CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 7 Jul 1921, p. 6

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CounHtY Seat NewsI - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - m teI~ftU~u1tosanie lime as tise otiser returs.. Mr. SCO ESD EII Ruggles vas "on tise job" and hi. co- o' ors ion ls greaUly apprecltitd. PLAt ON tp to tise time tise Sun'. flgist ex- of calîs for returss veo recelved b>' teehn.In tact thoso calis fer te- F16HT ETURNS tutus contluued to corme in until gfter Inquiry develops tise tact tisat there ýI f us folireturns, round vas cousiderable bettlsg on t.he figist $und, over hour ahsad dospite tise tact tisat tise odds on Demseywer gostrout. Most o Of Chicago papers tses bet weeosnte numbor of rounds Carpentire woulti be abie ta lite Daliy Sun scrd a decidpd stand uP under Demîssoy's attiack. One VM boit over ail Chicago novpap- sien is creditedth ilhiaving vos over 9 gOtUrda>' aftersoon vison it pro-$50 ted full details ofthtie Dempsey.- I=erfg ta ti te local fasTV àd by round, aver an hour sad ""RODBER TO S E -thcgo papots.i1 -10i Daily Suns, costaining (u de- Whs of tise figlit, were aellisg an tise iSots here aItishree-thirty 'cbock. %o fi'st Chicago sovaiîaper. carry- IonIt' meager returnslon tise figisi. Ppoa,8rod aI 4:40 o'cbock. juat ose ur- andti tn misutps 1.1er. Tise> Ibicago paper containeti mprely tise Ir« round of tise figisi. A littie tater hoIher Chicago paper sPPeared on le scene. contaisisg a fiaihthtia !mpsoy isat vos. but without tise Mluble dtails. Barry Poretsky wovias tch 'arge or o deva loba soya stands. fîgureti IUR tise Sun's fight extras woult i fnd s3* a rsady sale asd iscreased hi. «M~. erder by 'tour isundreti capies. 'be vere grabiset up -Bo cageri>' hsi lil fairiy matie bi i heatiswim. 5lie 001114 ta tise Sun off ice anti Increaseti *1 order te ose, tisojasad exiras. Ilt fans cantînuoti ta buy papers as Bt «" -»@w boys eould bond tison oui. Mesky hastesedt I ncreaqe i.s or- lr tu tvo thousasti papers. Il tit iÎt taire long 10 dispose o! tisor anti Wrotslcy sent in anather arder fori Minmore. The Sun pros.sisad staPPed «#ever sjl> tise last order caulli sôt e:t <fld. 80 thero vere man>' dlsap- 11teld fans w ho bore abligedto " tml the Chicago papers ar- Pfd os tise scone. The Stan rocoiveti itis rturnstram' ft IntormlionalNesService visicis "i excellent ime lu flashing out Rè roturna. round isy round. As a pro- Miios thse Sun also hat matie or- MOpuents ta recelve retorns, hy *eioss tirougi tise coirtesy of Lo- lu X. F1i~.en, editor In chiefoteis rtet laies bulletin.Tise viresa e In amoluai practically tise Homri3 to 8 p. m. FROM JAIL ONLY TO BE NABBED Vintent De Pascal ends 60- day terms here; faces four years prison in N. Y. Wiîen Vincent DePascat stepped front tise Lake cousty jait Thîtradat' aftor serving 5111>' days for hav Ini rabiset a Highlandi Park resitiesce. ho hati visions of sunsiie and floc erg, beisg 0f a poetical turs of siisd. but as atticer tram Elmira, N. Y. re- forsiator>' vas vaiting for hlm ai tise dont vils extradition papers tram Gos-v. Sinall and Iook hiins back ta 'do" fotur years. bDe Pascal vas paroleti ftranitise Név York intitution, visere ho atlî had four years ta serve, anti broke his ptarole. comnîg te Laike caustY. Afttr ho vas sentesced b>' Jutige C. C. Etivards. In tise circuit court bore ise erote a lilerary gem of abtter ta tise jutige. asklng for a parole. slatisg ho voul i tko a c hasce ta id a someane's secretary, . as ho spealca isabf a dozen anguages,. and is evory- îiing tram an expert os office filing work ta valetisg. He also mtade i glovlng speech In hie boisaItfbut tise Jutige opineti 60 dhYs vouid ho about rigist for lise Highliand Park job. 1IURL STONÈS AND ASIESINTO DE» ----------- - - - - - - - - - - - 6880M -D _IU T o"imuiacýJ' u Luwun i t atci the station. A euL u * bas tones oidestial, eleciors, "DUS. IKONà DAVIS R O TW 1U Ttise abdomen aîvays, la regardeti as heure, Lindeman madetie "ise ds ~0pade ?~usoe serous.tisrue tisebusiness district anti ever>' I viscf s a os the uidbetts of thing vas O. K. untîl tise 12:00 o'clock' fmS'0 ieodt itS0 wt-omion esiOfq9mitlosWalter Compa of.North Chica- run. utie blyva tsa us h lrPomIe sm, lmaabaos. g 4IJ9.BA IJU eon Blddleom's canfectianar>' store (0<S2i » NOle5w"@ pr Uvsisota) go isvîoum of Iwo men andthie A. & P. store, Lintieman dis- - -____-___-__-___- New ?l~Casus o (1at C D iN D ID Ii. cavereti as Istoxicated, sailor. Ho iLLINOS. midiight ~ IllllEl ~hi mto lise police station, bultishe gob1~A II h Tvo unknowa mon ai midnight les t, flttu tftluIy euseti ta go. Lintieman 055KtelAla D OW S man R ~~ iPrida>' isurled. a largo atone tbrougish fUJl1 ' eilov la untieratantithat ho moant '"'~ ~ tise bodroom window ie se me o f business and flred bis gun. visicish i U t& .pffl 180 Walter Cospa, roaldlng t làth ansd I silad up qut. a bit of excîtement I, Kr"Juo iaibai avenue, North Chicago, anti Officer craft and Linemann, in tbrougisout tise Cil>'!Bi PAL AL14OST P i 00ednan dte. tseu tirev a large pauful of asis Kraft vas passing b>' at tise tîmo i IIE V ieAogtntSdAdIO. asti cIiners up b is vite andti tv North CiaoStation, i n mbern h sorntavd- OSt.DDOWN, TOI) year oldo anono sleepigntise ssal. rauta Usde piou, uit. ocsyor i onsepigisunie iethriHing set mans,assistance. Heofafered sug- Pedolcaiy fr Fans isovindv. ise oregestions. vhieb vere ovitieutly re- moi B Mr. ameandti e boy>' elalsenteti b>'tise sevl>'appointeti po- .E Cadelo th Pa- POmaetloke ger. Mrs. Compa las ad in-0eais f oneof tise mot ena.lice, and iinsteati et assisting, Usde- B .Clwl fteR J. L TAYM dos. Mr. etCb'mpai gas slepn anti m- ouaI occurrences tisat ha. overs'it col itmk-Lk DR. J.n "e t AYLOR tkes. djier. rompbutwaslaene luantaken place about tise Norths Chicago mat, 1&was islplng the safilor "boatmasssholicmhiL e pthe crashgNtinl nc*ig t-hen tise aone hsed yPolice station began ta lek ioutles "IAndeman.. Wisuon t nop- as he hab eamps IIIIIIII-1 tiI 3-305M 7 te08 . De. thrwogi Mr&. CoPaas botiroom astiPritia>'night anti tisecuti of tise son- poise horeoscunted rotis e eno È_ Boaway opMt»Par Itot ekichn.sational climîxes tisai ensueti Tiurs- lîqumr g an aimto tise hallý vohbai B. M. Caltivell, a iospital appren- l o i e e . a s B r a l a > , p j o o tCP a m p e tiste k c isan .d> ' w w o l a l a g o p ta D r . ille r 's o ff ic e . H o r a n s ,Ue o. r s i c la s . . l a t c ie d t i e m a t s *~~~~~c TY ILILIOS op ru1 ie orat avtasti i>tis e asate as it ot fi iet rhlot bisgosenthospilal corps ah Great Laites,.was men ruisning east ta Kristian avenue. h ail eame about b>' Mayor Deacenaau ni sti iesico 0ltdrovueti off Ardien Shore about 7:10 ÙR . F. BuJIEu mFJ anti fîredt Io shoîs at tie. but tise>' tocitilng ta 'discisargo tisîpo po l i n 1. After somo questionIng. tise i 'ciock Wednestia> evenlsg, June 29, VETINAE 13URGEON men ythe scosape.selgbsa va - on.Nml' ficr rf.Koote doctor el Undemas in tise office andifwien. vil tisree otiser sailors. Sie vas ouedbub>'tehe sisots. si. o savatise mvn.anti Cudik.Accortiisg ta Mlayar cablet tise Waukegau police ta omsest in batinlg in Lakte Michigan. AmihietSta. etrlarln. roreaIs ms.Deacon in orter ta retroncis It vas tise saibor snd Kraft. Dr. iller tilt t came seat-t> beiag a double IUTTVILLE, II. No cause for lise altack cas ho giv- necessary tlay>'off some of tsla oCci s akea oieonii rvslgbeae asil a ela BANANos. bt Copa bolovesit i becaso liemenanti sa hoieiolfitedtiatola>' 0fovn boa, 'but titi so b>' Llnteman's Lambritt, visa. nette Cîivl' Ba w W. COLBY ise vorbidet atlie Chicaga Hartiware tisese three mes. They were sotîfioti roquosl Wheu tise Waukogan po- predicamellit wost 1ta reCti hi., aI- tountir> compan>' turing lise rodent anti accartils ta tise mayor. O'Kee lice atrivet on tise scene. tie se sller mont leosiebi lite in tise attempt. as Attmory4At.i.W strike. He las tili emplyed i athtie anti Cutzlk acceptedti t is scliarge vas laiton toth ie local s tation anti Cadwellt seizet imt about tisenecit 0«JSc at Rose, o Cook Avence. fountir>. He titi sol report tise mat- but Officer Craf 'vobutti sot i- dis Kraft vas taites ta tis Waukegan anti In bis desperatation ta save im- Ii~s~oss ~ t er ta tise police ciargeti." station. self almost pullet ieiss oulti-be re- LoeERTr jj, ua.utois. Ho. iisisted mhat hoe hati no notice, The affîcer i th ie North Ciicago 1 scuer 1>010 tise biter. PRV&SOIICAVC bU adnt beos paiti anti vouldtiSa statian hati conslderable trouble in A sutiteu atlack of erasips causeul Lfth.. . MO S IlA~s.J VEUiiJJquit. Accortiisg ta reports aboustishe quieting tise saibor ant Iin their ait- tis trageti>' viicisla one oathtisetrs station Ct-att vent out, drink donald- tempî la do ta. gaI ont the tire base ofthtie season la Great Lakes. tVD ~ IlIIV feable moonsine asdti ies starteti and set ift an tise gob. Tisis seemet Wilis three sipsates Caitivebi LIBUBTYVILLýE, ILLINOIS. UILL I WISKYflI eo a rampage. te please him, anti as ho sisook tise etsmmn do a Arn LueBuilding.i At the police station vas Alderman bars of lthe(colt, calbeti for mors mater. hrnet fermsiis ti ovnGratLartiesn ,a& uho e a-M. Offce hoe 1. F i) w r ç 'x 'laa' e as th*@ altfer Crafî hati Tisenozzet vas tarcedti mbi Igone oîst ant iimbbedi cs!sderabiv 'noutis. vbsch soan qulotot i hm. Eary le la a fais-b> gootisv swior anti bati PAM uL Macjjq i asti iatiretorneti. An argument Iirday marning he vas tus-netiover it0out uis vter sot vier>' at- ho- t tartoti Salata iriedtai ié lt Ct-att ta oticiats ai tise Great Lakes visere yunw i s tieaps avises o a seig fo Aten>-tLwSprisigl¶ett. Itl.. Juttv 5 - -r>'andtihe -repart la t -at at started Ip.v ies crampa a n bgas > eifo Attrny-t-awIlinisphsiia wiowrté apr' hotig.tht alisra fom the NIId EandLambrit vas ttiei-t ta ar- LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS, .criptias for vhist< anti evoy trug- buding anti outsidi t-nr a ,m ts sl strefretsrseit I laehoe33 itaroM nov ta tciiic luievainun-> IWOM N, Vgfg a,, Teleisisole 33.ogisi v s tat.on.'I atonira1 vawagotnin ord-a ta eqcapo p i tF't t'Pen cs hgan a battlain vhscb Lais i 'e Lai-r vîtes ask"t Jab,,- i .lii'itflf l' MR C. B. OLIEYCoring taAtio-np,' G-ni-rai itund Nfiayor Dearon said ti sif' ms h CA1K L AR N» rItnal'taibeaxnilogot VetOrimiar>' Surgeon. Tise si-vlac tirovst,i lîi l hYsi ansittitine bicau, hhiati no ul- Ê &KStuidv antice. h osaskiov tiseadsur- Tolepboues 35 anti 36. cians andi tituggists must obtaiti pe lts in bis revalver. He insistedthtii IMKLi. faeo is saor ail tses aie dyila Office Wltb Fat', Bureau. mt rmteatony-nrl . ekSren , a Iýmediatel>' anti tise>'tii sa, sisrti>'0f- Smnal's appt-aval of*the dry bill onIl-0onevîto dbite shoobingIt n the sti lt-yward but _tea ]ale la rosusciate LIBRTYILL, ILINIS. a foc hours tiifore it becamne et tien. expIainiln t liite shol ati<'rat, Mrs. B. H. Bshop chased b um F. IARO W th pepion adprnin fper. t,,gt , l!qu Ii, , îYoung man holdng embryo adwî as about 18 >'oars of age MANUFACTURER OF mls.Mn. Brtntage's assistants sait. Alderman - D3eats îî butterfly frightened Eatvlo bues at ao UnMAM G M .t)d rnthe l t pica itfia soit Aldea Salta.îd' tan-I-tai : g ina. Hohllt been at tise station EAIDLEAID GANITE ttitd muting ti si tto lssstua aîlAilrmn aat,'atqitted ltai Mrs. B. n. BIisop. o! Wauke i bou ie iantis leing'a graduate of they tuat ait nuit b.- ao ie ti-mde bis' escape as iîi&k as pas gin, ha. a barrot- of bugs antivormis,abt MOIPJEI(IS-generat's office tuas porutits bctore subIeanti hitiunder' the ant oi-n î'î>Ctie Bat-ton. a Young I Portsmouths, N. H. Pharnacist scisotl. ast' cas ho ssueti. Ho remaluedtitier.- tos monte tins, and man, tan atrtise andti îtt-ateIo He w as transterreti ta Great Laites Cmetwy W.akof EveYM WMN fTH~i tnsbt>'mate Iti% va> lack ta a lbtl t-roc a caterpîblar upos tuer BileDecembes- 19. 1920. WOMA GULTY-U. phono, anti catbe tatýI ftayor tDpiior became sa trigistenet sse toit off a 'ADFRE)l Intise meastinuie ho stayoti secreteipotcditt-hmeu tsA . oreat Men Aotuntod b>'Drosmo. boet-n tise batik bof-digttand cît>' Canton ai Yorkvilii. Ili., asti broke Ament attltthe grosi eharactetU Of UIEEfOIJw JICESOIJCIEI) Shortl>' betone -3:00 oaciock this. af - hall valting bot Mayoar Ilacr)n ta Or- honrankto, andt vOll oie laiép for -Rerodotus bolvedti iaItidreame veto tombasn a jury in caunt>' court t-o- rsve.Tise mayolt reacîsedthe tieatiîon several menthe~. Baton la Mrs Car IOf suPernaiurBtlb egin. King@ te 116 à"Seui G.. St. tut-neti a verdict o! "guilt>" againss abojut 12:00 ociock Tisîrsday nigisi ter's son. .isigned thefr icepters, Canabyses issu- Mrs. Frances Yukus. cisargeti vus antiCt-att ia t hoo tetainoî t in-tise Y5s-kvitbe la ni-ar Aurons anti Mrq. sinatet isbl&brother, priosta Btalsel WAUKEGA, M. .t. e eing a mûsaOsiner. A verdict of Imoantinlo. Accirtingt 1 1)the ayot Bîshop vas brougilhte Sunta) ra>' ofa omades ite __________________________ n__ tol uilty" tvas rotut-feul against ter h- iook Craftls.gus anti staranti toIdteir beisg lunlise iospîbat tise on , f- i po lipoers gi csomader..cle, MARflN tueUO5O. Antan Yueus. cho vas ahit te cassao loniger a î:tîeof tiree veetîs.ti-r husbant iis emplo>' 1sioreti b> men vbo changedtieir planus UNM C. DEJKFI joint tiefentiant. Mrs. Yucus vas ithie police tieparimenl. Acco(rdis taet b>'tise American Bridge coinpany su'1 f .dthese acte bocause At » ey t- aU bpea teti golty ta t h e. char e a nt] i i tit-fiinit f rtitor in sestigat on. Jabnso -M anvU le C e. ana eti, t it e >'nsp np o re . u tr t s USWaabngfonaStroot abliolvet hi-r hissanil 'The lat ti-r. Aot ber sensational Moature of-tie Bshe feloîlyu> about Ovi- foot but BB iSIelvsiseu -oob>' t' WAUIMN. ILLIOIS. In testlt>'lng. placet al]tise biame on case ia tise repart that Ct-att anti one>1tise base. o! hi-nloft tafot vero sots Xorxo sucis nigisi vision$sa tai m1 M. es. Phono 11001 bis vife's sisoubtiors aoftise ailier discbat-geti policemen plelel>' brokon off. dQ Dodge RBrothers Business Car Perhapà the best proof of their effiency is that the instalatio of orne of these cai so frequently followed by the purhae of others Business mea fiad they cUn approximate i n advance what their delivery will cost themn. atter titey bsd r9coved nette madeC6 a round of the territory betwees 14th T e anrd 22a4 strjts. 'md that' theyk T he Story o Up à continua] seres of shooting dur- - _ ing thse nlght. It in oven said tisat : v r~ & c they vent te a restaurant on 2219a1 O r S ate street and demanded that the reg- agl'* SC taurant people serve them somethlng witbOut Cent. They pullod out their XLV....OKl.AiIOnA liane ànd ate te thoir heartos contei. xL A 20 Asked &bout thse detais Mayor - 0 MA boldo D'eacOn today sald that ho was flOt lierc d fainfiglr wltb al of them but bsfe f h o rdl Craf northe tise meshadfotusly a l t as he bad been able tea bars selithet- growtls. t fired aflY $bots. However, Aldoîman ot ter. .et Saata gave anotiser version of it te Presidout frlo'sds Ou Prtday and lnsisted tîsat itl ejmnHrio ii u, Was Craft w:. did the shooting, ejmnHrrsnta k Mayor Deacon tays that the retire- borna waaopned u> Good tarin ment of the three mon was due on land avallable under tise Rome- tire>'e to OUtting dawn expenses. stead Act was difficuit teo lsd Salata'. Veforon. se the United Sttes bOUght fr0. the Indiana. who ba4 boom soe- ACeordlng to Alderman Salata. th1 gte Lnla" errtoya largo trouble bas precipltated sinthei sta- trct0f nome 40,000 square miles tion vises officer Craft trled t tairtak a ba troam Serg. LUnemann, a sailor wisont ia . been used iargeiy bit ho had arrested. It -.noms that salor, the Indiana as posture for their. In Civllan clotises. had bee o 501 In 1 cattie and bors. Tht. WU a 22nd sîreel restaurant; OKeefe cailed Oklahsoma. a word mens- Came in sud started ta arrest tise log"fine country," and wui ar- sallar. l'he latter resisted andi ranged toa1lieFOiSdy for sale te O'Keefo ta.ed this club wtth much re bomeateoders at -12'cock Dnons SUit On tise saitors heati.- Just thon of April 22, 1889. Troops vero Linemancamne atasg andi the off j- ploced on guard te prevent an>' cors declded ta taj<e the sailor ta eteoetrn eoetsii. jail.1, for more tisas 100,000 "boomuers" Arrlving there. Craft lia ppened t, as tise> were cIlied, coame fr0. i be inside. and, accordlng 10 tthe other 1 ail over tise countîry te obtals mes, was drunk. Ho înterfered wtîtj farmç or piacea for business. Onf Linemann and tolti the sailor flot t ý thse stroire ofthtie bour, bugles.- pay any attention ta him but t' sounded and the nsad rush by 1 'corne vlth me" Linernanf thoen mes, women and cilidren ta le-e drew his gos and ('raf t did likewise. rate laims. beglan. The govers- Shootlng started..'t dont know wlho mn aitrne adofcr fired tise siots but bettes e itwa.' mn ie ragd adofcr Lisemafin. trylng ta scai.' traft'. nt mas>' places at wisich claims sai Aleran abaa.adiling. "I could 1>0 lied fortise tir.s or d n Atrta fnd ,t'Sbaa l lot. asd ail tisaI day these tissk raf ha nacar rîgesitthi. were beaiegeti by lightlng mobs gun at the titre .-iétaîl tired tipn -~ ta register their âelecUions. Be- al earttor when '-le ratinkz imn. fore nlghtfali bundreds of fermas mass was flot intoxicat.-ii but ('rafl were staked out aud Okiahoma was. Linentann te'atn.-îl h.- piort City' and <utitrie were Weil a i-r and tin-illy. cha-.- i .,îîî otiti ;1- ~their way ta becomoe es. statIon." Vfss waa developed Ibis re- Asked I <'ratt was t' b- Ir otcsut glos whicis carne loto Hlie [)os-t ed Salat. said ht li-,uzlh n )tb.vus.' t session ofthtie United Sttes as ho- was a good fi-titi; ahi-n -o'îo: an a part of the Loulsiana Purtisase l'ad a large fatit:ty. ln1803 and whlch was set aside jfor se tUBS> yesars as Indlau ANOTHER VERSION country. Previous 10 tise forma- H@ote.'tise version of thse affair as tien of Okiaisgma ierritory, can- turslshedi by the Stns North Chics ra al obd a iIest go correspondent somewhat differest tiers la tis panlof tise couutry. thas thse above. but. - 1e tacts were andti Iis edlct was enforceti by hard ta cotiect acurately: ftederal troups. As tise demanîl At a specil meeting of tise clty* for more tend was toit and as tise council Tlsursday evenlsg, Nigisl Pa- nalsdecreaaed Las sumbors, licomen Kraft and Chudick were laid! f muas territor>. vas adddite8 t off for tise purpose of cutting davn'1 Oklahoma terrîtor', and tu 1907 thse city P* rail, as il vas deensed il Was admlttod te ise Union as that it vas not uocessary for so masy the tas lte of Oklahoma, addîng night police.-f asothor star te aur flag. vhlcis This bringlng ou a sutides short-, tfor eleves years had containod ageof ethelp ait tise station, the chiot i orty-êive. Thse stato bas foeur- - hired Herman Usndemas. lemporariiy [FLEES -AFTER FJR- JNfi TIIREF SIIOTS INTO luS VJCTJM Majk Tfomrich lies ai point of death ai hospital with bullet wound in stomnach A sisootisg affair wiihout a kuown motive, mi>' resuit fataliy for Majk Tornsch. aged 33. who lies aithtie Victory Memorial hospitai vils a builet wousd lu hi. abdomen. Two other builets grazod hils, one istliit- lng a wound ovet- hi. right eye asd tise athod plowiug a furrow ou hi. shotulder. Ni1kota Govicis. aged 39, charged vils tise shootlsg. made hi. escape, and la beisg sought b> tise police on a warrant chargisg hisi witis tise assault with Istest ta com- mit murder. Tise sisooting occurred shortl>' afler miduigist Sunda>' nigist on tise front porch of tise George Cessar homte, 205 SauthSiS. James street. Waukegas. visere bath sien werorooamers. According to tise police tise two mon hati had a littho quarrel Sunda>' mornisg at chich tinte Govichis i.'sd ta hav-e siappeti Tonticis in tise face. Tise cause oif tise argument ha. nat yet been learneti. On Sunda>' nigist Tomici andl Ces- sar were qoluing on thse front porcis wisen Govicîs came home. Tomicis ls said ta have askod ('ovich why ho siappeti hi. face in tise otornlng. Ac- vos-dIng ta îis police-Gôticis made no reply but enttored tise bouse, go- ing directi>' ta his raom where ho procureti a revolver front hi,' trunk. A few moments later ho reappeared on tise porcis. gun binsanti. andi vitis- out an>' prelintînaries openeti tire on Tomîcis. Twa of tiese abt.sterel>' grazed tise victini bot tise thirti took affect ln hi. abdomen anti ho drap- ped ta tise porcis. Apparenti>' thinkiug tisat hi,' vie- tlm vas deati Govici tises ran trom tise acene. Cessar carriedth ie wound- ed min Isto tise bOuse and caileti tva pisysiclaus andth ie police. Of- ficers Lerche, Kennediy, Sisewbrook and Warren respontiet. A searcis vas matie for Govicis but ho coulti sot bo locateti. Tise physicians rentiered f irst aid asti tise victlm thon was remavoti ta the isaspital in tise Wetzel anti Peter- snambuilance. À h.. 1i, .,.,. - A W- aIl t'lutl ncen. .. e. Xne' price a-.lieu lie matie bis decision vas Ins 1ro lte Anmrl-îan congres., teOl- about $9 for 20 pounta;'aItishe beffi- s.Iing th li iutîîl-noessît>' for pins nîng of tise car lu Europe. hl rose te iliste devplolîîmîentir tise civilisation 55, asdtigs-or-e-as agwrIS 1,à5 aof tt"îthe îi'v, fl aci ibonsuof ton, or e as thol as goiti are. listlise £50 for tis. fit-st tsveqtit-bive toien do- oprlng of 1915t. tise Once ibail toise mosiIr plut iquii itistos' Ituportet bigiser' sud bis neighbbr'lood I n thoj roin Emigîmnd. mouiains e-as ailvo vitis othur mon In 1797 Tînuobli> Harris of Englanti loLing for tuugst.-rà. afion tise santé devlsedliihe' brts ollit-headed pis. mes Iviso, a test' >eat-s earlilr. isad Ami-t-ian Inventît-e genlis, as usuil. laugisotint hlm am(]ui nlkmmamed-tlai ot'Oniuîm'lon te Jobitstîl tise'Seait "'Tustirsten uiiut." 18o, ttfi- a.1t, t-os. Idea wt itis It ipn. Leilutet Welîmin tlie stiîry. ssiueh 1si. tullovah» enaugis Wright - ut tislacoumntry Int-enteti s ln %i-tv otif1w c1 stniist tbsat, ;n 1017, machsine' lni 1124 st-tieS gave the lu- ite. ct-' -titusllu tIte' Unitedtalutes, dtst-v tntv, fits1>1.machline 105.000000 i tiirt(i-tîiii iteut Ilampa, tu mati- î.iitbut i'iul. 1Ithe plus b>' a sa>' notilg nf 75.W80.000 amaller ose%. proce8sa "ItilatitheSimnaking ut salIs, -ircisange. b>' trlvlng n portion of tise pibnitseif lulo -a c'umint-rsunk isole. This vas don. anutoituirit:,illiy- sd causistei uta Trou a., Nursemali. qevîefb>' clih il-li Isevre cwas seizeti I T',flar orlt--.ttaîs-a<- thesti ent ln twn maniait groovpt ciseoit. Whsen 'nurse,': ' sîti ti' iti'îstet-. visa as SolS riseek a :" ýplaceti face to face, bus>' plauting a !tiile ue ' ai le tise ir, la fildtu tigiîl> ln tise grooe larches i ontIse eitg" af a nec plantai it n zzlimait purion prajectisg, a ilias. Ho expîîuîmuuthti tise SîrOsg, Mmi lîîîîîmnipr onnected viti tise ma- qulck-growlng lai-eisvas tise bout bisie strîkes on. the projectilg pot,- tree ta prtleu-t cîierts ftau frost andi tion, ltis forming thse boit. troim5ti -Ant i tu siluare ;uiuitliug a Be vepars Inter, la 1831, John Ie booclu edle:' lu' » IIll i îi >'fond Have, s doctar ln Bellevue his-e Fou~, t.,z, .1u;; .- Z.. u1 oi [, %il,.- àd- pilaiN-s'Yot-k. Investei B machine 1 rI ailîe. fenr i tteir ig vllfor making perfect solidtihmed tplus. pI'otectthile eeci antl i 'i hotcoibacis A-cOmpas>' vas organIsedandoui gtac- lier wviselit bas - '-.dils prpsoo.* loiy>' asned Ip DUoIt»', Tf Electric AppIiancça They add to comlort at ail trnes, particularly ini the summer. YFor in- stance Electric Fans They change the climate £I.ctric Grill 'You osu 00011 a meal on one of them. Electric Irons You oau iune one on the baok porch or the Iawn by supplying a cord of proper longth. 17s., r.oe ,nuy thoe, in the _I-ity of .hicsw* dskfait~ aquWi g qDcWw on* oooWucaIl i -praà. -omt. We Bell Them Al Monthly Paymieat Public Servie Co. o:NORTNERN ILUNOS PINS NOT LONG PERFECTED Pffduotion of thse Roaily Finidi«o Product Ont) Opýtes Buck te Use Vear 1824. Former L appears Kenoi w . i,-u i I1 b, îr. t - ' I. itm-n,-c t- o! K. n,~,s; tumot.r thlat attorney ofI 1 kilted in. an lthe repart death <'aupli had stade a vas brougisî Police b.Agat Walker. ftuses Tise repos stade a Mai conduct of 1 flem novb bIsere. "I c oatis discusf declared Spt Mr. Fisher 1 Mein stise and iIf ho ha reported it eîideratlon oi eay nothing Thse runlil Fisher hati which hle ha bees:iiàl£tman) Ftiher %; but -alîpi-ar, found that tî steip just mruîng att (arsit for at etil bing was found 1) 000 000 0 M 000000 John ]iob', W-'k .Rd 'At Mit.- l,ar ctît-niln'ho dauKhitîr. '41 Mrs. F. L. t'ourih wvus Fro-nd,. of Ioiiilarti that ysis i n f'lont of thit son In ..îdi is affect M"lui-z 1 Iront Saturds da tif -t vi broýet b-tf - 'rniý i le Generi STALE A? mi Country Pr LAKCE YUL FREI AUC1 FRtM A A 547 NOF PI" ]Rviera. CI P. E. t D REXAI cOU( Standard l cOsfeciom Peifumer> PIIYSICIA Cdrefi TMER GRA REPORI DIST Àý MAI Libertyville Garage J. N. BERNARD, Prop. Ask Libertyville Bakery or Reliable Laundry as to Service th«e. Cars are giving. RESULT OF CROSS BREEDINO Qualities of O-~tnAminilmS prove ty >'te 1 - t on of Buood of OtI tecies. 'risc I i!liii, . t .-.-iia. li illetige iut , % iti, t If-t ' 3ndi e, btasl.,îl .... 0'l .i. u ttiiO Tnii., i i- , î cro.i.-1 'I- . - _ ot . ji-i' o»iî' -Yor. . '-tir-,îu5 orlth t -îî mu. Th.-' frocs in-bm-edoe. w, Iuernctut llb li- i, dWs gage. lias hi-senist-mossiy improved Sd otîhnotly e-rasîn2izsh thtie mli ii .'sslsih' plils'il rîrl.qg,t tront Cent-ilAia. Inu 'it, -o01iip 55e5i-i i vol- lmptiîl..f 'if lperet,- - .f-ti ,iiitned lb>' Use mi. tiitua it.Prto -.rwt Theoriln t-y wvite oferretl hasnami. fable emlaure. but rathli- sioc. Cri qe wlth tise svoiote ile výilti uliot. thée reouttIntise ieel. %motter tlith* ts ferret hit muet' , moe Artiv- and garce. andti he finffi-ovire4tiure :uî dat. eâce for u'ovking iuter mils or -sisbi& MADE WEALTIY BY TUNGZt -E Colorado Prospecter Had thse LaughI On Mon Who Mai Proviouoiy Dorided Hi. Notion. Withoui tise tuscover>' ef is utilit>' b»' saitng tise filamenot used ln lu 0100 blic ligisiing, tusgsems vouiti atill bo 4 produce regarteti b>'golti sud alives. 551510g proapectars as a nuisiance, bo- cause Il 80 'often lImtrruptod ibeli BoireSfor bise preclous moti.. Be. tors tbat tîscove->' uaguten, chen tount. vas Intoedintel>' ibrovu ava>'; buit 50 lise tale la tbld of a yousIg Inuîing engiseer. iookisg for goit ln tise mo(1unta Ins of Colorasdo, viso st'ueck tungaon Isaeat. sandîleto a mie lise best ut hie dIscaver>', izi tise hopet

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