CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 28 Jul 1921, p. 8

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THE MBM1VRE INDME1T, THURM)AY JULY 28, 1921. igdy, Juiy 22.' 10 Mr. and fia. Waters, a daughter. kéà lira. w. carr of Deerlîaid fas of Libertyville friends la.t 1 Afine daughter was boru to Mr. and E#TYYILLÉ NEWS 1MA .Richard Ddls ftt e ihad the usual grin and a box~ of cigars Our base ball teaan went 10 Mau- for his friends Monda>', conda tast Sunday, and got "theirn." The, score was steen t0o oeln favor Mr and MNrs. Jack Bradford andl evaaîfi-om tihe western edge ofati laut ýi. I )rothiy, waflri 0)Chicago h. couflt> Bill Fra nzen pltcbed j ieigitîs thismorning., whereliîorol , » gu*ly Dorfler and childien t- : u tns ir stle. bultlite rest of tite âfe Suaday, alter a visit with buncît aeeuted' ired, and te iteit r îb~~~~ Miwtte. tuldflt <(Iote wiole job. Titat Wau4 EUlUilutitiMilwaukee. Ut~ l 00 UzMlsea Marlan asnd Myrtie xOUt te week end wth ir i. . Cbck 'F'ox lu Palatine. Sueument firni of Colins pbavae tst received a car oad of a Vausau, Wl.. granite. a Jase WAebb lefi last Saturdar VWat la Deirit. Mich . wjlh liai XA U. Webb, and other reiatls es * .Uament Workers téias a i lt' Uusday school will meat Frday, ,a i te home of Mraý. Francis pgjmIora Coiby la itere visiting ber o. She has raigned bear position 9mlga, and will soon go taCaail or.%o int tii way of pla5 ing bail. Ouîr boys iteui a litle pep injeeted, and thie>-' wiii he a il igt. Nexi Sunday rltî-ý go, te NiHenry. and expeet ta irlrim ihu teant from lthaIt twn. Corne on. bo.. bring ironie the bacon. Our sot ing eritnr was unabie b o goto r rtctmitttriuîndaî anti we liaNte ni) box o; t tie slaîît.-iîrer tis %""nik tllrîut for t wo weeks tisit ina, Mr. ami Mi,. MeCartit>. On Sunîiay Mr. and Mrs. Bradford expecitot Join lthe !dit. rieb onl kt wo weeks fishini t ritp in lthe walds of Wisconsin, A ntiitub. t aifiibertyvilUe 9'oiks-aat îended the.shtow 0f lthe Noîti Sior hIorticuifUral 'SocetY, hi-hI alUtîrton, Scirool. -Lake Forest.. iasî ýýattiirdas Titi iisltlay t bis ya r was 1îrouîîîinceri ,1tî eie-ii tra n> rt t osn b% thle se i-- %, and iiauclintierest mas iiailest i-il b., tie i,- sitars tt hi sbow 'IWANT-ADSI bb NUMas I)rotl'tyiand Milla«l- Mrar" visiiing thaît gi-anduttot r WANTEI r TO IENT Fi iiliaiî rl JOE HOSCISLAWSKY & CO. )&p. H. H. Fika, ai Litchfieldrlli,t)Iiîi. tr- irîrsekpeaîilg. TWOin Rit-KAI. ESTATiE CO. PROM NWAiIKE fr,îî,L Iquri ai ndeîwdî o 211r ILA . ,1-Foundai- of Indel)ndn - - - - bRelt Estai,- Agancy ai Cuba N. Y Bessie Veacît îtniiirr..WATD GOOD COMPETENT Atiî-ganN Counily an-the bes"ti arinîs q n ai Chicagoe wre gues'r- i GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- Miii goorl biulidinga. wiii fine Iotorii borne ai Mr. andl Mis Hariry WORK; SMALL FAMÉLY; NO WASH-satlUe; fine liaisas and ilaItne-essar> ING. MRS. SMITH, 509 ri GENESEE, iîaclinpry. walîl grehti oilrîhrd rn et r ma SUùday ST., WAUKEGAN. PHONE 429. er'y place; fraon forit osr-ct dllars iu Helen Jolînson anetIMrs.Eiv tt-liert acre,. inclîhi i i stok. maIna ïharn of Waukegan iirp i- trr, ti-t'WANTED- Men or women îo laka or-nitaut quiet: surTiire lirnesit 0"istn hi aet l trl, ~inong friends and neigbbora ts tiî 4t 1a7r-iiîig iei î.îîcir.Mi rt or te genuina guaraateed boiery. - Cha. Jonsonrit-line loir Men, women or cilidren. t Sîl ALE- A lairti ril rrilr1 r,-4Mn, Ross TI gwmý aintiir-- 1 iî desiarnung. We pay 75c an le-aný i iiinIra - 1t. i rit t. taadmi s. ,igniar [i l ', 11t.r il imitr sîare ime, or $3690 a week for 1r -0tandliiil i iit eila inthl o"* Sunday. makiug T Ilr-11.i. r' fuit lune Exgerience unneceaaary rit0itr Y roiir itachini, il r Ioofli Triggs iitîonr<obile. rte International Stockîng MlIs, barn:- hut pîoulit itis,- ro. I 500 - Noi«t iston-n. Pa.îliukrn-tot. houai foiiPlulrritiaaio lv:Ca-Scitaucitandl iaugîri-- liirs.and îîllîr necv'Tstirr îutbuilid egliuean Eeyn. or reinu tir;Ings. Hirses andi 13 iî'aî ai caille go i te. A eb i.. itithtiC i CSdeflie h'L'01 tarin. Tis fatni wa s botigill ~umayviltngth lrutes i- MueNine' Ae, Mrb. Grae, L),n-ea 2 i. lr ifo r $12.00o; Miii selfiîîî $15000, Mri. Edwin Weber. 1I -- _ -- telitding ail iaciinerl ail stock--r î. Charles Browu tetuineil ti rl'uPOSITCIO VANTEt i 'uît ,ugii%,- 55 gl i-iaitastîndl$1 000 ciimiep r. Titis My aller a vislit i ailn -sn iernce-di lbiit- -gitaerai nurt]«i ii it-gi-c teis t ialigri n'iin ià ~V, Iii Sha W5 a Clai laTi c trt, -t rîni gt i tr, ' tt - t, i it.r mnutlartilt Io ieliîad in lit - -oinitr - nef,1 h ws îo(i a-tn tiait oi wai, 1 ,ilr , r- - :nàiis nwratlit $50000t; sold l! vears 0 hy er brother. A4lîîrcacii- Indlljenient. 1, go-igr rt 75»al.rrTlirîee lîunii- tgrs Me Idies' Aid Societly ou1hi,- M. iin b-Vi.a liiiaceb1inaa th vil meet at i ta churcit Tue.;- rland tîstire rand tiîubeî. Seven finel \V't)iK ON AX Vir l N M I IN IN%(, s-.riirgs. M tir net-er-faiinz auppli Ol afteraoon, Augusl 2ný, Ait l nent .tn g iiln itet--ni t i*riî rr dir ioltin ire mater. i absoiutiîrgutîrit aft rquested ta ba rsn-n vd- Exîrerrencer inlxait kiiiîs ît-i-t' liili e as reiiresented. W.Penny and lirs. biaipitOwenltr -ti w ork. ad i is,, k noins g i .i t t .îb - aît.- a si-lacri r-t ? ai irii 01 Osage.bIwa. were Ilire ti intg t r11(i,- 'Vjling il) do. ar kind il irra tii- nd lluti c iun r ait iad fart, Odth ileriofMq.Lar Týwork. Addrcsa Mrs C.- H. Os trandeîi îrrcctaaur-sa riof iiitlits tand. -A hi hefunra a lia.Laua utFox~ Laske. 111 t>9-1t1ifine aîiirlunit: lut Illinois familiers _" viited friends senerai daiii. lu atII,- in onl,-oftrihe, bei-i counities lu êLibertyvilie Citapter, Order iii lAKE PiIONTAGE Pl'Rit'lT'. iFO i t-e -stern ltiati tti- ,coîriir .N.and -»tern Star, willlnot hsld unNS iALE tii-irled n rite- rbail i i iO im- tuu-btig nianer on ii . .tari. hi loi Lake-.on- c i I igiresi tak, in iilo u- betaduair> tind mnati-rl tucrnlng Mffl ati Augual. 25. Afler tai Lake ,ioîti5 lietlituttts wiiililan' couenry in the Unit Sties.(Conte ~nsIrmeetings 'wili behieid nvii Iigli aboie,- G"ou'i ijing. bitai and se iaWiefrui iriuna 1tyheHubbard, employed in tng and bathing. Property will bie di.-;.foe Hrasei4lawqky & Cao..Cuba, New *lSV9thy store, ta ejoyîng a Nidaîl tnt-tari'asanably sîzed tîlecea lo i j' 2611f la pedlg anaitii-estdence tutirtoses iiitt t'î rcs 1t iii L Mad-u6r-îoîîbugao Oke, and la spendin ~$10.0o1 ta$35.001lier tfr-tnt foot ac-cardMoen6ro hi",m vWd1tng relativ-es gluaritiou'Il goactir-iti lttlattcilis iiît-in-a k-.wrttakeuti MOI - it niail oron te grotinrls hart ti-ge. ApIdtiy1 p.EIiî-rliiii' .r md ra. Devermanu anti Mr I.hnsýon Lire t'arîiîs. Girays-1r.'iZurich. lii. 29 2i IDd, of Palatine were liera lasu rviaiting Mr. andl Mi-H itrry $00000000o0o0oo0o0 AREA a ami lra. Townseud Simil,îrit. - Çg8k and Misa Bernî-it l%%u-atoni 4 the lotus beds t ;its> ILak( Imfd Mrn..Johin RIitiusr riiie eir borne Sunday etentng. rîtîr Mgaseverai days tirîlottn FiORU -ALEF Frdiltourits iai. TIi 11i0 ltSALE Sit urebakorrCui 5iris at 'r,-isasa gooctiitîsnew - iecti rtai ar- in goar; iit-cliantral itîndît ton aiilec îlu-tîountiîbia durs . i-t'talibtr sa crifice. Teretiliont- 1 72 MI (t a rit.- gain ai $350. Car can hi- seen at 1188 111)x 406. 29-Il - Baividere ISt.. Waukegan. 29-i i The annoying dust that s0 teadilyd!ifts into the home and setdes upon upholstery and portieres or collects out of convenient reach, may be easily anrd dustlessly suctioned away by the ,ww long-armed air attach-. ment. of The Hoover. But to cdean rugs with the thoroughness that invarially adds vears to their life- and beauty, mare than air is essentiaL. Sa The-Hoover gently beau rugs ta remnove ail nap-wearing, buried grit. Swiftly it sweeps up stubbornest litter, lifts crushednamp and revives talera. Powerfully it suction cleans. Only The Hoover does ail these things; there- fore, only The Hoover repeatedly pays for itself by protecting valuable rugs (rom avoidable wear. And it is the largest.selling elecriccleaner in the world. Yhe HOOVER It Beaus -- as it Sweeps -as it Cleaits We will demenstrate The Hoover in Your Haone or at Our Store. Ionvenient Ternis, if Desired RAY Furiure & Paint Store Open Monday. Friday and Saturday E'ýenings LIBERTYVILLÉ The 1 3 r Anina Iatrop i iiLi,,t i ýArea viatar Tàas4la3. ml Mmr J. C.- iorilet, -i., iWaukegan Monda> fet coing. SiWeaitiey wito "is been set r in, isomewitaîtuir(ii-il Zdian Tositantartaint-îlli over the week end. Md lira. Peer Nelson anrd non. 14 of Chilcago. isiledai a tueJ. ir *lad Hermaf iKîbank humînes' li ra. L. Wndetkiunie *feai -relatlnî-s fîîî,tîCiicagoi be wUk end. Hope Buxton ai Oknulgee, via, basbeen lielping cara for, buta Joseph Weakl).- -aitîî-ned ibe Wedneaday. mi$» eKan la ateudng a fem, rAeIIKanei on ir ii am- SSwanu ;ta king. are aI iter 1 Bn. Decker. and baiti daugli- touse. Waler Sittinons aud! %ileoxware Wiaucan<ltt sitoraý mamieapnt -UDdiiy t Lake AY16s Payne iji licia r-t 1kend wittî lit--tsiet cat Wd Mis fi L. AStinti Nt-. ,nd "rge surtliitandttIfiranti M r ,x aud sans, Mor-r>-rantRa Oored tuaPaartine tîntiu' and bea1ttrnoon wit i L. Andfi mian. and Miii A. Wil Ilir a-,tre enteri t te latteraretinci ii rnr t. N. M m. Charles-l'tout Umnrfer -ias an .Nn ii-t, r itoi -Keiu-oy spc-p uiiw lod 4 Whacnsin. ifl Jones a-etit Sunoiy siinrr @a gad friends n Waukeslia. ud lira. J. E. Payne- andi daugir jeea, .and Mr. antd Mr.,.J). S mmotored tl Di)r-t--Lake la,' hLLTHE NEWSOF LAKEO 000 0 4 ",. SUB*CRIBE FOR THSE a PBNDENTr-SflO0 A VEANt o PHONE 9 0 0 0 000 0 00 00 0 0000000000000000001i o WAUCONDA o 000000000000000000 ICi K.Ii-ttr r., tu-eu kelti itiTîtt liiirt111ruTii.-as!its nonlt atiending grîiiii ti*iigr- îtnir'- ,Miik Prodticer. tli Or er tit iIts rici, expîlatining the- work- itmgr.î' It ;1w -jt onandi urgin'gt î-toeîr îîoîrr-riîn. arri .s-ek hi- sîroke rît Gtrie on Monda> avening; ai Janî'anle. 'tis.. (n Wadnesday and rîtSîîîngGiit.on Priday avening., Thiis w eak lie st.ake ut Elburn, Ill.. i Tuestiay et oing, anti ut Hikiarit.Wis. %Vî-dn-sula> r-i iîtng. Mr. Kenti:s t' î.tnci'ri ti irnt tttIre Mik Produceis Association, ant i ti,,t'xplanation of tira ajîraad and ganerai oparaliona lias liadt mucîr welghf litraugitut tIre district in hloding titi orgtînlzatlon togalter r His motta a t'nited We Stand, Ii- t iîîi Wi- Pull "andt iis veaiy ciaariy relrrîsents Ille Iarniiî-is tanti iilithei îîitk quasitinirdaay AI tasIthtle niorîni a,-tarudrnî-d a itorI oft, itii rirtrîlt. Ttiotng iookeii fori d'arT TitîtIot hi'e r -ntm n lte aiit t 't rîrttîîirii n Mîndinirîîorinfg whiittl i i iT rrilrs(itrlî-îîî"nî foi- oui- iMait ; ri Iri- ilw,ovzrt -iinwit fai-t dficit la -ý tuas sits*itfltin iii ratialon tfoi rit - - 'iii tlri-i * ýnoi ieint t-antiai. Titis i. îîutlý liait ini rIlee Icitnt îrasented arndi Ilite balaince s exiiictei 1 be colleceet iotesia %ent->t oppoirtuneUlimtue, a.,[ ssci-rai cliiats uhale hi-tn deferrad.ran- ticiltating tiiitonî- l-a r the gavera- tutent, andi nowirem,-can ba îtaid. tand m Iten r surpîlus rautains wiii ha usîtI foirîlrls (in te.tîaek anti viaduci atii Laike Zuils-it. ati,0v eîtits on the - cîrgint. wlî ci itîumatirle kept, ia fit-si! class condilîton lantaticipation of itul-j ng the srttetandI caîtent forte naw- rnîi--îtîtrîul nu(Iis (olata itr lii tri toaur rvillaîge r i.Vola. '.ilh thins addè(l tt looks as chougitouur i-ilroaatiwilib î atile iii show a prtofil aith lis(,nb ititi f i <-unea. wiitcbî tould be notsigraiiiti luttaail oI 1he- stock boldeî-s. and %ndiicatfi titir contentiorn thiat (1,1,îitr-r r itii vanit i-ii te îmalle tir ay L.,Be Phone 126-R-i1 Anders-en WHEELING, ILL. L Drsey s cl earance Sale aning July 27, and continuing through, Âugust 6. WE reatest bargains ever presented in Laibertyville. Al] ods, but in order to, clear them off our shelves we at Clearance Prices. Below are listed -but a few à me to be found here duringý the great money-savingi Begir of the g ard goc to you bargair There will ahs ate nat in a p at $3.15 anc description. AIl Men's, &t Cloth Hats wi price tickets 1 We have the -WEAR ever j offer it at so talk of the n then came in Open Phone 14 Neckwear LAItGEST UNE and lEST ASSORTMENT of NECK showu in a town of this size, and we are going te >RIDICULOUSLY LOW PRICES that it will bc the eîghborhood.* Sec large bills for particulars, and iearly and select yours. Underwear One abject in conducting this T E Nq DAYS' CLEARANCE SALE is ta dispose of ail g the remaining stock of Sumn- mer Underwear, and in order te do this we realize that we must offer it at attractive prices. Accordingly- we have slashed off profits. -and are offering the remaining stock at prices that should move t rapidly. Men's Balbriggan Union -Suits, alW made by the Standard Milîs, such as Wil- eon Bras., Stephenson and Carson Pirie Scott'& Co., reg- ular price $2.00 and 2.50. q go at per suit in It.4 Clearance Sale . RX Wilson Bras.. Carson Pirie Scott & Ca. -ar Athletic Union Suits, value" up ta $2.00; in this sale go at One lot of broken sizes that we will offer they last. at..... Odds and Ends in Men's Balbriggan Shirts Bras.. regular dollar garments, wile they last at. Our regular $1 .25 line of,,Mens Balbrîg two-plece suits go at only... Ail Boys' Athletic Union Suits, during. this ten days' sale, only ..... Please ear ia mind tifat we'are offeriu GRADE GOODS at this TEN DAY SALE-4 duarstock. And as. always, wewiilgladli for ay article you purchase from us if it satisfaction. Remember, Sale dlomesSATI] Je Be MORSE &CC iEvenings until 9 o'clock Saturdays unti "EVERYTHING FOR MEN" Mid-S umr n a . . a a - n a. - n nUt 'i LA VOLUME XXIX iers'y Dis ner- e offer sme 1are stand- offer them )f the mauy event. ind Stephensoýn Men's el.15 -r wh$le 75 sand Draters, Wilson 55c ýgan 75c 55c~ mg nothing but HIGII -Goods ont of our reg- ly refund your money tdoes not give entie IRDAYAUG. 6. 1921. U 10 o'Clock Libertyvife, 111. Shoes We are offering shaca at less than we can replace them, in order ta stimulate trade and cldean Up aur stock. We doubt if you can purchase sboes any 0 where at these prices, that are sold with a guaranteetbey are SOLID LUATHER THROUGH OUT, and a "'MONEY RACK" Warant of Quaity. Durîng athis Ten Days' Clearance Sale we will offer Men's Work Shaes at $3.85 and $4.35 a pair. Men's Dress Shoes at $5.35 and $5.50 a pair.' o be SPECIAL BARGAINS in broken lots that we position ta advertise here. Boys' and Youths' Shoes id $3.45. (Sec large 'bill for further prices and Straw Hats lys' and Chîldren's Straw H-ats and Làght Weight rl be of fered at 50 cents on the Dollar. AI origial lefi on hats. FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED. lHoisteins FOR SALE Will have two car loads of high grade Wisconsin - Holstein Cows, Springers and Fresh Cows One car load ,Registered Cows and Heifers 10, Registered Stock BuIls Ail are Tubercu.lin tested Reasonable Prices Reasonable Term.s The cattie may be seen and inapected at my place one mile nor th of Whee ling on Milwaukee Avenue Paymaster04 partment gets dishonorahie NFINED FOR -1;,i j? îir s!. c l , 'l r-r,- 1/ i fI r lit.ii, r, 4 ' Il; ; iail r rtr - iv S h - l iz-- C , rt ttt.rr ýr î : lu New 'tii k fiolir wt,.-n 'te en 1 à s'-i n llivian'm pînr-.h trety In lts dîiihon sund carrl'-s n.) îrîl 1h.- fairt thai tIiticl) luto ar-rruut hIe fa &petit airnrxtia year on te station, nle, Away excepting. oplri hàaewns gIvén shoirt le Geta Off With 'l'ii'- r- tt ltriaii lnI' aurzi rnent unr a,.-ii it-- toi- r ph ,1 iiI)Ilywoîrl I aprt-trau s-nIýneni Ltard 1,lf bh r Ia -Ititby- lt.4 eepf trounila ai t tti- '111i fti't il t, tira tST office:-ri, ailî,r i' conflit.",butn-%., ,r rai". f m.CStîJ. i-t tiralï Si !!" . r, la wl,",. an Irt.c -r W-iT t-i a SI i. jr- w a 4 a 1,ri a talmerc, ii 11111' ,l e iel ern i- 1 l. * Waris î an F 1 dr-î alur !: ioV-.j t r] bricfk pa-y wie e i O ii '-1 Plinti au of thr.- ue,-r,- Wltia r airtit' ,. tnt ila aia-iy i (truriin an t-rT- Sull veii ti'5iitii 1cr. its , )o tb-v p Sulian rlit h- I Prck obe aga i sitteT Iten-l i ol C. upliiig tii15,1 p-'î't .rring& -î- tre foiv ilssi) hre thri- iA iiIor-k 0fWashi-gton aaiti liAtTyil C t uit dr. lnt lias 1hua fairc-eîngta wae foi ilauaid l da iid lit to $1000, HOW MUCH DOl WEIGH? CALL AND USE %Iictneapisi. - Fl tize lite p"rtai servic wlth a recent o-der -'-.eue 1alHayes,Wa usitrere loday y À_A. ?urdy ortlerec ,er~l pra-l Wagons to p) weigiît babies dailv baies aie tîroi gi t1 est of ilk ii, r il l "I i, 1 la %tiT ieintg unice phlirr O ri hlie, fý.1i enster finti mî. s, huml. fil la desIgnc-rI abut tI anai - r- iand,îltpyrtsun 1

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