CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 23 Jun 1921, p. 4

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bAGE FOUIR 1B£E UBERTYVILLEINEPED oertyrille Independent r~à U~.~u> I4~.I4kl:Waukegan Weely Smm mte.datim pstofic aILiertViU, IS. as Second Chaas Mail Matter. asUeFip5CrIPTIOpRîtCE-41.5o PER EAR, STRICTILY IN AOVANCE. Office Teiephotl* Number 1,ý UbertyvliliS Exchanige. - . . . . -- - - Editer 0. . SMITH ... ---....... ---- --------------- ------- -----.. . . . . . .--Maager CHAS. . NALLEV - ---- -- --- ....... Local Manager 'BILLY" MASON Waukegan mourns the death of Congressman Wm. E. Mason more than the average city because he kneaw-per- aonally so many of the -citizens of this town. His death is an entire losa to the whole country. Congress at the pres-' cnt and for years past bas had too f ew such outapoken men as "Billy" Mason. No matter whether he agreed or disagreed 'with the majoity of Çongresamen, Mr. Mason always expressed his personal opinions. He was criticized right and left but he iked criticism and be likcd praise. No .matter which was to corne to him. he -«eealways jua t the sarne. He did what he thougbt was right and be was willing to take the consequences. As an outspoken 'nen he had no superior in Congress as a man possessed of wit as a public speaker he had no superior i the, country. He -was the kind of man needed in Congresa. He was strictly honest and ever loyal ta his friends. It wi11 be'a long time before the nation produces a man possessing as many distinct qualifications as Congressman "*Billy" Mason. PROVIDING THEN WXTH JOBS. Wîth about forty owners of motorcycles ont cf their regular jobs .pp1ying for positions as speed cops cf Lake .County it appears as thougii iffe move t. -put on speel cOE and -have them get their pay out of th fines they cllect, is more of a step TO PROVIDE JOBS for scmebody thau tu eut down AiLEGeD SPEEDINO. The. fact cf the. matter is that there ha't a great deal cf excess speed and when there, is these speed cops arei't going te b. around ta catch snob a driver. The. only time they> hit it up et,& imIlgerclIs clip is when the speed ccp is net near by. Rowever, there bave been a lot cf fellows who art eut cf work as a resuit cf the duil tjme mal count>' officiais have been besiegel b>' tbem with the. request that tb.q b. given spee ccp jobs, PROISING TO WOEK FOR NOTEINO, that ii, agmeing to go ont and do patrol duty and REPLY ON WRAT TEY .Cou= COLLECT PION flNES te pa>' them for their services, for the gms the> urne sud for the machines. Mid it is paparent that the. couaty blas accepted the. proposition wliich il surrouuded b> the. mit beautiful Unmes cf grafting and imposition on the public that could b. conceived. It appears te us as theugh there aie a lot cf things thse count>' can do with more censisten >' than give men permission te go out and use their'motorcycles as a means tu holding up people who may b passing tlsrcugh Lake Ccunty. Yen might expet tha tu be doue in Zion City and other such places where the>' needmene> s 1.11>' bt te make a count>' proposition cf it whereby the men rely o11 tbiWr abilit>' te arrest foks if the>' are going t. get their salar>', mke iquite another proposition. 39SMANAGEMENT OR WHAT? The levying cf the fifty per cent assessment on members fteMi Marketing Company with thse subsequent howl frcom the. farmers is jusi furtiier proof that a commodity miust b. sold and paid for at a prie. witii * in the. bounds of what thse dernand therefor justifies. The marketing company, dissatisfied witii wiat the, big wiiolesalerl pald for miii, formed themselves a .few years ago-the>' promised ta pay the fariner mucii more for ii milk. lb.>' promised ta bave tbe association rnn for aimat nothing--they were to work FOR the. farmers and give hua more profits. They did o-thal is. the>' gave more money for bis miii -'-. bam.te Bxdû~ as tirnebas geneon their pockel bocks shèwed that they id Yfot get aéay ihilsdjtel't aed manded that thear members make up deficts which now have reached th, moarmons "proportion of tif ty per cent. And the farinera have a righ te kick. The ros>' promises therefore'of the profloters cf the rnarketiir -'. company have gene to smash and the fariner sees liat the>' have cith been betrayed or that mismanagement bas cerne froin nmn sho dîd nc bave the knowledge or experience of handling the rilk pmoblern. At an rate the fariner members wpparently have been left holding the sack ai must corne through heavily if they wisb te survive. It i- wth niuch ý,atificaticu that one ieads that tîhe Who saught te upst the million ilollas road bond issue authorized by votera of ILake County have becna ilkeci in tihe finale b>' the passage of a vaidatîng act in the lgeislatuîe sshcl apelîs their defeat in the litiga' tien. The fight hsd buit anc abject in vew! TO DODGE TAXES. It came frain rich notthî ahoie folks and rich Waukeg'an folks, folks xvho O'UGHT te be for goad ioads yet wha would tpset a big plan of getting them just because they w'sce imnportsined by certain attor'neys that there was a chance ta save a little nbeney thernselves and put the burden on somebody else. But the legisiature. with keen, discerning eyes. said- "I.>' shall net pass- (rneaning, lb.>' shal net passathe huck, ai the bur- den te tbe fellows Whe do NOT kicjc.)" And se il is seen, the, tax'dedgers ine "lîcked te a frazzle," the. geod roads program cen go on and the boost' ers eau realize that in e few years; they will se. the. fruits cf their effort S t. beat these tax-dodgers who, when the tinie cames will use the reads just as much (or more) and feel happy in doing it, forgtting that if the>' had had THEIR wey, they would stiil bc bumping aleng instead of travel- ing on a cencrete highway auch as.Lake Ceunty now will sean have.j Two cenvicted womcn inurdereases got inte a f istie ,tombal in a les Angeles. Californin jail. recently over the relative beauties cf their feet. Tii.> had ta be separated f îonî heir pumnellings eaid'hair pullinga tf ,,eath other b>' lhe jail tiatrons. Why al tiie rumpus? Neitiier ill havei much use fer their earthly pedala. whether 11/2s or perfect 99 ver>' long1 and maybap size will net ceunt for mueb ner beauly ither in their next abede. Now tiat theî'e abut te start work on the Zion road and we won't have that awsul stretch ta talk about. what about the stretcih hrougb Lake Bluff ? Have ycou driven Sheridan Read that way laId>'? Isn't il aimait as bad as Zian, just at the nartis, entrance cf the village? And a lew leads f crushed stonti, ;ûuld fix it. But. the buinps continue ta jolI, @ne and aristoeratic Lake Bluff continues te berat. Zion fer ils failure to take ure f-the read tiser.. Swet up e 11111. once in a while or your sweat glands ina> shrivel up. irnur. Fima% - ~T, THURSDAYJLJNI~ ~i. î'~'zî -i- 'i .1 1. Short Items Mrë. By ren Col '. -tor Tuesîiay. Harryil'ester v MisDurotit> Thonattas leLa werF n at iukegaî Horae -Bultie3 to hî's lhomte byti] Dýnald McKay f3aturday es-coing -hi, Wls.' à number of IU pIe atlended a d attalyevening Mi. and Mrs. matored to Chics thte day witit rel Chtarles Haas i in a new Buick made the purchaj SIIERIFF Ei1VEN LEAVE TO IIIRE 3 MOTOR COPS Salaries of these men is to bes taken out of the fines col- lected of speeders LaitE Coitttsis te have tbree nie torcyele ceps te r.-giiiate the auitomlo- bile traffic on the country reads. lTe board of s'Itervisors on Thurs- da3' aflernoon referred the imalter of hirine the niolor copss le Sherif f E. J. Grqefr and the finance cemmittee of the eçmy hord.The slîerlff mt the committee ai once and detais of te plan te be folowed sacre dis cussed. Belle! was cîltresseil tiat tbe county would net lielput to any expenise whalever for the services of lie niotor cos as it was fet tat the fines. thal wililie coliected frotu violators ssill moree thati psy their Salaries. The finance commitlee stîggested tu the sberiff thal ail fines collected from speeders be turned. aver to hinu go tat be cali pay the salaries of te cops, and turn te surplus over le te counly. Tbere appears te be some tioubt as ta wbetber or n01 the siterif f can receive tbese fines. Thte usual course Is 10 turn te money over tu the sates attorney or tIo tthe county treasurer. Thte siterffloday usked States Attorney Snmith for an opinion as le wbat course le pursue. -1 sbould dilike 10 psy the salai- tes of niotoreycle polîcement out of the earnings of my office and will refer tbe matter back to1 the finance comm lisle for furîher instructionis il, case the states attorney holdS tat lte flles érkfllol be tîirlid osver-t0 L me, Ithe sherif f said today,. "Of course the tiosîs rolle'cted f romt the spleeders would be ttsrned over te nmy office, but i doubi if tbey wouid be Isufficient to psy the salaries of the molor caps.", Tbe sberiff says tai lie anti the çammilte have decided taittey can gel al lte molorcycle pîolicemen titey desîne by paying a qalary oi $150 a mont h. REGULAR MEETING OF MUSICAL LAST CLUB MONDAY EVENING The reguîYusr Moantitly meeting and muesical of te Libertyville Musical I Sociefty, ieid laat Monday evenlng as the M . E. ciurcit, was well attended. A splendid program wasprmesented and IL titoroughly enjoYed by te members pand guesta. Miss Rubfý Williams ai. peared to gond sdvantage in a group 0t f songs; te quartet concpo5ed of Mrs » James Yahnke. Miss Madelyn Zoal Carroll Grdley and Jack ]Bradford ws, fine. and the recently organized mai M dolim orchestra, direction of Glenn Hubitard, was splendid. Following thi musical. the annuai elecf ion ýof officers w-as 4ield. Those elecled for te et suig year are: Mrs. Wayne Colby. president; Mrs. Franle Wallis, vice president: Dais Collins, treasurer, and i Mrs. Harry Taylor, librarlan. This meeting and musicaL closes thb t ;rograni for te year. te society dit- conlinuing for the sommer menîha. Mluci bas been accomplisbed by t sociefy since Its incepiion'rTe usi ycals bave proven interesling antien- joyable and tbe public loks lorwaîd nwith pleasure to.lite resunltl inorît Ilit n Ineetings afler the summer ý aîctitn. "Ji Auto Rit-t., Tel Shop icLi Wh eu Gel plans are and let u Cti Time Gettini Near Reliable Laundry Phone.67-R 'q îr -Ir... ir -- iii TRAVEL RIGHT With Right Luggage L BERIN VILLE people cîan'ptattase the ver> best in the ]~îme of Traveling Bags. Puises. etc., rght here ,ît home. and aI prices fur helow those chaîgcd in the cîly. 1 havea complele fine of guaranîeed good5. Conte in and nec. rand compare oun prtce- with tilose chatged in cîherplaces. SUIT CASES ranging from $2.25 up TIRAVELING BAG S from $2.50 to $25 Ladies and Gents Purses New Up-to-Date Line 50C to $7.50 One High Grade Bicycle Electric Lights, Horn and Best Grade Tires, Etc. Formerly priced aI $64. now $4500 Auto Tops'Repaired, New Tops Made. Harness and Shoe Repai ig We also do the BEST S-O RE-PAIRING i. Liberty-' ville. Bring your shoes 10 our shop, and have a new pair made from the old one@. JOHN W. COLE. NEW COUNTV SPEED COPS ADTIONAL LIBERTYVILLE NEWS RUKNMNSBEN Miss Ada Mleyer w tas a viastot 'in Mirs Harritt1'tnatit bas returnetiiltr iij nfl ob ,: Chicago Wednesady. te lier honten eckL. T. H. Si. aft iet ON SUNDAY N16lIT swiSuroitditayb>fl. hax'ing a*., ed.L T. . S. i Librty- Mr. and MrS. W. F. Franzen, Jr..' topte hast y t a ýspent Wednesday n Cicago. ti'i1 .ît t 'e .tfflîtia SRoilin Miller. a soldent at YleIUn; Other automobile acdns ~ îaîî~ ,this wtck Mrs. Abner Tayloerhais restinieti lier-sursiti , dn i silirvat are called to the attention duties as clejit in te A. & P. storv, vt.iety, ic hoedÔf itss Itints ul of local police after a two weeks' saaton. anl M1. B. H. Mller. eM tar.aretSXVuetl Warren Nicholas 'tisted ait theue lîItiîwr dýde naL ;. ieflipinlidlc tr of bis cousin, C. Chiard, in Austin last ' eitienwreaîaîle nai thattcî.'iitl irdîk tyt Sunay.lav in tilie ëetint y court 'r bey w ti,1 tellt Suada s' ni g ht \Iloeiitzel* weit to1 ient y Innhit etant iliilij i ac .North hîr wt elie get 'licjec Misses Myrtie anti Marito Evans jbot t ei: ta t ouity taitmiiuta tst cd uTiw intiis aegan to liaipin. spent the week ecati wtb relatives in 'ville. \'ta -titIct m< tt itliestiPeclut Highlandl Parl<. lttStt tasreeît ,nîI Shî rîlaîn Roatl Mr. anti .Mr:. ater Copet antd;lit was bi.teîîeîl -u a n titoile >' Miss Blancie Kinîbail aI Cîicago vil J daughter, Helen, and son, Harry, 0f I tisntyI.Cltattett ited ber mother, MNrs. Nellie Kimbal.' Mokena. Illinois. are v'isitig frsfevNoitîl Jackson streci. JlIJN I O R over lte week end. days at 1the honte of 1ltefoniir a i t. et -d l__ hi1' id l Mr. and Mrs, F. S. Kern and Mrs. enta, Mr. and Mrs. George H. Cooper. atonal lîtîspilaila a ptesini. sut- Ada Smith were in Grayslake Sundny wercit mge hlo wY ttnd afternoon visiting Mrs. J. E. Smith. 0 00 0O Oi 000009 060 ie lio vs r emtaved to (fi.- cil> mmanai.111U @gR jaîl whte lie Sîlerit lte nighi. Eldon Kitchen anod Miss Frances U R u fl 0 Thîis orning be was fIned $7.441. Puts Electricity Kiepper spent Tuesday evening inO 0000 0000000 00ti000 O Wlat't, the chiarge againsi rtic?" Wauegn.Soren K. Ostergard, :10; Cticage "umpnlto atn.automiolilît,«' wii on Your Farn Jlulia G. Stipe. 21.; Ravinla. t. .î Mr.a~dMr. At aumn vsied it John J. Mitchell. Jr., 1-4. Chicago. Two Autos Crash. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mite Bebm Lola 0. Armotîr. 24; L.ake Forest. Ait aittiooile owned by J. W.lBait 0NLY a rmaili 'umn rcw over te week end. Raymond J. Schtinentaan., 24; XWati aîeî anti driven t>y a nian nanîli stands b-t-wcc.i you kegan. Iloge wittt.daitiale roasidî'iaily Stan adcetiiy .cit Miss Anna Aikofer of Evanston vis- Mar> 11, Sheridan, 22.: aiC dytga i "0 o'clock wiîen ilît .î tiari ûft!fii iaeLo iled aIlthe home of lier motber, Mrs. Ray'nîond L.. Eikni'. sgal aget'. *jij(tî(1edby a car lriven bly s Nis- Willys Light Junior is to S. Aikofer, last Sunday. %Vhuea0Wiit lTe latter wa5 tiniitg soutCi devote cnor-.;.. rjlu-« lhelen L.. Fitzgerald, legal age ta in uetet TeoiitetI to anikn rcia Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Wilson antilatuily Iitghi.and l'ait. wss going uairliti îrih l ceti or and tortt sçent~H Suda n iisti.atth otian~'s lecr 'ta l-.and trighît, SpntSUda i Wlnete a te otý i ebert J. Regan, 22; Watertowtl, te Madisoni street. 'ietne O of M r. and M rs. W . V odick . NN ing oard of (the- ia t Iiasp s %* dlý h i of M. . 'olc Nyrtle Noble, 2o;, Jataestown N. 1),cht î as a-aninîed taîtIls o loy' i-1 ccrsi'tha: every The R. N. A. will iîold a b4kery sale (aîtnN. (rsod 1:fhcglAmother Auto Crash. one cani and wriI. own ù-rtf Vers A. Il. Lundact. 25:;asite ý Jttht, aniasb. 62.7 North toliîda Equip.pcd wîntht won- a4 the'H, Il Eger store Satu .rday, Junc lientCt'Toi], _A; Milwatukee, i'. tt ioad. -t.onitlaincd t, iatfiî i' îlIIa, eflAt-Lî efi 25, comrùenciyig ai 2 p.M. L.eotla ltarliitnr,20;. rno ln . a trgie Wls. ît~~oneîi anti trisi o .. rt ur 'T.' lai gnrao, i.' -Miss Helen- Johînson of Ch'licago. Hugo Adler. 37, Niles. Micb. lass;:2West Attso ttt' 5niat. î'Iiragotî large enougb fir g; Mets Wittenberg. 28, Milwaukee. h latt t ianît u ioa. ,tîton ta1.1i j and limait ptiMxr ts silent the week end at the honte of lier lfo shu24RaieWs.Gan yuwl -Sct >parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnotn. 't'esta Woitescll. 22, Racine, WVus maes ite tbe t ar sas t ri latit' The Sharyl itrlsaClub watt enter- Giadys Smith, 23, Mite.aulcc . I.. Tithei h 150 DIEUZ MOTOIR Co. '1os 1. evne 2, ilauee eisti (ahe wtîtn ws lr t ýTelephone 89 1tained Tuesday evening ai the home Mile Romito, 26 Waukesha, Wti. . lion flaniatsh. w s t.r UBElYVLLEILL fof Mrs. William O'Neill, Jr., in1Laite Anna Wright, 24, Waukesha,)i. 1\BIEs. _______ILL. Foret. ermanA. Miller, 28. Boscobel \V.iS First In Lake County-The INDE- Forst.Frances R. Johnson,. 20, PoscobelI Âe Michael ezoro. 20, Cicagz. E. W. Burkte of Chicago ta tain tb1 t Catherine Gawlek. 17, N. Chuicago. Gtyville for the sommner. He bas seseral Josepth 13 Lahullier. 22, N. 'hicatgoý race barses ln training ai the tacit Lottie ('erk, 21, N. Chticago. ai Sunday. Geo. C. Hordet, 26, Ravinia, Ill To close estate of E. J. Countryman, 1 twill seil at Mabel 'thitcombe. 23. Deerfield, Ili. a MisHlnCrol ls eâK> Jack Erwin. 28. Waukegan, i 333 ACR Miss Heln Camail Nita esK' liava Rudîlplt, 25. Des Plan.-., PUB LIC AUCTION --3 3AC E F R rs Chicago, and visited the new Fieli Waltt r altettai -,,.:4, Nîtîsauki TUESDAY, JULY 12th, 1:30 P. M., on the premises p ' 7 iwîn- Museum. Moat lioltz, t S '.lwattkî e, WiVa-Siuaied adjacent Il) the village of VOLO, Illiînois, 5 miles easi s. Mrs. Burt Hendee of Texas, wbo hs la Xi. of McH enry and 5 miles Weslt(if Rotind Lake, Illinotis, o the k, 'been visiting ber- aunt. Mrs. C. oti dna Me'tz, 24, Eth,,iat, L.ak'-. Was Wîîçdstock-Waukegan cernent rîîad. as ridge, wenit te Grass Lake. Wetinesdaý, Wiýs.rancis J. lluauatne. -,#;, t i tz This latin is \Çell nprîîvcd and in a Ilî:gi siale if cIithen te vstrelatives. Mar".IZ l1dlatiKuntîls . 27 , , Inîspectioîn is invited. visit ~~A heaitful place lu, lîve anîd ;a gtîinveîmet e h risFr i't îe'r~alin e 'i, ris 'tt tt Charles R. Leake, Trustsee. Dixont Illinois. nif" ai Siocuma Lakteibis week, anti t-gant. _______________ y-are hlaving a nmerry timte. Mrs. Han C. 'IarvierstUri iti F 1tiItll 5 i _________________________________________ 01t(oj fa niî.iu ua i lant lt sa. le 'IS ,attdvnigttt ai 'lahabg rni - latn t itn lat aîtI a loi 'îtît t -itas atîtnicd II iitt i laas îl t. t a îtt i tttt îl ,jý Ie w t I 4.Iun aUFor1* THERE'S only one ,way to avoid the dudgery a nd inconvenience of the-.fàmily wash day-and that is to send your week's wasing to our laundry. Too expensive?---Not at all --- in f&ct it'i cheaper than a washer-womafl would charge you. Then tbink of the elimination of al.t worries and cares..hours adcled to your pleasure. Let our man be a weekly cailer. Let us do your laundry work for you. A phone cali wiII bring us. E told' dolla rabl3 then othei paid ".Def lat going o] Take a in a Sa, history to om 'Laki Tota LIBERTYVILLE, ILL.

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