CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 16 Jun 1921, p. 3

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1 RST 0 UR conat.a Supply ao with the best t. t0 offer noihin whch wc cao b itamietottpaini ta stock Dû Pc bscause WC- fisn the iesi tdc Tii.. biun>' of t.asecn 01Cm ot. the scccWsul liile-s gradc1 Wher. >ou -- a can of Patr Siain, sou kto, Wve ani n ev cadi or lu t finshes we car stock is castpi 1sec us aboat >en Goods tConideration tnt ait bas heen ta )Ur Cstofici t aIlt rmes bath Oemarket sfordse- îg bot prît-en gooda Xi ank our .owi reputaitoi. tretul investigaion of thc t 'ite, .ind nutailýlt icdd uDt Painis andl Varnsbeï nI. b-lie'. e that the,.arc Ifth-Du PDnt Conuta, ýC hajiirCe I cars Mentlas ilt-, 5. P-tnt Label Dt. nt, %a rnish, Enamel. Dr s. t,i it* itto be btl, 'er> tisaJlu show. co:D. dernonstrat- ant>' outh -nry in our stick-an- IrDo .1 >ou paint problemns THE SHOP 0F SERVICE ÀND SATISFACTION FOR FACIAJL, SCALP TREÂTEENTS i r swslrorIrr1rrnu[R5AY lJUNE 16, 1921. PAGE TL« XÂNICURINO .89AMPOOING emfciuend ni aeriencéd OutvatoMs For Ail Forms of Beauty Culture Work. Toilet Preparations, Creame 'and Hair Gooda of ali kinds carried in stock. CONSULT Dr. I. M. BURNHAM SPECIALIST IN StJRGICAL CHIPRODY OFFICES and SHOP : 218 N. GENESEE.STREET Over Reardon & Wal's Store. WAUKEGAN, ILL. Phione' 1946 for Âppointments. There was an tmtiressive silence corne whicb M. Fox interpreted as an Un- Mima Leila McMtilan ctosed bier terni spokefl answer. of school ai Swan'., district, and Fni "That ls just wbat the farmer i3 do. day enjoyed a nlcflic. ing," Mn. Fox said. He is organiziflg. Mr. and Mirs. J H-. Barnett are en* He is perfecting bis marketing ma tertaining the fortuer's parents front cbinery as weii as is production. 'HeCiao is paying big business th OPieuThe compliment, lb etlat r of adoxtinglits mi tefficient rnethods!.. wth CMrstîîutt Clbr met aiF The trUth o fthis answer may b M. R c hade. e seen in.the recent report frottathe U. tr. ned le Mas. Cas. . atrt&bouhaver S. Diept, ofAgriculture that the e C- tuea at MeGrasit i. afereabuta operatilie îtarketing comupanies organ-teye atm-,ei a nde is. e re a *ized by farm bureaus saved each ment- weI, s fCin îu, vilagean. op te *ber more than $30 in 1920 0f the Enety in ourviliage.r, a. i 237000 larma listeal inIllinois by the Erknei ,- aenWts. MrfanCors '.C. is 1920 census, more thau 110,000 betong 1nîakitisaen isi. and Mr. C F t.. couni> fatrn bureaus, More thalindèc ofitlî, a eb ist e ri biailt te îarm acreage or hle state, Mnda of len s veniofEk kat, it is claimed, !à organizeal. And oli t iiig i,,se- Ms .E ak of jtbis rnembershlp there is lon0e son.vts. Citet aiii w MrW.ErJaMi- and one-hitif per cent of delinqtieft sn rt riat a otir>Ms dues, in s»Lte of the farmer's financial Mareth. revrse ibs yar.Themodm i Mr. antid i George Wicks hâd a r erseabs in ean 1Thevmoey senr O!n!arrow escatie frit nia fatal accident e sawuinsord.n v,- oneo laat Saîîirda>ý eveniflg, when their bug the was strtick b>' a large automobile. Mr. and Mrs. Wiclts were botb îbrown 0 0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0 0O0O1) 0 0 te the gràund andi badîy brulseal, but oFOR ALL TH4E NEWS OF LAKE 0 o nelloes were brokefl. wbich w-as-b o COUNTY, SUBSCRIBE FOR THE2 o deed iorttinhte- oINflEPEN0ENT-41,5 -A VEAR o mrs. Henry Cable, receiveal word ~ 00 0000 0000 0 OroM lber icler, Mmi. G. Hawkinfi i p AN.~ CRA N s Ri.n 3OSa, . o Decker & 'Helton Phone 55 Libertyville, Illinois. istance 4ice memice has flot over- and trans- men using comnmun>- rs without r problem. MfIED BESIDENT E. A NarLni ,i.; OF iURNEI3 DIES gathr flk AIITER 3RD STRO KE ie it'. tieIsPair] 1ersn u IP.Pterodied at age ofte'lc^ "' e iltof 79 years; had f irst stroke MsL.undttren o t) about eightyears ago the weekendtrieAMdrs. Anderson, of Waukegai \Pi P. Sw anson. an aged rf-ident week end wth home. fol of Gtifltep. xassed awa>' at bis home John LeVoy was oneo Wednesday, June 8th, at 1.15 p: m. atea from Othe Warren r aged 79 yesrs and four fouthsa Death school flday. vat; dup to Paralysis and followed an The nanters have f illness extending over a perlod Of work at W. B. Stewart's. efght years. It was onlv diitrinit th" îeaving for their home1 lest twelvp days. however. that the their boise took frigb i patient was conflhedi to hi@ bed tran away, throwlu thOe1 Elght years ago Mr. swansoL But!- borse WL. badiY CLt. fered a ligb t stroke of para ty1ds - whlch affected bis rlght ls but OR which did flot prevent hlm frou1 get- IRD Ung &round - by meana Of IL cane. About tua year. mggo ho .uaffe-ed au- Iiù%& AIL Of éther atroke ta bis rlght aide. Ths Itedà1* . the dl btrpke alma wau llght. Tuelve days d tID 1utdbl0t arvei %go a third stroke came. This ai- cimà*Mqk okfrôe 7 to tected hls entîre bit side and ieit sD$O la adyles >u lmtin cmpletely hlplems. Eveu ti W h bouse la lbi speech was a! itd. 4 ecoay'm general Mr. Suansan w"e harn in Sueden c Uo. 01!iredWflion o but maved ta Chleko farty-flve y'esrs rate,,, sala W. L. Jean, aga ulipre fori years he engager! l' ager la Miwau~kee, ."ref the gardé-a truck business. TWeaty- ment of the comatnY's Deven ye-ars ago hre moved ta Gurnee executives as tu the pre j hwere lie purcbamed a faim and petive conLditions o fth Fwhere b- bailremlded ever ince. "Throiigh tht. actin 13Pe;idps the widaw. the d1pceased in dropViiig the rate tO leae, t ha foliownz'relatlves: Wîîî- the holders of the stoc tant SwaD.,oL of Guroe. Mrs. Anna back to, their pre-warY ýIcCiînock. Albert and Edward Moreover. this five per Swanson fl cf aukpgafl. \lrs.i-nia Pol u»»S the common toc lnrs tof North Chiicagot alpireleeIb niy about 29 per cent1 gr-antiehiidrefl amount whieh the hoidi FunertIirotim litiom.- ai G;rn. have investedl in the bui Satqirday. lun(e 11. sat 1, j, Ilum alessi-il *dcash retUrlliC çýas n Warýn @mëler*ýwhen money fil, woril L tin Wrre CetleTeS tre war day s, tii. curie ,ttt raie bpifle o" en r'e 000000000000000000 a MILLBURN * t#.o\V;tJ *O0000000000000000 .e"ttitve of.C W Mrs- Sardi lodge vsiteil a few days Ii'Ct. ii5s Ju-t ctîitiie a; the- boni.' of J. S Ienman. dras îng a .0 r,, !drt- lar> White of Wauk.'gân a'i 25.0 additionl lu ti îended the June meeting and vlited (.,rtri lit dii.tra oid frend' j tir- antlis a ( "f,~ Mc . nd Mrs. Le'ader or Chicago h Tii biuilinu sneft a week with Rev and MNIs Fook tanT age.. a, the parmaflage. tIwas prpsented Tot Miss Brtha Cannon of Ken.gsha was Ilbuar-d of suî*rs isor,. la: -Saui the Surf ace and You gaveaaIL." - - inted ait the. ladependeni te »md good prices. M. 1 wihi sdi at ACRE FARM on thie premise Illnois, 5 miles east ake, Illinois, on the state o! cultt'.ation. ;tment. Dixon, 11lirmoie. 0W and near. d in a day exhibits. long, 350 t sopth of hursdays, station at Lin to the hort walk ----------- --------------- F - --- , -- --- - -Wüuü i .- int, t one Tolephono Movo BOY LOCKJAW Each Ton Seconds VICTIM fDIES AT xeBurinesMyvRush1 tienodn tmaire ilr.nhi PALATINE IHOSPITAL Preident'Sunny of Illinelsi , ft-'e . Hittl el e cordnsNew Efforts to save lite of six ýear ukegan spent Hig: Recorda ylA D f erli.n rv àn apnd tedwrd Here le something which hai th taai n avet ibe mart maves ta it thau a game of Ik.checkers or che s. ru. -,tay death reliescd 'tiese- nz Of the gradu- Duritig the month of Apri t th.,(piiiie Rlaymtond Berlin,-i township bigha Chicago arganizat of a the Illinois sn o? 1fr. and Mrs. Fred flilino finshe thir Bell Telephont Company nioved nva. i sie Zurich. Fori serea i fiiaedthir27100 telephones. Two.thîrds ofithbe utile fellow had been suife:ng ouM As the>' were these maves ucre campletcd in the lockjaw as the result of an inir. ) f< U lV in Lakei Villa lait fiteen deys of the month. one of hlm feet wben he sleppëdlr t>naMo m y it an auto and In the fitst hall aofMRay 40700 garden traite. ,aieu out. The ýorders were c o m ple t ecd. hia The hoy's jaws bail heen tiul>' in the cis district. the Tele. Since tîtat inie he had been gt'.en how you'Il talce to pboo h y îastalled, movrnd, tîqui n<»rishmnent throutgh a tîivet a4i DUC~ r t li u'~t eepoe i-tube whicb wam inscrted Ia litsntnouîb: aehpe a a d P.A . ute; oê4e <ver> fitteen seconds. h>' breaking out twa af hlm teeihý , DIV~D Duiî~the rit ailf Ma, t In l a vain effort ta Bave bis lire the rldefld tm4w ce rate l$ isdi.attendiig physiciaen adasnistered1 # IL d c a n lt quantlîîes oi Anti-T.etanilc seront but Bfr o'e a lr tp ý.14<u oý C5 W-r ttpiooe service ever> f romtathe ver), firmi h. beld oui no e'- oeyo'eady 1e Ou bt.u i pSe (eu st isceIT ten seconds, alite hour: dy. couragemeal aa thim bay's condition iuvn oltteie li n yoredsvpt BE Sîn Pretiden of wmeîee> ritical before the phy. ofie t h-vlae Illinois Be 1l ~ephone oany scion was amimoned. The parentsl under your bLat that this 5*S4 pr@cmU) are a reve- o! h. ivl 4 ncluded the above ia a talle before of he iVidUd the Ekectric Club of Chicago. Mr. dld flot become worried over bis t-on s, brnhml- SnywntCtittphss !te tion until he cotaplaiieti of >-f-in i th open season to start r# t oý. the mam Who nover ofoots the judg- t heiduetr>'. Prt etofuhat hlm hack afadlm <Vhi dbegRI2 ttr arti o tigwit a coul got acquainted with a dîroctors ad tle sad oe t 1 gid. Then lt usa toa.' tt tdo smtigvt yÙ -eet and pro "Te lephone service aeceseariy nîuch for hlm. I jimmy Pipe - anldj some ip P. A. lus Made a lie business. depends upon co.ordiaatialt. co-op. Death aecured aIithe Paia'ttp it' t9!2!-a biag of joy to four a fthe dlrectorm eration and the highest type of pilai where éhe lttle teitow W;.,- ; Prince Aiberti o whr oevssoe "five per cent. teamn work, n01 onl>' b>' the tele. nioveti as eemn as it wam icaint- i tî-fèeon a soe >ck are brouaht: phone empeoyes but the subscrib- (ccnditoa was sa sFIbu- Because, a pipe packed before 1 ýrntdiidenda are allier ine: of Tuiere -f 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 with Prince Albert satisfies Ever roll Up a cigarette >c arnounts te course, where these factars are lmn- upon tbe whloe pOrtang, but 1 doubt if as much Iso L A K E. ZUR IC H o a man as lie vas neyer satis- with Prince Albert? Man, ers of ibis stoek ai with the tetephant.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 edbfr--adkéshm mn btyuv o isiness. and ibis ', fvoit have an.elcctric ight on OOO IOOoofe eoeadkeshm m ib tyuv o rones ai a ime your table, il dots not impair its j-Nit anal Mrs Ed Ernst and -rn Hio. satisfied! And, you -can - pPrime*î your ayl i hnluore itan.~if hbeorel te ithedEns . 1 if -t-n vakti- alue 10 you if no one mse bai ane ard. speta-nuSnday' afienion 5 ;* tipoe itiWy .A.CTlk aot iarte &. r .ue ,e orrange cokyurOd r E iIhaw S8 àu 4 cI -ti afcokyourif brteakfas. Mnaa$sle.Et ,t«Ê 'i I- flavor ad aran -an. oeyafteal afa-m ~c nt fec yu fn~Qfq eli r s of Chînýago spent Sunditi tý- It.,-"l..t lias i.atNaoe s, adisf reedoM pa# oe-ryau have a tl- Mn onPrehai anal\fi; . 7- Wp t,.-i Intiti icino use ta C what- riimc etthe week endal't ; în ted Tl!. %o irik or uie you? flea4 hors arc visiîing relatives of friýS;mîlaniy equipped and itslS ~uetot Mn. and Mmis Arthur li;,clibiuia ti I- -r' you depen ds upon the Tek hone anal dauglîte r. Helen. of ClitrnaLtce taî iittlof people with whotflyau can talk Tî. ndMi B BaninCoi.nt -i;tt- t.-aflir Thai part ai the telephone serv- r. rn n r. oritîh-'n -toff tu in" at i e in ehich the tayenan has the MrSuadywt n an M . H dlianîlioi-M ý% %4,'» largest Intencît je with relation t10 rs Cwih .an Sei H.oBiPal ,inz. L *.as. tht 'Lak'- coufty tihe tnafltc. Ht is in contact withb sýChalesSei) ojIiuagg,,%i andl aIt 1oe n~h is otiMarie Eichmannl returnte.r1~ ts<-se'Uu Oa-nclTeta'ngb iameigO on less curiosily la know how the 1 afler visiting in Chicago. olorado, ibts week statIng that the dTedyngta etige 1ttiieis ta conducte.d Pr> enrdcrleio.'.k' tflood eaclîed îhetr neigbborhootiaad L ~LJIj1te Village counci.Lake Zurich in In Chicago, in 1920, we requured1 Zurich Satunda>' in bis new âetotilant- sweiîi awa>' iglai bouses, their owii n Z RIH Oi', en- n of t! ditional revenue. at;;S..oeaos n ew refihsaila ,G ne t, being one o! the number. M c. Haw ___ short o! that number throughaut ibis month. LICENSE FInRMS an ws arredin the vear fnom 600 ta 1500. We lasî Lois Weav er is rnakiiçg an extenalet a hiankét tu th <Co>mmuniî>' Houme, ove 0 - ea îlteequiaienof!6.fl00 aperators i sit with lien grandlpacents at M'au ani so escapeti deatb, but al Their >~mtttte tr't-ugh resignation andi dismissals kegan. iongings ucre a total lossa Thetousn o! o t t-pan, durtg the >ear. This doei not Mn. anti Mrs.HenryKi-ottiI,, H Mns. Almonti Thunweil îs eniertAi11*n ne io ie ntr t. ;I,, f ttistr t en tîa 6.00operatorsthat we 1Pnehrn anal Mrs. Wm. Tank ni noned to ing ber sstier. lts-Ima Wenzel !te.aals a kîarsaa of: berntit- îu 't- et-ted lte here f», sîrid it a tefii afthe ear ;Elgin tast Thurmday. Darien,. Wis. iee boudesithedrdin ac L r~ es .-vrt ut f tt 8000dropedauta! le Miss Edythe Dymondal atntieti ftht servit-e. About 4.900 an 60 per cent. wedding e! a cousin. Mr. Smibh. of l'ai rtrrained throughout the year, antid Oe hcao ensa *elosses iwere tangel>' o! openator. , n. ntCicag-s Weiitutt Tnne;an sîOnho eando'acos Il-îiîlrnot Ion g Gnose %ste lai the môntnnelhote ht-t-,'Tîursila> eiening. To fil the sacancieFm, we cm Tonner ý -3 e i ani traincd 4,250 aperators î-sMn; acobsen otfIBat-ingtoî ,nd -'e re-employet 3550 ex-opena- 5 T-i""-5*TZi-ttit'las! 7, r, %,ho neetied littie or no train- ,ë t'a P hene sserc 1150 atiditionat Thet illasge honte M's.a.itaceal tnir aipplicants %who passei the examini- qtai î.tn'Vetcday oti las; sýet-k ation and stated in the schoan, but fiît lltbtleri;;î Esih'-t lias been stnk who s. ere droppeal or who nesigned tliasi ws .-.-withil. tefore finisbtng th'e tnatninz course i- admi \ iî tîional Irout> Wl-i- 1 "%it- arec required by circunt- t ,î -s ,k t i e' ,n-das tirinati tainces ta heaa'.cry exactinz emint- t.'t'i I poser, but ai the samne tinte i s Itiini. M - 1'; ar t s;- a<li Our constant purpot-to bce a vert l';ltti s quare employer.AT usttn tî,n-dttitt 'in #.pril thene %were 67,7al'3.lIYiM,) .Ttîrlus st- lc i !cal calls andi Our observ-ation; 'ii ui 'i t :l. WK Itt it :ndtcated that 96% itre answerc-J Ni- andt.NI!, i el ei and -ithntn seconds anti 96e' of h'e "t- il t;i j. -' sî.he pasr orintitàps thàaftotitd le corn-ptet'dsi, r rî ia i-t ere completet i s.thout error Te-- r; lion raIls faileti hecause ni th, bîivv signal: seventy-five per cen t~ tott i .;lnttn i ir, parts' ines. etc.; an six mifit Or -s.' lt caits the second part>-tit i n,' R J.W t.a- inswtn o the cal was abandonenih by tle finît patv before the secon- un . ai ------ '>ondu tia '-i Party titi answer." dtt ;;, 1, t;; Mm. Sunny wsent loto detail to explain the handîing of long-dis- tance telephone catIs, telling i o 0 00000000000000000 many new devicet anti methotis o GRAYSLAK E 0 whicl have been perfccted ta re- duce the delayin completing long- 00000O0000000000 tdistance connections and impraving \tieftlt-P 'i --,cierkuig in ilii transmission. ~lîtkt t- i. - Eugene MWiltiiin4tfl wbo spenîi ii uIter a; it- ý Si imx. Ark., lias r,- FARMERS ADOPTING THE îunned io Gray>-.ln'fon a short Staý. MEIiDS OF BIG BUSINESS Aagea IIt_,ýioi ihie congre AND IS NOW ORGANIZED june rmeeting i' Mllburn truestiav . T.>. nIrandl i. 'Page Keown stuent f7r M r.Lasm 'tliiwoulal >ou do," asketiGeorge Miss Marjont" Hentite. uho as A. Fox, ireasurer of the Illinois Agri îautghtbe pa si > eatr an the bigba sclioel! cutural Association, of an audience o!at Molel. ii ived on Monda> toi 0 , 0 bunkercs anal metchants to which Espendl the aurnmier vacation wllb ber spoke on tbe eceni tour of the 11 is parents, Mn. ant i Mts B. F. Hendee.A pog$"oBa&râýAssociatian, -if you a denly Services nex; Sonda>' aflernoon aiý 's:_L yo- n.'sd le an Answer.BlSflk, and mm ideal becarne the owners of-aIihe fat-s in Si. Andews Mtssion i i 4:30. Rev. E. Y) iZtteAse-ln tu t u

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