CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 16 Jun 1921, p. 6

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Ml-E LIBERIYVILLE INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY. JLJNE 16, 1921I.- ARMERS WHO0 ý,OWN FARMS EiET BEST RESULTS Wgrîultural assn. of state dmios that tenants do not developlive stock Pariners who own their tanms raiseH h-lri-0mre'ive stOck on 11 M= . ore111 0 th.".do ten-si ~t.accoding f0 a live stock stirvP> 1 ýeriDg 30,000 farine recently fin- Owd by 1theIllinois AgrlculttirRI as- lelatton. -p SThe survey places t1e average C Muers.ttal a q 70 head of cattle and .ê b es 0f sw-me t o «aCh 540 acres. rwè saMe baui'i of figurlng shows an MllU of 51 iebd of cattle and 1129 LO* ta ,ach 649 sacres of land farmed t IW temantts. Figures for countles vary »pM~e extefli and ir. s feU isoiatedb o0fl tII survey shows a higher live I 1.0k average fer tenants than foro 71 II orthera Illinois dsi$ IR fheri ~t ]won,1da.the . - of Iaa4. The.aoitt6 'th »M it. ¶W li or Central Illinois has 42 cg eattle and 92 hogs for thet ae area and there are 50 head of etl andl 77 bogs on 640 scres ofà lOwthern Illinois fat-m land. .i SAnother feature of theIllinois Igrlultut-s Association survey la thec MaUqn 0f 1he size o! the farni 10 1the gsumber of lji-e toclî kepi. A stéady dibieaaeln [ive' stock fr6tUsral !089115 b lsrge <islîhown. "¶'here is one facior enieiing ie bere figures wlic a-e hav etno waY of uaauring.* sRadli -erberi W: Mum- Iti. direcfor nof1the Lse Stock Mat- pslhig Department of theIllinois, Ag- r4lItut-al Association, WeV know that j arge number o! tenant fai-mers are <Oung men wbo aie flot yet stocked1 * to the point thaitbchy wil lie wben %w are betteti- esrahliubed min 1thei fimng business and baie morie capi-1 bdwith whieh lu boy stock. Then ilt Se probable thal the recent price1 mverffl which t1e fanmer bas suif hsi bave been harder on the ten-i ejà thas en 1the owner." - 060,6000Q000,.000000 lÇm . Dickens viated Mrs. J. A ~t Jr., the paut aeek. _RyWels andl son o! Mon- IMare vistig hner mother. 0fi«e our techers bave been te- hr oi the comlng year, witb the 0-Wptù f Miss Grahami.a-ho ailI à*h college atIoIwaa City n 11e faîl Ruth Gloss of Shermervllle il ber place. 'If. snd Mra L. O. Brolfkway andi *%L,,aad Us. WH. Wilmot and Miss 0ara Keyes were 11e guesîs of Mi ý4U Mrs. R. M. Vant Stndali. >- Um Narissa and hblîdren of Du- bq4ae, Ioa-a, have been visiting tlie gogqWs aister. Mca E. .Selig jfflter lange has moîed lus tanuily You neyer in your Efe heard such dance music!I DaneRecords for JuIy JUST OUT TODAY 8305-J Wondes'Whre My (Fn70'ot> - -(Fez -ab« ed Dab.(Foefl RAT Furitre and Pait Store m Monday, Friday an .a aUrd 1 nlîg. ceOflytii ot ciii- t liîr ea - ouse. and M'illia tubas nios-et bis îanilî to f fie litse t il-f'el--son., vacatîed. Mi-Oibt il .f1Oak 1Park v.a..i.' gus ii Nîrs, Lincoln l'etftisthceliasf Nuj antidî-.Griffithu Zitioneloan mid NI:'..Clara Lowecl ii J.-fte-son. spenf Sattlrlti> ith -Mr. andi Mrs. Fred itiegie Mc. andl Mrs. F. H. Meyer and the Misses Efeanor Meyer anti Sosie Es- ou acre the guests or Mr. andl Mrs. H. P. Thorntit of Forest GIen Sunday. Mss. Earl Anderson bas been sub- sîîîotiog inth 1e I-ighwood scbool th1e past accIt. Thîe eightb grade. a-ho took charge of it fli 01>es the past year. uaed 1the profits 10 gurchase s beautiful hall dlock. which îhey presenteal 10 the scbool bof ors they graduated. Wayne homeas. oTur principal, bas gone 10 bis home ai Fond du Lac, W. t0 spend his vacation. Mr. andl Mn. R. M. Vant gave a rain- boa sbower in honor of Mise DorothY McWillianis Thursday evenlng. The out of town gueatsa were Mr. anal Mca. A, Kelter of Glencoe and Mrm. George Bruni of iliblaniPark. Misse rm nader graduateal from St. giir 8 ees Daa Tuesday. Mca. Ii.pffl orand Miss Clama Entier 1= iI mttned ai a e1ypday, Aftarnoao Inhonor et ber ' n14aw, Mrs. orge OsIer- mnaria-ho leaves for Fond du Lac. Wis. 111e lasI t of1te week. Mrs. Robert Pettis a-as t11e guest of Miss Katbryn Eger of Austin ÉSaîur- day. Mliss Eltreda Knaak entertaineti 8 of lier co-teachers oh North Chicago schoof Friday evsenîn.g .Theron Warren of Kansas a-as the guest offis onceeJames F'rtltt ltast Sunda>. MIr. ad NIrs. Saîîîuel Palmier andl ciîildren ot Lake Forest a-ere guesf s oif Mr. and Mca. Ira Gartiner SuntiaY. Mc. and Mca. George Klemip. Mr. and Nirs. Fred Horenherger andi M-s. Geo Ott and daugbter were the guests ot Nîr. and Mrs. Christ Dent ot Irving P'ark last 5Sonday. Miss Iabelle Biedersat spet ihe week end at the home of ber tâthei. F. C. kfiedeîstadit. Saturday she leaves witb the Thtomas Wylee family of Highland Park. fer SanIe Fe. New- Mexico, wbere site a-ll spend the sut- mer on a neacby ranchi, Mr. and Mrs. Ford Cbristensen s-tient thje aeek endi with Mîr, ad Mrs. WVin. Smelper of Chicago. Dr. andi Mrs. J. T. Ozanne nf Osh- k6ib, Wis., a-ere th1e gucaîs o! Mis. 1 C. Hle Tuesday. Mrs. William Neville and Mrs. Ray Dobéins gave a pirex shower for Miss Anna FaIt, who a-lll 1e 1the bride ot George Krumhack of Highland Park on Wednesday, June 22. The itousi a-as artistically decorated in pink andl a-bite peonies and sa-ecl pes. and aI] th1e guesta a-oce eiher white or Wcnfi cmstuti's ýThe colon scbexue was also taric i ltnluft'e bounf.'oui hunelî-on There were eigbteen presetfrfiont lies Plaines. At-linglton Heights anti Hidi- land Park. (' . ~Pcf i iai, .a rt iae. .1 wmu Hall avsenue fronti Lincoln Pethii, anti ssill hegin bîuihding in the o-ai fut uic The tire deliarntwi.-t va-ical i ui' 'Ieiv ,nigluîî 'î n atgir R 1- (i'fý logg'. The uiii îlu hou.,'burn c1i i)iflii- groung, and buît fton fi'iniply ail of ubaursîttil luas- li ii -- ut Unitedl Evangelicaf Church. Nxf Surflas uuo!i i f i-t i, I i an if 1.r nu j-f, i c1 ii 4-'l uîîî ti f -i.T:- :01 iî.ît t aifl'- 0 - 1- !)%1'--1iâr Tht- ,înîiia! tciii.iîu i i,, lu ni- i 1 .tf_ - 1 ifidt fîtt 2' to iiissionf seonl esening aI 7:45. Choir unr-îi fiiii -'in Fridai xeie %f14t'.- i j hi ns'an Entiens iii Soc if s.- î iv il] o> mui ir, c,- rënami Soial fon ti. las..n no Fi cd Sti>ken, le wfiicl h tîî- ,il'thçîc cordialît ins jîcî Af flic tiionthl'. hriiti,.î aîndlsocial of tIi'-C E.ifocief>,.. 1-1< t> -ek, afilie im onm te fWNr.theckîmari Miss Loy îîr e.nid the. socuef; ssifl i dozen fine hible.a-hidi aas gieaf It mfl- aîi.and i t> ineef flic long -f ni- 1 Mi:i ., il:-z S.'.ý1 1'. E services in the future. Our choir' andi orchestra gavea beach pacty last Saturday cenîng ai Hi ghland Park. Deerifîld Oresbyterian News W, are glad te waelcome back 10 our cburcb lite Misis Susie Easton. a-ho graduatealfrtn th1e DeKatb Nonmal Scheeol; Miss Eleanor Meyer.a-ho bas been '-scbinLg in th1e high aschool oft Harv-ey,.Ill., anal Miss Failh. Reichelt a-ho gradujateti Icon a Young ladies' preParatory scbool. We extenal con .iraiulationi f0 Miss (,race Robbins. Miss VXirgina Eastog andl Cassius Bas- ton uiton thelr graduation fromn tigb school We are justly prouti o! 111e Young mnen and Young women ni eUr cburcb a-bo have fitted theniselves or ar"ý in the plc ce ut oftitting 'bnui selsp fi on )Ilaces 'if leadership in ftle wii-l Mention wui-anati- Iaf a-"ck il unef et g rouf, a-fît, i lii-eccof I. n.-ý ui-tfuîi iiaxi or rI ili-ge île Ouir hu- ur -;,t.kinu itit' ui' r 5s.iiiii-fî.fiin;liifurfifin2 ; i knîle i u s.I- h e i.n l iA nil:1). ru liii-.r'in.u fi.. fl "i'a iidmizan- in etliiii.b-5mî t,, fla' i ni-lignu n'hi! iru ez.bta-cen fie. g-, )1f :'uni O-.îu'- elîg!bli' 1Of cîtur i, if'fui-ni- acie.Ms fi- j tontli.-' ilis~ci-vfi- i t i &.l e it gmi'-.- fi'-" fCao be fiantilel C ýil îîl nn lîîyoîi 'iv ycacs if age i- ai le raî'ufoi.î " 1> usîîiaf ieut lof Oî' Tliýi l i ,-- t );. filte tparcnts-tle ire ,i.i ure ' i t i i -Ol sxaine ime thitut(li,,t'n ssiIilfi, ceiving tIîî' tinest instnili 'ii fi>s0i te1 give tbrsm. Miss Irent- tlitcuti.,t a-ilI have charge o- 1111e 'îcfoul. ('Iil FIND MOONS1IINE 1STILL OPERATIN6 AS RA ID 1 NIADE' Three people are, arrested when raiders make descent upon North- Chicago home Tbreepeolle Wele placeil Unden au' reat laIe Fridav afternoon as the ne- suIt of a raidl staged on s borne on 'temünwealth avenue. North Chicago, under directions o! States Atorney Smithî. Those aresled a-ere Mike Carroll. Mr. andl Mr2%. Joseph Michna.- Aý sister of Carrol la aaid! 10 bave made ber escape wben thetaidera en. teredth 1e housq Th1e .@tila said'lo have beeci foui ln 'atral'a home but 1the 0111r ta-o people a-et-e arrested because tbey a-e oa-net-s ofth11e boume and se- cet-ding 10 1the statesatatorney par- mittesi the situ11 10operate. TII. de- fendants bave been arraigneal before justice Hervey Coulsoli andl have heen released ta1 bonds of $2»00 each. Wbhen t11e officeca rmade their de- scent upon th1e houe tbey found the .1111 lnoperatio11. Il waà bubblimg aa-ay mect-ly andl the-'bioonshine Il- quor a-as tickling tin&,a. Jt-There waa considerable quantfiy- o! ma.b ln the bouse- Mrs. Michna. accotdins 10 1the pt- secuter. batself a-as arrestasi on a pcevious occasion on a charge of lnoonsblning. dren of other churches will receive this Instruction free and on the saine basis as , UI Of ith1e parents care Pe send (îei. îîParents will 'lease tu 4rinthtbir cbiiren ai fie sainlefinie Ihey corne t church. Miss Irene Rockenbach wîtl begîn a Teaebers' Training course soofi If there are young people Who care tu take ibis course. kindly commnunicate with bier imnîiediately. if is possible that this lass will ineet ecd Thurs- day e. coing foi- one hot. No exarni nation ai the end of the course wil be requlred. 1 V n vie 21 ailt îcoeback fi> the youg mensâ class Lloyd Gutzler, who bas been ill for the past fcw inonths. A chut-ch and Suilday School pcnici v~iiil 1e belli Wednesday. June 29. Ali tiiose tonnected wvitli on ~clurCh aiel invited tu, be with us. Trûýcks will 1e on hand te transport the children andl any aduits who bave no conveyance oC a iii leas e the c hurclî ai j10a. ni. for the foreat preserve ai Wbeeling. Each tamily wll tut nish some articlel t fod. and later ail wili eaj together. There will 1e Iots ot interesting ibings ei. : i>o>îung andi 0î.f Every one should reserve nexi Sun day .-sening to hear T. C. ODonnel[Il 1speak on -Booz and ODonnell là a speaker of »leasing pietr sonallty and is Weil infoitued upon ilit bxonze question. He iepiesents tlii t ýa0on League. Suida liloiling ,4 11î Thomias ~eaks LOWER FREIRIT RATES upon the subject "Are the' Scriîtures ON CRUSHED LIMESTONE 1 a 'Res eation Froni God, oc- aie 'l'ey OGTB AMR a.M>h Thjis i., tie second serinonSO HTB FAMR uiî ei îoiii- .iinal tacts ut Chîristi .e eatiliofIillijnois îs iiti II Ti e înuiwl la-f runlliiît ex eriiinin , .l'liiicaîi-d uponi ee v.a4 -,-pe ialiLs 45,1 'ri,» Choit vo t .0 lOirA, il in 'Ilu -- d.nvd eizýhl 1îîiîîe,ý 'Iii . iliîa. :onlt a.-.-,ilout tIli. !101o i., icaii bief ete .!uatulated Nus.,ukeeCi and \l~îil .111ot11,litie ix,'a îicl liveriti ni i1 . Il : îi ii ilei c 1,. 1. (liiîiî l iiitoi ilile 11 )ic, ie ui'i lit, i, tIi a u'îenIllie -leIldîd micic i hi f Tii liuii c minttù is (bisttiein-ltoile in L) j(k4 iiicombaft ii... acr-'l'I the enlagen'ofiiii, iun i îiii Iu l, a i i îltlili,-i Il 1er tet:c.u i cf i e lnO4t, vlu ti k. l1utoîC.Jiîi ixuldtiif.- TME-> ~ A ODC iîîd hl.: (uilei toitiic01f 111w a5 Rev. Martie L . Thomas, Pastor ofl Il C1. i (),illiiilie ieriiiil .Ii, : Deerfielci Presbyterîan Chut-ch, e îiiieiionî il Ilinois- lii. îîvpc î:nedi V.i lii. ciul ai .rien(I e tii.(i ,nnit)i i i -i 1- i 1h ii eXM- iv iied i' illvi IA coiiiîîîtfcî- i.jienîi cati il e dipruNie t hetact. Naturai ici rlll4ciiui ItLUlUif111v ctit. le di i i tit. e lier altiî Foi uuîuîîai [îii.te cOUo)ltI iii o t 1 .V; i. Ile ut ii iiled in oiiadvisers, fie Seuflbei-n Illinlois elc il inus ,Iit;atilii) 1>uloral sc eci- t(;4'0-îtuent iAsix .uii lie Faruiers Insti tut,- John Ilomaizne.,. lhit iindl and iuc Uis been conducting an intenhixe Iii Cessor Ili Chaisart> in, lo.i lts i.ith vîestigationii nce-Febi«uarý .and is , in Ufoîl ini Christ and fthe Chiui cl i i îng toi lt> cii hîrates on limeivi lis , irI:iî toi<lot i lirougli scientifiction. iii..îî-îî hî tenti tou >benlie it-e, Iiuc iipui 'Ont Iieil ltii -*CaiI t oughi God tbrough the Conscienece 1e liait in .iieater alueUflts, tle> coIl and 111e Wîli CoUnl a yeiîr ago we itmîue reports, Illinois faces fie 1îîes tliougit -sciece tc hib, unchiangeable o'ect oflIlle abandoned taris seen In anî iîîiiîahl-, ut 'it Eoaeinba sections ult te east afld sotth. Twen upset ail our laii by wlîat 1elis Pleas , t million acres of sour or acid sou., cdi te caili ui law of liclatis ity.. Mein I llinois. says tbe comititteê, ar'e iiia> ruiiî leuflroughi natural science worthless unless limestone la appiied. 5.-n vncîîîe plea for lower freight fh il sue uIUd i lis 1' aes o.'n lis important fertilizer is flot silent as to wbat God is. The Book of an unfair request. ft aima not oni» fur t,-iegioninga simply saysB I li ithe gond of 1the conswner. and the Betginning, iid, but fiilai suttîcient. farmer, but for th1e gain of the rail- rTu one Who luisthad an experlence with moai, as well. For if th1e proper use 01. j, G-i, ..c to-eus no further o3roof of Hia timestone would increase the, grain 1existence. Not alone dos the Bible yield the roidsweuîd profit, as Weil sarfir tri at God la and that Heis t- as the consiiieri and farinir. fwarded -of those who dligently seek______ Hini. but ail nature speaks in no un-LO TE1 i' certain termas. CHIROPRACTORS OAEI %lotalre pcayed lai an Alpine Ibun ,Vft'U(iEOF LIBETYVILL der stofln. and Charles Darwin said: 1 "in my most extreme fluctuations. I' have neyer been an athelal, in -denying Dii. C. D. Nixon and A. J. Davis, fiie existence of a G*>d" iClireîiractors of Chicago, have lociîe 1' .. e Cd wîo in Libertyville. Their offices. wbich r f ere ienoGo, wo 'oi are ocated in suite 1f0.11 New Castle the blne acroîl ani paintedil e gleam- Motelon Mlake vnuehave , ings ofim umort.aity upon ils mstler- be Wi itw pand ee .iore.11 , ieces. Who formed the winds, th1 en avlftc padaetooll air and the.. rolling seas?- Wbose hand odern and up-t-date In everY re- dijrecjstshîe> noveîiîents of tlîe uyriad i est. and will 1e used for t1e prs(fie worîdi, in 'uder ot'bs Who unchains of the newest, modern met.hods kiiown flic lighiinngs aindfte pcal of the- to ilie -,cience of ChiropraCziC. Both lunîlemi' Ail nafure declares ¶bere h"lave practiceii in Chicago for s011e o a (fel. fmiii he 5naîîe j rl'îtlime, are membters of the National Chi- IiicanienfG f >a'frnth iloean 1 ue rolractiù Resîoarcb society and are n iieatipiti foardthe heWeil versed in Ibis comparativelY flCw ý torient 4 îNiagara roaring like the11ethod of tid ing witbout 1the use of i solindi of canon il Gad dues 001 exiat, e -li10 directs thfliatural intoncta of drhe,. modetm ,,rlioracter rensovil i. ns,-'t, animal anîl fowl kingdon? 1the ca.cse of disease, rather than treat >Th tild gIfsea-as nyov rw)1eîalss Ibt te effect. Drs. Nixoni and Davis de. iliosi ain liscri andv e tac us cideqîc oti1 e-te Ltbertyvllq to widen oa1>, anddesrllry ;. e met aytheir field on account of thé tact Ibat Ti:ei.h .,f 'sý t wio5 ifre. 4bre e-as ni> eue in their profession Ciiii-i, 'f.-. ay acrîi.s the pathlesti located bere. * cna. tiJ., î'srand illaritabile Te I -tvl"'eie dntc 1, air il' on>' wan i-ring. buhut 01bt" lW The LbetUM 0ille tyeendfltCoi Dodge Brothers announce a substantial reduction in the price of their cars effective June 8th. LIBERTY VILLE GARAGE Dodge Brothers Motor' Vehicles LIBERTYVILLE, [LL. PHONE 202 UOARY LAI ISENDE Legal battie on over titie tc suprer, Murty dotinent ly court record a tlran saclion, 20 y. volves th1e tille. t acf of land ai ,..kt'. on whlc11 bolels and man 'A falili» Ch'1îcagna s» their leigure Btut th1e caite ti. preme court today fo r s re-lîearIng wsP e hîoiglit ty O. A ('arn- ron. of lifnit r <'omke. LouIs C.' DeProft. ln tbe circuit ci: wiid ls declîlea agi The case final vv court whieh decit Cameron s Tbe1 lng denlcd. lica< ft-. DthProft operate onthe propet-ty i 00006000 4000000011 Mrs. fPetr ofla tiwrfa iîn K-o' Mn. ary S îeu hliite n Ila A e in M-f A(la (î;u.- K.r , fi;, i ,f>ifl S', T>.Anl.h 1. ili, .Nlarelial ,l<1 - Sunilay initbta' i.ration_ on h im fl. Eiî-i b.-iî-rson Tuî-sday -în <licai Thé ('hildren's m. E.* ehurch last t onal»good On Tuesday moi c u red th1e deatb i nighf lsrevious b dreve 10 1the ho F1rank., for a short suddtnl1y ta ken Et( ed and lttiasa 110 ri-îet, but early 1 1 rical 10 ge l aî.ai foret111e doctor c leavez luirnourp I fîve childrm n su t'bone 26 DÈS. NIX( Net-veus andl Suute 10-Il. N CHARLES W.ssbington-Ceun WAUCK EG) Public Accour AcLL-unifng Syit (10lt i'ni-iýd à lt DR. J. I Office in Frist filoul.,: 1 i. IR'- ai . ni l' Itr-, -DR. 0. F. 'iRTEIZIN N Assistant St ELI-ANA Of(.l.e at Hiî LILIEITY%' LYELL Attor Luce Rt I hune 136 ) PAULI Attor LIBEI1TYV TtrEl DR. C Veterir Telephot Office Wit LIBERTY% F. B MANUF. MARBLE Cemetey A HAVE YOU POWER ENOUGH? and of the right kind, to get your fat-m work done cheaply and on time? Now is the tinte to be think- ing about it..i The experience of tbousands of fat-mers demonstrates that the TITAN 10-20 Tractor does ils work well,--does it on time, and savea m oney for its QWner. If you need more powçr, if you want to raise farn produce. at the. lowest cost, if you want to be sure. of success tItis year, plaçe your order now fopr - - A TITAN 10-20 KEROSENE TRACTOR Because tItis successful tractor provicles. first of ail, ample power, eno ito effect î decided econ- -omny in man power over horse plowing. A two-bottomn horse sulky plow is a one-man outfit. -A two- plow tractor, therefore, effects no saving in tan power over such a plow. Tbree horse-drawn plows however, requit-e at least tw- men. The TITAN 10.20 Kerosene Tractor pulls THREE PLOWS,and àt is strictly a one-man outfit. Cet your order in for a TITAN Iractor as soon as you can, at the hew prce- $190OOO-OO F. 0. B. FACTORY -equipped wîth Friction Clutch Pulley and Angle Lugs for rear wheels, and Be rtady when the work is ready for you.i The Schanck Hardware Co. Libertyvýille mliois - - --- ----------------------- - -Q % q ÇÉ g 0

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