CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 9 Jun 1921, p. 9

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LIBRTYVILLE LAKE COUNTY INDEPËNDENT I.NDEP'ENDENT r.' 30. gootI as ne'w, i miles; 5 tires, spot tojant- ast i ii ai $5511 l'ait ii-' ld'ri' sireil Wauk'- 2:. tr -keni house, 8x2l t rit once. Arnîly Mrs. yville. 22-lt ,ATER OR ENDAN by drlnktng impure anltary sballow wella r. We carry ia stock tud are prepared tri e Pie Silos. tncludnc 48TITUTIONS & IN- t. No. 4>. ZMon, 1111- 31 or 49. - 22-tf E--A ver>' desirabie Lr Area. Fine soul: e; bouse; baru: lots i autonobie. F, M. . Phone 184-J. l9tf y 24. a bay pony, bas ge; white ehoulder; nd rubber *>ad »hofe. gaune by paylng for ofri keeptng. H. Prairie VteW. 22-3t "dmbue ca, 1920 1 »W. This carvWil isomable price. Fer at the latiependeut 22-lt 2 large'-shadv lots 1. hie SubdivWsin 8 Miles West of Grand Ave. Gooti thing and hunting, e, dust or otiier ob- tures. uidingf te- ne Waukegan 48 or R-2. 22-tf OTICE OF G AND GRAVE~LNG I 7 kîîiî, ni g i' t.- - xie-- a b ri i iiii - i-, tiilui a' te in - of i:uh -,' flo d fýI 's i, > - --,id - -,r zt-:i, . i id tIF-ari - ~li Ifaiîing [1)w (ijf' 40 lier acrr' Ver> P i;y ir this fat-m s>ould have i a bargals ai $225 (00 Miesi froas> ban on bard n land, tîled and culti tgbr romn bouse, barn, iher runerir Builu1ing.i. ailes fretn towu. riearly e land, tiled anîd culli om bouse, large base la for eigbt herses, and 40 crias. Large shed, g bouse. poullry bouse, d. tenceit wilh wover 1 for the last 40 yeara owuer. $155 per acre. rnis. Stock andt irulli mles f con> trian, hlI ard schriol. AUl black 17, rit It tilait and culti- oui bouse, large base 1 hog bouse. deep wall. f fruit; occupleit b> the> ears. One of the bast county. $187 ner acre. miles'-froin towu, 80 Prairie land,. tlled andt acres timber; 7 room boti bal-n witlb a aide yt cova. The 80 acres 5 per acre without lte per acre. as than 20 miles trou> dt road, 1 ruile tri amaîl ping station. 25 acres ce black prairie land,. 1 culttvated. An rît. bouse. Large barn: Oper acre. r farms of siinilar 1 prices. Now is the in good black prairie :hicago. ING 'HONE 184-J e VOL-UME XXIX, No. 23 ~ET LARE CO. TUE GRADUÂTES 1 pSANITORIUM, FOUND Lst of eghty-five students DEAD IN A SHAFT wlo comprise the graduat- school in 1921. î1ivlc day's search for, man wh o-f had been cared for at Fox Allin C.Andersoin Lake, ends at Mine 1 wrnce i. Radilakor WAS AN OVERSEAS HERO rIrozl T Nli'IrF %10L lý iis .ýI tiîlwwllj. Juie 7.-(Spetcali Mn Florpnia Liails. Liri'tou. .i' NiY t(eût of wataer. -t be"'_t t-î.ea rmn, e îiv- (Jaîî . a 112 font mine mi 1,fl.leb.hol, llaa'ry 'hilttiîî, r 1f lîsapli Motta, 28 years od, son oft oa"el, lma1B-nriin Motta. çf ttradwoois, iSh: kO .n ;i. nid Dtamond mine No t.3 *tly lain îrai,.iik a ae:urhing parir headed bY M, J. tdr îdtu~rilîi 1). 'r,: and William B. litggiii.ïi ~ îiîît ~ta Ni. marks ofritIoleýnce atuearad on f..E(-.ii th' JýIJidaof lii" >outIl wvii.. ift hii tii.M lf hi Tueaiiav, three dayi 3tall , . ti.Ei Na-nîii !îiwin-I froînt Sunnybrook saniari l'iaAr.tî iV',,l >l -Aie i h e ialai Iin for aëeral [li flionul U'rii P oai-varing itroui a ne.rvau Ciit lt Oliv-a Found in Sh-aft i stcn.oi* tpi îipniui ait te nouth of thIle'min-' i i->H-n 1 lti-.w Rnl 1 a 4 iiiy t by an <ld mIan hert .i" M rîiiLîi. il lOti; ile i n the' >icnty. lpd ,;earch- fOii l 5ati -i'i- i probîie Ili'ebottom of thetii.' p l iy Vtla Fa ' i, or ,fgrapplng broli threy îi'nNy'aFu 'aI 'l ilie boidy on the second at Winifred C:arnar -o iiîi hiiiv Coroner Jotînson wa'i G - (**li e4,' i 'fandtan 'Inquest i ll be hahl I l. i i lii lt (*1Iiiii I -a Ill pilHai t thai a mari an < Xui5tîl('ii'n &wi..îi Nothi s aairtiofl baà lîaan il 'u vfrî- :,-. 1inuthelit gliohood savriî uijy.4 l.iii't t i . *g. 'uarclietiiwenriî the tIi mn' iliq li ra i i i af nn Aherdîmati wb,sa name 1"1 .nW-i liiaîi goi i;l là t A 1 a ls:nu-d. iat tha, "arly H 'm 1 ttatvO lu tuava k ha ladit i-en a rvnîshi n lur *, 5r ing about ,tlae mina sh a1',andL i ter 'iiiii l'iit 1176 VOTES ARE A:, ii VOTE VERY Lili î~ ~t, .WiLikegan polled but 408j -tu 't~i Votes: bigest votes of county ~ . was polled at Zion ss îult ELECTION COST IS HIGH ' & il, t-ia. Plertion Moniii & i ii l7u f2C voles ver.' cai n -rivi Nîiit Iil- iitt accçrding !o fti ' Pu-aJi t u vî nîîî oav b> ('ounty CI-rkliw ,> <niîOsn A li lînila-e il tai loubtful if th-jea Nîiîî i' aglulPîliak e. iifi'lias heen a Vo'a In Iii liu->.Eii' taii nuu.iu s li i r h f t hi-en ,ai. irn 40, titiIiii. n ai i i t La k ue Ca-o t ii 'i ia Ma -îîa- J t ( C P Eus> arls V >1 NOI J:nt-, tiy 'î' J. E: - 1) Siîîrî?eff - Tii r . 1 u1,k .1;Ii ltilow ing îahle (If V 4l ,tla-l'IV ~ î li.- l i n 'i r fltaulkigan wi 1gi - sit i, Tha < i ii . lii ti lit-I!liihne.v roftlu.gens' ri I T -s . k ' iP l'e1~~î I'2 l. 7 1 1:; - ; laI -- ;:r , t3tacoui~ BUFFALO CREEK ,4ct i n any 1reelflCî. The i ,-aî~ ii ouareinireîýý n an sr ii ýasi ., act linithîhrd pt aict of St li.wliil Incuites a part of waharutL wpe il. anmbition, y'Iit .ng Nu ~ ~~n vI lti.u. oe 1.yaî cast s-) tnia ily.ara isarian ruPPor- tri iliit0ieni <rt it nol avait theum- fartai woîk, aI"ey an vilI se aîma ao it - i Il li tg5I t f franchise, (iîunly ('iaîk Hendp.' says l'the al taltel'îlmakara riof the loîstui roliîlng t-be lectiofl avertigeil i breed antd wliare a farn> of 4 ' - acres lpant $6%) In ascI of the ifty precînctia. itîl grow alfisîfa on, aLy fit. make Thii incluited the vagea of judges yriur plans ita attend thIe Ct'rirunîry anîldat-ek.hIe poalting of Ipecimen cathîaring at Ituffolo Creek Stock ballot-s, te iliiIery and retumh of bal- Farm. June 25tlt. .loear ',en,, 0. il..'poltng places, eta. AnL ail day mieating la planned it vti On la:. or 11,1,qvas the cot rit elec- bask<et danner at Latoi, andt a programi tirit supplies tonId bales. This makea unse ybthbn n rhs i,,-rii oe f each ballo' cattver>' higb ftralsre d spbebaesnillnd rhe- 'rtle 'ot-3 vriuld bave been machîv tra le od pe aablerof ivii ro laigar lhaitthere been an>' content vidait, il ofiteeit caaerit givng but thietltree sittîng judgel rif thee oblg ritnt en to atd dika- - 171!> în.tcial circuit ,were unopposed. Tepogawilb ie nldn netas srveit in a shaity orchard near th. original dweclliug. and niloig briu.a that laa heen pieserveit as a rellc rof early days. If veather inaIt- LEGIN C EUXQÎFclement the basket lunch> andt pro- ru gram in vtIbe takien care ofitnlathe Un Sa. IS KILUW boSie near by. ISI Thts achool ia a part of the tari IN A TO C ÀSH andt near it are several neent cottages IN AUTO Coccupleit iargely b>' wîdrws vho have Dea lit lhi a -.a of "' i'w liaapii. Imd.. June 9.-MillOu ~il"i-eniaoritChicago, colonel rOf the tieitarîler' uring the var artd WliO o lagareraI in theIllinois nautoonal griarit. Wvas etb@ual>lajureit In a inrtor -ar accidpnthutere. aBrI>' lIis morlil!,g. la the saute mmashtp Col. 7. W. Galbraih 2.. national commander Oft thp Aîerhcan Lagion. vas latulitlY killeit and Heary' Ryar., anotber na-, - ArnaI official rit the Legirin. vas badI>' burt. The automobile 19vhieb th t i lyrea me vere riding - as %truck b>' a eit lina train -ai a grade cross- -- iuig. question Whicla s Or' Moit »t Ibo trouble la itW otl1 port. The vhole plan seenia tg have or- l&nateit as the resuit of a daguae on the part of Mics. Frank R. Lily tri pro-. vida a brime for wiitows of men whot hat bean emuployadinlathe îanutac- turing !plant of ber fatllier. Theae hômes and, the Sebool araesuPPtctet b>' the tarin. The riperslion rit this tarin la very similar tri rua ordinary fatamwhece methode ofi ecoaomy have te be pcac- ticad in order 1 tos>' ay nbusiness. Thse tarts groins mosi rif tIsafeoit foir thse bard oft 75 Holteins. Tlirty' tour ofithle number are îllk produc- er.s Md a tew are ilîketi tour timni - ay. - The,. taIU produces more a- ititsa bta la aed for teeti. 011at7 ~ U.-gvUato visi LliBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, JUNE 9,1I92t. RAIDED VERNON flOUSE AT -IALF DAY; NAR OLSI3N Forty cases of beer and two bottles of whisky seized dry agents FURNISHES $2,000 BONDS le'olîriwings §nunacrous crmplajat from realtents la the netgbrrhriod rit iliIt lay. Stateas Attorney' A. V. Smith laIe Tiiesita> atternoon asent hin dry aganta thie Vernon fliuse at tpa ac Ie. it!@ sponge squait.seiz- tng ton>' caâea rit beer andit Ivrbot- lies of whîaky. 1: J. Oltin. a Chicago man, abri li. i'-rînnlng te Vernon Hlous 0oa i th-seaFoonQvas placeit înder arrceal anît brouglît t10Wankegan. He viaA srraigned the ais night befrer ice Harry Ilryt, wvhoblit hlm sader $2,0) bîon>de. tre brought along a boridaman andt va releaseit. 'turne cililcrIî*. han been ditreeteit at S'tâie'aAliorr.ey Smnith for hie vlg- Goua varripaign againut violatarofi 1lie Jiquor Iav S)ut ho atili ta as de lerminad Io ean up vice ta the cinlyas lie waa whon he made- hua intp-iign pledge..'- believe the îî.îiawanied law enfrrement anci talIbélii'ýýtitley do," viaïaitaIltlîe vilian akad if it vas hi" Intenîl-mn liao ltnrtui îiaPrPert policy. "%ni ttili gîta il'-n is>'yîasirqa tichange ii rîtiannuun,ud that. ieratat- )la i iliii awîiI he arresteit avec>' time the oîptliunii' preientia lisait Pit-y rtay thlt hey are gattlng out i)f era)Uhle hy ext-ndtng the casaes in 1t!i5 couti bw, hut'Jgnient day' wtll t ria il ndnian>'vil! fini tham3el;'ei f- - fl5 l'afg l t trin ji ij ilfor rî).tu S )iiaIl-a ol t1:ii e., raîoi iproflut 1-' tîrîgiiraev!)y uuuli'ga-in an-i blini ilg 'r-i i an 'i' gatin. i lîy tîiii at lhi a ao lgh ttîtra tI i îu$100)qla 1.slifi ýai.' hau en mjl lt tg t six tii ii l llte 'ia 1ilt uany bas liaitr .Lj -a i-,era ir still maria*bc) 1iî'tîiit in reailg ltaeriffen8s At E-u L.ake.sniall of biter. lit i caia as uhing more thin i)-tl î airitandng a readly 4ase at 3-1 "-nia a gla-is Thie 'rotieuast' kînit cif brioicb las heing :soIt at trom $10 t.) SI, a gallon wbîcb crista cosiiter- hay tea-t h5a tidollar tri manurfaç BOXIN6 BILL, IS RUSIIED TiIROUMI IIOUSE,0 88 TO 40 Mi ni-t.Juna 4 -Ti. Il-,tiiat tielo iiticdip.'bîiîngil lI hy a )fi- f "M i) MaNlrs iar i lîity l i.l t, ra. splut t ai1i2ve mi un n) )k (i) unri>-1tieniliara i rallîrg uita tý i ta bat- ,Ui îil .I eeuenfliuioi,i - i-tilt taa. \l i tenul. ailîi niu'Ih i-ti cir lail"' ta ii nIi r-n Ilirul 'tiltl l. a ll'ili: i liaIl Ci mita-- i b li cunti lsi. n i iy thliacotîtuis-itlaof taIl tasociat ions llilr~ inIoxihlg ttaicli>s'aanutof per- unIpaiticiptairg tlieralu Fiv, paýr rarih ol gr receaiîs rit aIlrnatclias ..;liait le.'pait îrnto the stale treaiur>'. ltere.'liall!lie norimalceeaon Sun- day. no pli-ons uadar 118 yeami nia>' participaia; 11o match shil! be rot moce than Ian rounds, wiii> a linjit ofithIree minuri&s lia eacb rounid: giovas tisait shall be at least lve ounces; no slaan or take boxiag par- millet: no. deciaioi renterait. &ai eacb participant muâtsaubrait te a plyi>-tc-l exautialbon batore er.taclag r ing BALLOT WORDINGi DEFEATED ROADS IN IHENRY CO* lilCl-enry criuny voleras -nowed un- der thie priposait spatial tai lavy for lardt roadsai ahtle polis Tuesday. Coi- plate relurns tabulaleit trom alriver the criunIy thisaflernoon aboyai thtti ,ax itfetaed, 2808 10 1,000. The wordlng ôf lita ballot. goalriait loo!er*s sait, -vas reaponsible for the oaa alitaitvote. Thbaballot reait. "Par Increaseil Tavatliri. or "AgainstlIn- creaseit Taxaralt" "Ilf the ballot lait been prapace tatr meail tor or attainat gonid roada I1h- havae tbe result vou'it bave been dit- tarant." ,explatueit State's jktiorlu V. 8. Lumle>'. "Pfopîs genecall'tee- lieié the taxes- are Migh enougb." --A tai le,>' et 60 cents on each $I&~ assesseil valuation. the sanie as votait là Kame count>'. liaitbhem propoaedi UMcHeur)' eounLty goot rmailbouti THEVYRE RE-ELECT ED, OH, SO EASILY. . KWEMS JAS. BLANCJIARD'S 1 WILL IS FILE1D The A11ll oftJameà* iancliilI i1 - neet ceaitent 31 Wauksgan. a uvi, ~Thi Sov that riv i dering1 Ide-se lit - - tomatoa a fewof E. D. SIURTLÉFF Here are the three Circuit Juldes rif tis, the Seventeeath District, wbo were re-elected Monday. be- ing unopposed in the election held in this couaty as weIl as Wnnae- bîgo. McHenry and Boone. iI I (ccurred se> ara! wei'kwa %ai Iriî)aî and a4ilniiîepd lC)reai io pii'i aaia cut r i -weok. vii iat valiied i t î i . l Ii.'b %Ir Bi îanchl Jwaïsa ai-l ,-b! li[ L i ifwhl> child b, rr Jika ,,)unir. lIOARY LAWSUIT 15 ENDED; DENI A REIIEARINQ Legal battIe on for many years over titre th proparty in supremne court IVICTORY FOR CAMERONS Miusity ttoc.îinini m-in th- .-iki' coun- ivi r'coli t 1i law.îir based lon à ran,aci ion. !2.> yeara; agi.. wlîlch in- >via ihdti 1oa~v.slai u rli>ai 'Oint i'otîii'et. Fox o k n 'IliIl har e lorale I -erati 'l andam iiitny cottiagesa where . :îiily ihc. oaa and ou liai-a fille iv i Ina hourî. lot lts c:t ,' ail nI Xi îlThe Su. pfî.-ma -ouii liv îleýydni'dlle hapettior foi jre ha a îîg in Ilhi'su it whitL W1S 111h'114111 by GIrge V. and Simerim N Ct.îmouronf. rof Chicago. by AIL>'. filo trna roa akgn ~I inilritci t cour t lulte C. C. i- t warîrildlcidait again it litha (aerons. l'lie case finaily waflt la 'lie SuPretnG rcourt whicl. dciidin favoir ofItlle j ,reoa Tiie' 1,ail n for re:ea'-, ling danieth'ii casie eau e, oPrh er., agi> Embarraslrg morent neî'rf pr, Ille hahiti'lî lociteil r-orl Y waït> r;veling from Cililcagri te ou ili," riler involvaîl Ilit trananaîîî tion Ille o., B. & Q. sahé-__________ ondti lie ronuictor cailtïir6tliogIlia e train Btiflutticiiig Il .(- nineofa it 111ewArkansas Consolation. sation îîaîîed Sîîlvc.i thoilt S500>0 r t îlese fil wi ae ihave of coutrgelie aï >.sclig sanîwire îî oplalillg l5tIi wci n In go 1 ye'leîi at bleui.te give nie two.- diîisf't undersaIitl thl. Oiglit te bQ 1Chicago 1 rî'a .glad rof it.-W ait>iIlItidge Blade. CI ~ >g [rongs of Delighted Women 'ti' l;il 1eLlljoin a11. ;ît L' , t triWikiugali' lI. nu%' u't .îii It is l.l1ia 1îh;ui.ngsowiill 111t) i-:Il u'11 suîi-I ali iîlîal siîiîî. *Jutîr a c:îu is al ltat i-is îu i" liîi- Ojîî'îîîî'Week(. liv\e w-anîut Ioii lî j ud~ îtgeniîîîît on.l apaîilrel aîîd nuiit'î't of exc'Iîîix'c clîi ri i.2\ titiwoîeti iavei- foi u îî i t1 garnllhtl re tCsbow ini s50ext ren1îly sîîurt, andthte priles so niîoitst Ot fscores Stilt camleC sel, (1011Mîl ot resist te ajp('al of the wtondietfîîl valtie:4. (oîr t.taIslîÇîle ait' cîuîst'd to the limit over tuhîalie - tifîîlFastotis gMhtlîere re and eveî'y onue of themî are hlblîrug over with eagcîiuess hi serve yoll. Stop1 hi oit vaiur next shtopp"ing tour. ýwer - toned New Canton Crepe rgandies and Taffata' val the liew bewjî- Frocks buds inu the jar- sea-gi-l, crinisoul, and atuiber arc btt ý the dairît-Y titades eîuced slioI)pcr.s for tlîc-r N'uîua altie S. ce Sport Skirts for tie litnks tiuat afford a fi-cc and accuriate sttoke il, flaîte and serge tîleat- ed or plin at $ 1250 and $1500 f rom whieh to elloose. gray' and bronze aie le 1- tttred and the stYIc's are Sifik Sweaters and $15 and $19 fair fi-onuthe villr place. The prîces weac Fiannel Sport (kinghant dresses iii the askiîug are redicîuloutaly ot mîost beaitiîftd eiîecks low, eonsidcning thuat a ~ t yoît cau imagine, anîd voile whole season's satisfac- inriî iot of gay colors iîn- dresses tlîat weî-c stletcd tion is wrapped with the cltîding black, plaiu anti for their exqîîis'ite fabr-ies. pîîrclîasc. faîucy wavcs ut $14 and $19 $39fj and $49 $10 and'$15 L Lake County's Big Weekly Circulton Gre&t« dtmn other Weekles in County Co.nbined WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN

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