MMUTEEN 18 yearm aid, and ho doesn't look IL. Co. MAR Captala Daniel Wright, wofre TY ta the, ar of 1812, came ta Lake IN LAKE COUNT caunty ln %May 1834. andi wben we helti aur fîrst Fair ho wa ifly 75 WAS IN YEAR '53 yasod Roy lraclier' fallier came bers three years laa laIe la attend the eontinuetifront Pi48 Il' fîrst Fair. 'bIn l na.i.sociatiofl wauorgan- lt@i Mrs. James .iA.1ý:-. f. î.r o! îized for building au academy in [,ke Forest, vas a î's lot 'fA1i WiucOnda. Ih aperameti successtully bertyville. [or ten years, Jiien became a publie At theltîne the iist luîu wt.î tî.d, schaol. l'il@ st t'unstees wSes Jus- bfr. Curtis G. Wenbîn, Ia.' , '..lut ang.. Andrew Cook, Thomas F. vas tarming at lihamond Ni.. s. Mcunm. j. 1h Wel Dr. W. M. Bar- Judson Mason. Veinon T->wo-î1, v as tîank. Mr - Henry Maiman cam, ta % rf Ï 625 ilo PKmW pi'Does )Every Job You dani plow, disk, harrow, harvest thresh, bale hay, grind feed, fill the silo, saw wood, pump water, pull stumps, do road work or any other power job around. = the farm quicker, easier and at less cost toyouwith the Fordson Tractor. Twenty-four hours each d.aveevrv, nrlta' po, n - *>~~~Q'bI the year it wilI give maxi- mum service. Light but powerful it'gets froni job to job quickly. Easy to operate and control-effi- cient, economical and above 911 DEPENDABLE. Get in the power.farmin-g frame of mind now. Cali, phone or drop us a card for facts. S.ce the Fordson in practical ooDeration. 6PECIAL LAKE COUINTY PAIR EDITION. Waucanda juit in Liae toa t tend the 1141h Annuat l.i'sr. March 15, 1411. the Gazette saud: Tii, County naw numbers 14,00. jWaukegan bas ,~).Cliurciesa;e Eplecopal, NiothMiîi.tariogregat lonai. laPiut. Catholie, Universaliàt. The POPulaI&on 0ft e coiiniy had grown tram 2,900 ln 1840 ta g.236 la 1846. In 1855 (4 Yearm befare Waukegani became a city,i tCharles R. Steele was elected presideit af the village baard. Thie Lake County Fair Assaciation waa Organized seven yeara Prier ta the tinie Pull Brand's fattier eliaveti Abraham Linoolat one atternîsa way back la 1860, An art of the 1legislature of Febru.r Leslie George's .tatiier rame ta ary. 1853, reads: IWaukegan as station agent for the Tristrani Vinrcent "&fthte to)wf Off Chilcago & Mllwauke.. Rail Roati la Vernon, in Lake courity, bis lie4rs and tthe yeer 1856. assignasle hereby autlîorlzed ta Buidd We May getla wrong for lintiag- and maintain a Milîl dam Set'en teet we wonder whether Charley Gorham, lslgh arrosa the Des Plaines River, AI. Ifendee andi C. T. HeYdecker cran- on te Souths hail of section 23. townL not recaîl at least a faint memary af ship 43 Iiorth, rangé il east. the days of real sport whdn somebadyr And Lewis 0. Brockway waà born' sort of accldentally thought ont the, Rinîce tlîe fi i l Fair was iièld ln, Laket sciiene of organizing a Fair plant t o Counly. b e et to work for tue gaad of the aerCook, of Waukegar. i.wsard ' educateti atthie Waucanda Arademy 'Ow" 9ta hé that i . FC. andi wss addoitted ta the bar whe= K.ighl it lanaw r'fasig Dtrhmsthé aur Fair Association vas a mers kind i ls tatiier had la 'Cattaraugus Youth. being jiiet at the cute age of caunnîy New York (bis fatliei'w"am elght lummers. 1wkjeîv knawn cattle man.) we dare Prce List Ford Products net eaveu hînt at age-sufflce It ta teli' Bw ValLi of Fortificatal. the world that tbis man was liora taa John ZiskaaMiouos leadpr oathtu latete ee-theopeinget he initfluanite psrly lai ttîuleuuulsgaineI the lateta es he penag i te frattttîe of ralier oft heie niaera art ai' Fair here. Hlm wonder herd Wîitfortl(,-atloii." 1lu 1429 lie toak Up a shýow at tue Fair this year. antime strong lioition tueur ['ragmue an an end. - nence slid nv ow,,,,n as 71 Zlberg, said doe notses boy tiiey can escape th. e n t ilWitlîa àfew ttousaut n(i ai% blue rae. Now, Duc., pas the cork- agaat an armaut tof l- acrew-you know wbat w, mean"' Dr. W. S. Pearce came ta Wauuke-1 ga l1ti ea 85 Forest Firmes Sproad Dàrkn".m Speaetlng ai Paire, John Swans est ng tlhe occurrence 0f gresitjt baroughi knows evsay ans we've balt tres la Idaho, ln Amgust, 1910, tii, by Its frant nane, except what hap-l emoke va, carrled aver the vhaie 0Ç pene whn h wu wayon m ith@ narthern Unitedi States anti oOàtàç penei vienh. v avy in IPar- era Canada and fir aver the oCeffia tant business tram 162 ta '5. 1kitwss obaerved 500 mliîetroim 1 14a W. gnt Our lFair start 6 Yrm. Wbs ~eThe"e Ores cau»d l"dark daya" avert fJa M.Halaca venitetath. e gîs- Igreater are& ttaon la any other CaM lature. a erecord IA tLr country. TRACI 'ND APPROVED FARM TOOLS PRICES DELIVERED TO YOUR HOME OR FARM Touring regular .... $46593 Roderick Lean Disc ..$ 125.00 Roadster regular: .... $492 07 Oliver Culti Packer. 96.00 Chassis regular ....$386.80 Ansco Grain Drili1 . .. $165-00 Ton Truck regular ... $540.52 .,WITH ýSTARTER AND DEMOUNTABLE RIMS. Touring .$564*84 Roadster......... $518.96 Sedan .... Coupe .... Chassis . .. .. Ton Truck. .$8"25.25 .~$757A46 Cutmore Mower .. . . $135.00 Stover Grinder No. 40 $ 65.00 Original Spreader .. . $200.00 Stover Grinder No. 48 $225.00 Swanne Robinson, No. 85 Silo Filer ... $385.00 $484.561 Little Giant Belt 50 fi 21.00. ..$62-1.50 Little Giant Beit 75 f t 31.00 Oliver' No. 7 Plow .. - $110.00 1 Little Giant Belt 160 ft 41.00 EASY TER-MS IF DESIRED WILSON &OHM WAUKEGAN Phone 51 LI1BERTY VILLE SPhone 32 ALL'SET FOR THE COUNTY FAIR ABOUT THIS TIME 0' YEAR C' ONTO Vt4t-P- "CO MI 'ECOUNTY FAIR GO~~ ~ AItBr-. ~r. j :PL A N ;i i tG -VOP. rKir- COUHitY FAIP, 'o"- ttre MSON eies, MO0N ,tually ith LU. profite i fewer nibi. in F« it hme go e..& MINI iwoodeI in Iiie l'icue itiS Thi i a 7ýY,% & I& ÀL 1& 1 - - - - - - - - - - a