t__________M_________ THE LIBERTYVILL MENENIr, ) MI M JU AY. JUEý.30. 1921. Libertyville Independen t Law Coamy e Pendent.WaukeganWeeky Sun tered ah.t Postoffice aI Litsertyvillie. II,,as Second Clama Mail Malter. RAZOR WIELDER ýNEW LAW FOR IIELD TO iRANI) STATE SCIIOOLS JUR BYJUSTC IN FORCE SEPT. 1 Columbus. Viarc. ahi is alleeed ta SPRINGFIELDI- Thete aie mare bave atackeîi Jaules Tiiomîîono than 200000 boys and girls of higli Ndarke t street titn No-th Chilcago witiî se a razor atnd stashiilie latters face! 1chool age in Illinois who are nat Bunday afternoan. was lieid ta theý attending higb achool, according to grand jury in justice court, Northt Chi- announcement of Cari Coivin, tate cigo, Monday afiernoon, on a charge aupervisor af agricuitural mee-tings etftassailt with a deadly weapon. Eoth men are negroeai. Ware was Inlii wentY-five counties aI whici? lie unable ta furnisli $1.000 and was re- wili exPiain for school Principals, wiided ta the custory of Sberiff El sprnedet at cho nr mer Green. lu an accaunit of the ai. einedtsad cho bar leged figbt. which was deciared ta membyrs the working of the new bave folowed an argument over tueý conjiuatios »school iaw, whlch b.e- prIce of same whisky, it waa stated cm opuarytruhu tUat Ware la empioyed In a pool roam ae cmuar hogotthe Mnd barber shop atI ltb and Prescoît state on Sept. l1. etreet . The location referred ta la ed t C-lWthLw that cf Frank Svete. 1N1orth Cbliago Red taCml WthL. qcounilman. Mr. Svete today de- Seventeen school districts In 1111. dared that the figt did net occur linais have elected ta cOmply with the froat of bis place of business and ibat law before that date. and are already Ware Js net employed there. The Sun couducting "part tinte" achoota. la Informed that the fight teok place These are for the benefit ai cbil- > t 1208 Lincoln tr-et dr-en who leave sçhoel ta 'vork bie- fore they are 18. The law after Sept. 1 will ome Receives Istruefion ail of then tote upplementthi eu Reeve ni1dO cation by attendanste atcinuto 40-,St -te GuibranSenl s.coi ni h g f1 arahd I>iano actory school lie day 'ti-iool and not night Districts Operating Under ,Law. Paul Play of the Ray Paint and Fui- 'llie ses enteen scitoot ititlo Biture Store, returned the latter part u.raig îde diis tra -icts\uror tlant week from. Chicago. His ptur-i east -ide), Atîcara . twesi sie), pose In vsiting te windy ciy was tu lonnin hcg tati --qtq 4ço~f t't ciaa- iue i n -en ont alH iotiînttt. tiao Ietî OYrer the United States who - receîaed S(,aielîîî i it t.e c toîd anntiii Instruction in te uew neihod i play- ' nted îîî iecnttai>iii JO gthe Guibransen Playeri'- iano, thiru -ttiot titii(tln Granite city, and the ceuirteay af the Gutbrin seain Dck 0 f-tiipIigli st-ciaoi tlîicts la inoo Copany treto, iEldoriado,î tonovan, Joliet, MT Ry s i"ive wivre' xnierccant Lat Salle. Lawrences tue and Ottawa. "ad aiways on the alert toi an> îhing lhese district -, strictily sleaking that wiil enabie bim ta give bis cus _ ite nouIt oetattit under te lawý -tumera better service. The advantage sîtit h ecanie ettecîlve Sept. 1, but Of the new metbad of payiag te Gui- aie under a law, identicail il s pro- bransen is taiz anyone cao uickty 5 talons, ti let iilie uptionat tuianda lea= Iteplay titis 'player-pianio weil, tOi)" continuation scitool law"1 lad Mc. Ray la now in position ta give 'his cuatomers te benefiil of tie itor' eugit training which be îîersanatiy bas C u o >ev 'e ..Mr. Ray says; "About twenty-fivt M«B attended te ciass of which 1 was' PRESBYTERIAN a member and for tree days we bial Earl C. Mcrgan, Pastor. a 'thoreugit driiling la belping the- cus- Sbal cto iu4 .a:ha toMer tb get more pleasure and tek St 'F WiitSup. ht attend5anm.,isRoy muSiC eut Of te Guibransen. rgtS'.Teaenaçisl- *'t la possible to show anYone hawl în-g seeli aintlained durin gîhe hot as- tO acen th meodyin plce n ter niontita. The work of aur scitool tro. 10 te 20 minutes. In a week n liannsrto o ail h yv e oea can play te Guibransea an that t glous instruction. You are welconte. the munie la indistinguisitable fremt Preacing at il a. m. Tepie o Itite cb md piaying and in titres montba eue morning sermon, *'Thte Man Who For- ucm beceme an act iin tbe resuita lie gaiI" Cidren'a sermon anad junior or ahe vili be able te praduce. congregation. Good mugic, and a devo- lAl eof Ibis la made -possible by tbe, ionai service. Tht- public lalnvited. M& of Instruction Rails whici are nov The firaI Union service Di' Ibis ses- W iSed wititout coat with every Cul. son willie beled aI Centrai Parie en -brânsen Player-Plano. wt Sabbatit evenutg aI 6 ociocit pramptiy. , **r. ohnMarinwhoorigiuated Tite speaker o ftite evening 1.5 Judge thse ev metlied of playing tite Gui- Ptersons of Waukegan. H. wili brlng bgmns, bas s0 perfected bis own play- uis a message tbat we ail ougbt to .M 01 * Il that bis vent la taken ýsert knav. A cordial Invitation to ail, Good oal by musiclana and music crltlc.1 music. Mnd belias toured the country f rom 1 Prayer meeting Wednesday, July 6. tliie Atlantic te the- Pacifie, givlng re-'1 Tl'Pic, "A Study in tht- Song of Solo- cias ý 1'MOn." Dring your bibles. "'-Of course. we made a trip titraugb 1 Tht- Ladies' Aid Society wiii meet the. Gubransen factory, wiicla ithe a t tht- Presbyterlan churcit parlora on largeat. mont intereating and ne'west. Tbursday aflernon, Juiy 7. Ail mem- player-piane factory la the venld, bers are urved te be present. *Tiiere ame tires buildings embraclng Cbor practîce Frlday eve ing at tbe 853,200 square teet ef fleor sPasie and ehiurcit. F. J. Wright, dirdcter; Mrs. 7 -cupýylng 4% acres- et greund. Fiera Durmnd. agiat. "Gulbransen Player-Pianas are made , The Court of Hanor, Boy Scouts o! là tbree modela and soid at a fixe<iAnterici, viii mee t i te citurci Tues- iprice thrauâtbeut te United States. day, 3uiy 5th. Any of the Scouts may This laibe preatest price pretection attend, aititougb ail work of tht- tve- that a customer cnao have. Tite at- ning wiii be on Menit Badges. Tht- fSd simple metited of playinb tb. Gui- heur wii be at 7 promptly, ht-cause bransen la Juat one more reason vhy sente are te Quaiify on Attletic Badge. 8layerrplaitos ahouid chocs. a Gui- JUIY5, aI tbe luanse. A big eeting for bîae."--êv.26-t ail. Thte heur la 7:30. SERVICE FIRST Time Is Money By using Bell long-distance telephone lunes you can do in minutes what it would sequire houri or days to accom- plish by other means of communication.. Present-day business conditions de- mand that all reasonable econoes be practiced. The long-distance telephone service ofers rapid,, sure and econom- ical communication-and you don't have to wait for an answer. Cal! "Long Distance" RIVER CHA.NNEL IS BEINGi MARKED FOR PROTECTION Upper Fox River to be safe for miotorboat fans after the Fourth of Juf y Latati on c f ignal ýOst.s and lian- ne 1 narikerz:. which wilii ight the way 1.1 m ororboat owners on ineyoax Riv- e,. fron McHenry nort i tto te chain of lakes àbove Fox lake is progressing raîildiy. accrding to the Fox River- & Lakes Iiproivement association. The channel teiti be cornPieteiY niaiked before July 4, it la believed. The work undertaken by the im- provement association wili compiete- ly open up the upper Fox river re. gion ta motor boat owners for the firast tîme in years. The stream bas flot been navigable because of a beavy growth of weedq. Weed cutters are now at work cearing the channel. The signal poa ts are cenatructed of steel. painted In white and are equipped with green marine lampa of the very lateat design and which willl humn uninterruptedly. requiring r.- tilling but once every ferty-five daya. These signala will b. placed at every turn and Intersection, while the in- termediate Peats of steel construction anld white In celer will be statloned between the signala. The latter posta wlll be equipped wlth white flags and alter next Week thler. wil e. no.ex- cuse for a navigator getting out af the regular water channel. There will be thirty-five or these posta in- ail. tb. first of wbli 1 will be stationed in flutch creek, a ou ( two miles north of McHenry. From the re t beyv wili extend ail along the route up as far as Lake Marie. YOUN6 DRIVEN FROM FARM BY ITS MONOTONY' Col. Folks declares thrift, one ta seed, sends children to cities LThati ieot ony andtih titi gon e tic seed a re driviog children (toni Ame rican farm bornes i, the opinion of Co.-Honer Folks, who adiiressed the sixteenth annual conference of the national cbiid labor comiltice at MilIwaukee. Col. Folks. wlîo la vice jiietident ni t4î cammittee and serretary of te New York State Cliarities Aid asso- ciation. bas Just returned front Eu- rope. where bê was belping to aigan- ize the new cbild beaith progranime of the American Red ý(1'oss. (,0i. Folks psssed hia tiloe lrincipalîx in Poiand, Serbia, Czecho-Siovakla and the Bailtle stateswlîere lie made a apeciai study of t e fari ng liticî. ."Farmers Saving Europe." 1It s te farm Population that is saviog Europe," be said. 'It la the fsrm populatilo that muai aiso pre- serve America, for farimng is the ba- ais of Our proaperity.' Col. Polka wenl on to conîrast the probiems that face the European fartners with those canfronîing te men of bis own Couintry. 'There,," PTRAVELe RIGHT With Riht Luggage' L IBERTYVILLE people can purc hase lte veny best tun the Lline 0f Traveling Baga, Purses, etc.. ight here aI home, and at pices fan bel&w ibose charged ius thé City. 1 have a complétée une of guaranteed goads. Conie jus and see, and Compare our prices with thase charged in other Places. SUIT CASES ranging from $2.25 Up TRAVELING BAGS from $2.50 to $25 Y.sadie9 and Gents Purses New Up-*to-Date LUne 50o to $7.50 One High Grade Bicycle Electric Lighta, Horn and %est Grade Tireu, EtC. Formerly Priced at $64. now $4500 Auto Top& Repaired, New. Tops Made. Harnes and Shoe Repairing We aise do thse BEST SHOE REPAIRINC. ia Liberîy- ville. Bring your aboea la aur sbo'p, and bave a new pair made frem the old ones. JOHN W. COLE Il New issue wiIl take in entire county; street numbers ta be feature for bigger cities Tht- Work of taking a direclory t-cfusaof Lakte COU,1ty vîti ie -ait ed next week arcordinigla a stiate aient la-at Satuuittt' hv F. K. fluai-ed. vWho bas iteen gîîciniz o-U', Lake Coun- tv dîrectonles toc titi ra score of years. Titis ticector-' witt be hii elt-venth issue. Ti, i. ,si Lake coun t>' dicectary cartne tUT lmer t wa ) es a-go sud coveretd on>'lte 1mke asatre cities aud 10wn, Mn. Humat-ad ,asau- itre hase been t-o mauy changes conte business tand resideuce districts ttofte iifferént lovas ltaItt-re 1' taleatanît for ti directont aI once. Nir. Hunîstead asys tbe 0ev dîrector% * wili caver lte etatm county, tht- sanie as ther (Il nectories did Up ta te lasi anc. bn addition ta uo ctishpe w iii e a npw ft-ature focrte lake ahane cilibis Including Waukt-gan NorthbChilcago, Zion, Lake Forets ,ad tHightland Park. In addition Ia listing te rt-st. dents l inte usual entier ltent-wilt be a street direclocy, shioving tht- naines o! tht- people Wito lire ai tht- varions addresses. Titis cannai lie doue lunalter laos in lte caun- ty ht-cause tht- bouses are nlotnoum- bered. Incideutlly Il la te be negnetted titat Waukegaa bas net put itlsut-v street numberlug plan mbt effect for titis viii h. doue too late nov ae malte a change lunlte nev directany. George C. Rudman viii have cita-cge o! tht- cauvastena vile Mn. Hum- slead yl handt-lte advrtiing. Tht- latter says tht- ut- dineclery prohabty viii be out some lime in E m .. ,t-', .f- m v Elctric Plant, Farmers JVant- F ARMERSenjoy the Jo,dgbt Junior. They appre- çjxte ils ready pewer, ils stçady ligit aud more- TbeX value ils econoimy. Every faruner vanta iwn h igtî junior on acatbî e lieonderlul 4to-Lite engine-genera. 2Iahimprovement il aimse offers. CaU.!us Ioda> sMd fnd Out about the convcaicnces il effets ai a coot wthin reaeb 61 cveryua.. DIEIZ MOTOR CO. Tl'cephone 89 LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. Loc Short lterm 0. E. New.aoni i liatgi- tiiiiag Ct JosepliJ. Vili- Sunda> lanIViLme W. J. \nîk Mr, and NMcar. J, i-d Inuo i lr lai Wtt-ton-mn. %Ird E. A, %es dit-n aie vititing t Wî ion s jin. Missï Clara Eh wi ik's'vaatuioin f liWckt-îl tiug aloi Chartes Huber c da>s titis week i sýon, Fcank Huit., Mns. L. Z. Pro Chicago Menday Mca. C. M. Puliel Mca. Fiera Durs avec te eek t-i Weltsville, New 'î AT INDE INDEPI dence oi FREEDC whieh mt The oneI When yc yourself, country. Lake Total ."6j'i Auto P OFFICIAL PROCEEOINGS OF THIE nat meeting. Ayt-s: Bernard, Ette t VILLAGE COUNCIL.. vet, Haienbanu, Maison and Sturniý Cari ied. Adjautaed ameetng orlte Tcustee-, Ont- bid foc coal was ct-ceivtîdý Nia1 aI' te Village ot Libert>villt-. ht-ti ed b>- Hafemanu ..îecoadcd b> EtiaJ Juoe 20, 1921, aI ite Village Hall. a-uit. titat lte board accelîti bill ai Present. Pre.s. J. S. Hyat, Truit-es -. Libtut>-stitt Lumiter Ca. lur tne-cari Hernard, Ellsworthu, Hait-tan, .%issan igg coalt aT$M.25xe1 ttctn ai ()Id Ht-ut and Stuu'ttt; Ctt-rk Trepiow-; absent: FI-snktin coal. A) - t- -c t lll' 'T'rustee Grummili. 1 s-orîb. Maison anti Sturmt farcit-il -The fol4oaiug bille, Mi-e recul- j Pin iii ItJu[t dax iîlut saiti tint' C'. Muîi x 2.1,(',2.l i n feet in 1lihi tiT), ilt ttt iu.-tlut-t tIL Luiblýit S,tilt Ni %o,'cd b> il t-tut alun, - tcnîit-d l i t P'ublic St-tnt-e Clt. itlit in to. itî ltt îttn !iclt, iit ti l tdage itinotls 3ting si.i ' ut 1,jt-iti. A)i ittîIl Sanie, tught ta titrai) . aiEli-ssoîth ltitutliiian. 'NliI titi. Sîtt saint', tigliTt andl liael In plltîl Ca i rit-il C. Wico'..22 .7, bitint îî'c't , cIîia t t _Niait-il y Sturuit. eî ctnded b)fiallitntaEllîtuii i l t 1 i gt i i, t luian liaItTie -vatl hila hi- itllowt-î iltle. ltIît'T ltt îî ;taî I' and modeii-ti'asa ta(inte diferent î'nîîîîuîttîî,i'tîa-nýjitinu u J N it-t'aid. tunds. A) -tt-Brnaird. Ellswo-\la E.IE, E u:lt-w or anti (itîti- Sîtîctut io sio. llaienîann anti Sturmt. Carcî i au-- ati'tîil'u n vf:ii ti,iti- Mias d b.. ilatniann, secandeti b. l, u iilb Il t atid, t-et tthtidl, Ellstawoct hltarthlie s..alec camai ilt ie cuiti tsi a jîtu r.a iia t it-t wsitiu it,' prei-t, l.ite t-mpôwtit-d tut; ' J, A. TIZi>I'T(tW 4iik coniraci lacrtiraW'n ln tans and-.', liîuatpanîl connecttins Ta main. ui-c, b- c ltir ic ,-".'," -titt, etupow'c-ed Io îiuricA-e ,u nuottti tOi -' ,î,î,' v 1-i .I. c -,s,' it ,î t suilabit- ize tori îuiiîliL,îî , a dm il c ,' t> t -.. i i .. -t a nd oi $2" c bi lls i td ;iti i s tk and aistî ian t- t iti; t tt'..ti.n.. Iltii lnounelt trcts- . Ayt-s: Hi"t'aud t:l-c ,. .I in ' ttitl tb, t tn îî t ii tif tit.- t'nit Haf-i isn. Na-cna tnd Stucîi ii t -,t-l Si,', ý lu t cn..l 's' I(t à,rTj Trustetiafi-inano c !oarte I e'.t c iiti Tte$,, i' 'awtt l-irii itttt-t- camoiitile-. »Niased i. fit-tai a e ,l'ullîo autîttIciitý., - .ct tng -ii pa-nl'c oded by Nissan, thl11tit- tai k (itavCt ,lI W e ,"-- - l1,,nfl t iTlt miltt carelt litewatkila(',itii l,j mnole titanT -,.-n i t.ttu til a:- ii ' sud tiare te ctîlîug taI eii.-: slecTta tuiic !2fc tas Bernard, Ellsaorii.fîth c'ii - i son and Sturm. Cannied Cieck was inslcurted Ic i ultrab ds for iayiug ceaient wtutks un ok tîIîrk, Snow's Auto Livery-Taxi Ser- a-bicha vert- as foltows: Fut Il Kunta 36-M 85c pt-r square 1foui; Arn an sIui~, .i vice. Phone Libertyvule 36M pt-c square foot;W. 'C. tJrttant. M2h ei square foot. Nioved by Hafeanitn -e onded by Bernard. tic pul un t tii- lltt walk in Cook iDark, atccardin4 , î tt- fications. Ayllst lialenîanntit11-1:-.'i, To close estate of E. J. Ce na>s: Ellswoulli, Ma.son anti Sutn. Matoltast. -PUBLIC AUCTION Mosed by ilumann. s'ct'ntii'. itb- Ellswortht, ta put ila afauti a.t %iik' in Cook park, accocdlng tilu e"ic TUESDAY, JULY l2th, 1:31 lions. Ayes: Ellswortht, 1Nibocui d Sîtuated adjacent Io the village Hafemana; nea: Bernard anti htuini o ceryad5mle çlo Motion earried. f ceryad 5mls-çto Moved it> Ellsworltht.ecaîitdlt î'Y Woodstock-Waukegan cemMtt roa Mason, ltailite bld of W. t_. Itiuuî This farîn is well improved and aI 29epetr square tant, tl- iec.icctîsed Isection is invited. makuag te change t 'tuuo itI vl al k l mat-ad aI lire, and cttatriiionilteé A beautifui place f0 Live and ag park ceumoittt-e have a contrit!tc - hre R. Leake, Trustsee. ed. Ayes: Bernardl, EllithChail-ei marn, Iassnansd Stucarni. -:' Truste fit-rid u-lia iit t at-ti tata Inees needed tiliraiz.. Miiiedi by Sturm,. seconded b) tleriniittn hat' lte lcinttnng o! tires blh.- t It r te supervision of lte trtit cmit tee. Ayes: Bernard, E l-i iti tc marn,. Mason and Sturmn. tarrccî. A M e s g f son, ltailite C. M. & S. P IL. tC.te' uequetsed ta put a flagiiian on Mil- wauket- avetnue cconssing an Satard a>, of the - Suuday sud aIlit olidays. on iitiaitl tint-e t y a o n o Berntard, Ellswvorth, Hafetîtaîn. Mia son sud Stur-m. Carried. ~ mI o~s Trustee- Ellswortt rtporlî'd iniile, tiing an.5U a rçte fbida foc îbq village prunting. Moved by Hafemausa, seconîied by Eils- '%asiiuay. u bU wortit ltIlte board acceput r bîd o! Lake Counly Register fa,'Iriiîîingî vring and lift s( ordinances ïnd lt-gai notices a, lt-gai I cale, snd village procet-dinga 1:- Ayes: Ellswortht and Hafeatanu.No- stea ming ees Moyeu uty Hafemana. seconuied tty Euls-ViTiestle With wash boâ vet, ltaIlte board reconcdec sole an prning. Ayes: Bernard, E,lsvorn.ý water. Stoop, and stret Hafemfan. Mason, !Sturm. Caiti-i. President Hysît declared thait!Il,: and arumare breaking. original motion vas bt-fort-lte board. Then, nprhaps, vnuîlun Roîll cail reàtlited: Ayes: Ellsworith and Hafemaan. Naya:t Benard, Ma-i *n son sud Sturm. Motion 10at, flot loosutlfg SO well mis si Noetd b)' Magon, seconded hY jSturmt, ltaI ite board agik for at-v bid And you'Il be glad to kruow tF an pinting ardinances, it-gal notices of ail this toil by having us d sud village precet-diaga lu May 1, 1922,' aI paice per line, 13 t-ms pics. AY*es:' We'iî wash everything so cal Bernard, Ellsworth. Hafemann. Nissan anad Sturm. Cannied.. critical can't complain, and wig Tht- citck vas instcuct-d la aujt' ol e ihtpee et foc bida. ol e ih icslf o Mored b> Sturm, secanded by NiMa yi hswek h'Ife son. that tihe legaiity at' Ordintînce No. hr tti ek h'1fe 184. In regar'd Tapltumitti' iceose bc you wil1 too. JUST PI>ONE1 ave8ligalild. A) Cs: Heýrotîd, Ehiý - .aao ini Sii'Tt.THE RELIABLI I TinsTee Stutrm îeported tan tle mali s~te- -xNnit )HuutunLaunderers, Dry CIt secîieîl tî Ellswotrbth, hlîcatl,lien-csh n elid.i îa at,, ttIlantoric*îah tht 115 land Park ttct te bcpîsentt-d alîtbe0 Get W. ta] plans are e and let us 1 Coal Time LGetting Near bc a, Th-y lii'." horstan d ndi- htorid hey nae ted lîsa d d A DIIOAiLBE TY ILE NE SWOMYAN FAINTS AS tiave the lattoi. Iluinterica 14, tium- ail the- net is.-iiy supplileantiD I IN L LBE T VL E N W itnpteenît. but tt c ,: t-e ti'ing tit- boys and gifla w OlitîuId ct',tsîit- itand M s Ail ftn a-,Mt.EmaRtbr a eun-i SUE DRIVES CAR; lte friture-- ailcttng îitt.nli adilii itniiMîtr esiBi ni liof gît ,otte nl , ittl'fiiiuda îaa a akegan. .10 Gladstone, ., ia ii iug JvisiS RI .1 sî'îîîAioe C.'awiaid las vîsittag n Iii o tk artheit-home i herliaient.P Would Vitalize Teaching. 1t.sîWîeln tts t-. N:. anti Mcs aiitve Atechî son. Heu lit- Thtat yun rcotieai- leetîîglie tiugiîlei, Maxine who was it1,.1:5 Mother of Garret Wilsp the- tt:atrt tcf it ct-artn.. itlei1Lois Kiossutan ai Fax Ltîkt mas il Dow abléIo ta e up sud around agaîn.td 1 0 ie ferac-- Clt Polk . .....ttnotons andtI lifi drvk nimle tle aci aioney.' Lberlyville business. sîsitoî WýNednes- XisHlnCoea-ýune us1 dn oba tr . Discuesaing lie t tinier tcausu-. hi' tia. ci* Ti laweek. itHee Cîcer'-uadTt- t-aid.' There Islatulle stimîutus in i tdax ctu lier loitti n Niokena.fIll.,ai teî rVti' fttciI iiisrO fac-m ltef.as it ta i, iedi antoî lc Miss Anna Aikoler naslient- frotnt s-ndn ee tte homte tii ortIr - o'ra ilt itail) Wllof' -1utile incente toi, tit,, atiitlîious Evanstan ioday risiitin2g bl.t- ahet-. hse nialie, eweeIl ootir. & itii. tan fthr unîay aninp asso or inspiration toi' chut-c wtio edlte .'rs. Rose Aikofer. blgadahr ereiC(I" hiiiidSna onn u impulse la nesi and ig Itogs.Ir MNir. C'ope-r tecupneJliras fac as a ,I ~-itlit cth , whiîttdlirlttg a seems like an esec iecarring touait NIcs. llaxaond Prendergast of Ci î iitit.'t.cue 1 ît ttcciiiWtkgn afmoaînoîsttîtlg't clcisedcaga îisîted i ltehome ai Mc. aantid *cl t -i-n lie aîutomobîlete at lie te kili juelt titase qtiiitpls ltaI niait- TeLde'AdSceyo h .E youîh 'ufluable to te lace." Mrs. G. F. Lange Wednesda>. - tiTht' Ladies Aid SoLieely ai lite M. E. ,He advocaîed sitatizallon of lte chnr-nili-lteestic-ttheneii aoft-lr6ce braise scitool as eue remedx- forittis dis- Cai Carlson r(eturoed liame Friday à. S. HystI. on Miwaukee avenue, nextln 'nI r: e sentisi tdact h*,. ue i er esse decarig thi 'ibe eacing romMontana, whece lie lias spent st-v. Tuesday aflernoon. July 5th. Mc-i. 0" ip i,; yanh oeorbr shouid be brouglt iioacoucit wiîît-ceal nionths eisitiag it-latives. IMary A. Taggart, of te Agard Home,.! h ardiittte ite .nuî c.Wlo te ehiidcen's ,-oeiîonraeoî. and Lakebe Bluff Ms.Wiso sbold ealmite iithrit fator Th- R-v.C. . Keuhuer patar akeBlffviiibe present, aud a goatiChi U a rss ad. righted lte car altendance o foite melnbthe sudtfrscTde t.nd ut.îP.e ta Watikegan, vitofeWth ltai malte teir dail>- existence, anti tht-Metitodiat Episcopai citurcb, made attedao tsirebed. nd tack wss d_ it I astenln i wlierehoneo lt-as wititltre hitaay sad geograpity s business trip ta Cicago today. lat bed.str son. Ttenisto trrhehmeo of distant sgt-s and itînda .Cily> -br o. h sot rivdMonday pie sPend 100mauchi,' he asserteal. Mr. sud Mca. Hart-y Davis snd fani William Hutchinson, son et Mc. sand mnrnlng wiit an Pigitt pound son. "Fartera spend ton titIte-particu- s*1Ms .A;Hthno, h tedd Tht- eider NMcai Wilson vas taken te larly on titeir clilîdren. ily et Austin, art- speudîng a vacation Mr.P .Hliisn iean thlie office of Dr&, Lit-ber and Knigbt ___________of twIo veeka at ite hontes of 0. E.t1 scitooa t St. Mary's Mission at Tecitay of Waukegan, vitere hec Injuries vere Lester and H. Davis,. jtitis year, vit t tires of bisa cisasmates dressed- DIRECTORY CENSUSbas gene o na vacation trip via auto., _ __ _ harware dealer, vas ln Lbertyvllle Titey viii aise make a tour ef Yeilew' O F LAKE COUNTY tod1ay on business. Mr. >JcU=ey .SMec atone National Park, and expect ta be I ent te tht- pîcuic ai fla2mand Lake, gant- about six wfeks. JIA1 I si IEA iI *..Iý ,ountryman, 1 wiit seli at 3--33 ACRE FARM 30 P. M., on the premises of VOLO. Illinois, 5 miles east )fRound Lake, Illinois, on the oad.- A n a high state of cullivalion. good investment. Dixon, Illinoîa. for the Man Family. ie Monday mor- icquainted witli and scrub and cores of heavy, ilers, fiIéd with boiling çh.and bend umtil back ierstand why mlnother is sumner.. that you can relieve Mother Io your family washing. irefully tb9t even the most iel return your bundie with >r mother te iron. Jever so much better, andi FOR OUR DRIVER. E LAUNDRY ceaners and Dyers, ýtyýville.67R e1 IRes., Telepi Shop Telepi IB.uil