PAGE 'mn RAID DRUOII'S FARM; SEIZE-8ô 4iALLONS 0F RUM1 Federal agents swoop down upon Barrington place Saturdaymornrng Noi aH il--iigoudw l s1t.,I r toind in drug stru1 Ttise da% s> A bai4e1î of feder-al dis agiei çndt, ilpen tu fii tJoît 'nlin, 1 roitT,1-w0 of a drug tore ai Iarrilnglon al Saturday m(irning and sie Iud ien gallons cif Mhîilivanti Sîtenlt gai Ions of aleohol. The raid was matde uî.on wliaTla knowOn as the 1'niversal fariim one mile souti of llarrington. Conkin hi lIre owner of thre If sal drug store at 1877 rîuîiav ave- neis, Chicago. The caretaker of the farîti W;is ai- rested. He is Charles Carlton. lie deflied any knowledge of 1mw ,tli liquor came To be on the farmu. Two other places. at Lakte Zurich were rided over the week-end by the uponge squad of State's AttorneY A- V. Smith, ad Iliose places yielded t'wo truckloads of beer, moonshilie ad whmkey. J. j. . lannigan's place at Lalie Euricl. was raided Friday night and à of beer and whiskey aelse4 The state's attorney's, men retuxlied Saturday and' again ralded the Pla£e. gettlng some more homze. The place of b. H. Brinker. locateti just acrossit he street f rom Pl'annl- ga's was &Iso raided and a trucitinat of beer and moonshine taken. Both Flannigan and Brinker gave bondi for $2000 each. and States At- A=z Sey mith Monday filed Information againsitbem in the counrty court. :.LAKE ZURICH o 00-0000000000000,00 TH-E UIBERTYVLLE INEPENDENT. THURDAY. .IULY 28, 1921. a iaiiirb reunion of 1thel3enald family1 .i Shridan, Ill., Sunday. The reunilon REMOVE MENACE i. ulil uei'syear and iiembers contel tro nirrany miles around to attend. NI 1 and Ni rs. L. Wahburn attentledTHi AS C le elri., tening of Mr. aind Mrs. Otto' T T AS C S llanzi-'îi littile son ai Barr Sunday F"r'ank liel l la rking a shlort saca- S ERAL LIVES un. i~î by rinnipà a naîl in lis: l)il Friîta> sengw hile rarbitg in! iiilaIe. St. 5Paul takes away building NIlr-(trio Fiaiik anm il ittren si that obstructed crossing s 'iitîrs huire Saîtiday. llunr) Schineide'îruiiising fasly view at Wilson ini P i'lalatin hlisîital. aller'-huein uto 'khanUîoSatuorday uevnin. ie SiI l'aul it jjilriad roi pan:.lbas oni Il iiistaNhori'I owsn. ,I s sasid'i a ken dosan thle building ai itie il- tas Inju ries are noi urou.but lie sa.a ,on satiion î'rotssing wliiclilia, been In a sTiîsîr ioor souie hours alfieriI lie respon sibît' for niny accident s, ai iufjîýilunt . numbler tif whlichlihavse prôsed ftal.I ir. and Mis. .Îaiies liaviilaon. ir. The building Mas used as a storage 1tn »lsl. Jn is e 1 Chcac 'lîse for ind-cars and railî'oad tools one titi ylasi wui'lt and wiiiitetd tai apoint where it Mia. John Irv ing and daugbîeras 1la 'trains. iiet lier parents. Mr. andi Mrs. C'harles I a iIi caîgwir r Toities0.ON. Snmith 'sas kilieti ibis spring. %Mrs. Roy Siater las iaiting ai W. O. Only recently, Roy Triggs, of the Tib- Schunîacher's fer a few days. btta auto sales company. hati a close Mtr anti Mrs. W Mait Lawrence and escape fî'om deatb ihere, wben a sonà Barringt'on Spent Friday vve, train struck bis truîck and carried hlm ning witb MISS Ediîb Dymond. anti the truck for mQre than 100 feet. Misa Rose Premif He emurgeti front thew weckage, un- spend a week ai Lakte Geneva wtih Last August a truck loadeti with r.nd Ms.JhnPêh doe okellastone was Struck and tiemoliahed Mr.undee Mhrs. onPrharoe at that point. l)ude Thraya on buiness Foîîowîng tbe death of Dir. Smith te .company mnade arrangements ta ROWLEY iMCL% CLURE remos'e the building. MISS 111MMERMRAN "'0 0'00«on O LICENSE» TO WED flts e tluîe proprieto of!tle Grand Ave. Garage lit Gurnee. andt JMarion E. Zimmermian. tiaughter of ('har-les Turk o! Waukegan, obtainert a mnarîlage licensu lot@ Montiay after- floon in Wsukegan: lietails concern- ing the wetiding we-e flot available but iltlit believedt lîy were marciud Tuesday morning anti have gone on a bioneyrnoon trip. McCure la a son of !.ù's. Helen Mc- Mies Hiazel Kohl bas been on the 1iurc. *'nthig the Stan liC W5î in thiu sicklis fe seera daslied ('rosa ambulance sertvice os'er- Maliel Pobimana, the six year old Spasn ent. rtrnprato e daUgiter o! AUgut Polmann.'had the ____________ mistortune to break ber le t erailest Mir. Meckvitîb. Who vas at tise Wit- ' L TI S »eY Faims lut year. left Montiay tb opa thse Maid« e cool. ThIse reaut social ad bak:ry sale FORMED AT AREA 9tvu y te adis'Aoi e tyat Urday eve"ig on tise Maple J'eu lavit Menubuca of the varions traties or- vau vei atteaded. gazizationa ensployed on the con- Mias Ihtiser Mauceh o! Mayvood vas struction of tb. Catholie c aiool at a cOler ber. S.turtay. Area, are organising an athletic as. Mies Ama Osaber la sp.adlg ber sociation, anti i lal plannedti 1 give vaci ta ut BngoBay, wu. boxing and wrestling exhibitions Umisa abu'Melabard o! Waukega tier. occasionally this summer. Some la vbl lt er aister, Mrs. C. Rt. Wea-lo! tbe men eqsployed tisere as veli as ver tiaet . importeti talent yull match their . a d Mrs. Wlter Laun atteadeti akillI n these events.* Corne rimmeti Everettinlauaiseasy gaine o! baseball. Thse score vas 24 10 . McCoy starreti as ptcher for tise Gurnee team. Mra. Willis Appieyard visiteti Chi- cago frienida Ibis asat vuek end. William Patterson la spending the vacation season ai the hoem of bis is. ter. Mrs. Thorne. Misa Marguerite, Thorn anti Miss Marie De Vries have returneti from De Kalb Normal Scbool. Etivard Egan or Chîcago ta in our midat again o ns vacation. Theu Boy Scouts, under the leader- ship o!flMr. Slaugiter. arc camping at Gages Lake. Owen Mecaîf annithe week end visiting friands inCiicago. Just nOv Oven la telling friends about thse wontierful performance o! Mary Rob- erts Rinehart anti Avery Hopewood's "The Bat." he TMisses Pearl anti Marjonie Milla have been spendiag thse paut veek en- tertainlng relatives anti frientis. Tise Bedwells have a new Plgu au- tomobile. Ail our *"swlmming isole tireains" for Gurnee Park aréem1ned. Jack Thsomas bua ordered thse vater pumpeti out In order 10 »btaif a fresb supply o! grav- el for our roïds. Mr. and Mrs. George McCullougis. and family, togetber witb Miss Bessi. parr and other frands, are on an auto- Pageant o! Progress Exposition-Chicago, Jul 30' to August 14, On the *5 Million Dollar Grand Avenue Municipal Pier Swept by Cool Bsreezes 31ILeS0F EXHIBITS 25Showsin One abv show Flower Srow Humaisa ami ab~ton Show science Show $11,669,000Fur EÙhihuioa Food Show Furiture Show Hydropisis ad Textile ad Clothi: show oSuimessShow Automobie show $ Yards Exhibut jewefrv Show Electwic Show Foutwear Show Dawy Show à ch.mmwcl Show 1921 Style Show Agficaltual Show Homàanduid lding Show mlasial Iasruumts Show Advedimig Show Louber EiWit, Speed Boat Races Sham atiles Siahuaurine Chames and Gm"ba Nautçal Louis Vemetin Nihis sNaval Nameiavers mobile trip to the L)lls of Wisconin." Several other Gurnee pteopîle are mak- ing plans fori- a iTit tohi4 bunul) spot. NIr. and Mis. Lts lie MclrCure are in Gur-net, lb ufljo at sitation Th, Ne- o Clures ai pi ueiteîlaie liv ing in In siialaptolis sslieleNI NI'ccltrii' aai- IThe Royal Ni igirbot s :ind_'lodurn Woodmien Itulil a joit iiieriuuing Sait-r 1- daý,*' ilight, Mrs. Dlaziel uf Waulîegan wais thbu gut'si o ihioor. Thteuri of 'îsrs itbe lowred' Iras si rîck itle Bcîwîiafl liairiy. Two nmen werî' laid offt TIis weuk. Friends of 'Mis ViraPhelps will bie interested iii learn fitishe is ai- lending (lie lUniversity of (Chicago tbis stimmer. Nlissa Plielxts las stilt a " manette." The ihreshing i,ason is fast uiiding The > ield This x.'rr is i atlîer poor. Corn prospects are for a bumper crop., L. W. lraclîer of Waîîkegan was ,a <Curnee visitor iSunday. The Gurnee Grammar School wl opten on Monday, Sept. 5. One day willl be allowed to attendsthie big county fair at Lîbertyville. The grade scbe board 'is Planning to have tbhenieï!11(1 school redecorateti. They also intend to make other necessary improve- mente. Tbese isprovemCflls are cer- tainiy needed andi will tend to Put the graanmar In the better cMasn; o! acools. Gurnee's mollo shouid bie "A Su.erior High School-Why Not a Superior Superlor Grade fichool !" 0 HALF DAT 0 00000000000000000O Next Sarurday uvening. JUlY 30, aI 9 oclocli. ibure willi bu antopenmet ing for the uni ire communlty ai theý To'wn Hall. The building committee is about ready to tari vomIt on the new cburcb. but fintis that even the ruvsedt plans cannot bu fiuanced with out acceptlng the aid f rom the Chi- eugo Missionary Society. This aid bau aiready been authorlzed by thu churcis,i but we underatanul iberi' is a senti- ment in the comoniiy agaiflat it. andl ibis la your chance te inske your pro- test. andi final decision wbetber te go ahead etc drop the projeci. So if 11ou have an' tbing on our mîinti. but st., to attend. iŽvelyn Petursitutreiurned home las( SatUrday froint lier visit to Chicago. Tbresbing la w.,11 under way anti wililsonbu s -t. alielimakes if looki again like fail. Willanm Fai'itr is do- ing fine work this yuar witl i ls new thresing outîi. .Choir practice fluai Frida yuvening aI 7:30, ag usual. Sunday School ai 10 a. m. Eveniflg service at 8 ociock.2 Pubjeci "The Christian Temple.' -The Best Baya of the Cburcb Havé'u Always Beefl ifs' inging Daya." flow le th18 %1U M 81the beat tisys oi fines' ]Ife are thse singlng tisys, tToo Laie fon Last Week. Miss Anna Gerbert and Miss Avis Hayford apent the veeli end ai home Miss Hayford bas decidedte to iku a vs- cation for the coning six weeks, while1 Miss Gerbert i'turned îo DeKalb on Monday. Viss Emalins Cok accom-1 psnled ber and la gob e at e a six1 weeks 'course. La.s Saturda> evuning (4uail'eter- .son lîscl a slrgbt accident while on the9 way te libertyi) .le, shen lis car1 skiddi'din the loose gî'avul and strurit anothler ear. LucItily o ne u'Mas hurt and the damnage vas ali.1 N. Schulec and faumily andi Marshal Scbroeteiauotored te Rosellu Sounda> to visit Miss Blanche Scbului'. who la vworking in a telerhone office thure. i Mrmu. Mines Moore o!f('hicago, is sîtunding a Mcli wilh Mra. Mioote rand MiS. Knol .Miss Eita Sciiroedi'r lias 'etorneil boru'frrin Milwsaukee. &-liere site bas been sisiing le b D ltrI rScb ou duc, l'or-two'we The Nlisses lys andi fitvitluasoit hai'eiui'ned home ioin' Zlob ('1iY. 's'lici'u ibhes bave heen visiing. Mn. Smith, wloio laagain ti c utire îrinîiîal in our publie sebool the com ing icrîi., bas airuady arriveti at the ('oo îtomu', looking iwunty years youneiian sahon hi leri. mmd wî'are My YOUjwa imer. HA$ A Ouia boad. AND SUE believes Il. AND TALKS ta Nofib. AND 1 think aisetaîks. TO UER*beat fell.w. WUOS DEAO but doesnt know il. AND 1 usedt tegive ber... TUE LOUi, rude laugit. *UT IN sorrj1 aow. IccAUtE LAST micht. 1 WAS home aoa. W 1 lot tise b;.& AND PU;T la a CKuL FOR J04N* Barîcycov. AND OTUEHR tieparteti apîsita BUT TU ln. k buss, l'ORlNtNOO;.happemsd. THIN 1 cheatai a Litle. AND UT îpelled this. «ORAMJASUOTTA BEVIEN."1 80 I shut off quick. TO HEAD off any. FUFTUER*FAMILY .iidaL THEN 1 stopped tu sîuuii.- A CIGARETTE. AND AFTER a while. 1 CRANKEO up M'utjee'. AND AL.L of a suiad'i. IT STARYEO off. AND Qt;icI< s Saa. UT BAUD sometbing. "ITHEY SATISFY.' kY word. J ust lik-ht op & t"hext&erfielii and wue 'wat ea- perta can do with fine tarkish and Domemtîl- tobacro. viien they hieni t heiIn1hTir a 't-bB- ropieti Cleterfield ws3'. Youfl Say "tbey astisfy." Dîd yenm knew . .boe l glati to sebis sniing face ationg us Shore i)airy C'o. H-e vas taken in hi-sOS 0 600 0000000, again. home on Jeffprsoqn as'enne. ' "A" M J1 Tise Hall Bs> base bail team p~layed Drc. Jaintemon boûgbt lori> aset'.-, tfor 100 Oa OOS00 0 0 0 0 0 OSE the Diamonti Lakte team, last Sunday the Mitchell farpi recently and tl ta anti If tbey coulti have matie about 20 reporîed bue solId20 acres tii J S-, Edwvin Voms sptnt Sunda> ui hume. more scores tisey would havevwon te .evît>. Mrs. F. Wells entertaineti relatitte gane. Nevertiselesa. ve have the ina- Miss May botige. wmo tbas been li.,' froin Minnesota anti làberV'aille lafi terial anti wiiis suffluient practice Weiing bier aunt. Mca. Catherine Bonner. Watnesday. will bu able 10 îîlay. îcfî Monday 10 speni stîme Tinte vib jMr. anti Mrs Baon anti Mi nt1 W "Oubli once harboreti in the conacbolus Russell relatives. .Hitchinga o! Waukegan revso breasi intimiates the brave. degrades Miss Vis ian Ilonntir ,Itent Thor alay ai thse J.A. Mason home S4unday. the 'greai. in Chbicago uaithbu L>burn Ste»wart Mrs. Emmna Kruug.-r uneiained C'. J. Flerselib(t-igtu andi Miss Aile-bomne. ýdaiigbiur, Mri. Hý Ma.ttuî andi falil, unturtaineti conspany fron Maywood, Mrs. E. N. Cannoun fuil anti seiosly ,*f-%ergl ulys lait wtek. 111 , the- past wc-ek. inJuredt he ligamnents id"'hec foutiandl Mr, anti64m.W. Suannîir ripent i stitlie ulaid up for morne time ilia saut-k aiWauconda. 0000009000 0000O 0, Mr. antiMcm. Han-yý Glusson atnd soin> Mis S, E. Knedi-r entiitulidhi * i~ ~R Nanti Miss D'ans tuf Lîburtyvillelc taitîti 'îtbrîtiers frontthie cît> Saturday. e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l~unday on tise Beman famtillcenms.n i luabbrgc 4 O00O000,,0000 00000000: O Mca Josephinu Matheva retut nuti ant i lhrechb-.'rutnrn Jr - anti faiil _Mn" Maude Clev elandi Las atanti home front Pontiac Illinois. 'ruista> 5 isiuAT i t--i"M.Insu.t- nholu tintie 'îtb ber rmothîýr. Richardi Martinnlta on lIme sieklislia' Sunday. Mra. E A. Matin anti stn Ritchardl Missarl l evcl('caiaid '-neiunsnett ilîiani Knetiu. i-i l oc Montai iiotore tu iiKentsha Frida> . usao ladys friends frn u t hicago Tu Tirralasi s ksliet-i'b.ccis. a wnî i Mr. anti Mrs. Allen Mucc> anti tht t' r-epitn lte tciîî,'raiuru in h t i tînd'uand M r. C'tllina (it liberni)ville Th, itUne uta ridl amblesa nul t lt' ut -i a1 tbein ln' 1 it n rti' aha ale' sulîer iit lue M lsio(na i tua I as i lntis I)atia hm insiut'ruo il'J 'laaur I l'un(ltit' "i la 's i Thursday evening. S. ientOan Iavn Wednuadas -eut ti sstTu bn'ua> Mca. Pcrry of Chiicagot 'ast it irin- About fifty sure IreMent. AithTimo t-santi (ami , -ited cilla] speuakec ai the Missionar ne utuelMisa Beatrice Andierson. accuotrîi a k.' Zuritct Sondas MinervasWiloughby of Waukcgaus nlet by ber tvo niece'u anti Mca Lunud Mr. anti Mrs. Abboutiand ~Iughtei lta vîsiiing Mca Larson this week. gren of Walikegan. spent th.' sas %t-sei.' tacT Stuntisu ,-,tlir'. t' be V Mcaî. Johnson and tisugbter o!f('hi- endi "th the boume folks. -Lu.ut'hîtcat homte. t'agit art- sisiiine M anti Mca Floyd Mc. .abraitb, Mrm. Lybuîrn Si."s t. il l'ltcbingi andti:wiy uci Wetzel. art's noiher. is serlousi'. iMiain iet (lient-w abriTorasonday, 1). M. WIiie ant i efe 'ipefi Tus,.; home home n Chicago. - Mc. anti Mn bL. l'tioul,;ondaYedi tIlis au Lakte Zurich. Mr. anti Mc. J.BRitenitaui tf tW'l lime J. P. Rizenthalvr home. .Ars. Fannie Jantiemtîn. Miss Alîce' iodle spueni ltu"swecl 'ti' libt M.atiMa i* iî'î I Jaiuier'îtn anti Mrs. Helen Boss anti son brolher. flette Suntiay. Janies of Rochester, AVIs., callei on Mca Coon avenT th-it,' a' k ntivii the lu. NM. White family Saturday. -O CO c OO o o o ' limur son anti famii>. Miss Alice Jantieson, wbo bati thme . FOR ALL TUE NEWS OF LAKE o Miss Nellut Conklin wuniT o the h(t imisfortune tu break as siaîl bone in o COUNTV, SUBSCRISE FOR TUE e. pitai Tueaday for the remosal of lier foot about six weeka ago, la nov O IN4DEPENDENT-S1.50 A YEAR e' goiter. Misa Florenceu toopani ableto get abouton crutcheg. 0*O00 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 ' 0her. Misa Beatrice Antierson of Wauke-1 gan National lBank, la anunding bcd vacation wilb lier miothur. Mn anti Mca. OW Cleveland o!f(Chi- cago puni the week entd wiîb boie H UJ R R Y ! H UJ R R Y! .%I. ani Mns. E. A. Martin transaci-ý lbines antica got uhndFoa ant Id businss. ('heo Modand Spring Ch tekens, Squabs and Eggs dauglîter. Alice. anti Miss Fooka of, I2ngland. le! t Tu'sday to falle a twoý weeks' vacation anti wil motor tu We specialize in Spring Clackens. Squabs and Eggs, and wdI Lake Winona. Indiana. The Misses W41lu. Tyardes anti Jami- pay better prices than you cani gel elscwbere. We are always leson, nurses f ratin West Seburbals boas-, in the market foor ail kincls of poultrv, and1 are iihjn less dhmi pii'al. Oakt Park. anti Mc. Andersonof, River Forest. came by auto ant i vsit- an hour's drive fro0m you. ed aI the J. S. fleoman home Sunday. i Warren Cleveland or Ciicago, vill We pay- cash for everything we buy and have tuo ohnes at pruacis for us Suntiay. He la connect-' cd 'sitht'the Mootiy InSîttute. your service-125-W-2 and 156-M-I1. Tbresiuing le extra early anti the' yieltIîtooc. Ohts 20 le 30 bUshels t0, Ciii us Up Sfly tEre, 7 A. M. to 9 P. M. the actre. No eanly potatoes. 1.1 The Antiocb irownsilp S. S. Con-! vuntion was well attenieti. anti a gondi meng hed. aukgan Gonese; Wheeling Farms, Wheefing, Ml representeti. Mr. anti Mca, Grant et (Chicago. tise, Du Plaimes Rivelr Sied Nude Road. foi-mer a bcotisec-ln-law o! Mc.'Hollen-' becli, sang tvo solos ai thie MillisurtiI'Eihiee 94 chut-eh Stiay alorning. (To Laie for Lest Week.) i Mr. anti Mca. V. IL Stcang anti chul dren acrIs'ei honte Tuesday fronu a ' sisit at Tbree OsIts, Micis. Théodore U. Ducat, Préident W. 19. Smith, Vice Preu l Miss Margaret GlbertIis spendingi F W. Churchill, S.erotary andi Manager. itaut of ber vacat ion w ith ber mother. iTm IO E8 Mr.Horace ('ulver, at Monaville. T W OE8 M'lis Dunîian. having avenu two sveuks withb lus'cous4ins. returneti Son- S C I IrV T T D 1 T r day la bis hotinlWilnuette. SE U- aaTTLE& T USTCO luoroihy ani Helen Mati of ('hicagoA nu", visling PLthtie Nelson hiome'. i BS RCS 0F ITM£ - TITLES GUARAN1EE The Hetler fainily entertQineid coin- ,tany frcout Chicago Sbantay ' LaplW.I 1î,OAI.0 Rlobert Taylor of Wa.ukegan, when i'ITining to W. M. Bonner's. visemeha WAuI~gAN. lis enuîtlo)'îati. 'ss con nby an auoo-______________________________ mobile îrdick bcîonging To tise Nonsb MEN ARE WAR ABOUT DECI SEL VES ON S( OfficiaIs and citizeru hold back judgn' S state matte waukpcgan pîîeplîi, r î0otias user inri-marIl ,)! Tie ca;lse lîtouglitiuit nor Smialil.Ake f'ttUflty W4auiîtýgan merie1' Tt edtudT ,sîiu-ai]itnn ou tof iilt -'r in, t sti'" î.ýT ifori lit i1. 'tUt îrîî"t or thIl iit ý war s tf r ulkî rgý 1. What do you tini Ilihnois scandai? 2 How do you thînk out? n hlr' it i .,% litai i ili t r t ' ut qi ta k with tflSt rs si !h , a a liole.:'«"TItis i vrli< !i1iwoulIln't iké t u '.ell .%nt ier sas iti -'I bl n> opjinion a- s. i anti i i ih i l its . jqiiigriîeni - ~ I i t . il LOus WalliIr 1l'il- s' ." hligîl i it Dr. Ot-o R. Thî,mpsa .rt, . * - g il. iî, y fi.,:,; ili ii't "i Tom'~. 'yrreli-' I!"i a ntin--..,ant i 'îl r t, t.i Judge Walter Taylor yC)M~ lait h ,atit tast "rnbi If hliaitti ignuti a,âi, Ion i iiiundapg*' rias.' huaid an>iltitigai Sairs OFarreli -"Ilitfin prosus tion a."at club iii ,folud tax conTirisI'iof wah in g oditha s USQUEE TO DIU Wems the body bepn Md movemeot bocomio ià mualp en indcati -theUmm adotbym 5vm bleUet miode i bu igo" be"kb la t ON <.DAS THE~ ANI FOR FACIAL SCALP TREA Efficient For All Toilet Prepar CONîS U LT- 'OFFICES aul bvr 'Reardon ý What'e ~3ooc1 wo.~dw SOAdvantages Countless Uses yOU o ut selectricity la thouan*daof vA"a. YOU cm gel il linuaay vaya-bul Pm oa cet the Iftr WDly Lialat aivan. t& in l y am. v- that la by ov.img WIDys Llght. -Wby5 ha a p-iti.. -lemu «&f Wfllpo Ugh owa." Ioigw We vil demomaa lght on pour fatuL CM IUL DIETZ MOTOR CO. Trettphone 89 LIBERTI VILLE ILL North Shore Trains Leaving Libertyvifle 5:48 a. m. to 12:4R a. m. make con- nections at Lake Bluff, that take you direct to the Grand Ave. Elevated Station, jugt. a short distance. from the Municipal PiQr and the Pageant of Progrest. Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee R. R. WERTVILLETICMT «MIE AMO ASSIGIRSTATION FHONE 74. FJU& à wu 1 --- - %mmw-mý -- - -- ---- - - . - -- -- - 1 t i