CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 14 Jul 1921, p. 20

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PAGE rWE~LVE LIBERTYVILLE INIWPtNnFNr TI.IIIDRflAV. II8.7J l* -- _____ - - .--- -~'t~-~'---~ ~ * :v, 1.5~*I - ~Ths rea .onySavingý Event Is Now At Itl's Height Boys' 75c Blouses Sues up to le la gtetty new strlpe and eient materials.fue -atrne 59 new style-speci ai t Women's 35c Vesta The Imperfections do flot lessen lte wearing qualities of thos. pric- ed at . ............... Women'a and inlaeamli bboao ln WoDeti5 tiber smliihose ordinari- $1.75 and $2 vaiuea la blaek; white ly seiling for $1.00 in black and coi- and ail colora and aises in plain and or îs c. EoYW~W5.h sUte fl tê Juy sae Olîdren's $1.50 Cveralls ln aylTI X H E 0 ý bie and tan, ln practlcally al 0i- ao e g n' Greaieut Store For Women 'a and Childr.n 'a Appat.)ai 9.8.5 18,8.8 r i5 More No)w 7 han Ever Be fore It -Is Easy To Realize the Tremendous Importance of Our Ain-imai, Jýuliy ClIearance Sale -of al Our warmi weather apparel for women and children demonstrating, more forcibly than ever before that here you enjoy purchasing advantages impossible to secure elsewhere in Waukegzan WomnsCoats Reduced a fourth, a Haif and in, Some Cases More Than a Hai Nomen's and misses' Jer- sey Sport Coats and Serge Capes up to $12 in this sale at * Coas,-E~pesJersey ISport Coai and kîitted wool Capes to $25 in a variety of colors in all sizes at $7.98. $10 and $!&' Rainicoats foi, women and misses. A limitcd number,- while they last at Wonien's and misses' Coats; and Capes as well as wrappy, Ooats in values to $27.50; spe- cial at $9.75. .$19.50 Sports Coats and Capes in pretty new styles - Special at $12.98. 1$14.50 Raincoats in good col- ors, very specially priced at $20, $22.50, $25ý and somo Values ul) to $30 in Sports Ooats, Capes and "1wrappy"1 Coats in velours, novelty fa- bries, silvertones, etc. Belted and pleated effects. Ail colors at $1475. $42.50, $39.50, a few at $37.50 and somé Coats and Dolmans at $45 and stiil others worth Z to $50 in fine velours, holi- ,silvertones, silk lined anmd beautifully tailored at $29.50. Women-'s- Wash Dresses In The JuIy Sale Women's and misses, sleeve- - uniper dresses in tan, uavy and rose ini ail sizes from 12 to 44 in values to $5 special at 6,7 and $8 Wash Dresses for mises and women lu doz- musa of good-Iooking styles lu flgured voiles and gingliama at Sleeveless jumper dresses 'o 0< hecked ginghama to $6.95 at $8.98. .$10 to $12 sleeveless jumper wd wash dresses lu voiles, Iwwns sud glunghanms lua hum- ber od pretty styles'lu a varie- ty of color eftbiets, marked for kaanee atlS.a Wasb dresses luvoiles, sud giagbama in haudsome new. àtylésto $12.98 at $7.98. $1250 and $15 'values in banvoiles, lawns lu a ierange of clever styles at $16.50, $18.50 and $20 Waslb Dresses lu an unusual collec- tion of wanted styles with sashes, ruffles, wide collars 'lad iucludmng organdies at $m275.,-1 Wash Dresses, up to $22.50 I n baudsomely styles cotton v oilet, organdies, fine glug- bains, etc., iu ailsizes at $14-75 'Handiomje new organdie, dêeuse up to $39.50,, with styl- ~~1~miug of laces, -wide du Wlai. a .An This- assortment includ( Coats, Capes and Dolmans i to $35 in wool velours, novelt fabrica, etc., in a wide range Coats and haxidsome wral up to $75 in a wonderful se ection of materials, colors an styles, mnany being handsomq ly embeilished with hand en broidered and colored stite ei'y, in button and tuxed styles, now redueed to onl $34.75. $22.50 and $25 i»ixture Coal for niôtoriff« àdnd general util ty wear. Have betled, yoke au pleated effects. Very seejale $14.75. $24.75, $27,50 and some $0 Coats in those fine new i ported mixtures, tricotine gabardines and poplins in tE best styles at $1695 & $19.7.1 $27.50, a few at $29.50 a' sonie Coats up to $32.50j niuch wanted fabrie sand tI most becoming styles in spoi effects as ivdil as the Dolma models in pleated and beite styles, many being silk linei very special at.$18,75. $37.50, $40 and $ome $4 Coats as wvell as those prett and stylish Dolman-Coats ini variety of the most populi materials and coloringsi practieally ail sizes at $24.7 le s &y-e» riuwEFu"aeg 'PWUIV i Women's $22.50 Wool Jer- $30, $32.50 and some $27.50 up prices whlch wil not likely, be reached agaifl sey Sport Suits in wanted col- suits in serges, velours and It . n ay eao".-01ve. r at $6.95. styles at $19.75. f ~ may seasn 's-I ever.Wool Jersey Sport Siat ___ __ __________- $27 5 -,irt af"O2i's- - fd àATte à' * .hdy dedraà7ïà&e Of" ing colors in a number of Col- at $42.50 in the season's beut el- P etticoats orings; -Doats have Tuxedo clr n tls eyseil ,nd ~~~~~~~~~fronts; special at$14.75. ooaadsye,,eyseil ae M iff in ery $1,50 striped gingham petti- $59.50,8$57.50, $55 and a few Iy priced in the JuIy Sale at m- Any straw hat in stock - coatsat 39c. Suits at $65 in wanted styles 2 . h- this includes trimxned hats in $1.50 white muiin petti- i rctns eorsre $45, $47.50, $50 and a few ýdo Milan hemp, white panama, cbats, prettily embroidered at and Poiret TwilIs at $35. ly bandled sailors in an assort- 97C. $67.50, $70, $75, $80 and $52-50 Suits in- checked vel- ment of colors,- white ,straw . $2,50 white muelin petti- $82.50 Suita lIn handeome ours, serges, tricotines, stc., in ts Sports Hats at $1.98. coats elaborateiy embroidered styles for late Summer and the cleverest and latest modela ii- Fert and ribbon Sport Hats at $1.98. early Fail wear at $47.50. at $29. nd in all the new shades-orchid, $2.50 Sununer weight iilk 4t jade, tangerine, Harding Blue, petticoats with deep change- Childrens- W ash and Silk sand, etc. Specialiy reduced to able taffeta fioi.nce at $1.69. ;35 $298 and $598.$3pet ulnetios I- Now cornes a clearance of $3petmsîuetiosS es, pretty bats of transparent hair at $1.69. CÀo atsS it lie braids in black, peari grey, _. $5 Silk Jersey P.etticoats $k1.5s ingd-2owhigtes 75. navy. Values to $16.50 at $4.98. with accordion pleà7ted bot- in, The JuIy Sale -$1,50 a-n d $2 itylwas nd in ffie rts ;ed 45 ýty ia 75. Women 's-. Silk Dresses In the July Sale $18.50, $20 and $22.50 and some $25 silk dresses lu waut- ed colors and styles at $12.50. $27.50j $25, $22.50 and a few $20 and $25 Sports as weil as afternoou dresses of silk lu taffetas, satins and crepes at $1475. $32.50, $27.50 and $25 Silk dresses in crepe de chines aud georgette crepes, taffetas sud satina, lucluding Sports Dress- os at $19.75. .$37.50 sud $4 street sud af- ternoon dresses lu a wonder- fui array of styles at $23.75. A beautiful collection of dresses lu tricolettes, beaded georgettes, tricotines: canton crepes, satins and taffetas lu ahl colors sud black up to $55 at *29Z.0 Juniors- Wash Dresses $5 and $6 values in pretty m-ash dresses for-the young girlI of 13 to 1 in a number ef very beeoming styles to close- out at $398. $8.50 to $8.00 values lu wash dresses for intermediates lu a mine collection of styles special Silk and Muslin Underwear Clearance Sale Night Gownis Women's $1.00 night gowns iu fiesh and white ' lu ail sîzes. Special at 59C. Women's $1.50 uight gowns of good quality musîli, special at 97c.- $9_50 soft long cloth niglit gowus; ail are nicely trimmed; core ne lal sizes at *1.69. $3.00 muslin niglit gowns ,with pretty lace and embroid- ery trining in ail sizes at $1.98. Women's silk night gowns up to $7.50. Special at $4.98. Env. Chemise Wômen's $1.00 envelope chemise, in a good quality of musliu lu ail sizes at-59c. $1.75 Muslin chemise lu nice looking styles, ahl sizes, 79c. *2.50 Muslu chemise as well as chemise of silk at 1.98. Women's envelop8 chemisie of silk crepes as weil as Italian silk, worth $5.75 at $3.98. Corset Covers and, Brassieres. .Womeu's 75e muallu corset covers, whilo they last at M9. $2. silk sud muallu -corset covers at 97c. $2.50 silk corset covers.- Special $1.69. 89o Brassieres, --special at M3. $1.00 Brassieres, nicely trim- med At 79e. $1.50 Muslu Brassieres, ail- over, embroidery and lace trimmed at $1.00. toms at $298 Women'sç and Misses' .1loomers Children's muslin Drawers, reguiar 35e quality at 11c. Women 's $1.00 erepe bloom- ers in fiesh only at 37c. Women's muslin -step -inu bloomers worth 89e at 49C. $1.50 step-in blooniers in,, flesh and white at 97c. $2 silk stripe bloomers at $1.49. $2.50 and $3 silk crepe de chine bloomers at $1.98. $3.50 and $4 silk bloomers- $2.98. July Clearance of Corsets Women's regular $150 and $2 corsets at $1.00. $4.00 front aud back laced corsets, special at $2.50. To $6 corsets, special in the July Sale at $3.29. To $8 corsets, special at $5. July'Clearance of House Dresses and A'pron Women's $2 coverail and Gretchen Aprona at M9e $ 2.50 bouse dress aprons in the tie-bâck styles at $1.49. $ 3.50 and $4 bhouse dresses in ail sizes; light mediumn and dark colorings, j2.98. $1.00) Kitchen Aprons, while they list, 47c. $2 values iu pretty new bun- galow aprons in aIl colors snd -sîzes, tie-back sàshes at $1.49. -Be care fui to buy no more than you really want. 7hése.- very 10w prices are made wIf h the consideration that thse mer- chandise cînnot be retupned»r excisanged.' $4.98,.$,98 and a few coats up to $6.98 in odds and end- Special at *3.98. $7.50, $8, $8.50 aud some $9 Voats and Cape effects in a fair range of styles and colore at $5.98. $11, $12,50 and $13.50 Coats and Dolmans in siza Up to 14 in good styles at $7.98. Coats Up to $18.50 ii pretty colors, uewest, materials aud styles at $10. Children 's- Dresses In The July Sale Children 's 75e and 89e wash dres aprons in a good variety of. colors and styles at 29e.- $1,50 Wash Dresses in a lim- üOnumber of good materiala EUd in sizes from 2 to 6 at 98c. $3, $3.50 and $4 values lu ginghaia, chsmbrays, etc., lu aIl colore, styles aud sizes, in- étudingsîso the blôomer dress- es at,$1.98. $5 values in Wash Dresses in sizes to 14 at $2.98. Pretty new voile and organ- die dresses iun jretty new styles st $2.98 an *4.98. s. Middy Blouse In nTe July Sale Girls' and. misses Middy Blouses,, worth $1.50, special at 970. $2.50 * Middy Blouses sud smocks for girls aud misses-. very special at *1.69. $2.50 smocks in pretty new styles, button and slipover styles, special at $1.98. $3.50 Smocks in a variety of colors and styles at 2.48. $3.98 Smocks lu ail colore iu iexis,,voiles, etc.,- in al iMe at 79c. $2.50 and $3 wvhite wash skirts in wanted styles and siz- es at $1.79. Wash Skirts up to $5 ini plain white in cotton figures and gabardines as well as satin stripe effeets9 at $2.98. $6 Values in wash Skirts- Special at $3.98. $7.98, $8.50 and $10 values ini silk, waslî and wool plaid skirts at $5.98. SiIk, wool and novelty sports Skirts in aH colors and, styles to $12,50 at $7.98. $14.98 to $20 Skirts in fancy silk crepes, wide striped fianý' pxela, white flannels, kumsi kum8a, ce., at $9.75. $18.50 to $35 silk Skirts in Russian crepes, kuinsi kumsa, fantasi silks and "here-n-there s'lks in white and ail colora atj Waists In The July S5àle $1.50 Waists, slightly soiled $1.50 aud $2.00 Wirthmor Wsists ini ew styles at 97ç. $2.50 Haudaome new voile and organdie waists, $1.89. $4 and $4.98 voile and uew organdie *aiats, speciaily prie- ed at $2.85. $5, $5.50 aud $6 silk waists at $3.69., $7.50, $8 aud $9 'waists- $5.9ô. $11-98, $12.50 and $14.50in4 smre $20 silk waists at $8.88. W--ool anpd Silk Sweaters Women 's $5 wool tfie-back sweaters at $2,98. ' $6,98, $7.50 and $7.9$ wool slip-over, button and tuxedo sweaters at $4.98.' $7.50, $8,00 and $8.98 slk sweaters lu ail colora at $5.98. $10 and $12,50 silk sweaters in newest styles and colora at Womeu,'s Silk Sweaters lu a wide- vaiety of clever styles iu ail siges and colIgs. p" leto.Q Women's Suits In the Season 's most Favored Styles Marked For immediate Clearance EVery article in thi s sale is of the highestquality-carefully s elecie d for tisemoit critical clientele in this communi- tg-hgît nvt> markwbo ,atfor ewIarnc nf VOLUME XXIX.- DAUGIITEI "BÎilly" Maso' beappolnted to f11 iN red Ma.son Hucli Congremalflan Will uierly or Waukegi ather ln Washlïng .Ilnlmpnt 1l4 conq A1.;uraflce hi Il favorable tu 1 -nPi tItc> irs. isit lo th- Sma -m.ian tlso ct , S n 1 ri r- .1 Spi infîi: Three on&, %rs i{urk , Wh( W W. Hurk , i t'moler of tt *Iau<gter The ut. a'nar pupil ln Cr -frhool: the youn, 'ýars olti lntc.nby th '-nneîtufIlonallty el tir. ur'. -'aId b. hat she is a wonii -iiLctitan înakts n aciDes .'awd i1 ) ngrt-smrian-at-lar in the I.'i.iOn trge ls !:k. a seuil like a. represent: -aid. "Simîlarity 1 Af a I'nitpd Sta*ti oWn*rec<îfla at l..r -efillingof thé l'h *h si ame cIaâ. a frIenda tell nme. Il 'tîtution Pravîi.. ho egove»rnor.' WsittWerk 19%oruld Goy Sant w. peoitment, Mrs. '-un in a '4pecta ,pe ain Lh itr-ti' Ilellt Seral if 1 amrn ir, 1k tir" t sorî:,n w,îh. .Waaiungton- illi thlnk it my wouen and Cktlîd hm" l md 1If titi t sulecesa, i L t tacklldrmn andi 1 I~only vont>E -rom up to date lu .49 the youngest "Blw" laman., th l1tu& ent te &ci ,as à girl and hal, time théë'ý slîce. MIES ON MPLEMI BY T Fifen percet «gens, bu engini Teaucior,and ot and irnplements branch boude-s of aM Pworta announi .icale of price.,% redections. the lie closle of tbew al. Wagons. buggli hay pressEs. grat ollit" fam tools 15 iler cent.' it 14 which have beeti noie $1.000. White rîuoled al.52,.I410 'rhe managers esm say that LbhI fot due te any i of production, bl "farmners' sth'ke.' fait when grain mered dowu te .4u lmpelled the mnip rofiain f roui buyi l.a rder ta stim the manufaetirn iton. thé, compan share a loas with back,, as quickly pre-war level. Tire new pices « a te wbat costa Maie, gain in labo 1effbclency in the *Cood affected, bot shipped fer corne efotuirerra asser sho'uldlmg a beav i$prinoielà, 111 lien In the ise c plates as the resi save the slate $4 qwt of plate ait departineut of Si omeie emilmates. The aise of but"ien a1922 ai PAGE.1-WÉLVE 1! LW-RTYVILLE INDEPEMENT. THURM,&Y- ý: it-i-Y i à - i o 2 1

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