CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 11 Aug 1921, p. 11

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DESNT MATIM "Divine Healing"o D boy who had der wheels j auge yen bave youl r an auOto yo n aces. re brokei bone or thre tact Il yolâ OEI3 Fe and bave faitb ln >llowrs et te Zls edc wlth Providence Iden itealing te yout the latest '*cure" byr aLs described by M im'a neas corTespon. uloim case of Divine ce St ZMon un Battu'. à. a lad about)tWelv'e sldlng witr is ear-1 pon avenue, was tak.ý sture..and was cross- t lte corner of 29tb el avenue when bel cbain titat wam aI- ýW and tel] . Julit at flve passenger Oak- ret per cons on board and thte car passed, cg 8 just above theS lie car put te boy la led off fer luls hurn e. fled tie boy enîs viral Lad bsp- y car Lail vone ,vîr- legg, and Cite welglit ye Lr-r.n tire bons-s. Ved to th.e Almiglily an thre pra e-r vas were-d. Tire büy wiiB h mo:-ning, andi he- ip i18 nons lte worme it was a wonder- ikteejirg rever. First Floor oels rked at ex- these speciai efore saviflg e of require- [VAS, AND. D PUMPS gir hecis. Values ite Auguat Sitoe "LOTH iwMS $5 egiily- eut n0W at pair CRêWE'S OFFICE TO INVESTIOATE MIUIIRODUCERS Intimidation of Farmers and restraint of trade is *charged CHICAGO PROBE COMING? wiile RusseIl] J. poule. Cblcagcr's --iprrice expert, 98sy uik sbould tell for 12 Instead ot 14 cents a quart, te slate'B atorney itas 9tarbesi an Ilvcstigation of tihe Mik Producera' co-perative %Iareting company. Efidence o! intimidation of tarm- ers. dîscriminatrun le prîces and at- temnIs 10 ahle comptilion May be P resenbsed tu te grand jury Priday. Charges Of intimidation against tire Chicago Mille Wagon Drivera' union eltlrials viliiIe iteard. Evirience agaînat te producerri' Company. vicb mncl ues Iin s imm- bershlp nealy al o! he armera ln thre icint, of Chitcago vWho sel! nîiik, ahil be recnted by Vrtor Mey, witlecsale dealer, wio supplies te County itorpltabli teOaIt orait Infirmoary and nuirerotis restrruanis. Clurun Clear Case. "Wc lia -e a c lar c ýrIe againr.î lthe prefluring c un» Amli-tant States' Atorney N;r iotas Mc;els F arl l.r dl ct lift IIte r'rtr'- mentl cf M4Y we ave rrvinty.erghl w,"tr. t's vIo Ire,, tor-piraRIY te Ci r'rt s .nd Ile,(r> We yl l kin.Itt, imerrtn ' barre, ,ot rv.r-!rrnt (If trade. t -rrarv t,, in- jars- Mî-ys l lîqr nrrihiatlrrh of falrt )' ý;ad U.r-s cfdhM-yt- a An il.-io-rrt , 3-Y te: t licria ar ttutg.-rs train Ie Mit s-t ' p r:r .10flrlrOn -n Wlsr agn ,tjrç!> Vrn ,n 1.1 r mi-cnt ct>. 'I 1v e, ,itüjqîi îfd atItt-n and jrl ira' I O br-;:vt "tirS dam" aCorge. tr -' . va.r ' 1,,:rl'tl in Arrtr- 1'r"4t - 7 t MAN SUFFERS LOSSI T Tir- ' I1.' r t f n- ,.r 'i. e-lt t ter5 i tt!:1.t27, a :,r-. irrut,,GE -ICi Er-SES ca il 'l tr . I i w i n l: t C ir t Lu lu Mille ayen 24, uea Ili iîrd r- r oîr r. 21, Cicago.k- :inrritG. Cîgtr.,i19, Chicago 2. 11 -àtiren. Ci. yn26MiaukeeXi. G-oihdti o 2, Mil$wukee.Vi irýiy irlrgr.Mor0 tn, V, Woyari. kegate.1 (Uia li-lrftban, 0,ieoyg2,afl .qar. B Davi, 2, Grtc ies, 11. ClyMalidso den.Cica.Wuean Slvri aw, -24eonLakeMiFaores . EIar. Garlorl<. 21, GCeta. Mariy 1M., Contso, 19, Cig, sieo C Payin, 46.,MuVauesen. GohlipeJoe, 2. Milwaukee. lIn" ci (lcb.42vilwauot, ke. au ChasR.vel litla oleg4,rfli 25 Wa Tariesa opp, 2, ilwaueld I. Edwyi fflt,-21. Cicago- Wn' E.Blvl Si. 2, Lake Forest. lira A.TMort *1, Lake GreLsd. Parut \l. Brolne, , 1.Chlciego.- Aelne Fradnl, 0, hi-aoîa FSalK.t Vl. 214 CiricagO GernitrStnlm, 26,ictago. Udril -'ia 91 2, irienzg _ LIBERTYJVILE iNtDEPENDENT, TI-URSDAY, 'AUGUST 11, 1921 HAVE IIEARINi ON PLAN TO WIDEN MiREN BAY ROAD Decide to grant requesi of pe- titioners to increase width to 60feet CALLS FOR CONDEMNATION A Publie Iear-lag vas held titi week on te proposition et. wideving Green Bay road trom 60 tg 0 feet, t rom te end ofte concrete on Waaiington treet t te ichcitoyard at Spauldni's corner. Tite hearlng was itad before bawn- silP higbwaY commîssioner William A. Taylor and il w4s decided te grant tbe )rayer et lite peitioners, vito seck tb bave te road wirlened. in order- 1 de titisa luruber ci persons itavlng property along titis road will bave tg noveý back tth fences. and relinquisit nome land. Wbile the couflty le wllling te pay a par.t of te damaages the )and owners may sustain, tbe coufty officiais ai- se believe te lroperty ownerc sitould maire soute allowance for benefits tbey will densve an a resuit of thte Improvement te teroad. If possible the couaty desires te complete thre work tbis fai), but il serious objections arc met With -11 will be delayed. The bigbway de- parînrent want te round a courve at te Spauldii.g's cornersa sîiool. *wie,~would tak a %mail portion of scitool land. SSPfED TRAP <Centipued front Page One.) Ly the taet that on one Saturday &lent G4 drivera were arrested. No ite doefi net argue titat men alto drive recklessly sitouid flot be arrç.sted but insiste ftit thre Village isit rtthods in executing te law. lHe states tiraIlite înetbrod tollowed bas, been thii,. Aspectilofficer was stationed near lbe lio'ring garage wiit a stlp-watch Itn bis btand. He would look soUtt and set ant aulomo- bile corne Into slght at a irPecified $Pot,.lHe would start te eîrp-watcli and providlng thre driver arrived ai te point witicit Ie was ciattoneri wthin a given time shoiawîg îlîitîle bad gone, beyond 20 maies an icurib traveling te course, lie woutri pla<e tite nan Ini arrest. tbe offilcer itap- pened la be standing near aitere a ~big; bump necegaitated thre driver slbwring rip and titerefore arrsis vitre ver-y easily made. On titis matIs, tthe .ake cconny man Êaid: "Il bas been te eneakîirh way in wbich thre arresta have taken place tirat han raJoed surit a protest In and atout Antiocit. Thre tact la te average driver starting at te dead Une wonld Blot kflow ite was in te village because titat part la ver-y sîrarsely settled. Accordingly te sireed cops bave been taking undue advantage of thre autois«tg and it j.9 no aoder tbat people bave cbjertcd ta it and entered protesta b Uthc rrv- Mdent and othera. Han Lest Trade. "Thbe Village of Antiockitsifice it 1 bas begun enfarcititiF rpcedr law1t bas ]cet more la thre way fil bueint8 s titan it cari recover in a )ir. 1 I-r See Our This Is Other Walie- Ai Poremc ît lu Tisi L o Store For P'aper. ________1_men Who ýWouldn't Want 4 I 'w" i e i e i:1 e'i :4 Si 'r_ e - * e e e t. e i~ k it~ j' I - il Suits For Men & Young Men In the swagger styles that will appeal toevr man whoispriur about the appearance and fit of his ci othez. hey're made of sspleni fb rica in wanted colorings and they're faultlessiy tailored. The youug men's Suits have two pairs of pants and. tha t cuts the cost right in two. The btgge8t suit vle you'll find at $28. We Continue the Shirt Sale SURPLUS STOCKS 0F MANHATTAN E.'& W. AND OTHER FAMOUS MAKES Thlîded are Siik Shurts, Sîik St rpes, Newx Solslkas, Madras, Poîîgces Imnpoî'tcd Madras,,'Percales, Sport Sli ittsmad W'hite Shirts, collai s.att ziched $1.65 SHIRTS i1 $3 ~.00 & $6.002.15& $7.00 A...............-... ISITiS X.T IIRTS AT $2.00 & $2.50 i45I$5 00O& $6.ü 75 8 SHIRTS AT 1.4 SIIIR TS A.T 385 SHII1TSAT.- $2.50 SIIIRTS WITiI18.50~ô & $10.00 ShiRTS 00.LLARS ATAIIE aI SPIICIA-L at ... ...-.... ....I know et certain sections ab'out Anti. och wbere the rtsidenîs have got t10- gellier and are now tradiing ai mVi- burn and ether places ratiter titan 10 go int Antioch because of Ibis as. tagOnism te autonrobilists. Thte av- erage resident does flot object t theile rpeed cop arresting tboee wito are4 flagrantly violating thte law. but any- body knows that lu the south part of Antiocit 20 miles an bout with no- body ln sight la golng pretty far es- Peciaily lni view of thre tact titat ln big cilles traffic la forced te go fast- *lt Incit as tbougit every village corporation In thte country Io malsirg out o t 1111'a 'corperaf e bigiway.t robt.ery proposition' wit thtie automo- billet ai thte vIctim iln s nation:wide WE INSURE GLASSES AIAINO1 consplracy to bondter up te recelipts of te vario0us curporatrons at hiiaex- BAEAKAGE prcn se'"- We bae buyers for bornes, rang- Ing from $3,W0! 10 $6000. GJ. R. Green f &Co. Washington and County Staq. It Daily Tîrougitt. 1 neyer knew any man ln my lite who could flot bear anitbers misfor. tunes perfectly like a Cirîtian.- 109 South Geneste.St. Pope List your, properties witit a. R. TItree Doctors Twe Heur Service Green & Ce, for qulck sale. Wasing- ton and Court, streets. Phtone 1892. It 111 N. GenéeoSte8 Wauketom . . I Some Saturday Specials At Waukegan's Busy Shoe Store. Boys' Patent or G. M. button Shoes, Sizeslto6,......... $1.75 Women's B r o w n and Black Kid Oxfords, High Heels......... $4.85 Women's B r o w n and Black Kid Oxfords, Cuban Heels........ $5.85 Men's Brown and Black Oxfords............ $6.85, Women's White Poplin 1-Strap Slippers, Milî- tary or Baby French Heels.............. $3.49 Women's White Canvas Pumps.......... $28 Women's Patent and Black kid Pumps....4.85 Women's Brown One- Strap Slippers ,....... $5.85 The ahove reductions are worth considering. taken frorntour stock and every pair g'uaranteed. They are Repairing a Specialty Doolittle&Wh ytej àéé4444444*~****** e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e I Our Line Is And we yoU pror vice. Our new and Shei Most moi cleaning Cinto,, sCleaning and Dyeing are 110w ready to gix e- .npt and satisf actory ser- plant at Glen Flora Ave. ridan Road is-une of flhce idern and best equipped restablishments in the Separate departments have been nmade for the different lines such as Rugs, Curtains and Draperies etc. We- are proud of our new establishment and cordially invite your inspection. We fufly guarantee our work te be satisfactory in every way and as a fur., ther protection we carry insurance on your lothing when in our possession. Phones- -Office 406; Plant 52, and we will eaull or and deliver your work. SANITARY CLEANER Office: 225 lrorth Genesee St. Plant: Glen Fiora Ave. ,WAêUXEGA2N Another Suit ,EN HLKCAN CHOOSE AS ChASSY A ONE ASiHE CAN WISII FOR AT [any of Them With, Two Pairs of Pants IWIWIWIWI

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