CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 4 Aug 1921, p. 2

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PAGE.Two REm"ALTY BUISNESS -l FOR TIF WEEK liAS l BEEN OMUTE BRISI Several small deals have been the deliejouE -macde in Waukecan as weII Burley flavor. as throughout the couinty By AK, Bossera.A---tntScu t', toasted. tary Secîrui it ure&Tr*tjt-(à)~.. Buatesm o! ihe lieccuders orfice for thte eek eudlng .ly 514),121:- Nuamber of cons-e>ancess 1u7. 'Number of Chattels. 41. B Total nfuV o!lutbudi., ur 2. Nuntbenr o! Trtýit-îrieul %I.rgage-'. ilted. 190.- Total amount o! boans $79672.50. Business l5a silil brisk witb loast Above te avecage. Tise toJos-ng the tue mtore lot- portant deais.. j M t IN WAUKEGAN:...... Lavina S. Fuqua bougit t fie,Will 19. Bennett place an esat aide N. Uti - ça St. mt north o! Clayton St. for 3 Sitore Acrcà for tndlcated $2,600. $1000. IN ANTIOCH: Rob~ert H. Lyon aAd vite bougitî Robt. F. Sawyer itoigiti a lot In tise Abbott lot on West aide hi St. Sylvan Woods on Lake CatherirLe ojohIII. the C. W. Reydecker place fromi Edgar B. Williams tor $2.000. ter ladJeate $1.600 aud Ernest P. IN GRANT: NceDonald and uife bonght te lot John S. Hurd bougiti the George adjoiuint on te nortit for lndicated 8. Allaugit place on Fox l.akc lu NW $1.500.1 Sec. Il for $5,500. EaYald 13. Ford and uife toughî IN VERRION: thse Amelia RaY Sullivan place on Cla>rion A. Honeyweil and a-ils abatherly aide Grand Ave. west0f bougiti titke Cora, Smith propsrty ln Jackson St. for $2000 mnd gave SW Quarter. Section 14, for indi- bock trust.deed foc $180260. cated $5,500 and gave back trust Chartes H. Nelson and w fe1 deed for $1,000. bougiti thes urst hou-se on soutit id IN DEERFIELI): Hamilton Court for normal conalder- Andreus J. MalOney bougitt the eion. 1 -. .-1Navees Nilles sud otiter 40 acres in Walter G. Hatulund nt ife hougrSec. 16. for Indicaied $13.000 and' thse Eddy Place on sonth side Geoge gave back trust de,. for $7.600. Ave. irat sast of So. GUtruSt. fort OsarV.Hak bu;ht2 oi;onSiIBRANDT IS IIELD tenSt. from P. C. StahIl'or In- O I N)J R 81000 $oo. IR NDJ R IN< LAKE FOREST: .PbiliP L. Speldel bought the At-, alad 0. Brandit o! Chiucagnoalto fred Clemmensen place on east ide'- uas arr-esied following teibe aa ikewood Road for Indicated $3000. sîtoot ing of Maurice Leahy speclal 1John Griffith. Jr. boug..i-tte AI- officer. ushen the ltler' abiempted Io1 fted Clemmensen place lu Rose 'Fer-- arrest hirn andi Herbuert NMuGant faîte for Indicated 86wmoiti, auspecleni o! belng car burg- IN HIGHLAND PARK: lai-s, bas osen lieul uIceLake «&Y B. Long bugit the W. Her- couniy grand jury. bor Johnson lot on sauf b wesf cor- lu reslsting arresi, McGammond oer Bheridaa Road %tu iiud,uuAve. I uas abat ve timtes ity Ofier iLeahy ter sut. an sd died lu Highland Park hospitai Chartes W. MeNear sud vifs lai Wednesday nlght. Lieaity died bouit the A. C: Castle lot On aOut.r f bers Frlday night followIng a gttn- uténer SBkoke and EBzmooc Aves, for 1 sitot wound Iu tise abdomen. btse Cor- ,,S'.3Ib arud- gave itack trust deed tari oers verdict beisg Ibat lisîleabb $1.350. uas causel fron peritofltis, !oliow- IN AurEA: ing the flring o! a abat it bis boniy .Ctbolie Bishop of Chicago boughi by ]Brandt or bis cornpanlon. >tcGam- Ibo Wm. D. Porteous place on BlocktImod TH1E LIBFRTYVILLEE NIFNr, THURSDAY. AUGUST 4. 192 1. ANTIOCII WITIIOUT À COUNCIL AS FOUR MEMBERS RESION Controversy Over Enforcement of speed Iaws br Ings sen- sational climax (Cotinueti (ram Page One.) naf utail>itase tri rtrI. on scurtebuuris a :be .an itul sas becatîne lite ubtunnei to 1.pon t hase ii(ifsertîl lrniinent uer-îîu i1eusb tat a ctrss I egant les n mp- ing, The agitation sîrucan unîi t lut canme a genet-tl question in ii-cul. tuige lut wblcb sillager-. andl busine-ss men tiook sinisa, In ttI, fortsrute. weeks pasit tere litas been no tIues- tion lIn Antiocît vhicliîbas. hten su liaramnounti as -the enforcemrit tf the speeti orcinance.' Tiringa began developiag usiela An- drew Murphy and is son. raîher pi'omiuont resorten. living near Anti- ocb uers arrested i aIdifferent urnes for "iturning up tbe caad." But they declared that titey s ere innocent and resorted to a defeuse b>' the Chti- cago Auomobile club andti .iey gai ibeir attorney 10 repa-esent tbemn in the hearing. HoweiLer the Justice leid that Mur- ph>' vas guilty and assesseti a fins. Ater the hearinag, according ta Mar- sitai Congdou. the Chicago attorneY sald thal everytisng sas doue In s ver>' fair vay. 1 The Chicago Nlotor club. afttirtIhe 1Murphy affair, prinieti signa ann Poat- ed lbem- ai Antlocb wicb r-au: " of Antiocli 15 miles. Oh- serve If. Ciicago Mîtuor (,iuir' Çals Marahai a Highwayman. illnseier. that ullîl fou settie airrai rers. According tu,!'%ntioclu reports. Murphy s-roue a leter îo l'resinbgnt King of the uilage anni tetlitrenithat the sillage rnarsbabi.-Mr.C foigdoit. s-as a "bigluwayman in t'înruuih" garb' Anoiluer leiler s'rilten t0 Pue.ident King f breatenen tIse president thai if be dud not laIte sumnuacy act ion aund discharge Marsbal l7ongde thtilire aud other resoriers wou.1d laIe 'teps fa divert the Irade tat came front iheir district ava>- front Auf loch. Accordingly lu iew o! Ibeme rsnî saalinenia and because o! a Petition that bani ieen circulaied arnong ttus- mesgs men pceiously Ibat CongdOn be discbarged Presidet K ing c1abien te marsball ho bts office Mor.nlt.tuai'- ternloon. Hie tolt i hm frattkly abat hani taken place. namels itai liter.- usas a protest againt theb.-enfoie- meut o! speeti ave but COagdn cam.eitack with the expianaf ion that thte couricil ordered hlm lo enfarce b. .Pageanit INOWI- P.rogress Expositionl Chicago, JUly 30 to August 14 ,32 Miles of Exhibits. 25 Shows In One Be sure to visit this nughty exposi- on---Chicago's greatest sîno. the World's Pair of 1893. " inspir- ing spectacle of 'proreusini in-u dustry, science and commerce. Unt.taime0 for everybody on the $5,OOOOOO Grand Aire. Municipal Mier, swept by lake breezes., 'Plani your tinp now. North Shore Trains L.veayS Libortyville 5:48 a. m. to 13:-48 a. m. make cou- uoosat Lake Bluff that take you direct to the Grand Municipal Pier anci the Pageant oi from the Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee R. R.e LIUIT'YLL TCKE OF~ME PUEGERSTTIN"MNRE74. flent and i le war. !zoing justfriai thing. "Butuuiter(lit, rt-rrr.a sait] President King. 't wial >ou suout resign youri Irrsjio rttani th usrt* fty- -No. i hauveno nu)ittuunu rut itnz auts-oruch tling - ..- -i \auilnu u'ung dinS) ulueî-euuîrun t lue trt -ruuleru lut-ru Cri thl.t ;w' fitt , le, het1t, r a o r rfif for htu uirnu-t- roru~ r ai ion. COULDN'T WAIT noWhy fit autountil Tuesday uigbu wben the village board meets antd -put tbhe r.atft lefore theni?' asked Congdouu. Wherefîpon Pre,idi nt King replled "No 1 canit do thut: l'ue got to bave' action ioday. - "Wel I 1 %ant terigu,"said lth- ruarshal.-ansd -as voir hired une yoit usiii have of0 fuu-e itu-f yoîî want Ite to qtit." 'Weil, if tbat s te aay yoii wanf it (lisn titat's lte ay it is,' said tbe president. "Titen 1 arn fired. amti1?- asked the marshal. *'You are." said lb.- pregldent. ]uns DBovizSTAR And forthwitb Marsital Congdon ltanded the president hie star and walked away tram bis office. .Ono of the tiret men ho citanced ta meet vas Pred Hawkins, trustes of thse villag: He toid Hawkins vitat had happened iln thse Prenidet's office and a short ime later met Bert Grîce, aleu a trustee. liHe told Onice about the discitarge,, vitereupon Grnce vent tu conter witit Haviins and titey in turD vent to- getiter to Trustes Sibley and the titres vent on to Citarles Richards, anotiter trustes. ALL DECIE TO QUIT Thte four talked thte matter aver and decidedltatinliaview of tbe cir- cumistances, ln view of the presi- dent havIng disebarged the marshal Who vas; enfor *ing the rules whicit tbey had made, that ihey could not continue acting under Preident King. Accocdingiy îbey got togeih- or and srote out a formai resigua- flitn on a blank furnishedf temt by the village clerk mnd maiied Ibeun ta President King wbo receiu'ed theiutiuismrni. ]PETITION CECULATED In connectiuiswifbtte'clitsut in Aruiocb affaira iludevelops titat recently a petition uas circulated anuouug the business nr askingfor tse discharge o! Marsbal Congdon but few of thse business men sigried It. Accerdlngly if was withdrawn and individuel action uhrougb the action faken by Presîdent King fol- lowed. MÂR8HL'S STORY lut speaking ot the a-hal ienller today Marsital Congdou aaid, . "It looks as though tire village presl- dent usas desiraus of catering îo the law-brsalnlng elementf Who liv.- in the teritor>- near Autioclu raf ber *han ta Ïhec rest o!fsilagers wito have iiu-ed f bore al l helr lîves and usho aute - bers vînter and aummer. "»Tbere people of te iretiaru cone here offly for a short tirne. They tear flurougli ur uvtillage wlubout rt-gardi ta safvfn orf nuni- sOpte andl ut uas only bpecat-re tuiii-s- e-c-earing upt the rosil and iteîrorlzing folksli t ai tlirc %illage innuncil decidédth Ie îrac- tic-e nius stop. There have been seta r- t nul i.wheuein rten wlr<t haue- Iris en trouglI r îutvillage ai greui tee.hlt ii la-i-n ilrin k and bas-,tr),-enr iaieue nenan-e to lt*u- înrlt tt, i riu> su-wlit -e ail 1b buouglut in u l, r tautk-,gannetu,- ut>larni1 ait etk u it n j vltnnrlitaibeen ilinkinK ann lo lnirani liqutor n i belu pos4ePs« -ion. - -ri, ata. i sua, lit, uros-disin bai b(e-iu So nn attan in te village for' sicrf-utnie Ina St and tfirnt f ere iîad bei nl ru nuunlr speedingIilauthe sil- iaszi- hnnuul tu a majority decinied il wa., tinte inncati us ltait. TiraI is s-hy ibis gaur, me turders bo go out and Fnforn-e it,- tuaandl 1 was mereit -ontftts mc uitir ireir celue.i, rallier, llautin oiifsing nu> polic> as suggest- su 1 Irle puest.1 i ril 10 odo my durtinnd ried to enfume the lnuhes of'th T eîajnnril> 0f bbe counicli catît eý -l;t th, r r-individuai Mu. Kunx. 00000000000000000, 0 ANTIOCII o 000000000000000000 mn ai-, u.counting onan tfeadiitg laki' Villa. Day Saturday, August 13. Mi- and Mrs. Frank Wilfred and son of 11.-it. and 'Mr. L.onie andi aifunof Winot usuce caltera at the itome of Mc. anud M-, William Henier one daY tast week. Mr. ain Mus. t.rcni t>ufiy andi sons af Wakefield, Mlch.. are visitiug ai ube William tInter home at itis place. âuts. Ben Burkes aud son of Wauke- gan visited lest eesk ai the borne of ber- par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. A.- N Tif- fany, and other Antiocit relatives. Miss Viola Kubaupi visîteti relatives in Mlwaukrte a ew days lat Wsek. Dr. and M rs. Scitiymer anni son. Howard, o! Miwaukee, &pont a feus da>-e tast wee kat the home o! Mr. and McsI. George Kirhallpt. %km iBoslng has been suflfeciug thit "t avaI witb an infection lu hi,ý right biand. Mc. Seousa!fChicago allant aver @Sturday vitit Antiocit relatives. IBor,-ta Mu- and Mrs. Mason Sihisy. SatUriiay. a daugbtÇr. Mottrer and baby are doing nicely. . l L . . ........... KOTOR CAR' It is owncd by manyr who cari afford to psy anything they wish for the tin8 they use. It is &Iwo"s bought becaume of its known value emd its - atm ones LIBERTYVIIIE GARAGE J.ý'N. BERNARD, Proip. Phonie 202 - Libertyvilk. II. - .!M ~ -- JL~i i hi il e cellenti progranits, at 1he 'lian I.--y he. niaul.- II i r , pb3 a u, o, rr'n h - ujr ' pic i. tauqua, which r. being helli au Antîra h 1 iril, -.aring on Mr alu tri ttar1 to - .I. hurtna truton Saturday, Aut. this week Wt.-hoile w,- ua' ha\. I é-nrieat r o -I.;i i n vuiuunu-ir nd ranul>, aný* lueiii coiin.- back Io us flext 3Car %Vutt 1'.ter,-on and -il -ti'. r ,rrrl ineu wti IIbe>-i r;t, 1 'o Th,'F i MNr. anri Mrs. Wilson MC('.tI- e -.n Ill'. E. ilrttiî coîî,ug. . it th. lilo ,,ing Saturr'., Lake V il., ueur-îrining fleic atcr's ssirrer. %Ii.s P.I l. AvPrt Iira- arlî i , I dr po , r i i rrlir.bct n" .rlj ou sur. Mary lDudley. front Mimsourrt Sh.- air o ut-hon,' anmorrrr utru it l,. iu riN., i Thursday eveninu. T-.' ne- iian iuri- .' rt !l l1- IIItu o Ilu-, rit olk- uil h i u. TIie,- a rgt- r ariur l ir- La.r tîrrr-. ar-rpotIn . rnun lw. rLrr .-)u-lrur,, l h r, , a rr -n lue Tu- rite-. Ai bazaturhiast Tluut.rsa .11t,i .. T.tjtjti, r%, jiiuua r t J. I Lit rIrucsfi. florf anfl(i ventng.. -l) 'ut t n 5.rl Lu , I.)u, 1r.jta1 ' aink, nd r- r -u;, ---'d 1h. Tir.- tail les of t s i rnau lu.' i(lui 1 rl lu'rtW a ukegan last %s..:k lor r. un irt are. planning a bazaar whiclu seul blelion nanrd silb.- latiîl urrrrruuurloi Nlr Frrt.iiumi,-r i.ub, mid tr,. hcdintw . ohopr fos#oiG. ck(rt.n and Nirs Finira I ut-- ot ('i Wenlnetida),August 10, starqing aI it11rt)ritter theutnatisnu and r, abi.- ruI z,%is(rait.lop. al. unl. In the evening they will have an b.-.uebiurrt hi.-lrnusi . yreu :flst w,éký rrartilg tt 8 Woclork. I Helen Fws ) ro1 orthîr r. t trlts-ek Es.-ryone bi- sure and tattend, a,. hi-. E iPtl, a- rtr.I ibnrn . 'r promises to lbe a rare treat. Mr'r. Il., NWood i for thetes lut.nIlant i-rairijiatIuierrk. fila James Gilbert ta directing Ji. siaYeid tort-hbe week. gues. aI ber Foxlia ,. ho. is i. On Tluursday ut this week a lIt b. M t andi Mrs. Mourrs etec rt,i Mrs.James. Kerr .-nteraned lh' hed he43d nnalpiut ad enumaber of Chticago friennis taitsrur ndtunher riaîrght-r of <uaha t- uno un luulens grove att ickor>. a) and Sunda), tl c-. içast wepk. anIcrdiweîrr Tht-re ' a good tint. for, eserSoniI whuu Mm '. P.M. Hmi n r. 1.i. Mr.Sn- iac-ee.- n hlrnw Iunz--r entertained a number 0îao(rmSlt a u1 nna at is-nuni'ai.the- former'.,bohue last Friul;a> 'fti!iunor trien. h auîîoue HnsMajestic r'171 -rds au. u las change-n handii. Fîuink ltIr nocin. Mn.. Carl Millier sas ac Chiago ui- King antd George Garland are the- aew Y ouma>,b-asu. fa i iolilt. i Fu".ueda- f). ibig week owners. Ve wiuhn bmt succells j Murtand' Mrm. Arthur Hadtock and'___________________________________ soit. Howardl. andi Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Meska and son. Junior, ajeni ou er SDaiu b uouen us. 1îru-t H U R R Y! H U R R Y!t Geouge ndEdwau-d Lynoh it ilit last ueek sîilu relatives in Chicago. Mr ad rs yu ad MssO)IiSprin g Chiekens, Squabs and Eggs of Chicago spent Sunday with Mr.tand Mrs. James Stearns.r Wepellz înSrn ChcesSqbsadEg.ndwl Mus. C. A. (,larkt bas been quit.- li W pcaiei pigCiknSub n gs n j the irast week. 1 pay better prices than you cari get elsewhere. We are always Mu-s. James Tod 'f SpringGrs in the market foor ail kinds of Poultrv. and are Wîthîn-Iess than la spendlng a few days srltb ber moth- i an ousdiernto. ci,, Mrs. C. A. Clark. wbo bas been a orsdiefotyu quitle iiilb.-hepasl week. - .-.-- r We pay cash forevetything We buy and bave two r.boncs at *ee ese doo eoo el. your service 125-W-2 and 156-M-1. * LAKE VILLA 600900 606066 égoë,Call us upany time. 7 A. M. to 9 P. M. Many ai-e countlng on uttiefding Lake Villa >ay Saturday, liguai,13. Mr. atnd Mm.. John Pblllippi are re covngcngaulton n h brlhe WheeIhng Fanns, Wheeling, 19. au -Antiocb IAednesdaî of titis week D am ie m andi enjoyed a pieute dinner. Titis s-asDu WR i«ad ue îl. te reguriar businesls meeting. j tb&qO 1914. Mrs.' Carsan and daugbter or' RoCk- a ford spent te week end witb ber- son, - C. W. Corson. and wife. -_______________________________ .Mr. and Mrs. Amus fossey,. former,- remitient4 berte, now of Burlington, Wls. 1 Th.qodort M. Durmt, Preaidenh W. 0. Smit, Vice Pesidt visitenifriends here over lb.- seeiirk. NUCll, a1 angr end.F.W hrho aceayadMng. Tbe Ladies Aid ms-t wth'M s. 146w -yIT EPO 8 J. J. Ilarnstble. W. M. Bradley and F. .fHumine, ttended te good roada s E UD! ns.-. ing ln Chicago last Friday. q 5E88M ITI£ ' TRUST Co. Teasie and Grace Koelsfrs spent las( week witit friends in Chicago, re4turný A RC FMUM SGAtM ing Saturday.P Mr. and Mrs. McClosky sud Mr. and'Cpta 15,W0 Mrs. .Johnson of Beecit Creek. Pa.. .ar- drveti last Frldisy nlght alit e paruttni-1 AUKEGAN - L U age for a month's visit wlil teir son __________________________________ anal daugbter, Rev. and Mrs. Mclos-1 STERLINGi F1HT TO C Declares he dii the interest q as tri Liueu;. fos Ilt endis 10 lita gruandl jury rt,-lwiti- t un, 510 w-Ir a i l, umaif :0 Il-ln s-rlu ai -lil Witt.-, t-IIrt'r- I Ionutc' Determuned 10 muni>-a c- eau a '.- i ny lit' -iamtutin tit cli but srnggu-si -ýhf dlf-ndanrt- i ,irrsn ckiu- u ,r! I.- ntiuc'r i.! in'ij r -u. e1.5 - r, tr*rr Il U r- i r 5rrf : tý Why, Use t your Ac is wai mighi Useq proba for yc Loi Camr Distaî ELLINI FOR PA SCALP '. Eftkc Toilet E CON SI OFFI( OverRoi 11/ ý

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