fg nr I = = = = = E -i i i E 'E E E = * - E = E = = A ýESSAGE ýTO 0F LAKE I Tg THE COU.,N TY J.0 STAUL ci T. J. Stahi & Co., Real Estate Brokers, annoeunees his candidacy for ,Sherf of LaRe County subject ta the decisiùn of the, Primaries of ApriI, 1922. Mr. Stahi bas made this dezision -aîtr urgentt ,Olieitat.in-gof bis manv friends and buiess men in Waukegan an& Lake County. Beprpss if elected, togivete people of Lake County a business-like administration u' the office. -Bis work has brought him in contact with the people of ail classesim every fownshr' In the County. 11e feels that bis c.-eer as a- citizen, and as a business man hiins"community ju' tifies the voters of Lake County in giving himi th'eir support and co-operation in bis candida 1cy for this office. -e PM ANNOU' Annotkncel the presenta motoring pt new four-cyl arfour Mc including rc passenger toi cars, and 3. and 5-passer closed model Inasmuch known in trade for soIT purpased ait fours, consid taches ta t covering the mator cansti adhered to principle wit has beeri sa nected for t- cyhindcr boi inches with