CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 25 Aug 1921, p. 12

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LAMORTOAÀSK LIMITINIi 0f THE INJUNCTION Ciffailment of Court Power to be theme of coming Aurora state meet of workers Springfleld.-Clirlailrnenî or te ln- junction power of Illinoise courts, w ilii e the chief lopic of discuss- Ion et te tbirty-uiutli annuel con.- vention of thse Illinois State redora- telio f Labor, vhicli viii met lu Aurora for one week, commencing *- October 17. Thte cail for the conven- tion vhich wili draw 1.000 officiaI delegalci ta Aurore, wviii ho meut ont t 1al labo.- unions ln thte mInIs tom'orrow. Accomplimitmectsof te fiftY-sec- ond geueral assembly wili te re- vieves! irst, sccordiug te Presideul JiohnH. Walker but discussion of Ibo constitulionai convention giticit viliitissu te ln sesion, vili over- shadow al eaIe. Lubors sttl-tude tovard the proposed nov consîltu. t ion, wiil bedotormined, Mr. Wa.ilkei suis!, by thse action basic law malt- iprs taise ou the lober article before lhem ou their returu Io Springfield * in september. Injuncticn, Vital Issue. 301h -ir. Wallter and! Secrclary- Treaesurer VIcor A. Olauder of Chi- cago. ubo bines! lu edins ouIt the call for tise convcntion. regard! the "ijuinction evil" as labor's most vital Issue. Trit evil, tbey MY, il more violent today titan aven. z Revievlng te prospect for tise la- bor convention, Presilent Walse r sait! as follovu: " it vi plan te brlng about a bel- ter uudNeralanding betweeu the farsu- Ers and thte vorisers lun te different modern Industries go tsaItishe price cf food producta maltes! by te farce- er- muy mot, by manipulation bc- ru daces! beiov the-pnî e towbhtte * farmner la entities! or ruised!%bove vitaltthe CORMmuiera shOuls! puY vOeu tbey buy Item. To show Up Mlslsry Police. "It viii plit tie0mînlinze or pro- vent te misuse of inJunctiOn in la- bon disputes. it viii expose as far as possible tise ameieis, oatisome olinIy. craulng reptiles, tisaI are vorking ln lise danri1tte ibrov ou.- goveruimout b! tbe crestiOo f a niitary, police, reeponsible to no oue, net leguflly rosponsible for au!- tinig lte! do; vito commit murder - - BE KI YVILLE IN WOMEN'S Black Kid Pumps> val- ue $9.50 - $1.00 for each shoe $2.00 a pair 'ENVENT, THURSDAY.. AUGUST 25.ý 1921* _____________________________________ M DOQ.LITTLE & WHYTE THE H0USIZ 0F REAL VALUES WAUKEGAN, ILL -- -- -- - oi And go ungul"".; Who ra" taie n IAWPrétors, and the harvest vas tom.; on thée lait aau'date tva percin charge of elections <wbicb they IJLLj 3,)*lee.- were lklU.d a% Golcondiand one et hav dn. u îmat v07 0h0 ~Duriug July, lightninç caused the Benton and at Catro a 60 talle wind country vliere tbey hsave been - U1 AJK ~ 1 camied $6,500 damage to property. tabilshed) and overthrOw -.popotai IAI E O DS ls of a barn and contents flear Corn smu«ered nmre damage localy government, estsbllsb and maîntain Harrisburg. snd tour borsea ver, by wlàd sMd hall 1 Colleas ere flood- a brutal autocracy. - l IUI 'I lued usear Beardstown. Local wind ed at Joliet ou the fourtentis and a Te cstonvo en ter wlldea vel iet 0T I S I9 R QIùafls aused minor damage lu Aiez- ruýirond tracis vas vazbed out at the ueston o grnierdeveopmet ader, Morgan, Sangamon, Tabeweii Glilipm on the twenty-eiglitb. of te cooperative movement. - -aBd, Wlii Counties. There ver, dam- *'wi ellect t0asllU furtiser expose agiug vIns@toraslI Pope, Saline T'ho Tria. Question. the hypoerley an ieoIlfles et But seven days since may 17 an&! White coiatien ontheoutiOfUlefth Everywitcre la lite the truc quoi. icae faro aiud moc the mer- bas temporature been below la McLua County on thse' twety- lion is, not what ve gain but wbat vo a ving fortéW« dter normal-Chicago . record iJd.POpo couties o the 'thirty-flret. familles, to aubmit hopelcsmly ttr'the______________________ __________ dictation of avarice and! grees! as Springfield lilinois tient records "presented by the profiteering cor- galore vers shatteres! ln thelhat ------------------ ----- porations and trusta under guise of lhree moutisi, aeording to figures of so calies! open sbop? or Americun the weatiser bureau hemo plan slogans, Bine the Warin perios! began May'â y D l a D Chus! and! Convict Labor. 17, there bas been but saoen days union label wiii bo ccnsidercd. Chilti mal. Thtis represents th. vbrmet laitor. Conviet labor, Siîortentng lte siraliar perlits in lte cilmatolgel~W DlvrOeDoIrsW rh fM rhn hours of labo.- andi betterment ot history of Illinois. eW IDlvrOe oals oth fM rean worleing conditions of vosuen vork- Oui! Ivo Julys, 1901 aud 11,6bave d~~ÂyPr tti iy ers. Improvement Of OUI ichOOI. bail a higher average témporature. itt m ato h iy tise tettlng free of the AinerICan- At Chicago, the ineafi temperature ____________________________ teaehere trou four Of losing thofr vas tise highest ln lte 61 y.ars of Jobs. Thei ont dal rost la soyeu for record snd the number ot days above Followimg Speclal For This Day Only: vorkore of tiesae Ai a luo th* 90 degries alsn maltes *no ewrd.r% Car shsed bill 10 protect tiehe aitis Sprint greva grainseail OYO N aed enus epth. . .. . ...* or rialroad vorkeri from lfflemeue saae vere burt by thse intense boat. Sle entoePun ....... 0 veather." On Jnly 4. the boit causes! au ex- Door Mats, each ......................10ec Ans!H. àar. SeWo, plosion" o h street pavement ati 1#rigley's Gum, 3 pkgs ...,. . . . . .0 And Nt rifrt So We. Rockford..........if 1 was eseort1ag two girl i - -end@ The number o! days Inu July oh Spela Lot of Enamelware, each piece ......10ec homo from n dance one ni glit, wisen ,vo which the temperature reaches! 90 de- Gold Band China, each piece ............ 1w noticem na wsie-open wludow la a bouse &rets or hîgiter are: At ltockford we wero pasalng. Thinilng to avert a (Mortis) 27; Decatur (central) 28; end 8-iuch Frying ]Pan, each.............._10c possible burglary. 1 ituek zny head lu- Carbondale (soutis) 31. At Carbon- esLa eBie adkr ifea . . .c aide uns! shouted, "Say, gond people-" 'dale. the temperatnra reaches! 100 de- m' Spc aTrkis Twe lsand ch......ach......15C But tisat wans Pr as 1 gu, for a greestor more on 12 days. The 14gb- SeilTribTwlec ....... o voktolo ater 5îrucî meaîstation rmailage ranges! front 97 Table"Oli Cîoth, hait yard .............. loc bucilfaio! ejuh luto 105 degreeS and occurres! ou e- the fac dafîostml~oce arndaes uelvetsttonrad eiiied Diapers, each........ ......... loc ehoou .1'1 tld Ior ltu stÇt ilge rauged f rom 47 10 67 degreee yo Uitgefl omc betore t~t~3i u curs tpatclyalB Special Box Paper, each ................ 1(c coego Iursst ions on July 21 end 22. Mercerized Napkinh, eavh ..............10ec b - There wus a smaller flamber o! Special lot Glaaaware, each piece......... loc l'hoRofapc oftheP"_ days with less titan .01 Incht of raifi TisaRowss'c utthePin ln. ? ny but one previous Juîy .Blue Decorated China, oach ... ..... loc Tihe rmai*:ee which eurrousids flaad henmber o! clear days vas Spe T.l Lo Tinware, each piece.......... 10e Petrl*li'às 010 as ltislory. Cisopatra grealer ln but two. At Mt. Vernon, '"* dissolvefl nadsiIIuow-ýd s potivelue-I the total rainfail for July was less at $41,0,40 1 it or ot üAntt>uy; Sir 'han 1.any poiesJuiy, but san e.- Scool Supplies - Canning Supplies - Toys Thomtas Gresham inlrr 'vlh Queen cepîlon wasexporiences! ut Morrison- H nkrhesH n es-H sey ibn Eliiabêtlà, diasolvcd a Pearl worth ville witO 8 incites ot cill. the great- adecif- arNt oir ibn Sl),O0.nrsd dr-nkIr i. est on record.c t oa u orcnigsple n aete __________Iaiu'- were eutirely o h oa u orcnigsple n aete Know,, Wood. shower type'ans! Rs a raie vas insat- dlvrd Sol teslt Koi Wo. fîcient for te ueds of agriculture.dlvrd Trees belonliug to tihe genu Jara- Corn hasi made wonderful growth tic. grovvlg ngl tropical Asuerica, are early lu the zeason, but by thse eund rosurkaile foi, thoir sott woori. Ater of July Il was tiring ln mafly places canto te sba-o 0ieaco ne t e icteutortsud qulRe e lerasyluln te F W portoli biverk ota cul uway afmheeintbe uandîh eaeu plllnce bthe F e W oolw orth C o. trucks loit ene. The wood, vî,eu sonberu ecounties. Pastures and! mea- fresh, con bceuct fmb bloc-ks tith dows sufferes! considerably fiocm the 5~J 0V N T R ^day weather. The shovers that fel]5A D1 C N T R kuife, as on'tisouls! eut up purtnpB. diuîlng the last feu days affot (t d W uea,1 Or tucuit'. As the vood dries. Il îlot lu places. W ueaM shrIis. 10 a salAfraction of!lieI The veatber was favorable lu JuIy erlgitial buis, for haylng, harvesting and! tlreshlng --- SPECIALS Nuxitone L-on Toniie, Reg. $1.00. $2.00 L. & L. Syrup Sar-saparilla Couip. $10 Rleg. $1.25, ...-- -..... .... ....... ' 10 4-oz Eff. SodiuîîmPhospjîate,$10 60e value, 2 for............. - - 10 Norwich Mitk of Magnebia 16 oz, 60c value, 2 foi .......... $1.00 FioTair Toîic $ .00 liegular $ý1, 3 for ....... ....--$ .0 50e valuie, 3 for ....... Rloyal Crown Toilet Watcr $1.00 $1.00 I --I g , o.d , g er f i IL 'I i t - W-c WOMi5EN ' Patent Pump, high or Baby French heels, - values $9.00 $1.00 for each shoe $2.00 a pair * - MEN'S.WOMEN'S Gun Metal Button S3hoes. Od&ý Sizes. Black or Brown Holeproof 'Hosiery $1.00 for each shoe-$2.00 a pair $ 1.38' Gun etalBlucer SoesWOMENS Gun etalBlucer SoesPatent Leather, High Heel Oxfords, Value $800 $6.85 $2.00 a pair ..MEN'S White Oxfords S$2.00 i WO"MEN'S White danvas One-Strap Blippers, Mfitary Heels $3.35 WOMEN'S Brown One-Strap Blippers $5.85 WOMEN'S White Canvas Pumps. High or eh shoe a2OO pair WOMEN'S. Brown or Black Kid, High Heel, Lace Boots WOMEN'S Tan Calf Oxfords. Mâitary Heela Goodyear Welts $5.85« SPECIALS DRUOS WITH A REIPUTATION go 1 Store 201 North Gracie. St. Wunkegsî, Phone I1 No 2 Store 1728 So. Sher'n Id No. Chgo ]Phone 29 't trap THAT CAN BE FOUND IN OUR 5110E DEPARTMENT $9.00 and $10.00 BOYS' ' CHILD'S xfords at Patent leather or Gun Patent leather s t $685Metal Button Shoes slippers $1.00 a pair$23 WOMEN'S Odd lot of Lace Boots $1.06 for each shoe $2.00 a pair MISSES' '- -f White Canvaà Oxfoirds ______________________$ 1.75 We guarantee every pair of Shoes sold at reduced. prices. No exchanges or refunds on the sale of shoes Armour's Bath SoaI)$10 liegular 2 for 25c, dozen for ......... ýO Jergen's Talcuni Povder $ 0 35ecvale, 4 for .. ...... . - ..... 111gb Grade I3ristle Ilair Bruslb $10 Ilegular $1.25, $1.0- 2 qt. Fountain Syringe $ 0 I.5 Value ................... .......... ... 1 0 Cigars-4 of our lxopular selicri1.0 Regulai 10e caeh, 12 fur $1,00. ......... Pure Scap. Ver] Hale Bruthes. Values 10 13.00, Fi. Laces ans! :0Yrd& for... MenlsKitiTiei ,tFbre 5115. 2 HUEl * Tomo: Dolla Store At 8:1 Here Ma 40 4in. A , Complet qitalîty, that low prîce. ya 3r, lnch *lacb AlF orne odds izi ch mor. Il an Yard Baronet Sat-r are Fi(-t. iîy ois r Sdks - t. 1 49 Inch Cha Four good mt,awî t~yard . -. se lnch CGZI lir r h idren's WcOl serge, 40 Intch Ores 32 1,-ch Imp. 36 rchii res i vstt-d NI, 36 Inch COmI - AtITrati ticp colt.uungc, 7 m:, He frUit I.'GU Wom e M'sVU Woeys FIe Fucr !,l r2 worens CrBoys'andc t o r. 1, Clethese L or for cre Servngt M ande uhîte o 2 e r .......1 ----------- ------------------------------------------ t--*$MM -1

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