CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 21 Jul 1921, p. 4

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M 11EBRTYVMJLLE eW«, TIJMSAY. JJLX'21, 1921. Libertypille Independen t WOU M *th Peatoffle t lbety"li..II *as Second ClaisMail Matter. W.J. eMillE !Editor *àê SMlE.~-.-.----.- **.**.- - .-.-.-Manager IA.D. NALLEY ... ............ ...... «...... . Local Manager SIMPATEYTFOI P]OIR JOHN. à paper in the conuty prixted a communication lait yack lunvWlùch a iu vriter sougit tu chastise the Sui and Indepondent for referring to *e VeXe nil-ride incident in coniecton wth the death o John Richard- *-m,4 huabad of the woman viho wu iasdden au the rail. The conmmi- mat eemed to ttu in t was terrible te think that "'Poor John shouid be e somW iti the affair even à <eth" aid depiored the lack of juid msaten the part of the editor of ti paper ini permtting such a roter- ibn te a hitorical meant tu appear wthi his columis. The commuai sig.emne doubt wau wntten by one viho wuasà sympathy wth the offend-a 'us Sa th ndl-iding affair aid no doubt ho or ah bus roma for wlmh- bg te bave that isidet burici ai deep it could nover be revivod. bit that in impossible, for, it vuoiseumai, teo seamsational B thiug le pès withvat the thoughts or romembrancem ot the public. The smni pm*y dlaplayedd by the one who write the commuiotien, exrouod for ýebSa tesrstaaed words, wu sot show hlm t the time those w ae *@i Km Na.Lioharimon trom bis ide on the porci of hie store, he h.- hg ouble te previt their mt becaum e howa helpIe. u B a heel chair mi d mumely to lokeito as they carriel her off on the ril; tiare wa4 nM suptàq that night for him mr for th. vite. 1 -heorefoe othe olicitude showsIn 1r. lRichardson at 1dm deth, in cou- dumimg word. beause his pang reciled the noterions cmame arther8 munmpueus. la deat he needed ne mpmpthy. The time bho Dmiel -t was vihen, heipleu a b hiug a paralytic, h. vws forced te uee th.e oen usM hbm vife avsy and oWmet her-yet his pion fer mercy vere un- hàded that ugt-ad, thtat el t iught via, the th& g vihick aven- tnflly broigbI4 the eparation of REhardaon and him vif e and ho diedi dmu. Who knows, Rad not tRalrail-ride incident taken place, Johi lenarue anad hic wife mighl even nov h. niuming lie littie store t 'Voleutented as possibe aider tRie circumatancesanat lent gettirng efilwlt aiusd, vie fiud ho bu as ned liote Great Belend aid thie wife ba aite h. Sa the weat,fer avay frocs the humd aItichetino h. need- u eremU. Criticim iot- thoa who roter te th. Vola afisir lm matrai là amfrrdmore it lm sot h.youd lhe point et reamon tiat lie viomai aid thiids iuut buried but te critimie titi péper fer rerriig te il at liaord@'a deti aid do it in tie guise et sympathy for poer John mid hic buory a ratier Scfonguu-ihardoi and hisMIMemrydo mot M&a. smPatiY nov-iSadat-liey îeeded it on Ihat veentul iget ubea menwS vsaovnid ie. mà WE HAVE JUST. RECEIVED HRTSHAFFNER &MARX Fanl and Winter Une Of -Samples &Idet MAfansu e Pladd; -And with the. International and Mark G. Harris LUne of Samples1 We are in position t0 Suit you as to quàllty and price. The. samples are ail wool aànd 1WE GUARANTEE A FIT E. W. Parkhurst LIBERTY VILLE I 1A Message for the Man ( of the Family. -Stay at home some- Monday mor- ning and get 'acqualnted - wlth wash-day. Rub and scrub and wrlng and lutt scores of heavy, rsteamlng pieces. Wr.s* ewithwash boeim flWdwith bolig water. -Stoop aMd stetm W bendutilback ad muare bmeaing. lie.,peiapa, youl understind why inother is net Iookig s. wel tht. sudmne. And youil be glad'to know "ht you can relive Mother of &B "s toil by havig us do your family wahin. WWII wash euerythiug ao carusly dtat v theMost qutCI cct complain, and w1eUrot" uyour bundie wîth o*i a few light pieces Wft for -moctheg to iron. Tmy t d"i week Shdli foc) ev0f so much boew, mand ymm erilit». JUST PHONE. FOR OUR DRIVUR TH1E RELLIIL LAUNDRY 1Ïind«rS DrY Cleusmmd Dyer P UoeLbertyvi. 7 Clay LîberI' Mr. Wauki MNrs and BJ al. thre porg over t Mr. ai Misi visitec with1 Mr austoi sud f - Mr. ter, E Moud paren Mr. adit aurin SMr. Rolar jqpent viuth Mr caller counl funel Sil thu N Sund homu min i Bartu Wau t Mi mis. lu L. the frati a la vills T day Gru non eut bam M M M yHughes ot MdlienrY Calil1ed on Thse regular monthly meeting of the tyviiie friends Sunday. Womnan's Society or Ivaflhoe will bel .and Mrs. Francis Tripiu vere agan visitors Frldny. BJ. J. wilson aud sous. Clarence Lily, speut Saturday iu Wilîuette. eW. J. Vodici home. rest lymond o!ftChicago vaslirere th week end vlsltlng biE Parents. tid lins. P. P. Dymonti. sa Elinoor Simpson ol Waukegau td Saturday nlght sud Suuday Mr. sud lins. F. P. T)ymond. .and Mis. f3eorge'Winter o1 Ev- m, spent Ssturday andI Suuday tirs. Winter's brother, J. P. Miay, famlly. sud NIrs. J. P. May .ind dsugh. BaiIýara. speut sunday uight sud jay lu Evanston witb lMr. May'e lt, Mir. aud lirs. John MaY. sud Mrs. Alo RaPRte lefit L- in their auto foriaEtnpl-t--AeX- la, Minu.. vibere they wiil vIsi lA for a week or go. r.uad lir. Cnarlos G. Elvieli aud id Bliemel o!flHighland Park, ýTuesday evening iu Lîbertyvl 1e relatives aud friends. r. aud Nrs. Herman ell ,sa- >to tAustin Wfdnesday ouna-t Iof lbeir nephevi, John Noel. The raI was lîeld Thureday. ýas Wright, Mrs. Steve Young sud Wtilson- fa-ilW weut lu Round Lake day ovening andi visite U a 'ile le of Mqr.sud Nlr,;. Frauk l'rurn- id. sei Helen Simpson of Vaukegafl rt Wednesday afternoon aud today bi er suit, Mrs. J. P. Mal. LittIe bara Warre-n accospanled lier t0 kegan Tbunsday for a few tisys r. Grove, the district mýanager, sud eM. Diggius, a special deputy, are Libertyvllle tis viook, vorklng lu intarest o! thse Myatlc Wonlters, a ternal insurance organisation with arge mombershlp iu and around tb'c ige of LIhertyvîlle. ho classes of thse Presbyteriau Sun- yScbool beld'a ptcnlc at Renehau's ovo, Round Lake. Tuesday siter- ru, at -whl* thens about 150 pros- t.Tbey enjoyed boatini. eviimmlug. e ball and other games, sud had a I dinuen." Sunday morning ai Il o'clock, aitheb Chautauqua tent lu Central Pari, the Preabyternlan sd lethodist churches will bold s union service. The Rev. Earl C, Morgan yul hoi the speaker, sud thse toplc of the ser-mon yul ble 'Meeting the Uàvlng Christ." leui. John N'orton aud îbree mou of the hîmicîde aquad of the Chicago police force, weto bore Wednesday nlght, lnvestlgating thse case oot the man found dead south o! the village Monday. They questloued sevea-al peo- pIe hero, sud took photograpic fluger priats o! the dead, man. The body vas poSitîvely Identlfied as that of "Big Steve" Millet, o!f(Chicago, by hIsi sistot lins. bora Culla, sud by hie vIte, viho viene bore Weduesday nlgbt. Pull de. l.alls o! the murder wlll ho found on page one of the second section of ibis issue of the ludepeudent. A !atewell recoption was givon by thse Preshyterisu Sunda> ScIsuol lasi Frlday nigbt in honor o! theinrotiring superntendont, Roy P. Wright, the affaa- belug held lu the church parlote. ,"out si ity guesta viene present. sud Mn. Wright vis preseuted vilth a nico gft as a token o! the eatomm lunvihien h.e was bold by tho members o! the Sundsy School and bis a9soclstes iu the church. A very pleasant ovening vas speul. lir. Wright le! t Sunday f on Omaha, Nob,, to assume bis duties ai assistant csier nlutIse Livestoci National Bak, on, o! thse beading f.- nanclal, instItutions of Omuaha. FIRST 4iURNEI3 NIRLSAT NORMAÀL The yourrg ladies or Gurnee, the Visses Diredîlla rlood. lÀlah Wiriti aid Ester T*mb are. apeudingaa very sueeesatul aud &aso enjoyable aummet cour» e St he IllioisState Normal Unversity at Normal, 111. The girls are plaSilng 1 return home Sunday morning. The young ladies are ail graduates of the War- ren township higRi achool of Guru.. Ulma Lmsb gradiat.d il ihtIs lcsa of 1919 and the -Miases IMood aud Wirtlr VIda laieof 1921. Their friands and relatives are awaiting their ratur te, learc of the actlvitîca aid almo the dllerent, ourmea that are offered, ai the young ladies are thie Biret rom tireir blir sehOol wbo aven attended thse îîiarty at Non. t~. I at the homeofo! lre. Frank \W'rtz. AIl ladies are vielconir andl are uirged 1() attend. G. Carroll Gridley ofthes. First Na- tional bauk, la ejoyiug 'a veeks va- cation lu Minuesota, goiug front Chi- cago to.Duluth by boat. He storped at variBris points oftinlteresi. Next week ho plans to aittend a meeting of the Bzrkers' lualitute at Wlnoua, Min- nesota. Attorney Lyell Morris andi larnl> lof t Wednesday loi Austin, Mini., for a two week's vacation, lu Austin they wili visît Mrs. Morness brother, Earl Neal, and famlly. They will alzo visit lu St. Paul and Minneapols. Lyell ls aIl het up for the record catch o!flsh in the Minnesota laies, sud bis friende are courlng up iht'li frî'iug pans. Mrs. Lana-a Taylor, wille of Dr. J. L. TÉaylor, dled ibis morning (Tbursday) about one ocloock. lire. Taylor had been lu poor bealth for a number of year a. sud for seveial vieeks bad been couflued to ber bied. The funeral wil be held f rom lIse Metliodlst PIpscopal cburch Satunday ai 2:30 le. iu., stand- ard lime. A full obituany vwllI apoear iu thse next issue of the Independent. Jini Wetmore has just insialied a new SouthB and lathe iu lus repai r shop ou Mlwasukee avenue. Mr. et- more now one of thse best equipped shops iu 1his par t ofthe county, antd is a busy man. He has been COMPelled1 10 employ additioual mechanica 10 care for bis growing busineSs. He bas overhauledseveral o! the powier plants for fast motor boats belng used lu the jake regloui. lHe maies a sPecialtY Of avUto, englues aud marine englues. VICTIM Of TDUE WORLD 'WAR TO BE BIJRIED SUNDAY The remaInus orf red Casey son of Mr. andtINrs. C. 1. Casey ofLiborty- ville, arris cd bore from Frsuce thi (Thursday) afternoon. This y>uuug ol-- dier wout oversoas wîth tho American Hxeditronar3 'Force Irom Camp Lee, Virginia, Nlsy 25, 1918. He savi much active service aStIhe front. and inl ~ u November or ihat yoar ho was strlcken "M ello. uelo" with apneramonla aud passed away. At thse lime of bis deatb he visa a moin- On Sol.t Todc ber of the 317th lnfautny, sud visa ouly 26 years of ago, viben ho mad e tho ,...j. Sul supreme sacrifice lu the service of hi. W 5 Vw 5# < ls country.Dac1 He beaves to mouru bis death bis on Au i tReI. parents, Mir. a nd a nd M rs. C. . Casey; " U F e " o e or l five aters-Holen, Dorolhy, Lillian, AlVrYno eer.a Mur. Edna Burdick sud I%;s. Orvîlle Piu" by *""Ydyand hm. Pauarlva Jarrett; two brothers, Menry aid Dor- lug. Tb. funoral o! tb. young herO Jhe RAY %mue Mmd Pait&Stor wil be beld ai 2:30 flday atternoon (Open Monday, Friday and SaturdàY fr0 mthe Preabytenlai chrirch, the Roc. £venlno&) Earl C. Miorgan offilcatlng. The Amer. Itvfe lem Leglon of Libertyville wl have Pflow Ne. 9. Lm" e charge. BuriaI vilîl be madeInlu aie. sîde ceureten>. WIDOW OUJOHN lIOhiN PASSES ON __ lire. Ellen -A. Hogan. widow.. of John liogan. a Pioneer of Volo vîclol- ty, dled aset Tuesday snorulng atthIe home. of her nephew Charles A. Raught, 303 Nortb West street, Waukegan. 8h. wainl the 8Os and had been tîck for somte time helug iu bed un- der a nurse for tirv eis past. Mrs. Hogan had lived il wtI her nephevi- wa thie past year. movlug from Volo. ]Lmra.ogili is a a alter of the late ,Ifw Rogers, father of Idrs. ftierai t thie home T4ursday at two ecok, burlal at Volo. op6 ID PE ~Ç/ f/// t ream »Ouas .anù Duuuac f . If fatigued and troubled by the heat, you cao 1» ~» find nothing more refreshing, invigorating and - healthful than one of the Sodas or -Sundaespre- .~?r. pared at our fountain. The very Ice Cream we use in making these ~ dinks is awholesome food. _Every ingredient used *,, in making it is -of the highest staundard of Purity and Ricirness. Easily digestible and tasty it alone makes a delightful dish. Our Ice Crem - is the Purity ý Cream. Made by w The North Shore Dairý Co. Waulkegan. And thedefdmn fl.sthe fesK * cruhed frutsanld fifUt 1) symps we use compets the conibnto. Lke d>e le W//~~7 1:;'! Creain, they are the lut word in -pinity,. euot"«-hl no I//'// 1,, a m rtfial colori nad pro"id the flnihig tond' to the perfiectio of our refremhmeflts.\ ', Rtay l.iberty '4i13 leA da \rti Mis 1sition .1ohfn bis ~un, Friday Ricba Suaday Mms. C. Mn,. s9.01 à Grant v- 1

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