___________________________________ iTHE LIBERTYVILLE IME)EDÇil. THURSDAY, JULY 21, 192 1. 1>> one . .ink oi!f ot, and bills i x QUESTIONAIRE TO fi.angr ig-t.i l n .viiliiltp- ha ig ban k 'i-f]' Iroi 1 Ill , ltn. 1 FARMERS 0F STATE ..-i KIAS 'IEEN SENTIm OUT J)',;V,ý falot inr*. .Ifii i. Farm Bureau sends out docu- '.'î.î~; i I, nment of interest to ail 1 ii mfi, r --ion lioif li--lani, A griculturists [. '.%.:l t;a iiii.i-.ii i i ii. rh ais rtîrlewi î .isi i airri :, iilndnis-iiî ;îrohibliling Iii~ îîi: h, 1i.iliini s w. , l . ft-ls - of lt i iax-fiee secoritiesa ente'in natiOnai tarî,in "Liiilition li x05 ri-i -, l i e 4e'ri.uln quetsianaIleiie t t lic Te iliniiît-dI l, ay n 1. i i -i i al bii ndmr in Ilii i. itif e I T ijilioîn anil a hlai (t- 1 : :, 1, n n u tîtn i I isi;l% mi îîcofIs i.! r r ,noit'ctan i-'TIiTi 1 1 uV.,î i îiimirl iait $"iiiii. î l I ll h, ai n ii Ft-tJe, al ion. ivIY b wf-aili iiiliiiil id m i i Tfhe utioins are t.Ib ,a ' i t f-rî trn ,i. t1. The . ,nlIS. a[i--' rte"i tbetnanional legîsmlati î.t. rogiant fui- rai5 as la nd is. i f i.:.bru.ri e ar iuiatei bv rire executi t. -otiilîiîL t a ~ xtiotn a s a tt. ii . n I..I ' , Of te A. F. B-. K agiia conrererr-. -it'e-rl(,.- ili-'r tii1,11. lt . witit repirennatlvcii ;i 26 tate ft-d- es-airtn aI Wasiingtn sver i -Aire yari iraloto. f o ni iniing Ir weelta ago. ty means of comntunitvf *-itPOiiyiX nîeetlmgs or letterit a vote wili b.- (toit-ittn. not a ia rninîla taites on the oîowing quesîloDit: i';lx of 1I, 1ler cent lin net incarie in Do you favor comnrunity finaneing (31t-e.' f -t am rieditiqantite ex- ba@M on beedpld a-areîtufr . .ý- ceas iprofi t iax. Ttie excelle;profita rax ceuws pr-avides tliist fer an alaowalce a! '"feded vrareouze receipra" -may $,tt and etlier cent on the invpsted b Mkmed te certificates o! depasîr caPital. iben te taï. rate il; 20 lier o ,fley la a benir: the commodîr.v cent on etle iniiest'd capital and WOM be the. "Moaey" and te bonàd -boie titat tiguret mI et le'. nt of ed nUh"oUe tâe. bank." UsIib'te net incorne. Imâfl86the commodil>. forPlamn- Arp you apposed ro rite enacînîcai PlIe. t armer wataid deiver Mabir a general sales lax? wèm uathle *"bônded warsliîuqe' VTe tax ProPosfed ila auniforttaï and oecel-e a receipi ce>ýtifylng the Of 1 pet cent on tire mal"-r.of alci 9-aM, q-Utly aMd amouint deilvêred itiodlite 'Pia "boeded wareloust' neteitr" Fatiriet slire evidpnilî irtiabie tu DXW Iea be oued as colarerai secnr- pa lîreseni freighti rate«. f rates iWlàseering a loan aitte banit. we-re iowered wouid a greaier voi. De you iav«r lime-StOckilnfanclng Ume Cof bualsit ."acci-ur en Ii..t-rail bae Mau adequate îledge ut ani- noats? -mallaad fe*i' ,DO VsOu taio plat log tut-bal k- 4wune.W te-el] as wl-il iastliv., undtr teguiatiln oi theiiî-,cNrnniiti sto* as coll"ta s ecurity in secur- and eire s-ttIing îîf sud. î-rFgulallmt nn l.g iJeansloTi-es are a uctîsifor live e. ht (:'ntoiif lýÎltuit-' .rSrN* loansa ,unnlng a TsUiyIffi t -ii T,-irîalitn Of file,- , k.,i 1- i.mgtb a!r ime ta proilur.- amiw-Il a, 1-îi.l i.. iiiil-gttinatn -iî- lu tatten or develop tire aniais hum anti irîhi .,i mIltt n. 'a ieritofal rural trt.tlitsterri Îb.mtie.: Ilinita kinhtpo- iitiDs I l l' s,, « proper safegriarils t t..,o: Ii, .r.atin At preésent si, p<siîle ro 0lîi .iiii ,~iîI ',iin ilîi t'sedit toi- mat-hincr- at it. grl i.ili tt ofVii -h. ii ,l l n n tain long fiierre t-rhI. ul t e n it- SI. r. i > r -.î .. i- . eMsware loi It4ianle raintîr- or loi rlar 'r-r ,an Iili . lîam lo i Ml i rlet .asliiinc lu s-.i , t rnlng tii t Oit. ll ..i T'.,- 11, lxo loilrerque t'- îlna iiiitri lý bt- - mî t ti ]i t.- cjrantedd&Il- teit-rRlI --rt-tîattiJ -o iiii irîol tnî,i ..iti to ciasmifî ei-t-% îi lu i, h i ,1dS îiitiL of 1al kinda' ii- it "ifii. m-ini. itii > I te-d isuoucting lîiî-a i'l- .-1 jIlle-i ~îi'--i t, jit-i lîtIr ý, a Indepenient o r eolaty cm"e GH r Paid your Cars ONE LE 245-J-2 iances o comlort, at articuharly in r. For in- ctric te the climate ktric ok almeal on J them. ctric as8 ia one on the or the laWn ng a cord of my others in the cttk de4ce, ail' nit, aconoasskai i mveniffl. Themn ÂII Paymeats ervce, Co. IEItN ILUNOIS ARLINGTON + HOTEL Good Meals 50c' WAUKIEGAN, ILLi R. WENDLAND GROCERY AND MARKET UEALtIt IN Gentral Merchandise STAPI.E AND FANCY GROCERIES DRY (sOOD)S. lNOTION!. BOOTS AND SNOBS MATS AND CAPS tNOSIERý Coentry ProduoeBougbt and SoId uumois FRED ORABBE AUCTIONEERING PARK AND STOCK SALES A SPECIALTY 547 NORTH COUNTY ST. WAUKEGAN PHONE 2441 P. f. -IIILDEBRANDT DRtGGIST REXALLGOODS AND COUGH MEDICINES)I Stsndar Booke Fancy Stationery Conloctionery Toilet Article Perfuniery Don& &Bd Topa PIIYSICIANs' PRMSRIPTIONS Carefully Compourided THE REXAIL STORE GRAYSLAKEs ILLINOIS <lut r t Ilttr -I anl i rant r i l- iii . i 0 APITIOCH a 000000000000000000 1'.E.( linn n ansac,i t.u.-in.-i-n Chîçag.î Fridayý TuedaY. Mi.. '.,lo, k and ~l 'A,. lui iti iil. -I. ni u. i~>n livt lZi h iîîî,"n ii Oak l'a.i ki,î p ii.- a 1ev. Ia)y ail 11w- r.ulîi liiihom. Ni r, i'rnk K.., anaugh or dli L.ak. r allt-ilon Aitir -H..'.. .%is-, lIlîîn'-î,lî . 1i. .li r-l. xili 1,,- i.lau-I)ter NMr- I-ii .u- ai NIr. anti Nr>. il. r, iî,I.- anl >on mii %Xaukegan spenit..-'iunl .il)An Tio ou.relali se. NIr. MWat-r Taî I,,i ii aî.<a slwn. oura <a), I-r.- v.ill, tir ,r ents. M i. and MNi. ('hali-s Lux Mima '. ai-I Lux or thrîauo -tm liter pra-ni-, ht-rt--e . . lay-. la-i wp.k. NI r an.] Mrs. Den Vain Iuzer irrorol cri 10 %aukegan riarurday and s.lînr the- day wirh 'ir. and %Ir,,. Willitari Kas anatigi. Thi- heidren of Ihe NI, E. Sundaý 3clitooil cnoyed a picnic- last Thursda> at l1111e Silver Lake. A large cîowd attended and Pacb one liait a gtood it-ý wishing rhey çouid go hrtek the qjes? day and enjoy more '-wnnîing. swinting and ice cream. Mis Lt-na Bernis of Jolie.r.r-.'tisii- ing irer jiaIent4a. Mr anti Mi.John Spafftord. Born to Mi. and irMs. ClarIe2% Kely, larir Tiursday, a fine baby. A large- number of Epwt-L. iagu- ers tnjo>ed an ouring (in the banik of Little Silver Lake iast Thursday cxc- ning. Tbey ail certainiy badl a fine rime, and are hoping to bave anorbex- one soan. They are a bunch of lise young eoipie, witb a ive leader'. The Townsbili Sunday Scbooi con- vention wiii be heid a i te Miiiburn Congregationai cbr.rch next Sunday. Several froru bere plan te, attend. Thte Mutuai-Eiweii Chautariqua wclii be in Antiocit an Iuiy 29, 30. 31 and August 1 and 2. The program this year la a weil baianced one, and sanie gond entertalnment la antlcipated. The ladies of the Epîscopai Guild wili bold a progressive "500" paity ai Winch's Channel Laike pavillon Thîrra- da yafternoon, July 21. It la rumored tat Mr. and Mrtr. Per- ey Dlbbie have purchased te Rela home on Jobnnott street. Mr'a. George Oicott bas returned ta ber home here, after spendlng a few weeks wiîit her datiabter at Baker, Oregon. It la reported thai "Bob" Mann, wlio bas been empioyed artte Reeves Drug Store. was ,aken ta a Chicaga hositai for treatment for a rnaataid. Mr. and~ Mrs. Water Stickles oif Bangor. Mich . are vlsiting artih' hoine of riteli san, Alfred Sticirles. andtina iiî in Ilite village. Signs To Fight Carpentier .Nîw Vît.k. Jîti 18.-'fîînrfGibbocns if Stit. rîPaul wi t îtti(a N> rýira cc taI ni--m eorgt- alupentl,iinluorîob,-n foi' tilp.ligi r he;i%-yxeigit c'ani;uiun- 1' - -.-i.. .'.ii i \I. Vie'!m t i l- i i -n t n II .,Il il M al nr.i I>I,ý iioi , i l I l!!,t m lwIt - il rr e r>ît-î n'- 1- Il mlii- 1 i i l Mt- hSi. i îmi iThi. 2,i. t !11JW . "blim flnd V- înmblitnt-n bi! lîtsî r. a.- t T-.. i al i Fî-l -tiietn ierz lit-'-kii du ami riir-mlas i ioi ih li mitîh of hi.'n.-..tia.Etna 011, aaii-A, Angeles, h h, 1i-i ut ii . -i<ed foi r e pudft-i ru > Is '.' iss tîroi b> Ltar-tn ort'iIiigo -i.. l'hriItns'n a ilI bm- lini .1ttiravition. Egypti In li mtin.- Mr .Rm las' v R -1 i v l t-ni..-iiiii i t t- eIl -. Trih, usi of Anrericts gîýt-ae' Yoiung NMari-n'- i lut iimir I -i. -îrîîî iiisili be on exhribition nd 28i I o! Jul> i t-i - ii10li' ide aI tiraittiins.Tht-. t- NMr .and Ni i tVititliii.n 'TI.tIliti l d ii i, mit i lclow-ns, lotis tI of It rlîllîlîcn lit-ni lite- et nt]iii Pli M and] mîtl 1-ionaile. 'rhe. (]ii. - i i.-x i l'am, Lako wirh l n il. .ilt. Krmîifamîilv ;iir ii i s t'ning, Julv 2a. NIr. antI Nirs.E. J. Bingliamni antI N t s SttIl(a iia- urning NIMi hil -is ityle lhast. noît-t.ýi iroThi.- Ieut.1-%v.il] tmîînîu he exposiîtonmmI'lIIut ttf Wistoonain. îtooki. mi Daietnt l îalier 3 miii b.- t-on Miis. Bruce Bmaint' is ci uring n îht- ii(htIt-i I 'iitit i uitfillet-'- llrtiriiit--i Antes slore during the abat-ni -of Iii1'ir-. Fin -- t II xi lia are rinxious tu lievti ityle.i ii- <t,,1 îo k talulainetl la itlieligit, Mi-s. I. Heni iit- is îiit.iioi tIi*îîîîitiiit-nis ant ifti.s-tliiii.-nts stieral days rire pfirat-ek a;iGeor-ge il irn\ i- io tbc pîteaenr Net iSut. Rockt-nbacb's andi otier relativer-. di'sm-NnrctetChrlistian Fntlcav.ii Miss Mabe i Harumer rof Chli-ago i.'t- 's-"illt--ti '4 t'cltîck fiotne httui vislîing lier a-tnîotiteMi-, fr. Olixt'b>1Itj(itii> rntltr the' direîittn iiiNir. Anderson. Tlririi;i-. Thi tmeetings yl h entir-el> Mrs. Ca ni Andt rson .antl Mus. Beau iotrîr.îIa andl. wt'atiiri eriniil lu <, i - l Schiltlira are atiending tn4 second b t-i l tUI bn ntclieawn. suramer iti-ni for reachera ai DeKalb. V.'- aret- lad 10 knew li t iar'-, Il. Mi-,. Mlnorrno erterîained the Altar Ni Vanr lsa rgain ni) afler an iilnesst.ofi an.] Rosai'Society iest Ttisday aftt-nt'ai-iy ro weeks. wrnoon. 'rie Ilo * Scouts arc îtîaking plans Mr-. and Mrs. L. 0. Brockway. Mr. Sfroi-rleir annuai encaîpnmenr. bt-gin- and Mis. W. H. WlIit, Nisa Cara ning twlfast week in Augusi, 1%À coin Keyes and Miss litsia awkes a of îîîillre, ias -been apxooined ii st-letu Angelet.. Calif., wei-e thte guesis or R. an n l itii proptu, place trItIr.- M. Vtant Sunday, Campî. Mr-. and Nîrs. ILouis *S'o.-fker an- Thoe Nlssianary Society itie( ailte, nounfce thie birt of a sun Salut-day, holrie ofiI nr Novilie on te sourir aide Juiy IGt. tor iisn. A large nuanher aiended Mus. R. E. Plettîs enterîaiot'd ai itrtndtioiio.i profitable anti enjtîyable' lunciteon and carda Wedneada>- Nlus. tiiieeng w.îs beid. J. W. Eliioti and Mur. Pbiiip Ket'n tf Tht -'ebylei-ian cirurcit a-Pli ils Oak Park. and Mrs. Fr-eil]Lotng tof arit ti iviitles. weicamesa -ti wiro River Foresi. ha.ve îîu tIler citurcit honte cîînîccion' Tite coiiiuniiy ma.' sîou-krItoi ie.rau - oralip mur uus. that Hiramn Robbinrt hall a st-aku-'of >t. apoitleay, whille st'st,-(tian bis 111,î THE STONE FROM GO'S Tîteaiay esening. rîndid>yinz about I MOUNTI1 minirutes laier. By Rev. Martin L. Thomas, Pastai- ot Fred Keri-en iailut.- iiilren arr.- Oeerfield Presbyteriarr Churcit. artendingt rctiwt-tks iiLake flenes a ret- Ii'speaklng, ibere rt- lîtîri Nilr.ani-N . t. G -Iellirahave gis tn , (~il tspi-iment 1tîttasibi.- foiiini, rip lie Kt'rstpn -iilirtn. atnri aIrer ficu tmîî,îîi îî-t Tieot-iat'> -llciti n r(oger-. lPai-k, ii, 'l.ina antiuttilt-ul 11 il - t tIuIcîl ii tInn ls sitood b.- t' l,. i il Pi-cîbyterian Churcit Newas -i -mniifor fie entrnt-wirî,bi i eci-îit-lt v.ill ht in gaini tîlîti s rmtsr , n u-f fi)l hase GOdTI ii i t- Sauda ,rbr> - nini.Lit-hn tht- r'hiiAlPhrl ui ltli 1-ni -t4ubtiiiuletl inii li ii Bella girl- s, itilb> 1w iî'i'shoietcn 'i '-I i fI l Ii.sT.Id Iras .. .IIîIvi mbI-.1in 'Ciri. sitht-i.- iii t ai-ni, ilon riwe loiiiiaiids-. i'l a. lit't'iing u I t -k rawi nIl ti ut- rîrrînîrs aroititnt-. Es t-r> tni. mît birîianti laiigl-iei 1 idi andu lde i.'.aer cott iinttanir lghtir i BOARD 0F TRADE TO F16HIT COUNTY FARM BUREAUS Letter Reveals That Huge Sum is to be Raised for Propaganda Amonng Farmers 1lfil. 1 luitf-a ItIlias' r--t-I d- l I ,i ha Il l- Ch i(ilgo ijoa r- i T i 't ,,.i ,, l i- hing grain Ifiier vit' ' il sr iîni as, ril iliiiacan du runti ai-l.î,uî o. latun. I. an aiiauk un i li- inirni Tihe 1. A. A. tmakc-, lublît- i ieîom in9 let-ler wr iien 1,' W G. Clrt ,1on. secrerats tif iIre Illinois Gri-n )latrs As,ia-i.tiin, rî1 eealirm intI Illinois: . Tite leir,- i tails in l)airi as ioilo-s - 'i'neaidf-nt IF. G. Htîrner. Vicet Pretti dent B. iL.('irsty Pilrecqeoî E. M. WaYne. anld myreif ati.'ndesdte meet- int of al branches O! the grain irade, 1 'B C'inuinnati 0.- Jnne 2-4, -here il> wai, derifedla oactiveir combat te activities 0f the L7. 8S* Grai~Goes hZic.. and Comnty Part. . ,"',er7t.Th Htum tif $250.000 was dêeided tt.ion as teP minimum ro lbe raislsd and an ex- eculive conmittee waa named io foi-n u laie Plans for te combat. "Letr-y membet of titis Association ta urg'-d to malle a list of ail fai-ners ni his station or -stations and forward t0 mie.This lir tmav lis- made froin Yaur lia 0f rustiomers anti Nolr local idelepmione iiret-tory. 17 s prpomed to senti iini l.i t. l,. JiabI ici i ags-ni or ru-ticg oaî-d tof Tradt..intr- dtîthat . .ve.-> lemni.-ina. er-i.1 T 1le. 1, it.r is 'ingnî-îi irs W.G c; util- 1wl .- tnsn-and dma tê et ihi. tffrcer - -',t Lint-oln illichtaitipaign, 111, *11 ti> -as% ttl) guess.' wit Ii i I 1,oil.nr flettrart - au wlI be.' iries MI.- Ilîtiaril L-unaid . ret.ident of the, 1. A 1wiI ic La - ounrsl' ai-m Lu rý t-u h "iirIl1 lie fariner rha Île Aiitullni duaie Iotnarkei his oxin grain, limai it-,iîould shuriis eesaandi Jui las giain rnarkt-tîng in th- iran&] ' i itht Boa,-,rit iTiatie. hfi ilif-til iiti itia iur. ,andi '-Ioie."- tht- Itearr of 'rr-rdt- is antI ahai a inn ut the i . lias- ah-as. bsen'-Ir wilil s- ili t.Ili-iînois la.ini- 'q.r .itl aicaî nd al Townle>itf- b Ieaum<elire a-k, . i iiglu ito niai-ket lis own rp, "A farm Journal î-ecenlly siatitri tlret fl- iiia rt ifi.Trute,- Îlien, s6oqt.lîi t.t on '-uctIrrI)a gantia r0Iotiol itýepleI 'flraJ sîjng ih-'-taIenrent ha.' nwv*i iteen ethdlen glsd. stti alîîcars Io lise, ber-n a-tIl fo'untd .Man% '-it-r - eî uI-fariLmîcîs aitin g iteni. wti-roolemit b> -u-I.bunk liis, sprinte. oIs ti st-t til..- Bo0ari t-t,'"I.- tu l and îîrartî-alîs tmil iii lia' la'Itihuit-autrani-at-i. lu-i4à.d . ah";i tlia,! kîll' e. L t- r iml 'ît-oi. - mn' inirî ont rtinz ilm itir-ih i If ta a tîrt $2-t t,OI i t . -, ilitin ln,-ne..i..illI a-u irrit yiitm '-ni i il mi I ll.ireîiine if) lh. Il doooooi,),n ooovonz. 0 DTERFIELD 0 00000000113000000006 £7hestandard tir I kes nothing etter, DEOPLE used to be se- Of People. The substantial cit- 1cretly envious of the izen. The mmn who. knows young fellow *ho came that you can't get something tearing up the street and for nothing. The steady cue- stopped his car with a jerk. tomerflot the bargam hwiter. New they are inôlined to To the m"an who has flot yet criticise such abuse of tires. learned the standard tire serv- A mark of the growing con ice he is entitled to we sal- sciousness about tires- Go Ïo the dealer in U. S. Tires thear- service, their work, and make himn show you. their value. Here is a man in close touch This sarne respect for a good .with onle of the 92 U.S Factoer tire is the reason why the fou'r-. franches-a constant slIppIy of square tire dealer has nnssed up. fresh, live U. S. Tire. odds and ends, "job lots't,'"sec- onds", 'cut pricestt-and corne out squarely with the standard qua&ir_ service of U. S. Tires. He is getting a Un t e S 11 bigger, and also bet- Unib MSter, tire busines than O Çg IMS he ever hgd before. U. S. USCO tREAD He is dealing o U. S. CHAIN TREAD with his own kînd UJ. S. NOBBY TREAD UJ. S.'ROYAL CORD US. RED & GREY TUBES The U. S. Tire youbuyzs a tire huilt for current demanda. No overproduction. No plling Up of stock. No lonis of nileage by hanging around on f£. the deaier' rack& i ~ Every way you -~ IIÉT( look atit, &par qual-, ity tire at a net prCe. .ifi- 2 U 5.Fad..fh. United States Tires Unitid StatesO Rubber Company Schanck Hdw. Co., Bert Finstad, Libertyvile, i. ichaffer, McHenry Brown & Boehmer, Wauconda - I . t s andl Iutih-a ;î-- ilam h. tn i.mi.- ai.ain .i'iii igain. o .tns itIo li.1 n.uiion. iiirttiins tu i'î ae'itt L->dî i in i tielt' nirtoln Il--s\ sill anrouini ti huIit- oril-irtihing berause 7it nitlins Iii il'rejýet-,lI an.]art' i-t 1.-i-ing lh, l'i nie lita 1ît..JesU. Il tîi i Il it n stîl I i u o , Iti oda NNltiçI aittutrrt-iIt(t'a n i r.. .toit-of i liiliiglhtii t-li n(etplriotnutf îhetn- u-Ii t--th- i iiioon lt-arn rt'e itilli> of it ll iii ttiglo r nt i ii- ' tui I i q~lltit So i. tm a-. , uitai. îtt Ileiiliolil01 iltrost 'ahlîtt at t- îlrt.'. l ht-r,- a.- Dei unte jluia>éci - ntt one s.'t'n ct tin r1h1P i t- teiii .tiigie rtf Nations cn istin l'-ans luh i- e.-gnized lot! h.,nthe ai 1rail-s or hilwa-orId. Itresideni lia rding iîcir- iis ectcion at i.tîat Ilie Les ue tof Nations atoiri nesci' ort bt- i-suî-tse ewitt -cie resîîont.ibie for ntaking rthe coni r-aut lefi Gti.l tf titeir pro tgri-an. Il.rentaanrri)b. at-enmite- iber xme ailabiow a -itit-:ui3aatt itr be nmade ai the cuti.tin.. r-lutiet'îtut t mn Wasitington, Tht- Book tof antil. wt hi -lt-n t ai-t six litindreti t'ai-s b-i ii -' lit,-lh.: -n enteretit heearii. àii a.îti itis e> V)y o!fcen ' iilon.s da:;o-i 'a ii t-.ns- pire. The Mlits i-Anntrm'rer sari.-i hai at the endi orfi ieseth le tCoA ):'I lt.ts c ihrall set ui) a kingîloti :lmat shitrl àui1 ( tr r'ea se; therrDivine ý,tt- a'îhilsuil t - i1tic a'or<. Je-mis (Christ came, butr1 itr w-at-d trusliditini. How Iîîna 'ailih bc bt font- He- trushes r (ie orîti' tVilIl ls t-nming rthe- second rt lut-be Wrti~ -ti 'ctti Ht' 'tvis ibl t ie cailltei itit eirv o le S. Ip Ii (t- United Evartgelical Churcit Ni xi SiimI ritirng lit,%. 1'A hirtiniuirn o t iir i t li a hmii-i Young Foulk,: Wut 'i >omuirs ii .i miir C. . ieting ai 7 lu. m. T li t' ibjtuet ior i lit- t-st-mang eri % it- wsji lb, Thi- t' t'muht; imilTtucir."Tire i ttl in 't mualr lit- e In t-rirt-t- iras, beeqn i tliony itîr lre m e,, aiie mi liii, arni, sv tatirr Tht- ntitihei--s i It-t . s Sýiltîn 'snir 1.ott in.- niiutii rttatili iii c it-rer,,oiri mieeting.. Prao)er mee'ting at 7:15 W.-îne-atay t-vPning. StmtiaIrorîîri <et-rfreld aire look lng 10i'rl ii0 .îiinding lte Esangelirai cauimp in-ting an Ha r.rngn an fr tnîAug. 19 ro 29. Speclal talent suri, as Bisit- op. May*-' and.] isitop HeimilI bc in ai- tendance.iDr. Mock. ire4-idet-nor tlit. Wes tern Union Coliege. anti Edi fotî H. A. -iîing'n a-il! itiso sieair. Il %,Ilii be wel moi-btte wilie tif n> miti ean at-nd, for lit icast atpari or thl 000000000000000000 0 ROUND LAICE 0 oo00000000000000000 gan wt-ie Sunday caliers ait% White home. MIss Elsie Cashmere .! is vîsiting relatIvesh.ei- tJ An accident occmrred ffl. ing between Round Lake * matir resets.wben lwo ea'ê1 witie trying ta paso lia ot lte m'ail.The Ford cZiM- wit a few scrate.. NoeE cupants of eltiter car veré l Miss Alice Juabe basntolU tram a visit wllb Chicag ra Mir. and Mi-s. John Ja~ were visito ai thelB.dw.f4 Stinday. Miss Sar'ah Howar-d is speil week in Lake Villa. Mrs. Pbilllp Fa-y vUa a Uq sbop ver one day lant yesk. Miss Anna Jeails ot Hlnsdaie, cousin o! Mrs. lFranktFiari s Dow v~is- .* iiing itere ber. IIII The Revi. 'alter F. M. Bayiastor of St. Marys citure t aIFi-entant Cen - rer -1,8 aisred attthe missianary service lîitd ln St,-josepit's churcit Sundaiy 10 iss inni Bnwlhmu>a - t-s in enel a Chicagol 0.. tailler Wednsday. Mi-i. George Husan mand moter. N-s. LIEi 9Gravesi. werc, in Chicago Friday.', tr m" Eti Frost and afriend, Cari loi-cita.:=eu,, viaiti relatives bei-e anti aI Voo>over a"~.sm rite wcek end. Haroid Kennedy was a msIek end vis- ion s! lte Sumner Bauer hame. S L t'iriles Mason and sans o! Wauke- o> j' q *3 Thoodore H. Durit, Prooldent -W. S.LSmlth, ViesPm F. W. Churohili, Seortary and Manage.. SECURITY TITLE &, TRUST i ABSTRACTS 0F TTE MUIF CAA Capital: $1 25,000.00 -WAIJKEGAN . .li TMo U. S. U~Sc TRBAD Rors lea us U. IL Usco rsead, wltb a Ion-«b- lisbsd standard c arvloe among amodois wbo bave an 0 oye0Vel". o» Weil M 10 Prim . Whi e ainlg for leu thon iii. omr tires It th U. IL Éabric lirs, " .Usco huaa'amnsd a reptalon for qriality and depoodable ocam.- iany whlcb la not esaqead by avf 7M11ne la iaCam LAKE VilLA Coni 1 M is, VOUP la vil. all iii il, 1 - if