CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 23 Jun 1921, p. 14

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- PAE six .BLACKMAIL PLOT WORKED ON PROM: LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT. THURSQAY. JUNE 2J. 1921- Germany's Heroes in Civies (--Osrge ri-liîî'tîi n- i t ite îI.. grrr of dît -r'-I iîrîmîtIn ilia. m- ry lu thei itI- -f V-anitstir,1.., N-arruiti',r 4. 177,2t. ti.cuuefnld d-zrte Ilali Ik31753 titit tî e'ut'c of liasq- ter -iît Aigii-I4, 1753, anti.iras rervlug fis liiii-er o! Atcxtiviîria Lodge No. 22 wmwl- & dtt.Auti.îg hWa Ps imr- lis ulino'iimt ua l.a. tion o! Pclusîttie iîtrîgs. ý C71- /he Dort is simple cai - à thi il Iy .1 m ciiý-- a durable céýv a ii d à BEAU Tà F U 1, CAR- à combination nL"%" io motordo %Vhcre Duelleta Are Barred. A curiolod fortu of oath, whlcà tars etiiose who have fotîglt duels from 86iîting office I lte county or stata, s stili adminlstered ln Trxis. The man electedi bas to swear he has never had sny part lu a duel. W E INSUJRE GLASSES AGAINSI 115 EGRMv~ EAKAGF. CllKOPRA.CTORS, PALMER. GRDADu3 HOUR.U-IrJI PAM. F 15 6- 7TM0&30p M.I Itc3 N.qGENESE 3T. ioe otsffb om ea.t W L KGAN.ILL.. flaOmore suo t e 4 rY Reported that, husband and wife concoted schemne to mulct him of $150. FORCED TO 'COME ACROSS' WVaukptsfl. lune-2,1. P;cioe,, oi a sen,,ati ousl occurrence on the norlh idi, recently have just corne out aud insîde circles"' wlirro lu the uewj; las lîrnetrard are ail ago over l s The qiory dpelt-irwîî a biacknaul- ing scheine winîch apparrnity tas most licci atutl>' putledi off w!erein hie vriti fei 1" for tae backinail. lits tailer acîjuiesced lu order Ia sateis stu an sd Ile uman aud wt[e W!i l p'lled il off are l cher by $150. Ilerees the tary wliclîiraks ont: A n'ittt ide couple nmade Il Up lie- cwve'n ltîm In 'book" asobady for s stm o tif toty-because îlîry wrre Thelie oîe areed ta pay lier part and Itli- ii b,îmi was o 10 dothe 'dtrty M'srk ' Aud so Il wis aIl worked out fics y Thle wifo nmaie ryca" loward a son or a prîîient south ida man. fie qtot v Koeg. sm-j bInhe coara ý-of Ilieiir uian1til crin c. the wîfe arraugeîl t, 1,iv li"lie x'î m~oan railI 51lier liali e l COi I !!t'e t ii t e fi ed w'i.4 v-to-n ttîe tîîstî,înd i Inasli e absent Thle a î inîn i-ae in ufifllintnt of ttî.i-rlu Ani s le lie vîlew -nIt iel wti 11e-liait Iof the ie;rîiz arn wlctl :1ev wer' n .a coipi«ollit-iO Von Rlchelîofen. German ace (I 0 tiîî,atîon. ilie liiisband sud-lIcls' auj Mîuich. Bai-aria. wheacarernonias uccp-'cî-olty ( 1t. wv îti ed m te t heicwar. ila' Wiia io1 qseptre cauglîl you young mnan. Ani il wili ha liard for you. blrlîve nie'MIC T & L I Thle wlfe. actig lier part. waa liILJI 14R OUTI greally suii.wePt reanI ears andi begtgeti torgîvenesC N RE E FJ O TPle soîîih ide young mani. reaiz, O C E E F O R lut bis serions predicameuit. began ta maka 'excibssasd aiso pleas 10 a cer- -IEat IO tuainraIent. expreasînit hi% destra to I do anyîhilg la "square himaeif."_____ 'WaeIl. noune of lis wantt suy scan- dai." explaineid liei husbaud. 'tfrown- Condemned by city engineer Ing a tit as if îrytng 1o figure a h asi eyrcnb u way ouI. w osy tnvrcnb u At las?. as; hia face lightrned a P, in safe condition th, gtory gara. liae eclaliflî"I'have I!if If ru raui get yoîr dadt lacame ilraugli v-ith $150, we'1l drap mat- MAY FORFEIT THE BOND t-ra; I wofl't have sou arreaird. 1*11 overlook vhs? you's e doue andi1-11 forgive Mv vite , Waukegan. Juna 23 Anti Iben. te torv gra, the Young 'Phe newly laid caucrele floor at nain askeît use of te telephone. the Soutth aida f re tatiOu must ha caleti Up is daîlandi .splailed tait tllilout and ce-laid. City Engineer lia wa I trouble auit need $150 M. J.1. outlitt hias coudemurd the ilusle Woîld lie hring It over ta floor, assarrtiug tati t laq flot strùug him? euou >gb ta auppoIt the weiglit of lh. At iratil-e father îhemrcd le uew motir Ire apparsitia. Not ouI>' diîln't lie in spparale himusei1f fmom would file clty be taklng a chlance or $15q lu a liufch and sa expres sed ruiring the uew $13.000 motor tirei hfiiseif. But te hiîsb,-n-I as îîtenglue. but il wauid bae eopardizing ducale îthe lires of the Soutihallie firemen. 'Ail riglît. l's you In la uii- iageJail An Inspection by Mcr. Dotthtt and i'i A rfor aaniti' îeclared lie, icauses îîîîîî la maie the stalemeut ilie wronited iiislanli tai hrea lano sasifactory manner And goa the yotin 9 snttiisid"m- calîrd lu whiclî the floor can lie brsced so lits dad aaiatuamidttinrelsed iiOitio tijat ilvitl] lie safe. tati lus arreat woîd it ana airful City offictii. it is said. tiavetir- tlîing sud ilat ilite lîiîhnd w-il uit cided Illat the floor iust be laken raceci-le ti nîît iave $15o. Ifor. lic ont s.i repîsredrd. ciarie-,saofIltle sdmnited le va -ý,int on ftindi anY amounut f wcrk etailid. Il wil liae way audliadi '-ih-v ir n0 îaOOy ai flrce.îry Ila break tua concrete lto oce, iaitlluecea with sledge hbgmurr Tic-' huer ai lti r rctnt' le s'it Pîen the -teri retufarcing roitsvilii lie woui-i trin g ' i.'.i moue>-anîi laive ¶ o ecitv-lt i an scet ylene lie did gs). Il.' -, .î li it nn ihatoh .4tdioî,ranftu mltrv s -Tî h 'le contractor wiîo Put lunte iloor Ind UP i l4 Pu'tari a Srety bond vith the cty luntoand Ili ,ii-hîin c lrcul*ias covrring thie aniunt o!fthe Contract alieI a ti' itd iirruii111 Plrice. Qity oflîciiits apserird today aThiove - nt u,ýi, i alc) lia? tiîey wtlt ie an effort ta for- lahlu nisi to qU.? - 'O ltkii saï lt i ltabonud la s tw o! tuie tact tha?, la (i-ien u..,inl- t 'eanialii tiîe woik vwitusavi' ta be doue aver. arn ta îrwiio hn WIuIlleao Uu..el; I (saîo.ssile ihatthie Saufth aide lire callude ilart-lt -i, q ite Inl he wirî'idepartuient viii crect a tent 10 front Ilita 1vio! Iheir Station ta tîtuse the tire sp- liaralu wtîtlc the floor la hengtotil WashngtrilsMasnie ffiiatins. ouIt dtha nrv- heur ii hing put in, SOME 0F THE IMPORTANT PENDING BIS IN STATE Ainong thie Iipaiî tt buils paqsod by the senate and h-inca Sat Spring- Inspectons ta ha named by the City field recently and whict willi become Coune ils in alilCitietu over 25,000 popu- laws uflless velue t by aovernor lation ta anforce the law. Smali are the following of spacial H. B. 76r (Moaneyham> -clives InteragIt to Lalie County resîdents: honorably discbarged aoldiers and H. B. 532 (Muefle1ri Provides 1lien slilor3 the rigbt ta paddle and hawk on Cars for gar-aie owuers to replace and vend wtlîaut a lienne. 1rovides net declared unconstitutional by Su. sPeCifIcally that the act includes pr.m Bo. n'fielovd a lien for slir and saliors of the-World war. .B.371 (Jobn.gon)-Authorisea corporate atitharîtias May provîde each counly board after an Bassant byflot ta eiceed $5,000 to familles of the electors. ta levy ganaally a t&x Policemen or iramen fataily lnJtlred Of 2 mIlis for. the purpoiue of pro- la performance of duty. viding a conntYy saliers anud aslors H. B3. 650 <COmimittea on elacti.mns) burial fund. -Provîdes that any five citizena May H. B. 133 (Wallr)-Extenu the content elactions On ail measures and validity of chatîclninorgagen 90 dsys propositions. after maîuriîy. 1 9. B. à (Baker)-Provides that H. B. 412 (MfcCai-liîy) Appropri- ludges and clerks Of electIons shail ales $25.000 for thie erection o! a nlenorial lih e catstar mthtei'5 of Illinois. nnunîîsîanîîînîamsî,î S. B. 213 (liaityî-Auîauds teach- ~iflluifhilfhlIiIIIIlIIl ers- Pension. Emp.wera chool au- tliorîties luo apîroprtate annually ta Pension fonds 4anula fot ta excaed l contrIbutions by touichers%. hitiOn law. reî-irictî the nianuta- W o i tare. sale snd î .-sslaon of liquor. Incoriiorates p1lavi-lo)na of federal laws with additiînai es ptrictions. T a1a S. Bl. 49(; t k ri.)t-Doule Inherit- a a are lac. 'S., B. 455 tleuvali)-RedUres sisaef~ sA ,~ Of automobilepilstes onerinch. i d iVAiI ;. B. 528 -Vhi tlang-s@ date Of piimary elpcýj-i frn SeptemberjG o y a ta April. G o y a S. B. 533 <Bn1tci) -Approprattasi $5,000 for a c immiamsion ta decide~ upon au n emlemi f r w;ir rnoti-r sotf I1UnOi1qý : -A izies H. B. 67 (Bit iwîu)-Provides thatH .nituors toundti uiy of robbery with f Mp ci a deadly wral,,,n. or wilh a confed-;S e i erate Bo aria-. chahaa sbeuîeencad to tha prIson tmi t 'd thie reform- tory..Ms H-. B. 742 (r,,nlîmittee on frducation)> -Permîls a tiIcher wh basa retlred on pension ta leave, hie sate andH atîli draw the panaiîn t .B.141 (ate-Poilsthat a bank shah l ha h abIt for forg. @rien of chrcks of' depoaltors unlesa auch depoitor cala hie forgery t0 the- attention of te institutian wltb-M ln One Year aftr rt'cvine: his Can- Ceied checka . S. B. 174 <Cornwell)- Prohihits t o o cbanglng or dertroying manîfactur.j ars, serial nu mbers or lIdentlcstion Marks upon niacbtnes or merchan- dis..penalty ual ta exceed $9.00 or T more than six mnth s prison. H.B. 687 (l3nllY)-Establisbon state standards of w(,ights antd ma- - ares. makes i hie duty of the de- iIIIlNlIhIlIHlifihIIIII partment o! irade and commerce ... receive two days' pay for elections Fow Artiste Point the Cet. wben a prealdent la chosen.- Thie beanty of the Cat tui very de' H. B. 126 (Kaufman>-Makes Arm- ceptive, fur under ttaý %rgoen- th ltte day, Nov. 11, a legai holiday. £urry extcltor le oiel*Be-ik S. B. 311 (Hicks) -Prohibits pur- muscles. Nothlng ln art le more dit. chasers of personal property bougbt àeîu lt an to draw or paint a est. on Insallment plan tram removing hswoctetefln' otes property tram state or selling thouli se cth te ene'5sottuviea without the consent of the ven4er. , ai iatCsrntadvc 8. B. 50 (0. W. Smith)-Revl ses versa. Riosa Bonheur aeilom Palnted law in relation ta wlfe or child aban- hlm, preterring bis lesa ouble brother. donments. the lion. Landseer, after twO oiith. S. B. 169 (Telford) -Pruhîhfta the bd gattemPta, tbrew up the aP9flV wearlng of the Insignia of the Amer-. Ican Legion or ils tuztllary by per- th. Sait in the. Bea. sona wlio are flot tuembars. ne laains motter ln the oceaef marnacient to moite a block et sat Cheroal ph'eDeiy Thught mfliCStIlng 4.800.000cabicle i.1 "Tilaro an ie all c hiekan aufpread over the entîre surface e~t te Sel bluh." al Cheàa cl tpb ait Unilted Blutes, exclusive of Alafika. It obeil lus," aldChacoa Ep, mod.would tortu a crust more than 9 Mite iy. "but ire mention dat yo'il con. and a hait dra-p. One per cet theb aldaha bec a han. an' rlght thar Ze' content of malt Iu the ocean would gwlnè duck et gît brulaed. lIaI *4 caver aIl the land ereme of the globe pesnut, Mistah Jackson ?"-Ricbmd t et f21 et-ntdSa 8la-Dlianatch. t et o 9Iet-Uie ue J eoinurJcal urvov. DhIIIINhIIhhIDhIDhIIHIflIflhIflInIuIIIflhIfIIIflflhIIuhIUWIuflnHInInflnnhIIbuunnn~ menps If Lace Ox- itary Heels, -Welts. and Widths il Price ~95 ittie & Whyt e = ho Busy Shoe Store R&epairing a Specialty Organdie.- Voiles f'I uA IIL J > i Hundreds of Styles I Gnghams-Swiasee I 'j AU) Sizea j -Northern III'.. Greatest Store For Women -and Childreru J Nou Cornes Mfr. Hein's ý;RLT NEW YOYK PURCH4SE And- Sale 2,000 M'ore Wash Dresses SNev'cr in our history have we heen able to di-silay iil an assembullage of w'oîderfiîl vasb dresses at sucli an attractive range of lîrices. WThile in New Yor-k, MINr. Hein muade somîe of the most dvana~eos - urehses oneuated l u .éinyears.; liera ara literally lîou-inad of pretty uew wamh dr Inesluding the mo.,t- wanted matarlala lu al lte uew calai ings ant Inluhundredit o! new -tyles liin a izeî tram 14 10 46. Than there arr 'Jumpar" dressas of! itînna wlthout î'levegansd uîauy liantisome Fsporti4 dresses ut pougeoansd pratty siiks. The Season's Môst Sensational Bargains- values 10 7.50 Values 10 $10 Values to 18.50 Values to 29.50 Values 10 $35, 8.75 50 I I - IP*etly 1k Dresses Are Specially Priced At 13.75,-1 9.75, 24.50 .rnd 29.g L LA~ 1 Ailt eau building r braku-n ast Nvrek b>' a c the Springitield.liast 15 ara t AhIditglîw aày lu Macc Jusl norlh of I'arliuville. was matie un Weilnesdai. o! W. P. Srniit & ('o.. 1435',ý fret ofIl',1foot cl 8 luches lek inthie regi day pariod of etan hours. 'Pwelvr cars ut atone. Manti snd five cars o!f aflar a baul of thre. comotive usedti t hault - traveird a ttal distance 'Phare vere twelve traie two cars each. TPhe day the hottest titis year sud boys were kept busy furn ing water to the men. The test of laying mou teet ut roadway lu a a looketi upon witb Intere contractors anti 'road bo necî day more than 1,2< laid. This establîshati More thah. a hait mile of îtruction in two day.. lis now completeti. VLUME XXIX.-NO. IUCl IREAU BE AND IIOOTClI TAKEN IN )ver a score of cas( fund at Madruh plai the nigM at Fox Whan the licens 8as ehd in Waukrgan sud oag the drink enuporiure fit ta Niadrulueý pluce tc th lbtler cîty by Jo S'a~one of lhe liîoat popu ays didiý i - ug iusiuu--., Whru oianal lîrobibiti O ffect andt tîir.sty uu.'i le t!inenise-ieoun ther sloîîns liut a a.ià betr iaii lunaglf. i .ti- bo iii a l;t- t ut n.i ]i l if ,î. î Ille. ta i u I l.- i 1u s:, Il hrritli l-e " More a'.Fx as .ý i -u, a ,i , lt- . i. - 1ic'-ig il- i i nir , .î il' it.c u im-îng flei,'la Go tl, Loon Lak 'ut I..a n i.iku- the. ' isîd ad upiii Il l- -tui-e .oni< 'ott, Tiîry u-tauîn.-d a Lotch i..iiisi aud irew, 4tu iquaniitýut itter-. %%-L wd 1 utIl ili man facthure i Dg liqiijar ailiîuugii ttue itot itrthe- stilI. ÎMALL S16NS 5 MILLION B! IIELPS LA (5-ai SmaiI on I'riday gï laia approval ta appropriat mzln-dittle - 5M1.S i at nt h,.,: ta ive action Wll ti iiig lii get to i etîîi.Ihallr ti tll Thîe Meeuts tbilt,Irat higiwv> <epartminint ai I-vSmall, s t-u l ia.,b 7he, tIiituciîa t)j' tfiai'le fle-s t,. o-n (ustlit c'roasi uat tu lte il) builil mat was 1igned sepra voeus il rippeaitti itrettare. fi 1 th r lai-c l l.b'- 0111thininu l r general âdalsre cin tfir tank Ilinfois euttif ther uit Thle aizninu ciîte tbtll ouuly a fult t, tunît on at tome i ndu-i IlleliaIt lui bond i'ssueirandI mtuntit Sheridan and t;ilt in layi>r 'anus viii p lac liîe ars eut, lui lil tanduttil.- b mnt aliîliols t Te- vorli RECORD BRO91 IN ROAD Bi SING IN' 1 a f (eft). and Generel Ludendorff met et Nswere held for' aviators kiled durin a $10OOOODAMMiE SUIT NEAR END The $10,000 damage suit of Mra. MaylPtassynski againat the Chicago & Nothwesten aiload company today went to the jury in the circuit court,. the plaintif! being the widow of John Ptaszynski, ,flagman et Austin avenue. at the entrance to the Hibbard. Spen- cer & Bartiait wholesale waraboase; who wae kllled by a switclu englue. BrIdée Superctiius of Rein. In Indin a rany day la conaidersi anlrrkI- for a uîe'ldltig.

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