* ,-~-.~a,-' [JDERrYVILLE ~NDEPD<>E><T. TI.RJ M TO WED [Y FRIENO LL ST.JIA July 26-An 5situu eit John D. Rockeft Is arichent mun-, lu C ttrlmony, whtcb pir financlat and #04W 4 rus denici by the iry ut bils Tarryte vere ctrcuznatantaid D;rtei the lady la 41O "midîlle-aged frtend ýr fumîly" und that1 to tuke place "ai ie year." '-l laI bts elghty-seco ,lier bac been a wtl 5' ificial Limbe. me ,Inî legs were, Il in Egyî,t as early an atd they were mod ho ciýre tîîe phpîiy-c fi rtlt-ce dsys IlnI le. und the limbea wi saâkmiri Friendshit.. uir wuvî lits' yoaî <i i léuli'd atîhi tin c titumua iany 3-s'nr' beewîlngî re tbîi you do Dot ' na$tagainal entil econd f loor 118 i t have buack Pot- c teeru o e.. orvd il, lt ne- nÉham of wehich irmpbaatzcd. A hIlet are rie 5 erua !i. ofî o! Libertyville Inde penzdent.MR. BRYAN EATS Lake County Independent - Waukegan W'eekly Sun LEFTIBANDED ANýD Wel; eU.Ifthimphayeu't coma ta a Uytopisa state! imagine Bitl EATS A-PLENTV - Bryamand î Weich at c esameine ner table, the latter istxodtxcing the former as the ouly eueeof bis kind i the ven.d and then ocnapyiug the sunie pIatfàrý later. Nov net a word vas sajtd about the Eigbteenth Amendmet, nor about grape-juice, brome sltzer. or anRything of that sort à se everybodiy got n spIeidly. W. note thtt ep have ben. taken to dlear the bad approaeh to the st. Paul croîi et Wilson where a atimber cf fatatities have ecoumrd, due to the vay thi. crosstng vas hidden. Nov then, if highway comris- slonera viii but flliow that plan more geseraily in Lake Couaty, the pub- hia viiilie pr<nected as At should be. For example, at fleMrath Avenue a"d the veat branch cf the Northwestera, "'beautfnl" shrtibbery "àde the view competely anxd whileA is bputy la nnqaestionad, it is a menace to drivers cven though there is a gate maxi there', for, gattmen have been knowa to bie neg]ectfui. Juit vhy commssioneis do flot enforce the iav vkieh gives tiien the right te clear up croseingo fronta obttructions, le hard te figure eut-but, they don't, they do not seem to, knov that they have that rtht-or tis there an ase diitarested in protecting the p*b- Lic in a vay they can, that they von't bother about it. No matter' "w ont telai toward Mr. Bryaxi as a politician, no-mat- h oy va disagree with him on national probleme, one must admit tiint hie ideas on God and the fellowàhtp of man aie about as beautif ni as que vouid expe'ct te find inazay hnman baîng. One stanteh republican saut after ie lecture on "Tiie Prince cf Pence," 'Woudn't it have been great te have hal such a devout Cbitia man stting in the president's chair, one wbosa ideas on religion are te pron"nced ajlveil-seated as M r. B -vans?" A nd', t tht oea m a: admit tht M. Bryan bas aivays sod t"on the th.ngs that ha balaevad vere rght, for thse thingstlit werc ur'for thse bs,.aterests of tie people-he lived te sac suffrage and prî.înf ulfulll dand lie vas one o! the original expomnitta of sanie. Ets P.e.d-oas Ti:esdty evenirg wnls cr.lî.ng wh.ch al bhould have heard erd wihtrl wbo did bear, ûîlta.rud miîch val uatule'infcî-snuton and !ug- g-Ito fon. It roaz wel uorth lîearing, ilta a materp.ece-a-nd Xr. Eyi s -t.1 a ver-y picas.ng rç'-aieer. our bej1ýef haîng. howevtr thct hLs po-.cf 'clçpoch ha5 feaser.ed sémeah.Iat as a rez uft of thee înrcad rncde by Ycat< YI £:iIn in't as peppy as hae uted 60 b-and lhe& att as yc=g es hofie-îd Io bo Sr.îl les a fine old fellow. I.kc.!e u nd kind. b:Ight aftà li - tJ I one of tie -ac-i4 s grIIneIlf en. c DJSARM14MENT 0f ISAVED BY FROM WORLD NEÀR, IS DEATII IN ROUND BRY4N PROPIIECY LAK ONd lronfrrrîd irru- rag fefl' li'li (,î'-i, .l uorthree giinn 'i t, id..i,~es of Ie rouIe-t vj riiher;Ife o îol tt1f- !,r,à i hL.1 rtii ai R' 'n'il t.ake MZ-. ti.n,0iL , I t' .î v , i IF .î* ,'ei a colik.t .e'îLe()III a t vn .rruii' i 'i I'f ;it ;n) !;l ... wItn, ,g ,,sOi t W Iî- iîi ing tf ai a P iil h lie-a F tV, e: t ." i:îr.-' ii j: Nîro aa (In uaY o icn hi" ,' lit 1 kr.il a In i lt- 1i .ing, .ti , i h l.î ,n (i hin 'hi- tub. Ci siut I! a " vi . Ir t Ii . c boi.,tte-ric' a ;1'î b.î'auae tne fI-h.Pi.u1,-nn, A:e Nion and Cee r "r" :ft. vi ,.r3,,ling in ri t;riî \.c':r ongnn - it '.it i i -t. v 'in r i e un'îa r t JI<eh.ednW IL t ht iù a d 10 flis rt-'-r a'- Ihiv p,.i.od hmud t h"nt u . t' î' i' i il th a Iltthe wa,i, k nll cait lhi-, ttcý whtii nuIl iai t t.n.t ut he top,'"t lie iai i Idv'or arri-d ibit 830 anId c',,, Il Il t wt'iï a b nIi ilock. rna ïii cr w-i.I. O fthatmales ye. __________ IoW i ilrer, ir w'rv a wa-ërineton seau t in v.it, f? ',rfrIl,'and go Io -or;,u~hRlk IIIS à it neo ite 'rn -,o.0fl tts own 'GEORlU1ÀI IUSE vý ni,' nl i v it ia reli rind a w, t ldil a cd ci n fillt]Eul ýîn: (, ,,-.caabe f VOTE A$ À YEAR , i ri ci i' iii 'i î da. capale ni- A 9.i:1t(A' 1,(,tr as fol.ind ita et B C E S A In an Eg intu tîtil.ohr( t liai A H LO S A lain for 3.o<"î yeir-sandi hadi t pro- At1;i!ia iGa -The tenl'gia hoi!5E or d-i-no v(soî ertitO nitiow. Ic lblirepsnIrativei5 todyy oîed mn wiiitt ru ii i siii itt. ed the i-i.iti-i t 0 iit tn ai.tra(c -. weun tnt un:c runita il <is- e over 'i) anil ina l nnnu,.: -,in-,i(s-ptIil. aditiith hre ia vno' wtt have to ptins Ile'.aî. . . f i '. I I1, o"O" 'lie l"îî'iî isd toda * v thiat t re- IIi r i Ti re '- i * . vg ofv I vie, w hih ma itiyivtîIII$3.92(j ((;0 clt.ir:ili M 'i - i it i. ii i '1 l i . 1ale PhyîîCaî Strerrgti. t,'-v a1n1l;.lit i ii i i ' io îitv t . . I . rî. i lel i tl s.out tut r.a. i p .u ti'd i r il Ib li 1- i o Ile p sca tii nul rît p i tlin te tii e i'li.h o I lt eriii'ige .181.ic, ltre the il.,tîlo.. V mît id "ole iea èi Ihere h0ii-<i îw rre- iante. hav 1-:, i iilho coutlrîyal !i* iiir n ei ic e . i IIoc iý%I iC- -ry - : i r il ti,- gîriitst II, i ti kliîti î y i.j cîîî if ti îîî .iîtirfîtl gt e , îîatrot IILi lt i-' i,il l , la t-! îî. iail l; i,,it h O t ii, 'rn lie t tilîtîl-ol I î: i. tilirI. tii ru ti,ionl îi îýjgît"r s"'f a \ . h Illiiîti hil J i 'i r II, i-" p-nciptca aiî. il inl- T'i'liit ti ' urmîl, îîî i n <Iltle V(Iii(r .nib S ss ' itIIut t Ili a îîîîî iiiu. Explodes Ides of tAhiests jf 'i- iti.i b. l,'iîîu wth :tI i.f-i ,îd - iiii lt' i iiitc' ii i o[ N iîi i tiofllesiii ai a ti,. lvfor et,.' 'ad, luI lit", the t. gtlflilli ;f I 1! iton mt n-_______________Ba'______ surl !hla:i,,iIgin,îly mmli i tîiv were -___ ain i ,îi'iugtate the .cflhtP NOTICE. ire i icrt'îg, a i r n. x . take i.oift, l. i, Juty 19, 192 il "Th I'le uneii ii nho iut. Seaied piol)i.ate for the' ronatruc- omît n elie e (l ie -la nowtîtiîug- titra ot 46 Il-aof 18 foot COunt>sa geaI1 tî.sti iitlt (I,'f etoriroiivfortn- Bond lasue. Slite Ai oncrete roatl aIt a chori-,s and sang: "V"lbe an from M'iaccinta bt o Voic, will ie rn- atoro bye ani bye.' ceived bythie Rosi und Bridge ColPr- Tlte trouble wiflî tiese utcorteielàtaria t file office of the und-ersigu- tai itbhegin wititî atmerhtng. but ed, et bthe Court Hnuse. Waukegan. licy !-ibn'pnt n *,lwheire vhta rotm-e- ilttaois . imatni:»t i -ttoiLvk p. In. Aui' tiirlur carne nom." tri. 1921. t oI liryan 'lail lie hîd lie-n in poli- wurlît tobli n ccor-dancea witt tics- fir-41 yearq. "t dont deny if: t Stat' spcîifications and Cî,urty plana dont'-t'enl Iltry 10 live II down. Bul 1 and cuîipleînenbaî aspecttileations, ail anrinu 1itIo ,îay ruaI i bei-uneite-r- of wicii oay lie een ut thea office of enIn riteligion six year-u tfinue that the tînuerrigned or obtBined upun a ftîr-yl lat i i wi e in Itle chur-chi ieposîl fin of $20, ho lie returned ubi- ecen if o o, fpotls" on r i-ce1 t ofbid. 'F'lîe l'iili'iiier dec'tared lie origi ('nîtiltet check et 5T, required. n-lt1 aiiclis "Prince uof Pence ec-r' lî' rtie-r inftrnation adîîre!ic laile o inin effort ru betti yoling nie-n the itnter-utgni d. w ils ii t' yhav e r iithile stage Liv ouî uftitie Roui uni Bridge "' IIlîi riey tiîtk il amar't to lie utep'- ti,tIl ilIt religin.i. atI wlen tlifY <l'li c' iîîît ii r andvvr tlme' Il- 'IAS, E. RI'SSFLL, il t itrti c 'a eri 'l na le'Il.CSit n o ii hetlt p rIut iati Former secretary of state has sonie personal characteris- tics, shown Tuiesday IS VERY FOND 0F SALAÔ Personal ehrtteri Ftcs of Wtt tamn lenninga Bryan ama bserv ed by a S un repregentative: L Ife eatais eft haaded. Tlîat lm lie -hodPhiâ lbrk in hijs riglit hand, tino kaîfe tn lia tleft. 2. Ie bas a wonder!uily god aP r' Ijte for one of bts year-u or evon younger. Hi-lte the 'Suit courve aw the. banquet tant evento< coi n ttiough lie was tatdy and lie aie ai if Ire enloyed It., 3. fe litkeasalad for Ire ate tNao dishes of the lf5t5Uee sal»A i arotier- ed in T. 1. drcss*yg. 4. He likem te e tea-anil lie rrank it throu ,,h two m trnw,. He did flot put nlcti sugar i L(. <PS.le nover aeked for a chtik tairop ini i ther. And flobody muggeafed a hirglibal t top it off) 5. lite aie gr-'on P.'am with Iris fiirk and k-et . ry le w enî,uite.t-He nover onceIried ctii ettthem ovjate kntîe route. 6. He carrier' a somal palm k-af fýýia n this hob WpWblerý He hadit bwith hlmn ait he flnner and lter in li lecture heu lital l e tlime and no, rai-ionaity nmalea swljre utai vico two whîr-h tried t10lund on lis won diefut ibt grarig -bvn hi al. Oci vasionaaty hlie acmeldto use iltlu (Gul hir"ctf htt thle fan apparo ntly r;ý -4 in ylt" tarît *jîr'l lu hi,î oon, thîlr hi îiIi 7. rf. i-r'.,' -s h kiiîo l Snappy .Summer PRICES ARE SO LOW ALERT SHOPPERS WILL PROFIT GREATLY JU.LY 28, 1921' iitepped ta tte foot-ligbtq and bk.Nlak AS V-IS set! lurned oet the bulbe o. fouîr o! U1LAWrUt L U . 1AI L I CNCAD AL the ttghts te prevent t-ii glaring t.TO a SMIIIU LEPICNIC ND EO L lisa face. 8. Ris love for ncre cater %a et Iree-ir-Il-r'o fu' LOAD FURNM URE 'Tie 1ýup urf S Most every peint in hic aitri-Mae leUL% (VfaU d'swor-th (thre oid nt iii t te par. four abi sIllb o i %li lai nw 73 ycra i-4zîict l, ircýt re- lotIt~~ a ig*alO il ri F,,itr - IN BOVN &JStNIJ15tîguS ervice aa outîi.b vever foolt a drilnk tai v it is wsfel hr.b 'attalow. - -Diiast fz'f I te dioeeet 1oiVia- 9. le ddn'tcenect ýjccjf D;lconne I anvounices itg big Anntial 9. îe ian cniie- ut Ifte CUtneDriver cf van has te Waitt l lPîcr ni - urtY Sefttera Reuntion to Waukeals ufftaeatt ti.anc is.'i Auguat 15hu.att day in me- was La Ilinois for hal reiuerred te "li atter mnidniqht to start; bue ~ ecinigIinegoe- this sameasmate et Wiriorivin.' nhnigIinego@ 10 . Hae lbeas sli efr.ic setaleit Iaws are str;ct tIre horne o!the St. patriekS eliret ini bis udiros. hat h t ic a!'. tt'ni ics, n viel 1w o!thepctr-reu- avnl1'igeofo! V'uitsorth aîl i e ra mornng mea iiias-I.mimt i'TAXI LAW IS IRONBuJOUND quî iîlI1aîn(S river ut it fn et. twen9es Siret y an itîti iapue'te oli la ZionIt-Y î au t ove-n rînloni day. Fnr-the evening at the li'onfer' WHU FL% FORftimitrein he iryof .I. 1iait atuur lier e oic lii',- a tua been nb <Is las J-n1 it'.i ofl ttMi' flunîng flic dty 'le î reg.-a.:n 11 SMALL LAKES 0f ciko Aii a i î,rî i' ieeiinc re TIi'u-itch';ilit ,,j'arLn r 7i oZnaor b-h "cliii i«, wl i hnd îoruiui 'lca sur ~ ~ reand blgiraîe dei'le ?n 'cke a a rn' etrenirrec und în orne n 'io ui 503titIWadgwoi tîl. Furîber panicularg as Word fotr tbe--r tfulili i10iibc i- t ir e go', ten. V't Itur ilon the lied. T he finnibrre ew a nl'rnrageSt. pafFicti adiiies finious rlîîrcken State HatctierY ât Sprîig anîthtle storage concêrati'peui dinîter rigkit n. - lDtW Grove experimenhuing wth fry nireyîing lha rier, the lhi.iîni Car'w n Bangs Lake rit uîit Loi v landi.il i.vert Mai,1Kinda of I'honey. Spcing Grave, tii -'T't.!,i left'h tersaet i10 p. ni. 'lt drer an- Ttero ni,- moue- kt,î'tof lionrhrian isairhery bere lu CII-Orimnin ng a it l ui .r-eutof Ci-cil Ai;ine rmana.geror et t ,ok. '1 toe a leti'y lat l whitefish for thle t ig- r li k t - the Zion 1-onro. r he esîufd inisunit il.-k iti t i s l - ti.' llîb i-s rsl northern Illinois 1' h - hýen tire e 'ASllng ig,' c!nidteÏl"floPtr;hay itise; theory of fishers bh:ît r' iiiti fi'.h d rdonne'. ' i*," ota virdito e ote-r- flh.ýt il s lion,it, booy thaltas net blirive excepit t i -n Fp miter. Ilt the law. - gitO 5unhui bî, j I. ttu lii'. - miti bas been found, oaci ltaIlns-is ThedrivFe r ri, 'n t i,,me pr iFe Ilýë filt fn, havi- cii,rnt rii'y iii î speclea does equtl]y .1 [ nthie station te tryamidret a lpermitît litun iit idMs o v nl oe smalter lakeB &a 11)iD rie at takes toad fHe mo t i t u une ri bu -ltt h - t ,,,'- il vii, i ci pille Ittti' s tw wâeirlolhit i. %(Il(]e lirlucrý1 Whttfi fta ri' ptmcel -n F. îngsi-o tk t .îi atir tî ritt tt ll'trii (, î'îuî,.I un biotith i of bia.uWs nia Wtîuconda sev- r,u 'i-irs g ~Snau<iu.t.'ilt.~ r- Ilitn"n'- have îhrlvad and it i-i nocw p'.iposeid sa;Lu0doagerm . i________ te 51iptly a narber of ut ltt - c, lobe s triedbt d t he ii-'ig os't The 8tale hatchor er i-c i I'ittZtaIîrr"' --inu .tC'si<an an tuittiaany nitn tnii ieri aea p, fi ' it Ciion îInat yeur and hain il c inteîri 'ertbh' q"warcr imî. f ti i'tii-n!hie'n for tîîrther. dietrit a' oen 1- fîyi lut sail-k oe-il li,. ýcI%"-e oufn -tt' tiîiu n --ii. . f'u.hivg cIllliaof the u.',fromtui 1e azitntruck. troil a î tu't.". "ulV ta i, nui The experumentsin v u i-hiac 1Ziuns iue tl~ ti l m uIn il.. b 11litit tilt i1pI r;ry touairthe being ciusety uaivl.i'ii i. tri, o itet t otip tf r-- ' ti , f: u îl, i i in i9t' 1 ýtIl i il-r l iafcheries of th ise ' ! u'i. î yti bct, iepotîiîon u athe sIa Lv youl aur aait "n i-' 'l tr ti .-~t 1; a t Y : 1e a fi t a clti n r i 1 'týfd t _po & at , v l!aIcrr andt MeîeilO -- i -fiîîîî hur, i. la- %iLOBE Orange Juc. nrange jkitco. f reslly pree« e applea ithe bp.,t poRsible fond lm thre ik r.om. Tiiere il B«mow>o.4 hc.nith gi'îng ,r,>"rly elthe o 30* but na<tua nttIy if irre d.qtjll.d te, fr-,p of ail forpirn latte. aan natural. Iogicm n commm on unenu. mmvs the irritatnr Cause dées.jwi cmseoeer tontwt -lJ4ER INVESTIGTEl D~~~0&3 _EGRMYE Every Cloth Suit and Coat In the House. at b.il for î Ptquis k Cl< aranrc.- The.v are in îîneet îodes arid fab- 1 14-S anit-t i '*(.ttfer carIs' fait 1 'nett t. lTe ;viîigs ai e .1 fliou ......- Women's Bathing Suits in the Newest Styles '11 vl~ii avet:al w titol Ba fliniiSIiiit.sin a ýIýiti aut îv Ofne o rriii .lei.an tt fa\ o fl AiH ...'........... $ 5 - Foremost Features For Friday and Saturday In Our Greatest July Clearance- of Women's- Apparel Dainty Tub Frocks 3.98 Values to $10MO Tiiy i u ew Vîî esv \ ui-saîd ( iiiti iisin Ile\vest Modes withlal the celevei' littie Style tîouchîes i-s' nîtîu vere(i. M'- tv- S!ip-over Dresses A tii..~ i1.-0'. Cr DIs i f i La .tî'ii.î and cv-clint jitiii g gai nîctîs. ~9 For (2ha l-I c'!...... 3 9 Net Waists F'ut' wear ' ith the sit -)vîtrtsts sOute liave- frllis and sotte ),ttlî flerk Ain erî viy style ut $2.50 TO $4.00, Georgette Blouses -A beautif ul array in ail the newest styles and-color effects. $3.98 Womien's Bloomers -Wcll fimidc and vcry fuleut. 50e ,s1)it'i aft pair------------...... ....... . bouse Dress Aprons - i't~ î-îjg UlIurv " bt'aiîd ; u -M. -ît Uo(I.V st'tî: su-. $1.95 Sateen Petticoats Muslin Nightgom- ns .....~ Fît . ..t....tit ....'.'..... ... l'.'. $ 1.O Charming Wash Frocks 9-098, Values to $27.50 De4ig.litfiî frs'ks cf îichest Voiles, P14îtedlSa' -sOt'gandies and fille im- poî'ted 4iiîgluanri. Thüete at-c daitîty, cool, cltarm-iliîig froi'ks. - Idleal for slummer v cal I' I, ) l o <w pitctl. Slip-over Dresses tuf smîait S-liaîtt.îug Silk. Si)letidid fit- t iîig dret'uiit', prettily mîade and trimmned. ~ 'mlisi;tc's fi lt l3,to 44 $12 .9 SiAkSkirtg ~;it)'Sil k Sporît Skiîts ini the clec'3 cetixe"a' tdes.]Btlr F'oB'ronettes, TalIy Iln, Fantasliis, etc. -« 9 It -whlit ittdul ioI's.. -9.118 Silk Sweaters -A gon-cotls display of uwagger 831k Sooatrs i aIl the 1tadli;tit Iaew Q I rI spot - hadres at ... ....... - Children's Appare - -)riîty Or(t.ll-idie Dresses ini 2 to 6 and Girls' Dresses -Pt-e-ny it ittl,,ltini Dreti-iCit for the littie ('iliths iiîtt2 tu 6- andîd to 14 veats nid.- t ~-s'stut$ 1.48 Rompers îîhîy ". ti tîî tt'c ttt$1O