-w Dis play Shop will in- îen have yet persons this - three weeks, ition apparel gvodest, fil E uos soM I BlOUSE WITII GIL;9 STIIEN APPLY TORCII (C.ntinueO from Page ONZI vau the one te discever the Ore. Ho baxsosned tb 2lok eut of hi, vindow k2ow anYthlug abouâ t he ire notil notified shortlY, after mldnight. À friend brought ber te the scene of bysterical. been rented te a sailor. Mrs. Curý lis saad tday tbat site bas been In- AheulieR aueiautmthie. bue as formed that Iis salior was borne Tueeday nigbt between elght and fice Docloci.. Ji re. C urtis tedaY Cou Id aâcrube Do' reasen vhy, anyons shouid vat te Pet lire to ber borne. 9he saidi *bortly beforo tidnigbt and s e the fiboOe gallon can ef gazoline that inteier f te CutizhomeIl vasd ' rund dld ont belong to ber jatric c th Crti hoe lgbedbut apparentby bad been carried 13p seddenly as If an explosion bal there by the lncendiary. occured. Instantiy the lover part Juat how modch ire Insurance vas Of the bouse wus Oued itb flarnes carrled ceuld net lbe deterotined tu- es the kerosene-gaed rugi and fur. day. lire. Curtiz says the Imown ultu. buned iercly.ber busband b.id the bouse lasured lNr. Nalley bastened to notify the but does nt know about the fuil- lire department and lien areused ure. ThereJi a report that the the other neighbors..boiuse anid ftviture vere ltriured Wbenth ie departnient arrived >ley laut 9qintueay btt lrs. Curtiz vas snmaibod dovn the front doo:. It unahîs te makse axy statement about vas roported that Mrs. Curtis and this., - - ber four children vere asleep in the Tho eue presents soe extremely bouse. Two memberseof the depart- pullng features which are helng In- mient rushed int the lire and timQe vestigated by lb. authorîties. *ule emnand dropping te their bands and knecs groped around un- tiI tbcv locnbc-d the bedroom. Tben they discovered Ihat the b.d vas empty and apparently bad net beenMISB L EH L Caiaswr sdte check the i I-M195I damnes. Then a lead of base vas ÀL1D6. ID E NNSc T trua lot the bouse. Thins prevented M LI the. dames. front reaching te upperR Yru, WE glaire ail b.d bepn soaketi In kero- boenad the ameil could ho dreteried Thée ,nany friends ef Miss Belle tory distinctly, esen bcday. The Hull, daugbter ef R. J. Nul . a±arway le8dîng upstairie vas char- pioncer resident .cft Vukegan, red very badly as Il the fIr.hux hart 111îlbe Interestesi te earu tbsat ahte poured kel-osene On them te carry vas tarried t.day at NMc-enry to0 . the flarnes trithse, lp-r part Of thse Bennett Raymond, also of Waukegan. bouse. Mits Hull, vbo tesîdes vith ber Mr. CurtIs 1P employe<d at tho Ian- tather ai 303 North Ltica street, lis nery, havlng obtalned a P.oition there employed In the office of circuit attor gtting out or the navy. He clerk L.. o. roclsway. antd bas a buet and bis vite purchRïeed bthe bouse Ononf frends 1 In hsacty. tontract from Mis. (hatrles Bairrto, %Ir. Raymond le employed In the Curtiz bad spent mudi ime 111. engineering departtnent uf the elito. summr Inlmpotîn lie plce. Manvîlle cornpany. liii home jlAtM Laut Saturdiy tbpe wodnen DrilIlieortonvîlle. Wls . but he tas heen in -eam et wbieh Curtis I. a mpz6bsr. Waukegan stoce hbé leotIthe am leIt~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~. fo t oI.M.t led esricp during tIse war. -being vitb Bational convention andI lake part in the l.ttI division oh mililnry police te enmPeiive drillo. Since that and trains, tinte ira. CUrtIF and the tour ehild- TIse couple 's lI resîde ai the l'tira ton bave been sipendine teîr nîgisîs street address and tIse bride will re- at the home of ber parents, lMr. admitre ber position at the court bouse M-r-.W. C. Conin, 4U Ncrtb Jackaon atler aàIoneyinoon trip et twn eeokz etreÈ. In Wlscô1.sin. Lat@ Tuesasy aternccn !rs. Cur- lie veut te ber home te eed tIse ,T' e want ad& are worth C'bick-m. Tbej siterequrned to the hoe.of ber mol ber and dtd netj something you ngsecj. h rd GrQup e th en joyful va- charming dresses aidrobe. Ill-e ma- iine and gcotgette tan, rose, rtavy, 75e $16.75- ig are these rgette crepe, voile. There ffering a real ZTS SCotton 1W styles ly desit- -t --1 i Shop At The Globe And Save f Money FEDERATION 0f SETITLEMENTS NAMES OFFICERS ADJOURN TO' M ]ILWAUKEE The National Pederation Of Settle- monts, representIng more than 72- Sttlernents and emmunlty conter. ni the U. S., Ineleventh aDnialonven- tion at Towen Ceuntry elub, Wauke- gan, lu tho tbree day session endlng todaY. eiected efficers es followa: Dr. John L Elilott. Now York City, presldent. Cornelius Bradford, Jersey City. N. J., vice-preoldent. Robert A. Woods, eflston. secre. tary. L. A. Afaffebder, Pittsburg. Fa.. troasurer. Executive'cornrittee: Jane Adams, Ch icago; Chas. Cooper. Fttsburg: El eanor MeMain, New Orleans; Fran1es lngram. Loulsville. Ky., Dr. Jane EB. Rohbina, Ceveland; Mre. V. G. sim khovitch, New York Ciy, Boa- Mie D. Stoddart, Les Angeqiý_ and Graham Taylor. Chi< ago. Other members Of the executive comlîttee are to he elected by local federationa to b ring the number up te seven teen, aq Provided In Ithe con- stItution. These varions organizations, wblch maie up the fedpration, each have their %coal, Dot onty felowship ahoxg nationatiete and peoffIe but alao con- strul cr. -education. social service andt the investigation of social condi- tions for thse bFtterinent of the romn- munlty. The t',rm of organization <Iffers lnsccor,,r&anouit thîe local ner-ds aid possbltites. A fluher of settimeflts els P promtinence tb the teahing cf Engllsh and relative sub- je<ts, t0 music-. fok dancig. arts and crafts. gýnu woîk,. sewing, cook- ing. Infant wrfare and nutriti(nal clinlr. ,boys' work. girlR cluha., adult clubs vant dratnatics. Insome Instan- ces play grojund, day nurseries, Jil- brarles. bospitafis. little theatre are conducted ln addition to the regutîar pregram. In short. settlemr-nts foi- ter aIl branches of worî which hring about better c-ItizenRhIp and real fol- lovahlp. The delegates oIt this aftternon for !.ilwaul<ee *here a conventtionl of alied workera atong elmilar lines la in progrees. WULv K ' D. lyiùhUn OhM A n ý suit for J3,000 dsznages in the LAieý county circuit court, against thse Chi. cage, Milvattiee & St. Faul rallroad Company for the death of threp Guer- uaey catie, whlch were killeil some time ag0 vhen'truck by a train. The Byington farm where the ac- cident occurred la at Wadsworth. By- Ington charges that the Company failed ta Put Up lette.. go that the catie couti ltt ander over the tracis. He clahns that each one of thse Guernseya was vorth 110.(>O. l>' lngton la a breeder of Oine livestock, iwhlch la knova frotta Cat to coamt and ho frequently wl». bg plozea bi stock shows. DISCRIMNTION BY RAILROAD IS CJIARiED BY FIRM Springfield, June 21.- Interstatp Sand and ravel Co. of I bertys le filed compiaint with Sta1e I'ublic Utlties Commission teday that (1lit cage North Shore and Milwaukee Railroad was diseriminattig againet it in ita rate. te varlous l'oints lI te state. Tibhetts Auto Co.1 205 S. Sheridan Road. 1~ This 18 iaukeiran's Foremost Store Our Timety Mid.-Sumrner _Clearance .Sale Is Now In'Progress With Trhe aLOWEST PRICES IN YEARS' 1 Many of you have undoubtedly share d in Globe Clearance Sales before, and you know what Clearance means in this Store, but you never saw anything like this sale. LW. ve gone through our cntire stocks an d cut out every piece of merchandise that andinlx the way of -new gooda that will couic in later. - If there is an item in this Istore that you'Ul need li the coming month-get it now at its lowest price. er This Clearance Sale Is A Down Pour 0f Slas-hed Prices- . 7,7Ail odd lots; ail reninants; ail musscd as wll as absolutely chean, perfect, season- able merchandise are narked ai prices lower than you'll ses agiin in many months.- ýThese extraordinary bargains are to bo fo uîd ail over the store in per8onal apparel as vdlas goods'for the home. - You'Ul be- sure to find many th inga you want and you wilI pay littie for this big store ta fiiled, fro mi the basement to tiie roof with tic biggest bargai you've seen in yearu and Clearance prices will sweep them from the shelves. Yjiaever Else You Do Donà't M issThis ale !3 921 - REFRIGERATOR SALE. at "tusmre ins omething that has been unheard of. Right now you need oie miore tha.n ever. You don't need to spoil the foodatuffs when you can buy a refrigerator a*t such a saving and with th es. low prices. .W I F111 the. Refrigeraýtor Free Wth Ice the Ffrst Tixie. COUREHAMUXC Ful aie, cetten pad - guaranteed steel cen- structien. A $16.60 value... 19 WOOD ]POURESWING 4-foot size. aIl solld oak; rcenplete wlth 59 Là"N SWINGS Full size, holde 4 people: wilI last for yeare, - reduced 129 AUL FEIT MATTRESSE $12.50 value* rol dge; round corners -weighe 45 pounda. ' l oniy .- .. ......7 9 WÂB SALE PRICE 100 GRASS RUÔS $55.00-3-Dolor Icer ..$4.2.50 A BUDY BUGS az An i fufr Sun Farlor $48.00-3-Docir Icer . . $3700 clitld. Just the thing for and Sleeping $45.00-.3-Door Icer. . .$33.75 play. Strongly construct- Porc h up f rom... 1.15 $3900-Overhead Icer. $29.00O -Maein ukgn $34.00-Overhead Icer .$24.00 at ................ 1*79 $28.00-Overhead Icer .$19.85 ATTENTION INEWLYWEDS .1a1îd .1 UN E B 1E-LUME( is Lake Countv s largest, odetandt rnoSt rûliable fîîruîit tile store. Back.ed by 21 years in Waukegaîî-he van ipromîise yoii a square deal. Val- ue reeeived( on every purchase, our giîarantee. ReilleîîîherI We store yoiîr goods FREE ilanldClivvt' any finie. 3uly Recerds list Ont. 'j e I üi b er Summé'r Bedroom Greatly Eeduced Footwear White Pumps and Oxfords are -in style this séason WOMEN'S OXFORDS AND PUMPS White poplin lace oxfords or strsp pumps high or low h eels. Ail izes at GREAT BARGAINS Our showing includes many attrac- tive styles in woinen's white sport ox- fords and strap pumps, in ail sizes. - Attractively priced. MEN'S PLAIN AND BROGUE OXFORDS Men's tan oxfords, English at, several modela to choose from at reduced prices y Men's saddle strap and brogue oxfoi;s, very latest styles, light and dark colors. Alil sizes it great savings 204 North hsnesee Street Waukeiau >~III&JaCOBS 'I North Genease amt wauk.gM ima -Ift me