CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 14 Jul 1921, p. 10

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-LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDLN1, 'i ,,- - - ...- 6. The Détention Home Audit Coin- Pour (Baancy of County-0'Con- raitied by the Sherif aes eutodian, Waukegau, I111, May 21, 1921 (AN?àXED NOTICE) su s cc mlle hall audit ailtbMlSacntracted for, tibee, Murphy., andi there being Borne apparent on- Board of Supervics-Of IALîke NOTICE 0OF SPEIAI. %1-ETING THC-P O EEby the Detention Homne Coimttee. Printing-1lodridýc, Ringdahl and filet of lnw antIo 0thé authorlty of Cunty. jeinl, met A Special S4 s- Notice la hereby gî'.tn ticat vu. OF T EI. The Educalioa Comittee shall FIcte. I the Couzty Board to maté sucb te- alon In tlie Supervicare Jom In 'liie suant soi a requis: .î wîîîng ai ~ MAY aa~trrurbave charge of ail mate,. 'In lrse.a- Purchaýicg - oillatein. "mijgéinent or roume, aIhheýgh ibis Court flouse et Waukegan, f 1 , rse ome îc i 'ue b REGULAR APRIL MEETING. PEIAL MAY MEETING ticu. n 10Edluctic'n andti lali udT,and ti lngJccil,? Ioard blilevc8Il ha.s udi superlor ai Il oclock A. M. Standard V-i e c ne third of lthe j, lic c (uthti REGULAR JUNE MEETING ihe bîlluand t lEoits of the Coultyi PIublie Buildiîngs andi Giounds trigti n order ticat ail questions cf pursuant lu tthe following eaui: arofuîr:< oî S ,IIutmyhremoveti and tic 1mlaverI t lvIlli4lo,.a Spi ci.' , 'guli 0FTHE - iitctnn Crrtee shalh Pýublic Buldîinî,s anti GroliIccJeAu itIciacnended lu ricariy give to Court- T .lw . i nel3cic fSucvc. 1 .l.I o t LAKE COUNTY BOARD 0F SUPERVISORS baie ha ge ot ail matitrs in sela- -lacc. EIitr.l.c!.Miiwilitin. tY Buards sutIl riit.ia aad liowels unyCekmt xOTIl i I V1 uioa ui ~lt i ue HELDIN THE~ __ tee, iC F +ii eetn sandaL4in. -ferce- Cami4 IV.ciIllinoises ilti bet-lit'- ---r-f!r à sivii V.TUKEANILLNOI .lîcteofutEh cions. 'cIniti alli u tVinb g iruier officesc witiout Inirfer. (cnîc *ihinth. t le City of Wauk'--:i. ri lak ai tAKGN LIOSt:î' cction exptnfFe bij]iF Ruaeind Biîid9cs - Biarctow. cnie as irrcjuirî'd bW.lceuyr leanemeiw;iîuny nStrcc m'2-a.1 191.t hu fliocius As.esncns rt nrBruCn. Vherffture Die fit Ie5oiteti. bythe icttcati P Sunraievlaora isutl.a,-'cunI on'qitur A . M.-w -, D tes,1 Cc'nmjte sÈ,IIiinVi stigcite ait l aîcîi- I""l' ai ltIiIKii-ý1mnûr, Wù bb ancd tof tSipervisura of said County ý(,untit> 1111Innaii 4;,ti hetanatno caiins or rbat of axe ander-Effnger ofKnox Ilinoi, Ibat he en a Inst anc thirof oflice smembers ot the > icas as May cone I. .'ad hont BoRl ua n t 1,^ a_ eau1,1911the toilrof the Bldd,vas;ar6aefl i, us Rsmn sosiandi Bridge Audit-~Matin, Atsaemtiy of Illinois now in mession sli Puardilof Superyloors uf IaikelIat Wld me.eting. by - ài ,..neri *bemlyEger, antiAustin. - be requefietthruugh oui-mernber'i t oir l.lfîoe eeb esaiI iLW lNI thce Viainnan ftuthîe gui-pose of or- apprc-ved Mat, llth, 1903, as revied 9. The Finance Coixmittee shall State Clariie-Iluttun, Samsoin the Senate and lcuse toi enactiînlçtp ~ liiieiga adBad ai 'ul lr niC..c l la gîcizll lai-.ow auiltu Bant file Foryninth Cenlt Atsoubly 'havo ch'argé of ait malltent in rets-andi Monahacn. .law iiy hruter amendmenla of lthe à t icetansatingof ekch leoard, tfSCupt erîsornd, JCi- citey, Il Crîa n approvetiJn t~11.tion ta the Finances 0f the County. setl(,tiitnt with County Cierk- Statles giving lhe cuttody, - hce tstionay e-mie ehlia Ir (erii oit f ,; 'Co.rd uatI taiodr nd Bartue cta h lce .10. 'rite Fîes anti Salaries Commît- Obee Munian and Holdridge. iIami udaultirity over aicounî~te Tilî15 l'fr atrdi -alafiaion 0ethlie Supervî-t suAsAsis vre~uUs~eecng erereai li lie ROB3ERT D. x DARROCTI. -tee shal fix ail tees anti saiccnica Seuclement withi cCircuit Clerk- buildings inciutiing the court bouse 1921 at. 11 o'ciock A. M. .qtiln(Ilc,îatSprioi c . in t Croirk eîlliDgere beiag na ate a . imr f tleemplcyec-s ofthte cOuniyIy t Lai-aon. Meyer anti 0'Connor, sont jai anticounîs- grountis anti i-al i t lc ue-vsr erit n 191uer ime Apr cil 6t)d lions or correctionsalhe ramue were Subsmcribeti and sworn ta before me fx' calt. Setulement witlm Coualy.Treasurer couale anti the assignment of offices aproei sredtbmsle astday of December. 192,6, l.The }HospitliCoMmittee shal -Hlolseimc Austin, Samson. In thé Court 1-ouses olithe Board of the court ItOuse inthe City utf'.Vmu-i j e Thire era a futir bain~sLEW. A. HENDE, hav'e complote chiarge a! the, Cen- Settlement witii Sheriil-Dilger, Supervisortt, without qu~estion anti keam e Cu T ow ln [a. Tim CI per aieti île îîuîî ntl fore ie cansliton rt -er ti-mr Cousety Cierk. er i Hospital anti ils management. Sti-att«o., harnstable.- 'wirimout interferiance enlime part ofm oj-ÇlIwa u~vars'.î rsn DortCiairman Ba.Irlow retireti. STATE OF ILLINOIS 12. Tuep Hospitl Audit Committee. Settiement veitba States Attorney- the Sheriff, au custotiialî or any of redKreie.Cb Aitli amtbe .-c ia CerIfiate utquaifcAtOn lecilii eheCouty i ~ auit ho epots nt acouas Muma. ichIer, Lai-sos. big depulies, AndtiiaI tie-County Martin Rlngdahî, Déerieid. C-aPo, Dîlge, lieit. F.r. Fl fictescf ualfictio o th ebil udi th rçore ad acouts BwmwConradi Itlleteiln, Waskegain. gsi- Ficke, Hallali - ldrldg Cuent r eeîd tJo! lthe Supericientient anti Treasurer Swmncp Lanti-Stralton. hairstow Board be given fult powuer anti au- ATLiinDefediit~~ iahs- ta Ic.M iclt Apiil 5th, 1921 were pregenteti. Il.NN Wetzel, a resident Of thse Of- lice 1-oFPtal- anti Egei-. thority lu emplcy janîtors anti as- Upon rolilraili mhe touiowra.g Sumper- roun of Waukega u In alt CounlY 13. The Jaif Comritiee miait audit MIIMt3EiS AND TiiElu i'tli o h court houa. andaohve ti tue -tarryM. FiIrs, Deérfeid. 1cm..Mlyn , Mocli; i Lf.f 'c-rh, bMa visra er siountabe Preeent: anti Stale do slemnily ivear that 1ui. bilefor focd for the prisanera COMMITTEES eut alsdas aelm u- Chi. j. C&rpe, $WaGlu eaI. * :;n. MPdcCuiouglm , mL. "ce8 C0 lau esshw otdy anti eantrol of theecounty jaîl Cmav 4.Crý,:40Mteutoc -Jo, Padd o, RcnîXhI Austin. Bal-Slow, Barnitaile, Brown, a&M persoually acguaned ultim Rob- aItlime jal sudlie ieiemploiyei Austin - Resa)lutiaus; seulement eccPt as ta tihe ectiai cufita.iy of Ave., Waukegau. WbiatnTeien sce e Crala, Crapo, tlilger, Vrew, Elobler. @etIr), D>rocî Who mahesaaPiPlica- la prepai-e teood. with Counly Ticasurer; Ronds at h saeeco _' i~enA r KA. Brown, , Round [aits, Figer. Flflnrei. Fiche. Hlil$ein,lon for beneit for relief et lie Blindi 14. Tie JudiciarY Commite saat]Bridgées Audit. the rlioat ereattfier lucre nIyhenur- RC Paddc. Wauson. l'o-W. aem -s-3. - 1-ieitiidge. HulIn. irseliner. Lar'ranti know that h. le a bona fide auditl&ail bis lu connectIOn with Bau-rslow - Ruicds anti Bridges; 'Que tion arisas1 to the authority of -- son. Macîber. !clav-nan. Munahan, rsdent of tlus State andi bas iveth le Cours anti lau nfOrcement In wampLanti. Judieiary. girjldCounly Boardi over lie custody. C E AsIn.hcrirvor Paddok 1,. r, i -otelt Murphy. Mai-in, fIicruiuuth. Nalior, n lie County sborssaied for tl ietrce thse Couuly. - Barn salbe-Fcet Ions; Jaii; Setie- ccetrot anti management or.arange r Temnerio addCcairmanc.iae lo. OConnor. Paddock, RingdRchi.years lmmediatey preceding tliefil- 15. Tie3Jur;y Committe. s3hah ment with Shéentf. nient eu0tofieinicCulys court Cc'rtificate- -of Mailing Notices um' Tier. beiug nu il, r incnatlon 8ancson, Stratton, ThonpFiomi.Ver- lng of above application. select lie Jui-oi-e(rom the lista i-e- Brown- CuualY Farm Audit; Feea bouse or culody &neit control tof the HpecitMeeing FuPPerior Paddock v_ s iletie.ed iu roas. Webb-33. 'eyrat N. WETZEL. sentei by lie Supervisors ta fit] andti alarics; Riodu. andi Bridgea, jeul or othcer c-unmay ibuilings,ritai nmogy Abeentq-uPervisor ibat Sberie adsuarn tatus 3st tél uyi oxade - haechrg- an- ErraîneocîsAssesmenta: eslate anti [ioper-Y ty fwicatioever STATE 0FILLINOIS tuu1vo- a-ir nominale S;uperisur Brufl uei 5 a o eebr120 fnbsnssm ont0lwith Jury; eclIucalit)n. ('uegi kîntior charctr. Ia ÇtNY0 A es (5-rviFor Paddock li ,,,,-,an if peisrKiri-rI-néT hb eeletie as LEw. A. IIENDFhE, Juiien. C iul-,-lislmcal: Pour ake , Pe Il Fui-lier Rcacchved]ta ONYO AE le ,imi er Tnroa!chairaman.motion car'- County (ierkl. 16. The Miscelaneous ('mima Comjsiisai t-r Cd);CunyF Ir <Y u iof hcs<ctun efurMIluli 1,. ii% w A. ME-ntite, (Co>uit, t1.kTli-e bflng înoc t-nrit ricti STATE Ou' ILLINOIS ~milice shah audit ail imi)s otfoie- mandiFan(,41i- ciedby tiecl-(ti-k utfti Board 1e anti t hi-k uttlieBoarti Of a-r. ,~ îaîî.,i.c isc loTon l'eýrma-innlt icaifrnnctci fohLdtjCçuîy l ngmng te nyipécial caii o -iît ichnclwilh -Stictifft; cr Sîcle Scnnoi:ir ui Ta-cn ia ' if iLaike (ount. Illinoicî ; it'~ -, ~ sîe tite; fo Jer arnt liirnlln fû Lae cuiyMetr. efcion ii1l";i etc s andi Salaries. Ici-ýt rhioull)tiii, ihi'i ictandti iat i f-V derli!y lIaI ou tic Illth dtIc l! - Tiici-e volîng Ale - i i uce thpetiuig YIIPýicr7 Il. Pelions, a reiicot of 17. The Pour Coiî,atee (Vtauke- iPrcw F'-caion; E rr o i- u y ouafl7ic -tI.cti Il I -of utSut-c r >mt.vA. "1),1921 1 i oauicil t ý Amt-Iin, Rarnpîabîl-. il. C (raur Supr' isur obte r.uminritl Super-,tî.e Tcvn o! Wcicileralc. lasali gan, Siieltis anti Dertielti) $bal'A-~ncri:Ecco tisr oft ca-,1 limants in t jýli S c ii lhe- N c ici- ci! SI)titl l 1 . ir.cî, rligei E i r r. e. Ft-ki> vc~nPadhoc. -auchr Dmes bh i uciianti Qiqle do solanni swear audit ailtai- rbilla for Waukegans. F'i- r- . Sellic-rent wilth u quceing ocli;ai tii y li.ijcîcIic ii- aisliitt;i..chIld in cachsaI-- -I -iIhccrI ,-Krmt' in ý er -,ap. hé '6or îîeiraaî.îe î of !t's-Týf- - ~- ~ otlc îcac t3urrr-: u, a lir1ia ~-h-i~Mc dplcicil bv trc'naîc oiin i î tor lbcnicftifor relief uthlie outhîe.Coimolyl shaltlaudt ail poo t-r ,d Fi;hoa ni STATE 0F' ILLINOIS trI-~ ct.lhOthi - '--a . Mri itni ' '- cNal, yicd ac Sci uP',titk n lidandl kyow riat lie Je boa Il<ccl WaikgOP KNOXicl mi1- -1 eft-çI fic ivic-mh<rntof t i tat and ha ngcii è cielncl.Fair & Facoît-ru CO 'N P0 FNtX I c îr c..î Z7iun. ,.i- .m.<No Srul 1v. 'Rip (cotncs ucmi- ctiit'iiti' mIici t if chwIc ioccrd (tf SuliFI uNiittai 9rt cd of. lbrce ttilrit rts o îee- ie iig fIoc plcain. n-lion with Councy busineiss antiFd e-tilm Bidns anti tiers j ndic foil the rc Ctmuo f IlF ilr Aic i strina !elar. %lotion rcaried. FERRY L. PER9ONS. shail audit ail bis for prînting airciIis; Pe'Cocon IMunie Audi; Knox arndlState ut IlicOOi,,. diti lre- Wiiliun j. flîrsîlcn, neîscî i Ahi-ent --pvf, r'- îLiriptic Tie Cbiroman aPpuinleti a-9oi-he"Sub-cribeti anti munin ta Ibis 316tt sliunery. Plolieg. hy certmty liat. il..' lur-going a int .P laalLk arin nta tumtitc SteiVitnrsKiricehner, dayutfDPertuber, 1920. 20,'Thme Purecabicng Cammiltee liallc'teiî Si ilt ment veile Coanly Irue antId corrcc -. s-piof a reýul- Jne .lanibe aeVc-iw a-'n ibc ~nn.5 AIr.-ittnain for I-lnul Pensos fAr (tNDE, hal u)ff uplis orth oli- Treasurcr: huratng; Public Builti- lion which vctitlccl hy lice Enta Fdw. ril A. Prc."-, Roumndi t, ýk. n nciet]t i o tteist rr--csqse Apialti o Pa deslntiRtC te f. liai-- . Y ftc-rantiCourt House, andtinlgt, ti rcnt.Couflîy Sckiai-ilof -cilciryisurs ai trielri11,ii ic-tinga hbe A;-..utiior FIiabeh Red nd Rber H.Par 1ierebY crtify lia 1 have ex- amY Cnmnittee deleilin-g 0Purcuase ol tudri dgç,-Printing: Hosilal; Set- Apiil mc-uin0e.(n Ihe 201h day of rt',iigsî-. 'r MrCilihicmh, flcrri-ctçlItrf,-ding Motion c 1cc in;,nmf)u, roci went preenttias foilows: ancnet ile applicant iRobert Dar-oci, supplies shall bring ticir recommend-ti lmoeni wiîi Coutl>Clcrhr. Apt-it, A. P..1921. Gc tc-ce Il. Datratow, wa~iiidVà Applicaflfch for BenePfit under an Waukegan. mMi, ant ilndti tit be le allons lu this Commiîtee. TIltun Siate Charrilies; Eduta- un Witnec.a Whées'of hbave icie- B :pevgrCagotri Art Entiieti An Act for lise Reflet blid. 21. Thme Publie Bui]ldings ant i ton: Cctmaty Faritano1( ybn p ofca (a rü f.I. 5upervlaoi- Cîaî11. i. - cd liraiptoi. of lice Bit. po.i b h 0-A. E . BROW N, CGoundts Camnmitleo shah bave charge "nr n î- o d O ifils; Ronds tlii. 2st day ut Au-ru A. h, 121. P.r îw Effnger,W aukean. h1. 4dcut rules goveraune t c tè . uce4rd fi M ay 11Ilh, 19II3. as Revisedi i y 1. i iedti ibs 21t day af Dee 1920. pairs of lhe buildings localeti ' o n il r gs;- i nnem t w h uu l S ACounty Ciork C.or d I lîmean, W au ega. fi l nuu ity a t i i a il porty.-ini (eneraýl AaeuiittlY, Ap- LEW. A. HENDEB. the Court lîuse Grounda, aiso "Y Clerk; Cuunty Fair anti Fmi-mrs In- Supc-rvic-or Kirtiner moveci tlint Tl.A ltimton. Waukegan, lit. Tie 'hairmnan alPi i,i,l aiatur provel June 2ýI.i.1915. ues i. Coany 'loi-h. uorh lu bc doué On tie gi-omntis. stule; Settlmcal uih States At- the nieller o!f fxingIlie salaries o! Fi-ankrA. WebWaukegan, . Cth111ue er. - ifcine STATE 0F LN1Speilo beateti.mavest Usiasthle 22. The Public Bu idilugeanti ebr ad l(kgo te M.PPipWuean,11'ýaInad es enion b grntd.Motion carrieti. Grouatis Audit Commttee @hall audit meler-Juticiary; Finance; mis- Boardnofemui wb ers ti jihic o lie IM . Iilri wauan 'It q ' Ftu a t R1ale tate Lake Counlty ILLINOIS185Kl"îýbmer mo-conli--itbils neratetiby lb. Public cellaneouîiroJats. esadSlreCmitf o -wr .MnhiLk ut.i (éý nl 'ii ,M tr, 1Eizabeth REEti o! tic Tout O Joui-nuntîl ApiAI26, 1921 laI 10a. ('.-de sCommittce. MmnSeîement wth tae aati trisioiten.a io- Ii adJ oabmLh l ii Tmp.utl2cloi t Newpiortinlum-i CooaiY fand lUtle ni-Moton' Canieti. 23.'rThe Résolutions Committee Attorneyc; Hettal Audit; Publie SuperviFor Obet- muiretithat the EuadM. Maum l anite l 1:h1hl. urerviser Mrts. li,. i I couna1ft -0 oemnly swcar licat 1tam bluind,;lahels piepare ailrnsoiutians An COn- Buildings anti Griounds Audit. le frarn h ordto h 7,oife riýitdt e onaI Bel oenIh aeo 1 YeiE Waukegaau Ili., Avril 26, 1921. nection wlh ant' malter liaI May Marlin Roatis and Bridigas Audit- matîi fi-raiig l tarndalion hth. b. i ta1amnsacharge 01a slichar- Board m-e t I'auant to d> usa b refeird le them y the Board. Judleîary; Poolr Waukegan, be ret trie a-ms ai l ris ounîy Farm ,Fb . 'ibtias. NipiWakga l luts folimeesin i-a ui Itbl nsitton0 tieSAt O uetwJh %ir« adokpi-e- 24. Tiie Roati andi Bridge Coin-andi Deerfiett.) wilh powe-r to sel. motion carriei. Haobert fi-eu. L.ake Poremt, Il.i'T FILNI mai ounY ai Cly tiereuil; tisaI nD'y idins andti tieflflilng meunbers inie sahaf ave charge ot al mal- Meyei- - Puchasing;Setmnt uteico rp moeilaIie îîry pge-.brliî.îî - 1 nnnuinty limaItIhae' iot enln lDgh.,B-(tf3 Csn, nllm fic !tcCut ue- Mnln-lsia ui;Semet- 11epon a ie ont Rod Oté eray Tiaddock, Waucoatyin, IA Ino e lu îeess ILun 15000 per Present: Supervisent Austin, Bai- horS peraining tu, Rodanmd Bridges ith Creult-Clrk; Hospital Audit, malter o! purriaing buldinmgs tori- . C. W. M eer, Areml u nCrUN'rY 0F LA I: uoassy' in tue State of hliDGOe for Ci-a; ima. eler, Efer. Iffinger, Flke, ltendeut Of Mgiuay@. ment ulti Counmy ('loik; Siate ('bar-filme be lefI ser the Rond Outlit anti EritiKirprchnt-r, BarrIngton. 111 Renardi of Supervisors 14..î V 21st î9Iq anse n E u it e c - . s d tu lie H oltiridge, R JI tcin, Klrecim er, M a- 25. T ic R o ad O u tfit C Om m Jtîoo t e 4 o n y F r o m i t l s w t i il r F ni . F .k , L i s Z r c , i . M w m a & do l Cosi' iI'k ýfr tiee yeas i inther, Maviman, Ma ot.Mcuncaile.Alfr-edti . Maeticer. Prairie Vit-W, - ltord 'D it uiîeiVi>sOi- mseialelt' precedingcaIbis date; andUn i.lMurphy, irocuhîaougi, u-Nir, Rond Ontfits, anti saoltmatle i-mles Clis; Pour f(Balance o! Couniy.) Sîperie;or Murpis- movedtithat l îl.e icr(omileci lus.. ou liai I deire îo Davait myueff or ltce Obee, fno, adc, îaîîîat eullosgucnn tcue MCullough - Pelemiion Home; malter o! co"-iand f-lans for ni-W JaîceciOConnor.,iFaerfielId1. l -cccoenitati.S. Wh5< benefits o! an Art toi- tic Relef SamsOn, Strallon. TliOmPuan, Ver- et tic came. - ounty Farnu Audit: Ji-. ouf of the Jaihie ri-erried ho lime J.Obeil, Hig-hlandi l'ai-V ayr'l liqs Boar i-ihf.',J21 h- È tot C! tic Blid paFýed bitheticFori--oeu, Webb-80. 26. The Iloatisanti Bridge Auqt i~Naber - Pt-tention Hume Audit; Iultilagsanmai flountis C'ommuitee.,r152h1uli licehé ,gcd rhclssas Ihi<d fenem-- - A"ac-rnbly. zaimroveti Abiwant Superv i sai-s fi-ew, ici Ccmmmllîiee ehiil audit ail bills ton-Eltmcns; Jeu.Moinarfd.RuturWle 2,Hihan 1. Tierp 33 -S. l 'tan Mylt.1903., . evlseb, lie fer. I;itien, ILaroD_. ih aircttby the Ruati ant idgl h,'SeîlemnentMoonciie. rt- ,tomrnitiQ a av '"--a Mat' 11nh Gep. 1AssemiblY mRP- Minutes o! îi-ecatii9ng tigreid lCi iteantitrc Huad Biie tei-ul 'ut u)rsiuor DSsiisow moyedti t i hît:llr.HgladPiý 1.('jt Fi Fo-inl eai-i-ai5ad mion mtin f erv mieeOufitCu.iiCi-îî Puelr (Balcance tof (ounly);thlit ater o! an addition 10 lthe li--yFie-. ighatiPm-n oct aratii<co'lii provealberuno 251h.i1915panti up27. The Snaut Chmrervesor mcchice . c Husmical. Court Houpe re r ired ho lie Bult.- Martin îîmenoitl], Highîst itland-(onîyEc-in. l cunity plin be- Kisbie- fh)tve.27 heSit 1hilie Cmil OConni-Pour t(Balance u 'u-Ig at oni ocutecC0 1hici;tcina Pttici - 4: c - I~ ELIZAETl EU. oltshall audit* al biluta larelation 1 tBuliniati ouns- cn icnIgCmmte I e-fl maih he ommtie o Itle, aîmthei ay harlaie nsttuioncusîce t):Pubie i ng adt'ond;cui-e pIans, eipMelicons anti estlh Axi-T. Lai-sa-nHighlandiIcr 1HomoAudit: ic- .n-Fie mark thé ('ümittce*« Ruiel, Sabîlemeont w ChariircuItns('ici-hnOmaiedofOtoit.jeMotionicarircued.Clmr.cni : n rrons-ce4usF AA>".-.. 'aiti Fl 8useib5tianti swori-Io 10bfere theo folowing repi-t: lhe Counly ad shah have charge of- Ringulahl - Miscelianelous Caîm;ma uvateif Wehb. CMoi arma o le Ccy otce me thie 21 day Ot A il,191 ETATE Op ILLINOI ay cile i r-lh-cn a ic LInPimlarelationag Fe atiSacîce Csmiteesb-WaLeanalIe ayp8191 Ic51ilI Auit t ; icdiia- Couanly Chrh. Saalf rpmng. as eié t mstin - Public Buildings ant i mttedthélmefolowing report: To tl ime Mebent o! tics Bos iil u 7'i>'Muieilacus tic ric., oi ('OV.NTY Op LAI28. TicsComamittee e oflmn mnsAudit; State Chaimles; 5Set- 4p- mr fLaeCuiýIl-(WcukPgau. SbIielÈt ild m,,i rccrl; STATE OF ILLINOIS Beaiti or M*vi0r À u er wlti the, Couuty Clej-hshahl, audit ISupurvisura o! L.arene-hre- CountPy1 uuu18 Potci- (Balancet i09 is.r c:priain , Iner, lice reports anti aceounts of limelit-metBois: mry "s-eactnePubliAé 0F llidNÔtS *ola 1i 921 Cut lr.Siaton-Swarnp Lada; Settle i .ae -eyntiid htpu , e, Cuuuiy ma adGetlmn tement witic Sherlf; TPeetionnHomne. COUNTY 0F'LAKE - ane , a eustmnurîngocc-;iundém Public huhîns a- Lakc ouflly ilaIia résident etntitGnteenCei-. s oahreby otfie ting.saI l- aurulg uuî -ilsm ô u a~ Bonid OfSuPervtaort:1 9.The Cosnnitee on Selement tempaun - Ptoi- (Waukegan, Boardi cf Supervisai-e. d aiest ome, sîgiseu by moi-e tîcan Grounds Audit; .Rai-t ulens. Ruaý Tou" o!Newpoi-t In sati Coai ad our C , - v 1n1oie wud t h ie Circuit Olerk @hall audit Shid an eeied, onyM.CarnadGntmnofhenehr ftemrcraf,,d-lBdgbRa (u t 40a i 40le Ae olemisly ivear tiat I amromn i eot n anut fteCr $traisaivaqantt i lmbt o en t laItue RaIes uîiw ut 'cihFarmu; Deteathon hôme Alidil. Board of Superviors: Bardtiof Sulcervisors. n Speclai niet- Bridge Audit; SIale tClaritiez; SE; th aesapirto i Board ksi 1920 lie 30. Tise Com ilUce on Selement Vercule - Finance; Résolutions; Tour Committeeoan Fées anti Sa]- tmg cf the Boardi ut Superlos! emn viti oortiil- koftt Ro. via mhe .mpliailSifo<edoPteti for 1921 witb hlie tollowing WtmlCiMml raue ialadtCouutarusi-mAmitt. ailesvoulti recamniendtiiaItihe sal- Lakte Cuuniy. Illinois wiîu Ce isiti ment uli Circuit fuit. Saýtîcme bnaetuaIr reifote l a boisa S d changRue ees, ,wiît htrepCort anti acc @allaufte Wf-ib-reee antiSalaries; Rondatia-es of Memimrs anti Clerstsof tleientlIe suicervlaurs oom n the viti Sheriff; Selîlenca ii itb Cou knolitht belaa bns*d rsi Rle . lCou & aly rersandrer. o teOullet; Regulutione. Boardi ot Review for 1921 bc fixeti Court Haut-e In Waiikeganintri il y Treàcurer; ShItltn)-a vit dent et tis Sale, anti basItiîd'- hiée. (33) Standing 1CliéîthltCteo s s.TeaComier. osBtlmml Tm uloli omncto5 as folaus; Lake Couuiy, eus Satuiday the t tateAtonySwp,)an. la the Cocmuty a afiad tas'tii. ticreefollaus1U S.Th -mté n eteetTh olwn omuiainw yeara immsdlatly pi-edbg the fil" 1 nypeand witultimlie Suert! sial audit ~l i- ertad anti un motion o! Supervisai-* Chairman-------------..U00 pai- day day ui May A. D). 1921, aiIlh 'dnck Rale 4, I)tie O! (ommIttece. Jing et abave applcatlin. 51 parmoteudacutec ieSun! iecrtret ateCouieon Mambers o!flice Buard 8.00 Per day A. Id..Standard Tîme, for lie-tran- I. Tic CeunI>. Fair Rai par-me' JOSEPH CL.ARK. 2Couniypam 32. The Commttee en Settlement Réslutions. AChie!antIcik-------rg.0 Of dayiacton 0 succ leal ainea a Subs.crihed anti sworà u- athse Sint wyi utim lie States Attor-ney ahali audit Gleslurg, I11., Avril 21, 1921 Ass.t.nt...c-h - 6.00 fper day may comne belvireaii Bam-i a îi cireoal atiic'îiiu -COuty Par. Auulîîîng. alrp~at cona c i otcCuî îih~<Lh on>, Resîiectully submitteti meeting. lis aboie amed i'iinq ion@. da S Ari, 92. . etenuion Home. Ftl. Atrnyaihvecrgo! Bno. P. A WEBB, LECW. A. IIFNP)EF. 2 The Conite t'yrt, rIla LEW AIInty e, .Dteîo oeAudit, E. A. BRlOWNc, Cuh u-i a sit Ihave ecompoe t ias éol i 8.oulyClrh * ucatUoa ail mater, in couneetion ultm the Dear Sr: utyCek 9TATE OF IL~LNOIS 7. Eleellone, Stntee Attornes office. The enclose.] isa aeopyo! a i-cao- Id. P. -DILGER. Wilaesls my bsantdandtihme tal of CO.sntY pFmi-udani is management. eslirona As33etcS. The Suamnp Landis Commltleeiltion atiopteti by lie Boarti o! Su- Suporvisor Fiche inaveti that the saili Cîînty et Waukegan in saidi 3. The Coaty Pas-ta Audit Col Lakse Coun)ui 9. Financ. ai]investigate antire oan ai" pervisors o! Kaux Counhy lit tic report ie accepteti anti adapteti. Mo- Cut.ha11hdya a .I dh i anyFil 'nmt 1Ch.0 oera resident uof ~,am aare.Petitions for suamp tendtildes, quit Ap,îlmeeting htio p-i10h9in2a1e.LW.A HIIE nica udtter- cit fI lie Touts o! Newport lu sai Caunly 1. echa aimtondetis antiapproval of plats. 1921. Yaui- careful considération of Superviser Austin, Chaiman of thé (SEALA.CouNry ('l-i-k *antdn it lhé e C.intyfafi anti Blate. do solenly iwear thial 12.Mopital Atid1 Tha lie nunihers o! rulci 4 tilhe osubject cuveretInlithIis résolu- Commttee an Regolulions, cuimmilttei VieIvetiyole cuyPa I arn pereanally aqaitd wtb 13. ialiî. 29 incusive b.change.] ta nuniber lion Je deshi-et, anti 1 reapeclftmlly the falawlng Resalution., PUBLISHEIIS CERTIFICATE mi ven f itéto Iii Ce Elzbt Recul uho maaes applica- 14. j jlay 5Io80iclsie.rquast yau la lay tuls malter bc- Be Il Resoîveti, hy the li a! îf Wauk<'gala ail>. Sun) lstae. e eeri i bsC etiosi for henefit foi- i-cief o! theise '1.Jury, That Ibe Word "nut" li, insci-tet 'Ore your Caunt>. Board forai-Is con- Sutiervisora o! lie Count> of LIChe, 1, P. G. Sith do hereby eertiiy 4. Tic Déenetion floise CanAIt azd nowsthatabc e à bon lid h61118elaeuetucen lime word "sial' 'anti "illuteraion aIslime carleal date. pus-Illinuis.ticat flimec eneral Assembh> that ltce Lake Coualy Publilhim anti ,hall bave complété niai-ce o! ant hau tuI ich bosaOd 2.Mlcehumeus Iamn. intsic26 merenumbereti, aiblec. 1îi-ust tient because ot fat-ofhIlinois fou in session ho requcat- Printlng Company les a corporation ia omandmailbtsnIanagieme residetieof ! Ibs State ati bas lyaed 17. Poar. (Waukegan, Shieldesad lespeetfully aubmlîteti orable action en your part ati Ihal edtihiraugh Our incubera of lie Sais- of Illinoisdoing busines andi 1mv- 5 i eeninHîsAudai e yan lime unly iferinorhéai-r. our. Baaeelftity.) FIREIKIRSCHNER, of yaur Couat>. BoardthIe egisîn- ate anti Hause toi eact inata laub>. lng il@ principal office In the City -inittie ahall audit ail bills contra yegofab-ovmiedaplh ici im 1-9.3. Pur. (aluc c!Conl.W. J. STRATTON, liont uggeateti In lime restionon lîl Proper amoniments cfrlthe Statutes o! Wauhegaa n Ic heCount> of Lakit tlby im e Deteutiontitse Comm ug!aov vlCA. i0. Pratin. GIi;. H. BAIRS'rOW. fuhinu. glsing lie cuslouly, ceontraI anti au- In sailli State of Illinois, andti a jt CHscibd andS. O. D oiWNbeR. 20. Purcbaaling. Vci'y i-specfulîî yourte, thul-il>.over ail counhy buildings in- saiti Lake Couat>.* Pubishina anti 6. 'rie ducatiln -('orsnmheai Sula ofbeti ani1uo-n21. bi 2 221. Public Buildings ani Orout.repesrt acSteamsndmadoetiMot-eRANK L. ADAMS, ludlag the court bouse anti jeu andti nitiag Company Je now, antifur-have chai-g. cf ail matieraien uc da ! rL 192. 2.Pbi ulig nt ianaAeo- e ett naolt. RMo-Z -County ('loi-kcoual>. grount atidi-cal calai. anti more Ibert ane year hla int es, haq lion bEducation antI aial a ï LW A.ENE. Andît. lion carried. -WIhEREAS. lime Statut e o!fhIlinois lime assigimemenl af offices is tue continuously been lb. pubiîlhertcof the bille anti rports ocfrlice Couri Cousity Clerh. 23.Eeoîtlo 'rime Ciman announcedthe lnime -ipoieaog lie uiao iecutbouse toth ie Board of Super. The Wauhegan DatIy Sun. sdeiS tucm esta cmos i hrci. crlî>.lia t aveeX 24.ilotisapi B-it~ee -lowtng Standing Copmntels for 1921 Coutil>.'Boai-d: To erecl or olierise vBTS, ultmoqîl uestion ant i vtimoulsecuhar iepaper, printeti antipub- 7.- Tie Iliectifflo Conmitte. sic mmmcnd lie appienniElizabeth 25. Rom i utâte. Count>. Fi- anti Feamers nii rtdnti h t eeplaniepalr a liail- laterterence on tise part oetlimé Sier!' ilhed dm11> durlng said lime in tue bave chai-.o!etahlýnitmismlr s tgbn. 27Wuszi-i nilnt iI ae 3. Roate a itiBre Audt. u nt ffi n, - sali atiCiso,àtsi lbe court bo . . jai sud ther îtt as cutadien or an> ot bis depui, Cty of Waukegass tu sait! Lake Coun- fou t0 CiBlions, PrecluM ~ bini.27 fAAt.CaE.l BCROWN.Pri-Ecilitrponsdineceessai-y touaI>.buildings-.anti 10 lies. .Andi-tcat lime County Board ty, anti havlnga general éiicile-tlan JUdges of Electicas ant ia ut . Aft -yu 15. The Jury( ftt the Jurer sented bY the 0% jury box an di aIl business la jtzrle. 16. The Miscet caaliaudit dit toa an c6Utar Zan. Siiiaul audit ail pool i tibeide and Deef . 18. The Poor of (3ounty) shall except Waulcagar gaid. 19. The. Prîntit bave charite of moctUon writb Co s11*11audit ail hi 8tcfltîrery. 20. The Puirc chlti urchane su IV Officers and IC teoiinîtto. deairti plie% *hiall brima tlits intus Cou lit1 The. Publ nrounds COnin charge of the and repaire of i on th@. Court Il any vorkc to b grouada. 21. The Publ Oroujde Audit Cc ail billà cantrac Dulidingo and 0 23. The. Reloi &1hall prepare aIl nection. with an) b. referred to thi 24. The. Road à tee Aat]ailbave ceh SpertainInq ta Roa the office of the ent of Hlgiiwayg. 26;. The Road chalh have charl Rond Outfits and aud regulations g, tf6e camie- 24. The RToad Cotmttee %hall ttacteul by tii, *Comuilttee and thi *i.tee. 27. TiieState "Ia audit ail fi ýay Charitahleg In têt. Cotsnty and a] »aY moiter la te efflOrphanage. 28. Tii. Commit vith the. Counti the reporte and ComtiantClit 29. Tii. Commit wltb lhe Circuit C reports and 5.ccoi tmork. 30. The Commit vitb the County audit ail reparta the Couaty Treai Si. 'he Commit viti tiie Aheriff porta and account $2. TiheCommit wltb the State. à ail reportsanau &&ttes Attorney a ail mat ter la Cce kýStatea Attorney@ c 23. The. iwamp shall investigate petîtions for cwant <minm deeds and a That the. numbý 1 inctlsive b. ci 3 to 30 Inclusive. That the pord 'tbplweeu the. wori lu rule 15 ne ren, Ilecupetfull W. J. report be ac'cePted tian carrled by th Thoite voting Ai ilarnglable. Crain - . fiçer, Pik, [ J<lreu7bnir, KMeettie ban. McCulkugh q9COnn*r. Samson, Voting No. Non, Absent and not ors Austin, BaînstI Dflger. Drew. Hutt Murphy. Martlin, S Webb, Ringdahl-1 Tii. Chaîrman a lowlng Standing C, * Caunty Pair an *tute-Effinger, Lat Couiily Farmn-F Hutton. Cotanty Parm Au Cullough and Van Dotention Hoine ger and Stratton. Detentian Homî Plick, and Thompoi Eductiafl-Drev Eloctlans-flarnc Droiw. *Erroneaus Auce Drew and Belher. >ýFinance -Ver Xirscbner. Pees and Salar and Dilger. Hospital-Crapa. Hospital Audit- Ian andu Meyer- laH-Murphy. Il Judiclary-Maeth slow. Jury- ichler, Ci lecellaneauc CI Murphy. Maether. Poar (Waukegan, fild)-Thonpson. *Poor (Balancy c

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