- - - W~ L1bRTyVMD1EDOvR. THUMDY. JULY 14, 1921. ------------ ----------..:m os su _-s e@ mh.s:s~a:S:U:Z~UZSUi i -Cuunty Sent New-s ' i TÂX DODGERS WJN as~kled out PerainsoWueERR0 LR Avon and L.ake Villa objctors. 20 per cent in Newport ro)wnsi). and 17, TiIEIR F1H1T IN per centrIn Varre xtowsbll . I R FS N J u dge Perions aiso sustained th., C U T CO R bjectors in the cdaim thlat trecort_ HOLDING DOUGiERSý (,il nde r the .1 ui aw . ishi ch, r lrcý clarged. was net donc..b eioge Persons sustains oùbjec- Ilighdaird Park wa dealt a svere Little. recompense for tax-T tionwith one exception as laned the obecors' cdaim that the grs ho aveshi.e to on isue$23.000 levy for tire North Shore San- burden to neighbors 01 -obn su ilary District for the purpose of ima- W- t Sevra hndrd bjctos c heprovng ils waer Purification project The objections Of the one irundred 0 Seea ude betr etewas illegni. or so tax dodgers of tire jirY of Wou- P IOgallity of the 30 per cent increase in tnother objection- rustainedl was kegan toelire thilrty per cent increase di t esthtie $1.000,000 rond bond tirat the board of review shouid bave in valuation of tire real estate in their lga toakevoud pyment ia s onsent out notices of the raise to ail City of Waukegau have been sus- Z Iliir gtt vl amn of tir te objecters instead- of oniy 50. talned by tire Couaty Court, for tire PorMottge of possibiy more tlian a T he rullng enjoins Couaty Treas. reason tint a cierical errer of thre luiosJ dollar. asness in t rer lRoy W. Bracher front coliectlng iBoard of Review in makiniierae WbonJudg P.h Peson in itemore thon the percenlages naared for int-alidated tire proceedilg. ODMeY court sustained the obectors tire varions iocalits. If tuls decision latastained by tire h là the- 30 per cent and otirer obec- Atty. George Mason represented Supreme Court. It means tirat ai>- tunse. lmtr xcpincftebn the City qf Higlamnd Park. AttY. proxmateiy one irundred reai estate ISS..J. V. Norcrosse and Ira J.. ler. Deer- owners in Ibis City get ont of the pay* 1Upo the bond issue te judge sus- Illd-Sileds township higir achool ment of a tai which was freeiy paid. taied the objectera on al over 75 itit ltoDyb ieget aolyo h la ut bt eltnt theeond the ,Attys. tlail and Datiy today deciar- Citisens or lthe Cty, but tlaco bY a oWotov efor takncicit uIfnied cd tint tirey represenlod 1000. oie- clisrwiro aie contmoniy regarded ill efot eknc i utfllt tors in the couaty, of' whliib more tbe moit particular In ntttCr ot tax a-Io Dthm reopety raueriaE than 500are in Highland Park. Tbey tion, to-wt: tire raiiroades. telegrapir Demp t at TorouvderIad . alto deciared tirat If thre county dos and- telephone compâthies, etc. Po«" *Miiono mudcirtha tmt not appeai the cese thoy are williing Smnnmed up, this meuans that a few »W .M oui ats r. t hie Con tto lt lhe dectalo Inthet .bond issue peope of lire city,. tirougi tiremere %*_ la ot a thetax bjetionnotmater stand. but tirat If il la appeal- errorrcof a cierk. are te b. rellevedi of «bW, iele about 120 front Wauke- cd to th supremoe court thoy wilI ai- tire payment Of a JUSt debt in rirey ,ï Ialbtoaisotte from Lake Forest, II --dk Mg " llglriabd -Park, inh'os501ê.bt l6,Unt out tthUç, . form of taxation. Tire.lasnot one o! Hanbor, Zion, North Chicago. Avo. States Att y. Smith declared thls themn wbo dots inot fùlîliyknow tïfiatl Md lbe townships of Waukean' afternoon thnt thre case wiii ire np- bis toi was not urore but less ciant Newpprt and Waren peaied. .te valuation of bis prqperty iust-. l J.Dady, Waukegan,an E. S. Gail, Tire objection on the 30 per cent In- ified: and yet ench and.every elle o! Highland Park and Corporation court- crense was that there was aolhing Ia these tas dodgers enlilftd the serv- Bd Atirur Briikiey represented Wau- the records of tire board of' revitw Ices of attorneys upon a percentage f kesS and State's Attorney Aý V.te sirow thnt the final resoiutioa te basis to defent tire collection frontV Mgtbrepesetedthecouty. increae tihe valuation by 30 per cent thent of tireir proportionate sbare ofb ~it ro>reened irecontr wa vtedi by a majority of the menm- the cîpense of the maintenance of in- W»Tii. the 1100.000 lev b od iss- bers -o! 4le board. This wae the oh- stitutioni front wirir tirey Lot only vastirI b. 10000 le fo l- jctin ht ude sustslned. receive their full share o! benefl t butn bellmouemete!badrodshall n tlenia-are constantiy beard lu compiain be- i becauseThe' onds laad ot ed7centis-cause îbey do not receive more.. e m~e. ir cuuy s Uoed75cets Score another vlclory for the Tax- Wiren any tan bas bis propcrtyc a asaCounty tax. This year 54 cents dodgers! rigitq outragcd iy unjust taxation itlat la tire aiounit for ail corporale pur- Tire decision o! Judge Edwards la Is a very Cosy malter for imtet posa, .wtb an addition of 34 per Cent to taire care o! tire bond Issue Tire circuit court Monday qf overruling a eslablisi tire Injustice Int a suistantiai julg irid int75 ent iSthemnxdemurror te the njunclionbil of tanner and get tire relieof hirer en- Iom MtiraI can be raised as a county the Taxdodgers. dubtiess viii be re- titied te; but It. goea witiroit saying t«g and tint tirerefore lire 85 cents ceîved In the tanks of the 'Dodgers" tint no mani bas aay suistantiai Con- 7 wbicii the county nssesscd. and liraI vitir much gîte. Judge Edwards set teition nginst bis taxes virea..tire 3 the differenco beween tint and 75 tht cause for.irearing on Juiy 25. oniy thing tint ire tan fait back upon a OutilstI 13 cents, viricir means tiraI Jtdge Edwards recentliy ssued a te dtnd-ient bis way out of pnyang t, tbe c.eunly bond tax muet ir ecul îemPorary Injuaction an the ..Y lircm. is ote cilerk's mistakte. and i *M fo34 clents lu 21 cents. figIrI. retratning the. county trea- thiat mistake whiricimcreiy went te a Ib 0prcn lne ices urrfot"olc tacranp te compietenes of a formai record. a !~ 0 etcet banetinreao urr romcoietig acetan ar MOST OF 'EM LOYAL t cent of tie taxes. The. hering tire Tht fact tint all but airproxiatteiya Imac 83aPR atteir»arto01this- onhhwlibete on*,urnded oou popl Vici thirra deternsino wbethbr Or nt theIR.t- taxes wîtîout objection shows tint1 M M fION DAVIS - Jrintton shall b. made permanent. lbe oid tovn le popuiated by a clansis2 Tii. cas.-affects înereiy thre rosi- wiro are loyal and patriotic citizens Fra< C Plyczu dents of Highliand Park. and wiiiing te pny for-wvint hiey re- ý. .ÏkilIotb--Correction of Deformitite, In arguing their demourrer todng ceive: but wirnt Io1teie said for tire1 Ner--: aspu nd Chronic Diseauses.. Atty«. Norcrsse. RogesI dGe citizcnsbip or a lnck or il. of a ormali Suie 0-1. ewpointei ouI tiraIthoebcto & d minority wiro wnnt ail tint lhcre laa ýSute 0-1, ewCannle Hotet. 'an aticquate remody ut lav In coun- golng and more too. but evade tires LIBERTYVILLE, ILLNOIS. ly court and for tiraI reason tire Case payment for wirat tbey get aItirhe ex-p should net bo brought up In circuit DPense of not, oaly ,tire muicipalitits n court. They argued aise 11aI thet frolnt vriir tirey expect everything la r CHARLESR. WICKENS billî vas invali becauze it asked re- tire wat- of modern iaprovementis and a tWirlakgton-County Sts. Pirone 1892 lief merely for tire taxpayers Ia eqaditions. but aiso at rire elfiense of ri Highand arkand ade o m nireir neigirbrs who have Io bear rire h WAUKEGN, ILLNOIS. lion of tirose oulside tire Cty who udn Public Accountantl and Audîtor. were entitiedte 1thebesate relief. Tirese people are alt iaciined ru re- fi - AaouaansSystma.Audts.Bock Tie ojectrs ertirysent critlcism. but In tenme of A»lemtig Sstem. Adit, Te obectrs erereprenented by ommon renne wint cisc does their Posta Periodicniiy for Pirma who Aty. G ail, fchuntacirer and i Dckin cadc menit? If their cithier, de alot neeti a Permanent Bookkeeper. son, ail o! Higirlandi Park. butcher, baker or grocer dellvered D J L TYeORtirent goods aad tirey defeafed hiis col- DR. J. TAYLO lection of just pay for teecm Hom:r -1 te 3:10 and 7 ta 8 p. M. 'Fi B Y le- ror ocejrring la tire ciericai tiepart- Delidence on Broadwvay, opposite Park ml f iuneurR nent, tantire language o! the world.' LIBET'YILLE iLiNOI ~ iK vii iiui~r wat designation would tir-y iear? -~ . F By~rç - ' 1 1 ur anIf' a man imoves inro rire litY Of PR 0.F. U MMELDDROW NS IN~ LARE Waulrtgan andi availtd timseîf o h VETRINRY URGON nany ativanrages vicir inducedte l AssMIstaR S URGe E Nra.I onte anti stay here anti fails backt Asitn SaeVtriatn uyon a cierical mistake in aa efforti LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS. Grappling hooks used to obtain te avoîd paytng for tirese advantages. w.th , b o f etsix year old wbat mut ira raid o! hlm? la ire less EUtA W.he b of a deati-beat tiraithtie house-iroider Attrny.t~awStanley Dzinisziwska wbo cirets iis groýer. out o! hîs just * ffceat Homne onCooA veue pay oa tire score of! tecbnicaiity? OffIe at Hmeon ookAveue. Sranley. C-year-old on o! tir. andtInl order te provide tire fuitti abso- Telepirone 163-J. %lrs. Fellx Dzinizziwska, 12:16 Victor. iuttiy aecesaary te maain tiere - LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS. ia street. North Chircago. vas drown- te demaaded frointhetirecty, f rom tireE Pd In Lake Michigan.,viren a boy schools anti fromntthe departmeats LYEIL H. MORIS conîpanion pusiret hlm.off tire stib wbicir provitie protection aginst1 pierOppsit tie .ArercaaStel at iieses and fiantetire tiirty per cent Attorney-at-Law pWrropposnitetAny miaa riav aSter-ndtiieves anti flame. tire tiirty per cent * LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. noon about 3:00oo'cîock. A 9-yfar-old o! Wuegnaotlnprtv Luce Building.I br other o! rire utIle victint vas swint- Even withIrIl, tire funds are inslu!- Ha. Pioit 11-M. Offce 'hoe ~ mrng near iv at the tinte and ws a ne&__Phone_1___M._OfficePhone_18.__ itness of tire tragedy. lie vasun.I ficient. PAUL Mac GUFFIN aile Io save I iri lre brother', hlfe. Hda belt isedo n u PAL Mc UIINA quicky as lire conld ire rusirer dred anid in case tire suprente court AtOtn5±a~awho ni h ioetrnvr rspr ehouiti sustain tire lover court. tirta LIBEPITYVILLE, ILLINOIS. ente viro jumpet i mt tîr automto-evrono!hsentiuoswud bil na tioveb tre ortr Cricgobave beumost mrlouuiy crippicd te rTeleirione 33.poie atidonverte NrtCy hiag te ieserionis InJury and inconvenience get grnppling brooks. Tire poice did o!eei 'malvmaanicilii DR. C. B. OLNYntbv ieirosat eert Waukegan. Votoinar Soguo tientaetre Wookegandpolie re Penbapa tire test bitter and sirame- Ofic t eince Opurposie e Tre t t droe pie.wî i fui tbing of lit ail la tirat one ont (Xfce l Rdicenc Oposie Re Te Prens dovethee, ithailhundreti are gqing te sirare an ail o! Motor Co. Garage. possible speeti. oblained tire books hz datgswiau"qal n ï,Pirone 35.andi iurrieti bock. Tirey reniised tiraIthese aotinates îtirouitel nt LU31CRYVILL, ILLNOIS. thelr littie'on bac!been in thre watt! rport1e.Ifnaeinga sh bar t antire-e LIBRTYILL. ILINIS. toc loag te do any good even If tire Slttt5t. if bln a eaCty-batanthi b. F. Affir ooks sirylibrilig up tire bodybut Rtal ndir w th i i it, otr ticoi- IAIRTOWtbey vert anxious te recot'er tie re- sîlîtites anditiwiâtlreirn Iirmustcon- MANUFACTrURER OF mains as soon as possible. a a t dmttiti , immrt ne u b MAM AU RAMStaniey"s brother titi not know tht dreti stand upon a vtt'y iigir tari- MAILE N» RANTE nme of tire boy viro bd pusired bis nente today. brother off tire pier but ire plans te We presume tint tireY tbmnk tirat anIL. - lly -»olrud b. coagrattilateti butv didat kaow boy 10 rrvtm 11iii ave te tiroat vro admire .'uti C.euyWok . Eer Iand tirati as tire reason ire watt tye !caatrt iltr1 iet istandinag on tire pier instead o! ieing typtsiof respectrt iIte ete Descrpbom. i n rire vater.' tire, beart-irroken EDITOR THE 111N 1irrorier told tire police a short lime ~* C RR ONDCE SOLICITE» ftir lE r ag- a. Tre ver dict of tire oroners inquest SE-N TNCE STANLEY ISHOP; 116 Scti Gememee St. sa rcidenral deatir by drowniag.- ]AIL FINE 'Te bordy of rtre boy vas locateti andi Trsrrrtîoavu Ivasn taleni 0f ibe boys lro1b brr irOsi al f on rthscd offac )EMANDS $12,OOO HIE GAVE LANDLADY When we say or over eight years George Zot banked with Mrs. Rose Taylor; gets injunction' - - teorge Xolrz of \%"airlcgan nacterOn l been able o icrir rresvini- abit - mone I iwHtîsy , lippelI n On .Tanua-y 1, 1191?, lie went to board with Ir S-. tRose'iTaylor. 212 ml 'catit street, Wînrhegan. lic becameo U Vmo rlouater aithtie allrie tinte lie con-1 but fileti1ru ber iris inrrbilirtiar' . a e artv f ii earnings andl an arrangement wan mette vbrciy lie sirouid tomn over to lirer iris etrtire paycireck escir ayday. out of tri. sire s-ns te de- .uct iris roont rent and board bill anti uvent or pince ln tire rink tire rest. Zoitz had Implicit conftIefljre ln iris lndlatiy aithtintlime andtihougit -erg irigiiy of lire arrangeaient. Over tigit yearn have passeti anti ',Qlaz figures tint ire sioulti haiet o his credit sometiring or-er $12.000. as te aiways eaneti a gooti saiary at h. Aerreian Steel andi Wire cent- îany plant ant iei plan of turnlng over ail bisenrnings o ter. Taylor made himt tiri!ty in spite of!ii naî- trai inclination toward being a Spendtirrift. blary tintes iris compantioas saser- 't i nIhlm because o! tire niggnrdly wny ire epent nîoneyviren ire vas ______________________________ ot it "tih'ie boys." "Xeyer' mlnti-sontetime l'Il show . s 'oua tint i am viser tran you arc,*" 'ulty vit I rs prit-att systente l ietoufa' fn ba,nkiag virta lre sougil an fiectrmnt- a.' aitng-htyo ant id i ng o! Mrs. Taylor. Today tirrougi Du Pont Label on it-uatanterg hi Attorney Jus. Jatirich ir.Ielileti'a bill fmest WOrknansiiP. foraccounting lntahe circuit court e Wanukegnn, asking nirat Sirs. Taylo House, bain nMd roof paints; screen, sta-r te matie to makie ac~omplete accouait enameh;s; hingle staina; auto and carnea ng ru hmr, andi also asking tint mire varnihes and enameis of every descript bc restraineti iront rrawing anyan irefnchs noney fronthtie bnnk. or from dispos-an aiefnae. ng of or encurnbening tilt)o! tire sev Drop, in and tell un what you have to erai piecca o! property icr ie nmee your. requirenenta with tire best charges Sire iras pur-ciras eti itiriis ldta"- tafyim Wcauc' noney. Jutiget'. t. Edward s granteil ladto ad Uia a I ist evau teInjunction. tex V" ÇÎ aths ir e p Ko Giving Hi$ Checl . .LU E & O la iris bill Zoitz says ire coatinueti to tura ot'er iris paycireck te Mrs.G.T U F & SO reylor fr-ont Janrîary 1, 1913 until Miay, 15, 1921. HF rayasirhe alwnys Phone 27 acceptet tire money anti deposited it Libertyville lminois to ber ova creditin ta e banki. On onc occasion '/oirz raýs ire won ant automobrile viricîr sas raffieti off tiy a local Society anti recerted $75,5 as tire procteds. o! sale. Tis money ire- also, turneti oter to Mrs. Taylor, ire waihut iîcti lt..,nor rtnrie ex pecteine- gnys. A eariy as 1913 iesays NIrs UhI4N m.. llier. raylor began te use iris money to boy >IUL IlAUTOK an> jcMr.Warrou ira%, iith ie office property i1 ..wuv o! Higi r irest un thre Magonic Royal On anotirer occarsion ire' aya ire I ~1iIW lN Arcrtiatr a au atr jiaii 95for covforirisova acI rir itue Lotige. anti vax a former He gays Mms. Taylor nov laya dlaim ae'uws£uus 'Emîta t Commanier et tire Cont te tire animal Tire same i truc, ire nL t liIH mnndery. aiso being a orenter o! saya, vitir regard Io tvo sirares of IV Ç0 " TItre Standard l..oge. a Chicago Ma- îtock ln lire United States Steel cor- - !srnîc organlzation. toration. 3Mrs. Taylor, ire says, irad TwAJA rangers beat hasty * - Hei- r rurvxvil .d 1)3 ti rot'e m no otîrersourée o! racome butriehe tam-sA.. ('barleF.r anknd noney sire receiveti iront bis roontl treat as Gage's Lake farmn- mus I-'eliS ni other pamsnr'd away a year ad boardi. andi yet lire ssys sire acter er turns in alarm agn on Aluni 13. With ir tarire made an accoun'iag to hut altirougîr irme 'o! his . tii w ere >ris% tire re ofrea bas tienraated one t-teaSkys rohs.w acipredté e -ire nov trrîateas ro useibis thirîsu A Dodge ,edlan atrrnruîuî. jr rung inbrotr. o ar-t .iuar.iItre e f ntil o!firisanti rupuliit Io irer use.- ing tut t, E. telden ru! 44,1 uutfilu, ra-a ustn u' 2a u- V.Lnarr,. Ihicago, . is abIa ndo .unr-ut .,,* rî uek P. utl. tt Ih r" «Irr-'ci e o! an erly3 irurIonrla ,u' , Lt;rg ,u r ihIr. lFrank H. Wlitrus. 520u l)ru-e Lake muail. nu tut CrIra 11les Northr tuunt% -tri-tr. s thr vionsirhe tArD PR MINENT riairrplao.,lr)rrwo uiiknown o-n , aorlr CIJST(JMINRS T le tecwoli b to ris u Ini rire fora!e ilOat f SIcyran p('iiao urbe ro,-nainsIoe eceqarlîlni nchre RAIEDPLAýElmert(4reen arn' rierrlt ii -yslake tcetr ,An effort sas uratie tut ia h.Lnof but tire pair were nurton letan Windvagents rom tire office o! siwhrpil, arrive i n tir. WIELDS KALs'iAT Saes Ait - eyA. V.Smitr raideti ,be.W E D R ZaA tire place o! loin Zeieaik, on McAl iTire agent o!fthe Sol ileo ister ai.enue' one o!fIirre places jIidentitiedth ie two nen C;UCsEE IG piaciet over Suaday, tires fount il1 abandorredth ie car. C U C E T Ni weti knowa Watikegnn anti Northr Mr. Beldon ar-rived lin tire fcn Chricago amea, acterai oC vrom r ae 10 gel iris car. viricir va2onruri 4r r I> Zelenik's place vas rairlec Sattîr- i arnageti, one iec eîglrokpn A S R W U andtihie strare sineel nUI rfc mnîni ____ day aiglît. wiren tiinga vere in fu ll_______SiWo.Hedrsnnern.ed swing'. A large .nîîantitvr. otm1a11 ..M.Hndronngr -e site vas seizeiti. Frea Bora's place at Foi Lake a raîdeti Sonda>' anti one barrei ant ix cases of beer seizeti. Agnes l<roli's place on l4tir nîreet vas raideti Saturtiay aight anti vien lire officera caleret sire poureti our a large quantlty o! iiquor. Tis in tue seeond tinte Boraliras WM. S. WATROUS DMES SUNDAY; WAS ILL A LONG TIME Oean arresteul. SoMeteime agu infor-- mation waa flieti aginat hiinthti counîy court. îî îa nîso tht second arý Was a Prominent Waukegani ieged offense for- Zeieaiz and Nlr-s. Resident and Member et OId Kroli. botir iaving ireen fincti sont '"s e adw e tinte ago. Ailver. able lu for-niai h Ealis dHrwr o $2.000 cacir. Steantime resont keepers deciare Williami Scirugier Watrctuti ment- lire state's attorney's week-end acliv- ber o! tire hartiratro firm o! G. B. 15 les un thc inkes regicti are rulniag Watrous Sons, of Waukegnn. passeti tireir business. Tire week-end visil- peacefuiiy avay Juhy 10 at Mibwaukee ors ho Fox Lakte Sunday tctliled less after a short Il$ess, viricir foiiowed a tirait 300. Tire place vas unusuabiy protratet perldofti !li.ieaith. quiet. Mn. Watrous vas one o! thteirest known men ilaitis section. He heu many biigipositions ltIo 1dge Schools to Banish cîrclea anti vas ver-y active inaah- OId Mther Hubbard leticm. being an ardent hunier anti He. spent last winter nt,-St. Ptens- D)es .toines-Scirol teacîrtimee'. Dur-g. Fia., anti arnîrieiioi bu ing irere ofthle National Educalional IMay 1 apparentiy muer improveti. Conference vert .ativisedti tadr-up1 bt ifitas unetpermanent anti ie tonies abeut Old Stotirer Hubirar I gnatioaliy faleti. anti sucîr fooliiinursery rynte. .Bern in Waukegaa Ian .3. 1865, ire Mass Cathierine Bake of New York 1 reshded there conîintinualy. For- a pleadt ietvlrhber sister teachris t0 tomber o! genrsire vas ia tireliard- baanir lire olti fait".-tales. 'tWho vare business vithrhit%, moier. car-es if olti Motirrhebl-itir- tiw-nt.tn <Charles, anti laler wür-ke-t in tire tire tupiroarti anti founti il bar-e,"rite pesttoffice.,viren lirelatter vas 1051 askei. "Tales like tlnat andthie ONul taster. Later ire enleredth ie rarul- L.ady in thu' Siroe sireulti be taken vare busIness agala. ieing actively out of the scirooi books 'anti rel cgaget Inlathe mangemtent o!flire thon ,;houl(l be given to kinga, ant Ibr-othit, Jas. A. Watr-ouq. anti con- gener-als anti rmore atention ai to tinue in la tnt capacity for le ytar-n in'ventions anti sleps in rthe 1utpvu ntili ie vas 'compellet 10 ive op progivsn-uthtie irtnînn racel.' trias tire work becauge o! Ilireallir. lie lake tieclareti. veet 10 Mlwaukee for tr-alment, h-aving cigaret in mouth A panic occrîrreti af a negroi " n rnietiilg mld in at icOt .t Sourrh ave- nue anti ShcAdtanErodSuntiayzrrgirt sirhortly iefore 1003<' r.'cork s-lien si tooei rîr an wlipîpeîi ont a u azor îatl ruaniedl anotirer man on tire heaul. In- fi icting tirree Ipltgasireg in tris scalp. AlfredtIrMKf.nney, 44seuttu Park avenue, tire victim,. vas renta'. cd ta tire Victory Mentoniai iroxpital, virere hi s-ouds ver-e attend tie.t W. . .FHeaterson, 1121 lncebna street, lire allegeti assailant. lis lulag soogit iy tire police. Tire Cirurcîr o! God fis hoding a merles o! revival meetings. on tire Southr ide. Tirere vas a big attend- anc. Sunay night viren tire trouble star-ted. According tir vititesses Men- tierson, sIrote tato lire -meeting wtt hi a cigarette in bis moulir. McKenney startedti t reprote hiar, pointlng ouIt fnt ire coulti tt amoke la cirurcir. "11 isn'tlilgirtet.' Hentierson Ile r-aid te have replieti. "You'ti belter tait lire police anti have me put ou." Witirormt more ado. acr'ording Io lire information auplîliet lrir' Lollr'.'.lten. erson viipeti ojt - a" razsor anti sîsireti Mdlenaey (in tir- insu. "lit-n as tire blooti spurteul irîtrit it.. s iuail inflicteti on li, vit-iti. HIiiîhr,ruaI.n1 cirargedtisi h insir inti;irtîs aim-ii ver andti irentî'niu ttl i ru>11t... lru rît anyoae elsr- h'irui n-nti r r" -at l i- escapre. le liack-ltrriuolut ilu- -!w auh nlaricIis euiu 0 0u 0 0 0O0 0 0 0 0 0 " FOR ALL THE NEWS 0F LAKE . " COUNTV, SUBSORSUR FON Tii! c o INDEPHNDENT-41.60 A YRKARPl o00 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 dollar Paid for your zised Cars, M- IPHONE .LIBERTY VILLE 285-J-? ô 0o 0o 0 00 00 0 0 oFOR ALL THE NEWS 0F LAKE a o0 COUNTV, SUBSCR..E FOR THEr o INDEPENOENT-S1.50 A YEAR a 0o0o0o0oo0oc9 00 0oo0o Electric Appliances They add to comf ort at ail times, particu larly in the summer. FPo r i n stance Electric Fans They change the climat e Electric GriUs IYou can cook al meal on Ione of them. Electric Irons You oam une one on the back poroh or the lawn by aupplyimg a cord of proper length. There are manty others in the tamliw of eIet ric devices ail equally efficent. economical in olseration, convenfent. We Bell Them Al Montbily Paymenta Public Service Co.. 0 F N IRTHERN ILLINOIS t meiner t'l.ero t hans>-,.- of ('omm.r,, Highland Park f tien are strucl ban Iii Mrs.Adarm. -F-x was falaliy njiret ir-en kilied inmstantli lem seriousiy burt auato van wrecked lad., by a lismted ti ban line. Mr. Fox i eti deati, but altiri jrrred. la m>w itaa atas O!tir t ragec chafce for Ii-, r-r-c The famlliy vai bang, Imd.. for a tir lirohirer, Georg'. TI anti Park, where t .'mploye 0f (twitiiii rýonran:,. on Thurr Identification vs Mr-. Fors depoàit ire anti Park Trust Kmrt information o! t.r H. Denzei, irresi- Mr. Denzti and ai i-fl Friday nîght 10 bacii ad car-' for "baut. 0 o LAKE Z 9090000113 AR.1HE emean not W the beat athat your ney can buy Sthe Most mplete. Iowa bem vitir te àigiiest quality and reptpc ndradiator age enaniels; stains. hon; metal pairtn >paint and wc :' ttirat cati be hati. Oui' trac a rnd wan 'e thte Save aulrSids. tti Mm.Hilltnn tt«ndedth ie funcra fMr. and %ft- F-i -.Ltgiter., aind Waggon-t andi ciilti - uta: Sonda c-'p-oi 1Yrs. l.rnî-- Crin Valriaratso. mut rite W. C. l'rebt.iSr' Mr. ant i Mu 0 Mr. ant drc.Fred u.itted on teïr n r-c- ..itt 'ttuntia Irhbtrt Lyon- andi c -Iiyvii" amsen,~ rr week. lor. VXltel tVrne ur ber home ta Kiib imbclirg Stait l.- (4, W Mesrs. Hirrn A ( rer PreirtîandulJohin WcM oa a lr.btiztri tî'W3ft an enjoyaitie 1 Map Weggaar c)f C Mrta. S. Herri-n thit Tht Sunday Scher caurb f Barrigtoi rlcac at Spiamner. h 'lb" Junior Bible( getlicai cirurciandi t go on a piuic rtg) El Uir, anti Mr.,. LeRo ,IJL0 dLe il ee Ulms Ad.elia Nortor en4 e BtBarringoa 10r. anti Mr- Ha!. iCiicago for Ivur w lr'andi M rh .. ,tom drore ta litamo Mir, andtINI n, C.' A frientis Saturda - 4atiM rm . Char cLto HigirmantiPt *.WENI &nerai Me~ SlAnE AND FAN4 MATS AND FRED Col AUCTIONI FAIM AND S% A SPECI. 547 NORTH Ci WAUKE PHONE Retvores.câarges ou P. E. tILDE MéXALL GO COUGH ME Poefusv7 Te b fi c IL 1 t il t c t si