CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 7 Jul 1921, p. 4

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HFLTYVILE fIDÇP1UWf. THJRSAY. JILY 7. 1921____________ tvleIndependent oo.oooo@oooR HAê@oo,0cosT OF LIVINGi k.xsyuql6teW.uhqan week s AT UNION SERYICE F'r id ay Ju ly 15, we w il100lOW ONETO Iii. au econ das Ma Mater.Sunday school ami church ier ni th.____________________________lu._RAIe________Mau_____ .the Ray Bros. jieflic gouds at 1) M MB RS RETOLD Offie Teapho, rober 1, L.ibertyviliO, Exchange. offie Tiophos Nuqueted to meet ai the Town Hall at W. . SiT . . - ..-.. -~-. ~Edior Judge Persons gave an.excellent ad- Id o'clac4 Sharp. Every îf<miIY 1.40< \illwaukee,-The American i e ofle W. J SMIH Edtordress io an enthusiastic audience ai bring a basket o! lunch and everybody are accepting a lower .,tanlard o!flv- P.-. SIT . .....r ----- ----------......--------.-- ---........MnaertheopngeeingofthieMMopeniS rimetei tuongie oaiattthelng"sohummer, angeserihervi CH$.0......--.-- .........-------.----------............Local Manager of Park veaper services, heid in Cen- bigteratmoids htio eai,' Jo the mer ofh ii ONAS. O.NALLEY rai ParkSundar venl»S.Mrs. Lyel who have nonemiav bave a way to gel deaîneîoieChme o 'm- Morris played the nev organ and Mr. ta the picnie. Then we Will proceediec !ieVie tts l h NEES CONSTANT ATTEITIONIR UST NOW. Frank Wright sang a solo. The meet- ta Diamand Lake and bave a commun- national conferenre cof social workers. » tht GreenBa Road is closed and that ail traffic aiong Wuh- ing vas a in charge of the Rev. Earl lty picnic dinner together n the beau- "Accordiflg ta aur prewar shandard Now Bay c. argan. P . i h as iu goe Tee ,_hemts treet fa dixccted west to Tlegraph Rad there is no oth r .way eorthSenak, aa p. .,aie satst standagrave Teeall ba rerealeni- te p robaiyA union dn qMrh oftin intc Waukegmn tt secats as thottgh the highway cornafasioner edoshtai n .ndneo etmn tnabsealgIebte n rdotie e bortgAcoing 0t h ce getig iii be provideti, the parking yull be the married men and unnarried men as a new normal tha shortage is vErýy ti Wankegan Township. un s pend a great deal of attention on the strip raorganized and Professar P.' P. Bil- a h at a ogegatiln under themches. et laid onUre a » n Wsigo te singer and sang leader, vba vrites captaincy o!flBen Conk, and Sumner "oa many cities think <bat their It fsamintte tht tbat paticular stretch is a very bai d n upe- many o!fh'ts nyn sangs and sets then Sprague,, aisa a iug of var betveen hing laisampev e iunl the Vet o à4y sear eSiUcecnter wbcre it ia in the low-land or slougb. However, ta inugic, wili sing. Mr. Bliban aise thase living an the north aide af the Iglsshv liihd e u manufactures foiding organe, ana a! papulatiaon Je growing fastar than Il *at Rbus mot mter the responaibility o fiilbto ee jt in pm creek, under the leadershipi of Ç4arle.i ws a yaar ago. due ta Immigration." of ffcia~ eep lismbe Krueger, and ibose an the 'soutfi sida Space la Sublivided under H. H.' Schraeder. Tilere viii siso _ Mr. ihIder expiained thal appirently The mre fct tht whn itraiis, tht theheav trafic buks e a gab-bg fo theistinfoutacco ismodaticmm ndtihnveavebean te» 'Thei ntacr ent to ha t hn thra tht nthe be onitrfionbreakst rbbg o h oilg11,alsubdivided, each famiiy accepting las, ~ rM'u fanetsuficint e jstiy ic osibeug l th coditon htgaiues.and races, sncb as wheelbarrow space than In prewar days. He sald t is at preset.' It fa remlly1 a very isugerous tretc ai vo blieve race, saci race, three-iegled race andtI tatwhilièlent Year saw lsse co- Se towaship couli be heuld ubie la cameof mcient for ailowing ia foenis. l u the e dennn e thr v s as as bigli asever. emtme evenà for a day. It la pl&ly fthe mai otrance inte, Wankegaaago i aluni ac o i The change In living standards, he etpeetbcs' h odcontrction vork en Green Byaiînd 'e* veWll gayatpg. Good muslc vil be pro- said. has bit the o-caiied middle cams Q< vlded. ta play for tbe aid as veli as barder than aither tbe rich or the âjeezi t wu. sM.oite i diy a tuma or two in tua par- moderm dauces. EverybadY from fer poor. The poor, Mr. ibider said. ver. accutamad ta the crovded con- IW«strtc i emmas tog it ot'ght te be doue. There an e oer and near. aid and yauns, are cardiall iY lnatog uigtewrwth gosles finmSU Unes cf busines anma thias ecm tobbosan erergcncy fi. road luvlted ta attend and maie ibis a suc- high waget, aven the poar had bet- stteris in Wauhkegan Tovnship. Theretore it shouli receive more ceas and bave lais oa!funnlat the Saine tered theinselves. The stepe being tha an pîce t .ure. Dance tickets 75c. Proceeds go takeil ta emedy conditions in Pm@- putat tntionth otijer 'io of rosiat the present tiae. ùwrstebidn udo e war days vere nal baing continued, The stroetch of road ia namrw at any ,event,ad, wth the deep rats tOvrds twhaildw aeing und aia navbhasaid. SaiiainNee 'ta zwaud t ib ebp h otdneou imi h nietis smmem. and tharefara Je for a Buildin~g prices will net go down ta t.valap.gand cause. prewar ievels, Mr. IbIder said. "Bui Mr. Kvabaa, aJapaese tude t at isaflot essential," ha contlnuad: Mr._awabta,____________ nt f .Wbat te essenttiel is that thay lie-ý l ake Cit frietua .Opevm Stratten of Fex LAke ail mterest- th .o . iIseia h H!cme stahilized, sa that s bouse Pceci- Day cburch Sunday evenifig at 8, JUly ed today wili flot hava ta campete bislifeapoitlistaO te t*0position e bof w Pmao vien 17 îth on "The Religion ai Japau and <ltl<b a90Qoda bouse erected ai smal- eft *e state. Mr. Stratton a been icputy varien for N»m timo and thea dofCrstaiy" Tbisvoung er.cosi five or ten y cars benca. To Naeda! Crîsîanil.. is *g iis new prîce level a-e shahl adjusi os such he bum proved a mest efficient officiai. Se hb n a roai wSY" ian bas the repulatian o! belng a very aurselvas. deu in tht he bas been fnteretedinfi bisjob aiehobasusMdea cM"Jnlable speaker, anid h viii ble s rare "MeanwbIle va muet maîntain our oby cf game aidffab mattora. Thereforoe ae eincatly palfiefic orn1PROl'. BILHORN AT HIS ORGAN pratt ar l.Esrrie hud iigst ndbiard 'as teeabi' e Os cstiz f becamg cluef cf Utce , e pa _______in__________Md__________turn out and veicame athlm wth a full apae n ofbiicnd. tr.ntp poutonbohase. "The gond hause. the singie !smlly et bMm oiperaeioe on the county boardaiwith auliaenogeiland mate i tgvbicb vas purchased for tisese ser- O rdy uys h .C .U os,1 h eB xasv om auî h laho e n hCot, ow od ae d-pioeaesa and toue ot thiS organ and viliimeet a ithe Grace churrh. Prairie Renie for infemiar accommodatians tin WPg»Q aca *l19Çi Mettnz eit ale h dadicata h taegospel wvan. - r- iew at 8 o'clark p. un.Coi, A. V. tenament hanse chties are bgher than çlbIç Î~4rwthe areat Wo rld'a ChristoianegEn-aeuprpinciaalhetpealer.ala omail-bouse cilles.' :pomucsu......... eglslatlcn wih h ltlegilature biid.Token ,deAavto r neaionWaldiCnistian, 9m*iiiiniplspakrwi________________th__ ' a a wbole, the. govornor vili nime noc iftabe by nmahng Mr. Stratton Englaud, Dr. Bilbarn vas In charge of Mrs. Tibbatts, the coonîy prasidani, ta tfs osiioncf hio intuestae ai v prife th mmy vlulethe music. It vas at ihat convention viliiaio bepresent. Ail nvited. You lha Peace, Sveet Peaca" bacame viii ail be glad ta sce the staie's ah- * sopsviii ho Isakenunier im in the mattor cf btter cnforcfig the lava lamons. By raquesi. ha viii slng iltoîrnay. as vaîl as liesi lim totah. * ,rtaiuuing te gmme andf iah. Ad, at the samee bb ont J esnaXt Sunday. o or "ais"o the bot thtbas evr bee hanie akolt e t iinAte nav lot a! sang boakiets, vith Sicthrae 0mr rad'o 'Mgiven te asajor job ta uee en ne n oi ns ate inghiebymna and sangs, viii be used Isnipebouts" the nmasi icpular Pa>'t- 'ipUtica. Furtheraore, it fa about tfiue tht bfg Lahe Ccunty igot a littie 'aOr"'be Frat timae. There viii b ea colo' thne ai preseri seeiiic talbe the aid aooogutloi aongfarte cah aa >rSent. aviimit' bale if the creci, wbere ýreoggîion lon stae ptronlage Unes aidGoernor 6Bush if ho DaiteS Toner, Ex cel and flubant farmed yon can sec exhibitions ofaitaIlkinda af .S. tratton te thia extent, yul ho ctitici te croîit for rccognuing th&t a tria for many years, the thrae ont- standing leadèrs o! Sang for large rail- svimxnlng ami diving. Old as vili as limbe Coaty, wth ita great poitical strength and ita bg republican vote, ventiosan, aheig. tissgi1-yun.ialid i bat Stanley Faote «Ctto et ti as eadfr t oat. cant that ail ibrea of thesa great men taies the prire foc- swimmung "upside .uh e ocbng arvn o ived un Chicago. Dr. Tavnar died sev" on"o nhsbc.Wocnba Elvtoic orc rsiient Taft te the supreme court b ench Wi n eal yeare aga; Prof. Elval vent laoin,'hohr nbi an h o canw e at Elvto ffre r home only a fe e nnhe ago, and Mc.hiTaibrngtier rea t'- et itli pueral appreval. M. Taft vas a goci prefident ani boit cf- eilhoritili sui'vives. He e la tia nany as twenly indnlgiitg if the iid- ho etanolbisdisuit un iccra chnacer r a expreudet star"has been." but an lle-er." Invite yoiir dy waters." &à h reaind, is ignty nd eneal carateror n epreidet aterfriands ta attend tbis service vitb YO<. Mrs. Ford o! Cc> stai Lake bas been 'Juving office. Re il grace the beuclu vith efficicncy aid fairnesa and Eicperlence the joy a! bcarilig a mas- visiting ai tbe home ofA!rsMcMoor" fl eeeareflection of credit on Mr. Harding for selecting ia. 1ri agamn h e. and Mis. Knoll the past weeai.Fo r C iui/i < er ic : We ara sorry to ay ay r Sm - C DTID~flAEI'D treci, a Wauieegan plumber, <as out <shah liciter. SU m mhlel' CiAasURLv D IIR sdiving vith is !amiiy Priday night. METHODIST EPISCOPAL Augusi Stas-c is again u ni> aou ~u'~wI'u~n,' mur Thev - era drivîng south in Sheridan Rev. C. F. Kieihauer'Pasior. . a! ec a sic Peil.abuiicedai OrrI~CKE S iIE dred teet saîîib af Beach Road h 'bnc Sp.., we-tfdbreycttfeisu a c 5aw an ataniohuile tira in the niddl' Mrning vorsbip ai Il o'cbock. lec [%. ens ieanery aNes oufs thI4UIa!ie ra.Once bafare lie hallFtn yte-atr M OTS__AT T E be ataciedb obrs inl Union ]Park serviceset 6P. m Pof. se<pn. andsoon youwïflhear th: m Vaca in! tbe- saine manar. Sa instead af vneis,*1 ei- NrFns'adWle Lnsri A tmoonllglt nlght, a cool The oid 'tice gainé' <sas vorkad Ltplgli.aicgh n Ale anwed sinngvaeit.wldd- M.Enetnd atrLlaiif 'by six men (rn Noitli Shiridan Hscojad asgb ed ha igtokd acn. .A w e r at e the nav Blhbamn fldlng orgaf eana - ?m-lPidsynightand esuIled in the î ar-it asor Ibc man a hadsaw<le adgv nbu !usîr. Sec Prof. aie aga"' working on tha golf links at eadh the gmasy lawu <by wa ocd Bienetthlbde ofc n in hactio m IHighland Park for the Suinieér. Tbia aof thecamp in the deep been pursued 1>y tha police fac sev- Whcn hcaraîcved In Waukegan be Eparh eauedeatani uaain nthe fuunabsniic Snof rhoa ceral hundrad lad tbrougheliad.mpra the mafietltadolcean in the gymnasium af the rhurch ai 7 vhîcb <se regret vecy unh. od.rUidck fa j Bavraiabas <er fied iy bePo- they in loin reparted tle Incident ta Cola. oria fi'alissil ' Anna Gerber t andiAsHa- yctlaaarithbm- lice. The thre nen raî>ui-ed are cPmi Sherif! E. J. Green. The sheriff toni Iryr ahn cded> alcia b on" moi nsat mk i ployait by John Darrow in the con- Policeman Heuiy Woertz and Paul a 73 Metingl'jlis yo e rte abckiednd. -rn- ee uict ak h struction a! île Zion rosd. Thev suc- Warren3and drave narîlthen Sheredd. W aukegWanren and bu h sc ins a bouIn eSheridansas pictw 'e of happine s cern- j- teeded Ibis morniitg In convitning Road. They s hie tire btdoei em stog vrbd a therikintagam oie as a ak tey were paci. At Beach raad they înrned ouijoy îiding ar aise entertaining rani plete. Sa here la Uic Va- torist rather tibsn wth the inention arofind snd tartad bak. The tire RBTRAI pany last SundaY, as OUr achool. as cta rnwc.Ten of rabbery and they <era dlhsmlwsed waaagaia. Tbey tunitd if ta the fiuai Eari C. Morgan, Pamior. welI as cburnh, a-as verY siiiall. Lt y iwy vlbfie a 5 n css ai <îcisida raad and then turcd around strulieft you haveawy withaines i oliadcoutelc P- aai. Wantbay gai back totahie Sahlatb Scbnai ai 9:45 s. un. OUI'us buprava in this respect. Oui pastar - lice Magiotiate Walter Taylor. point wbare they tiret had sean the mcail ernineUplasss firdung te is impraving and catting up saune fn itd The men -gava their naimes as fol- iceItgbad been placad ban ifn the sumner aianiba. Classasafor ail ages Ioa lrad again. This urne theN stoppad Roy P. Wright, Supt. slmosu.aan th ili Galop OUll. gcdIt a Jon utvla te>gaion ohtu teyai 11 a. m.Tapir o! tha Miss Etia lichroadar 1s vislting w$ .o D w Damov a Gi. adis1, , covb ecedtha gto ftir h ae a n orinesemo."A Heraid of thba brthar ai Mlwaukea for a veai DarW m. dueslo. ad 2. ! ohn W he ireuns uetlea offinirKingdani." Gond micr. Juniar raon- or tva. an Damov faUimn. ae : o . lth gan a en s artha man Tba gregalion. The public la invited- Chair practin txiFriday eaIl7 P.u C. resan ga .a ! 0f w fun <en ahida ec-ante Union Service ai 6 î. m. in Central hu st io h nbi o * n I 1..& Adaus t.. Chcaga. seat ada ai he raa. Ai Ia rom-Park. P'rof. p. p. Bibern, a! conside-Ti i~a aaum AdasdS., Cicago. 10 ahiuga t madiaim ohibnda tle al ai temscl< aattend the W. C. T, U. meeting at theBusT s Èdwar Bidiger 10 Wahing six..meil braieotoaa Fnit.golng It prasent ai this service. The nav fld- Prairie Viav cburch at 8 o'nioci. B y i -differaili directioils. One af <hem lug organ viilhacdadicated. Tbe cnom- Sunday Schaol at 10 a-.un. SOuciay va koce dvusu asoierdmonia vane many and very favorable s'vie i8:0 Fine ta o k sili. T end afficrsirted to-yards last Sunday avaniug's address. evaning srieai80.Subjet of after the tbars. Aitan a long chose In this service Yeu viii !lnd samething sermon, "1Cauntiiig the CaSu-" ifwicb sealai ss ere filed the a utile diffamant and 'Jusi as vbala- "The famiiy vas ordained of God officans sunaeedad In natcbing tva sanie. The public Is invited. that rbildran might ha traiuad up for mare0f he mn. han bayraînit- At 7 p. m. at thae churcb parions viii ad Ille firet mat aitili vais Iying in tbe bc a mass meeting o! tba youug paoe lsh;i a aaetacuc.o veeda vhaeeha bad beau taid Ian e- Pie o h brb orpeec araier, the firsi faint o! the edurci h' main. The Chas. vas a bard oan t ulnited, but Ja expactad as a remilt an eaaml." lt Was thfôugh bigb veafs Part ofofa aChristian duty. If yuauare Inter-"A happy !amiily Is but an aarliei erEE the time sud tbraugb plougbied field% este btevlaa itaindm eaven." - eào th rst bufi tme hauhitayaum place ls vitb us ai ti iebum. 'T ereThe Court o! Honor, Boy Scouts Ofa!83OMZ ý Waukagau and ver. locked tup lb. Auneras. viii met ai dia chumcbPpar Y-u ppreciate yeocnpt. city jal] ion the nigiît. They toici tbe lors o11 Tuesday avaning for the pas- HARVEY TUA IC MWhnNuheri doet olcetha teyha lid sniIgt ing oi mtit badge tests. On Tuasday youUIYIIJUlatinallbu an lýpai uotira d tvda r ning evauiug 1a fîbi -veai algbt.saiso!r.ul m ha i i u A1trm hwFN Against Accidents that may happen with your Automobile. Insure your1 Car in Old Line,Compnies that offer real Insurance. 0 . J. Boehm.' AU1 form of Insurance Coveraga. SERVICE FI RST EveryTèlephone 1l.a a Long- Distance Station, Bell long-distanoe tlephone fines are the voice highways of the nation. &merytléphone ainong thc 12,000,000 operated by thé Bell System- and its connecting companies 18 in potehtial connection witb every other and can bc placed in actual connction when desired. This vat sysem of communication is at thc disposai of the business men of Arnerica for commerical useand maybceuscdlikewise for pet- sonal messages between far sepmnated friends. Cll f rom your own tléphone. Ask for <'Lonig Distance." IGet mqusintsd with the. momey Md tm saving "staion to station" servie. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE. COMPANY To close estate of E. J. Countrymain, 1 will seili t PUBLIC AUCTION --- 333 ACRE FARM TUESDAY, JULY l2th, 1:30 P. ',., on the premises Situated adjacent to the village of VOf-O. Illinois, 5 miles cast of McHenry and 5 niles west oif Rouind Lake, Illinois, on the Woodstock-Waukegal eret road. This faim is wel împroved and in a high state of cultivation. Inspection is itnvited. A* beautiful place to live and a good investment. Charles R. Leake, Trustsee. Dixon. Illinois. A Message%, for the Man of the Family. Stay at home some Monday mor- ning and get acquainted witm wash-day. Rub and. scrub and wring and lift scores of heavy, steamiflg pieces. Wrestle with wash boilers fined with boiling water. Stoop and stretch and bend until back and arms are breaiking. Then, perbaps, yoW'I understand why mother is mot looking so Weil this summier. And You'II be glad to know that you cari re1ieé-b Mother of ail this toil by having us do your famnily washing. We'hi wash ev erything sa carefuliy that even the mnost cical carti'oplain, and wiiehl return your bundie with only a few-ight pieces ieft for mother to iron. Try st this week. SheIl feel ever so mnuch better, anid ".yu will too. JUST PHONE FOR OUR DRIVER. ' LOI Short Ite Mi foi, sei <rai M r. and Nl,- the holiday in Mca. Jolin N lied triends ir Fî*-d Chureb guc-mt of 1,ib.,r ion.'l Bulli vullage Saturd; Mdr. and M daughter, lias Lake Forest. Edward Car tion tram bis Fielid retail sti Mm. An »lusiar a»5e Evanaon Mou Blair Fouidi cago. afier a V parentis, Mr. ai Bec whi Lat IAutc IRes., T Shop T Wl Bi w pians a and, lei Coi Tin Il Geti Ne

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