THIE LEERTYVILLE IN)MEffEN, UMAI AUGUST Il8, 1921 IPANY IS TO BE REa0RHANJZED " <Cotinuei f romt Page One) Dé oard of l>i'ctois.'. cittlîlttlif W represent lîe hotu t ari lhast anti 0.. th l bitAs t i tcsnitiicnt f tie-menbers. TIere ébais bco 'nsilei'abt litt ýi aiaongtti- milk îiuoduIcers ti' ,e tht' lengthhni Utnte the rnet th^.t'l o i lir iatstiti - A large nu infci t) e l e i ' t th a tiie t b a i it iti'01 , t ut îd tf PI f e c a .1ît4hi 'i tc Tellfuti nly oui' AU' ai a lime. Theti auîlî'enct K'ai *-rthe' luisent Boatdi catis S tito !"e.itee ta I5lîce t iltat sUcit a il Ige u"i he conattiiniiiii',Nlilks datketlaa Comspanyuy 55 iettihi iesita- de. We have lies;itateil tii î'ccmnieutf =,«] elfecion ofaItet ti' îeniberia ut be Board of 1litrel is .1,Il. cîîttl iii' Mdtslrablentt sin i' - otte ii î'nihfiî 9 egjterient'e atho uuuirslaf lt(t> 12ethoils of tht' caiiilîan> htîtltîu'î'tA OsuPlte Change if theBoardt-i tPii *Ct0rs. generali) speaking. taclia eat. irtld Rot be ltte beneflit tf t le Mai- uutug Cii. We hiowever. fias t eson 0 beieve tisaf sa long tas'a iiemrber (thé Board of Direciors coi ls l inti' CÊtrests of the' miliiipt'ducer, lant lie Marketing Cotîtîany,.lhe witi hi tatsd- on tIse Board and iltus gis e t#bflty lô lise argautzation IBut ttî MM Sucb a meusher of nat worknltu bti1bterests of tise nîila îiî'idiieiis antd Mo Marketing ('o .t h in'uthi"e MoYeil nt an> annuali ni-ein. o<f ft 1toclisolde rs..1 aur sale tandlan> Purcha! tuent 1 or sujoitîes be> and iro% t'a l*vIlltet'Bitai-ilof i ir.' ili,. bous fideý 'i'iit cittumii tet ivt'ilta limteaiki >snituts tutr nlihks jtustice ind s'quitjeIi ait %i tua i i ih i radutcis lot iltetent parts ai lîllemi] ti-ii itai anaîd sait a il. tiisci thet,'is taitlta t li n at t ît' tt cient tira hchit-t in t[tlie tiriicipite -attît u'iheu' lot, tht' stîtît liifk at thle cetitrai'uta rkî' mtilttt litean illa ti-ri-e jjin î'atlgciosel>'tateeIlefr ent ina1 Il mulud tîeun il pr'tuilu etcriil or> wottli flisie tlot-tmzone.,.'l'lie'tit living i lueti'0fc rate zat wî'îîuft lh i tlla roducer., utîtît' r .- l i.'ie é Illefrt' li tit> i-»tiet i-jan In thtb eti , t'. iînult'îst tut ti t I llt et iltid t iii i elst' a i ifferent 15 tee 20ct'pi i i jaund.s tel tiiex.trla CO sIislel tng ant tutîuitg titi' tan it asi' t i tlialIt ii'll ie NI iil'ttsti-î" .'uliet'ut tttg t'iiîiu alIt t'ait a i tif stackisniîers aiIflic -silii'tmomient t i n-u ttiintaîietfiiiiiaantiJtt t-H. J. LAUEI .1014N SURIt tt(t't' ENVIS C. LARISEN BOOTLE664ER I rItNitu - Management To managi'a ausi. ý, i ige taîtl $0 N O SI lgyolvilg su many tt in i î iI t t at t' $0 NIOSSI ae dons dur tihk nmarketinîg, tequies pen o!ftaaing nasd eta>eie ct'antiA D le of speciai abililty.Thts tiilla nia,- N R HC EM C U TWN îting business luvaivesit iillonts tt uldlug land iandling -ai niochbitlet eî'tti a.,i i ig ;uila ITour esfimttee yeîies'es i iatiii li f;'l iiii ii t itiaXvAi%~EI i60 tii 120 atitaces anti î'i tI W'ANTEDIl Boat-iloaufaîtît toi- mauamer shoulil no! a ie îîcm er o titi aai 1t:i, ;J Mi2l't' iti't' " a! i t iitîtît buitdingu s; ttut -u it lion ,os.a,14 antI 14. wlic'a'ties eau Lac Board of Directors. Tire metabe'. lici' ot ii,-PtttIei' Joihna iNî' tlii iMnii iuailatI. A. H. ieduic i .227 Nor ittiitthatndelO; ittust bL eiastinubte a l ittil n nat Iti I t --jtoi 't i er, u S. akgn. li lhn 7 tt-' Mis .'. A. Boa'niig. 70191 et thé Board af I)Iëlstire a-'esPit'af ,. akg.[l hn 1 y fitteil for juilginga and tiecittiug on gatîtu .ai l tit ii t ' 't'ao tis '33 Clartk St..Chîicago. bea iil polit-les, but ueltiotuiswoà1it ii' tt i t fi't . .- î%%i ime be a muimber ituai- aîbihiîy.ex t i1i i lii 't.iat tlh l ,su'utReIri iisht setter tt. atasstW'ANTED TO RENA' lai-ii i o 8t RqEltteee sad training wotîld qualis îlît iai-it 'tii titei'ani' utl iai, hast net1 210 acres. Elmuet Statl.l'i-Pai Wàte aet as maMWer of sucli a large ili 'alitti;i'iiis 1i aIfr>sik , esi otf rtnut % 'î..Ili.Il1 sen complex business. teslies. lii' ia01't1ai.ti1ii 'tic ai ai it 'i tan tot a lectlon orfnien tor perm'îanentî t 'oý' G i? f u alta U iF,-tMSTIT('HINC, A IN 1 iC 'OTtNG jl'l SALE A ieering co'nîi'n hu ~auIOioinst &i fixcd saîlaries. 1- r, it~iist mo<'oîîîaî 'ia ii atiachuient. c'ariusou ait ýec'iug m-ý .1 i; wiux. Phont'".70-112. rrfl fllse Members of tire Board,. afteb ittit- itines. Prit-t $2. Personailiheckit tOi- FOR tENT FO.ýour it; aî:imil MIMs iolitics o! cvi, r>%sot-t tii ti-i"u ftati sai ait.lalta a."ttxîra. lt'.HT'S MAIL ORLSER HoI.'SE Iao tbie manageaien, Vt I Ii'tiîîil' utltit u'."a"iaiaît St,,, , ':6 1ait- possession. Inquirp ail lire J Ibc badlpt'actîce itiata uiiaii iitti . a , lxt7linu lau u. 3 titeini flakery. Wiear fîrmi> conv.ii. art aa a'ANTED-Men or womenla tale or- WANTEI) TO lIENT -A tatimoai i - managrer ront oulisde oa hetu' tif . iouîîîi b iiaiisiaa ' I . j ders asnong friands sud uetghbonu 60 to -100acres; it icase of tram o! Dr ectors stouli be litrei., ultfor tise genuine guaraateail boulery. 5ycr ueeri. rtetC-t ý~"wn sbouid be tise besi îbaiu . ___ fuit lina for meu, women or chldren. Adelhîrirdt, Grtî>slakt'. i. 1. IMe. Re ahoduU te paid whaever sat l ~ 'Jîi H. Miih-t*, Sotic-ii "Ilim-iiiate darnlng. We pay 75c anu __________ M7 ka neessary to set-ure suct-lent CHANCERV NOTICE hast- spare urne. or- $86.00 a week for FOR S hav ltîe hor sale ai fa W.MoIlWgiuudertsaad fit tht' Pei'-, 'iATE 0F ILLINOIS, fulil ima. EZýrerence uflflOCeU'Y. ers'prîes, several clîoice spi aNMase o! tht' position detieuds soie-('OL'NTYt'OF LAKE. -SS.- t Write luteruailonal Stocklng M IIl.lutrot- Jersey Boar Pl"a, alto sa eii hesucoess lu managing tise IN THE CIRCUIT C'OURT OFL'tAKE Norrisiowu, Ps. Matfure sowganaid yearling ailli WC jeog ctpan udul pn n, UînNTY. O('TOBEit TEICNI. A. 1). j(o tatirt-uc in September. Write ~UwtS is oadof Directors. 1921. FOR SALE' -Clituue rasiaence lotsouctitL. I.. WVatt. Round Lake. fil. 3 W. ftrther blileve thea the' secre-- Jhn Thiomats MeLsughiîin aniul McKiuuesAie. Mis Grimies 2-t. tW, tqhe iboard of Direttors sisouid ~ Mai-gai-ut Nllaitghini lb. th bookkeeper for tihe mar-ket vs .ý ( ,iST- A ci-wiîe lwith a t toaWsay. Tecepn budLeasEstella Hilgesen lm' laauPStii<WANTEIi Tutorougiluex- 33xl. f Hauu) off of a Na.44 captable bookeeper or office Hilgest'n. luties Ililat-sen. Warren W jeri-inced isit. general nurser> Iffls, betc'een the McHeury house Méilp who tan systematise sud FoOte, G e 0 i-g t' M. Foule.,('harles gi'aweiiand gart'enuir. sauts peri-ma- Libertyvilte. Liberal reward ta fl al records o! thse tompauy's bus-. F a 0oi t . a r tW i a k ei a n.1nuliuî>sita-;Ma. e d.Xhu" s . Awhîo willi pease natif> tht' McHe! la an uiChtst sd i Iad t itt loi-. Lnru hoa Elsit' C' cai-t- nuepeudeut. ' 284t io se*clnr. ilos ' 3 i -There are certain corpratje iola oc'ar d LM. i;,'ot' dwin-'t "t W the t s c o m a u y 's s e c r et a r y F o nt e . o b e r t E . o o l e', F r a n k F . W O I W A N T E D O N u "A I .NI i > tiS o G I l - O Y U A 4 T E R bouile, sucisaas sianin sttpk F'otc Leslie Il. Hanît, trustee t', EusI mut, rct-uîly t-ris PEtra ilBct.s ud oher fficai o ate, Alvin Winkehman. George liolat. Swedeu. Exîteriencedin llal kînils of KMN WORK IN CHIIICAGO - ' sd we 1e.î uunowu haIre at law or devisees 0ffatmwr, u as uwu ie i'oOt- co bellieve lu economiy ad Re eleis Waslîburn. deceaseil". 'unknoc'u I ing t i-andi' l nto s i ud o! $188....... be Abat il la economy for a5cilOin-erati aw or devisees of ilas Stenir. ic'o radc.. ia ii' C. ilotan nderf Stcuos Diictaphone ..8..2250$11 10n 4012gso Mucb important huai- eus. deteatued". "unkuowu hiers ati aw For ke. iesi,.,.f TypCt.Iln. affit- $15822 40 oci- coupauy ln, bto esuply men or devisteii ai John Gage. tîece'tsed' Fo- Sw it g-f yitisbaa fi e ...p.. ««W altralfflua, esperience aud i "unknown bel-s ai laW tr ticisees o thot . RNA~ 'tUEI"FRa d > tittî $2 ~tv bbed ht oerliepart of1 James Seikigl, decuýasel", "uinkuawu SALE Lactc. an.lise...k.t tut20-2 -. 98flY. - ieirs ai law or davisees tof jotul a i î~ak' nt'0 sIogietlae u Susail . ada e u Ira " i> d titrit. much f îase, effort tondeceaàeij". sud "unkua iown tt'rasi Lake,cone>; ofath iétlcadedainl A L MO N »WY N N ta hall oThe- parsoofiuthr stdflurtht field sitistuigis shores. Goati fistttng, boat- la arglyta ~îdiferet ie:l ina described reali ta: egln'ina ~ind biatîing.'- îî'rty witu be di- E M PLOY ME NT A GE N alio lasayto ou lbhememberbip, ai a hPoint lu tht' SaufthEast qitarier oai sideil initi ressofabi> itzeil pieces fat o ori4513W ai *I r»màntogettet-. Tht' mlk Section numbered ifi!teen (16) in Town- , Rdoit" iiulios's oi>. Macdifsra It houil(o lam fr 115shîp nUmbereii forl>three (43) 'Nont 1s 50.00 to $3500 Peilt-ont foot, accorai- Chcago, inois. ont I abulnot be necessani. of Range numbercil Pleven (11) Eating tu0talocatîin ec. -Fuitltariculars IMalarge force of fieldl men iun or lie Third Principal Meridian. whiehstb îalo utt rud. e- O AEAfri0 0 tr <o bh lte rgansatou ii~point Is tn tht' ceter0f i te Miwaukee 1ot ' lirFrts rîsLae I. Algn cut.NwTrt -tri.h niembers sBouid be so tu-i sud' Chicago liosi. South suit-n (7)1 Jhn Lt - - s rysLk,11. AlgnycuL, e ok la their cootperatlve mart-2-4it-lad is poucieladi »rètUntateewl edegrees Easatca o(2) chaînsanadaitweu 2-4:lshudu- _tti-o__tieau i ty (20) lnsurnit tir Iintersectionunil'&Co FRSL orwl adfrhee or' n eai for such a field forc.te istenter ofrttre ellent-> ior- aId Stat I JOE HOSCISLAWSKY &c. FRSL rwl rd o ef I eltâtat if field work las net-es ,arv t a certain portion of tiîtf ied Road witlh ccent'rtof titi- Milwaukei IEAI. ESTATE CO. FROM NN'AU.KE- Pure bred Guernsey bll, 12 mot 0001d roftaby b deegaed o ad Cicao Rad nd i te Nrth GAN, ILL. Founder af ludepeudeut aid. Ragistered stock. Supt. Scisa mm -Til p ofialy d oeeît-i aWest coi-er of land forîîulcî'i - aueilReal Estale Agency al Cuba,. N. Y.. Fat-m, Waukegan, Phtone Lake Foi 'ec mdalo grnir eficenc. lb> Johnu Reutîtgerilitent-e Sauth Aliegan> Couuty. tIairIe eit fat-ms 37 7~~~~~~~~~ ma hoa-se fiin-. jseren (7) degrees East aîong te cen- wiîh gond lbuildings. cutflue Hoîstelu ___ _______ Pinances and Accounting 1 ter of Miw'aukee hiasilone (.1 citain itttie; flue bot-ses anduiIt necesstri OyAE 'ieb-dJre Tin a very large exteut tîte spirit faI d fort>-ses'eu (47> linksto the So t fuluî'nr>'. chti greài oii-isuithIouncii-FRSAE-Pr dJsy1 lftaiaal)D a is sped around ils 1West cnt-uer of Raid lot; tise'nîte Norlt Ci-> plat-e; firn fort> li) sixt %-dolars aig-w.fnidvial I -f afinances ai-e managed , eigbty'f r(4 ige-tat 'it f)fpts--- nidn it'u- nam~f0ot-pedigree. Priccil ta salI. Ra, eomy ald systelusud if evYi'5minutes East fotr (lichatus tandi ts 11#t1ti . ln' quiela sesic'Hanest Faltm. Higlebantdtark. 111. l-tt 1 W lrpoift r feels ithe frer-ies1 teen (13)his ta lie Souit East cpi-attiiing 24-tf, iw saa th ien tite business coun nr of said la': tisent-e Nonth sIx <6) là atilehealtis>'and eucouraging , degrees andt wty (20) minutes Wet'- OOUnttee reP!resenUtig the ont' (1) cisain andl ffty-oue sud one- -7 fou<ls'5vt'iy mach regrets isiai lf(61%) his itithe- Nortut Easst &Bdl complaît' financial stute- corner- o! said lot; bIent-e Southt îigis ta'.rtnot mnade6ythtIe Marke'titng ty-tour (84> degrees West fttur (4) AUlcf tise affaita aI1au coopérative thainesud tiirteen (13) linisilothea ritô e b o u C N ot hn g sioulci i'e ctu ered u t anc iundrad ih s .6 0t) af an a creu it A t m e everyon e s o d e t e r c n s i W n b o k e m»Wald coniplete audits sould usîdin lutise Towntoi Ve'rnonuni>hI otei tnat isa obnu Ib ale tise res5utt given ta tise of Laie aud.Staie af Ilots." *pices te a normal level.. I amn tryg to do mv bit. admlpioducers. Soute IN CHANCEIIY. GENEIAL M Y RCE N URATEDDNTSRYFR H NX *el cmaiesr make it ut prat-- BER 11368. M RCSO URNEDDN ýIYFRTENX t110 te Ilenl s mautisîf fluant-l state- Tht' requtatte affidavits Itavingecn 30 DAIS AS FOLLOWS: , '14$ aitisa' samte fiait'thattht miliii ttied in te office of ttire tci-rk aI tc ta issuedCircuit Court o! Laie oaty. Illinois, * ta 1 ocs-- _- 1 _ s........... . $;.Oti and i$6.04 ,-'D ladI c f knowledige uit the' finanu NOTIiCE 1S THEREFORE HEREBY Poiteelatu Ct-awus. l'votf Tetit Ti-nu' Bite îîîauls ... .........85.0( ' ~Itotf tise liarketing Ca. GIVEN to ait o!flise above nameil, aud iiueli iîus . 20 08 111111e ed alai-d a ot deaf tuf ditssatisfat uknowu defaulants, tisaitise io'a'& AU~~S the comnlttel- urges tisaicf' namel complainanîs ieretofare fiiert (WjiIl oi chatnget cotai-i PMI . &mdhtx sud fluant-taI tatemeuts liseir Bihl o! Compsin inlusaid Court G('ahIlaiys tel Fitluas utcrîlua ta sîza _43.00 IL, 4i aI easi quurterîs and better on tise Ciancery aide tisai-t'ansd thai Plates fial ia'uîtep iîu t-au eau corn off turei-nb ......$15.001i BOttl umutondes Ihereupon Issued, out or ' (Aecording ta inatariat) ytW . lfieusive b> iii atpts sur. aid Court againaf aia!ftise aboyaI *Mat* aboulil ba secured, ouly asusnaIe, sud uukuoc'u delleudauts. re-t Trestuteni, nerte killeti andl roof filléd... .. 42.01 guud absolutly uecessary turnabie ou tht' firsi la>' ai ibe' terut And remtember. I will fat hurt you. I uséei medit-fue fi-at lisat îakeý Un au inmre fronstihe saleortsCiut Court of Lake",CoUt, wy iepi alh *Mpormit. W. belleve litllnois, to ble bail au the' Court House rwyth an -au4 evea criminl t Bose mllk in Waulegau. in said Lake Couaty. ,US IIE R O 0DT NY fair sklag permattest javeat- Ilinois. Ou teUirafit-stMouday tu Octo- IS RCE R FR30DY.NY U If1 prodoceru ane l«frm- ber. A. D. 1921, as Is b>' aw eequirad ' lb sso!mi avonns n ilc il l th puîam Dr. F. E, -CU1ÇLIS ffl eareadlly b.émIl W= . BIOCKWAY, Cterk. 130 Washington St ovor the Thomas Markeut Co. gp aeusti...Waogan, Ilinois. Augual 12, 1921. qj< fWumw a My sle and -. BENJAMIN H. MILET., '-- WAUKEGAN, IL Ut '1111,1111i111eftale b. wopmoi Couplalunta' Sliciter. a ýIsarzmetDixrecte 'se..Aim at 8U. 34, M. u.8 . SUNSET PARK iný Wednesday, August 24 i Water Battie 9:00 a. ni. Sharp on West Central Avenue iedi rom Spectacular Parade 10 a. in. Bands, Floats, 3. to [)rgeDecorted Venicles 0f ail ftinds. 'l-61 arm.Organizations and Societies due Represented ï à Body or ire. ad MYSTERY MAN AND MYSTERY WOMAN der, Lurv Bat Game and Dancing Î5 Field and. Athetic 50 VIIiX Events for Aduits 8D. Raices and Other C iiz Events for Children St. DRAWING CONTÉST FOR FORD CAR AU Wednesday, August 24, 192 1, Hi4ghand Park, Iilhou tthe r- ntha wineTHIE NEW HAYNES 31-3t M Ne~peTOURING CAR Nieyprcent Haynes-made, with the powerfu Haynes motor at its heai't, writh every detai of design and construction keemly mèrwised by lisynes es- perts, the new Haynes Touuing Car is what naturafly is ezpected of the builderr of Ajnerica's first car.. dnJy threligb the facilities and a.lvantages of 'the Ilsynes organistion witlî T its greatly enlarged factories it is possible to comibine ivi proper balance the four essential factors of car-character--beauty, strenglia, power and confort. 11às »w car bas individuel fenders and stepa, a b.dy beautified and adorn- )o edwià haoig an mW otornioinel y itted imstrument paul.en- bpdh .fluger b@Uthatarting systen.Thia »w 1922 sxc1ide Hynes mati $1 785 represuuls mmum ddar.fordoUa vale. Cor«trs=r stand- P ard equippent. The wbee base .s121 inch«. Ph.,. Lake Foesnt 1134 for WE BUT, SMULAND EXCHANGE AglLMMSOF AUTOUMS. ILLINOIS AUTO EXCHANGE 21 Iank Lene, Lake Foroet mûphn 13 Lake C.usaty Diasibuatora of HAYNES, Amoricea Fuart Car. Turu lu Youz Old Car ]ahW Torma. VOLUME XXIX, lARD Of RE TO BOST v IN COUNTRY se ai equîp l)gmu&i' Ave'. Esauston. Ste ihadl been Vllting'feral buities, among tlim hem beingll.t.t*/II1 a u»,, WiIimeuiber. gake iheut a rotisifgmer $5Oele i.tfilehome n Ji r iltedfr bee i oa 'es Ridge andmthe ed orki sarg.; nade just after thc cerexony.' Drclors be thehoRe0fAhr siier or aOt in P 88ldginde Sence ofuVlckburg. 6 AUIBoth the contracfilig Parties are melime with stomacb trouble. brakeman oi t lite Sotither. ineoaMARRtW» SATURAY Videly known aad favorites la Liberty ze. [liai tu F N W TIE T R F or the past twelve yearas -ite Il alod u hr s rk Cnrbid 'r u brbal oiloE5Z solt ogise O N W HE T R lis cd on the Hwt Fr arru. whcre matn., vilrad adate nil okle. Mr madoiaras ue mud 0 1th'nir erhuban. oh chrg 173,lnMa. 173,h JohnilfinWood.CotrbuhasInschargeShy atowilrll 0 ei th1d bihsa 187.l a.17.L tre oMiss Viola S. Greenwood, daughter E.Sons an l Woc h atroen 0f theO. cated in ftge Of rIIV IA ithe draft horse departmuien. or Iis as swiicitman lor i- h C. M. & St. Pin utMr.and Mrg.Char-les (irecnwooti, b e. S RelynSh bas b oenepond k pradlucing L ST A U RAY big farm. tige old south yards. Mlwaukee. ln là Sdi~uminer C. Kimbal. sou of Mlh'tt'SednScolo Crepn îi~difiui. rs Wodwa bnin lrnttidth' .pin o 17' hie started flring &rleKxbil ah0 neChicago. is dffcut.Mr.'oo ws or i Banfo d hea-rn un 28.187. rwss proiiiotcd fLibertyvtlje, ne ludt iissatis Sauter- à- %.ldiann. alto iate cas- Ontario. Canada, Deetsber 9. 1860.,aden îne. 1887, calli pe ollowed itdl mrig t h ou "Bud" Kimbalilaisassistant PtIostfa ne. titell l.lbet'tyville Auditoriî. Olien Wih lber parents alhe mniedto jollet I I owic alnglefllwdwre.tlerdesl arr eut hesom tara A~fr inthe Libertyvllle office. and le i-iltiîte ,î rite itouse' ast Saturdty nighit witil tbis tate. wheu a youug child. wbere' itt wo >ears ago. 1,a :0p tu 1e.Er .Mr popular amgong a large circle of frCends t) IaYing titi a bill of litis citaspictures. More ihan -bsheresided until moving ta Lake colnOcitîbet' 22,. 1871. lie maried Anan. 1tr fth rebyeiahl nh Tiseybert wlhe fteetr e qualit> ot 600 People wei-t lîresent al the loi-maIt t' about 12 years ago. ln 1881 ashe1 ECrise IBitl.Ws, h gtttealfapsofthe .M es unie Vla Salia. unlt#lae n fteetr o tl place. Tiis wo'tiiug. and tihe consensus aifoopinion was ffîtd lumat-age oMJon$Wod. iFredsudolar.ncalietedd ateu u hi oiifrnilwgta he show was ane of thre bpst To Iis union were borniaine ebtîdren. ,ter andi (race. s di-vi d cousin 0f tahle bride.,e.Te'ipate orashr rihiffrîît was t nt hseriveilmlHeges.aplay.Xî the bridai chorus firn Alil honeymoou trip. after wblcb tbey will elh ift~evrchbt' l1ievlae al Of wbom with temuaan tr' tuember'of the llrotherhood of Locomgo- tht-tuan- msalle theur home ln Libertyville. tat it. i' iik Tite Halîke sBisters iurnished exce- ive. ai* s follows: John, Jr.. William, i lice Enaineers. E. B. Wolcoit Post, and' h' rdewsbeatîui îrssdl Ila'tab tntmusic durtug lise eveilin.g, aud Chiarles R.. Thomas G,, Ernest A. Pred. i a Life M'cmber tir Excelsior Lodge No.iaraue RyW rce ik ' odcassited tnaterially in'makinutu liteoc- erick A.. and Rtobert; andI Mi-. Wlliis 175. A. P. & A. M., Mlwaukee- alsoal ta gowu of ara),tanton crejte as u-t1 i oli raiitrRa tucu îce would t- c('satan il uccesa. iSeybold sud Mrs. Paul Draper. ilembet' of Libertyville O. E. ' 0f ie allýqet f. i 'ossondfils utWaeut ega wreihr a > c t tîilik than Messrs. Sauter sudt W;itdmann jlive't- The' funeral services were beld aI 3 .Tih,' lia> et' itfiliehonte orfilus sou l'ise ui of îown uella-8s wei'c Miss . 'ni-M.lea at a halld long experience lu the tiseater bus- I. ni. Monday. in Evauston, tuctitd i'h l nby te 1ev Harrison audB-rlcMJus.olEllas, axs 't-lit tti'~ionuat plan to give Libertyville b> the Rev. G. A. MacWtîorter. form îtunî1n h'M Rdgayw a n~'îsd Mrs. C. R. Salisbury, Miss Eunice 1 asfr ieleiiîi'tintitiaif ttte tialite sur> huai obtainsible lu the' amuse. ely >pastor of St. Lawrence'tî EPiscoPa t tenîletib> the' tud veteraus of Euklfot-iiSalisbury sud »Mi. sud Mirta j. W. Ifor count>'treasuierStaii'e îi'mhrles (-let aa illetîtntfint'. Tueslhav'e foad"extensivel ciurcli. af whicih Mrs. Wood wasati n a istd> Ctis0fCitg. u-x sdMs " i i enî<îîce taitabi'alteTatious in treAuditoraim.redec-1 niember Interment was madlit lMtlù'.,(tr% ici-s isete tîetl A'Fatest Home Shernman Kimbaîl. tif Norti AdanTs. titi ng :1à.tîaî-a tiet' 'eat as tieptt tu lutte Cti' (irating tlic calice itatîse. A flie Itt.oof noia-a Par'k cemetery, Evansioti titatet by E. B. Waicuit Post1B. of NMa lstuetts. t rt-isîî 'esaa"itttci îîaiel il lu'rsit'ioaîh for tire lîtojector lias been lu-O L.E. Na. 66. sud the' 1ev Garduer. About 25 immediate relatives <1 o i'f iti'thefie 'ant ie thias a iii 't le iîlk satît. it ta acins.cîmiaiJAES S. 1LEE The singlue by Mrs. Hanby sud Mn s' ouug couple werc tîregeut ai lite cct'il î tîletiin lule tount3 wiîo wistt tii ('tutlit tr l't titt'lleaunoaanie o ti Iouî chenf.ailt', 9. Lee died iItrit'iîte Im t' tf [avis cas b> bis siiet-ialt equest lu -itnan îd îartiok or lise refreshutenis I il ii ni ntt atild. ' îttItIlle it-seut ttse Nlarket i-els ate cîtageil Iteautitul ligliitug tuas son. Fi-c i et'. ai Etkuîarn. Wis.. ¶et'nii'nî was iu thet faily lot at For- whicIi were serveq Tise Libertyvili li tîeige ias uit cîîiiitionItarltt-igi at1et'tttliii' hase been ;irasideîi. andtic t'Thursday. August 11, 1921. of' taritîSsis est Hontte cempery. Milwauke'e. band. tir wlicit fi(-brîdegrooni ila aitn leview. - arlest t)o'- siailintu aît'tanteniens are a fie clasit agert 77 Years, 8 mouths agait 22 days abtîît 'uni '-,,lie)firoudinluhe large tealers. The James S. Le was bot-a lu Machesterl i tes asie tcnî'tic nets have soute fine pragrauts Englanil. Nov. 19. 1843. sud catnti I k'lot' titei' sûvtgoing pélîte or Liberi>' ' America wben but six years nid, Ht't s liii It wilt litbe netessais ta go ta Ilocated in St. Louis. Shortly afier lus Ch~~~ i: fic-agit ut Waukegan to set' 'lite laiesi I mother sud father sud fatier dicit ai N'Ot III "iîtt ions. lis t lie> c iliili slto'n at chiera sud lie weut ta ive wifh Iis Bi.iii 'îîtiîigutraudmother ai Antiacti. îniilie etu MA lisgedluntise Union army lu Seflteiibe'.; lAOuîTuARv 1861 lie re-listed i B i-oc ilile.' Texas. lu Mardi. 1864,tand s'as nias- SARAH ANN M'O()I) c-e ui tîtaiSpringfieldi. 11ii.n June. I HA N OPR A li ii it tt 'i Saltiti Anu t1eir- ý otifl.i 1866. isaviug served 14 ei auti nduJ - Sat tii-titi>Augîlsi 12. ;il ttilti'honte'tInan i ieaofmnh tftaF C IL l i;gtr sia ' Irî lî ii uin 'ofutVtils . H t' t a-t eie i atit t 't Fi- Notices sent out to seek to validate ac vie.w board in NO ADDITIONAL 1 'Iii .A-uC t'aiatly bolt o, tItiIà finait IOtir estew 'tut- a I, ' !Itanîtet l i-e toitlY.Noaitce. i vu' tiy tti hboardil)tii l.i\psi îîîu' t )wîîafait!. tiC la , at ai a I li i tg t, 1 i h i lidi t iii il! ' atii W;tqil il'a' ! taii, 't" l. i"l N.t t jI.' ,tlI t i I a'.S'il, a ttla j A aeai iliisei t a,. t a ta b ltn O ttn t Il'raCatttin oai lis. 111ia 'ogt "oait i t'a ot 1,.lits aonihruî'îta Lu tlle -ptoct'î'dtîig. A,'i.t 1, srd of revilesrmaide CtcAsa. lunsatllat. but a"îttuIhitlat tII ob:e lta tI.".o l 'Il tIi u)Iaî,kc atMid1C, liat c i t ua, . lait> (aii ai l.l a 't ti - tî'rttg wilti 1,- li '>i la ai ltiti falittti î,. u itiaude t a' .4 55a1ita' lad' a 'l . - al ailt Y! F WAIY * tiay tc a i the ; ti daarhy. . llfrtnil 'The th ter edî.oi's are: l)"uziArfaitl Edîlor Lin Barreit-Sportina * edita) 8 peetjai' sire-; ftosi ths tite fotau)wing dits ab') Weil. we ai-o iere and- îiaasy bita alate of tht' ta Uncte Flan te gent 'ttuil -.aiatt ver hitacotli tî,ý aaw te s'as'tue -au pitld uî tcd taiSOaîpý .et ap and lte prograin Seserat upartile-ihase vi-ait us and it la no nei iaaW ceicotite fh"v ce <tett'a tit luy part iv %î-iîttug camtp cii Ilite casingtansd htina m»Y ighahtai foi CatIsî. a Mailt sîouli tac ad(Ilit' Caîttit. Wauconda. 111, êit gang scid tregaîrds faitlas 'ai andidla ttîa-ut et ttîty cati cone out,'17 Rtou.d 10 Valtutrntsat d'a. fui-n on fivet' SIOri caiti. lit ou" of the nsas'tt I tia-4Itnluî'tat-s.te t}îmb tulAnte lu defeatilsat tit tiis[asiing 7 10 4. Attacuit Hai'dii-tk was -'thea-. iaihieit îluit andl himaeti by sti-ikitsg Out tisa atiuise of tteinmo: Slripe wc'a, siaîi-ifg far tera but foi guitaoOUe' Cautd tiot 'tI rthitilj. Il runttatwas lije piiiti tta laitsm'if tait 'aIllie O lie a a Iailiiî tel a lth ut' )icamsandt.tît .iaere s%;Il )1-lta tî ui ilac nei t fu'ure. Guid Conceit 0' 'A Sali"iivsIttlafiI * lit t' ili ',' o i:tî'1':t li Pa'aIt t't l'the . ii.15