CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 7 Jul 1921, p. 8

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i 1 Mt - Abu =t " 0 bse~ pai wa 0 iami "is E' m Ik '7 wit' beng absent one hour a nld teon' et' e itad m ira i n end re gad . af' ti n I'iIlhminues over leave. Inscanaiag the siD ,C "'IIJT AND gat te mirai and ghes, trouaOZ3 I Y COUuLu iVI ai reWr-w>cwas fBot eactytu n it eAfh' ~tiDni a uhs c!e4rte pta-wifoun h g a-Ihuvt4 the Democratie ilide of the ehaoinlq, lil ____________h,__uni_ pre tpped train a school claie u A Pf 1 rssienp elqunt ribtes/ thepro AKI3N IN n n, tEON W IIAT IS 1 l;o ke' ton ditaworkhs 0r y CLARA Cý HOLME EL idgoffcerdeclaring tatthe mi- O E UEF U ~~oidci taorders. The case wa.% con-CAM A haeTHEefre ec:Red .81U I U D E .tin ued for investigation. Th1e third (dSit 88. bi Nla. Noepap. - Siat A P 40 E bdeentr efewellpeden. r o a., ctnrged wth destruction of gov, eatrJe l wreith aread goutua so the case against the jerfiment property-tbrowing rocks atl- He was Sitting on one Mide Of fins If the camping season of the Boy of the Senate, vas presented wlth a "Sponge" udl s. busy on an at ion Cty wasdis- indows fil'i davenport sofa and ilse was [penait couts and Camp Fire Girls chia year vatcb, Secretary Murray t ard mn i ZonCit ws ds- Hie defense was that "the windows EL on tue actier. Tey bâti flot spokefl lma ay criterian of the etficlency of ing lamp and Senator Hughes, Iînor. Sunday and Monday; arraign mibenbrkn o sx oth.aA GREAT i0 for five minutes. At t libe moved the new Local Counili, aur Liberty- ity leader; witb a pair oailgli cutf. deffendants today missed lnw" He wam marrid and sent back etes. ville Cauncil ta ta bie a banner onî utn.Al ft~ eiinsttd resdessy. icostead ut ttabaig bread hearcdpenaterd dthuri. Te neftla re bad dbaeenr 8 POK 7Ot(0yoron "Tooeorrow 1 go Up ta Bear Motno- beyond any doubt. This year the sm siaberesôpases 'af earty thanka. Statea Attore mt' sog $ase against Mrs. Sarah Lb-rpteÇorg hrbe.nt on e a e J661 aablng, ma'am?"oiquret tean cm. We a swl did ocuniLake iteas ~aullrel ta ail Rail cale were accordedmenm M qad iîe m placs the r. iolatin section 4 oai te Z1 1hn sa hrdol s. ewa i eedy stranger. our disputes now." Ilisit.ors Ii lits comfart, equlpment and out he Senate on evory measure eafet qlad en nSuy pa n the wilane ameupfo berig lîrged f rom the navy as undesirabte. ,"Yes, 1 do. aithouglaI 1don't sec, that. "Leonard, Invetha e con- poiinlrtoaui rblg iend ost.iOncy e ut.g GavîSterling 1orho uy bann hse ay jnorntng before Justice W. E. Thisi- not 'a dishonorable rdischarge. ls any of your buie c. e-: tented lin a11es eep iver- equiposent waa as foilows: TisreeOfiidflot, Once duing th ntr ss i evrl ktuplcs fi ia Jbsnwa r tem nstpty in sent? back front plled Mrs. Curfewv, wth saine warmntli. ville; 'cistagnate. 0f course," îcîîy. dorntitary lentsand messuttout, Fr hedfrsottwerbya i dbrfteiinbapaoy i on th Plcsrie ud at >ino ieMoing of June lA-hence 1l e E; no omssof citizen- 11suppose you'Il "I Presumed you woubd keep yôur p q amprteGtentanaottent. For th-eVtra illbyony thembaenr wuf teidl moats lcsrie ud bpdtanasuh'ti ihs hnteewstesi-le tellingoie that sition on Cangress treet, andi we coutl d "ad EoytnLutnbfr djunetA.wsbrd l u ppch. ibhsnk. Fo Nortbwestern train, on lier way le-,r.thabitual'.,. mising muster. hld- pou're- collecting live ln the City, or a suburb, ut ieast." Rsrel>1. indeei. duoes a camping sea- da FolcWMsInFi Winthrop Harbor, where she ina in ailler harricks. He was ssn- 'o ledyIbv sd arne ib ru tyon O9epi Mbllia. ac seitWarkadat eedtiterhien. Mare ut *<govertnnent bu., mente wth my Uncie tufug for taking ail withoutaomnet.iing unpleasaitt dur- ROMANC~E E coi FxLae a on lier way ta wark wheni *Another betoe ev ws!(a.o tbe oYer bis Riverillle businies. 1 . t ngli ciedarBut ibis year îI.ere Aaho ie~rttrepae rat tot place. wajrneti tise seventit A. W. 0. L was for lise state disappolnt the aid gentleman. Be- were nu accidents, neoireacb uf is a-q ie adr bantiacnieab rested bier untier tire ordinanc :i for tihe isycisatrist as posslbly bourg of lîealtb. aides,.Itivorvilie lias tbe bettor linan- cipline nu graucROCKnSathcaa IO.NEY- quantity of whisky. At tise Scot bliet Ieeker on tise vtts t eta tnad îb teIt 4eemas tirai cW l took. 1 arn mure chanrs y the'Y. iboys' anitise girls' ailke»ie sprit paete oksnpe fts s "fr esfg tanpaen rt-peît fhome dlacîarg di for inapti- t b e autisorities tichat yo>'sdisapprove, Sada.'" intiecOpraio s nidtise i Ne1IV ta sepe wietier or nut il containes aleeves above tIoe elbovs, and-tude if found wanting il htitiuler are gresîîy Inter-' There was another tive minutes' al- weather oman mua gacos nt ts îasaN. q oe hg uehat t n prcn sring a ve!q iceofu stor nerfli g eruanI t- urth o ne Tisal of be deenti loe hnteîabie .four rtarifes. Thse tst wsaboy who had estedtu bfamnhiy 1lenco. anti again the youagng spoke. satr otetlygnru.h e lovr haJtsecoiabae. a ship in 1919 anti re-en- mat t er s t h ati We bave quarelieti tbree ctmes in camps conducteti iy Scout Commis-, oisy coiem icaanlis. b tersmies SI tar frain thse sbeders vas listed întier 'ro assumeri nome. Hes don't <concern twVo (days, Sada," lhe rompiari t- lnrMra niGatbnMa a Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dady Se. havina iseen turnet over ta Prof Ep- lot?" aBelli Justice J. L. Bishop as fil navvdeati). n~ygn ii >trts utsoea in i nhs"rpidChit cthera nuwatiays. every sense. for even tu tisetietails parate atr but four days là-teFuri !Jl teriir men'Witat Washtntec ateantievery day or, 'Evidefltly 1 amntaou presumfptuous l tere vas not a bilcir. Of course, tise 01teFut fJ h adr siant Chiot George Strieti tes- lsîh re mnt?" tise reporter askod- two souaebody sven ta cuntemnplate ruarrage. Heme boys excelledth ie girls, for wiso but of hoiieymoon raideti Ray Pregenzer's hotel un tat one tbe muai tnauthes201hben t ev vere again ln the com- cames longBaskirsg Impertinent qiies- faate bacit yqur diamndt." ihe fourteen boys couiti eat titty-tive GasLk hrte r lee boten he ornng f Jne 0thf " rdainl's ut ic"t -Idiint quite get iOns as I) hw many cîiltiren 1 haive, Leontîrd l rugt bhinifabruptby ta. pounda uf chovtinciuding ciicken>at Dtaili of a romance ii i lutaha ve ubtained a considerable quan- asav Chief Becker make tisefi., anti ry maîden nainp eptufre 1 wq yard tise girl anti gripped lier band. I une meal"1 But ilont let anyune tell nol autîlve tiseisoneyntoon webo r, ty t fboaze. Thev abso, lstedth ie Strled tesîtiedthtiiMrs. 'Tis , s ny nursory.' .and tise cap- roarrieti. andi whetiser tiserees insaniîy "Heaven knowa, anti yen know, Sada,1te boys (ha? the girls ltad tise muat countet in circuit court ah--Wsukegan place conducted hly Wiiiam Reillv Is Waunng s ase tevas visni t-,n ugier, 'i1ttinlk t1knwsanie-ln tise fanitty. 1 that 1 adore pou. A broken engage-J fun. mninogltl om tie tîiay bln ieth divorr'e proceetiing antiMartin Zimmierman ,a? Antioci ibis moHn sel aswe:Izao t ' gueasdtu t sellw as "'i qc sad tircîl ut answerinu ment vili crashs ne. F'i nul ta rich 1Specialmionogi alemd fbrougisi bs MVrgS Marvola f)ady (ne.- Tie rte o inte ur offi e .ts ni Sra Jhnononts a lb'oy legastaté shregi sucis que'stions. It inuy nidfinonds man," lbe groanei. sanie for tisoir ioyaity ta tho cause- Nischorî. agaînsi Rober:t)Dady ouTh reodinteficfth Saris obnan esttiei tsai tai-orcorrerrive unit, andt iere bts wan t to itd m nytîslvhsi*y We carsliee ienda; but let nie terlboedsevs rscodtWaukegan Tise bride's father sttsfise so ttasaie f la iedl io 8years, ana liv' psortitt iii he -.metintglite gttgbe irto iti ii' nrilon îIstoyburotbeis gersrosiiy lnites I roffrei&gt agent foi- tIe St Paul roatiut themnwis lcswr ad le baughi tise clochisssie isatid t 6rsea )r',Itork s-embe1leId pte ,itteIfrain hytrttering until 1 cal, iehotlest r t(.Eeyya iehl ýbryil n hp, oz u-fudhv MouStre. Sf*liit i ud t th-rteer'1rthers in uni' hy isis t.iiltisoi1 butay ronsider chir seltlsis," sire inrsie.] in a geotter toierît- stwilig ndacar ie da *isgas Ltbrv i re Dde a èn trisrt'-Isonoz.-vas outhaeo e dit atborno wiy hi ot eckrl,,".,. ertv ufc"andi marcheti conîrodrumnsln badtantite, bat a'ien 1 droiping te ring lait; tIi. unvitrtant iias never cisargodth ie og za nrriot ta Robert Datiy atiWseaion fore. li pick ber no ihvCionthe 'a 0li-aboyer bath Tisen h lie ierferi sîrsînce contues along and nka hliairi. 'T'ieiisite arase uiloft bu, 1tlin enougis lucuver bis own expenses., Ill in ly,124. The> loft on them Tise variou.s detettiitss vr" ar pikle -twe h r ns' b,' 'h ri oni??hiq dti oioies me If I fIe nîy own vasisin.ttuttsitise picture ai djectlorn. tryltngtatoaoer- Presrdent Janes H Swan and blr. Gai-.,licJnf.'yrrrwn. At St, louis tlicrmtrin'i jsiecutu ak Othenr q b' ot urf tise tan i' t"'. u;h u1a.k ta break ts u aui s nrv oewherecarou la%isntinin 'lu ie lvttguroam toa.we.i-wre alvays an lise job' vus, ail irnolthr ri u ok.. galaTuesday anti vert'place-i untior iommisa isati aluilatetiti fh6'et.thon compe bock anti chantre itri JiVt'tJaf-ktrihurfoicer îks quetions. It of Bear Maunîsin Inn. assitance bushisO. haoit this year antid yay ia vtl ioebr bus banrit $2.006 sacis. ordinanco anti visse dresas sL iatiersisip boths,, anyti ht ht hr le eu honhrs. Tvo of tise girls t' 'r1n1c1se. ittndel tisee ye usedti talietisai tIre rsséessar wouuî An baur iter Sadra ansvereti ber i ls t n thse' Oati edershipHo- bn was cruel andti ireatenet ler- Id an ol otk ngsa-nandOt i f i us. uizVie oighe, e*<ueita tisef<uor politely. and Inquire Aunt Laura's cail. 1 hart Swan andt Jack Austin are in th1 ise arvle sa euto hc net fire. Mrs. Johsnson tbah- "'It1w- kept hus' on saime igis? Job"hwmn osw pt idlte u LoadBak isdc dt osakina ut Scout Ma'ters utfvsici any sire lofrbini. slipesas.anti noer re-D àat abl tis eraro. aiedse <.) its nurse, iressaln.bis best loihoS estîntate et tise valu, rif Our lçrrrp- up ta Bear Mouistinsraustlidliy.WIII Tise ihanka ritbath organiîts i i oniwl egvnanhrbt omnt cati wta. afieod tr iet i arrig. mfu dy R W A rt and,: ri tars iso gobacl. mbbiserty sitisout lookîng nsiq hough Ifs htou pleanseassist us li parking aba-a ttb.i& etntitr isfni Afer hiseaiglie rlef :ru.A 'E rrb lqibses again. For anour ise. knewi we ougisitais.e prdase<'uiti for ket otftouod for birur'!" frrends for cour-t4eies ail al6ng tise ine.,KM lm ta Wear Il. Sho'saitiele aise lt ly hilewilg a k1peijnlrv. Batnov ho mst now te Sada oe btsire isa ou tl- in atters oftransportation. gîtîs.or case Jutige.Edvartis indicate I tisaI REU ED AWr ad acop oftheZiondrès odi-, tan u'sîlI sunpe'- ime. vîren h vlie icmor ofutyomnr grandftier's mille vins.lit absiractet ta even r notice lier lrstib- jrallier bans uf lents. slaves. cut. is. ol gata e albedn'opeia. have artnler bath antid 'resq agairi in k-r, and i f you tell bin tisaiyou keep fui Parsdick standmi' uborn is tîluri ropos, etc.. vo haveihauti lie confidence Nr. lzbeh.r Divore. gat-2 IUT 1 id as soon as ai ai the evîdence l a.uuby v.aeousis a oduas hoe gues out antI lucikieunder legs andi heggirsg tir tise crumaslie andthie inleroat attise communbty dem2ntN-i5 IGI t"ia aiMsaJiisotv, i hes? aesw. Elizabeth ZutolîlW.-ere vas gratist à te jrv etiedandwer ab cthse bouse. antiln tise harts, nrunt wisn isati earned la expert. otae tw riat g i ua We aret aysaIbeti a docro t ierce Ibndctrculph Atrcourtaý tugl w tirsoe uytret il andtvereuryconvince lisé average sinner that hoire ise ms iack be varns yoi tisaitishe Wlsen Aunt Latrre gave L.eoîsard trtse t eorgastiontevîbIand coahoItiay agaînsu beyer isusanti. RAuuisi asailed men andi therel names intri egîment an el tio theép. naltesfor gtvlng taine information basket lho immerilt.'iregrirrbisas- 1 vortî i se eatbn1r.t.1nt9cofi ando Tsepavred mariet Au. atA9te1.esprongma htsietgentv in ai ore im. biaftjs jry fth . cpiset ayti meicao gouoth o pnati iAilaet aayy tenco tif tise viole communiy anti 14 o. 1 niep caraesiet arihs .b921 Utai Rving oc r rn .W.Pre.thal bli reaule i"ed ta ta siibis fni re ~severe. cn.' islnga le" b aa-yttai in yoars ta came viii lho even Bia ollrcsrgshriuhnîuerryaifRavina sheisFriin, ranku J.~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Gaedngr .-î'k iebs rvsup.' Curlew isgys tisai tise 00v e nt t.rislankellinn lastla tise face mr fiin n fgreaier service. trîknesat ir>rtRvn uceit i t~ J. Goaîedng. if'h'a tueYanee ri viisio oreoffcint1ntiutwrti runensaddesert tors. ina Paul Doser, manager ufttisecrin- w.Bkn.'tie due'flot iehave thereatter. tison rime tise asesa'CriMe«, ie 18 going If sioli f , Sue public apprecialan sisauti e hoosa avn ak W.J. Armnstrong. ho muat ho treateti as a man la to thruv imriver tise back ferice anti Satia virChed I. Leaard until[lie vas sisuvn Mr. Huelacher. viso. viilelise A sanaitcloutiburaiit lise districtroansaRa apk W. E. Genl. - treateti." te kick. hlm iluritire .-sey for a dis- tat front vie' lu tise wooîlsy paih ltas nu inierestinirsLitertyviibe as aaItîrit set ut i.ako î;.-sos'a about , "' a 'ipn ioer a aliletrom vhe W. E. reenfiid. -During hlaisat eo t tisre vero tance rf'aîve-n bocks. andi 1hope he'Ib Thon aise gianreti ai tire sireepisi lau- communiîy. Yot lasu0mucis interestetioicdlniy nrit'shoure hit- vas seîsod viuiscramps jury dîsagreeti and tise colee uv tisirty-tlsreabseknlees Out f po! iswee. dck syF hddn ino bck ad inth cbyeakvaaio ta le er teea o hait tleran ouitan'Brrfront bs ristise a h lUUibsed. bu J.5955shmpart- eti a~ctîveîy On tise a ~ bswr"tlesyyiiiie-rIs untmutierten yu al adeksardIn- tisthse o fbs geratitudtsa e x fre e o s ati tthle grwaps. n'rru beu-i nai ciemena n lie n PrIOmCutlng attorneoy for the " hdiimrt u tedyu"aiiwagoni cievina sonielisirsa. Sada la- tends tisetsetuttisientrountssrfnt o!erroodinthlise iigiAvays Tise storo, ak tor a nov trial, whlcb vas to.rite sfrarnger. *"l't n troductnrc a vasis' sealigaieti, îiscoverîrg tisat tise verp charge lu any gruup ut yoitig necipie, at yihr turie st a. ion erybytsnei.Atrge atl id Titre Mayors Protoit îng powvîer tbiav -mveitîtlie laibor. fauliresentînî n oy as devonrina vho, aîong vîit tieir camping seasan. Prrhsed te, a vinf g 7î i 'tfarce tenyminutes toiloved. ferry suc M Chiot Rcker lho bas my bet Tisere vas tisequestli oorproteste n dsenfs. g>, r toehe.a an' enhrpocep csey ihare trylia îudevehop characler antil HuOwver. a ev mles 05on at il it pi elobronderinaBaver uncunsci- mgidlir, Jonao as he e iemayora o! îhree norli shsore at hsese issa loeisr asbtirpee ae isii teai.-(Cuntribtted.) flot crana drap andtihion asin ai oua antia a trihie sharpevu hlm. lovasMabout.hoodnsos ramlise rai- Witis ibis marvelnu.qpouvtir a womn wa mirked hy gittIntlet, L 0. B.,'Aniiochislu came down for a ahurti oe a eiedwt noYO illi courttroo a. ising ramn" aninoYI cin (tin lutis eve.k's waasbng anti have "Bad dt!"' coideti anti ufedSada, Baverutvas n-eviv.ed vtitdias an amachine girls and no on. her'cbotiseshuna on tise lino. Insidé'of "Mua qulck, laite Leanard is case riaint fgondi.mcie .et caîi thons ati togitier ln tva Iwo bonis," Bad Pandîcli. ya've matie Il a rat.(IE ST R IE IÎAN EWTION ~~grouis.-solilth ie captaîn. 'l r-cati "Wei. miafor, ru fake a packagei Qulck. seek hini 1V TEL tises, threu 10er-s tu thens. t toleti tisemOf utiorrmaneous pOvder doeaistO But Peadick vas ltua vise a dog ta i 1 ne ter er. oolusamong the ereoi, andi gve 'yan.rslf a 90W e' lsk bis soi-r"eclt urtlsen; aiready 'WARM PRAISE AS IM ES .MEN 0f thempossly 10 per cent.and tison scrubbaing. tao bo okas teiougb Yeu tiimrigLoüdbi ikd ICUIDU DA gina ta stand for iaving tiis 10 per dalletbn. Your visuiema are fnl, af avay ta thse barn.SE IO CL ESWN D uî,3-'WVRn BÀtH cent maite civillans e hebeve ail vers wut n !obdinnta. They rased up ouita o vf . aour face ta covereti Ailer a restiesa nigist Sadia rase1 ,t.. ier chairs vIls on. e rail u abd, ,tis grime. If port vere introducing j arly, deteninineti ta go huita hem- springuiolo. ;i, mue 30. in tise, A«FACO OPT Inition of humanizina ele- 'No!' Mtumlnoss(oui. Ibere mîgtiS onnS elfOI o. She dresse- in kiaki anti asit otikoing hours aoflise 52nd generai as-WATD- O CME MT JOE HOSCSl.WSKY & CO. t cuse reor ainavl Andt iere Wagn't heers a catiplaint exituse for yoitr appeanlsnreobutat Allnt Laura for a lunch. ~ iî~0 iioi 5 oaecae GIRL FOR QENERAL HOUSE- REAL LSTATE CO. IROli WAUKE- 4 assrf tnvlf rom anv of tise norlh isshotre ttnowis lasobun aandn Ivn. r Pi 'ssit, -uij! hoa ae hmaits laorsfoOa rae prlai-Gd is-,ORILLAL FAIL; M WAe-bANofL.-aunderutIndpenen training station sînce. 'the men are velcomned tisere ougisi ta lbe J.ketheise i~!2m -or I nafidsSllue chLd!eoUa e ar 15 e s- dlgo ifoara raiy partail ntr À MS MTo N EEI el saeAesp tCbN . - nov."-------------y ,~ iVnl av,-e"ô5fitie *oin hbi.te terday. TisaI aboigun la DG goati on a Roaassumedth ie gavel, asking Lieut. ST.,WAUK AN, PH4ONE 4M - Allegany Couaty. Have tiheot ftrars (Bp Paul R., Learh) "*Ant i oldn't have anythin5 0 bear. Talle a rifle."Gav. Fred E. Sterling of Rockford. ' vtsgdlbidns u ieHlîi m o'e atsenv-or the MU do wiC'A'IC' ~ vth yau ~wblng povdem t,.< >'<> 1 it IIkeep near tise Suasuit roat." tise presidîna - - - a ale satW TE)-n o ruda uu fi eoit m attleinueyvhreand Morcharda e 40 irat e ee', fer thâat- DinviIIILE 5)A V a) p reredtu îb ing me a- ïuu t ~ pron àtiS4M. afier t lit aset A i'Eb-Me1 o vMd t tSk0. mctie f inehr ati t'arnecea F<IU'e there, 'Yeu are lid service Iventy e!% m>'yo saoermseaa.BSenatar John lIaiiey, o! t'ourla, fartheb.geliiie 'uaramtffd hOifletp my place; tram farct ta sixty dollars wbter pouve been tiseme iven- ciy ndol e Im'analte >' (IBut Pantiick tiiev Sata avap tromam aeadi otgaeu n f iofrmiwomo WrLprarIcuig tc.Ifra gr he8 urs rt ty mare ad thpou is M N &T tn'b niirmedth be crwned hieadà 1tise Sumisit roand, anti ater an tour& elaquent speech prem eniedth ie lieut- Eflates " &la-ia. W. par 760 au lion aui quicit , service. Honemi tRi« jutepteetsaeieor vireop e fchoase aise stopped senthesleàs, resliiE n ant ov lainboisaIt of!tiese mn- hosir mpare fisce.or 885.00 a v.ek torainge 2- md pesterday enatidecidetu10w 5w 0 1) ir ie vas test. Tisonaelegres' nervons. aI guvmerswuar, eang 24-bt ski» toda>', tise puniaisment met- m~ l liot.ît s tihest sosielhever madie, iSemmes isahnioeta- MItilie. Ezieriece uneoouiar. t~~~~~~~~ Afo' poLvutih paItsesm- ti klnO ls iîneuIîfnevlo Iotl nul quite pieasaist for a tovis girl reliusg ag, very appropriate 'mate Write international Stocklagnt [ls1 FOR SALE-A tanint o 404 acres un [f110Yt pou baie bas tae samal ame, 1or ou theisgee>- îos'tapr ta Ilh osbt ln a wild, uear country. ot elepisant skis. Senator Dalle>' NoristIowU. PS. Allegaisy count> N* Yark. - AIl au>' tram pour vrbat 10 rour Lawrence Daitîoof lise 00011 hnkaandtilttis atd iptiertlib nsa. M, inlier ruas, Sada easbly onaerseil taucheti hrlefy on tise strennous ses- FRlevei ae hos,8x4M o nti somaprcieylanti lu th Mer. At touit tisaivas-tise vap ie & Whyte store, Waukegan. hàda a "Wien 1 use nsy ovnsauni. i know one of tise big top rocks. Il rolleil sian wvici vas alout ta ond, <urinc CFOR IfSal-Cin, tonc.PIMi bouse. 24fI.caot>; ons ualery;bosa or15o mvp V» 1901189visen Cai. aflel thriling exhsrienco Montdai at Gaae's ctisethingf; 1 veau von'tliho an>'tise clawn, hissirsgSatin andthe rem ot th e course a!fvisicli sentrs occas- C.Grimes, Libertyville. « 22-lt eickens; boa bouse for 100 beat o! Wortobmisgstook commanilul.t 'Lake visonlho savet a Chicago«man 'v ase ior Il,lbuitishe vosîina povters the viii, in an avalancbe. Sada mna>' olafl oatchoir tempera. bui nat _________________ aa o' lsrnciayolbut Tfleuscoietalmsation of "Tise tramein avwiîna, nearl>' cOMing lu grief soti 5> agents are tie ut dynamIte bave isatia tone heirt, butsumat10 1 once turing tise entire sesaionliie do- hgad te oesr uhi ta ,Hqu*tion," as Caipt. Wuta- himnasaf. enant iai cauettc, anti utgermient onc e minti. sor velvety gatm vas nat ever -ciareti,badthtie preaiiog attcer l'ami FOR SALE-Oenulne Airdale uunîpbs, luge. Homses anti 13 seat of cattie go exPlaina t. anti retorm ln thte Temn iaesne r ollbib. vbslsn iinve oft mnhs, alvapi vearbnga a moele uf goati..ioaltis>, farm-raiet stock. Atidrea vith tise tarn. This tarin vasbtught The mn, wose ome r. Dolicheerbilvisich ntwilerevcamee ioff.nt"Alrdale," care Intependent. 24-4t b>' me for $12,000; viii seil tam $15,000 sisuen va deiti orw ieiso di ii ot earn, vas. in tise mitdle .!fisemarin. feIgbatro Sa tise stunneti girl alugled u>. hve o thougistamef." tniut ieea>uakaia o-mncluding ail machiner>' antistack- 0hetwsdat rwtbl f the laite vhen lho stooti up inahib niahqieIpsIl asadu-Sntr"ia ub ise PERSONAL,-An>'yoe nw h $5.000 cash anti$1,000 ner erux. Thtis tiuitances wrane.Wien iboat anti Capsizet it. Ho managedt IIta ,estsprîng 1%af Peterta ou. iniPaveilcisposile(0stndutnSnatlDale, atatano afes werabtheo Pte greateatt- e neofth argainargin i ýeorter vsitetiCatpt. Wurabant îa atsehs, u mal'abpe y ta mnte tise rsuni haleh s t on lhem br'îisëet ooHovever, sho six tancha, nat a harsnor Saiun- f a alc.Gaaae I, niîO otîmnt ebti ii onr' V Comamnder M. M. Frucht. tiesemater il.. gooitboraet t bs a Ihahiapackage orit vnir Aiet ev'l, grampiol bher rifle ln kinti word bas emaufatot trontrbisacelve $10.00 reward. Demqmptlon:LalevmS8000soti ar i(ve atfitirr. isatiut poketi his ad andthie man vas oexciteti h o lwder ftran an agetonivs albs etns agee iBri atu-'.lîpa-not one-nor asword of Criti- welgist. about 165 pousiabolet, 5 ago for 75.000. Thmee hundret acreàs lai a lise toor ta annaunco that aaspeti Mr. roo.ittle'.s boat a? tise pocitets tul uf teabimnsis sisoving which, iuciy, vas not themo Tb ise m of anir member uft tiis body. foot 7 incisa; 55 pearm ait; hans haSt scn be pleat wllh tractor, balance ut ti etfor the dali>' 'mast.' ailde anti abinot saapet il. Mr. that lho vas a man oa ieigsmoral etchai" uoy' ioift<ist isqibeets unip Pais-anti evory uun wvis ils bore as a bravn hair anti moustache. 262t landposture andti tmber. Seven fine âme &lonsg"mlt tise comman- Dooiille - lied ta teîblisth eibovta ecler, itiafipeneil tiaI veet tisai tick limsci< ollin Sstones off the momber of Ibis Senato bas tise ver>' ipringi, iriti nover-taUinas sspply af Nn«md sen tor pourseif." gtlotieen f h ba, u le 11 fMrpure'swit vater. I"setiwat abmowuRtlutel ear orte bliy te n FRSAMyhse igtSlos00paeran. bslteygurnee .u wen't b ho soina off ftam tpglt is n tls bawbthutIa îr 'oiv vslesit oescilnsoincat ntoial vmsWai gisealtregfadfr ise adit,theiserl- FR AJ-htc rWd it vif ion?" the reporter amiet. ou anhdI>'scaret ieho oubt In thlie tngis. Mm.('urete aver>'çs-eiisas pavrltleai th.tgit.ts arli at iilla- ireyAve.lits, Grimes. 2-ti overythina ta be as reisreaonetet, b.« Calîl. Wurtmbaugh laugisen. do as hoe vas toit. As Mr. Doi tretulnr about is shirts. Tise>'mueti... oftise Rangele>' vîlt. tîlity o u presîdîng otiser' __________1________ -balso have a select liii a! otiser fine 'hme îjita l sevr'ta'1tie'a boatlwvas iluina vus vwater, Ile use as whtie as arcticennemi, or taise Fremis ler jaesat poctet aise tire* . "Ant il seesta l me. juil nov, aàiWANTED-Girî totdo hofamvark it vstarmas,antiWvit. refunt ralîraeal tarte ý-Slie I ut s.-,oik etey . vas campeîbei ta strito tise teiiow l'iie îonits ag aads ts iEl a. vscîaoh rugh, i thiat u Ital, ile typilios lise iteai rvtan xoble ot p>;t ucssr n' ttslni RWM Cam ivntis is lliédavrstalp usaie muaIecontedita tisearRe case-honte.shWrItebrcaormi.tHer enani328 gfine'aprotrtunilha forof Iblinafis farine.a mea veto elgit casson the dock- wt is fiat anti i'ock him off tise erace. Weil. 1 imvî y ou coudbtiiave along- $ise alioti tPmndct leauesinptat muet caame tavohmaRn- N, Lîtone., Hite SUd rs.I . ,32fieporutyorIlns am IbsRYIplc or r baat. ,Tise tellov finlnbivgrasîîrd tîr < tiaesitsatrtse'aoe "Seel ,t-sii'rd!(Ga, brirsg Leoniirti! aets al l liosi v.-i.N nAeHgln ak,Il. or ta settie la one of lise Seat couaties lin ixanaarplcecur-uslm_,eri 4isey hrtsti n idgti clot e lril.tain ltse-harmony ti saisouri exrst toiepione Higisland Park 167. 2631 the easlern part o! the country anti dfed that elgisl vas a.,unîlanal>'for dox ite vitie Mr. Doolittle 'aî rsehongîîn eivree But i'auii remetaisroti bis chas laatirart ani aisee t tiettaain___the______________This__ fltle' Ts rprtrva ta-rao hmIn hivs s natesi titaeiern. ('ttesn e'er edvn eirir ir -rheonIstit ei o f I itIs paîty in Illinois. 'Wlll immbe. Therepover wteStar ri e ci. n. ratias hetovarti " nunenenantit( ilke.'ciratnte, hFORiaSALE-A coucneban ma.hoganp mu-O SALis ctho, ma051nYdaim>'theanti d gonad ralnr fammlngn ÎM UUas ltheaverage menil da>"s vorkit I t iti i t>y li,ul ti-ieit iott sritn e vi.r.srrrfyn rIr- 'red in)tu and., seornis(for aileoinuotis e cuaractorlio s ai nenda 26nte. l-1cani smt.Wlnlth fornited artcuCame lirlie monts, wih thesanne ta. dclare Mr Dolittl. "Hewa., bat e, mirales bout t andmakentusicflcabinete oanti alIsbofgbinunise. aTole-hnco212W.r262tInnliseee. Unrie forfulatos.tiuCoro mer~l 'cita vtbtsesin sa dchrtiM Do llîte '14e t i 3e Hascialavat>' &Ca.. Guha, Now popuatinao!con o of.00cmo.seage ian nti0b0asmlteniisgin tmant'anîroîstaraise. 1 renîm'î' o tîiplsOn'as i1hstme. o tie grat eade via vlI îrÎn phoo 22-W wouht ro iwnt taîiimt 0- sang an ancisor." "S on au rati oter 'totdle atouts trois. ttc rri in lits 1505eoOta scenti ac utie f rientiscla ullnuisaritour FOR SALE-320 acresla Minesota, Yr 8t m before the commandant eor' ul seIl! yrur wasiiing puwdetr ta oarmenie t0îipmnry wih. temporat'ity are apart. Atai 280 acres untier cultivation, balance king. , y-Otto J. Boehms, wviwso v a tar in i %rnait vbri toesn't knov bas ta nilie [He %%a., grue èno hiur, an ago ta lise ta us Il vouitiiltrd tire greates inrtitumber; splendid black ssili, 7-suana FOR SALE-Genlie bay mare, ýount; a roo n atise haseraient a!fliseNorths DaktaS. r iv word tise firat gn ;p"aggnlevoîl gir-i. thîi veuspges end, and çleasurt'if leadiersi tsotime cure in dtellîna granaries, etc. Running va- price $40.00 Phono 278-W-2. *26-2t ltsation building ls Ci-tttieh e t ociotIm-tiso n t hiistirs- tnlltl Iatstick rettstnet te future sisouiti cune ta Lieutenant ter; schooý isouse acrosa gonti roat; dent Sort at an elovalti table. oaide es e rOosn.Dt.isiac Wod'Sup'i-NtrataesHut. vie-w1hrLi'rrrtIft'letving. lioveruar Sterling, fuorlie tas nu? unt- ylaccepV part in property bore. Tel- NOTICE OF PUBILIC LETTING 0F hisi vero tho executive afficer, 1BdTise ule, .Da. t ac oti'vaibhpyofs-pita t S.ît. "- >'tte corshdoaceofate tiemucrats episne or write R. W. Tatiti.A. F. D. BRIJOGE WORK àadhiatri-lbev are evoyhise1 clone On Jul>' 2 tstelthtisection or ol st isilaI2li2bOio. - "iisgt.LesiuInl"mhu t antial republicansln ibis hbody, but Graalaite. Phono 89-M2. 27-l Proposais viii, hoe receiveti St1:00 s'eaeatatvo a! lis .orahe o. liseIcf.try de n. Ms.aa'laticis o beluaga la tisia enturo _tl-.-FOR.1,E-'.- -o sections n vhoaa.921,.aIttsedoffic ut the C nntp sus &OaîdIsXX Tidd To TaKf Waukegan schoo resolution COVE of newly. ANCELS THE Nu ntr re o-Nltlie tise ione- 1A tttre tIttis ânrî biot)., have 5aip: iti t-e W.iui-.ean arI 'Îiout ,brarrd of <'si ,résoltiîon lutoii, att future 'simcaa )OU! firs>' have tnlttd as r gratie cloûlss iituer anto irrrse'tf a hira It mîali> andtoîeualii contrtthtiriexista i tise tnuard. Tise resoirutmon la ei aIl but ilrhîlrs ta ari,iseis e future. 'i up ai ro-tuIt of tire- i acisolAs, Johns Clark. carIlton belte tire Lo ing thb ita e mat st-t willir a ung moula ansd tlitat 8Ir',rtly ttrv tract smas kergnid.sti Clark 5mas c îry î'aiý loe'anti al thee îserni (anncirldlu hir mjjjn valnais%%tl() st5it iluà <r i rir, tc iý lard pis niilriu Is ou -ril) cI ta i r.- t t i ;r. - ' job 1'<t' m ' 1ti lt 1 j.4 'r, ýiri- ;r 1 '.. tsi, wr <n a T,-a4-- r . tii r t (rt.,i e u 'I irrie ttui ta),,- *andti sit id it- <a' 'sliras Juftr'- litl --î-'litiv t.î.. i ef i rt' rrtu lie-rtitiir lotsaiern ltrit ute an, Ini lotei tul t't mu, are fit tri m r- tilritt unr],ir t i'r ai e 1 duitnin tirrWt, tise tri oî'<r Iiet t In Itier rSihtY'i 5. 'rite railmrires oit an>' soucnis ic, lia foi a teran o!ft 1>lu itre tos hitouse ISEASE Of FOUND BY TO Bi General ilinois, y cent below st: vestigator TELLS WHAT Coarn bitta of 1iii vouiti >ietti at le-ast tisan tise>'are vieltiu theo dise-lsers ti-ich : I1.-E. YouDnC. secretsl Farmers' Institute. 1 Isstsefl. i-îRIltisof Cor-nil Iûinsnmalle b>' Euger Bcomingiris are cot let. Nir. Funtk 19 clii stues beal inowtrac >-ear- Mr. Funk teste tUtoirent santPIrs ut ai sections rit Iltine Z "'uniîtaivIiy he enic."lii. FuXnk stand iof coin. sicki a titoîanro of bitter nrîî as a tnd li - direti r t-ilt t ftri ti tni illtriCn vi ltir a< fetirt'se i 'ic, (Vt.i fissoe rstslorrîat prit tiontina lln.'a'mgi -qlieilt o f.corn td tii slo lisai mtm tw. mn "M' i0 ;a iL

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