1.50 and $2 CORSETS iWotîien's regular $1.50 and $2 cor- bes in good styles and Moat ail ires. Corsets to $S- Front and bckacà dCorsets fil filconîînued numbers, In wanted styles Corsets to $8- liandsomne Corsets ot plain and bro- taded effec-tinb wbite and flesh, front and back laced styles la ail sîzes.- -~~I SVle nWomen's SikHose 1 Ucolors and black and wli'a are inow Included. inal sires at 5r -1.;.50 & 1.75 SiIIcHoe Women's $1 Knit VESTS Women's reguIar $1.00 knit vu--iLs ln an e x ia fiuir qualiltyin flei-randI white wiib bodîlce toi"ý $1 Union Suits 49c Woiens knil union auits leaal BMecs withb brdîce toprs. made to sel for $1.00 now et 49c. Great Sale of APRONS For the Kitchen 25c m 49c Womnrn'sý kiiehen aprone ln lilgt. mediuman dark coloringa -nuei reduced to seil at 25 and 49c $2 Coverail and Gretchen Aprons - 79c Woxnen*s $150 and $2 coverafl and gretchen aprons in ljtht andi dark percales, ginghaffl. cretas- 2.5amd $3 Sash Aproûis 1.49e.1.981 There are really ie sea5ona greateist values jn pretty biouse dress alt-ons among whîeb are. turne bècomlng . styles' wjth .aafq, nov colars andi Pokets. New Gomes Anotsher PRICE-SMASHING Event In Our Great MaUfaturer Ot-.Let Sale No. hlie. Greateat Store For Womeni's Appazel Net Jumper Blouses With Short Siceves P et' net bouei w i lae ti mrirriri ri r i iri tIre nev ju Children's 1.25 Others to 4.69 Wash Diresses Cide s 79c Coats 79C 9-99 "SRt i 'v> Wash Dress Prices Are Ruthlessly Slashed Values to 6.50- Values to $10- 2.98 5.85 Values to 18.50- Values'to .$5 1.98 9e-75 lattsgreat store w. bave 'slarrbed wasli dieàs prices lu the lowest level ln yearl. Me stili have uîany fine suniner dresses in organdies, gjngbiams. bot.you Btili bave a number of weekr tir inl.li lhe summer yet, and they are an excellent buy- 0ten if keie uniîl nx -- orf. 3.50 Sleeveless Jumnpers At. Positively an astounding aiinouucemrmnt lae thia greai Jumper dress bar-gain. Can beelîad in Mo-st1 79 ail colo, s and sîzes at only New Fal Dresses- Black Canton Crepe, Tht fetas, Satins 13.75, 19.75, $35 Earil one of tlii-'se prves la a speCial one at wiilci you mnul find bîand- sorie new i-ail stylesin1 becoingn and (ahloniibîr.e sâtts, t:itctarirnd tire new ,back CANTON CRIIIPESlin a wîde vaýi,ty of cevel Oftr r Ccou re)ou w il find aiti thle ethler colors in thlesre Ilois. Values to $2 Ini- MUSLIN -petticoats -chemise -gowns -stÇ>-in bloomers 97c. One great gruoup of wauted mualin underthings bave been arrsnged aI IbIs redicuuusly low price. In many of the Iens, yen will find both flesb andi white. r$1Musin Gowns and ÇhemiSe 59c' Womens regular $100 night gowns and chemise in white anîd fleri4. 2.98 Gowns & Chemise Women's pretty goves, of figir julr-r t litri n ate at At $3.98 there are odds and ends andi at $798 andi $10 there are sieicisto 14 le ai iasand Dolîrjans. Saturday! I Silk Crepe Chemise 1,098 -" Hanidaome new étyles ini slk crepe de chine ini ail sIresa atIbis extremne low prire. Extra &Special Items!- - ltor-i, 75c 1. SLS in ail sr, ie. - MENNI;N.-S2kc double c'n of lai- cuiiu powd-r atl 1c. -Clilîdren's $1 3" CtiVrIiiL*S in ail .4me-r, 9sO. - Cilîdrense LITTLE IIEAYI Y unler- waiirur in ailiZe.4 at 49c. -C 'hildren's 1EADWEAR lna a perciai aelling at IIALF 1'RICE. -Grsand Miss8es' MID[)IES at $1.00. -SMOCKS for woui-n and miens. eni v slpeci&i $1:98 and $2.98. -Wonien's 35e L'EST.seconds, ln ail Ssizes, speclal 17c. -Womn us flesh CRÈPE BLOO&(Elt marde t0oeili for 79c, now offered ai 37C. -115 SILK JERSEY PLTTICUATS with ar-rordilan pleated bottonîs St $2.98. New.Fali Suits Specially Priced '15m 191,7 $35m5r750 Il L- ti li fi intttrr-i lr- ti n') thîe t rr. se o f ut tire op , 1-irr i nri-l;r tic 4a mg l i of -î.. .- lrr-. lî i ng t- ,n i nr r i ,.-- r tis i p i i r i: -i arj Ut it mi. r-rt:- a; t .I al 1, . ' r Wash and SiIk SKIRTS Values bu 2.00 t yliart] $r1.79. r-r it r t tKanitrrkirti of)îIo $à in î.r. -ti gb.irlinr--r. figtirrd and r tin rti p - I t-tIens at1 $2. 1. $6 V alue, î4sin lskîrt , t-r> r.- iaily reduvr-d lu r.niy $3.9s. Wuri an J woul plaid akirts liti$5.99. ()1 ) 1 an d novelîy sptr .irt tt¶i J. .11 cotlrirand styleï tur $12,50 aI $7.99. $11-98 lu 8$2(lrkirrti litfrncy siik rr-Pes. wine strjîred jtsineir-. rwhite flannela and citrer ne i-w nS-rai $9.75. $18.50 tu0 $35 aiik rskirts in itu.%riun cri-pis. k unusi kuinîraq. taiila-i rili a nd "bert-and -Iherp' ailks jn whrite and ail ccoi6l-3 ati1 r Saleof Over -3,000 Blouseà' Values to 1.50- Values *0 $3- Values to 5.98- Values *0 $1 5 97C-I5-12-' Ecer once in awblle we annouiace an event ýti srag aaie et blOuses le Our NEWLY ENLARGIIDj ntty for weekâ* te ctSme VPlUME XXIX.- COUNTY FÀ BE JIOMI EVEN el esident Grat this papier ti the fe indfril of i, ts,-n blitrur rr:tr i t - a tli - 1 lral -nr, IitlIa . tIr-m .r I-"inN-j%%i .; 1r- St rit tL. -n r. r i 1ir-. in jr? I lrid, 1' Illergaipr, - a è- -.' ieff , r-llz e w 11r. fir ,ir f Ar )!,;n 1,- il ri rterl ;r- fof r t-rl il tt j,. ii lt.-Aljn ririr ir ia tr ett ,in i r--rt,n li tir-to n nir rt r r..A DiaN illn .rP fl r i lin b.. * r:'-, nc- jrrr ci 1 lM r I lré o iii 2: abr.:lo par n t il, i5.rI l, 1id a cir.-zlti antil.% rit PLjîtionr, lid i)' 'TL$ 8hurea-r. innC P1(iLnt3 Farine :5:i, i ,; i it, I H.nnc ltr.l Giadnd tin-l ot ne r io SIpr gl r tn- nsthall iii t, ni an êbeing nh'wl Il1Nr spo r- b' cf 'b pn-odoctons i Peejrrîly tr t!Ing cthereif i i2ereSor em iit ui-S t-. foti tir-le ~-ar-Otre ad s ti 1"-i 10 «thdi- peo tow n gbi er a lOi f e 1ra Anretore n ie - un e ny e pt. Wednesday, Sei Tisursda- Se-pi. f nian, l.ay. PFa rf--iUinîlip il- -<iianIi)-rlitru1 _utrn ir-innitiiio r . -ir- nIl r- rr-soognrtion that Icur anir,-it(lv. >Ii li ï, tir Mil. rar.i hri il r l. i- Lak.- i'oir n~lby titri, as lirg Waukegan 'Pben toon.in h r~pelave r ber S*:eidence- in el I -boorrtjug tIr, g«#, by. and in hj found ther wcnder city. t familles andi frit thon Friday Se amuraece of mut w417 of Iublt tiervice by Chien pwrmoters. Thâ. people or te b. tolM of thq tmig more for l trtel to sr lg 1'I xt -il Odds aud ends lu childrensa wash dresses in sizes 2 le 6 are marked for clearance atIc9e Wash Dresses to $2 98C At thia price lucre are mnany wanted %ties in muai, ail sîze-, lu good colora. Wash Dresses to $4 Sizésr rIp lu 1l in a tilde range of styles andl coitirq ln iritiy ginghlun tvari dnreîe-. $5 Organdie ]Dresses 2*98 Atti4Iie y u w l fin lcbf r Our En tire Stock Women's Coats &Suits For Late Summer and Early )al SYensationallv Reducedto COATS 7.98 - 9.75 - 13.75ý - 19.75 SUIT 7.8 -13.75 m 19.75 - 29.50 il la impossible lu Siscribe adequalely lte Irue worth of the reïnarkabIe value4 ln 0cr HALli PRICED surummer coats and suits aItlhe ptiees quoted above. By ailtolirans sec tîese if yotz wirlr 10 save mioney. ý«L