THE LIBERTyVMLL INDEPENDmqr. THURSDAY, JUI Y 7, 1921 AE IIIc wadg a nhvbe or te Maeî. ist -. :i .,ln REOT IIIR IsV~~: M MEN INEXCESSGihi__ REPORT~~~~~ FIHE ands %V.. Ch ii lan bic ai(no iv n r lier CO FFS' Ileitr of 1* OF v..ý,fk r%ç-ç (aivit 01 CI( H ee;anIl~M E r DIn. 'oT OF 'akarNO Mr. and ., .I. ljlI! i. p o i.' n Il, ' 'h' er swanAES J- bz i ib.' a rij, o aie 1'ti,___ Former Lake County resîdent ,Il bail -ha [*i afld 0"d ilti n u,;,,Males outnumber the females :lie n e i-' V. V appears to be "in bad" in Je" . a Y. Sr., u ' i h ntdSae ymr ~G o ~n...Knsa vc ak k :IfIll ai 111 nIc . than two milo . 0'g~ ,i ni th, q u li y c y Kenosh vic talk E. loi nina Joi,' Pli. big pincIi n tw i lontî. Aîuh ' (II laig ' ' D wa, h lu ritF.i II mtinig . ijlandl Park, Wîn Ette. Ln.o,1'I114 n d'paî,ivnî't of Bt,, .x.imi '.avone brand. Carnels are as g das it's pos- b' îng iO atI,. t III, 'Ih;ain- andi ji tr (] Mil N.lluin n iýr --'i a 1rIno ,, 'ut i'l Ic E.lwu ds ,ýni' 1; etof M. .. k..n.'i- Fi.. Aliord otf auca biok, ic .1"1 'If the~ Chficago frienla I,11 , sible for skill, money- an- ifelong knowledge of 11, ii N"r'-n, F.:tkI :tri- exle un bis racing cai h. re. wlibîl In MîPîaî,to h- 'i' S~ iss Ida SIrR't fine tobaccos to make a cigarette. oFri K, ,n-,ine otiti, stat-i a-i5 tIafl7 Tue Nliss.- feti. a i(aai )ip 1u he4 citi. tz,,.. aaI MfJ ofînsaviný neFt in oule front I>elavani Sun.îaý 1. 920 nus Of and, 'en-li kuký a ,ij niv peoidj Th'I Keno.sýt ,lerson,' Mr. and Mrts I.M)s.ntan uflotl The total popuîlation (if th i,-ted Monday. . * , o o aes n ertî N.w üaî -'lahiidren, Cari, Phulip and Eiw-ardl. and I epr=e l iss,.. Myra and Nohn I.o odfo a es lu î wsrI~~îiie >a G(oîwitze~r Pilent Sundfl< Lak Ge 90.7 aii r 1824 : Ilicago w.'ie The- u- M in mind! Everything lis done to make Carnets the Simf)r That Peter Fî..l. J-r. 'Il 1t cI a an nivaales.~1 iutzJer ive the ' k ri pssb a ttornev of Kenospha colino h ad sbe-tî f-v n 1-lmn Vs lîynd obn * h best cigarette it's posbeto buy. Nothing s oe kte reor an uobi i accident anr c o o 0 0o 0' o o o 0 c 0 o 0 0 o 0 00 Ithe United States there bas betn end in Grayffiake afo 11e elor f ieqelosinJuryi 9~ P reponderance cf Males a very A number of our fik il ril nded. tire- simply frshow. death 'otiîpled wllh a r-uloriba . G UR N EE *ensius front the earliest tu the lates. iînîc and dauce gis. n ci lu.- hli ai had made a totaleme'nt 1 . the special O O O O O <ao oo o o o oo o 0 This. condition js, due in large meas- Everett Monday. ITake the Carne! package for instance. le's the was brought 10 the cil, l'y Che l'< Maurte'os b ai- ure to the tact that the total pupilae- Mr. and Mrs. Hall> \ amine6enter- tolic Include an consîerbaî Dropor-oi Misse airurt number, cf t, 'ihtrlb'm stprfect packing science can devise toi pro- Polce. oaîanSs.-iPr..' UtrI nding Normai. Sehool ai l)eKaib. lion oflue aorei nsidersoale ouî o ur tb.e ubro ij-rd vrte otp Waiker oCofr. sp@ptt heweked inoe. linofthegnbrnPesnaaeuk end tet iarttsaa ie tehome.Ifeaypae 13~u. ter centir iuon Misaogwhm M.adMr.RtitIlTobi Tnae aeor titra t lir r ishard hd t iss W irh ren Fmloong'loai Lla the maies greatiy oDîflUifber the fe- and cildren of Chicago' w-r- guee'i. -secure foil wrapping-revenue stamp to Mda maeaSaeeti eadt h it etre rmBomnt n aisae. Thre exceaste I mailes in Tout, of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chiitstensen lastpakg arti . Bt condut of hi. office zeemed lu c'orneF-d bowever, due wboiiy to immigration, Suflda>. the fold and make thepakg i-gh Bt fiom nowbere and spread every- William l'atterséon la ;islting lit the tire native poptilaition havlng com- Mr. and lira. Oscar B.-ecl4am enter-'nti~fah aota idn Iwl'ere. 'Il can flot under my officia] home of bis sister, Mrs. Tirorne. Pris;ed a greater number of maie,- tained a tînmer of Cl i ends at ai thereusnthn fisyaoti ,nI dn oath discusls this. malter with yru' Gurnet and Wadsworth lied an ex- tiran femnales at every ceneus for Picnic swpper Monday. xr rpes.N rlso ubli declared Special Prosecut,,r WValker.'- : citing base bail gantât ai Wadswortb whicr seParai, rellut-nls for naitives -p-xr-l'pes o rlso freos me'~ in the wot'k ut! the grand jury la score o 8 tu 6. wsvitrQu.Mlà hÎFtds for InisSevice for neit Sod)are as ful- ~ ' Such things do flot improve the smoke »uy mort and if he has made the stateb1ent a-' Tire Miller- and Heniey familles ce) Th 0liOwing tables lIhow tire Iowa: Sunday School al 10 and iîraeh- bnpenun rcupn.Adrm m e-o ,-eported il ls a malter for the. con-j ebrated the Foutl ai Round Lake. P opulation and ses distrsibution î i ing aiIil a. m. The riîirnlng sutîjectga rmu so opo& Ad.mme-on igderation of theRand ;ut". 1 cala Most ufth11e Gurn.-., folks alieni t thet alit north central states.Harr vs. Doers." In the etefiing say nothing fîirtber- The fronit i in ciivuiat ion satd fli FMrs ai Legion P'ark, Waukegan. 1 Potpulation. 1920) the C. n. Society wili b.- led by Ho- »s a hi xr oto e oee ult. Fiserba itae salmeltIn D Citittenden la raplidly> recotier I Tot.]. Mai- --ml ard Strykem. The subiiiJt fo1r fliceve se Fitcîg'i -9for*t94cf bm s-ri-tunt linas.i ieiin. -;s->4 l-u-be 5'îi7 iagiIfacbig sryl-. uiithe-- Tuc -If ou antthe rnothet, elloest mideo wScI.. nîa cuglit bef-n hof 1a r enehlo s llcuo..>ki, 4't: .441,316 Hunîulity.", Owing ru hie IIIIstub.-dule. iaet oa raioadoeeUeyfo fliii࣠anyof ll menfO wo Q.iý,i 2 u.ikb r. Tbomas wiliî ctrb- wulli us Su becil ctcsely coonp-' eil wi'i. %Ii eo îlot Monda> -. .61C u.W , 4 day,.. asptevictiBly isitilun'i,-l ies. fron Icigaretty fetse ndr dttiitns cf the ilty. Mii.a lirane Stlbr> o-t lias ugon. back ri.-, o1t, ts,-b, b.. bei.- Priday e-o--itnv Juil> t ,ih to- Fushe.r mati toi';r i îîju*-u tu Indianatpolis, aller slpending luti ma , Distnibutio't cf Sexes prescb for us afld tu cnduc iih- quai.Cret o but -aî.ptar,,d lu b.- jam'.l " a. e cation wit bohume tolks.'i. il. "vt.riy conference. On riunda>, Jul> 17, It's Ca esfryou. tounl ihal be liad sti.ted on a stone ITîîursda) ut fast week q)c(Urr. d ti,' -t 4 iii 4 1.2 3 Res. Stake Miller cf IrI ng P'ar. 'Ai step just after ihh 'l. c o~ t i tai! trage cil An, - augbt-r ci Mr. afn, II VII 2 - 4 î reacb. AIl are wtcIiii, rnorniag andl bis lnjuî ies liai] bs-s-n Mis F. E. Flood, Tu Mr. Frank Ncie s,.3,utt, -0 ________ ared, for at tIire îaý,era and 11. wa'. Gaa -nih, ntwI> m edds-d couple, w fiilt~i, t' t; Pr-ebytersn Church News sI ili b.-lng îaken s-al. s- i .4 lu-ie s - .uksgan Congratulations. "o~ltii 4 1(17 4 liti Sunday libere iliieh i oiiiitî was lound la b ut f. tais 1 %iliioutmîeiitient le- iiii.!.- ci b.-_ f. itl Where Women ediominate set-vice. wben ne;;iI i i., w H h.- c inL !liai'ag.. It Ni,, Io)n FbLod.' and! MNI e The pt-mîiea, m-utuals over taken into th1e chuîr!i Iinil unfants bapi- 000000000000000000 1 \lugaltî-ioi fo-.ales in 1'421 appar f,,r Fvs-ry tized. ILis* ML EURN o.V:1::" lu 1uîiltt. fi-s un fi-taouoI ii u. .u ctitt ifMas.achu- Thtere will la,- ri,, -uIi,I suniha; 0 00 0009 9000 0090 ! 1-Fil 1-eign'l 1111, jý'orth Car, j a Sutlh Carolina, Thre lorcas soci, w:i1 iii! .t nie -* 1 j00 0 0 00O01 <st M.-il lai ts-îajr ito Ceorgi arna Si, %hr tte n hrdya i( oiiu Mis-r l-;î *îoh Rob rt -l tie - %Lu e;aMien tii. rlîru b,- t(If Mualt- Ti t,; jîî t'.n-als The fticnic bell i ,!uIi -'u'- ýularly in' k 'n.! *vA iN.- Jirre Janii.--n., ti ton, Fiai a3"c'uund ,]i.t-n*-'- i"'fige'. roi lu. fir Nla-sjehu-étI., st-i e at Wbeeîing \V' îla (i -ti> or i . M ~~~~i.-ltami <e -.n iu'~~ tO Nv W.iti .~ a.uc tit, ; uor'ias' l o 99 9 fri North <'aiotina. The Dit% w tek was enjo> ed b. ..Ii F ri -F"di.i -uî.inu.-t i7 lier 1b, Sondas sl e f sClbaiesh% s il g( Nîr anti Nir- lt aoit son (cl Chi lu-s %lailiî. and lis u-- i lia î eeti Of -as tait upp.-ar- f,,r TRUE PATRIOTISM IL 3. REYNOLDS TOISAC6O COMPANY, Wiato..salm, N. C. cagli s" it t 'iTbh' F,,ur'l)ii ' Iihr - t.h'.- Foottîit ai 'h. Iîcnus- I tlî'tij à- stat,ý uts 'atil n bs-izg îni> S-, By Rev, Mar-tin L. Thomas, Pastor of CdauKiit, r. Mo-. ,;tjh,-n F1ook.s .jaantesr. to litj Deerfieid Presiryierian Church. Mis, Jus- ('ark's niu'bs-î Mm.. Ran I Tic Brow' n faut.!> sFltIrtaint-, xuues- -ielsmd Sundai- Jîuiy 3. 1921.) kin o.t l.,xon. Ill., l is iîng lis-i' "i '- -ksa.10 000 0000000 000000 ri Tn.of the l Ame ark 'b-na tion ___________________________________________________ clinate MriI. F. L. Cutlis- ofZo stent 'bel NIr.-- LinnI lias be-n -isI to->III al DEERFIELD da -.o th'mrcnnc.Altu Fouihwih rsCýE.1)be hIIeýSh ýiswih, 00 00 000 Ami'ricans wil Istot. antI ask ieni- UoSoooooooooo ooooo [s-w days ibis week in Chicago. O o o o o o o e t"urhwihMmC E >snîa usrhomFu-'ams cn. ih1 0 0 0 0 0 -selve-s ibis question-- "ls titeis a force -Mm,. Athum Bock an! Mmi. Janmes, cf A. H. St. sart wit ms-gis-t 0îs 1. Ansi IfWsiitîînI'rrJtt 1wa.' ecn ,oHî,-.-sfiibî-usea0uiiGtinAReîa AT1 C YSern Stn FiL.>inKAob wtI'LS E LAK c0 Io.-arn that b.- ha.! a btroke oft parai -f liiae. m Iutn imneeiini Par Jll..s i-otioualiie tes)-ic harci.e tof nrs hat unatio wficii nin u 000 000 000 000 0 trn socks moîber ant atîsa. anwit 0 0 0 0osh*o ysis (in Monda> Jun- 27. at th, a.- ji x iaz,- -sne n mi a honrteba a-, rstulne, t ilai.îui n!îgtosessbta sltssa ald l E an,i Star-s m 'eetin -bti ses 3m mîhhtkn cfum bislzk son laoýnI litcag i-lia Gordon baslt lioni - lo)la to less-i, aiong lb.- ins-s fi justice,:-Mm', Van fis-n and chldrn aie Easr-m Start meeting Irsé moal~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~o ons suds n Chcao atete. wbur rig t o heiîing olhs-r tolks) Jullus viou tar! and! Stewsard frontx Exi- 1sm ntll ~iand iuuat une'-li;,wila vihia'Tic ruelativems lt is Aug. Mr.i tandti lits tiiam Hume at.,b- roi* h..wrairena.WI a oaur !a Mmd and Mms.te su - a eWn.r e l l Smitbl, r ,in.V at -u a i a e w ha h sM h lre a s r i e o rI u . en , t i i g tr o n e ' b o h r f n o k a r e a ,W & au-i-.- ise', îso n gra bsl 1ie coat.i.n stni 'h simending the. limie With bis orna Mt. ls- lalerk tut Chicago msîited \.at îuas betuixs- ut ti. plians tulaI l'uýns, Aý Pi'tt er t Berlin ,~ ' l'a tai,. as (titi ancîs-nt Ores-ce. Rom.- ard las- Mrs W. chtSmMi.tuha.- eiu. t i n, 'isOsela front Saturda> uni Tusday w,h ber ltroposed,,,,raing ns-nient Wallks ft-cnt tiw. -dgs- Iîm-ltts tFCosi' xtlc. .l-nora> nd Cfie lad . 39rc Mras. au ;soas 'i ia Mi.a> lat e-,a tn i and Mrs. A.ig B.aors ae cTecnmnt ishokt.ian.% of c ou ma11en Hîgi Tcual He M on- hundu ed loirry tie 'a-s Ar. fuS Issn > i. titi -rocs- ti wiii Osog W,. Jr. ng o'ethe arrivai of a irabybp Ta if- h-iuait> Iao li,-ockh Wsuddns mitd .%.o~ u-n anot. utn gos mc- Nîil. an.! Mis. W. A,' imitn îIr% ha,- grown iront a sitai] coloay 6f t-bit- ' Iprt I oobn -ý . îmia> s agrt, su' laliJti- o hcg pn vr hcg op datifl- s--kt.1-rti. sudf ' IIns.! cf Xi>F .tr ho hoi ao-I goown in ak sîtent the i"ouiluTh iii Mi1 tsea stiste', wiîh a les. million souis caie 1uu ît hb-b,ii >î bsiirîe ;un(la.% ,nîl Nondri> witiî Anitiocb rsla- man!miGW.Tm d -atof DIavid Muimra Itu-sel, c rit 'ois cîs te i nitt sbelx bot bel-roo -r andi l'ai- I.W i LOl'rîit<t'y onBne tn Nsmr.' t i I wmxn c" a.nd NIt-s. Lincoin l'etiis. an,! an ils-a contined ln Ns-w Engianîl .13j,ý n1 .mlF f'în i e-~-f~ .~'s 1 1is Ma- g.ftu. ite~ Le o thtt. 'i huit ii il> .îtesndsd lbh- tons-rai hatii b ::na toi, anti zenuma'- ha Itîines '%Ilt an.! NIis G eorg e <ýj otl tuan andl tIc a tiiiiti toi en-.'ii.- w bic!,a s-t.,bs-s si-iI-t-i inxg filu- iis,iliii M l in-K ulaooft afn! NIiss Via 'S. min the lSwfl_____________________ sii 1Fl.f~ it NO lit) Ihis ain,] 'Il Il. 1ad Mis. Su'iilan >,,,ntî 1. litseati> IiýI; ilixusand nulles e-ast anti î It Ruhmupît pîenu a lewv lays las( weesk 1 Srg aiaimli udy ha~- ris o li lu.,Ili-s- a It'.k s-nd altheus Shs-tridan r,, oag ai %-s-it i lls hemîd -esting litcn Tshe ~u u rt a;eiatiirni u>usîiu-.u - in MIiwaukeserh. oe eîrîie ~ i cord of ~~shais- Tiar souate ton, .1.i.- fott cut, Long Ladkt. at . .-tnd ils tes-t on tbs- Gulf Ilh f> b. uingin ho~me hs- lius-ian! and N A. V Haill lit Ws-dnssa> f« front out (f tawn, buit the gt-eatw f.,war.! and hat- ptart il. I.a. isLusCiit- of th exc,; m ithin is ai-sa a Ms t. a i-ci o .ar., ~ fmtlt<nBa!- ofh.V Abr e ,m-stsi. 0tn fo i n , iL us0 1t tutile, w , ri in J e I . H a i -i .aton s ofl.V ..dee br IR* V ENL AL~ND t-m ga;ý s-iîi h.- tut-ns-, lto a luar I 1, Et! Landau an.! tCîot>. oi itm o. liuunlred iltio of iaeoplss A *v , I~-e ~ n fi M'a. r.s Hls-l Mrs I Wtonîrtainî s-u aihie an. bid aisters, ot.I '-~~~~~~~~~xai~nine 'lis- i -a.itn foth1e dIestrucioin sage basie bs-enn as enaffkka-î,.- to1h -- ,- " ~'~--~ an.! ,-titxiiiunut,~~~~sag ba asiinln il-a bokeFe luims ic-tire. 'oi nele nîsc Mr' ims nîiso --an H..e. M.rnaa. Shula...s, mt *2 ieGROCERY AND MARKET i- tiile tchanc.- fui)s- uni.-n in GUrne.. 0 Nis ,nnaSîtls îln f aucilent Iit-I. who occoified in lusr w. ,s-ern Electri. Co. un Chticago. toi .tieî- ab. Mis Mari Elgin on.ea aod 1H Getr imkup ait Who -'-*fl'in eINis,ii, - a i5is-t-.e i isIn lie ai iuut;Ii tlu sanie pqatia e "Msit> it tute séÀld met.r us Laes Ad,!t- IE.ct-li1101 Llgi, G. Burnirayn Smo wtai DEAOLER IN Tu~ wIants hi-m %\*an--stînssaVelli-s aI ýïünoulfOtb. in our,.' , md se-.en Weil ds-lîned 0x MmanNîs l th esags-. *h ii bo. TireLais Annual tha a M.EThursh anIt-s. HnG 'fat ita wa M..- Lt an un tWuk-a Aa c ta>-' A Str) ké-i le 5'fljO> ine .1 ait aioni cha-s bîoîîni 1> the Gcd cf Hamo1-e-n s- nd otb Ifl sZwn Messglennwh da>. Juld 2theranalbz Lorrainp~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Qun fWuea a nSuhIaoýaantIi Iul ntebo n"dy uy2t.iEugland Jul> 14. 1854. She câlie W Geea 'Merchandlse bTus.ns isito- Salurda> nSt au. a-i- L .'iin nts ..ko ahi-ou tmitIu>-d at The W'cI'tcrn Ete-ctîn lh-N.E Snl. nicli lnigCOt. itswibbrprn mAil~iIiiTitu. Cons a: Compiany- liaus -at-ted -A )flle stan laIs couleîs fiu giaddl.n Ili, Hose,. eIlanî - and,! 'hoti. Irtonie is in Iow-a a *ti. ta luas-cho li tsda plnni4g unie îwu sr id. bedn pmtIw STmL AAUANYGOCR woik on Grand avenu-. t-ut-malt boule. of Nl*. and NIt-s. Lloyd! \'neya-d. lgncriutnn Pitde. Insallit>. Worhtî- Ailex a i-bot-t honeynî o.n .is-nt in tht-e a n, Il Wloiennetuelil Tusdy aI piaionds- Tof bers l s ngcoug ______AN__________RES -NIis- Nîaigaiet %VTsIFpI rot C'hicago ines,. ('trutiutn. tlackslxding an.! Idol- rlats- ut Iowa. Ths- s-il niak.- ibsir Ilukand sn oser i.- Fo tt ofl nxain ber Mm.e an Ma, it ica Dt OWNOIN 0 0 0 44 0 80 0 0 1lsteI Mie', Fannis- Cnigs- londa>. atm>. Il s nul that tbhe peuples déf honte -ia Chicat-o. Tteit ixi ms> luisl Nakga apn oe teFuhwi flani yar; Mhr dance MsouRthk 8ffl8 AND 00 S OiN * 00 0 0 0 00 0 Ltncoln l'.-ts wocn lis- 3 da golf ncî kn,îs tht M'AYociJusti-.- antI tuthi extend congratulatioîns. Inioc relatives. afriasotdsac ot OT NOSO A REA tunmnaiBiraelns'au.lvn.btbas hyrfedt'. ial Ws- ifia a Mosat wt-Icouie main Juî> 4.1 Swan school bouse.,. A few YNr et c MATS AND CAPS 0 o 0 0000 000 000ooo0* da). Sunda> and Ionda>. un ti iThar hîttuglut judgms-nl unn ths-nr, tic- itas'ckée ofîl O.ak l.b'ai k ip-t lit-,. Cheale- ars on ets-rtaell d ibis veilae. rmkihg tei- andma I1SIR Iila R-.el u Ci4g ,.nrl . A. Ilis- of1 L'-xuuten. K>. wa- 1.-tas-I i15. It-s-at religions inisri. h is ekw iffjJoh latiers. Clt-mtes lain eoertSn t'stevilsPlae. Sain hei oa - 1-iliin Rssellof Cicagospir ti'th gueî.t ut lits mortier M is. L' C.- lanc- -tii. nuuiba-e.! such b' rots- asrllvsfo e lie vrSo-WsefedPae h enea s-es-k s-nd sui hthe Thomias Rossen-Il Hols-, Frida. Alarahaxu. Isaac, Jacoba, D)asuiri Sulo [luth I1-sb liet.î ti \\,t,lick t s visiutug (la) and Nlonday. Lewis C. Rlita Noveaiber 6, j10?; Country Produce Dýought and SoId an! 1 J Wilact famlie atl et jnke-pnuglsino.sse- i - numbe- socb niTn as Anic -elatiNes an. i rinds. 1 Miss lts Bss a is-!siting Iem aurit dis-. July 1. 1921, leavittg t. n Gens-sa Payne r.. Ml wîi munias. %acation witb be-r giand.aarenis, -N,.. Adanms, Jefiuer-on. Washington. Lin- ilarr Essalt (if Bloon,,ngton suent jan.! uncl-, Mr. and Mm-a. William Evans; 'ber* losa hem buaband. four @eu,, Phanar 107J Mrcn!ltsLonlîi -I-- a. 1.Gnke iasug nin mini! Roosaevelt. But names oser Sunda> wxl!î Mr. anti Mrs. Johnjat Trevo-. ihur L.. oft Ares; Clarence LAKCE VIILLA .1 ILLINOIS tains-. asemeai ngiiî front Chicago Mesdames Y'. Hoienaergex. E_ l'le donu sui "aplc il-d-'hîula-a.-lt.anIlm.WlimDsi n!lt rsike usl ! ake o4er the Fourtb. and M. Horenherger cails-. on lîrs. E. tiu-c NIIe mtlh un the footsteps; un- Nit-s.Jh Pi.itxbN u,-cs-i;,d word on tI,- ,augbts-r Edith Zs-îIa of Kenosha Albert J.. of Moonville. , e ___________ _____ it-s. Lulu Bock and! daugt-ber, Mies' Bing!tain Ftriday. le-as w e (Its ior inspiration tront ih, Tus-bday thal he- dabughîer Mlisst Niud sipent oe- the- Foutl w!th Antiocb daugbie-. lira. L. Grovesoor oli _________ -Ps-at-I. of Chticago, sus-ni lb.- week end; 11, C. H. Jolinston and ,!auugbtsr. sanie uounlîion ibat ihey drs-w thi-.. Wiieelock. w-as apex-atud on in a Chi- relatives. . 1 lake; ten grandchildren and tw ball Findi flA ih lit- an.! lits. John Kniggs- an.! Ilootli> h ae mstui'ned lt-oit a îwo There aie t t;N, dangert-.laI fan.- caga bosttitai. At lr-ss-nt sie is dcing Dale Taikiagton an.! William Davis! giandchlldr-n. The Interai sfl Buck te FRED G RA BBE~~~_ Mm. an.! lIts. Chat-les Cbaasb-min. - weeks' %sit ai Lt Roy> Jolmnston's at Arnerina tîvIa> an.! should las closeiy niV(I t-cl>aweeAtoh alr as eehedJl tha h Bac!.~~~~~~~~~~ à s ~-- M Ults dac oc netie!br okatt watt'i.-. b> * set> un- w-hi, de-sire, Tu %ir. man.! lIts John isara sî'ent ses Tbumsday evenin-. lionat choîc, the Rt-. J. N.'»Us ________ ottciaing But-ta ateraie Ivanr'e Lokp ATINRNOmthet-of Chicago mverthe~ w-k s-n. Mr. an.! Mis. Os-orge Stick'n were seeour ccufltr3 continue in hem devel. eral .lays mn Chiicao lat wes-k with DECUNaing BWELL! aN Ivtbe M. congresa, reii-_____________ week en.! wlîh relatives at Elgin. Sat- oi iheir irmaber, Henry Sticks-a, wlio naition ss'iciit.surs-s ta s-s- the public rIs. W'altert Christoffirson and ilcme 25,~î,i,î,fî Co8nty opîand .Ti d . ut-iyfo ineday lie> attende.! lbhe Pt-oui> famiiy fiet a sudden deati by being els-ciro- sciooi fit. Tbs-y desir- 10 ss- the chlildîs.-n of Genevii. Ill.. sîtent the Iiast w-E- '#INI ase o- c eîhsit cbilen 4e1« tht civilisation FARM AND STOCK SALES -isuonjcus.acieahyfaîîiag on a hics- pubie -tehool supplante.! by the' tri ws-sk sîlb thes lot-ms-mb moiber, ira. boneo au-ive b hleIJa fleffl fi n bonus of ASE ALYMr. an.! lts. W. J. Williams îanI ir bile acli nrk.l or i 'î t tatroc!tai actiool. Tht ;uublin Margaret D>avis. Mm. ChrIsiottet son o ED ~nt lts ov ayo!Rud! -live doaen do .iaugbte- motored to Glenn Ellyn lion-' lits. Hi.rmy Ashenhu-si an.! bs-r son. scbool is Ts- gis-at melting pot loto sps-ut Sunday an.! londay witb Anti-;r bhoss- linported 54 O T O N YST. day an.! spetit the day wIrb relatives. Jm,. o tîri-n Park, se-e guesîs8 oh wlîicb ail Tire different Tntlonallîles. Och relatives. - George of ist. Paul, Mia.; Dis 54 OR HCO N Y Eloise an.! Ruth will.make an etis-d- lira. J. A. iteichelt, Jr., Tbursday. creeds an.! bloods at-e place! an! lb.> Tire Misses Gladys Panowski cf * preiiy wediling tonk ItIan- ý V obo iicanam. Rose an! b"-~ ris of Eagland WALJKECAN s-d Visit with their cousin. lits. J. W. Eliitt cf Oak Par an! t ro inîîrsaI Americans with demt- Wakea an!EsePnwk fCun-a no I3ocoka h owl of W t-yia. etaMm tends-, pin. Sevet-al of tbe young ladies enter- lmas. B. J. Dickens an.! Eloise of Chi- oci-atîn pi-innittes an.! boites. The parý cago sipent over Sunda> with i hei- par. Presisîs-rian Nianse wben Dr. Samuel Dwl ofI be alt fo r. ta îrtg n sa aiaed at a fars-weIl pau-îy ai the home cago wtt-e the gusts of lits. R. E. ocîtîal st-licrol is un-American bs-cause e-nts lis-t-s-, C-i e Uxnited ta niarriage eas.i 1Ht hate ao sonth" 'olus ns uual.PHONE 2441 o!Msflnh h l-! hnro etsTusa.i tendîs ta ni-esda Ian.! sectarlan dit- Be-rtha Jaaîeb Gilas-mi spent oseî: yeas'. Heigt-- Mawbuae ain eue-do a of Mss lance Sadde inhonr ofPetis hursaylissMarare Mawnanand ütIdonfor many years, dotng isr utînfl the 'beat a e ri. Chuse en DudeeslCals Mr. and lira. D. H. Holmes. who are Mmfn!lts o akn n!t er -tces. it faates the martters of the Sunday witb bs-r parents bers-. R. Oms-en. 01v immedlate members -' gras1pr fttlm mu mus-I Weliman _________________laigso Mot- taed ns-w. home laIcurclu dsuevsin otsd m.a. lts and Cak untac tht-r faiiI attd-d partdin chat- Hh ca me a à -y invente.! a daugbters. Isabelle an.! Francta. o! h tr n lcsi ntehnso h aiivatneieuig II H aet ryW i gave the I&,~ New York. Wimîs.wr h usaa i- n!l.-sas nlpae ibttbnao h. iff an.! lma. EfIOsr Green, par- five yeara ago and opOaeé C machne EMlit an.! lits. Henmy Kaas- ws-r. tht lira. F. C. Biederstadt Mondait. those Whto are resraonsible ln no way j s-s ouf te bmids-gl-om, Mir. and Mrt-. store, an! for a time It li.. pin bya .E. ILDEBýRANDTI guests of lira. Lena itche-ll at Diant- Raynion.! Lord. Jt- of Ravenswood aO 1tt autot-ty IV. seodl5ti an.!her w childms-a, bis beallh wo>id rletUu Io îaklng of naens. pis-n-ares. if we at-s Americans, tien B E T T E Rldt 111el Pibllql Mre.DRIGSlt an.! Mra. Peter Nelson andi son uacîs-. Fred H,.ggie. I ttlaMwa.sse ftt'bietitt- . -