CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 21 Jul 1921, p. 2

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1w iîmRFTvVfll iN J Mnvruli rTHIPqnAV. IL.Y 21.1921. ~LL 1W'.> **JLé 8.dIIJLSS** aeL~~ aWaa .aw.a .... ... - . "TR'OUBLE" 15 JOF PAULES MIDDLE NAME, HtE TROWS fourth Lake resort keeper has, his auto attached in local L;e~ garage -, -1 ýLJe s jmioneif'('UI t roceeding I latter anoher tor .loe Paule. Iscprie-1 throfiMre l'lace àt Fourih Lake, * According to the alors t oid by Wal- ter-Piquette, Waukegan garage mian ta Justice Marr' Haoyt, before whom the camPlilnt was sworn. Harry Lund, of Waukegan cnnsigned a car to Pi- qUette ta be sold. Piquette was in- formebI by Paule that he could seil the car for blm to a fellow at Fourh,Pquette permtted Paule to téke the tar. Several weeks, later Pal aid Pquette that the car had *been stolen tram hlm in Chîc-ago. Pl- quette dlaime Paule refused to seie. i jXmntime Lund gat judgment ig"ult Piquette, whch the latter bau bug mUaIiIe ta »Y7. ptqlttt t iWII O'rldy that Paulte'a M letr Was in QUrI FIMk*'ebirttE. auWater streeti 'lot repairo, go he hadm t ltahmeiat I M olit igabhat bath Flcke and IWW. ho S etion éMaittheiifor- * m l~a mriy ta prevent PIck. tram SIUI18Im<t agrae the car taken bisposséalo.. Pàie., wbe bu been coêvlcted sev- eue tiares eta Charges of vlolating the txMqohbiry law and lias several other éieilu: agatust hlm and bis Cldain% ta b. al much persecuted *m uansd that bis wfe 'le likewlse a oei f cireratances. LAEVILLAo Mr. and lirs. Biziord and children &M Mdr. and lire. Watson attended the eâhAbtIon at Grant Park, Chicago, oDe Ay tiIs veel. --7%de s' PAd Socety met iîh Ev.. Vrbes t Fox Lake thîa week, *Wedesday afternaon and :njoyed:a Wee present. Mr. ud-Mrs. Corson drove ta Rock- tord Saturday atternoon and mient un- t! Sunday eveninx wlth relatives ini Omet City. Miss Harriet Miler bas a new car. lirs. Will Hucker la tmprbvlng slow- ly fritm ber rbeumatîsxn, but Il seuh cooafled ta ber bed. The chidren af the Sunday Scooal »»d eaady and popcorn lest Saturday aitenoon ite park for the benefit et Me mismoaary fondi. Jack SIah -and faniily are lvng ln te»UWW for a time ln part of wbat la kàa s Urs. Rowllug's bouse. ,The Tom Tbumb weddlng, under the quupies o tbe Sundayfitchool viiibe Sivex at the churcb Tuesday evenng, August 2. This is an entertainmti f1I~ gis un by 1111e folkrs entirelly, ands OlaE EU E s'ure taeîleaae ail. ~I hcg E E A E Nfrs. Jantes Ker then hiag firs th ekta see her new grand- TO STATE FAIR j da3. Jl> 17, and te dalng nîcel>'. SCBOOL NÀ14ED Myrie and Francis Daube entertain ]- vd torts' 11111e iriends last Frîday 8ti iheir l.ottt at a double birilhday l'arty Ray Paddock, chairman of M.adMca tHerbert Nelson w-cu Supervisors, and Supt. T. Ch1icago visilors la Frida>'. A. Simpson select four The Townshipt Sunda>' Seîtool con- Nention will be ht-d at Millbucn Con- - gregalional chureh church next Sun liav Paddock, of Wauconda, ch-air- mtan 0f the- Lake Count>' board af da3 afternoon at 2 oclock. This cait, ýuPer%*isors andi T. Arthtur Simît- prises Antioch. Lake Villa. Milburnis ,cuk meinedntof achoola, andi Hickory churches. andi a gooti de)-1 Monda>' tiamet the four Lake county egation shouiti b.'presetrin rooeacb. 1 boys wbo 'wli ha daiegates ta the and a belpfnl andi insairing mieetig ita1 36 State Pair schonl 'et Springfield, planned. ita be belti turing te late lr. Au- Mr. and lira. Herbert Nelson enter- giet 19 ta 27. taîneti Chicago relatives over Sunday. i 'fThe detegater natieti ara Armbhe Msser Ruby andi Mabel Falch bav je.Shwah.rtzîraubler, of Zian. Leslie returti feino DeiCalb Normal Seboal, uth ah of Fred Worth, af New- where they took the summer course. pot townshîp; Haroldi McClure, 46n A conmuunty pie under the ana-_aIr William McClure, ai Ournee, anti pices ai tht Sunday School and church Arthur Straker, son ai G. D. Stroker, wlll be beld ini the grave back of tht Waucontia. galf links an the secand Saturday in Upan their return freim the achole Auguet. Plan tg atteDd anti enjoy thet the tisiegates wil repart ta the su- Li '.Pt :-. , pervîsors the ceuts of their training. Mfr. MecCIskey andi a Company <Of The* couni> pay's the 5xJttDseo ai the baya camped In athe wôoadsnear Petit&I ~ -~- ..' -" L«eethe fini o« tht e ee. ,lira. Hooper lies bidi Butastitis 60 0000 00 00000 mautb ber sister, lira. Glmare. o! 0 WAUCOUDA 0 Siaux Clty, anddlber brother, vite and *Oooooooooo o 000go daugterai Cilcgo.Dan Meyer of 'Chcago spent the 00000000000000000a veeh tetiai bis haone bere. Henry Maman, Jr., spent several 009oo00000008000 lire. D. H. Murphy returneti ram lira. J. Ç. Smith is number among Chicago friday, where ahe visiteti ber (bose an.ibe sich lest. sister. lMr. Jack Ford. for several MIWjs eqwEWhlt retunrned - Prday 4ff.e framn tht ChICaÏa hespîltal. At resent - MIE. 3'.N- Zlm rMr.1U Scht ase le dolng nicely. fer anti Mca. J. R. Knox aoflicHency The Commercial Club vil! t o ~vîsîtetiat tht home ai Mr. andi Mca. next Friday afternoon wth lira. C. F. Plmmeti. Geary Tuesday evenlng. Wedel. Misses Valda Bumnp anti Frances vw Kent ai Chicago aient the week andi lire. Dora Ford ai Prairie..Vew' ai their homes In aur village. tht gilea aiflira. Harry Rlcb. Mr. and lirs. John Daley, Jr.. and lira. A. L. Straît anti lra. Davis ai son, (rthùr ai Round Lake, vert ta-i Chcago visîteti t tht Wili, Kahler ers in aur village Sunday. home Monday ai ibis week. lire. Carton was a Chbicaega visiter lir. and lira. D. Veebtizen and son. Monday. John, are esenlng tht weeh vîth Bar- lira. Lut-y Clough. lira. Hallock anti abao, Wle.,. frlende. 4 rn. Natuile Straihpe vêe Chicaga vis- Mrs. G. W. Thomas returnet i wth itors Monday. bier siter. lire. Witxnan, ta Winnipeg, lir. and lira. John Atnanfl of Vola Canada, for an exttndtd visît. and Me. anti lre. Henry Herbes ni lites Alice Strang vas a Waukegsn Chicago avent Suntiay at tht home of veiter Tuesday. Henry Malman. RIme Stîhitsandfamiy ar entr . E. Malman ement the tiret ai tht tanilr. ti lia.d alt r n-wer tk I hcg ttending (ha GUI- taing M r.îand . ate tickîts bransen scbaao l nstructiaii, anti the operatian and construction of the GUl- lira. A. Shulander returnedtu'ta IS brasen Player Plana. home in Joneeville, Mlch., Monday, Tht OUlbraeen company is (ha iarg- after apendlng tbret weeks wltb rela- est manufacturer of player pianos in tives in Grayslahe. the varld. Mr. liaiman le their local lira. Chants Scroedtr gave a party re»reseftative. Molinda yafternaan ta a number of lîttle lire. Jerusha Hill Fard veIS bora lu tpeople la hanor ai the fourt b brtbday Starhey, Steuhen county. New York, aio Master George Schraeder. July 11, 1827. ant iett at Wattcanda COMMutation -Ratesi -017 The Nortth Shore Uine Between Li*bertyv'ille & Chicago 25 ride ickets, good for any member of the family., inlcuding w'ar talc - - $16.20 10 ride tickets, including war tax - - -$7.50 25 ride tickets te other points en the lino, 21c per mtile. l ic P« mutie. 1000mue boéas o.d t. ail P.ete, includig wurti $27.0 North Shiore trains operate to and around the -loop of the Chicago Elevated Rallroad, convenlent to al theatres, department -stores and hotels, and connect wlth Elevated trains to ail parts of the city. Cluctago North Shore.& Milwaukee R. R. IIErTVILL TICME OFFICE AND PASSENGER STATION lIIONE 74. July 9, 1921, et'the agp. ai 94 yefr8i April 30, 1846, ehe married Stebbln A. Ford. and the>' started tufe an a farto mn Ela township, luis county. Seven chîltiran were hum o this union. tiiree, hiavlDg diedwhen youing. Four survive. -Morris, WiNman. Mary andi Nellie-- all beina UIesent at lthe beds ide'of their. agei matherajth tnte' ai ber dt-ath. J Mca. Ford was one t iet-pionears aof Waucontia, anti foc years was one oft 1lie Moast active ladies in Itle affaIra QOf tht- cammunity. always taking an act- ive part In the faplist chu-cii and tht - aunday school woî-k. *Of laIe >'ears.j baweve-.abe nmade hliant.'omewlth daughter. Mrs. Erskine Qaks. of Chti- caga, andi only allant the sumnier hiera. She vas a vomnan of cemarkablt char- acter. ber sympattîy. assisttance ant I n- fluence far gooti during the earty day a In ibis village la î,rit-elssI rt-sure toa ber, memary. . 00000 00000000000001 oo 0 AREA e 000009900000000000 lire. Chaci ji~uebkt-r, Jr., ai GraYs- lake mitent Tme,$day with ber paren ts, Mr. anti lire. yrd Vpelker. 1 lire. J. C, Portier vas a Wgultegan visitor Monday. Edna Rouît i ail! wlth mUDIPS. Mir. anti lrs. John Roug eft it.1 Thurstiay eveniag for a tva veehi' trip thcough Yellowstone Park. Irving Payne la asstlag In the booik during tht absence af Mr. Rouas. Several irain Ares attendeti tht Long Grave flunday Schaol ptnle lasttfiun- day. Joseph Weakley is reporteti as betng aerlausly ill. Fiorence JohnsoniofaiUbertyvIlle spent Tueatiay vlth Mr. anti Mcm. Guet lieteer. --Mlaa.iDorutby Holcamb eccompna -y brahr4fSaturday- -or motar trip through thteeat. They vil! visît several places; ai interest. Towneend Smith anti Etiard Sav. Sch matie. a busines tripu la Chicaga Tnesday. The Misses Dciii Cook anti Louise 1Ransomi lefi Sunda>' morntng for De- Kalb, vhere the>' wilt take the Ieach- ere' summer course. Alice anti Malviti Suttie, wha have been spending the pisai veek wtth Liheir aunt, lirs. W. J. Williamns, re- tUrnet Iot their hiane in Glenn Ellyn Sunda>'. Miss Viola Wells lias cesigneti ber position vilh bhc Chicago Telaphone company. Mr. anti lic. E. Wilcox weîe gucets ai Chicago relatives Sunda>. Carolyn Kublank is spendin ga few tisys vltb relatives aI Highland Park. Misa Bernice Wlteatan pi Wbeaian le spendlng a iew wacks with Mir. anti lira. R. D. Coak. Mca. Datuan Holaies anti son Erwin 1lait Friday morning foc Peakshîli, N. Y., where (bey wiiljoin Mc. Halmea. ia olait saveral tisys ega ta lake a position ai that place. aTuteda>' afiernoon several asembera ai the Girl Scouts hikedti o the Swan school bouse, vhera they vtre joined' by saveral of the meinhere af the Grayslake Troop. Tht girls enjayeti a picnie stipuer, tutti hiketi bat-k (o theîrJ hsomes. frg. Il. rD. Cook and Mrs. T. Smith' anti MIsABeih Cook entertaine t l Misses Etina Shepherti. Louise Ransani Bernice tVheatati, Mca. Hazal hllh nu anti NelIeIJ.'Sitit Fritlay -vcnlng. .0 IV AN HÙ ai 000000000000000000 Mrs. Rod Dunn has been e'ntrîain ing a ýster and hu.-band the ',artt week. Mrs. Cectie Beach was called tu' Gary,. nd., Tu.'sday on account of th. t iliness of her son, Fred. 1Miss ('arrie patizer of Gages Lake. sient Stnday with the' honme folks. Miss Fisher of Area attendeýd the Ladies' Cemetery meeting at the- church Thursday. Mrs. ('harles Chasmbertin fl iAiea visited at the J. L.. (hamberlin home t Tbursda:. . The supper and dance gven by St.1 ilarys church of FremoDI was attend- Pd by a large crawd and was a succes sociaiiy and flnanciallY. L)rs..S. Dol»h af Ares spent iast Wednesday with relatives bere. Mca. Frank Proctor, whd'baa llant te tast eleven years in Calîfornia, vis- ied her sisters andi calieti on friea in this vicinlty aset week. Mtss7es Emma and Rtiby Kuebkeri were Iliertyvîlle callers lianday.ý The choir had a moonight plcnic ai l)iiitond< Lake Friday evening. They Itatia- wetner roaat andi serveti ice creaut and cake. Al report à toast eajayable evening. There will Do choir iractice ibisj weehi on accout of the Chatatiqua at Libertyville. SaDdIIy School inext iSUndaY at the usual hour. Subleci,."Pau) Begins Hie Ministry.' Regular cburch services li Il a. m. Subject. 'The ExamPit Of Jesua." a0o00o00o0-a00a0000000000 O 0' GUREE 0 00000000000000000000 Mrs. s. E. Lana of Chicago spenut(he week endi with the Howard family. William Waabburn speDi, Frlday in Chicago. Mrs. Lake and the Young Ladies' Bible elass spent Saturday at Ravînla. They witnessed an excellent Perforto- sUce of *The Elixer of Love." Miss Emma Studer of Waukegan: spent thé. week andi visiting Gurtieel f riends. The Viking Hanme bas a -ulithoua" of vacatianers. 1Leslie Uaines andi Miss DOrothY Voit mjloredto.taLakte Gen eva iSunday. M iss Evalyn Feniofi bas aCrtPted a tnositioti as bookkaelVei wllh a (*hica,-o 1iiru. 'W'~adsworth îcimmied Gui ue in a exciting hlase bail gatule Sunda«>. 'lhe! coe wsIl ta 8. Tht-ce was an exhibition of-the wock; dune bs (htý. sommuer achOOl students' ai the glammar echool Saturday after- *11 nam:tIla t qurim+siflg la lin.) îhiat- 81, mIù.o4wa » 121moe ticen. The ConituniiY Oves mut-h ta Mir. Slanghter for carrying on this suc- cessitil vork. Mise Fr-anr" Young aIof i' gos visitin ghi« gi.îidlarents. Mr i. d lira. Keel. litas Marjarit Muta abttetdeti a thea- ter part yin Chicago) Wedntsday. Tht part>' vas given in honar aiflic. anti Mcm. Gîie hual. LAIT NONTH. o abut. WITI- THE boys up homte. 1 SPENT a nlght. ALONE UN thet aId. HAUNTED I-bUSE. AND WHEN 1 heerd. MOANS AND groane i SAiiD "Tht la At40 TRiK; a l e. i I4AR rppingo. ,AND SAID «Rate.» AND ROLLEO vr THIN I huard atapi AND IN the. Ught. 0*Adylagman A WH11RE poh raS.. 1 WAsNT uusup«4-murh. BUT DIDNý' test »1j BUT TH1 NI anbl DU&? A fta l vhm 0O' A familier. AND DELICIOUS ef WI4ICN TIPPED me off. 80 t gave tht ghoat. TH4E MORSE laugh. AND BAUD ..r. YOU FAT guya. MAKE ;U4 ghoste. BUT BEFORE yau fada. LIAVE WUTH me oO 0F YOU; cIgarettes, TNEY SATISFY." C(mnsfill e e i ideI anywboer.-fe the Chetefi blond Jimu&».oIWive blenti. h caat b. copiei MAr, laugitter. togeilipr vitit Alvin' lMia4labet Schaubcî ot Wanea Necaif, Charles Brao andl Mautrice spat Thursday atib ih air home.* fluxon. ient Saturuta> <ris ing to Burt lire. James Sneo-sby -péUt Tuesta>d îngbon. Wls4. anti allier l,.ints utoii-rthe h- ibr aii fr M 'Polack. .-at in thai tecc-itor3. aj Round Lake. inuthecu of childiet in tht- grattittar o o aoaoaoaoaoaoao *aoa a e achool î-cmemher tht- hot lunches tfur o FOR ALL TME NEWS OF LAKCE0a the conîlng ycaî. lit, raqu.'st' thei tou' o COUNTY, SUBSCRISE FOR THE e cati ait l are v.g, ablee anti put theni aoNDEPENDENT.-41.50 A 'EAR o. asida for scitool lunches nwxt faim. ;a 0 a a o 0 0 a a a o a o 0 a I . .- -. New Prices on Titan and International Tractors *NWow Lowest Ever Quoted EFFEIVE imrnediately, we make anothe r big redut in the prices of Titan and Interna- tional tractors. These reductions wipe out ail former advances and place Titan and International tractora at the loweat prices at which tlaey have ever been aold.: Titan 10-20 $900 This is the lowestj>rice ever quaîcd on the Titan, canal ering tht qu meut now included (formerly nod eltru). Up ta]Match af tii, eux the. prie. wa $1.200-today il in $900. At thie figure t he T itana 3-plaw tracte? ia the beat value in the. fara pover field. ,Il SERVII Lc Front youi tobusineus Hammom St. Louis M'inncaq. of other c .Think' when but Go ake tance. f way and 1 THE FOR FÂCIA. SCALP 'rRL Effcient For A Tollet F'rep a OFFICES a Over Reardon 60 ride »uddthy,,'commutatin tickOts, International -8 -16 $900 thunhepnce u hî Chte 16 .old prar to ath Iai=a i.T le new fre is tii j. v t awibîaever soldTben.wpriceincludenalthe nec,. eau"p cquapment-p6imr, enaes governor, beit pufley-ieatureswhich muthe pasdfor -z a p se tractera The lma atonaI 15-30 Las been -redwmAd to 81,750-owcr dm nit bau ever been belom .Tihe a who needs a 4-plow tractor cannet find a better investment dian the. 15-30 at " apsâce. -(AjIprices f o. b. Chicago.) Consierng quhty., power. equippéa and tii. service wiiich follows cvery mmcbie. TMtn and Int.rmatianl tmacersat taenag Log pnies arc anquatouKbLythe. butfbu in us tii actor amarket. .As tii.. prices have been, made r.gardes of manufacturing costs, we do flotgaaranteeto> uamntin tham..-,-. Tii... ptioes certaWny justiy the. îmmediate purchase of a tractor. Put ii at the horse-killing work of hot weatiier plowing, and your fail and winter beit work. See our tmactor deada for'hall information on dalivanaés and tanna. 1NTrgRNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY, H Ou. F At4ERICAUS 92 ernhHbs nd 15,000 Dealers itie UWtod Statua' i- ý ima ~ qmwà% .1, goy WINS IN 1 RACE TIEN,1D John Miler, aged Sdeath near the Nc . cago water m John Miler, aged 15 ad lre. George Miller Nocth Chicago, vas onf who attendeti the pit-ni tional Envelopi' comm Park Tijurea aflrn üther ao~s badl afg Incluto and pacticipâtéd in events, wlnning second bicycle race for boys. Shuarti> thercaiter. ah ha vent ta the lako it ortiar tQ cool off anti te sfiter tht- arduous task (bat lie vas tireti atid vwater witelaIn s beatec what seeme ta ltavetiha of bi _ drowning short)>' entereti the vater. for others not fer avay. t 4110Wn babyw the surfs. came uit. Hia body vas flot re -about 2 1-2 hours lat Breen brought Il up ani toc tata ta cevive hlm i farts of Dr'. Butdae and lungmotor ihat hati bai the 4cetie wticn te d Irepocteti. Th-,- fet that Young 5 eut cary far In the wali gonabi lte conclusion probably exhansteti b> efforts in the bicycle ri ahI>' was wvItlcaîtacti dî.nly coilapse in lb.' % Harcy; Kapîti, a bc tamu-agAand tison ai )au tailot at 'North (hicaz Miler go tiown anti trie aid bowever. thé vater and finly by tha tinti>' the mobor (bat Kamlin train drovfling anth iF Miller. Tht- trage.J> haîuîo-nf-u lie North Chticago watý la tht- tiretto ~oîu'ît tis .y-ar. Jh. Saloa. eat28, y Helmhotz avenue boartiu - *owneti in Morraw p Usuk 'egan Fritiay- aller -, lIo, vho couti l ot s watiing about in tht val The water vas up ta ftak another stel> andi

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