LUM~TYVIU..EINeEENDET 11IURAY, JULY 141921 SPIA %IETING req riv ght pc- c Jr. f:le Ctha hIlle ' 1 i i th-c TTTruiA t of thýn cok-- li' .î :0 ! Stt icdy , z 2Iet. 19;k i. f.c:2:"TImll, ic.n o! -cis-cu me t-id r-si nt H:ENDE id Ci. c -sf flic Boar t4f 1,,; icouuty. il f I'ec ni znttd Quai opel-c. 'cru ad Asisis ena,,1 ;!id pliai-et o ltai l i.i and tit -dlonrr ir. pi-ccir-t aLblç. prucwu (raI Eltlr F're", ff Roci-e -hFloidrmdg ter, la, i hir, Ma 'ctsk 1 Vs-i, OCO èb Iivliu 1 lis-'- d t loi-k t1, r.i-tunifed Irmaw no l-f,, r innunion loi-k V_ sa chased n Mu-lr romînafe -ai- to i k c u ir le r.c.. i iso il. r ii Sfu 'i-cl' bill i-- 4atiuth tant -ir.. chndi p 'n" r c , 1 hl.iietm 13 -r ru c Iar-ef Kc 5f.1- , iviflîbnu 'u Ici k Il M. tana irtniet- 1ýlt'card fi rp Mfri,i î rarîs-ol dia a a<p'ii as suril rnc s-l.- c' t tk ouP h 3c k '-'Mtan e-c a. t ud t ii-sr Deüulî, - - :,n .ubmb ant (.ru .s- a ti l, perv r-ir Cu1 t 1 c hi setth getl.fe~rlà-rt - couag untti Ii., in-i (hrp of tn t tr A.'su-. Audit Fol lati Filli ., ol-îita i-s- t ic cis o les-ue luc r anei; of thueî c: ritinY 'uNris- Iuclis Coar bilee cargdie of~ ils andi iu.nagi-c Ctont Hoink Ait Uoit ali- bi lîlemetr hs'htini~ Hosi Cou c'n lepr-s ot Ct.aColin ofIche car'eoSf Iuil Co.missees st.l Lionse recii-f aft 15. Thse Jury COMMinte.s&hallIsel- SwaDip.La» sett h. jura strom thse lisaspi-e- antiEger. sentait by thse Supervisera ta, 011 the EB jury box an duhail have charge cf a&l business la omection with C Jurie. 1.Austin - 1 16ure Mlecellaneous COMMittee Witth Coust>' floal audit il bis fmot belonging Bridges Audit. te a> tt m --Co utee,-- Baistoë' Zan. Shieldis and -Deerf ld> @hatl Bai-atable- auiot ail Pour bilse for Waukegass. ent w th she t hielde and Deerg0pd. rowft-COin 18. The Pour Commitee (Balance andi Salaries; 01i of (ty) shall audit ail Pourcillbs Craine - CI excePt Wauttegan. Shieldsanad lbeer- Jui-y; EdoicaUî gll. Crapo-RHoeî 19. The Prînting Commille. mitIt Sheds anti D bave charge of ail Printlng ia con- aund Farmer$A 1ec1-on111h tbCOUnt>' busineass ant i lger-eotti ahaIl audit ail bills for piinting sud Dlentioft H63 stnittOi-y. fi-ev - Bol 20. The Porchelng COMMItte. Âea»Metjg citait purchane supplies othlb.Coure. ichIet - 17 t'Offîcers sud touxt Rousoand saï ay tt ttoru Conmttea deelrlne te purechas.*, .Mee.. Plies sohallbrimangiher reomamada- gr-Cut tla nn5 Iis Committee. . Bridgea Audit: St Thes Publie Buildinugsandauti *r-C <rounda CammItttes 4hailI.bave Istus,, plu charge of 1h. building allerations Grommeda Audit anud repalire of thse builinlgs ige" lf icke - Pt ou lb. court Hose. grommea . 0 rSossntu Det anur vork tebli.donoo sion the Prteting. groueds. Rollsteln.-s 21 Thse Public Buildingsanmd ?reasurer; Pu' Orouds Audit Ccmmlittee &all audit iniga and tiiou ail bis conlractei hy th. public Holdiidge-P Buildings andi Cr-ouds Commuttes. tli-ment wlth9 23. The Reeolutious Committe" Ruton-Stat, &hall prepare ail resolutiona lu con- tion; Ccunty1 nection - vitit anymatter that May' Krschur-R be rfei-i-d te tbe.î hy the Suhld. sud Bridgea;1 24. 'The Road soi Bridge Commoit ran81 té@.Aat]îlbave charge of ail mnaltera CLar- ongttl I prtainlng le Ronds anti Bridges mid lerk'utC; Sth tIse office of the Counter Superiutend tone>'. eut of Highways. bMaethir-iud 26. Thes Roati Outt Commtte, cellaneous Cli shahl have charge Of lb. County Mavmran-Se Reand Ouf itsansd shall Makre ries Attorney.:Ho, sudi regolallons governi>ig lthe une of tuiig'u 24. same Ra adBrdeMart m-Rosi 24 Ic.Tlod asilBrigeAudit îudîciary. Poil Comumites %hahl audt' ail bIlle non- sud- Derfild.) ttacled ir b>hîleRondlandi Bridge teyer _ pl Conmioîtte. sud lbe RoiOutt Com ilh Circuit Ci fille,. bMoaha-If 27. The St.ate Chari-lit, COMMîte, Ment vlth CouI "Ia audit ail bills in ielaion te te -eay CharitAbligtuaflutinoutie 0f Murphy tlàe Cotansd oshail havre charge of Cam:poi- "Y>'maltter lu relation tc the Lake Mecullough elff Orphanag,. Ccunty Fai-m A 28. The Cocumitte on Setîlemeul l<aber - D villa lbe Couriey Cîerk saM. Laudit Electisous; Jl 1h. reports and accouat et the Oh.. - set Countr Clark, Cierk.;Pccr 29. The Committpe on nettlemenî Hospital witi t he Circuit Cier-tt sahi audit ail O'COÎnOr-P0 reports anti accouits of ths Cii-cuill fy); Public Bu cmerk. Settlement Vitte 30. 'Tie Commlîhe- on Sttiement Ringdahl -' Vilethtie Count>' Treaseuser shahl Priutlug- Pairct audit al.reports and - accouinta of Samsoi - thse Couri>' Trea.sui-r. <li-unde Audit; 31. TPh. Committe, on Settlement tiemput vith C7f willa the Sherul sah iaudit ail ri- Stratt-Rwe Pos-la anti accout. of lb. Sberlff. ment wlth shr 112-The Commite. ou setlement Thompson - Ville the St..Attorney sah aut iShields and ait report. and accounlas of the !ýrM: D«etnîl inales Attorney' aud- bave -charge cf Verco - lF ail maltera in counection 511h lIce Couriey Parm latee Attoriseys off lcpý Webb-Feesi 23. The Svamp Lands Conmitte, Outât; Raidiu shall inventigale and report anaI Supervîsor Mi Pelletions for awamp anti deetis, quit appoinhmen cito <ti&ns deeds anti allproval cf plats. approved. Moti That tIce numbers of ruilen 4 te Ousi>'. 19 Inclusive b.e changeil te numibeî-s Supe-rvisor M4 3 te 30 Inclusive. tcllowing Resoi That the Pord "mot" lbe Inse-rted ilaoption. tiehween thec. ord&. 'shah" *and '"be" ssrcereas thi In ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t i-it5asrhuiafd 0Ie legalty Itempealfuil>' aubmited tliis Board beld FRED KIRS('HNEIl. 26th, 1921, and W. J. STRArTON. hed prevlous Sop.r-visor Obee. movedtht thlie cAtt-il 2îst and report be aî'cepted and adopfd. Mo lof ,Supervisai-s lIon carried b>' lb. following vete thnos Those voting Aye are Supervisea flaùatabe. Cain.And Wbereac; Barstbl. i-m.Elchler. Eger'.te10 ih>', coul! -.fçer, FIcke, tjoilsteln. l4ldridge. action prevkl.euî Jikreichnier. Msether, swm2an, mouss- apsrcved b>'lbi han. McCuhl(u-gb. Naber. Obee. l la Therefc q'Cannori Samscon, Vercoe-18. mlIn.îeo Votiug No. Noue.-Mtinshrefcc Absent sud not votiug. Supervis- passec i>Ibis1 Or-s Austin, Balrstov. fliovu, Ci-apo. special or any - fuser. Pi-ev. RatIon. Larson. Meyer. 1y calel or nt MurphY. Mai-lin. Stratton. Thompson. siane are lierai Webb, proe Tise Chairman announir lb.hefol iy sud fatpeoa Iowing Standing Commrittees for 1921 doue If. the sa Cont>' Pair sudFari-er' Insuannalor p tute-Etfinger, Lai-son sud Crapo. anu orop Count>' Farmn-Eger, Thompion and caiîed, constitue Rejeton.ALFR Iluty aue üdtng. o M- Aye sud Na>' ceuI' lmAdtn-rvM-Supervisor Ma Cullough sud Vrco,. Dtenlion HOMo-McCullough, Dil- adoistet b>' lb. ger anti St-allen. Those voling Detention Home Audit - Naber. Barnetable, Ci -Ficke sud Thompson.' Eger, Effinger, Eduction-Drew,,RatIon. Craîn. Hold ridge. Rirec Elections-Barnatable, Naber and man, Meyer, Mu fi-ev.Nabeî. Oh.., 0O Hironeaus Assaetments - Ci-sm. otingNa- fi-ew ant i ehicer. Vtn O- Finance - Vercos, Maelber andi Absient suda , lrschuer. Ors Austin, Bate Fees and Salarie-i-Webb, Brown Di-,, Hulton,1 andi Dilgeu'. tin. Ringilabi.F Hospitai-Crapo, Hodritige. Obee. superviscer me Hospital Audit-Monahan, Maw- tollowing Ruisoli usnansd Meyer., adoption. JAil-Moi-PhY. Bai-ntable, N aber. REISOLVED: -Judlaiy-Maether, Marin, Bair pi-oeedîngg cf stov. vsers of Latte c Jury-RichIei, Cris, McCullough-. Meeting held au MîsBcellaneoua Clamesa - Ringdahl, Watkegan. Lai Murphy. Maether. October 11,, 181 Pour (Wauttegan, Shields and Deer- atiopted.ti. orn fild)-Thompson, Ciapo, 'Marin. . that Mui-e apei Pour (Balaîcy cf COUOty)--O'COft- piesenteti b>' Sm, moi-, Oh... Murphy. -ai- sait meetînl I Prining-Hohdrldge, Riugtiahl aud atiopeti >' sii adig- giration. Bairetoc hORS AND TIf IR IMMITTEEIS Reaolutioass; Settument Treasurer; Roadi and t.4 -Elections. J 1;5.11 l-if f. ut>' Vas-m Audit, Vee ;Roade anti Bridges. i-ioons Asaeesmeats; siltal, Pose Wantra" 1)rtield); Constrflair insttuts. lounent vith Sheriff. ne: Tees aMdisalariés. iucation; UI r o aeo0au Ésectioni. luiry, Settlement I cey, Broeneous Assea .>' Vasrn; Roada and t.$vamp Lande. tuaty Vair & Pas-mers' shlic Buildings and t; Rosi OuttiIs. , Pulic Buildings amg teullon Home Audit; ;etîlement vlth Counti; Public Bult inde. iriuliug. Hospital. Set- Ccuniy CierS. se Charities; Etioca- Ferai. t.,d Outals: Roagiî Finance. Menteut vitb COunty F air anti Farmei-'s lu- ment vith Stacea At- ilicia->';Finance; bMie. itiement vith statu aspital Audit; PattEs ?roundis Audt. eg and Bridges Audit: or (WaokegaLn. Shieldis Puircuiug; SRettlemeut ICi-rk; Hospital Audit. lospllal Audit: Settle- unty Cé%; State Char- - lait; uefielaneos (Balance QÉ Couniy.) - Deteicaio Home; Audit; lui-y. eteutton Homs Audit: Ibtlement vitb Cout>' <Balanc, cf County): locr (Balanýce of Coun- guildis ansd Ci-ouds; thCircuit Cherk. Miacellaneotas Claims; chaing. Public Buildings anti State Charlîlos; set- "ounty Treasurer. vamp Lands; 5.111.- riff: Deteution Home. - Poci- <waukegen. Decrielti); VcaDi>' ou home Audit. nance; Re«olullous: anti Salaries; Roati if ionsi. maether moved that lh. )ftIc, Commiltees h. oIon caried uuanlm- haelher preaentedth Ie Dltion andi mavet lis r.e ha Nome dsaubt as y of lb, meetings cf Id ail April 2lst. aud dat severat meetingsi ho thce meetings a i d26fh, b>' the Boadi q of Lakte C( ont>y. R. Ibis r.Board desiresl lrta sud appi-ove an>' syt>latten. fusseti ant, ciei Board- ore Resolveil, tsaI ali allions. matters sud, fore presenlad sud Board lu an>' regichar. ,otber meetings legel-1 thervise, b, sud tic P>' rallfled. confiret me fu>'sund comnplet- Rme miht have been urne wae doue at auI 'clal meeting hegail>' ed anti organizeti. 1 tED G. MAETHER. rval, being calleti for -tbeî's Reaolulbon vas 0teîlowiug vole: A>', ai-e Supervisera1 ain. Crapo. Richier, ,,Ficee. Hollatein. schupi-. Maether, Ma,- Monaban, ,McCuttough. Ccnnor, Samson, ver- None.9 ncl votiug: Supervis-1 rstov. Brown. Dilger.1 tLarson. Mkirphy. Mai-1 .81-allen. Webb-13. metber presentedth ie ultoi anti move I ls Ticat aIl thse acta anti1 the Board of Super-1 Ccuty. Ilhinal ai 1 it the Court Houa. ln sit County'. ligluia. 8.9 b. hereby ratilieti.1 ied anti approveti. anti1 scaîl> a Resclullon4 upervlaor Cbase Webb g anti accepleti sud id Board of Ssspeei'vl-i ceeting anti acceptedti omhmualcaUon berefer-edta t tise Rond anti Bridge andi Finance Com- milles. andtihie Counli Supeinteni- bnt or Highvaya, MoUion caried u aiiougly. The totîoving communication va. pi-esenteti. Mi-~ ~ ~~uh ID.2Mnhaucj Lake Forest.hIlinoi. Dear Mr. Monahun: Doi-ing lise activit>' ugainît tlicIl- quo- la Lake Foreat a year ago, I employeti detective. vise vers Instr-umental luatievelopins a goond deal of evtdence. 11 Mr. Weic buba been uinteavoring te gel a ralunti from lte Couat> Commlioners for se, but bas beeu onauceaulul. anti I vondier if yen camnot ihotu me recover tisei&1,000 visicis t pmt INitise inleresasof Lak. Cotnt>'. Thse mon.>' vase- pentiet for thse benoît 0of tise peopl nd I centassure iouta1 b Itelleve tb. resohl vwu Worth ital o thse roat sud lte personsi effort on My>'ove port as veilse tisaIof othoe. If you c«auass me lu titis mut- ter t shital appreciats il vye' eart- v pavement. aian .estimatlOustoful teroet uof satif.bonds ln thse surn $73.000.00. of Thirt> cent& on ach One Hon. TEE HALV DAY ROAD, beingtidred Dollars eftise valuaI ion tSor , State Aid Route No. 10. friom 15 Oas-h of tise yraom 1910 ta 1938 boUs stvest coi-poaI lilmita of -tise CiI>' Inclusive. SaIt notice of election1 ef Higlbvooti West a distance of &haletate 1h. poliing plac, aI vbîch 2% miles, mor, or legs, 1tanu l- the eectlon la.-to be bell, andtihlise tersecîlon wvihthe b.Ciicago'Wiscon. same siàl h nbihed.J.niAaj Latt.- 16-meww -y& -dQ to e lis a-ro - ilS a uradïTi iva>' se foot eîectfione iieOpe fsi vide anti vIlS an 18 foot concret. election nothie bJI lis. pieted lau pavement. at an esUmgatet outl of each elecUion prieat la L-ieeCouai 870.000.00. t>' ut teast tv-et>' dais priai-talc THE ROCKLAND ROAD. beiug moi eleclloia. 1a State Aid RtOut. No. 9. irous an le- SECTION &. lu thé e seaut Icol tessection villi lteé Clicngo-Wïnconk- sai creneetitarsh"Ibe approvelI f.s-inl Fadai-aiAId Bots l.thétsenortis- b>'the lgM voera àtiseé sai eec- West quarter etiSiec. 9. T. 44 R. 12 M. lien, tise ald Roed Bonis IcaI of $rd P. M. thuineWest te Stage b. isataO tirées ÛUre te lime ai Aid Route No. 8 (Milwaukee Ave.) needd tfor 1h. lostection of tse *al» o bglnaiItise Itersection uOf ronds prvodel Ms' la Section I Roule 9 <btug Park Ave,. la tise Vil- issi-of be Ses-is> aduipflet confirmed jlage ef liberty-viUe> vltb State Aid anti approvei laail rsseect., .Route No. a. Iheuce Weeterly On AlýFXZ> 0. MAETHER.p saisi Route No. 98tet. h.West î11*0 Ays anti Nar Vot0e bolus- calietia if the, Towa of Llbes'yvîlhe. a total for,.lthe Rceotio prssente<t b>'i distance et 4% mileu.,mors or les. Super~viseor ther vas adopred b>'& t. b. ipsproyed Wittla sgrdet v-s>'tlb.foiovrtag vote. 30 test vide anti vlson 18 foot Those voting Aie are S upervisai-g coiicrete pavement, at an eitinsatoti Barustable, Craie. Crapo. Eichlor, t cetos f $195,00-.00. PEger, Effimge, Tmloe. Holslein, i (iRRUN BAT ROAD. from n al- Holtiritige,,Rirochnes. Kaither. Mav- terseclione ils Washington St., 10 mai, Msyer.' Monaha. Mcb'uilough. ths seutisent quarer 0f Sec. 19 T. Natter. Obes, O'Connoi-, Samiion. ver- -46 N. R. 12 E. of $rd P. M. Isses voe-20. northerI>' on Green Ba>' Rosit for a Voing No-Mnoe. distance of 6 miles, more or les,,ta Absent andi mol votiug. Suipari-i t- lise nortlue lnsof Sec. Il T. 46 N. R. ors Aunsîlu Balratlow. Brown, hîufgcr, 12 E. of 3Id P. M. In thes Townu of i-ev. Huitto. Lai-son, Murphy. Mai-- i Beulon. ta b. Improveti wtth a Uin. Rieiabi, Stralton. TIampiuun. cg gi-adet va>' 30 feel vide ant i wth an Web13. r 18 lefoot concret. pavement ai Mau .51- Tbe Coniibe aon Fées. au qalt d mates] cent of $145.000.00. &aiensuebmitted lb.e foltowting- ic -BARRINGTON WAUCONDA ROAIi port:- -beiugr Stat, Aid Route No. 10-A, STATE 0F ILLINOISi norlb a distance of 14 mîlas ftelIce, niti lin. of th. soutbveet quartericCOUNTY OP LAKEU J of Section 26. T. 46 N. R. 9 E.- of' Board. of Supervîmors ct the 3i-ilP. M.licta eImprovaîl vitb jMi- Chairman aud Gentlemen of -Ihpa ca gi-adeti va>'34 0 td ide sond iBoard cf Supervisera: . i vils an Il foot consrete pavAment I Tour Commiltéeon F... an I Sal-F' at n esîî4mateî s-ntoit <$44.600on. 'ari.. vonîi-recomme9 int tatif - sal M PARRib4OTONWAIf(CONDA* ROAD rias of telice Ieubersansd Ici-k. -begnnlng ai the. uorlb quartai- cor- of the Board of Revew for 1921 uer cf the 5W quarter Of Secieb.fixeti a. folova:t t24; Ihence veat t the ce nier Of Clcsiiman...... $$-- 80 ,Onp-r dayM Section 23: 1heure north _0ta te of the'Boarti 87.04 îicr cfay uou-tI quarter corner of Section 23; Chief Cherk ...........$6.00 fi-r dayA thence norîbvest ta Stage Aid Route Assisent Ceik - 8....5.00 pi-r day h No. 9 lu the northweet quarter 1f Respectfuh>' eubmîtted it Section 15; theuce nort-iealstei-l>'ou F. A. WEBB, asiti route No. 98ta th. Vlage of E.A. BROWN. Wuccnda; ta b. lupi-oved itvi a sX. P. ILGERý gradeti roatway 30 test vide ta the Supervisor Fleke moveti that the conter cf Section 23, and fricm lience report h. acceptait andi adoptai Mo- to, Wauccntia for a vldth of 24 test, lieu caried wnmimouay. s total distance of 7 miles, at au Suipe"lsor 'Obe. ncoved thal the tl est imale ent oscf $27,000.00. Finance Comncttee be autîori7»nu-i te t WAUCONDA VOLO ROAD, being transfer sncb moue>' ai may ble i Stat, Ald Roui, No. 9. bs-ianluugai needeti, fremtise te Uie. ouesîi-l an Interseeclion vils State AId Route mates for tise construction of tue ac No. 9. in the Vihlage cf Waoconda. Tubei-cular anti Contagions Hoipitals t Ibeuce uortherly a distance Of 514 fi-outlb. Special Building Puni nov E miles moe.or la lm. auanInter-sec- ou baud, ta tise Hospital fuit. ad H tion vlth Roaue Na. 7InluVole: toitisat such ilume b. appi-oprii-ui for th ho Improvei iitha a gi-atiet vs>'301that purpoise ai nesee, feet wie ati vith au 19 footcon A>-, sud Na>' vctes beiug callAi ci-te.pavement aI au extimateticnt oçSupriso beamtut ot $160.000. 'Carrieti b>' lis.fohoing vota GRAND AVENUE. h.iug Sîste Aid - ThoRA voting A>'. are Sup-'i-vis5oisM Route No. 6. beginuiug a1ithe pi-PS' c Barustable, Grapo. ichler, Eger. Et-9 enl endiocf lh. concret, rondati1lte' flugar, Picke.. Rohstein. Hoiciritge. Asat ètoeatà lin, o' lhe Village», fRirs-huer, Maeîlues. Mavmau. Me>'-i Latte Villa. heure veat tc au inter-ler. Mouaban. Mceuhîough. Naher, 1section vîthi Sut, Aid Route No. L Obea OConnor, Rampou. Vercoe-19. sud aisîs State Ail Roule No. I 1, e Thosa votilus-Noel-e Sup.rvle.cs ce giuulng aI an Intersection vltb Sltate Cri-u-I. Aid Route No. 6. theuce nortberî>'j Absent sud net votins- Supervisors a istauce of 5%4 miles, more orjAoatin. Bairstov. Brown. flilger, lu les., t0 an intersection vîh tbe Chan- fi-ev. Hutton, Lai-sou. Murphy, Mai-- net Lutte Roand, <pieviotaf> dealg-ti fin. Rngldahl. Si-citron. Thompeon. D ed 11taf. AId Rotule No, 1-A), . I l> Web-1 Village cf Antiorit, -fa be improvel Thiis follawing communication vos w wibha gradeil va>' 30 feted ide sudlpr-secnteai r- wtgl au 18 foot eoncrete pavaeunt., Chicago), May 21,1, 1921 do au anestimafed r mut of $165.000. cCîuntî- Co mi-uer-i of Latteec G'RAND) AVENTItE.Route No. P ount>'. Wauttan. fil. a from the villageuof ak .te 'iflP veut, (;utemu: peiringtaticthe Côn- fat the Foi att Antioch Roi. a, art the Standar i Pavins- Company>fcý te ba Improveà wiht s graî)c'c! way -rata hpavement. sun telviilej-eRosi. 1Q teet lu wilth, aI au eqtbm'tad wotld cia>'thai Ihe work in rapiily i-on.t of 88.00000 . nearin g compteti un andInl a ver>' 1HAINEOILLF LONG ILAKE RIYAD f eu dsy-1ilt 'Witt i-e t':Ifor aêfa5- hebgîuuing at au intersection vifOc tance, St pIe Aid Route Ni) 7 bu Halua-ivifla:, Oui- coul-art p'-c.c-les that on>' ail rnunlus- theuce northeuasieuly oui vans-as lu fraîirrites up 1a the aurth Ihi-oughi Round Lakete fa lîe'tittietîthe contras-t ucf have heen norîhlinlo of Section 29. near Ithe flliel vauldhl'fi' iccu iâ bin o- nortb quarter corner Ihereof; lIcenceP 1 > h -:uu. Tc ad i eff ta lb.thesaut h quai-Ici-cornet lions that ei-ui'c n thile country> of Section 19; thense norfithathue!"'a I. it immossîto Iifinish tb, vork tw cents-r of Sec. 19: ibence Nortbho un 1919 sud te tu-rk of aying lthet thes contre of Sec. 19 T. 45 N. R i concret. uase nmcJtt-spleted utIlfi 10 E. 0f 3rd P. M. ta lie ipovi rt r21st, 192ten wit a radd wy 3 fe viwde andTi he lUnited Stitts Gaverument eaIan lIcol part of sahi roat from Haines- Washingtfon. D. C,- it-utaipimrl>' or' -1 vie northveetei-ly ta lice Chicago, tiers lu 1919 anil 1920 deuylug iIs thl Milwauktee & St. Paul 1ctek, lu the Compaony'and ait oh ler- Inl rosidv-cik A- Village of Round Lakte, tf0lbe lm-Ire use cftieu toprcas-s-efoi-coud ne proveti vils on 18 foot ronctiete sud graveh andi'boxctrsr for ah]dlp- pavement, sud fi-nes 1erea10the nient of cament Tfcess Isi-lrity-,r ce terminus 10te improved vîit a 16 tiers ver, molîbleti aI certain flime.- q font vii, concret e pavement, a dis5- ta ait 050« hue use or open top lhi lanc, cf 3 miles, et an esqtîmnaîc cars Ii-t>' luches or hems lu iseigIcI vi Cont et $80.000.00. of vhic oui>' a fc.w meetings these h LARES ROAD. an extension of aPecificatîons were ho be roud, la a Route No. 8, train Veto nertheri>' te gethar vitis a few nire Cars cf 12 Cc an intersection wit Route 6,.*a dis- Yards - Cpacil>', consifued lhe- baie tance cf 5 mlles, mors or tees, ta of ur car sOp>' - nu imprevei b> 'ra g-ed i avy 28 lu 1920 lte frpightI iae* adivanced or feet la vidîli aI an eatimaled CeI ntidwe ver:etîrupulifailta puy e cf 85.00,00 - e tant lite contras-t. A liaI rcfhtis c Total eeîlmateti Pont - e tshefoi-e- cars shoving thb. acvancedtirae* ai-e cf going improvements le $1,000-00,000-.4n Mr. Chai, E Russelte posessioln Ac . SECTION 2. Thot th. cosl ef con-, gtd h. can vent>' lIce amount. 1 atructing sait rois abolilibe hmet b>' Referring lia thie malter ef vare-li lte issuanceof lise Reati Bande of hou»ing cernent, voall an>' Ihat Lakte COut> n ltse um. Of One about .Tly lat, w. alt nuitiup lh. Milion Dollai'. -($> 10 bs j5 cars orcf crnnt ve bailIn vare- issuei unîfer sai Higbvay Act, pro' bouge anti ver. compeilete tobut videti saliti issue' abiat[ be opprovet d<ti- bes-ause v. Coutil not gel, an>'Ch b>' tisefoigal votera-s thlie apeclal cemenf sbipped. The latter part of 9 eleclien ta ho beld on tIce foui- llu>'the cemeul Comipany>' iîfieti us At day of November. 1919. tisat tise>'couil sbip us cement but 9 SECTION S, Thol lu order to pi-- Iat ve v-euldhave ltelate àaunom- vide for the paymeul of lice pi-berpi-of cars at once in order ta meure reg c-Ipalati..ra t csf solt.IAbeti,-- etlngau'--pî. Fort.-sh-ne-l a la Section et there la go actai 1wlth Do improvements wbataver and 1- here id $1.000 Worth Of improve- mentO saaessed on aald land. This nhould neot b.. 0 lu SeCtion 21 thent l a &0aci-en Of land wlth $1.400 worth of improve- 9 ou d oniy be $400. This has been traced back 6 years -i the accOmpanying papers will show. Tours very trwiy. R. E. OSBORNE, Supervisor Vercoe moIred te refer the communication te the Erroneous Asseaments Commîtee., The fODliwng recOmmendation vwu suhpsîtted: 1 TIATE OF ILLINO0 COUJNTY OP LAKEJ Board of Supervl8ors ~Carman adOBoard of Super- W.. your Hospital. Commilîtes recomjnend that Dr. A. 9. Brown'& contract as County 'Physîclan and SuDeintendent et the Lake County General Hospital b. renewed for another tifree years on same terma as the pont year. Slgned CHAS. M. CRAPO. 1. W. HOLDRIDGE, W. . . 09E. Superviser Kirâchuer oved that the recommendation be accepted and adopted. Motion carrled. Supervisor Maether moved that the Chairman and Clerk b. autborlzed, and instructed te enter Int contract wlth Dr. A. E. Brown ln accordance vith the recommiýndatIon. Motion carried. Lew, A. Ilendee, County Ciel-k. suabmltted the folt-owing report: Recoived Previoualy Earnpd Received Reported Probate Foe$ $2,2910 $.2 0 1314 Lew Feet 1.23425 90925 Miacéttaneous Fees Tours truly. HENRY A. RUMSEY. Supervisei- Eger moyed that the communication be referred ta the Judiciary Committee. Motion *car- rled unanimoualy. Superviser Samson moved ltaI the E'hairman appoint a Commîtte. te rfer with the. il vation Army ln regard to their proposed home for lelinquent anid dependent chîldi-en mdreport ai the lune meeting. 9upervisor Eger movéd ta table quriervisor Samsns motion. Aye and Nay vote being calîrd for Supervisei- Egers motion vas car- rled b>' the following vote: Tirage votiug Aye are guliervi,,4ors Baristable Cralin, Eger, Ei'finger, PiCke. Holistein, Hoidridge, MaethFer. MPeyeÏ McCullough, Naber. O'Connor. Verroe 13. Those vcting No are Supervisors r'rapo. Eichler. Klrichner, Mawman. Mtonahan, Obe. Sameon-7. Absent and net voting. .Supervisors Austin, Bairstow, Brown, Ditger. DrewI4utton. Larn. Mui-xby. Mar- n, Ringdsbl, Sti-sUon. Thompson. Vehh-13. Supervisor Eger moved to adjoura. Mfotion carited. Waukegan. IE. lue 1l, 1921 Bloard met ln regular session In the Superviser@ Ttoom lu the Court Hfjuse at Wauke4gan. llinois. Chair- mlan Paddock preeidlng and the fol- owwg members present: Sopervis- ol-s Austin, Balrsiow. flarnatahie Brown, Craln. Crapo. Ililger Itichier E ger. Effinger. Ficke iHolistein, foidridge, Hutton. Kirschnec, Mae- be.Mever. Mouahan. McCullougli. Nfaber. Oh... O'Connor, Paddock, Ringdahl. Samson. Thompson, Ver- coe-27. Absent---Superviser% fi-eW. Larsoen, ilavran. Martin, Murphy, Strattn Webb-. Minutes of precedlng meeting i-ead and upion motion of Supervisor 'Xirschner approved. Thre füllowing communication va. read and upon motion of Supervisor Crapo ordered flled. Chicago., âue 7, 1921 Mi- Lew. A. Hendee, County Clerk. Waukegan. Ili. Dear Sir WP enclose, copy of letter which We have, received fram the St. Paul aoad aud a copy of oui- repl>'. We do this rnerely for the pul-poAe of calîing flic came f0 Your attention and dIo no! thinu. under the cfrcuni tances, tiîarifhe County ls hable for lt-i taiavneuf V'cry frufu'.yvotirs. IERET ROGERS. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Lau! !qaîIway Co. Acleountint flep artienl- Chi c.%o Mav 29. 1921. File Corp, Prier ARP-316 fessipu Tu-ne>, Haring & Siiernian. Aloi-ncly- at Law, 137 9. LaSalle St., Chicago. lit. Centiaenn YOI, wiil îerail varlous letter. be- twopn otir respective offlces, durîng te ypar 1919, yoîr hast letter lu ni>' le dated Jane 111h, having refer en tfOour- bill namber 168638. antounit $215-14. , dered tainst Lake Count>'. Wauk. ta. Illinois, for te cosi of constructing bridge A168, Grand Avenue SokW~, Gar- ee. Illinois, Wifb my letier ta yau ated hune 8th. 1918. 1 sent you copy> of ffîe bitlll question -aud r- Quested early remîttauce. In your etler of Jane lltb. 1918. you ad- ised me that 1he Supreme Court had tbis malter lu hand and Ibat &decision probabl>' would be render- ei some lime durlng June, 1918. May>1't nquire *aI tht. lime lthe outc,%ffe of Ihis bill. and whetber Dr notlt will be possible to forward rmittauce coyerlng Ibis Item, es- peciatly go as tihe malter la now gel- ng quit. nid and 1 am desirous of Ieaning up these nid Items on oui- cerounts Recelvable Ledger. I trust your usual prompt allen- on will b. given this maliter. Tours very truly. WALTEiR V. WILSON. - CoiRptroller. Jun, 7. 1921 bhicago. Milwaukcee & SI. Paul Ry. Co., Chicago, Illinois. Attention W. B. Wilson. Compîraller. Coi-p. Prior ABR 315. We bave your faver 0fMay Igth rgardlng bill for $46,44 against Lake ounty. As we meali the Public Utilttes Commission entered an or- ler direcliug the St. Paul Rcad te mnatrucl s subway aI Gurnee. di- îcting tihe Coîinty of Lakeansd rowu of Warren each ta psy 20% Di tbe cnet. Yoîir bill we believe had sometig f0ta (inwlth certaini preý- lmInai-y work. The eubway. how- Fer. waa neyer const-ucted. and we Joubt ver>' macb, fuecefore, If elîber ie Cotunt>' or the Town will be ablged lu an>' way for tis work. W. shail b, glad ta write ta tbe Count>' Clerk about l. but w. are st in the position ta r.commend pyment. Ver>' tti>'y ourq-. Supervisor Ringdahl moyed that Ur@. Rimer Petits of West Deerfield ae granted a-Blind Pension. Motiona tarridd unanitaouly. Tb* toliowttig W"mulUo a s4 Lakte Cotanl>' aru, suilted i *- id foihowins- report: *STATE OF ILLINOISii LAKE COUNTY ta Philo Borgeeon it db.g lbave te ýi Aubmit the fehiovmns statemeut uof his receiPtil a. SuPerintentent ef the Latte COunt>' Parua for lise fiscal yeor from Mfarch 1, 1921 te Msay w31, 1921. in RECEIPTS Balance brous-bt farvari fromn t laist report .................. 1.84 Ma>' 3. John S. Anderson. one Calit ................... -4.00 E. H. Corlett, butter fornisised Feb,, Mai-ch anti Apnil .... 295.18 Ma>' S.>' Webb, botter fu-- . r-nihh.d Feb., Mai-ch, April 21.00 Mu>' 7, .1. P, Roui, 10 boge 0 2480 lb. .09 .............. 223.30 aMa>'7. Sas Sohar, butter fu- -'c dnisheti Feit., Mai-ch, Api-I. - 17.9 YApril 1. A. B. Anderson, 1 caît 3.00 ,Apit 10, A. B. - Anderson. 1 aCf.i.......................1.00 Apit 13. A. B. Anderson. 2 caa . .. .. .. . ........ Ma>' 4. 1 . V.Hock, 1 Cai....3.00 Ma>' 10. Elman, 2 cov bides t.50 Ma>' 12, Mi-.E. Bodeudyke, t lumate ............. ......9100 Mma' 5. Mrs. Mary Speakasan. lumat ........ ...........273.00 Ma>' 22. Cee. Haunt, 10 Ise. butter, ;'.3.----------------3.40 tMa>' 21. Fi-el Kirschuer, 1 bu. seed Coi-n ...... *...........2.00 1Ma>' 28. Géo. Bai-slow, haItteir' furnishei Fab., Mai-ch sud 964,64 RUUMARY 1Total Expendituras......... 65,12 Toalrecaipta---------------964G.64 B3alaus.céah ou band... $70 92 PHILO BtURGEISS. ' Sup t. Libeijyvtille1i1. STATE 0P ILLINOI8 s LAKE COUNTY J Board cf, Supervisors Ma>' 31. 1921 Mn. Chai-inu anti Gentlemen of tise Boardi of 5upervisors: Philo Barges. hega heuve te anis- 1 it tise failevin- stotemeut tcf Icielt .penditures as Superintieudeul of th. 1Lakte Count> Ceont>' Partis.forlise fiscal ->ear froua Mai-ch 1, 1921 tui ma>' 31. 1921. Date. Nain. For Wbat Amooni Pes. Il. Waakegan Daih>' Sun. vaut ad ................... 2.00 Mairch 7, I. F. Hock, 8 pigsat 1 6.25 ederb ............-...-50.00 March 7, Standardti011 Co., gasoline . - ...........2 104 Mai-eh 7, North Shore tia@ Ca. s-as lihisI ansd steve ....6.30 Mccrch 9, 1I F. HRott, 2 brood .So5s---------------------..130.00 Marrs 16, C. M. & Si. Peut R>'. fieigbt on bri-tshes - -- .52 Mcîi-ci 14. Public Service .Co.. lis-bt anti power-----------5.04 Mairit' 22. Chas UI. Leonard, serviceu.------------------10.00 Mcarch 30( Anirew P. Mihler. exPenses 10 Milwaukee. ... 1.50 Marrb 31, fu-nie Seller.tiriv- lus- truck boulins- ire .. 5 .0 Aprii 4. H. W. Smih, paper dlay'..... ......... ........ 1.46 ApunI 5, Jahn Roulacr tare 1.50 April 5. Pest office. box i-eut 75 April 8, O. P. Btitterfcild. vet- AvluIl.Nourtth Share Cas Co.. gas-----------------------5.70 Aiurh 12. O. h. Lace & Ca., chair seat aud facs-ka..........25 Apriil 18 . aioffice, clampe. 1.00 Al-ril 18. Wai. Laycock, 1 paiver s-riudstoue 5.06 April 18. Standard &i suâ kerosane --36.02 ' Alîrîl 19. Latte Count>' Parai tBtieau. mambersbip lues .. 10.00 Aîuuîh 18, Cci. P. Roberts I iluz. phtur ree-------------15.00 April 14. Public Servir, Co., lugIc sud powuer-------------34.40 April 28. Aiton State Hospital cri, Elsie Hune, inucale - 2.50 Masy 3, Chicago Tefaîthone Ce., services....................375 May 1. H. W. Simith,. lai>' paperi .................-.-..1.45 Ma>' Il. Llbprt>'viile Green. Houe. fowers.............2.00 Ma>' 13, Sabine. 15 lit. pai shîortenîng------------------- 80 Ma>' 14, Public Service Ce.. lis-ht anti paver............ 26.78 May' 13, Zion Stores, curlalue 30.75 Ma>' 9. Aâ&ociated MIs-. Co., itrushes anti mape---------19.97 Ma>' 20. C.. M. &-St. P. R>'. Ce, treis-bi on curtaina............ . Ma>' 20. Sharphass Separalor Cc.. hi-ushes----------------75 Ma>' 25. Navy Relief Canteen. Cannet! s-tods---------------.1751Î Mai-ch 31, Standar-d Oih Coý. ga.seiine................... 23.40' Ma>' 29, John, cal-e of Mrs, Ce.. Hfunt, blini-----------. 3.00 Ma>' 28, W. C. Triggs. aimes.- - 7.35 Ma>' 28. J. W. Cole, sole ieathee -4.25 Ma>' 28, Partthuret, ciolthins-.. 2.25 Ma>' 28. C.. M. & Si. Paal l ' -. freigIct an furnItore . ,.... 2.44 May I3A. Aura Durs-esc, 24 qta. home cannei fruits anti lars 12.00 lia>' 31. J. E. Ayreoi. servicesa cf jack s-neyeanti bloctting.25.00 Ma>' 31. P. H. UEger & Ltch- fiel.roofins- anti habor ....1.60 Ma>' 31, Wm, Laycectt. Srasing scales vaxhlilg machine and*i' -poile>'..................... 18.40' 4,004.46 t . ?AGE THAU 4,547.95 Total received ......... $9853.76 Expenuse Salary ........... 1,500.00 Clerk Hire...8.016.00 Office Expenses ..- 38.48 $9,564.49 Balance due Count>'-------- $299 28 LEW. A. HENDBE.1 STATE 0F ILLINOIS11 COUNTY OF LAKE s Lew. A. Hehdee being duly sworn deposes and gayg that the foregoing1 report la correct 10 lice best of bis knovledge. information and belief. 1 LEW. A. HENDEM Suhscribed and sworn to before m» this Iti day of June A. D,. 1921. B. T. DIJNN. Notary Public. Waukegan, Illinolis. Office of the Ccunty Treasorer %TATE 0P ILLINOIS LAKE COUNTY Recel ced tbis 111h day cf lune. 1921 of Lew. A. Hendee. Two Hon- dred Ninet>' Nine and 281/100 Dollars. for excesq tees. ROY W. IIRACHER. Count>' Treasurer. B>' Ira K Pearsal t. Deput>'. Supervim!r Met-or moved that the report hf e rfeîred fa tbe Commif. on Safflemeut vif fi the County Cierk. Motion caried The foffowîng pet irion was lireseuf pd: To lice ionorble floarul of Super viiio-e of ILake ('ounty,. Ilinois. Your petit bnci- repregenî$te bat the 5Sf vallon. Army hba.s hougbt a farm emisating of thr-ee lîundved and Mitty (360) acres kuown as "The Busiie Pairn" lylug befwaeu flue -Village of Lake Villa and Pox Lakte. Ilinois: that th. S:cfvation Army proposes f0 rouduct upn fliî farmi a home for ilal.inqueuf menan sd womnansd de- hlnuiet bo 'v,4 sud girls sud for de- pendent. of botb sexes sud ail agi'.; tit the ptiipose of tht-i institution witl be fe aid theuforfunate of Latte Cotinty, Ilinois in becomlug 4ob4fantil an d prodluctive alenients lu slociete: fliat the Instifuition willIb be conucf ail aloug non sectarisu and noudeuoniinalional, unes: that whatever the rl-ligiouslq endency of an>' of lice resqideuntq are, they will b. respected. Your petitioner foltiser represents that lu order to maintain sucb an institution Rome aid musI be accoja- ed b>' Latte Couisty&as a Municipal eorporatIon andl your petitioner agka that at the Jane Terma of the Board of Supervisai-s of Lake Count'. Illin ois, lb. year 1921. a resolution b., adopted appi-opriatlng Fîfleen Thou. $and, ($15.000.00) Dollars, as a main- tenance fusnd for institution. for lthe liral year after tbe opening cf Ibis Institution which viJli e lu 1he very near fturie, Raid Pif leen Thou- sand ($15000.00) Dollars 10 hbe pald lu quarteriy payments, tbe Orsl- quar- ter paymenl 10 b, paid lhree (3)> Monilia after the Institution ha.s been openeil sud lIhe Count>' Clerk andl the probation officers of both the Cont>' aud Circuit Court.bave been uotified ibat the Institution in opened fer tbe reception cf Lalie Count>' delinquent andl dependent- men. wornen sud chtilien. ' THE SALVATION ARMY Dly Capt. Hc. M. Rboda Power of Att>'.N Supervisar Ega- moved thal the petition b. referredti 10the Financeb Commit tëee.Motion carried. Supervisai- Ohee moved to adjouraN untîl tomolrrow morning at 10 o'clock. Motion carrlad. Wauttegan. III..-lune 14. 1921 Board met pursuant 1e adjouru- ment with Chairman Paddock pre- siding- sud 1h. following members Presenl - Supervisai-s Austin. B3air- slow, Barnslahle, Brown, Cralu,1 Crapo. Dîlger. Eichler. Eget Effin-j gai-, Pick., 1{olstetud Routritge. Rut- ton-, Rirschnr ,r Maetber. Martin,r Meyer. Monahan. Mdurphy, McCul- lougis, Naber, Obee. O'Connor, Pad- dock. RîngiahI. Samnson. Stratton. Tbfloéo, Viçcoe, Webb.-31. Absent. Suiervisors Drew, La-i- oron, Mawmsn-3.Me rý t.