,..**** 4~ 'J 0 ci> 1> C.:, G.) G) s I I I with ise new stretch of romd in the north part of Zion thrown int Ise BESPONSIIITY confronts two conimunities in view of the state of Glinois and the Connty of Lake liaving donc their part in bringing about ffis needed improvernent. namely: WAUKEGAN-Waukegan should immediately take steps to remove the disgrace that hangs over the cty by the condition of Sheridan Road sorth of tiayton strtet to the limais. lt is a shanie that wlien one bits OUTSII)E the cty he strikes good roads and then wýen IN WAUKEGAN Lie las to put up wtli wlat lie has on Sheidan Load.> Can Waukegan sit quletly hy and permit sucb a condition to continue even for the time be- [Dgi ZION CIT-lt should have compIeted the roa4 'in the business dis- trict Letween the two stretches of concrete BEFOEE thé concrete was done. Instead, we find mot a sngle thing douc on what Zion agreed to do if the state and county would pave the north and soutli ends The busntssssection is sisuply a fright yet and Zion seems to have, made no moye toward the improvement wich it cotracted to make. Truie. they probably INTEND te do-so but why th delayl It's flot sucli a task to do ITS share when thie big tasks are the two ends of the road--mcd they ARE DON£. Zion must make good on this road matter and shes5 lagging bhind now in a way tht causes one to wonder how far ber promise to keep up tise middle section wilI go in tlie total in years to core. 2,500 AT LABOR : OPEN THE NORTHI DAY CELEBRATION ENDO0f ZION PAVE- Capture of safe blowers by Lyle Price, Sun circulator, Waukegan men, discloses says ground is clearly visible disappearanée of man at that height HEL) FOR P. O. INSPECTORS' EXPERIENCE WA9 ENJOY ED (aplure (jtiree emen atI ltghlaniul The oeIl limie Lyle Pi ci th. P ar k. two ut then Identified as Pafe ISunis ùnrculator, makerA a I n;yair. blowerrawlth long iirîeon records. hlidari Unfliglit lie ahIitakfe liîng a fur CoritalIî s De»ihert A. Wealr V C.A.<îvr(iiat lied a rpair uf ir r i,liîff Brune and V<'aiîl Thos. Booth, istile- At icatti hat 1l the watIli, ferls gain policeman. 4èenthie cîtetabies AbliotIt asathe "ruitoIt liu,rtiip he werc liunîtng blicd plggeia. h as nlade this week. lirouglit to light eewm of (tie srange disaplraranrcc of a Sioux (lity, l1a..hi'hile Waukegaeie . ý'cfantiînt Ti.n n yani J. Il~. Naitin, w(ji, accordti aise, ms nd wüoideri'îrg wlt -n a ing t o tliclîcenseP numiier on the au- cool breize wouîd devýlliî. Nr lîPii r tomobilp, abihtfl~e trio occupied, Ila as >rlherie g and mand.il rg lit he' uwicr of te cr. . t was goiig to @Dow. Orenetor he ulree. giving lis naime Ln a puaicard receisîéI oî il 1 as Ray Leala, of Sioux <ity. Aut irst P ice eays tliat the plaine in îlilch di-daîud the rar iîelinged (on (uni antd he was vndhng with NManaVin (ailrvcii ihailie lihad purchasedit froriM Nartin. hie ('rtisAirpîane corii;. i, Yîî ici Se'.ri ilffo r îtin tri gctt aditiliraI in- cd an alituIde uoft(U (ii î lte ui ýT!1mfa t iOn ie aldtlt1w ret I hat t hieplanec i n a h i cliM rs. f'i i i NIMrF. iatter hail iitid iriîîIs Ilup CrNi a ry was rrdlng ?,)e ie a ti rj!t and memnb(i of lis famnilv aie con o olo,(i(îOëet-cear y i O c. iilit lui tit' acta î le mardi- for him. The air at that heiglît, iii îîl.f!gtî Ft 'i bi;des lh.inlis fiertwi h font Idr Price, ta huile crld alti n, iii play ianilliai, i'i'Lerr heûn llîcîl or di; o t an lie î'îîi , n uii Isidrît i., il rid.iu Tie O' lriertanmn nSiiln- NManý riii lirl,\~ ntaK .ardiu, ln i.,- Nr.Picea)aBthatisl IL.i *r loini att, C('lîin,. Iii *i idrelt r , d e d imil) U)p iMinni"îî : i ,à buii'aeis s Uiliiî iii î (n riu, pano a waionfliliii .i:oî and li r !' rie tî.P I, i ng ir l fol tr 1,î tni i eîîed cirîs tr,.l , t fifl îîîr 'i n tfloi'uho suit,îe ui ifour laed <ittC lifIt our i, De fi( î,irîite li hn ' ' iace ni igh u i grîiîuli t , lii il sO il;, iiîriiv ti 'ber ii n liîrc îlin licFy. iil(c- i ls AT FOSS PARK MENT WITHI RAYER iat:! ij,.tIn ________ Trade unions and Townshipj Procession of autos headed byl n li»Iitladlak Sunday Schools loin in fine Mayor Clendenin and Over- iIteu ii î~.WONDER WBEN 111E program seer Vohiva, covers course Ivf i o&NI loif il-imren waýir l IC CR A P IC iliitI'i i'rçer deent I'u'ii,1 nIC HAD BAND AND SPEAKERS PRAISE FOR CONTRACTOR, ILB O E E ý;tttiý,nd ormot lýrsnpIlt5 YEGGS ROUTEDWILB LO RE tênd i-il uli iurianid t<-nie of therflie nrw contrale ruad 4i:lri iî -iugh /îuînLOW wi local tiailhi ilunionsil nulii. aukê riag cpeed tdais Strral i tirab FE 11 IIW w milke' coand cmîncr gan,Il Lniuin mid Sliîrldi;'Townhip îined utinjeprocamIonai Iectrl ....,cra Sundliy sho a lis aoclarionla jîc tnai r'eance t e écew ruad Ham iY VNA, !at pre-war level high price itisfi l'aron abrrtis n arn t e cm s, ucht cr la ii Astill Is being charged mesîue dru%.e about l'fty uir itI(l aajrldl.the iDca pas dl ires ilunLi tii n llii ivere h n on ie Tire IWO (iriNîiziLinsfl oinl.înîild.f-lne Hefront carCWhosIavor lnfile offiesahiliai b a îleats': MANY COMPLAINTS HEARD I'imir lroganî. a'rd i lrriie ifteIri W. H.wi.<'enitce. in te tii cond îcar 1 f_________ diNW a fltîre Wa;esieaikng iirriic, et(,. wan Oserseer Wllir (lime X<lita, b-l huîttO NIrs. Voliva and Jas r 1.Itl. iew, iitijout ot;anng the v ln t.C Wt i mitddo i L rc iail canieq aniî Ati îîcand <anc- irueal attendant tu the Useriiccr trongbùx b% flie promîpt action uor Ing 1, l0 wcre auLîîiitr fi ilum t3 frbiimavor aYked Oserseer Vuif, 1<'olîreîoiae ('hîrie'lRaffett1y'vutfHigh-1utOr nlk and cream andult(e ci cite thie i a>. rndue t' des uiionual'uad toiufier lang lPark and A. Wi%«. e.matn-j ued luwPrince uf seccar. bot h of lrayer. Tht fsrreer, risor ami .sger ot the park.*fiel,bandiits igc. which Prices Are bick ;,( uic war '[Lii ii itr Iri l- i :nlil atin'i allýiiiîien tn i n.n etc ti i n it lite I aid in an aittuîîtioliilu- vait (îu11CIi suit%%]i a ii»ý ir b hb iilai hc aa iîi lhctUîirillrgi ' rillevelr, Saukegaie peu il ewon. oi Vie S1 tif lîîil' pratIor ilotlîî "llled lm ftie man tuaI isaîkeiti 1 w- aaî aid. huiund rand caýgped arllderme rilien inntîncetrilrit ahillit (i 'l % : I . e d ranto a Itin ii p if t u h o .m o d e ( ut a d ro p i le r e I i c e t Ice Pirl Ilitette lii i.riilil Dura ilt l(ic tlinucî i cuthewa ( i f'll. liiin tritii lai, eream ler- liy Il' i iaonu-ru t( nii L ci i ca tttc cr fîe., and ile h é îesate î<>rie lirtîreie taiirtiru t'iU c,.fui. Ituit iiîs dteigttt miiie tloJi aSs teill in ethe Rli nia, aS l[ ut0 tfleL I Lord; antitIln filsrla w îîi near t he park. tetjlid Ille rn 810n tre a lii(i ]lIav e rlu cii (l Ie pilijet. W (1 ~ ' Sài isî u. ofr n ti cirer;itare day anî ligtîi. Andti nl < Ioi tc fi le10Pty cenis per quairttile icgIcna %rîYrî ls a irec i t l il ,e ,l Ufti au shah lie flle a iste punii 'y j,' tcltrie ltoîus j.îîiil n a jirtits Of i'laces Yl art tliarg ng Mayr irîiicVi' fîtîiinb alisera uot vati r. thlii tîjndugviIli ît iroti silo rjîtv .rts .i irli adr ik o .n und y ih-I ii airk n t1 ii he h i e li, raiin. î ti A .are oî e îi.tcie aiItii a a i Nf*i,' 55 ii il due tu i,a1alî. i lf lxiif Il L alen o cll t iiiaill,r; ;rîd aia ;i.i i thl rt ffît le et u rrn bleuihase rnîtrtrîjl C thltelitre le the tan lat. îi'~.litt i i l-î t o du i b t îrîîr Il Itmta- lCiil. tiid i!r iil t the tub ý,diijlis. vîrwssii l ru î dele rs have i'îIiir "m uday wiil t'uuUîtiil.ungoulî,are eutCii: llit hir e l 1 fui al I 4ILon$:t 10. 7ttc ra% sinavarecd nCtiii tuasic ir ices. te Iln cUis i t..rtl.rtirî~di f Wittîic ahe 'in d dr N il (it.Mlu \ ilot ta SLiii t Hlita', a watt- eut toua mn Wtt it lW kno . hiow- air-cd-l t o ire FrYsi 'hii stan fhiisr i igîîî h res h allavriill iihe coney t101 cricr lhat ibete ub; ididqsa lîurrlî ionilav 'r!'oiîl. Aii'Al ClC'% n Dh ut Ilnianl.1Y 1i iecnd i li er broter (iclirvie, uii as tfa(tion uti lite partrfitle Ipublic aI iat el ut i, l PU'T, g'i an a l s Oca Il ibe ruircrgat.i n iýf ihul ii, 'i u i iilnI Il (tartti e l ii pl i iire dry.,i (n u t,1 rh(ýus Fr heLod no, I ibie-n l toil t r lr niin licile 'itago ilon-îiris aie sellieg hîgli est a li( . ' , iit lii. o ih'g i>uua lor e Lo rd ou it ltui': gr aile ie cipi rt ai fîuy anrd ift> Ail), A F. i. uli e, Up». " di rit 't ayasut lhe uegudivl ti~l IcisWl i tSi li t 1 1 l l!t he uiati .iiSi i 1 aet '1h,. n foIlîuai.d prayer b h I hitc 'WAEGNDAL re 1 ~i'aLI. îirhas nit alieady be utI',tî irof C( iii kiun ii'ei. er, duriog %hi e-ch Fr uit of la1cdilt feutr .lice il la exiiecteil le ('ît Al . î ls tuh'pn tl h tf era tioa'd. Stiangr m lin. il ut1 t li lL iî'> a Ilii i aid o îho îw thiat irean, the floln hod itin er ln iiiiifv wlh fle arîîr nd tl i lllr.aSoiri:. o'holisiahis uuîdl ý) 1,reb,111esad0ltIleilieu- aalli, a ruilrand alun se anîiti . AR SHO T- iake il î.isrtilc for local denierrs Io ple ofifilhe uI oud Slates have crier 'l'h.osciaccsi priyed (,idsa lie-suit. ýERS FE reduce flic ui eof autidseand sau ýad eny trics b ut le titits lltihe btuni aIe bia n d hocutua it adba&rAîr (cils aeIhagig u ~ ~ *~ liai ~ rua d J .o-lu 13E F B RD Cte D is u cai lre chepacesl Li a' hsciut) n teeuëie mec aho built il, antIpra>etnul ahbn liM E OFr a'u-ny cents ilîîeuld be îhanklul. iîleiay lie uied lu Huds hseur at(I wid tl wnycns "lad as buinersslu, il la a flitat lorY. Ha praycd filint the thous.inui tca 1icter litre than in utler cuien hOwuddu.(le h e uî Say lttie coal has been pur- .ls he msaid. "uriie u rai wouîd lie lnfluenred for eiod li aywiIb4ual,' ' IUlC U culi et ilm iof lion ('((Y and b> uth" urlîsul -4chased; NIKny LIYILJI.:4 111L1 .., ue <iri-rt are out tof jobilandut, augiite Zion. 1jo get it when they need it M S E U LHL ablte f lu ( u ad unes arc a ltte 'l'hia mayor, aier icli, (<Ier,(ri ___ bard ., "i'iiIiliqifl athlî- darkeri Voliva and party and the t. ters v-h) Ut Rhi<Ç MflNIIÂV NA uhicg il bi any tman blse orfiface. arood around reiureed tle iîîr carjMUH CALSIPE IJT UDIES 1lIU1U1II;11>11 Thtrtferet ijelathe gîcaI. doty of nd Ihen siaried Ithe proüetseu akgsieih rie dldBE N ILL N Capital to forgcît foiisand diii Oser (lie Dem treichi Of rond." Thni dendo juit now and tu furniali jobs new section la une hait mile long. akgnes hobi diBE NIL O G for neand wonren. If la the dts and Ithe funda for building i verte eeî(ing theur winters suppi> utflbard____ et i.abor and Capitalb tergopi ' appiied pari by the stalle and fait t In lie lirfief Ihat prices utîll lie MM 1,. LIiuel HîlI. aged 77. dlcd fil differetrces. 'u-operalitimad gl- t li eunI>'t Buard of Supersi.3ors.1 eb0hesper are doord 10 diaPPilt- MoclaY morninmnt ahlev home. 214 trigether lainlthe uly llCng taliai n1l1T lie $ueraiiors were rearencriti brp len(haeradjubteuenl for nul. tiîs eonieg by Suprviser B. C. t r.according lu local reai deat- Secondi. areel. Lafter a long lMlttas. maIe>'. 'lire laboriner man and (-a Il.Thonipison. ers. l'bey vay tlie elà no chance ut Mar> Eltn lluîted mas bore ln ttai aliculd niaIse aîu'rcea cow for The South section uf cencrete rti.ii leaer pi tees- te fart ilie> are ratlrer Grien nouer>, N. y , Dec. 13. le44 [ha ~ ~ ~ ~ v gedefleehr ain' uil net b.o pened for au leaid an- tnclited oulic hive (hat prices wilt and <ied ilu Wýatiîegan Sept, 5. 1921. Atty. eaubieli derharcul lut bâti oller irewo ets. The concrele fla Le hîgler. Vucehaialclu l.cm as business bas beetslbe beieves (lie Dot "Set" yet. Howeyer, tb. ourleit 'Thecpric@ ef hard cosi riglil nom' ali lier parentsu tu Bristol. Wla. turnlng point bas atrrise' and (bai section ilîl b. looked pn i ailn ls 16.35 a ton. This ls the sanie aissortinîl anaiil iIo lemuel Hill1 of retient Indicathins point Io (mproved tgrent bleslng 10 the thousaneds on lmas hat a rn h Ietrsieai sa <itr 'ucsin189.1Mair. Hill 1odloaeenrIi al.ad(iiby (auniss uvlo go ilîrougli ion. 'leoit.ariraived, D)ealereaasertthal tth ibe tlevseâefs A . coditins ueen Iismfit.fndg. t trafflc on (Lor DIav uil lie axceaiprîca le thblasben 4 e. asn..d Ten e'lic(rsItach6el yers ot thei a~rlnglhlngs ___________ iluemlilarge and La tact every lniet s _r bon by (lie ceaI dock but marhiil(tehl'rs prîelo. day and on Sundays the rondl ie! dd oi paso tlie botleuîte e T l en rn iuîrisl (oBriatlland briml Mn otenimesvie wlb "v _Ira . Ihe rop oflisen on (arme Irre antI ln Pleasani Ài.cbagan avenue for (the dcnslty offo, L vbyngirlleull Ct .re(iefm BOOZI3 INFORMAz lutirficn'.luiofeîme1ie l b ee r,,:n I::,peopleil W h u)ued Io Waiiken.e TIONS ARE FILED ~~~l'rJb )IO Q:VSbv lt liduerca Iatitone son, Arthbur V., of Denver, Colo. rn i' A1le Isîidup lb. building dt te mail erstatai n lry a eI o ab mle te b mad uwo ulsugblers. Aildie B. mnd L.. tim II aI nd sîsu for tbhe excalwut worli tain a mupply wben the weathleîMllet this clly. INC U TT D Y doue. tlina coid for Il vîllib. a physical Hill w11 mas 0ut a deepty.religioua lcsuosslbility for tbe dealers te sup- mat ire and Jined tbe Methoio4st lentile Will Always Try. ply ail demanda on short notice. Et' sceual chuircli of Bristol et the Louis F. Swift Jr. of Lake For- If Jlu i weare mre generally This is ot (lie oaly fear, liçwever. &Me cf 18. She bams snce béeez active est is one dl those namned; liai tt a locoortive smasheis Up for while much cecoi. baa Leen rit: nd taihful hn thc servlçe. of ber capiases are rdered na mltrcar Layond Irepaîr sas wellîascelvEd &tait(le local 4oirks nuls ),ar oburchli. Scleae ebre Lislrtie lmii>. here'd hl i feusîr à t-seserulralnflle a v bas een ahlp- UtineinWuem ayls 'lil prohnibtine temeîs o lent Ite(tan osr te îed aaay snd there la danger lial ioni r asue rhbto B O D tempT$2 O O r sleng.-K aibsGth Ie y tra n er thé there ma >' b e aa h rage liforf s emi ed alu mpo ssible drea m mnm d 13NS FXD A 200cowt-eoset tr pring. fathllfully alood hy the cause unll LoAcal dealers express the beler (bat dream 5155ealizad. Louis5 F. Swift, Jr.. of lAite 1porent Go@d Arit. w flatha e liec hl L e neocliaper liard lu bas licen cald oft lra. 1Hill ibat aind George E. Neovlous et ChW>ago, Gond art mas-s sconsitaet entoal beltere Ddt aprhng mcd (bey ablie oeseildle a rare degmre - cre nmode defeiidaiil làaiat ntr=n- (lings: Fîratth le observaleof tat; look fer biglier pricca un so.u oal ahility tu do îteenîany amaI, unob- tion filet in le Dycourt today lu>'seciredi', (lie mnallesting ut îeumiin Lefee îuý tnusise bledeesies filitmany tinli State's Attorneiy Smith. The twe men designa nd ttbtlriy iilithe iiny flnt j_ etulnrluirlat luioperform. are charged ulith ranasoring ana tact l laî. (Great îudgoul art utîtst .%%àre ai. >y SI-uin. bavine lntexIîîatiliK Ilquer le tîîr unile (lue tan; il cîîînot eist fur a Irriîtiily'u-t le. t loîîrof'. ii Et INSURI GLASU1ES AQAINSi possession. Bonda were flxed ai niontentli (tli Ibeir <init>.' lIiialii. aîîîeîîe0te peh >eui BR ter*EAIAGE 12,0010 caiàand caphl sweie Oci.urttul .,pepttIeuî ,iznai, iiofeeeve dei'ed rellircabie îertbwibh. POrtlands ameinus Hiousse. and I suiltiîng ai-e' cflen caioed ii e>-e Ollier Informations ucre flied leda>' In I'ortsml. t'îe., venir[lie waiter,. sîriri. Afler re nîyes are exîtine'd as tolous: front. tiers sinedil, aide b>'mille, two anmd Classéès are wiio ei lie a-îîtema Mitle Urbancie-flhufacnhiringanrd aea(her.I)ttell,. îet boushes linr.<ec dlenepîuesr. C<'lldrelir elirng e us rlod Jè L"1 3 baving bonze lu bis îpossession. oet Ilene la tellbusic e wich(tel .ng. orf acliertl.i re Who'lOteqiutnilly muufier o rTomas Dlnae-'aale Of bOoze. tel lieut stis beru ; Ii Illre effiler, 'Thomieas froîi iîe'tche. hIoseu ràt ie it til Chai-les Long-sale Of boues . II, c."tlie czrer e )t (l e lu..'iret dltazinece ad rire hlllid IAle ur wuuir Alex Rosi-sale ot booze. Vessera Mlaska-51î1C <ot bonzet. sawIl n le lh. ilitiq ns t4%asi'iulland l illtl b luieut ruseyimixnuîiirsui and Irmm Docters Twe Moue Sertife Aumuat Paas'insale out o.a l ericrdti icy cru Just plain the -., train reliee-d luy lesci'bed 109 Souh Gen.les et. rda.Pariste-BalO ef bonze. itoiiCfi. gti-Ili N. Ganiesces Ii Waukbgab. Ii 'Tire obkc of oui umodem n ie lu le excel, ta ire thie best of oui Juid, and appropn'nate dreas û &ianeans go thm ezni 1 '001 HE new Milli- ~"nery season brings wel- corne gifts of wide choice in outline, material and color ... a reckless gen- ~erosity in modes that is repeated in a scope of prices to delight everyw- body's personal budget NE Pink rose in a siender Vene- tian glass'vase against a green silk curtain bas more deco- rative.,value than dozens 'of, costly flowers used without knowledge, of ine'and back- ground v v 1 vv v v There is greater satisfacdfion and economy, in possessing one single frock, well chosen, than there is in having several, none of which rise above the commonplace p- -.C(l 9 li 1