CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 4 Aug 1921, p. 11

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L3RTY gjlMypjpInMF 'D AUTO Ï CLASS JMBRELLAS Jong helps self is on stalled Irs ;AYS SHERIFF tomobiea , pub- r are consldered in umbreila@a-popefI erfona Who cornes ru!f Emer Green of maendc a fac. iutonmbili cà thse i1ancbsaff. $cbeei. P becs.. If. vas gais, and when thse îere vasn't enough i<th the. vile Of a Maa te "0 if In. liao. bora, vrac- fiat coaid ta. soid ux removed. lncind- nimber. t0 mial, mimbie. flic engine oeil at velt. an automobIbe vas Eaen Bay se..r the Une. and Sherliff Lved it from vand- teo Waukefam. The gf Ben favio. lind., &d becu etoles ansd rcd *ben h. tee T and Itund that, Ion (Ai t kitton iyte the lates part olIe -e pb!. ýon Co. '0." CIANS ;Pecwaty. COUS, UKEGAN, ILL. CAPTURE BANDIT, WHIO SLUMNED, ROBEa BED TAXI DRIVER Robert Holmes said to have confessed lie waylaid Rus-. 4 sel Kerr, Goode driver CýAUJGHT AT DEVIL'S LAKE The capture of Robert Hoimea at Dsvil'a Laie, North Diakota, selaves the mydittry Of Who aluggc-d and rob- bcd Russiell }Kerr, taxaa driver for the Goode Brothers, anal tien after binding and gatgeing hlm, hurled hlm Jte to iclket at Tes5vlle te die, ae- cording f0 Sherif EZd. Kllif tof Ihat lc Y, in a le-cga'am te Sheriff lmer Green of Wicukcegan. HIlnes i s caîîfure<j Tuetiday. and thl(A Eegralua tated ftiaitHoim s a con feseeci The GGoode car, vtieb vas stoien by filac tndita,ý aise bal becai recoveretl and Je i Devil'a Lake, lavang been draveai theie by Bolises. 'rhis las egurdod as a mot Import- ant caWaure. and tiaoughli ilnse an effort wiii aise be made te appretiefldi bue partner. On the morning of Juiy 1, Iwt men arrîved in Waukegxan and tirtal Kerr to drive thuya te LattetBluff, viacie, fhcy Faaid , fhüy w ere te attend a Viar aie.le was daaec.fed te <litetherai inteb a lune ntar Lakte Bluff and tiien Ile vas ah icOver thce bead. celioroj-' foraaed.(I bouriai anad gagçed and plara il talctle ticiarcf tfeau atOoabi1., XWglî'n t- I.'coacrE (Jcozaacieuse elie vua.-n a tiiùiet, EtAl ound anal gapga 'Il1tcIilnageal to worlc thc gag iUt Oet, i.. fi.i , anal by rolling ec aail hiic1ff-t tieaaa iaa i a Lhig vlfy asi <la. fta ag rotiaat îl ie'd bona uti, ai fA tk hina te( suce '1Te bniLaal's ifad nad-, tha ir eF, ape lni t Le le t, a gralaiala'e aata ai fat a he i car '!F ia .akmaxcid candîian and thait fla.1 ;:a un and Arthur G(< ate. Ofe o a".a. t a!faiii iia ,Ilff'*ci, s!;iv flac lt for 0< vilS 1-uke i Io t':ang lqin'< .nîf tata la DONEGAN DEMANDS $71500 FOR STRIP WANTED BY STATE, Othpr tt- se at corudem- nation proceedmna value strip at between $400 and $500 CASE GUS TO THE JURY! BULLETIN LONECAN GETS $7Wu. The Ijry in th'eDonegan condem. neit:on c«111t tir ataermn t eturned a verdict gvirg the defendart 1750 for the tract of land takenr by the etate. ro darmages were gaven for aaay pcs.ble damage te fhe reht of Donegans lard. PiaîaDont t:an. Weet Waela.ngion etreef, îa den.anding that th(e tate pay lAia 75Cr Ifr a littie tract of iaflnai cked Off is property rit thse coinçr <a! Grt-cn Paayroad and Wash' Anrton iere Wtnee Who tetu- fitcd nf fhe t dhntsnproceedinga an county couti today lest iii atfaat In thear (ci nion lac valic. cf fla c ace of lan cal n .a:an w'ub"Tf twuan IaS4( anald l 'I t' a: 'c il,,cs Ifatl;jt CI landial af ltii aa na; il a w. iai.a<', in a r (ici'- ,. a Wia r a1: ' aU a O ai an 1..a . ;ir.14,l ' a .îtaflg c cin- gcaa quaîrt, aara "ait nov ' 1- lLa 1ht "da th(a iii naen <Oah.Ja.IWa: C fan uac( Iaoaa .. eoa'aru I liait lac ouvos 1hi iaaay !o'fa ' h a t.a riaadic of *liae rOai la lAI '1'. . «,,, aî an aa.oni 1111,1 ;i ;ca , la lîXa a tr itai tte 'tanr ltof 0cl C a.c raa .damages a filie 1-1 ci ri.cet:.Flor fhc tîi IaM i i c, ' aoks a $' 1111 LE. Fays ail coli t r) a-a..l far ' 111ctîlunt t1ir ce; tain pi a ,ioses. 'i le c thar 3 h< e &.sks flia dan.arcs bIohle 1(.-1i0ol li'a A'IV Ja !n P i f 11,;.,-1acl t ri(,gan ai a aj1(1e îLe ' l at the statu caîs aeekang Illae Sfr. Cf1 land se tfiat the "specd litageof Chi cage cou la ia nI ie tîa'n tamb lc c autoB at ixty miles an hour. lie contEeiatlaat hiscltient <Cd nof dû. cire te seil file cerner of ie faim al any price. Atty. E. M. unoyard. rprepenflng tis state, argued tîtat the state was wiiting te pay a fir cash value for 'the property but doe net vant te 'le helal up. lie Faid tire proposed im- proveicanfttouid enhance the vaue et rDoneiatte pioperly. 4bThe r"se viàs given te the jury atý il ociocit today andi a verdict vas i(olçieaî for tiîs affernoon. t.; .s Soya C .',l in Gar;ic. it wiis in (Al 1,Ielief IMlat gai'lic 0e1 Cr "t l a .'l li'a' 'as cr tbe ii aîy otlaer fardi. itif lreiasu t ti litaila au la iaaa ui e d gai-a as fur lia-aieaaitaI 1,a'0a a ls 0liW ('ai la îaa' i i o- a a i i il a ia tfa'.a' tlia' <a rr4-fSrW tii a. .ýr *,, l i t he facInadians w ifh Iv.$ere"iculleu0si iliisS<1 Dt '-'na > eîaplled iLt"tVi Ti'y This 'on" Your;Garageý. The tired foto,'laf doeeni have fe, cliib ouftoettise car and open a garage wbui be gela home- Not If ha Ume fiai device Ins'ented lay a arookiyn mlan. You drive the. front viseel oyer a -'tria doca"' farrow>1 Cýmet tn tiee blvevaay, and fthc velgit on fthe plate releae a cnlie. openlnx the door. - BPECIAL OFFER Th Dlieaor 75e 6 Months for, At the Patteru Counter AUGUST 4, 1921 SUSPECT "BILL9! WEISS lBAD HIAND IN THIIS DEAL Lou Yeoman gets threatening letter fromn Chîcago attorney -mae be revenge FOLLOWS JOKE ABOUT AUTO Lou Yeoman, uin aman, who expiodcd Repres n itiî e Wm. F. Weiss' acheme for lcfîlng "Ceorgë" do It vhen bie auto etal, il. and thua ciaded thse flienda;hap te. tween Weiss and Mg4yor J F. Badin- ger. today recclvcd-a fbré iut ter rrùm one Philip . . Iarin. ül Ci cago, wbo repreaenta in'aito te an attorney for thc Ili.rci Au'ono- hile Club. The vriter lnformed Y-aoman ilaut ulles be paya 17.50 for hiliehea dam- ages to the car 0 f ne Max c ap June 17, he vili brins suit. Afiy. Mar- Another Wonderful Sellig of tIn claIme Yeoman$ car bampcd Schapparc3a's. Now Yeoman bas enemies. There as 'Bikli'Weiea, who once confidis, to him that whenever lie auto staiied be rits pretty In the machine, puis4 on a mysterious ilook and waits for a friend f0 corne aioog 10 fax 1i, whîch invarialiy lappens. The Mayoar Wae in ýthe, act of fixing Weias' car the other-ilay when Yeoman expicd cd the secret in the mayore presence. Nov '"Bi" docant apeak to Yeoman end the Mayor isnt on %peaking terme with "Bil." Yeoman la flac Oniy peraaon who lant mad at anyone. but If Ibings go muefa furtlier he rnay be. The fart la Yeoman suspecte that Weiae. a former assistant attorney general, put Martin Up to some trick. Yeoman lbas acterai reasons for lis suspicione. One Is that lie hasn't l'een In Clirago with lie automobile ihie year, with the exception of iast Sunday. The end o! the "Jokt" laeflot yet- Yeoman bas turned the leifer over Io and It may backf are. £xpertly Clataitied. Bentrice, who liai; three iters and, onae lroher, a rogulatr litiic. rousti- bout, %%ben nsicec, l'Fow many chil- cdren are flicre In your familiy'dearr replii& "Cour andia-"a'Oand * Wom en'ys Modish Wash Frocks At Less Than T he Makers' Cost With Plenty of Warm WeatherYet To Corne LARME NUMBER QF BOOZE CASES ARE ON THE TRAIL CALL A numbea' of additional booze case have lacen placdcdrintfhle ftrial eall ln county cor tarting August 's. FIl.iovg aaete ncv coulrt <a]] viaicli bai just been poéfed by i"ta.tù Attorney Smith: People vs. Roman Michalowstai. People vs. Mike Siczalovach. People va. George F. Neilben. People vs. Agneae roil. Peâple va. Fred Born. People va. Andro Banko ftai. Peopie vu. Wm. Riey et ai. PeOPle va. A-1 Jorcbard. People va. Wm Lecuard. Theae cases are in additioe to i elght boose case whkb are stili cm cadi for trial this week, whlch vili lac rcached as Coon te the thre. Côn. demnation case wticb corne fi'st on thte 'ali are dleposed of.. The etate filed a flamber oif ncv informations yesterday and thaeevii le added to the regular caendar of cases in'the near future. Itl i expec-ted that a number of the defendants vill pleat guilly rather than la the ciance of going 10 trial and getting heavy fines. Rcasiged thse Vice Pne.lcnc. The effly vice Premldent f0 reelgu vaJohn C. ('aihoun, who gave op thl i",'aa pres.dc.ocy f0 becoaje a Uni. ted 5z" ci;'r SECONDANNUAL déLake Villa Day" Our first day last October 19 was the most highly commended great day, the most interesting and instructive, ever beld ini northern Illinois. We are going t0 completely eclipse thai great day. We can-and we will. Every minute w'il be f illed wilh sornething Worth whî]e THÈ DAY Saturday, *Aug. 13 9 A. M. Hi Midnight (Standard Time> Except Plowing Match and Aeroplane,. which will be held nearby aiil everits will be centered in Mr. E. J. Lehmnann's Park (on site old Hote]) just across from Church, Jarvis Hotel and within 200 feet -Soc" depot in Lake Villa. The Hor-se Show Ring-about 250 feet long- wiil be in a beautiful Catalpa Grove-the Grand Stand wilI face East and will be under a row of wonderful old trees thus affording fine shade. Danc- ing Platform-Food and Drink stands-Exhibition Spaces and Concession Stands will il be under great trees in thîs icleal park. Look At These Great Events! HORSE SHOW 130 HorfssEntered Inaing 19 ilChampion ilrece I and n.sanal oser 100 <alliera et tuhe ligtua.t i-ype.. No e liori'c. show, no nkaulîc vture, esar gave buda a eangle daIs aclacaule as ours. strojng isfaaiment? Yca, but conle and oicc for îouirr ut Three clasases for jumping Iherses atone. 21 jumPer,3 nov entered.l. a(tius viiiridle an tv cflc ' t me cia., ee. Swagger New Wash Frocks $3.98 Values To $10.00 Wtaudr tfilvatI'at vare li'c <i e .dainty fe kS. TLcv "r ilade of heautiful Curgaufda.s, ging- and vaîî<l ii o iOsi n (.d t(1 fcrat lIti and col r t fi'u ts 'E-very oee-,s freshi and airy as a s IIerI n1I rnIiîg. flic ijvicia s real!"scstin Every Cloth Suit or Coat In the House At 1k4 the cgîflaî' »I», va t evrelit ILmnte clcvcrûcstoftîf ie neW stylecs aund faln v s wid dtre j st the IOtIli' ,for -La,,rlyiiy Ea u wr. Take Your et'hoi(e and save just half. Exquisite Wash Frocks Values To $27.50. ]DclilLt fi indccd arcte 's im ishnir frocks of iii1jwtck gnghaxns, ergandir s, voilces and dotted Sv i s s. TIcvrci- in lovelv pat i cris andiihdes and aiýe n 'sîluv ite list Nword iii Siîiu 'irt .Frocks aiiv m"ha v, i Il bCproud to 'ca)r. Stunning New Georgette Blouses At $3.98 A n <) i imn f 1i uauîifîul Silk < l3louSCS at "Iai-tlng lautioîs -I1u'parc dvlpdof loveclyGc .(uc in a wealh of jattaraý,s and colors and artcp ud t 'charlçale] aaIl Economy Specials on the Main Floor Lovely Voiles Anvahnost endiess variety cf beautiful new Voiles in popular checks, cmbroid- ered stripes and figures as weli as mnany ail over desigits. 48e Very special at yard Dress Fabrics Ail wcol flannel. A beautifully finish- cd naterial foi- slip- over dresses and spr, wcr1.98 Neckwear A splcîîdid display tof woinen 's nw c'wn -Inclliud darc (laintN lace effects iid lC'i\'( ecnibroidered desiguls on Organdie. AIl specially priced. Suitings - Handromîe iitw Beach. Ulotlis anid Linîc' ,sîitingf ini the nill't waita c P.-ke f.c >a ( er Chliuuc 25e ~at ..... Towels E\xt ra large s i ze t'e.ikish tow cîs cof vcî-v lcv y Tcry - vcry absorbent Waon- ierfui values 48e ut cach ........ Poplin and Soisette A finle lot of those wanted n'rccr.izedl fabies in a fuli range of colors including pIiýy f avsand blacks. 29 SAi i i n <LiUSïil iehft1i.,iu .i 9 Muslins l3lcnehcd and Un- fAlcaelicd Muslimî 26 bielles xide. Ai ex- ccjtiii naliy g o o d (jîl a 1 lit y spceially j ricced for this sale aat o y; 1(1 ... 1....... Damask -Pureî limien table Dpmaîak mn a ialemî- dui bî'oeadcd cf- fîact. - Ami cxecp- ticimulal iia I i60 ieéYict. w i (d e. ut thec 1.69 ... ...... women's Vegts Wollnis upesarier fi- voslfill b s 1 odice or li.ilt-îîl p îsI v Ie. -Ail are hncily wùtxel). For uit. ............ 9 PI.OWING MATCH Soine New Stunta (nah prices-no ent ry tee.- Wc fcipecialiy vont farm ovncd anad operateai fractora tiisyeaz. Tfacre vilii la but one claie for niaker rB iprofesaionaia. Ilarna- crst; ome anid bring yoalr trac- tors-get tat the game. it w1711 te a big thang for every far.ncr. lns charge: W. M. Mark@s(tort 0. W. Lehmann'& Farm), R. M. Sherwood, George MeCredle, Eugene A. Walton, Royal B. Fidchf. flGREAT HEART-wotth Sing a Lundred miies -to see 7te Cnampaen tagh jumping torse of the worid wall try to abeaf the record cf 8 ft. l</a archet. lin ebargu. il, W. LehniannJ. K.ti.rang, . EJ.Lehimnn. s~Two Wresthrig Matches, Two Boxing Bouts For the first time in the history of amusements in fiincis, an opportunity will be afforded the ladies sto ace refir.ed, sk.illed wrestlers and boxers. So much has been publicly said on the subject recently, we feel ve are very fortunate in obtaining these most in- tcrestingevents anid the eport which je so attractive to most every, man can here be seen by all. 'Re contestants are frorn t4e Great Lakes Naval Training Sttýîî FREE AUCTION OUTDOOR DANCE N o ce te baI i auý iin g >ou ti1 'WaI lie lI. m laic. Old and New 1line Sihowu Aî ia àjust piior ouote villa "McCormicks,' six pice, 510 I-2 ci 10 : 30 1i.M. laîgh cliaiuzücetra M cCor- ln charge: Oliver W.1toîî, B. niîck tinascl ifvli te there-1O J. Calager, Thos. Brors-pton. A-1 tenta per (anice. profeseorai Aictioreer hili do lIn c-arçe! Paul R. Avery, the Seliîr.g. Jae. .1. Eart table. Jas. Leonard. Good Place for Dealers to Disphiay and Sdi Already Electric Lighting Plants, Milking Ma-, chines, Pîpeless Furnaces, Motor Cars Oand Pumping Plants have been arranged for. Moderate fee for apace. We will have your sign painted on two dav's notice. A1i14. I'ho <lcncîuai Ctsail an or t!cai5 -' ui SOME OTHER THINGS TO REMEMBER lctoit aala, ii afindance. Eaeay Cycnt cleain anal iioiail. Fise i'ainr Space. sanltaiy andl Fiee Toalets. Sîrî(ýcat t'otice Sarvice. 'ae wi aIl id <alertaIe alaiiatu;ances off lOy kit. Oah ysui Ule %viii teoian Aa i1 îaa Lia ai. DWv ij i f lott a ow (sluae as i.rt yea;) will te tte liii tWondurfui-wan- ali i li tai oe tlls great lake A 20 jîait(e Baanda v il fur- Liest of Food and Drink. No .,gougeprts AI! cli inliason Iac 24 hoiir. in al 5ance. Scerul eveaits are being gon- sidered anal vii lie -tnnotancetl in nexf issue thie PaPer and 01% bis taelie generaliy. circulated. Yiou luy one ticket to liecd on in plain siglit thus admittlng f0 evei'y event. Admnission, oser 15-%ycaia 55e Admission, oser a ilet un- (let..15......... .........25C Suatas on r.aascd platforrn. 1 t a 6 P. M. . . . . . 2se a This, the Biggest Single Days Enjoyment Ev"~ Offered la Being Hed Under thge Auspices of -the Lake Villa Townsbip Commnercial Asmiociation~. a W. M. Brad!cy, Pres.; O. R. Manzcr, Trent.,, C. H. etraffon, afty. General Committe. i FrankT.FzWler, Chairman. Phone Lake-Villa 105-W W. M. Marke, Secretnry. Phone Lake Villa ¶03-M. Every New Fij Is Always At The Globe First Union SUitS Uii n '~îioan Suits li ('l. î' c uilt-uip top efees.Mcx' 69c- spccial ut caebi Ulicel values ai Ille ..............

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