THE LIBERTYVILLE INDEPEPVEZNT, TURSAI JUNE 23, 1921 Il, il ii il'sales Ouf a ru thdiie angyu e aboun omancutualm LIIIERT YVILLE 'A', kEAU S N SOUT lirgyaou bt o a terai a l 1cierutian securessan adoqusie reduc I îun ntaa 't teil1 fte mnia ariBueu WIN iN içr i uii I ýUiESTION N AI RE t;on ffefreight rates. w ci er reoidentiy unale o) l M NATIONAL LAW3 I Nvould a ret.,.tira of NO. CHICAGiO TEAM h a Do you favor placinq tête packers -lunoaliard tougbt batile au the Fair- w a minois frnîr wîll souri liis' under regulation by (he Governmmnt. Grounds lasi Sunday, tlhe boni.'tusanth, Yorunity to tipeak5 iti ri-e and the veston gai sucêt regulation in iîung tbe Indian ign on the boncias au national farni legislation. A têteDocp3rmen. oi Agriculture? trom North Chicago and pulled down' e! %on"ai ao b.' submiited tui the Reglation o! tb epackers ia desired ibeir second win by the tigbt scoreth RîMllon and a bal! mevubera of to provlde governiîental supervision of 4 to 3. 41mnican PaLrm Bureau Federa- and publiciîy and tu prevent the »aCk- lncidentally. "Bill" Franzen staged o'5 "lie questions are to be baaed ing bouse ,ndustry froni aecuring a' a comeback wbicb provesh1e bai neyer th, natust lgitatveprograla monopoîs oun the food supply ai the be aa.Wth an even break in the de, tie xeuiv cmmt nation. umpiring. he would bave »itcbed aa A. .B F.aetita osaerence lDo you favor legôlation making i- abutant. Ad zjet=4ls01126 state federa lotgal tête pracboce of sêtort-eeling in Tegaesatdutitmaine on Waiigti everai weeks Iag ricu trlpout tu îight by Petrovis, tbe firat nman 1,m Imm" a f vote w ity meaengs r-selin a contracting tu de- but lie wai atnanded wben(the next C lteg quetions: lated prîce aomething which the seller in ta short ieft ta make a dandy ahais-am y"fgyot esmedity financing des uit- - sý- string catch of Bange'i drive for the C t-s bonded warehesase recePte? i Do yeu favor nabling Ieglation for: third Out. CI mied -saehouse receipis" ma), co-operative marketing? : The Llbertyvhlle team was easy na ed (o gertiicatei a! depoit of This legisiatlan would ciearly define -iii hall o! the opener, gaing out eaailY A ly la a' bank; the commoditYÏ the righta 6f famera' co-peratîve en: witii iwo trike-outa and agnounder toar R~ 16 te "snoncy" and the bonded terprisea ta market (hein products col third. The viatora didn't -éven thneat' Ai boa" thse "ank» Using wheat l@cdvc(y and grant them iltthUe legal 1 en in (the seconld round, but in the lasi M kg 'commodity, fen exemplee, the' riglita and privilegea a! cos'ParatlOns. ihalf Llbctyvile puiled up thein pants, w çT woeld delîver hii wbeat ai the! apit o nthelr handisand pnoceeded ta t Oed ua-houae" and receli-c a re- , C put over four ruas wtb anc liiht ~.' Srtifying the grade. qualty and 1-5h C>er Vie Dornflted off ibis memorable seisiai lt dlivercd. This "banded wai'e- 'f<- iîwaihe i ei.Myeewasaele' wit aecelgi" may (lien beyur daas if- oirSMETHODISTb usd s on Cowboy's fumiste, after wbl-ch*]Rîtta of torm eecuity ln aecunlng a loan ai EHDS EPISCOPALý came acros rith a nice sacrifice fly et 55.Rev. C. F. Killêtuer Pastor. i to teft, on whicb Rudy scared, and Art at si dissaifacion - If the Marketing Coni.uan> lias han- ld the business efficiently. a real in'ý stigation would make it stronger. it there bas been ruisinanagetîîent ii ilI show g-heve snd hovi la correct ci mistakes. Sorns sort iii a uitîrket- mg eomp)any ha neesary te landle he tnilk. The present Milk Marketing 'mpaisy represents two yeaîs <il liart vrk. tugether wl-lb twelve >yeirs for: he Milk Producers hinliringing tliese- isocia-tions te the;r present state ohf 4flciency. It would seem wiae to use 1 ie macbinery that bas been built up lrlng these yeana. rather (han begîn i ier again on sometbing new and with le ides. oi orgabization niors or tes emoralized.t The fotlowlng reconiniendâtlon was dopted: "The Executive Commttee ai the ýake County F1arm Bureau recala nends 'that the offjcens of the Lake'- usunty Milk Producens demnand a fuit sd complete audit and repart of the W11k Producena Coosienative Marketing nxnvpany oince they becamne the set ng agcncy for the Milk Praducens' "sociationP This recommendaion met with the pnoval o! thse officena af the local M1lk Producera' Aiea.. but (hein action -hîl 11e deiayed pending an audit o! se Marketing Company now being ade. Thîe Faini Bureau bas received a ýtenfroux D. O. Thosupson. aecreiary. )fthe llinois Agnicultural Association , atinq that th1e kéenest çonsldenation ithe present time htot help strength. De yeu lfkvor livestock finaflciflg undav School at 10 a. ni. Picnic took second. Krummery eoopped a '"" I oand deqstepe ecfai- ne 281h at Round Lake. The super- dinky one just ahead of the plate and lngcsonar n innorofte lk pro lu ami fsed. ~~~~~was safe when Bange forgot to throw dcrswoaeilndtoea. t usenuof teed as well as lv est ock intendent wili tell you ail about the t<i first. .Meyer scoring on the play. gpféolateral security in securing boans pictic ai Sundal School. A big time Ater. Snyder rànned, Franzen walked. LIST 0F CONTR;uuTroRs TO M,& ae basis for livestock boansIne Auomobile., to take you. wrent o secondon th i.'frst pitched LIBERTYVILLE SAND FUNO !.MgE a ufficient lengtiî of ime Pack weli-filled baskets <f lunch, Ev- bail, because Krumamery had stolen___ ,f paie asim as t atn rd-.bod% r.n anv way uonneted should tetid c uigteprevious do- $2.00 CONTRI13UTORS là phe Thy bth coéd wen owboY Fouids Mlling Co. ÇW you favor thte development of a enjoy the day. mtade his second crriorof Itiî innlng Paul MacGuffin O'nat rral credits systemn based on "'-: i n Vw-i s I' '1 i o'cloc. wiithi on Pf;tiienstel's driNc Fin,.ted finish $15.00 CONTRIBUTORS q»P afguardsltiîîasagç.by -the sastor. ;-idthe round wîth ihie swings. A NV.Li ndrotlîi 1-Pree et il ha tos3ille to obain BpWitth 'LeRgue ai 6:3tii ",Ubjct. Sortit Chcaci craierigli back ni et leLn biCoiin. edit for machinery an,] îh-i e-jp,î l « ~ ~ it, hird. and w iih tlc id-n or Omýnu-Il a oi OÉ&t but it ts difficuit to oblaîn long-t hi- rost wicrd Ulil pli 1l~'*nz ecn ini Lîbertysville lndeîiendenl m credît, îucb as ha neceasary for U*s' Leader, Miss Stella Langworthy thescta mins camne within one' of tieing r . B.Lovell Conmpany. Isat farmers or for parties wishinq Special Musical prograni and ser- the icore. J. Opcluî ted offi with a First National Bank~ ehart farming liionette at 7:.30 dean single te lef t; bisi brother, chose Paul G. Ray boyoturequest that authority ha -i-CI lcaloat- ling oninitial is A. (for automiobile, uîesuni Triggs & Jolinson ciu Wlcia ilardilw ngonably) fanned and Pe'trovis singted te Schanck Hardware Co. mt.df thte Federal Reserve Board se Monday. lune 27. ai 8 1). nm., at the I-t. Bony drove une to Finsted. a-ho H. B. Eger , c0IIIMfy rediscounts- as to gîvie pri- cnienibe.Mose& o I*W te. bans for basic production of clirl Every m br <of the Board fietded fi dean and stood in the base J lMresCo 8 bdaas? . rqrctlo ieticresent . ;ne wilb the hall vîhle the runner E. T. ng-orthy Badiacountlng means the purchase Prayer Meetin gand Bible Confer. weflt wo city blocks ont of the line tei Interstate Sa.nd & Grael C0. It, n bank of niotes and bitta of I :0Weneaseeîn. ccape being iagged. and the poor. mis- , odernl Woodmen ~~~~~s~ec hedb n e. uca- T 7:3 Unio n ark eve iegin ongulded specimen of the genua homo 1 10.00-CONTRIBUTORS The Union ng rrotervicesy tbe seon-that the visitora brougbl %long and Bake-Rite Bakery buk'. endorsement of the dis- Jul> 3 at 6 xi. m. Judge Persona s lcte nuîie aldhmsl r Lake County Register By basic production la deliver the message. Cowboy drtbpped a dandy Texas ieag- P. C. Norman fti sn, minlng lumberlugi etc. Strangers are aîways weîcome. cue i nd acne r n bhro is FW. P. t)ymnd mlave nk «snk mothae ans -on a f ly to Krummery. i8burn povtied one John R. Thonapson 11J00Bank8, o? gage loO0anO 0O0to Rudy for the final out. Frank C. Rose 00 60b» ea$mmidenabe0a0aner06V000 O E 00 Noither ide made any further taI- F. H. Noble ly te, finance tbe nurchase of 1 0 0 000 0 0 0 lebtthr eenmeostne North Shore Nursery r secton0o60o0000000m000.0 c len 'the home teani threatened. the Dr. L. H. Golding ~ r ationsofconresI». it aub- The eMost notewortby be;ng in the fiftb, Ben H. Miller ymtiseave a conrtite utiona e services for nextSna.dn when Finsted led off wtb a single J. N. Bernard tete t otalng ttiac 26tb are: -through short, snd alter Fitz bad A. L. Jackson imX4t*esmrtes? Cburch Sebool at 10 a. ni. Subject whffed, Rudy dreW bis second pasa. Dr. C. R. GalowaY securities are state, county j for study at thîs t;me. "The Challenge. Botb runners died because Meyed flied Dr. E. H. Smithb TR ~muaciua boda i th mai and~ ~cburh!"to ight and Ritta grounded te short. $5.00 CONTRIBVTR n au"palveboint thedaino!ndore teÇhurb vc iil Sjet The visitors ataged a reat garrisofl Carol C. Grnliey m lO@,000000 eltday byoe fiflSevie ab1 aim Sbj the lait of the nlnth. but h Dennia Limberry Individuali and large estates.i o the sermon. '-ospel of the Helpînsgoet th.. nothlng. Mertax was ftR ay ù~ N. Sithl e bands am re Prty luit au land fHand.' ju» and lUtta jugited bis gronder Ilong Martin J. Healy e î-t thm ebondé escape taxtion.a, A big July 4th celebration will be elnough te give bum lite; Franzen then E. W. Parkbssrst nir urenn~itutneceîîty be tigbtened up and fanned tbe next twO E. L. DBois otse nroty held ini Mr. Ponzer'a wooda. Commît- and was worklng bus fait one on Mns. M. A. Protine. >'lavarot.0 contlnulng th@e tees nave been appointed te make ar- Mpk bnon fbsaante hapPen- jas. T. Davis Prflts T.: ? rangements. In the forenoon a track ed mto conneet with tle bat, and Pfan- John Lester ~s rtin noe psy a nominal tax meet wilI 11e bed. comnaencing ai enstil ended the agony witb a beautitut C. Gotti & Co. te et icorne in excesa of cer- 10:30. Details of tbv rceOd ên i runnîng catch. The score irf detaîl: Earl Cortett k* caedits. and the Extesai Profits tests witI be gîven in rigx week5 I LIBERTYVILLE Fred Croker ýbThe Exceis ProfIt Tax provides Issue AB R H 0 A E Spring's Restaurant P* oferan allowance ef J3000 and 8%/. Prises wilI 1e awarded te the win f Pfan.'natil. rf ..4 0O0Ol O O Edwin Austin W eent o the lnvested capital, then ner. At :Don there wiIl be a u icniCe 1inted,1. b - 4 0 t 9 1 O George E. Ives- Me tax rate la 20%7 up te 201/, on the dinner A refreshment stand wli aiso; Fitzgerald. 3h 4 0 0 t) 0 0 Geo. A. Wright Xveted capital, and above (bat figure 1e on the grounds. The basebaît game , Dorfier. ?b -- 2 1 2 3 4 0 John Dollenimaier a 40% o ie onet incare.. 'iIl lbegin at 1-30 ,.<'eyer. If 4 1 0 2 O 0 C. F. Greenwood Ar* you copposed te thte enactmnent of Choir Vractice Friday evening aýt the Ritta. ss 3 (à O 3 2 1 W.A. Nicholas lbM@. talaa Tax? horne QI Mr. and M.».orflur.- Kr ie . .4 _ci!i12 0 il Roy F. WTigbt ~~~~e~~ 8- rpsdi nio ii<f4S 10 19 10 15 14 21 g12 16 Snyder. c à 2 O ouîn McCorniick Franzen. t' _3 t1 I1 2-10 G. G. H lluins t- - 1.1.Andr'w, Twa; 32 15 527 11Il i GSEaton ABX1 R il ( A E lut- rc lne-' ci 2h1 1 ?(I $400 CONTRIBUTORS ttony, 2 1 A T î'-I 05v 1 ',i) oî , 2I $300 CONTRIBUTORS flnec . si- --t:M orît-m _JQR SALE-Dodge ioadsr. ln A-! 1101Z SALE-ilulii. ii .;g rai'11()I F.W aonudiion; al co-d t ires.Piton. Li)- new Ires; Iis car mwoîld he Worthi Ptria, 7 0" '> il ji *ityvîlte 202. 25-2t ai least $800, but us î,wni-î iuusi ssdi ai 'tlufl.îi)' II i s il ' ) 0;-~i.-Iil - once. $595 wîll bu i luis wondcrtui carJL(}p-la. 1i .4 2 ' i îot tG.\~î ,IM SA.LE--Ford tout1ug î - al goo n lfltîiuii 118s, tIi-tîîeî' ,XJWau-,A-011lia.1)O.10 $2,50CONTRiBuTORS IOfi lS d la good running order. Tihe kegan .25 -itu sIwaýsijilih OuMen needs înor.'y and iii lake $145 iii5 ,i72$- -n aMh for quick sale. ln<uirî- at 1188 FOR SALE -4'iicken SlueO:24 'L Sroien bases: iiaii~iiýsn, fruiileiy. 4300 CONTRIBLITORS etvidere itreet. Waukegan. 25-lt ('beapifi taken ai oncc. Aîly Mrs . î j. Miak 5icu'chits: Rit Fred il. Stitti __ __ _ C. Grimes, Libertyvilie. 22-1t' - , t2.îi ngu' Bufialo. Twî, hase Wtîi wtîgam WATE-. GO CMPTET. l, Suiinry. struck out: tlyFran $200 CONTRIBUTIONS K; $MILL FOR GEERLY; OUSE. WH I iARRY WATER OR ENDAN-I zen 6; by Opeka 10 Bas"s "n halls.: 1-erruan Schlutz R . MT. N NEE ger your he altti by drmnking iimplure ,, r. Fiînz 'n 1; W-r Dock 4 lJohn E, Bllard coT,50 .GNEE ,ter. We bore sanîtary shallow wells fOANwon -at a moderate coat. We carryi n stock, R. J. ri #I$R @ALMU-CIhOlce nsîdence Iotj on Fir Silo Staves and are preîîared toe[ E. HW't (bote for comptrcFir Silo. ncluding .Fie ~OKIf1ey ve lra Grme,.~'~jerecUion. ZION INSTITUTIONS & IN _' int' DUSTRIES (Dept. No. 4). Zian. 1A1h.AAndrews linor womeB t tireor-'nuis. Teleplione 31 or 49. . 22,lu. OF IWIÙ S 4 SI !1E, F Swan among frienda and neighborm, % à *e1g u ne guar ateed hnÉS . J O C S A S Y o ' ' ' George Sturm ,. Jr. J 11111e10for men. vomen or chlldren. 14ILD K OUIJLIÇ 1-orace Kc CdanbznWs uy e an RFAT ESTATE CO, PROM WAUKE- Wiliain GeHinge "ar lm, or $36.00 a 'week fori GAN, ILL.-Founder of Independient 1.Lag ie.UMserietCe uaoeaaarY. Real EBtate Agency at Cuba, . NY I s C. E. WHEELOCK $1.0F LaN BTIN git InurntioalStocklng MIna, Aigegany County. liav.' the beat faruii Lake County Farm Advsor. uiF aemn * btovu. Pa. with good buildings. with fine Hoistsi4! 1Duc to the inisunderstanding caused1 A. E. cOaNTRBTIk cattle; fine horsca and ail neoeiaary, by tlhe recent fitt>Ver cenl aýreadI Max Slanc MISALBE-Creani separatoa5 by.John machineny. witl. great orcbard onu n ~h e 'p rice of May milk, togeiber C ha's «H '%veritl 1 laitltt et Dimond L4ke, or ai ery place; frn forty t0 sixty dollars with some dssatihfaction on iturcv!ous L. J,- mues Iuske Villa Creanseny. 23-t per acre, including air stock. Iniornma- i monhs, (lie offit-ers and executive i j. 0. Carlson tion and quick sgrvice. Honeai, commiîîee ot tbe two Ijirgest fanmera' i mIi S. A 'Van plew ,01le fer sale at pre-war price. Eight the offices of the Farua Bureau in Llb-;i and every contributor to ibis fundc sqe trIetly modern bouse. centraUly 'WANTED-About twenty steel swing- ertyvitle Wedneîday evenlng of lat; Tour support la greatly a.*preciated : bb@te& Scoveaiently arranged for two ing stanolsions. Wbat bave y0u? Ad- week to discus(lie situation and ofier, and we ahalt do aur boit to reliden full VW s or fusilier particulans, ad- dresa 400 care Waukegan Sun 243t inubual cooperathon. service in return. ,IéieA. B. C,. cars independent, - 23-tf The sentiment at this îiîsetîog fav- CHAS. D. NICHOLLS. Baidmaster. ~~-~-----------------t--------FOR SALE-A fine Percheron hors, ored coûnoration with the Marketing, ,U* ALE-auilber-tired surrey, wiil absoluteîy sound; good wonker; '7 Company and assistance in correcting NEW ATTRACTION FOR THE BIG .'0 bceap. Phone [die Villa 133-Wl1 yearB oid; weigbt 1400 pounds; pricesmistakea that rnay bave been ad- FARMERS' INSTITUTE &~ PICNIC 24-3t $200-00. Anply Lawrence Redmond. istakea which pl4ýi are no grater ___________proortonteusies_____ate Waukegan will iurnlab an orchestra or viii »ol elthen 20 acres. Stock. FOR SALE-tienuine Airdai.' nuppies. tan thoqe ade by other big concerna fae nihe big Farmers' lnstiute te be gond Ir rom oehnne; fine liealtby. fartm-raiîed'stock. Address r m tact iy nMoit every (armer in tbe beîd at Buffalo Creek Stock Fart on Addreaa "Fntim," cane "Airdale." cane independent. 24-4t Operation off bu fanm and the market- lune 25th. D. O. Thonapson. iccretary Libertyville, lIt. 243t WATDSai -Ing of other producte (ban miltk during Of the'Illinols Agicultunal Association, nATDSm ulik botiiing outihi. the paci eight monthli. wiltt 1e Present and apoear on the pro y miu î ý ili..ry tone ai aboUt 50-gaI. daiiy capaclty, pasteur- 'It wasunnmut red yaigaimtbeoeon.Svatut 'bÉm; good trade, establilhed il izer, dooler and filler, aise bolIer. Ad- tîresIent that(the tacts are wbat we are going f rom Waukegan and a large MW »g i U ici. Ira De-ver-1 Incas G G., care Wackegan Daily, want, and (bat the absence of neiable crowd la expecied ta go tram Liberty- rib"ejDs m.* 36-lt Baun. 24-lt information ha the cause fonrniit o! ville andi viity. Dodge Brothers coostauit m is to sur- round eaçh and every operation diat - eoters into the'construction of the car with safeguards which wil compel those operations to be as close to perfection as huinan effort ean make theun. The gasolalle coêsuwption is unus«Uailow. Tii. tire mikage j is uualy bigh. LIBERTY VILLE GARAGE J. N. BERNARD, Prop. Phone 202 Ali Dodge Cars equipped with 33 x 4 Cord Tir«s WV. E Schoîz. iuanagei of the Aritng City Atony Jsp L DON ÜRI IU 1leader department store ;n Zion, Bishop, contended that h la tprivais, ZION~~~~~~~~~ wsaingIoul etepebing a part of the churcb property. wa 3 waling 1 houg ýh te ple but. adnîtting Scbolz" contentions ONLY BE LO KE» igrounds and didn't sitick tecrctfragmn' sli.h ! talghi and narrisw path of grkvel. correctifor argumlyo e strua tionh 1 Ay VOL V A walking on the greensward înstead. of uIt be gullpty_ o! e strutio ~AU~ JVÂIaccording 10 Frank Cunngarl s u- lc rpet-tegr A T, ' VOs - eitein o tabernacl.ý an Sclîolz was fine $10 and coats. Iwas arrested hi the , 1t S r f e eral daym ago Cunnîngharn waâ Votvia'g fifty special p o *e Ot hitired 2 and costs in Justice Hervey Those who walk the paths 'f rigbt- Sclioiz was given a h.-ring W~ed ia ' ,g becuten i a ukhoz wen fhr eousneaa il tkeep off the grass. jnesday before Magitrate W are dteatr napeioso Tha'a ilur len Vllv paa-Schmalfuss. The defendant clairmed ca',,on for walkit.g acros the temple pharse of the Scripture. h'. hI arighî sk nî rs propert>. srckon Paymentsi When the Government offered Liberty Bands on rnanthly paylnents, à new pian of investing was inaugurated. Now ail stocks are sold on time payments. -:Vie seil ail stocks, listed and unlisted, on the basis of'20 per cent DOWN, balânce in 20 EQUAL * MONTHLY PAYMENTS. 6 per cent per annum eharged for carrying instailment orders. com- puted after first- payment is paid. Ail dividends are credited the buyer's ac- count, thus giving ail the advantage of a cash; purchase. This plan gives an opportunity to* make income - yielding investments on conven- ient terms. LOANSON STOCKS h -W> weoan 50per cent to 75per cent ofthe Mar- ed ket value on ail active stocks. Loans may rmn r. from 6 MONTHS to 2 YEARS at legal interest- No bonus charged handling. ic Write for Particular. W, SECURITIES TRUS,ýThmT CO* ro 10 So. La Salle Street -:-Chicago, in. gel> VOLUME XXI Oclde, T üWceThei Men finish Voting toi oepting or rejecti 0f fer of comgi REJECTEO RECEN Waiukeg Bthi liining It Wl decld.'d whelimnr trainnu on tire Northi Shore Etc on a strike a- ttheni-suIt te arcc"ît a nut-w oter cently suhintîtted l'ytii and Inierest waà kien at empl'ys-u of the rallrtai avole Waascailu inthe edcc bea tg<ing os fan about Severat quistiona are the controversy that lias tween the compant' and some montha paît. hitdevelostis(lai the offers submited pany la one cent per than the offon iuthiitted Vany sotue nionths bacl rejectedihl ytlhe men. The compan's new r au fntlows. '-l'laetrain Waukegau city fhne. nuit 19. Ilue company deaires 65o Io VLc an hour. On't (beyr propose 10 cut tý tram 82.' to 72e an Iour lectors front 67ecte G() a Wêtat Tête- Vols Acrordintly two que put up to e e PiitulVeâ roasisy the Trainienr and durlng the pasi titre bave b'-n vot ing on (hi as foltowsi 1tt. Alettier they &Ih eiglut lîoîr day et the Il or Znd. - Whettier (bey arne lhoir.5 aï now ai rates, thie niininsum eiglît. Itle maximiumi ten. lu case tuie trallînli- th1e prop~osition as iulbrr company. thplen tu it Ing -lie situation alîl board of ar'.ii:a- on anc tract sîîbnktt-..daiu 'hat aibit ration sa 1sîîl l'y iet sui-lhiui -about 4îîrl-ii.n wouý-I4, Fiat a Breal S;iealcung .îtiju thti.niý --Couiple ofl ten - ai I I. y-'J trie belîived - it thii-, . vijuld tom o IlleHie',~ nlittod by t 'e',i)nil),ny iliat ttîîngs 111 net bock - ing Wli-f jer-re'Io Il futture,,lPi o3i: 1lbye e;i'-,ilis i.' ing Iliat il i 1 Ias lt lotasenia is ottn raîtroal voijiîny a'nd a contp.-sny a: -, i le - o! tii' b-ct el :î il lieat ton *iuti n iid CLAIMS ItUSBW SPAT TOB, INTO Hl Mrs. Bertha Hansen vorce fromn Alfred .. get injunctij THREATENED- TC Any man wiîo woîîtd co jutre Ino lus wifes fit ta ho a busband. Il icrtialitansen of llighi mie fiied suit for divorce circuit court againat AI tie îîe(ition chîarging Il only mailing a cuspidor but uSý-o couîîpeliing lier lureaidforlIterscîf sud tien taI5ing Illei hesi wasting wbst lie dihnt le lgo tlreatened te bill1 charges, sud in ordi Htansen froni carrying s éd (lireats, Judge C. C. day granted an Inîunct Ing hlm froni sntcriiitt1 The I-lnsens crere ma 16, 18-97, St Chiceago, ai Sîstes shte waa conipel li mMai-7,4of thls >'i got reeclia withtheti,-to T1 iiclt l-1o stitîiF.. -peledtIo eartiîand î'.W their i-.siîleiice sud Itu manlifor destroyiiig fîî havit two sons, Noritian ward. Il. Perfect. There le a goo'. deal a adarne alibi-of blanîlng expulsion tram Eden-bu crîticas enee li-a ien Çl.m a beiter one-Knî - e ý -1ý 'w