CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 14 Jul 1921, p. 7

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TII3 IN FAAULY IN MN. ON FRIDAI Hîgland Park famîily on vaca- tion are strnck by Interur- ban fiumted Mrs Adam. -Fox of Highland Park was fataily injured, two of ber chil- dren kilied instantiy and a third chil lemu seriously hurt Friday when thelr auto was wrecked at Crotheravilih mnd., by a imited train on an Interur- ban Une. Mr. Fox was at first report- .d dead , but altlî seriously fin jured, Io now in a.,hospital near the steme of thý. tragedy, and there Io chance for hi-, recovery. The famliy was driving to New AI- 'i.ny, Ind., foi ;. ilsit with Mr. Fol'a birother, Georg.* They had lef t High- land Park, wbere thp, father was ai emrpioye of Uî1w ighland Park Fuel ý'onqîan:,. on ThursdaY. Identification was made througl Mr. Fors depoàit book from the High. land Park Trust & Savings Bank, Krout information of the accident Came tîî H. Denzel, president ofthie banti Mr. Denzel and a aster of Mr. Fox iett Friday nîght ro hriag the boies bacii and car- for the year-oid In- 4.00000000000000000 0 LAKE ZURICH e 000000000000000000 Ur. and Idr- Henry Thieis ',sted Mr. mtd Mm.Hilîtuan Sunde> and I4tcr tt«nded tfhe tuners! of Fred Glais aL tàr. and %ft- 1rd Kuebuck and ,.Ltughter, juil and4iMes. Arthur WaggKoni-i and (hidrecofo. Barringtut -twn: Suuday rseolug with frîeuds. Yrs. Jam., CUîrwell and son from vt ,sipasso. ld mil i îiling wîtfa Mi. W. C. l'rebat.S Mr. and Mi O Sapel and eun and Mr. and rs Fred Sanel of Chicago î.itted on Iber n -c-. Mes, John Prehm Albert Lyon- and daughter front lÀb ýy v i I I - i p , u lm r ,e d s y ; b e r . . la " , lor. Waliei XVî'ner retten.-d Feîda, ut ber home tu Kfibouruc, Wis, afterý imnig ai 1 là.- , W. Kohl bonte-. Messars. Hiru. A G. Crawford, Wal- -r Prebm antd John Witt of iPalatine woi ou a liâbhaut [ri, Sunday aud ali veaftau enjoyablet ime Map M'gge"r o! Chicago i. yiiting Mrtî. S. Herripu tii week. TI'heSunday Schooi ofthelic apb.lsi unuvch of Barrigton had the anntal iienc kat Spunners Saturday. IMP. Junior Bible Class ot the Evan- Ateal church and their teacher wili go an a picuictob Elgin Thursday. lîr. and Mr,. Lefloy Landwer motor- ,f Alâke Ge.neva Thursae. Ulme Adeila Norton spent the week en4 et Barring'on. W*r. sand Mr- Hafeinan are vtsiting nCbicago for two weeks. ifr'and Mrb W. G. Hartman and ïoie drose to iamond Lake Suaday. Mr, and NMnC. R. Weaver called on A friends Saturday evening. -4d dMrm. Charles Thomas were cati ta ighlnd arkFnfday ly the. *.WENDLAND G«0cExy A"b MARE DEALIftIN &neral Meriuhadis S*AflE AND FAJ4CYGROCMES DRY OD&NOMIME cOM ANS um BATS AND CAPS " OSIER etê.rg 1rodmoeSougk iiiSMi Ph... 10745 ýo L£vu"~ -2 EJmiOi FRED GRABBE AUCIIONEE RING FAiM AND STOCK SALES A SPECIALTZ 547 NORTH COUNTV ST. WAUKEGAN PHONE 2441 R.oe..Charge su dsiaisl P. E. IILDEB RANDI PRIJGGIST MIXALL GOODS AND COUGH ME.DICINESIUj Doie mAsTIde PtUNW C.mFouIHd RIE REXAUL STORE GEAViMs( IIUMNIS 79 IUD9Mf Lmo fPInwzimr ii DAV Il l yvA i A not best youTr t buy Mnost" IMIA. AAn4V . - L. IÀ I7. _______________________à__________à 15VU" SWS iTA death o! 'their daughter, Mrs. Adam Pox and ber two litle girls, aged five M .F R E T and seven. who were kilied lu an acci- MD A I dent In southeru Indiana last FridaY. -IAVrAet tuOrnine Ltwasala. tirasr~re btbta bA A O A E A %vriting he iii in a hospitai nea r the (scene o fîlie accident. They wereon MAN.IS DI<UW1NED thir way te visit Mr. Frorsi brother i .SymOur, Indiana, when their auto. i mobile was struck hy a treet car. The - L5 I . iti daughter two years old escaped ýud I aiPum,îîns n uninjured . ithes. headlong from boat FRED GISS into the water k iFred Glais, a weii known farmer re sding In Ela otwnsblp for the paat 65 Frank l-esik, 27 years oid. o! 3217 yeara, died ai tb. home of bis sou.W.(Chilcago avenue, hardware mer- id Zdwin Gas o Wdnsd July th, chant, Chicago, dled under Very mys- Ir et the age o! 83 years, 2 uonths and 13 terlous circumataucea at Fox l.*ke at el days. Mr. Gias was boru in Alsace, uoou, Suuday. whie he and two r- Germauy, APril 13, 1838, and came to Young women were rowing. tuucountry at the age of 16 years, ilesil, waa rowIng. when suddeuiy with hîs ,ssrenbs. He- made bis bomne the oara droPped and be raiaed bis le it orhfildfor s number of yesrs, bissud Pltched beadioug freon the a iettiing In Ela township. ou bbe farni boast Ne neyer came up aud the vil- 1whicb was hie home for 46 years, H lage authorlllea toda>' are stili lamarrled Caroline Kachlu, aho dîcd lI eeerc hiug for bis body. 'Beptember, 1919. lie icaves to mouru j rhe young womeu with hlm gave àhfi depariore four- daughters--Mrs.t their names as Mies Eva Brown and ilile Howe. Mrm. Auna Sienerth, bath Misa Edua Davideon. Tbilr Chicago o! Highland P'ark; Mes. L. Bauusbach. ereet address was not ieanned. % Weidou. Ill., sud Mrs. A. Feiman, sud elst and bbc two young womeu One sou. Edwiun 4is e!Long Grave. acre giles abehebcNatter holtlat The funeral wasafil-d Sunday fromt the Fox L.ake. [lec was attired In a bath- 'Long Grove church. bbhe1ev. Mr. Kalk îing suit ovèr whfch b. wore a duclt bremmer officfatiug. Iluriai was in thesut Long Grose cemeter'. Great quautifies ut ucar feer are _o'_t befug aold a? the Fox Laeke re 'rfa FBEDîKHEINRY THEIS and cuabomcrs geb bbe kick by apik Frederick Henry Theis *as boru'thî- îug il wltlî ether. Trhere have hecu 125h da> of Amîi. ,1843, ln Hanover. acterai sîrauge deabhs lu bbc take're 3Germn n>,sd dietI Jumy th. 9m gion titis season and tht- ether fa bbc age o! six >earm he came Io Amer - tl Ep hic ave it-i-n indiroctly rn- I les sud bas since muade bis bomeeiluEs ponsible ElKa towushipî He wassUnited lu mar- Ph> sicisa derlari- il iulid be uu niage in 1873 toeljmuie4a k.huItz' whî> ne-essai-, lit drink laige quantîtie, aurs-ives hlmi. Tfirelst. seven years bu IOf êtlmr to pîoduce ftaliresults, il r lias been lunIjour hcatth. About a year1 froduce- palittion ofi the beau,, anti ago be tias oetrtken bya troke a _ îr cae s fi 1Enrson sffficted 'witli whie ut-ver t6talis' pàrafyzeti. ie wass . et'eil pitll rodttr-', ra D ot able Io gel aroedmu- Hs resîults. 17 diiou sei-met Iîo ticimbîrovig îîr t E1An inqu' aý hl-d. TuestIa> sud, i~~~~~~ mts ot.- iuo u>51 î-'t îl-*ie-f iai lieîsk wassafflicteti laîued anobt-r abîsetorî it ral> -i. ant il l, ilad the- verdict was lIai Li itasseti aVa>tîat -eiui< i'g h- w aý,t-izedtlw1h an sttatk of clii- 1. Mourningtis deitaztoit- aretrs w fe. lEiî-î. aud leil oui ofi thE- boast sud Mem. Louise Th-li:. bhre-i- sons Heurwa r' s wi ii td. dFred sud George-; tati dauglîbers,. Mrs VsO I%« MS'IF:RIO'S lil.A'îlf ()l eathilda Egger- sund arnie; tour si, il Essnet until Thursday cilfa'.î ers-Mes. stirdltilhedushrdluu8bri rdf tii-i-k liairlie remamua tif a mari wlic tees--Mrs. Harmeut-ut, Mrs. Lausi. .as-trc Jrtiliil>;rd ai f lant- .4s :r-haisu sud Mr>, Williami Bueacb ei.ns Xtolm a-,î-otrd tng; six graurfîitdrcu. anti many thil Frank i-'ufuer, 3. ycsrs ofd pf Chi renlativt-s.t si;îi 55 di cianed off tht- beach at J. The font-i al ws field Frida,, fron)iF. 1'- oolnrs i tChannel Lake. Feu] f- rht- E'augelical churcl i at ake Zut, uer i-suit- rlitairse wa-ftlîwo roth r icb, andthIe retmains ateelaid ut ceait-iersand tiiiam aont'in a boat tihlug in bbheiLake-Zutrich cemttr>. fie wiftlu i is t5mtiing suit a-heu bathcrs no- he greati> missed b' ma large numberi tîccîlfuoinîacting quet-rI>. but did icol of frleuds. takt- iri seriously. A short w-ite - ----lateî rIme> sa, hlm !ioating ou hi- ooo ,meêos oo.** bac bes idt- bbc boat, adw-ben go 000 00 00 000 00 0 ng t fil, lescue sauk and ee u 1 DM) I EM 0 able to locale himi Witneaaea w-ee 0 00 00000000000000j inabitu lii 5htau> informationa ta t bis deabh as no one eaa bim lease 1 Miss Louise Fredt-nick is spending the boat, It stabought hi- wss over- severai weeks a-lithMiss Syvva Kaiserc -at auketm, iýcorne b>- the beat aud waa desd be ai Wakeia, ~fore neachiug the w-aber. Wili Stcinmiilt-r and fanrîmy of Chiý Nets sud bookis w-cie uâed n bbc cago are speudiug the w-eek aîîh Mr. attemii tu recover bhe body but to and MM. Fred Wagne-r. 1no .aaî and then ou Thurada% tbe, Misses Irene Hertem sud Kabherine yo - loebed ta the surface. Hiroalmua were Grayalakc catiers asat, Monday. 000000000000000000 Messes.lBernard. Adoiph sud Le (>bcnauf sud tbe Miases Auna Scbmitt 0 A N T 10()cHI of Grayaakeand Lifan surma or Gl 000000000000000000 mer enjoyed an auto trp to Me. and lira. McGee eufertained bbcj lsSara,,ituning Suaye- latters sisber, Misa Anu Dudley., o! Chi nfng.cae, iaat week. Ambert Bchm sud famiy sud George Mr. sud lira. Mac Gren of Chicago Obenauf speut Suuday afternoon at viaited severai day. lasi weck with Arlington Heightâ. They wcre accom Antioch friends, Panied home b> Mrs. Kate Honcher, Dr. and Mms. Arthuor Hadlock ai Chi-E who spent te week end wlth relatives cago apent Sunday w-th lina. Margarett lu that viclnlty. Davis.t Mir. and Mm, Ed Wagner sud the Mr. and Mrs. Pet. Peterson autoed Misae, Hiroulmua motorcd ta Palatine ta Kenosha Fiday. flungaY l-ta it Mis MMTaclea Gaister -H4oward Hadloek returned ta Ciliea- af Buffalo Grove, but jormerly of titis Pu Suuday affer apeuding ses erai d2ybs place, who i. conflned lite bo6pîtal w-ph Antioch relatives, there, Witerc site neceutiy underweut Wednesdsy mornung, Juiy 6, tbc- an operatlon. for a&pendicitls5. Ht-r body- of Frank Fenler, aged 35 yeara.t frienda ailb. gladta teknow ahe is of Chicago, was found lu Channel Lake l getUing aioug ver>- nicel>-. sud asa removed to Strangeg under- Ed and George Ohenauf were Mc taking, nooms, wiere an inquest wasi Henry calera Sunday aftennoon. bcid. The 'Sonda>- prevlaus he camei Frank Dorfler and !amiiy of Grays- te the-faake wibh bwa of bis brother, lake spent Sunday afternoan witb the and was ouf' in a hoast wheu suddenly1 former'a grotiier here. the com.uanions noticed b. bad fallen Barney Amaun and famil ai-e et- oi ofbhe boat sud was floafiug oun the waer, but hefore anyone coui tenbainfng reatfves f rou te ci!>-. r.bAile ak sdh.foycom Mir. and Mmdr. Raymond Meyer en- ec ith akadhsbd ol tertained relatives ta Lnrtvle t he fouud untii the foilowiug Wed-1 and Waukegan aver Snnday. utaa- MissElitbehIraez o Chiago The iveather report for tbbc ujofi MisaEmiabett Fetzî~! iiago Jue 1921, waa: Warmet day. 97, ou vlaitin gat thte home o! ber oncle, Fred th -7h ods a,3 bvo h Deinlein. * tt-Itt oda a.3 bv.o b Mondy ftenoon Mrs Lrey tb. There w-as no cloudy w-eatiter AMand ave a bternoo r. Bneni-during lb. mentit. ofbe anugver isBharara. lThoer lather Batîy 0f Chicago w-as al. Sb. o!be nger r. Masdeisa Bllyarbente in gualua curcb last Sunday. caltrnoonMissa deln iroiy spcndluThe funeral o! Miss Maud Wheelock- card. ilkeO ateng Hîronmrid ewaa heid et the home of lMr. and lira.1 lir. Mke benut elu swardd tteJohn Danby ou Frida>- afternoon a! bonon.. Miss Bertha Hinoninjusa s"3 wt ula nteLk:ilacm given tbc consolation award ailler - 30 ihhra nth aeVlacm wbich tic merny-makera gatbered ebery . Miss Witeelocq w-as the eldestt aroud alare dffig tbleanddiddauglîter of lir. John aDrby, w-hoa arpeoustica large ditale sud did taoglit lu Chicago the pait year. Last Mi s ice to the delite appe.Tueaday, Juiy 5, ah.e was oVenated onf choir o! St. Miary's churcb. of whiich iWesmey hospital. Chicago, sud cv-d she îs a memiier, aud w-ho werc ail eryrh lug possible waa doue for ber re- peeseut, with a beautjfui haud-painbed cvr.Ms heokwswl n china cake set. Thase outside thé' chir ai-sorabi> kuowu here, having speut - fît-dd ieene ie-iit iý sunîmer vacations at the home of 'iN olar-euded tîreeue lit-rlîrnother. Mes. arby, sud bas many ~ tîoîîr goltIoit-ceirîtds lier, W-liaexteud aYmPatby te ie sorîoa-ng relatives. Monda', Joly 4tb, occurrecn the- deatha AW.ToO Har% e> L. 'hompaou, 5f bbc age of M IL li , ec76 t-ars. Mr. Thompaun bas been sol- li-inu gwith limb trouble for years. Thte Elutter-ai sers ices wcre beld a! the Oak RidIge cecueter>' at 1 o'clock Tlihrodayn BEST AGE aternein. Mr. Tbnmpsou is ,orvivedd b> bis 1w-o sous. Clyde T., a! Chicago, No rni au Beune tt*s i 1î,, it us-t-r duelut tht- soteni lasyt T Ut -s'j The storim of lasI tbît-m i sîderable damage il ur m,nitl. in breakiug trees. shrubb,- t'i .îîm niug slruck the- churcb s,,,pi.. tkinug of! part of bbc weather i ,t- n-.ttrlauy shingles. A harneaset5 fut.,in Afitepd Hauscu's baru was filutîti]-a(], and ligiltbung îs thought 10îî th. i, au,- Conaiiderable bail'feit hbut diii uto tii 005 damage, sud tht- ram inti tatiti-i deai o! good. Mr. sud lins. James Km-i i and i.N Mrs. Edgar Kerr dean' tuiiiilt-saotaiq Suuday sud speni tht- (tat h %fiIr antI .NIrs. Grace Mitchell. Mes. Pearl Relubacli suif l ti> %Jane uf Chicago art apeuding sarmnî.hwirîm 'tricksmtaish w-ll be heid Angupt ber parents. Mn. aud lirsa jiuats Leon t5bth. ule8s otherwise anaunced. ard. James Leonard sta, lit-Sunîta> LMb>rtandtie s. Wiufisevera dysick t Pictores et lte churcli lavt- ht-tn Lbryil iet eea asl discouiuued for bbc bot uîouihs. A w-.ek with Mes. Feudicks parenis, Mr. Tom Tbumb wedding uder the su d lira T. Straug. ptîc"sof the Sonday Schoot wîll b6 heid Mr.insd IMm. P. Holback a:r,' enter- ai the cburh onu Frida> -eufuig. Jul> taiuin gcampauy f roma Milwaukee. ï9th Titis fa a ver>.- poputsar enterrain- Mes. Margaret Hogan and daughter,j meut. full of fun feoni begiuning to Mary, were lu Wadsw-orth Sunda>'. end. Misses Minnie sud Margaret Caruey1 W.J. Sebora of Wlitiug, tua., v isîî speut Snuday wlth thein parents,, Mt~. cd bis daugitters bene Sunda>-. and-lins. Peter Carne>-. .Mr. and lin. J. M. Cannon drove tae P. D. Carne>- sud w-île entertalned Genos Jonction $otnday. rinends over the week end. Miss Laura Carpenter of Chicago 1 Wells sud the. Meyer Brui. bave apen tb.week end wlbh Mn,. S. M. escli ]est a valUable horselte past Sherw-ood. week on accaUnt o! sun stroke. Tite Mn. sud lira. Frank Nedr and Mr. homse belonglng t0elite Meyer Bras. and Mn,. Fred Hgnmlfn spcn! Sunda> w-as saiued at $200. with relatives aI Fox River Grove. liMrs Ferry of Kenasha l.a pen<iing Next month you wilit hean mare o! e aswt r.Mni agln our Chautauqua, wbicii will lie ield a !wdy lblr.Mni agln Sept. 2. 3 sud 4, and w-blcb la seudlng lins. J. Harringtau and dangitter via- us splendid orograma, musical and ot- îted ber parents. Mir. sud Mms. Heury- erwise. and w-blcb w-l Instruet. enter- Lux over Sunday. tain aud amuse. Be Pnepared ta mec! Elîher "Hooks' or "Spud' w-nsta the committet- ahen tite> cati an yau. 'g*i.' Come au, girls, Une up. (Too Lefe for, Last Week.), M-l a lanet Glyneb of Chleago w-vas ee0Ofo , a week end guest of Mr.andliMr.Paul s G R ATySL A KrE Avery-.a Mir. sud lirs. R. E. Hussey'éenter- 09900 00006 66400 taiued te formers sister sud cblîdren Mrn.ud lira. Grant Luak o! Liberty- C o! Ambo>-, Ili., last week. ville spcnt Sonda>' w-th Mrs. J% E. Mir. sud lins. R. D. lisuzer eujoyed Smith. au auto trip te points i Wisconsin Guy Thomas has sold bis resideuce near Milwaukee, starting Sonda>- and ou Hawley street ta Charles Edw-ards returuing Monda>' lu time-for ftect-le-o!Cca. bration. of Checagodf a mrvdtt Jfohn Crîbb sud sons, Benuje and Wle ofe a mr)e l Harld.w-nt atuda' t Nies Mib. looks of! bu residence witb a coat of Haod. etSaudy eucMe" e a oint. 0 for a short visit w-iit the famlly o! Mr. Mn. sud Mms. Pease and lamil>' bave Cnlbb's sister. Mi-,. Kellogg. mvdfot imt i. etePle 1Mr. and lies. Brampton entertafued smavoaed o Wlansubivs.f h i. w-uet-k hiagerlaivsd. te Edilon Peter William Neahouse and ese. Nio udMs lveNlo anils' have gone ta Michtigani for a ten3 o!s Nuegalson fn Ms turdayNelondays'.«vacation. The Rew-. J. H. BarnettE of Wukean pentfrota aturay illa aslistlng w-th thte publication o! the Nîsunda> with friends bere.,lImes during the editor's absence. How- Mrs. Pnice of Chicago wasa a gucat do you do Il. Pete? o! lte M. S. Miller sud P. M. Hamiin Frank Law-,ou bas sold bis resideuce familesove theFouth.on Lake Shore Drive, sud alîl mave Aiieudaic Sctîoot held ls commence-teBcanMh.inheerfur. ment exercises on Monda>-. .uly 4t.110 Bochaoan.icago inli te ner utrof sud made it liie-occasion o! a sort oa!tMn. 5w-cto! Chaca a h oyro famil>' reunion. lian>- oflils former lite Ae.yDuewsbr i boys w-ee Ihere. lunches wen. ,erved Toronto, Ontario, Canadra. A-prit 14, snd a apleudid time enjoyed. 1850, sud dled et WaUkesba, Wia.. on Mir. sud lirs. Putuasin eterfaiued july 6, 1921. -Site w-as manried ta Ste- frieuda i-tom Texas laialweek, the- Heu- piten A. Droce Navemiier 16, 1878. and dees,-w-ho foriîeriylilved itere. for inu years lived at Druce Lake, Il., on a !arm. After thte deatb a! Mr. OOO OO OO O Oooa ove Droce, tiireen yeans ago, Mrs. DrUCe 0 W ADSWO RT H tmo e thîs village. wbene site bas OOOOO<OOOoOOosince resided' Mrs. Druce wasa wO-m F.6. L--ca-nitw-if. entertaiued Mi. Loeas's, st-r from Chicago .îor s few ulys. .Mrs. Ma-> Iilleti o! Waukegau cati- cd ounIers. C. E. Wiuter ist Sonda>'. The Young Ladiies' Sodalit- of Si. Patrick's cfmmrcb will boid th-i- an. nual festival otilichurch iaw ues- day, Jul>' 26i1i. lira. J. Scheiuer Of Wilmette la vis- iling hi-r grandipareufs, Mir. sudli.nrs, J. Cabtuore. Mn. antI Mrs. N. Bomw--of Russe]] spent Suda> witiî M. E. Lux sud family- W. sec by tflic Waukegsu L.ocais- o! last we-k's ludepeudent that J. Bartîîtt sud Misa lunule Graham mo- tored mbt Wisconsin. Have a gaad tIme? A dance w-ftl be given et Wadswortb Juiy 15mhb b> "Hooksand Spud." The Kenosha 5-piece baud w-lt furniait the music- Wimiami Hqydecker sud family o! Wankegan viaibed w-itb thieir aister, Emmua. sud brother. Adolph, Sonia>'. The annuat renion sud picuic of St. au o! sterling qulilfes, a f irn Chris- tIan, sud, as one frieud expressed II, "oui> ftose w-ho knlins. Druce inu bimatel>' realiZed lbei' atrngîh ofchar- acte" Hec lfe w-s ana inspiration te ail wifh w-bom sie came lu contact. Site leaves Io mouru lier loqs anc daughier. Mi-s. G, W. Thomas, a ft'W otiter relatives and a boit o! !ieuds Fones!i services w-ee lel'Friday ai 2 p. nut tramn tht-resideuce and ftlacM. E. churt-l. Burfal at tht- Oivate famlly cemter> at Dnixce Laike. The R1ev. E. M. juddtIo!ficiated. Kenostîs is ta have a ut-w-$tfîtt Knightfs o! Columbus building. It w-l!l he erecled at the corner of Mar- ket aud Chicago streeba. Aithougit plans have aiready bt-en submittd, others ihave been catied fer. Tht- structure, il Ios aid, aIlble anc o! lte filuct lu Kenosita, Work ls elc- pecf cd tf0le commeuced late thts feul or canl>- next aprnug. Racine la mIsa to have a new K. of C. building. A campaigu ta rai.. fonda w-as stanted, but w-heu the depressIo - came on w-as poitpoued until mater ou. Lxorrr & Myzas TomAcco Co. (Officiai Publication) Rprtft1he Suctiti..mof Ilate D§Mkof rite Zurkb [ocated et Lake Zurich, State of Illinois, et the. close ot business on *a 30th day of June, 1M2, as made ta the. Auditor of Publie Aee«ouêmi atate oVi1linoia. pursuant ta law. y IIEUOUECES 1 Lo0ans and Discounts................................................... U,UoS a I2 Overdratte ............................................. *'"*«**..... 3 U. S. Goverament Investrnents.......................................1;# 4 Othor Bandsanmd Stock.............................. ................... 6 Banking Nous, Fuftituro and Fixturea ..................... 7 Dueoftrm Banks, Cash, Excbanges, Choc"iand Colleçtian& .. .%2Q 9 Custoniri' labiity eount of Accoptanou...................... WIW Total Resources .....................................81 fl 1 Capital Stock ........................................................... 2 Surplus ......................................... ..... 3 Undivided Profit. (net) ............................................. 4 Deposits............................................. i.i................... 11M 6 Rouerve.... .................... Total Laljia .. . . . ... il A. J. Crawford, Cuhir of the Stato Bank of Lake Zurich, . U I gwear tbAt the. above statemunt in truulto the. boit of my knowlodge and illit. A. J. CmawwoaDC4shS.. SrATE 0F 1LLINiNOs)ss Cout aorAnI. ,r Subacribed and oworn ta betore me tua 7th day af July 1181. E. A. FIcKr, Notswy Public (Official Publication) Rsgmseof1the .suuitIs of £Ate Uilula Cru adi $mou am Located et Lake Villa, StateofaiIllinoi,'at th . clofaibuahosce Mh dyufJuneIMas made ta the Auditer af Publie Aeemoa f RESOURCES S Loana and Discounts................................................... 9,1@ o 9 Overdrafta ........................................................... u14 3. U. S. Governmont Investmenta .......................................iB 5 Banking Rouse, Furniture and Fixtures .............................19.184lu 7 Due from flank,Csuh, Exchanges, Checksanmd Collections u..... trà 1 Total Resourcea ............................................... ..........plM8 LIABiLITIES 1 Capital Stock ................................................ ..........* 2 Surplus ... .-11........ ............................................. ll 3 Undivlded Plrott. <(net) ............ .....................................,n 4 Deposits ......... .................................................... 117, 11 5 Dividends Unpaid . . .. ...... .................... Total Liabilities............................................. ........ 1. F. M. Hamlin, l'resident of the Lake Villa Trust and Sav 1ing' solemnly swear that the abtîve statement iî true to the. best'ai my o and belief. F. M. HAuLi Présient .TATE 0F ILLINOIS COUNTYO0FLAitE. fl-' Subscribed ani satrn t,) lofîre nie this Ilth day of July 1921. D). Ricis MAz£a. Nôtary Public. 1M Theodore M. Durit, Prosîdent W. B. Smlth, Vice Psalise F. W. Churchill, fsorétary and Manager. TELEFIIONE 81 SECURJTY11M£E & TRUSTC. ANWMCYS OF TMILE - 1T115 GUAANTM Capital: $1 25,000.00 WAUUGA - .-r 't ýti the y and idiator stains, painta .e :' e hod. 1 warnt 1IGOL ar Pa id your cCars, 1PHONE 'VILLE 285-J-? THE NEWS OF LAKE a SUBSCRIB1 E FOR THE r. OENT-S$150 A YEAR o 0oaoo o Electric ppliances dd to comf ort at es, particu lar ly in mnmer. Fo r i n Electric Fans -hange the climat e Electric Grille n Cook al meal on ne of them. Electric Irons a. une one on the wroh or the lawn ýpIying a cord of length. r. many aChes in the fj eIctric devices asi tffiient. economical in nf, cOnvenfett. Bell Themi All kthly P ayments Service Co. 11 2RT1IEIN ILLINOIS Lorraine Quinn of Waukegau aDent éeverai days last week w lb AntiochI Mr. andIlis Georgý. Ilëilier and damKeetL Q W-R ize Y tt<t5friandajnl'a this village te past wttý-k. Mns. S. E. -Meaba anti .son, junior, returned to their home in i'hicago Sat- or two with Mes. Margari.î tDavis. Mr. Meaha came out Thursda:. aud accomn- pauled them back boni- Satueday. Mrs. Clara Turner ha- returued to bler home ber., alter 5!it-nding severai months witb- relative,, in ealifornîa. Harry Carlson,. pastot- )f ,a Iýaoît. E IEnwhma,. O Ne@ya hn citurch at Chicago }leighîî,s. soke at MRNC e isa4 RA vrdytit the Sunday School servit-t-- at hlickory Point. Shaw's Subdiviafiiu, Sunda; SiEPPED OUT of the hinoe. LIKE A good draor. Monday mornlng occui red thedeatb WMISTLING LIKE a blrd. ON ONE*of hase amokes. of Mrs. Thomas Wilton, an aged reqi .. dent of thîs place. Aboîut a vear ago e. WHICII ALARMED yoting wlfé. THAT SATisPV. she was moved te, the hoim0f lier soun- James Wilton. ho he car etifoi-.lunthe ESPECIALLY WHEN. WHICM CERTAINLYare. meantîme. ber son Jaines ieid, sud SEF ,Dsê'Ipre H RA id;pj since that lime she bas bfît-eenderiyS> .NDs .ipekd TH E . ldsel cared for by his vidot ut- îs sur-T WOO akg.FOR MAKINO ruen. v ied by bhree other sou, lfiliaurd WVîl * ton, Loon Lake; Eugeni- Wlon, of AND INSTEAD or oatmeaî. TRULL THEIR pimetfor JOY. Lake Villa. and Arthur %X îl:on of Ke- A lE . n irle,. 80LDE..fhby nosaa:aiso seven grsutlchildren, be. A GIE hlbitetl 0LAESifhb. sides a host of frlends, whîî aie. lefî to G OES AWA;Y whistling, Ionhr18.0iur ox ek BUT DON'T thilnk frou titis. Funersiafao o 'clock îintslmaft THAT EER;gy .YOU NEEDN'T worry. ernoon at the bouse. AI8SWELLý. Rcv. and lira. Pollock enterltaiued VOU H AR wh's.~bg feipudg rfom Chicago oit-i Sýuuîav. MAS NECESSARILY. 9)0000000 Oo OOo BEEN RBBINÇ thte canary. ~~E yoU sa>! that Ch«.. 900099000VILLA 000 OTHER THINGS Inspire.. whistling. Yuko-h n Mr SuMirwrs.F.M.Hiauiln "Iau st tHoLMS ntsi ae baccos in it are of prime se- NrIay SO MiirwceCicOt;lVîtil tirolign h!le lis. lection, both Turkish and Do, h'riand JhynaTO .B.OW .* i estic. And the hleid-well, pleauder Jhano a tiar-.- AND MAKE shirll noises. Yau neyer taated such smootb- umassuger cal.ness and full-ftavored body! Ne Miss ina.Kellogg of NiLi ît A RAIS!, for elamp!o. wonderth Sifybed b sîtdur b omrfi~ n i OR A dyofwe.kcpt secret. If cat be copk&d Frank Daube was a4 i.,i'î.. A DOUBLE header i ta o. Ae 6.reiPoe.. 7 01,-i* Saturday aud. Suntlty . -il

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