CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 7 Jul 1921, p. 1

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LIBERTYVI LL LAKE COUNTY 1NDEPEN DE?(I INDEPENDENT '7IWxx-- .27 JOHN RICHAÀRDSON, 1IUSBANI> 0F W01AN WHIO RODE RAIL MIES ts $2- gham isses- ec;t ion ai .chIildrcn'a dresses& la ahi cal- irange ai sizes. Dresse& & 2098 re are pret<y nov au.! gin ghâMB and! are nev gînglitlfl in s wide earieiy I .ALONG ABOUT THIS TIME '0 YEAR -=- El iREENBAY TELE- - iRAPII ROAD WORK DONE BY AU6. 15 Conway company is rushing work with qreat speed south of Waukegan The R F. Conway Co. of Chicago. who have rýîc contract for the con: frrt-ion of Telegraplh. Green Bay Road are certainly rushing work ande a<cordlng to predictions 129w th , wholc- stretch fromt .Washington street by the way of Telegrapb Ttoad andi Green Bay Road will be finlshed 1't- A ISu Ot Il andi then the enfir- r)ca will 'b'open fo r traffic one mogth Inter. I<l i ctîstotrary to close up the i)av ng fo)r' a fuil month after its com pletion. The work i s ln charge or W Watrs, ai superint endAnt a.t ntt-restîng <o snoW 'lalt i I.ýn*oay company that built t!n r- aii :înnaiig ti'nth of WVaui<i-;an t.. Z'i0 <1h, Iit, , lt(tT.Walh-r-. a- nUj,-.rn-ndîi-nt of that ' ob a- weil t'. oc-n li .ýd tha, t licwork t ed 0o th of Waukegan on lGreen i-ac FRndofr Washiîngton ttréet on il- 7h ni titat il began on ',%a: j7t Ilat L[Jerpatlî axefue, La. 'Fore.s' anmd that an analysis0of W'tat liâ4 Ibeen accomplishedt is ma-de it je seen th al <hec have not lost anc tirie put inge . aiig in. ' prescýflt lime Telpgraph R O.di'.i donc at Deerpath avenue Inorth t<o Lake Bluff Road..- That srretch m-il be open for traffic on .Iul> 1itlî. GrFee Bay Road aouth oi < Washn4ntun street tu Belvidere ,rireet wuli be opened by August 7th. Il is now completed fronVWashifg t'on street south to the south end of ~the Dady farm snd the stretch be. tween Washlngton on Beividere will bthe part opnfed by Âugut 7th. Irivalid Husband defender of woman who tigÎréd ln case, succumbs at Hoipital %Br. fOI«T VOIX) "F Ot <t'Wi ine<1(itg. Spie. o ot t iiîty ,ntc-d D.C. 1-%I,,Wagner 'c-,-I t-r'r rat. trot, De, . . .-trial of wom'v oand! r- 41.t of g lt>' of ail bait <r. Wagw'r F--1. 11 1't414 -Ni çl-in fr n. alcxc O nu,,.! an.! -i t imra.,fine.! Sus, ,,n-J ,o-t -,id,, ioncflfit,'c',i 0, O int. li ft' i. oJal, ont no, <i ci i .t. na,, . :11ci th, o tered gacii the worn,n d-tcnvante in for Je-nî.rn'icages in r.11 rdingt c. iLatcr i,. --At.' of Mr-'tc, .cond t c of t î,c,cn h-ce cl-on th- r-A <scc.'.i O, sc i- of c.o! 0t<ationg, di.-. cta lp . rill. ic. n h, k, to'nt>, hoc-ctctacl f'ctqwtt -ic of c-mu mcl11 rdd,'n Johin Richardson. hushan ofîth-li ogman twrho llgured in the notorlons Volo raillridlng case. died at the Lake Coulity lespital Mondy nlghit and %lrs.Richardson, the. mifo maU fOt *preaent nor hast she 'been near bina durluz the l]it aeVQiml wUO* of is llaes. fitrda VaS54 eyolore ad to eeks sgo mas brought to the. Lake Ca. bospîtal firn bis homie ut Grayalake. Ho wvasln a Pitabt@ coidtion. wtth bed sore. etc. About ail that could be done for hii. vas to maie hlm as comfortahle as possible for ho, rentaînder of bis life. Ril ardson. il is recalied. had heen un in. valid fur a great number of years anid even at the ime bis welf, va' made <the unwilling principal in the famous rail ridlng case wherein % band of V'ole momen took ber f rom the. porch of lier hum4and's store and rode ber on a rail and then dumped ber in a puddle of taud, lie wss tben .aing a wheel chair about thli tore. &t the tinte that affair took place. absout 7 ocloCk one autumil evening ,UlchardsOn and bhsm vife mere ltt.tug -on the perch of the store ai the en- tràLàceýtQ 'the village. SeiZOd on 'Perch. it was thora that the baud -of wmn- en aeîzed Mcr&. Rchardsonl and de- spite the protest of ber invalid bus band, mttlng lu bis vheei chair. they caried ber of and gave bier a ride whlch brought about otany ramifica- tions and ltigatlafla later. IL was re- called that Mrs. Rtichardson,. afler ,he affair made complaint hefore States Atty. DadY sud alilef the wornen were arrested. beld to the grand jury. indtted and later ried *Iar rioting. They vere al found pality sud subsequentlY fined. The trial that progressed in circuit court proved one of the most sensa- tienai ever hleld here. The women fought the case btterly. declarlig that they absolutely did flot treat Mlrs, Rchardson as she clairned. However. the jury concluded tbey did and brought in the verdict hold- ing ael the vamen gulty. Huband and Wife. Al during the sensatioflal trial whereili the Volo womenn Weïe eirt prosecuted for riot Richiardson mas in the court bouse in is invalîr chair confident ln the belief thal -they would ho heldi gilty for mal. reatlng bis wife it is recalled <li tbe women cilned that Mrs. Ricli ardBoti had beoxi "csrrying on wit! other mien ini the cwnmunitY' and that therefore the socalled treat ment was planned as punishmeflt, a] thougilitlîey tnslsted <bey didi nol Streat lier as barshly as she claimed Tlie man's name in the case waE 3il Donneli but Richiardsoni insistec that bis wife was innocent o! ani wrong doing and al durlng the tris lie mas at bis wife's ide hopng t se er assali53iis convictod. And the jury hld with Richarde o ~adproouneed the momefi gullty. J'Recovers in Damage Cas. Later Mrs. Richardsonl started sui against the varionis vometi as a hod3 to recover damages for the troatmeol aihebld received. This case aimoais tracted vide interest ad mas in t local circuit court. - iSoO Damamge. The verdict. mas given ln favor c Misa. Richardson ad then came th efforts t0 cllect sane front the va ious momen. Thoy ail pleadod Po, erty vîth the. exception of the, Ra: Manda, and finally the case vas ca TRAIN WRECKS HIS AUTO'SECOND TIRE Henry Litchtield hiereafter wî!t stop, look and hlsen when he arri'f.s at th,- StlPaul railroad crosý1n-, il Milwaukee Ave.. Libertyville. Tue,. day at 10:31 oclock his -ngine died when thie machine got on the track. zip jumped out of <lie machine jus, 'ieftire ia wa. itruck lix-an extra freiglit, whicb lîcrled it fifiy fpet ani badîr wrecked ilie machine. L.tcbfield was tînhur' This is the second time queli an accident bast hauspened te hlm on tIis croshing. t %Ilr. Litchflltd Is a member of th, plnmbing firm of Lltchfield & Eger, at LbertYvulle. DR. L. K. TOMqBAUiII IIEÀDS LAKE CO. N1EDICÂL SOCIETY $150 PER YEAR IN ADVANW 1DgOWNIN4ÎS TWO DAYS' TOLL IN LAKE COUNTY Two Deaths at Damond Lake, two at Highland Park, one- atWinthrop Harbor F r')dwnings provod the terrible ýo1l in I.akp County tirer the reurth of July holiday. Strangely..with 83 1he thousands of autos passiing through the county Sunday and XME- d,)therf- w(erefew auto accidents as mparod <o ther daya when the pumber of travelprs bas not been &0 large. But thie drownings well' in num- ber of accidents in two days; Lt la ik- 1 y<bat, ocrer before bas It bea ïo large. Fire in two days is quite a record even for Lake County with aIl jr-i lakes. Tl'ere were two tragedies af Dia- mnon 'lLali. e 0ai Winthrop HUaro. one at Lake Villa and one at High- Dr. Jas. L. Miller -of No-. chi- A st-,range feature of the DiaMàOit - ~~1-ake drownings was <bat bath bodties cago, i ic rsiet carner., the surface wifliin 24. houri Dr. Ambrose, sec't witbou' use of dynamite, etc. This la vpry unustial and Coroner Taylor Dr. 1_ H. Tomliaugh. veterati Wau- mua lield ail tbe inquests over the kegan physician. on Tbursday niglit victime of thie 4t1, declares it prOb- wa s elecled president o! the L.ake ably was due <o <lie beat and tha (ounty Medical soclety. at tbe annu- generally- warm condition aiofth» ai meeting in Liliertyville attended water. by a score o! physiclans and sirr THE4 VICTIMS teon . elo isa list of the Sunday- e Dr. James L. Miller o! Nortb Ci- Monday accident. cago vas elected vice president: Dr. ANTON SCH-ULTZ, 2539 G«m C. S. Ambrose. re-elected secretary. dew Avenue, Chicago. vas drOv1119 Dr. J. M. Kaye. delegate to the state laDialuo i U*. ne W U.& convention to ho held noxt %Tay. and rowboat viLle Dave ]Kowalski. 14M Dr. E. Pl. Gavin. alternate. Wrlgiitvoost anue. Chicago. The board of censors vas re-eleci alStilz 42 1Iavne M est. thec me heing Drs. Tombaugh. cag.,and ohrmmes0 ieIk W. S. Belovs ad P. L. Gourley. Dr. aide Benevotent Club. vhO hast 90W J. C. ffley. vho atteuded Lhe statë tb the lake for su outlng avec I»- convention et Springfield lasL month. holIdays. tod on sharo and vattOfr ,Cave a report upon the meeting. and est the tragedy heiplesa. Dr- J. L. Taylor of Libertyville read Cousin Dqtcribem D.mth a paper an focal infection vhich was "Suddeuly the boat tOPPled oOW.- f olloved b? au interogting dIscussion gay,% Carl, vho la a coumin af Art. upon the &Mni mbjeet by Dr. N. J. "and bath wore thi-nilto WM Robai-t of Waukegan. and other. ater. Dave came up aud cluug (U The waukegan and North Chbicago the boat. ArIur fteyer 104n doctors who atteadod more Tom- No Ilfe guards there. no Protfl baugb. Gowin. Bellovs a. CYo. J. E. to- svlmmers or bottera. IB« UV" lb Walters, A.H. Claeboe, J. M. Palmter, lung mator auywixere near. Df Ambrose. L ]B jolley, and Miller. held on the boat util OMOe Ombr- Plans were made for su ouUng mornme men came along sud reecued hIà.» time durlus hlm moRtii. ThLa iswl IEMLMRUT gd3,& he su evant of tha Laie CoUnty Pro-mLtrmAChic age- odà30. fommonsf Outd. vhieh Includes phymi- Lkntsfio spi C hicg etto Dlm40 Cians. druggimla mad dentiste. TheLae1spn th4t.rvigc, ,il, Suuday. They vent @svlMmlSg dif- the day and thon, as tbay voie, ~1i. ud ugiat asociations. vwrogetting ready ta go baule, "Mansi nmed, the sme consisting of Dr. nitdta eti utird Ta.ylor, Foley and Ambras. He dld go and neyer Came b&ok. His fiends. whezL ail radY t. "t DAfl vnt to, lai for hlm. hrrfl TIIREE BI4ihlm clothes. but he vamn't la 40t. TfEE M AIDS Tiie crovd veut on bani ho 4Cbitff u&ufuân«d *wrd vaa 1conveyoéd ho hlm -INNLAKEL RE(iON; dlice la î a ometh Monday Lthe ba*Y floated to tise off IR M!BOOZE surface. ELMER fiCIROUDER, 58 Nest Hsmden avenue. Chilcago. 19. EU witli rela tivem ta Coda- Lak. Là Three reorts yield everything villa trSunday aud Mondai. WIi from beer to wine and fri.endead relatives ho vWm la 00 rnoonShine- laite bathin:. They had a b<dBt" - vasn't very much evr heIr M Dry agents of states Attarney A. He vas the Iast ta dive. 10Ho d v. Smith late Friday night svooPed the boat avay and thon am-t& down upan the places of Martin May, svim back ta it. but Jat before Us or Mineala Bay. Martini Zimnmerman. reached out for the aide of at Ântiach and A. N. Wallace af In- boat le sank. Prieuda got b00ts gleelde and aeized a big truck blod ad'lhmnhniga h of &Ii kinda of mot goode front mon nd. vith mien hcaundg r]uandtii aW shine to bear and vine.they pbody bacsud orthd. IaI At Wallace's place they eeizedod i ayvsrovr barrels of heer. At Zimmerman's EMIL LINOSIART. 15 yearm .1& tbey got f ive bariola of bottle beor. son of a machinist Lt WintVoD H1", tva barrels of drauglet beer. f ive g.aL. bar. vith same pals vent mvI1101010 Ions of mine and a jug af moonshine. in ~the aid avimmin bois," tomi Zimmorman tisa vas in the act at the videuing out of a Cr-Ok 9816t of pouring ouI some kind of liquld the village. Hla father hbsti eMmUi when the officers burst in upoî hlm. to, bis going. The bhalaim anc vb The jug of rioonsbine was9 buried la never runs dry, and la said t. bei a pile of coal. deep. May had <au suit cases futlltif Nom Emil, bis fathe- maya.#8- moonshine and one box full o! tii- taken swimming leesans at theIVW ame kind o! hiqurd refreshnîent, kegan 'Y* and therefore ho toit CO1- ______________ fider> ire cOtld svîm Weil éd 10* his-i-er so. The boys docîti-,»ý DOUBLE WEDDIN(i a -o i couid Mt 0f TWO NORTHI 27 ,go vs SwImmioug fenîl .0 Lake tcichlgsu M S ,,-e art mucli aof CHIC'60 COUPLES nde bis way beyond the and apparenftTi stepped Intoa Hic body w- reovedVti, Many friends of <bis city macre tntch minutes sud desPita, th" 7 surprc<ed Sna flron wiîenlire guarda and uso <bey heatd of <the double wedditig Of ho couid flot be tevivod. N four poptîlar local Young people; Mies maried but IXsmonsta. 5* Myrtle <4artlèY. daugliter of Mr. and basn empîoyed t a ac-ObO Mrsý Geo. Gartley of Sixteenth Street - to Roy Ketizie of tbis city. empioyed by <lie North Shore Electric Comt- A remolutioli condoling the. death q pany; and Miss Helen Mcearn. <le late 1Cn0groama» Willa&' Édaugliter o! Mr. and Mis. H. B. Me- Maaonsud pravtdingtfoi- tise 0cl '1 rLearn' <o Bdvard Gartley- brotlher of of a ruemoriai lu hlm herse1W Miss Myrtle. employed .by Thon. j. adopted at ia masmeetNglaID o8 llllan of tht. City. Bath yaung cou- go Thursday nigît under teUic M' pIes lad bELen friendi for yea-, but no or the Rabert Emmret ceumOlieW tbought vas given to thei r ria. American Association foi- tise EbiU# I y their friends. Thy ere mai-ldnta fteIi ReplIbne à Ig I at, Highland Park suuday afteruaon. ýAuneo Hall. IM'ity-ftU suad LA residlng Lt Wauegar"at the present Bt. Or&y i-tofthe amanwae 5 h Ao. r i- eb"aih SU Lake Couinty's Big Weekly LIBERTYVLLE. LAKE couJIy, RINIS, THuRsDAY, JULY 7. 1921 WAUKECJAN WEEKLY SUN crote r idLbrai. t aaml UAN KILED EN. BOY HURLE!> FROM POWER 0FNY onIthees esroa atete se n cmpleted. Accordlngly it la the strotches in betvem thoue Lv. pioces R"UT TO FOI IIORSE; NJURE!> LAW IN ILL IS cf pavement that atill romain 10 be LAKESAT RDAY Jac WîllamlS yarvold nvT1D3vui o mrpleted. Al o!the o mrk an the lacc Wiliam, 1 yeap. ld, f Lke Buffrosi! betveen Tolograpli L K TU D 3707 Rtvenmvao aveTe.EChcago.andt Grecn Bay Road hb cs finish- vau throvn trou à barme beva -essu itlthrvcrfheonr Hi atoovrtrnd n eren dn u iecywle.'mdy dGo vernor appies veto to many of ttack1 On te udt blg <taniete Hisaut ovrtunedon ern austatned a fracture of bis righ bis, including ne r- Plniai illt 0B e r tw road east of Hainesville; leg. cTie youtli vastalcen La Vîc-. I' aitis ai bot a5mn t a rtork Ante uttory Mesaorial hospital. Wauken, viding Dry Budget tat Ibispaving jbud il I it poable Anoter urt her hisinjrieswer attnde.'ýmore specd than the strotch in Ques- I Charles M. Smtb, 28 years old. of Tih. boy vas vtng relatives at Springfield. fil., June 30-Gav. ion. Itlàim aid tILt the reason foi- Libertyville. viiere be plsuned spend.j 5mai! toniglit vrecked the machin- this in that Lb. men andi material are 523 Bellefort avenue. Oak Park. was1 ing tle Fourh of JuIy. ery for tle enforcement of the statleradyavibete Ormdtit fatally injured at 2?ù ooclock Sunday bouc dry prohibition law. Ho vctoed no mark las leen deIayed On--0 1 aflrnon.vhe bi ato entino ~ £P55<~UU'f ~ evry cent o! the appropriation af o! labar. It la uuderstoad thiat tbeq afte n <le cmen hsatro. jmen e n IItojf II L$150,000 made <o theatorney gener- laborers are being paid 55e ahour ai alumvile.A cmpaion l-enr *aI for <hie purpose. The lav goes on On Ibis job. of Hainesviue. à comsanons Henrybte baakm at midnlght. but there ls wlien the stretoit hetveen Wauke- Cllpp, of 710 Marlon street. Oak FIR T IRK ÀLN no method of making iL vank. gan and Deerptth avenue, Lake For- .Park, ustalued à broken collar boncue- - The goyerqor. slashed LIe attorney est la contpleted sud lu use, one catij and cets on-hfi-bead. igTm n irv -eerais -Office fer a totl a-f! it he î le cutete t WgsbhiugtOfl dmit sutaied nteraI injrie IiiIEI ~u LJiI $77.4,000. Assistant Attorfley GoBeraI strffl. Waukegau aud drive on a sol- 8mit sutaied ntenaiànjuielINITE couf y Mansfield, speaking for Mr. Brand- id concrete road clear ta Milwaukee froni vhcI le died au Robert B]urnsi age, sad aiter study at Lhe vetoed avenue, Chicago. lsuding just as the losptal, Monday night. Says he disikes to become sky Items tbat ho office "practicaily lna t est boundary af Niles Center. AfLer the tvo mon vere <sien ta v rec." No funds are leit for an at- To GurneNext. the bospital aller automobilias strip- raider but wiII go in air torney for any of <lie state boai-ds or WIieu the Telegi-aph-Green Bay ped her car vhicie hadll een aîan commissions; to enforce Lhe pi-alibi- stretch la doue the Canvay cOaniPaýY doned. The Lbertyville garage vas after them ion orthe blue siy act; ta repremont vili thon direct thelr attention ta notifie.! ta tam un the car but vhen -th.e tate ini many important cames lu Grand avenue veet o! Dr. Knlgts <bey arrived tbe dammged machine Siterîff Elimer Green vent f rom the supreme court of the Unite.! sud runuîng to the eaL ine of Gur- had been strîpped. TIe number ai Wauiegan to Pistaioe Laie Fiiday States, or te prosecute inheritance ueo. near Lhe Chtteden farta. This the car carrying the <ieves vas and -attached tle ist airplane tbat tax cases. stretch daes net go ta the St. Paul gix en as 86047, Illinois lîcense. vhicb 1 vas ever seizea lu 111e counLy, and wtylvVoesiAl. rakasm y Pped i ns number belongs ta Allen Neal Peter- le thanked hie lucky stars that the TwtyloVtosiAl. tasas sysupe! ILud son, 2418 Nortb Kimbaîl avenue. Chii- fiere. C. P. and eBnjain Oison. lad The veto of the attorney geneixal' considerably ta the east. fatlg acidntnet taien off vhe e ho arrivcd vith funds vas only one o! Lhe Lventy-lve The oaa ccdn ccurred v-hen thIe vrit. The attacîntent vas soi-y- vetnes made ly Mr. Smaiî. The total Sith attempted to taie off is cont cd on complaint of Thos. T. Nottor dut front ail appropriation bills vas R C L A BEER Md4 steer the car' at the same LIme, of Pistsiee, for alleged doIt. $7092,012, vhicb is mare probabîy TR C L A _________________________ *-If necossary 1 vould have gone In- titan the total vetoe of ail the. pre- to the air to serve Lhe vi-it' Sheriff viaus governor o! the stale. The ag- rie tatheapipellate cut They G;reen eaid. "I mlght uat le able ta gregate front viicli ho started. bmw- EZ D A FO ruled <at any ane of the number Of makre hem bear lut could flash my ever, ie nearly $40.000.000 more than a r people vbo particîpated in sucb an star ta make tbent comprebiend my the largeet aggregate o! appropria- affaircould e holen forail ofthem.1 misson.- ions o! any preceding general assent-LA EL S I , lu vas net long afLer <bat tIra. Ray- Twenty Century sheriffs bave ta bly. mtoud died but ultimately the court talle as many chances as thoir west- Thestate <ex rate probably yull beme beldi againt ber estato an.! therefore ernm brothers o! frontier days. betveen 70 and 75 cents, the figure Two Chicago me arresteu a year or sa ago the Raymond estate Ernest Hummel. mayor ai Fox being at <bat mark beeause o! thee daim it'is near beer (was pald tao tr. Ric.hardeon the anîount Lake, vas appointed special cuetod- balance of between $12.000,000 ad near summer ré-sort) sete fr 1,0.ian o! the seize.! airplane. $13,000,000 <bat Is now lu the stat.- t It vas nat long after the case vas treasury. A tr-ucicad o! beer lîcade.! for FOX ended in tbe circuit court lioweier. Tetet-ievte ee bat Mrs. Richardson moved away i12'L E Tctetylmsito ere nct Lake f rani Chilcago vas seize.! Friday frorîi Voe, the scenes oi ber otany L ta tlhe gencral ae.oucmlly jo-t Ietorc- - ight bv dry agents et States Altar- troble. Se Icaed n asubÀ it adjourned ,sine die t 930tonightit ne> A.'V.Smith an.! twa Chicago near Chicago sud Richardson al.oth o l1TvleEh Tîrt> n~eor. en. Jasepli Regan ndAbe Solonsky, vent Lure for a ime. SPLIINILR IN jjjft niegoerolempîloyed by the Washington Liglit Tbey live.! tagetbeV for short vîuîîe 1 Many Appropriations_ Sliced. cooîpany. wet'e arrested. They ciîairn bttt~B uttmael Ms.Rihano dif -the $10500000 Idut i sna er e.! avtiatiront br. inyaliodreait-$1.10 00) ron tè' 1050000 bu- lt as near FOaX Lake iien <lue s e aayfro hr nvlidhubad F K N OR S et ai tlîe UniversityoaI lîlinois. offîcer s i<ized 't.- explaine.! Justicel suad is said ta bave been living In the Proni the $2t1,00i.00iithat tle legîs, Hetx -x C. Couis'on hefore viiotî thuey yefo r lsolie in anat CicagoW ukgn e aear lature appropriate.! ta LIe state char- acre arraigned et 10 o'cli>ck lasI niglit t nnbslvdi ndaotCiaoW uga e oaeam itableIenstitutions Gov. Sotaltrint --ï..VIl asic yoîu< e$.0 od ad tiien later move.! back ta Laiet gv 100 od coînt wer le adbo fr ame ed to the teeth and have --d out $2516if <i. scattered gener- cacb pending thie decislan as ta jiiet e tintyerpet. orderseeShootBtole ally Ibrougli <he <wenty-five institu- bow ocar 1< lW Il Nis i50near an.! n ie at ci.s Soo ti ians. yet s far fronithre tfirsty F'ourtî o! Whlleaifiret alLter th sensationai The normal school bill vas eut Tuy ceiCbraftlit athel Laie affai- at Vola. Rchardson expresse.!j Weit. ai iass theyve gorie and donc (t. front $2292S51 tre einination lie- Thp beer. wbiciî vas In larrele, bt is positive belief in lie vife, later. i We neyer thougbi that could. îng $760000. l mas lirougît ta Wauiegan and store.. i talkilg vith represeutatives of the I They have camnouflaged ber groeries. Prom île Joliet prison il carrying Regiti an.! Solonsiy retairte. Attor- prosse hieexpressions vere net no Nov they foc.!ao BeLsey wotid. $1374,960 Gov. 5maI! 'toati$634.636.- ney" Fiel.! & Block o! WsLtiOgLXita t.positive as thoy lad boen oliuaily The cav. hillerto conmdered a 33. The fun.! eut aut vas mainiy for defen.! theni- States Attorniey Smlith Ho ~ ~ ~ ~ rl' col o neadW Y.hiefastldioum animal lu dining. nov ostutono nobr nto!teon Saturday file.! informatans against vufe vas drltlug avay fi-arn hlm muncbes savdust and thiives on the nov prison. flegan sud Saiolis9ky In the county and finaliy lbit hlm contplotelY. IL diet, accordlng ta tudents of Lhe , The state officers- bih! sud the bills Court. i. uaL , inowu vbether be .over ah- Wisconsin Callege o! Agitutue, that came froni the court of clabote f tentpted ta secure a . divorce or "t- bore on vacations,.cae 0rougi0usca 0.0 0 0 oo0oo 0oo 0o 0 o 9 e0 on ualiy hast one. . Hydrolize.! voad le eing given ta 0 FOR ALL THE NEWS 0F LAKE e1 X- Richardson vas entlreiy hoipiese cattle gt tle college experi-montal Mrs. Johin Landis vent ta Hînsdale, 0 COUNTY, BSCRISE FOR TIHE 0 v- sud used toai-un the store in Vole by1 station. Sn far soit plue and! other auray ta attend the fluerai o! 0 INDEPENDENT-41.50 A VEAR e1 y-r. vhe car, dtepac nhs1soit voode lave been used for tho er.,atuir, I tetèdeI. 1oo t- wel hi.p---.hrfter h idideny o00000 'n's 1.50 iicess Lips tes to 14 eni's 1.50 Hose rs and Sizeo e for prii-nliprudenlt are aiii hose ire nd ail colora in ail $t100. Hose At 5 ci, tr D colora plain-u ani lcei Haif Hose 9C l! ho-uc twai lit pr y coiored New- Esh irt hée 4th At nu8 ,e3.98;i(0 ente ai $1. $1.98 ancLd nidraby reducd% ottan novelties »5 latins. kirts to $20 or, Wool 98, ttiem -an sllmet %Dry Blic Cr*" m otta «Utn sudi81mule 1 . -- --- - 1-- *. - ...- lffl -1- Di ké w b, c m $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVAM me 1

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