gunn anil N îrt iilCii Tht-i waa i lc large-st rma-c i i fîrnialon ite-I at aay la i i u nic - %Ir. Smjîih býpame sa-iai toi ni-y FIRE DESTROYS ZION RESIDENCE Thelooo W lcm Ca le,u326 (.i L'-aid av-nqe. Zion. w i sýtroyt l hy tir-i Tu--md-y a'noa 3y thie tiare '11,a tire dellmriueat wus able l'o g-- -.) liiaqcen-a Ii- joua t a1-i llazizag fiercclIy an-I atilm-iîe-s a -a - opiove I ftîfiiih- Ilui'oie wna i liaoric wil -i-tor tfi-r cihIr--:i aon 1tr!I-I i) e-ja ) p ne t,>i ili tp thii- l 1; iliMt .t3wu1---;,,-n lîîrk lu- fi fiirîca ilie a 4i 0¾ii -ltý-i ru - ia ia" i l i n - ý- l A. -w it- a -' - ri t-i- e---in m 1 .-ml tinl !)y a n-eh'I ~mrl l i -si- n u n iV lili t y liiii- c viiA iui, ilan' lîy iii i f: - n. h -ryîr-liecping !Ii ila-Ij ire-O' i i %- , -r- îtp! v - I tIl a ii a a zmuîna io ai t!i- cili GRAND OPENING- s' DO, MADAME, ACCEPT THIS INVITATION. [Io , ,iii gil-t liLsi-, lat , beîtî e i 't thiliîy a.:ton thiriiy.- flîinty xfen-î- 1 I h - -vd. anid(if C .cs n : - niici kîtn gw tîli tihe occasiton. VOTES ON PRES. WILL BE DIRECT IN ILLINOIS Ily a voie tof 12 *.) 0 on Tueiiday. hl Illincotiiwnnse paai ia (e ruden l),Iie !)iîl[wlicih 1inhîla-ate namnes ,f pr-ai leatiul eleciori frrnIthe of- J(; il ballot. lahr.IioeSrl iiln3 *iî- !'u11 1aien andt w0ea fli fIl. liai wAli vV-jîî-'cely jtIt heir c runii iafc p;ireaî n' -md tie gov- arn-) ir Wl .t:)pin, -ei n.-Inai at- e-tj l.y ti ' n- : - pi 'il Canvew h- 'i 1.ngnal pl :la i .il- n if m. $ngialir3 uO r', - --i - m - t a Irs I t-c. Ti uc * r - -I i. o I I if iiierir-aml ait I ? -i i fi, 4,a. t:c i I! -Lip aeng tir-m-- -ri ti)frin-i per lirin- dl 1 I ! i . WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN or

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