LIBERTY VILLE LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT Lake GountysfBig Weekly INDEPENDENT WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOLUME XXIX:' No. 2 5 LIBlMI IVILLE INL)EPENDENT, JUNE 23, 1921 Oclde Toda Wbethe'r Cul Men finish voting today ona oepting or rejecting new of fer of company REJECTEO RECENT OFFI Wakegan. Junp 13y tbis evfininlg t twilbave h. decldod wtiethe ' trainnipen emplol in the North Shore Elec trie twil on a strikle a te r , uit of a rell te arcc'i a n»w otter of wagen cently suhttîîtted by the compai and Interest waa, kePn among tire1 emnpltoye. of the ralîroada à,; a fil vote waa cat in the electio thath beee goinfionfor about three w"P Soveral quemtions are involved thîe controveray [bat has been up ILema the compact' and the MeU @=ie months paît. It develops that the mont recg chfers suhmitied b>' the m. pan>' ln one cent per hour hlgi than thei offer euhtitted b>' the cO Pany souie months back whlc l rejected Ib the fmen. The Com'pany'% new proposition Ias fnlows:.'l'le traininen an1 Waukogan city line. eumbertng six 19 . the compan>' deires te eut fr, 64e Io Vc an hour. On [thi main Ij the>' propose 10 ceût the motorm trom S2r to 72e an hjour and thec lectors front 67e to 60 an hour. What The>' Vot On. Acrordingly two questions w( put up te the Pmî,[luiyes of the rr roatis by the Trainnuens associa( and durlng the pat titre@ weeks ti bave baý.n voinq on these questic &n follows: 1lit. Whettier the>' atal accept igit hoîr day at the preet aj or .- Wliether tbey viii get1 anrne ho ,ir.aïa now at the relu( rates. tie miimrum houriLbel igiit. HIe maximum tee. ln laeHe trainen turn do the propoition ais3ubmitted by company. thplen 'li atter of adu leg -lie ituation twll ieb.up [r ,,oard of a rit!-a onn d if [lie c tract ibnitt-ad ai IraI Urne byt ai bit ration irai d slî.rrî liti reuý ty file 1 iiiu i l wo-ifld 1îwao t! about 4,), nu wou.uI 4,)on a 511 Fear à Break. Su a b i ut t inuai rer il Couffle rtuof .- o '!il î a by thle el trie believe, litit thi, r.o as a mli, wuuld turn Ir)V.!l le suîraî oi eîîttod by t le ,inil),ny and tîdriti thiat things IlHI fot lock ver>' pr uit fnig wth ifer-rce Io Ire itrmeil, future,, [' i a .tui r 1-oye elt'u r utu ing that il ,~ii al. ruglias lotis crisýis oting rtulw - ralcoî,l eoîîî DiY and t eiit.u a conir.uscy s ýl)h e -i <i ail" .4 cl of thje bu-st e uîuu and une1 ofi Leat ton *u!ir,i iIn 1)1 L'nit -d Siat CLAIMS IIUSBAND SPAT TOBACCO INTO UER FACE *Mrs. Bertha Hansen seeks di- vorce from Alfred Hansen; .getinjunction THREATENED- TO KILL? An>' man a'hîo rvcld iquirt tohac- coca elnooliii wlte's eyes th 001 fit te ha a bushanti. declares Srs. e fleîia Itan.enetf[lghwoot, and i olie iléd soit for divorce toda>' ln the Chruut court against Alfredti Ianruen. tir e thItion ciîarghng hum vittu cet ont>' naking a cuspidor of her face but IrSso coîrpelihng lier te earir <le hceadri 1crlîrItanti famil>'. and <lien taling <lia bét atcaions andi vaslicg virat uie diui't vint. lie algo tlîreatr-ccd te kili hér. tire bill charges. andtinh order te prevuet H[ansen trom carry-ig out thé ail,- éd tirremîs, Judge C. C. Etivards te- day granteti an injonction, i-eqt cin- lcg hum trQm eitering tua Preîîîiss. The lîaniens store marrieti Sarch 16i, 1897, at Chicago, andthetillbu * 4ates shue vas coî:iîelledl te rave hiîm May 7,4 of thIs >year whenlie, gel reccless with thet'acý Tlh'ilnl aI -et at-s vire wsus coo- pelfdIoti e errî and îuW the taxis on thiru eiitc.andttaItir-oliai a mnantia tocdeslro>iig ftrîti ire. 'Ttc>' havé <vo sons, Norruran, 20 anrd EJ yard, Il. Perfect. Thére la a gol demi cf crithchsin et adama alibi-otftlîmnlîg Evé forturlii expulsion fromeinden-tint nolle ofthtir eritîca lnee haveroever béen îîble e)u Çmaae btter oee-Kanas City Star. yiFor Touringj han ini bel for ,ent ;ber wu5 lume hbve a wrMP Whb keep ou ffe du. Pot thila pwpom.Ir@. 1 la AItl. OoliIviu mcra, gmn the itjMje4 Naën muCof"G )ut Imiicebd la Qoela uieei gOaL. om cl.i CLARK SERV EU5 SYEARS IN STATE h INSANE ASYLUM. I spite of this fact he is be- ieved ta be shamming; to probe case closely RESUME HEARING FRIDAY Dlavid C. Clark, ageil -A Fox t&ake garage men vtuo ,s laI-I n a sérious chNarge ln c)nwacti in wirh a 1:) yer- otti boy. 001 vho r-ate.a sensat juin le cotîe'i-court Twu.m.a>' b>' aiîsu- ing Dir. J.M. P3tni.-r hile ira va iimving a hrcarung tri tait bisRiunut'rv lias spaýnt hué )ets cf tins lite in t1l Kanliklestate liosjital for thia in mono,. ThL.s italeinuet miaPb>' tua patient iiuiuusof. lias hc-n voriied r>' A.tit S'ates Attirnan [Caii. lias ie tsfart tIre court officiaI, mnd theue îumets cf [1u- luil r o m- îiusain~re itthe opanison ttuaClýLFk ah[Iistnîr- is P1rer-ns!irtiirrng ir-. satiiy in tIre hilu lit lie yl b-' able tae esca[ýiti- serî-),sscli îig-' vliii rconfîontos hnrî Cl îrk lt lti e iluj(sr o a sc las rof qu".- ions caliiiii!"v use'ri by aliccists. in an cfnrt'iht-ttnuune tnir- or ali-tunr hli s th'gigt P, O>ne qtisîuî.ru4 s lt i t' ,t rt. ('lai k dîd es-t iii iii l, i ce>'suce uit e sueri> ruen [il atrea-rlus Ii i'îru tte rlarge phacerin iet uui. In soilur- respec'.s ir s lafIl t>curt olfucînls t[l Vlue la - luttinit il on ton thekk"te ris thlie tar. Dr-. Nu-s, btut mhre, - ailJee ijucwricu-tein'laný itry rases lii k'u'. i nu a c ,rîpr-rnuto tiior'if>, says fiai k di,', rotnu- t lilku an insane tine île -<iiiiuthtie tellr)tv i, sliu iiiiitig. Xi .S[n(iiu's' terne> imlii.4n oftL n sa-t i tirnt USED UMBRELLAS TO KEEP Off RAIN AND SUN SAXE TIME. Freak downfall of rain Tues-. day where in water and heat vied with each other LASTED SOME MINUTES Waukegan luati a frePal raie Tues- day aftérnoon. At 5:10 eulock hrr a gentié raitîfall aed a thue sanie turne thé suri was sthnlca véry tiright- 1>. ta not cvery da>' that yenhlcli an unirella te ker-p tlir i and s'in off at thé saine titiî" sahl a cian passing tiré Suie chiaes as the ain vas comme gduiwn -vr 'ptenttuhiy and at the arne licé etue son vas acînal>' bot. And, t lastel foi nevemnît iiiitoq. rortliermuore, theo rays of the ué o. comlng lownfl tiroriu-i tIre r.îln, wa--r oCt mîerr-ly gentîr-thnuy acre excceet iat>' kot. It sort vam a qtrangt-' fi cale cf ll ieavaiis. Lins te Be flemrembereit, Wliv <ottY.otî show rns a clatie. mciiwh aroiduClIsete the errîecgeîîr-y elid then cav n -o h tirééilrgîricyo bead?--A rtecjus SarîI JOINT INSTITUTI3 ARMOUR'S DAUGHTER BUGiS TIIAT DEVOURFieBO PD 0F FAIRMERS OF 2 RECOMNES JUNE BRIDEPTAOBSAR COUN IE UNE 2 daiàgtr of Mr. and Mr. J. ogen Armour, wmliibecomne the vîfe nrf, J lY lfl J. M itchell Jr., second sort of %ufi*.a Lakead and FrmrsunteCoeoakragFviiunte[vrostiuauega mn eTehse pttngovr igevet t r.Arou l hadcfvit ît'unha slvdorole ilTO inpfigoe i vn t largest fortunes le thre United Wauegatman e rad- e or h oH Buflalo Grove Intereste. 5Mr. Mitchell, fatirerl' u iain'ptaomeac Of ('lcag' flargelst banksa ani ,n W R!RBGI YTR FINE PROGRAM IS PLANNED, tifted vlth other fluancimi aiil t' lfu4 W R O BGI MYT Y An r "O ihing> trial affaira. (Contributed) NI Ioî. John J. Mitchell. ' Walik itai, June 23. The youqger Mr. Mitchell amd iuuu- 4John Latix, 310 (iayton trpee' b NA The Joint Farmers' institule viliilie- Armour were childbood îr)a5.. utillieva lie liaisijolieithé pl-btll( held Saturda>', June 25 lîy Cook and Wodding Wili Se Simplei'~ eradir'atltg the liotato buig. and i, JAke COlet>' farmeii. at tunffalo, The weddlnr yl be simiple tfIitlA figlting lposon with poil-urn lie boîougbl Creek gchool bo~use on- oitele north format..'[t will take place i r- ipoat bgavîh îg West c Wher-lung oýn Buffalo Croye long hall of the Lake Fr r.i At-r a yemar-l el,,tioeting ,u mmad. di-nu-e of the Armours, Mellody -tî announres ie, plan a Auce Arrangements for a qîlî-nrhîd pro An altar has, bQen Imprs I1iyemr agiSlhe saw a 'urrngen. gram are nemrly complete anioit i lia een" cd of the hall. oppili t' t!,.bug eecarr-îl in a hatie royal w ,tilaC ýaIs Curtis house rocked advertised eoniait lband iilla later. itaircase dove Which tire bru t u [uýit prtat tîîiz.Aflter Illienmortal /bi- y batte ssit The lirogrmm <altis lof Interest fromnt>' viitCerne. Thre servicetailIi 1- ?a a'eddftil ofIécmt, ls; hnbrssit atarIte tle i4h.10 te 3:30 p. m. If r-ad at 4:00 o'ciock by Hi'l .r * atug.nici ddatiblli ftuor tie i ame at midnight. lîoîslible eou'ry tiroirrIlaLake and !<it Page of Spokane,é. ,is , iii itxgtîrlrphetiut-y- <'0ook coiueis hould pian te h.-(»d b>' tueé1ev. John lfebrt I,î lîrîg lins au ahriýi fupirte D'r-rldn FMLY A A T TM lucre vîiha basket dinner Thlali 1 varda oftitre Churcir of ti t da",r tire ameilisuibut AfT diifr- dies' Aid vlI serve refreshrients ndSprit in Lake ïcrest. u n îtr uhab4oti i on lunch se ver>' on@ vili be îirovid-d__________________on" t11Put Oe t utiga dir trM.u-tt Jn il fur whether ho brlngit a dîccer la v1 arte'tlîe aoiniliicigs Fiio!ir -nlar o ln at'r23. ket Or notth whi asi nte bau-l ali irtuwthr-utze IfY'irilay ti;npf1cý ~~IIJçandonTl ' orhrk ais lrk, w 11 uer - The Invitationsî icelutas Popl iT AIN I LLS4 * otthe hlinoîîr f Chlarles %%,. 'Curtis, 114 IlIU45t4The othîli J w'k bn ,ktritcudat row ov and City for we eliruv'-rn-i*lluitlirngs on* ii bau-k heun ot ako sre imdi tyfokHwlSTno te Fgim ut tiiiun. Tuesday. and but for ltre efficIent as nîncl as tlle farmnerand lira famîly W ST Of h îîq nsbxleIi .rkc ieileîupîtret î The tarin inspection [rip at 10 vil ii ______~f~-cl .jr iiîn h uin a lie nli ilera l iîoîr orîtdlitebr- osiii-> doen r.Tisstépr ititng llsevri a lguteol A ithae he ileo oh také thé Piccicirs tthrough the iigl~ dU rroavr i-Ia ire9 large anliuiuigtî atir u ie ur ![i îtî sc d'air>' irnmdurtng One Ofg théeiilkinig crîlng o thé Geeva roélad miii [h Whe th pailouiaig aldeathu-Ir d. A4dItuerug im tuntre icso periode. .Sereral cows on tedtare crsgi Pal thTre elnear r sli 'ru large aacy ré cv ayhe gie c.e oer co utire cenîuleir-ybhatre beieg milked four timen a day. The t ala egt iruena enr trsa. '%len'isyther talutgî made .The [leda ries, ruamedond repaîr. ohr- cc ve iii irr ord avnd'leepeigb hca £rc r ri batile for aurpemmu->'rager! for tîrieRugi furniture andt floors Ileait lhtim ay oth a éen record and i a car drîven b>' Wmest G. AnJh ci un olhlias aterecord O 10 >'ear lE knov Contracter of Ken(,unia dayi;, untîl the lait survivor among [larts cf lhe tbouse liraitir-en îoaked ,i isarcr foe 1000 Ile, The dead are Mr., Anderson. tlrî Loulta Armour. daughter of J.Og the petato bugs hoî,led lie signal of wîth kerosene virile a live gallon butter and a 20esontiis uld heifer P- Anderson, Mn. Sarah Wyerg sirtri de Armnour, and John J. Mitchell, aurrender. eau Ô& gasilice lhadt been placeel in duceduixt>' pounds rallk tli cee day of Sire. Anderson and But>' Keurîng. Jr.vtîoîe vedding took place thiis Lana gtlîered lel iii viciorions the middl-o!fthé loor ta thre living and 12 Iro. butter le a veek. Mr. daugbter ot Mr. andl fternooL at Lake Fere3t. rnyand vais to veiPleaned he roont vireatire fixe crealed tire H. L. Blnghanî, the feait iuperIntend- Keating or Chicago, vire maie lui-r ent a piair cf tem le theite d mlt ost05 damiage. ent illdirct te vsitrs ad tll ome iththeStates fDepartaiect o! Agriculture, to- Firemen did not diqcovertlireaCu to vth et gstreyviator c e omevii t Wyîrs famil>' NOH C I F OF POLICE gether wth a hiitory cf thé bugs. or ga-solune untilîthr->'l[ail been filtt- then tie trina tre> vîn tokno ,ahuv.aiM handiras visions of a govereiment bugialg the hdames meveral minutes. The about tire cOva, the buildings and thé Uttle Miriamn Rubie. yr-rold INOICTED, WILL RESIGN anh,ytert stock ail thé ptate filde cutaide o! thi can vas ricoregd hadh>' opération oftirefetain. Tre>' are irar- daugirter ot Mr. and Ma'. A M.In Kecisha, Ws. June 21.-Clulrf cf le tire country for file eradication of but tertunatel>' a haiI net got liet veningth fistcro ofalalf, owbin hd lertenit&an adniI q Police Ove'ilara, recectl>' inrict- tiré destructive potalo bug. eneugli le exploýde. ihrrwlse there alvaya have iray teo eil saecagrov moveit this xnornlng ait the Laik u- mn edla'phéKnoiha gran djury, viilmîght lhave bere fatalities. it on ever>' acre of the 450 la tire b> Oeneral Hospital, Dr. Brown .rîrng teneritsii resigeation te the police Cac . îl>,editor of [lié farta. in charge. Thre chtdhl the o o.Wlin~td fin'7 commission on Frida>' even- One Use for thre Wîcked. CalsD altr Mr, W. J. Kittle of tire Co-pera- iotne onthsamgo develope t1 ' r-ieg. I do nuot vant tire comnus8ien Tue wicked oces are lnehwri Weekly Sun. pihbrd at Liberty- tivé marketing Co. La expected te a-circsetc talking îickcns vl wilrh tearsei > yt produce patience la tirégod-St _________________ pear on tire program ani viliitaîk ittracteit such vide attention. Sié 1.4 hé0e nan>' va>' vlle lir-s artir Curis ome [t on "Matters Ccccereing thé Co-oper. nov gettlng on ver>' nicely- troubles,"Olimie saliti toda>'. Augustine. (Turc to page FIVE) ative Marketing Ce." Mn@ Cl[ara lngram Judîon ln te apeak on "Amerlcaai Biggeît Huai- néas."' As a lecturer Mrs. Judaca iras done work for the U. S. treamur> duo- partinent. [Féderal departinent re! jus tu-e and thi Home Extension déepart- tirent of théeIUniveirtly otIllinois._____________ Sire i tire autiror of tire May' Jané mres for girls. AI l We reai fteesedlath dsps--'-- Northern 1I1I..GreateatS& reFo omen and Children aI o! our surplus crops tfîru foreigni maure'sabu.tcndtons nEurote.ko Our Great June Clearance Provides A Real Sensation In A Great - Mr. Carl Vrrionian wii tlk on "Sur Mr. Vionian tsaarrnner;lire liîdi claigu, of thtir farrneri' glu mcorn tu Europe -and iN nov ln Wasbniguon working out. pianse te mnmkr a toreige nimrket forc ur prodiictui tlîougi a Fucregn '[rade Fnianring("roali Ilii 9 aul tepî l Io 1 talk onotitisa ut) In Ail Sizes In the M ost W anted Styles 1). 0. hoiso:sec rt'tary or lIli trots Agrîrulturalacti chlau-. ing C!,î thtiay tir ils vacation.- l-I ti!Ihàe a soft[artIllre pru- . 8 m 3 ~m $9 ga iu j iufuur4r- lunchi State5 ýAt 'or ey Surît l ou!Laka cority an i ttes Aurre-y Crivu-1M9 3 @ 8$ 4 9 of Cook county, as m'r-l s Secir-tar>' Ciodortile Waukr-gan t'lanti '[r nc i uidd> ut Commrcibre are also ou [lue pro Ieoarche s fh t onie hk mtnd wo I a asti skirti aa wellIMa onre d r-ddl lver gti ii for short taikaksi r-vvo spoikii At $1.98 ad $3.98you catichooe toiscoréfi OfteYles i hte gab- \Lusic ail bu' fuir ru-l tiby Ilelun,]ardineî f surf stn t«pd efft mand noely wr-ave. At $4.98 <h earewb r cot- andria ule qu,%rIt. Eveî >one vl ton and gufti a. skitand plad slk sd ovelty wobnskirte. jui un thiecoriîlunlty alnging. 'lucre vîlI tir-a ibureau of intformîa lion on thé grounds. Twî Iladies tronri Cook curntv vuth Mis. [ski-S ors k rsUp T $ 25 udMcm. Wak-Mel d tront Lake courp rsS itsU o $ 25 t>y ai-rue tt r ceçît ion crirmitten- A hig slisy orchiard ilaii ccciiiI ils an esan olesA irirlite fles crrîwnland ftrrish inple iYniI ikFan esa d W oesA romi nu lo-[ue -i the b skr-t utnner. I i L .C BIIlOWN, Pres. I i W.' E. SMEItR. Sec. il Cook Corîcty. GEORGUE WIIIE. l,'reg.r 1iAltOLta MINTO. Sec. C. ot C. t.rtereted. John IE.harrett appeared before rteé W5aukegsn -Nortir ChicagoChîant- lie- of Comimerce Tuesday anid ex-I plt lierd thé Joint mreeting cf ftcmers 3 9 as tuîe Claniler of Commerce is lu- terested inleevecylhing lu thiecoin- Iirucil>' tle board icstructed Secre J At tiu spécial prlcîîîg there are wonreils .lYli-nh s8porta île rtâ I>'y Clîttord te arrange for an or- j - , le hunrai koceia faille silks tsllitijson silk, barrotiir't tins faC y chu-ta te go frorn Waukegan Sator- sîlk crepea and thé rer>' new aide strîpeti flateels Inewviie aîd ail nia> and <mIne part le thé progrmmt. tenwIIh.ooI aise te arrange for a délégation cf -r i e lhclris as înany busisness coco that can getl Other "SiIk Skia'ts 1250, 14.50, 1975 ahd 2250 avay' Salurday ho go and pa>' a viîlt te tiraitpart et thé rounty. i Qu ite a nfeîîbr Offorrier residnets or' thiat Béectiiorot Lake ceunI>' have iotiînated liat tre>' are going Io tire nmeeting rînilplastarr- beiig niade foc sererai auto toads lIraI vîl[cave front tire Cuaber of Commerce' T[hio excîcises yl close aborut 4:0011h o'in iik Sa[i a fi my atic nd m iiwll enustie thioâui îaluing Ilthîrh 1h tri grI bume horne aroond 6 ou-lch. Thie husi-I lotess jîretu cf Waukegntn andi North , Chuicago 4iotilti <alec an inlercs a e ~ tiese ieta'igs as it pi mmci £5 a bt- tu-r cqut1in tno btciven Ile people 11 Attorney Joseph [L ideit that lb ia private, )f the cirurcir property, Scirole" contentions argument's suike. he àguilty of destruction )erty-tbe gi-mss fine $10an meits ,ï mgo Cunningham vtas costs in Justice Herve>' ýourt ai Wauleegan foc i iii Sciroiz vhee haý atter on a ires ions c kiittg acreo tir. temple 4 re sold on 4 ,ed, on the * !0 EQUAL : >er annum ers, com-* iYer's ac- rtunity to a conven- f hbMar May rum 1 interest .Co* icago, lu. - e