______THE LfiBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSAYJLNF 23.,1921 p1 i'aa-. 'aind rs. Treaaarý MNlîsa, MNis.Emma Lnri.a- 'î.at,jn W . aajtt j.a a. ia 1 w! 11 - aV 1i i t:'x c ha- havi. . , N'ashe. i'iîtiî ii'n th . 'f i -a'"--r.-.:'-i', ii'i-i. :',,*a.an .l-tl Short Itenis of Especial Interest to Lberty% ile PcopIe "" '"aIIi ' t la!Butlat a-a.,. lat.,nfl ýn fl la ji1!! . t ta, ý ai Aut at Siîiita. .1- C Waa-t ' , -:- " -a k ana. hlitaîaft"IMr n Ix i t .'A' a . "' ' I Mrt. DByronm îb ws'a'at a to, ,anî Mi'.tCIl. A%,tili il i at iida ' t L( . t. tr' i n l 'i on l'i\lith it s -1ior Tuesdiay. )laîfa t i'tNai( h, v.lere sala i ylgo t*.ia'.n tïaiî,ta Harry ac'l-rvasa %%pli Mr.uand'Nlira ii i tiuialài'a attarnoin. <). E. aChuichilli sie(I a iotata Salut i a Mia-,Jo'. ;intan n ao: h .(1tua' i t,( li' daM unîl Ninalahin Chcago iith at tai caao vci j, Lia-rî;1îlî. îaîaaa î .,ut11wa.101M Mis Daroli Maahas i iajti hdaughters, Mrs. Nolia M' aind i1ý a-- .a hntoiae u ittFtrGioxt t M -sJui ti ra 1111. ý. P.: i S ' i) izizût n 't it Tboma,,; iieLacy aald Alla-Nie]to: ç(a-Ut'. NI a iaîli o C . ., ~ . a - a.t'i wearc, i Wtukegan 'rua'saiay. Mr. and Mria Paul Iettingiiil lRiai and NŽir.a. John I,ànîi .î .,..t t7 enswood saent the week end lat the , T'i, N\ 4 'r i V thP1 ta1 ' ' Th.'ita aI.- girl unala ai . r t-..tr'ý, , < . Nti it. Plia Horacc Bulkley lias, bfaun conl*iii tihome oftihe lattera parents, lDr. açtin i j ta(,jNIirs.Il. j .areus 'Fla i. (tam tn'thsagoti;'t. . a. Iens-netr. ta. hî is h nme by illness the- past week. mta '. ais. ..jt 1aftt fnon, Junc 2Stla. A um t il ad c. i caci - . - .-- . . . - a a, illlc'lic u) r- a t%1- U aal' N.1k i.a Rtaaiati-l 4TV SPEED COPS BEGIN DUTIES SONDAY. ii*.on the iffl. b> n. -ý tit h iis w tek UNIOR 29'l ts Electricity i Your Farrn 1! 4LY a rimail suru rcw standst b-t-wcc.i you I clectricity. T..c inîten- j cf iXa. -nakera of 'yu Light turiior ta te Ott cnorno.a prodtu- i te makirng a ix.ctical :trlc rowrr and ligh't ýr cv' i cc-si that every l can and i. own ù-nie axipcd w'.rn thtt won- fu aioLt efgine- a ge enoug h ,ir i.g -t-. I smail pa'-xr-t'c Sce and yau svîfl o-an àt E»ETZ MlOrîtR cO. Tolephone 89 IBERTMVLLE, ILL. non, I will Sel at ; ACRE FARM I., on the premises, .0, Illinojs, 5 muiles eaaM 1 Lake, Illinaîts, oti the iglh state tý cult ivaliiin. Dixora, Illinois. Chiarles Haaa iii now iîdixig aîaaunal mn a new BUiCk toUrixig car has'ng made the laurathase rFeeantly. Mr. anudairaiFrra.nk lbieura- naaeaai hi wiKýo homie Sunday from their ho(neynoun aiattstd trip, They tptnt geveaia y's with ref- dauglitta r Ma-t EsItii fNl ialas n1- .Nu .jinilNf % alr ta-- iw a nion anal Itilneti to bas hoaaî.- n' a r('et fa daughter, Mary, of Evanston, anld Misst Ohia. NIra' Nai-la acronîîanîed Iitia Helen Ganinon of Chicago speni the b ('hicago anti iernained for ai tait \-..a4-k a ndaia the FEt iazor haomie. datas' visît with relatives. l'il Knigg, itfua i-ataanal,'rie na il giiaa a iug ot ilie L.tkesiae Phillp Scuif y of Deerfieid motored (0 ('emetery Association will ba' helti En- Libertyvilie Monday esening i tht-.a:i'- ailt-tnota!iJuna 24th. ai ilw ita- laîu former's car, and spent the evenlng - af Nilss Imogenc- e chanck. (i.,usholat-i v.il t ri-naIs. "éJIM'S"9 Auto Repa ir Shop' W IEN\ itri 'c i af A toobatile PRe- pa!inia4 'n' 'i-a- il 'aiul wsant the n.arai\'aaîlrcatecl Îîn th.a D'îaard Building - oîn ,iouth %Mil'auîkee . Aveanurt. James B. Wetmore Res., Telephone 364-J Shop i elephiire 367 LIBERTY\'ILLE, ILL t itt lho bowtMiig for cin. arol loil'-v.ili b.- tLfa-ra anti faî'a h.- na'a la i as'. dl i lars1 .51 ta Aalalana' Nillaer gai .atian-aà l n--u ýu ahaa.t i ntas ns ning a i tla. h,,a,,,a , 1,a i a rei ntsNiM r analNis. Joaa Ni alai , l inonot f taIii-t.eaînai'aIg. ilia.- c' a mnamesia- 'a tni in laing bun <ai. 'ai lai< h afe,lîhiii'l 5a' i-nasa ti Th, brida 'a h' a--cs c nans Ir-'vana l tisa ril ntfls, Tlîuî stiat. Juua- i& ojaî'elfaMa> îal Esanstan, anti Amha'r Warren, daugh M satN: ana lNIa- li ion l'alby. t' t.h t'.la .ara-aiaiiaîan a'lîîl'gaa M raa , a ra %v a ti , na..i'. an aaferalaonon na.,s i'alin iioaj-ital !aîr htie at. a.tonail, Stlia-liais beF'xili :,,'a'-1atts vf.a-ks with otins> atîa1 -1. a lrota salle-, anal Jata' la. 'M iujawaa iat 'a waukee. <baliiia-d a imiarîa-ti' t an'\k n ati h.tta-!tpoaa 'ao week. Mar- l'adi l a ,n(it -a i a' Abnr rTayloîinlut la , tataaStindait.Oregon.,tnd Nr. analIr.,.iRa> iaItxaîn, talam i îala' 'i ,-ar a' tt , l )i'a lahat. of Ournee, -isiteti ail 'Sixilaa- ailtth Waukegan, 'wlera I1,ta-aen. under ,Abnei Taylorhlitne. went an operation. !bv-, t: 'la1. lti lataI nine days. analj-imp:aîrîaî nr nos NMr. anal 'irs. Orirslia'Jaril iiadit NltaIine itathburn. tli-ta, ia hanu\nrl ill at the home o l it Lt rainîl1,a iln i. Mr, and Mrs. liasAialtnaI . ina jarosa ng.Her ruth. ia t\I!,a - laîi ni ithburn, of Gladslaana i -laat a'arî for the littie g.ît A large crowd aI' - ai-1 ! ta , l iit'aaîn danien at Bara'be la'l u a au. condta. ast Friday it,w ta talaiailnali a goaid ime. Tha 'a'a iIla'i ntilni dance ai the .-.iuie I La' l-t aat iîah. Juna- 24, anal ciar-at'a-lata- JN . ruaiti 'at h t' a, i, 'i, day anti brought ha' k a îia ' taaaaga îourtng car. Duriug '7'La i-i mnek It 'i lia iliard soltia oîa -d-tan rolia;-ai B. Folieti and a at)unina. aîîai oflia' sanie make io tit , I i uaisnstui ie dautibtet. Nîiiî i tiRound i '~ke' are vsiiigtatat i i .aa'IV I loi. aIt Mfr. anad Fa- itaink I aaa'itt o:a; la-udale ('ail ifrmiaa, 'Mo-lYa i Itn ada % lai aîka aît a î'e.naf ai .,îait t t' Mirs. C. %W'oolritiga-anal ather iaalîez; i i 'ari liat 'a'iatîl ta ai a nd il i ' . W. Ashard, iii vsiî ng lii'. craitat ai ents at Believue, anti Esther Aslîaral iks speDding ber vacatioan wîtlatt sý a-in liitaral. loa Mr. anal Nirs. W 1F, lianzen. Jr.,cxi îertaîna-di ast Sunday Irsdî. Fi anzcn - parents, Mir. and Murs Frank Ala-ii burg, anti ber granaifaiiîer, ('harlesý Lanckhoff al of t)evPlaines. hc luIaiL-.'.iterl. ing faaihî,taat (af tla- anecand reai estaa.tlan A. Il C'ity<'aaiiît il Kewaxiee. 11I. The young 'Stihfaebele. NIai's.nitrt -Eaile and al aitta-r, NiS a ,7, -'S' îaandjnti a haîna .s îîoon ;ifFlorence, left Moxiday fui alhîniaaîîac !;gi- ier Wscnin ad il a ' aui Ray was tin h t.. tig 'riiMfoan litiansoni.f]IL llater saaauai in g «oanita thear hcaxiiafor thc uammer li Lihs'rtt-d utlWdcd,%enn ted'tts tti oe(lMs nis aichooi of istti-t"n' tpaanoa 'al, -iilaiaeia' 'oa- mien. ai ihe tactotri 'a ilt.-,iNi ibt an it n G iC a., u t- a ,gineer il !Pianoai (o., o fwhia i1i' i te Tala fia ;l'a. iii tNl;sa. attiia'-Selua, v 'I aala i vaîlt -uns -s t(iiaiouage-nt in IJbcrî'a s iii. 'i a' uiti. tanna. (tILleî'sii.alpearei n tha aif IIlino. ,Unisversityiettof ReFie-who la employeti by Mn.iRay,. s in (lii ('hicagola1ieraiti ana l Exanîînia- resîc lnaaiIi anti Raucation, was in Liberiy CaiO for the la-t thta-ali, aî i ih-day. The plîotnagiaaah al astake.n Sun ia 'atala(Tiuatii'ia . andti ssal aweek taling th(."li t'niltitittan Iaa'ail aibeach tpart>. tîa'"'t i-' iaati an afsiectîofl att our waterî at l iHe- ja tainiake ai i lt, -i,, andualadvis the vsl- tage autiortît' as 10 what, ila needed iautai-a ha asulopl>,anal the bei ar'- puiaUi îe iaaîin2 nîacn: i tna il o!i ar taciliNt s. Naxi yack ta' i ;aai , P,- ri'aail! iat ala,'h.rico. u, r . a: T na-tu . li a ai c ti i. t l a-1: a a n l'a l uaî i J b 'na i - t , lI. t' tr al la- -5illjl n t ah Nil. t :-a' - i. na î iln ' 'a llaa'nl iit lm w 'a. ;i. 'a' l-i. ak'e, aa A aia'egat ilan . a tataa1- a a il mien, flaurngIt llînii la,.'. - i aaha'ar anal Wisconsin. itaiiitll !o ail verliaae the Pageitaul'a'Plaagiess"-x,.(,t 'i' iaau tc.a ha' lil li, ' .ititil i tan a -h icagua 3$;1", laM'ni, i tfai l 'îr. wa'î-e an Liha rt avil.fii' ll Tiîursaya lîîaî. ninL.T' 'tii, l la'aau satui.îîîa-aai ('a'narai Park habdtfaim.1. '1. f'aai t anal nia iailacî "f t ha I.- t liit.',- I aa l, ai .i a era-na(Iftai' 'lizcn1ý 'a a i lta. Thii iauniaosa o filai, ig ahoiNa% îaiaa an aii lattlk hs%-ti- tÎ>Îimaaî anal 1h. partshlaaîiî'l oî'iî i uia it;: '!' ný anal t h sa' i 'itaîn' aI' Ml a a ".'. itl' 'Tii . "n ltaîaa nL, t " d..aa tII a,',NiJ. Laaabh5525 I'ii InI M î - al, Il t, i Mln' ai s1ù '--a .5 a a' aNTE aIT 1-PE 'ta ta fi' a.' 'I - t~. t Why Spend It Ail? Soiae eopn,~o at(-rf ois riýUCh .u(i-y earri- dur- :1 a rcrpcr (À "rend :t ail s fast as (~Ii et rC (,lCa'-t iciples, htYi*'-vraa,Lznt spende.- usuaHv discovers Vs e 1r:'S11y -( -rtakes him. Spend Less'Than You Eaîn Th4'ïua .man, o n(- who spencis less han he' edrt. as rn--coridence of eall ½«; £a'liGaw citizens. %h:ie th- ' Sp-nt-it-all" man is icaokeot upon with .c r- tir .t'ss '-oco. The Substantial Citizen The n '.vîthe Savin,- Habit anid -1 Bank Account is alway', îecîagnîzed as a substantial citizen. Can you stand 41P tîdav andl he caîîîid ni Ibis ciass? Open a Savings '- caîjiîn this bank and you wiII soon be uoui of Ille 'pnd-airt. Ec Lattbfaah d 18 'l ,Philip.,Jaeger sb aiaeofresdIIf d , q4,conisigaff General a'aalaPiiiittéd. Thimia Il (Odt on testelptTu 1 Fi îire lisits rurnished CM Commrrission îteautCoId 8torm. IPU Stalle 1-and 3, . 1 N'~erc antFulton Street Whofe@fiafb Meirc a'ntCHICAGO. ILL. [n spite oi prescaît day building costs, 'building fits are large and rhe mait î'ho builds now W, mnakei, m>ncy. T1a' Laflî..'c a"3 for' conditions to suit h, t - - aaa n a i '~" .t.îe aa asef.ain prospealt !ii!d N'ow! Il oit ealutt l0-'e- rie irials Ot aS i ;'vera UMBER .'F. . apcitllY . if yetu btiy your oem ieaing airer 15,000 r(Aers each week-reiders v4eL. ticIcs ad%. ertiscd and pay for tbem, The Inde pendent standiV, a rival as an advertising mediumn in Lake county. ivoid the the_ family 'aundry. fit cheaper x tbink of the pleasure. us do your dry. vILLE, ILL. When You See Others Building and Repairing IT IS TIME FOR YOU Get Busy!. Don't Delay! We can save you money, time and worry. Our plans are easy to get and plain to folîow. Cor n and let us help you witb your ideas. Coal Libertyville Tirne Lumber Getting Co. Near - PHONE 47 Chunk Wood for the Fi eplace or Furnace New and Desirable CHILDREN'S DRESSES Children's Rompers Children's. Aprons JUST RECE1VED KNITTED CAPES USEFUL ANND PRETTY Ladies', Men's and Children's' Hosiery W. W. CARROLL & SONS' COMPAN' Phone 29 Libertyville, 111. -onald 'tcKay anti Ted Haviii apent S3aturday evening with friendaain Ken ta-h, 'aJS. à number of ]Libertyville young çpi'a pie attended a dancea a Round Laka' 'aialtaevening. Mr. and Nirs. MNi aas anadtaîi' motored I0 Chicago t3unday anad spxit the day with relatives. i FDID YOU DO IT? liese than a year ago you were told the purchasing power of a, dollar would increase conside- rably. Every dollar you laid by then is worth nearly a dollar and a hall now. Have you any other investments that have paid 80 well? ".Deflation"' that you hear so mucix about is stili going on. Thedollâr continuesto increase in value Take another "Tîp" from us. Put your money in a Savings Account in this bank and sec the history of the year 'past repeated in the year t ornoe. 3% Interest on Savings 3% Lake County National Bank LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIl I Total Resources ci Over a Million Dollars. wildisting,'us îîj NeŽw Edison ol~.rs $ OO in rîz -a es-t ideas. Gtý- your -ci by exp.erîmenting wîth tl-' -NeŽw Edisoni in your own homre. We a, aai send you a Narw Edison to use for t hree days. No chargé± or oblization. Act quickly. Bring or mail the coupon. .0 PHONIE 55x