CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 8 Sep 1921, p. 14

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=,F~ . THURSDÂY. w'4VILD CIfASE IIIRU ,UnXEÇOUNTY MAN ÇTREETS ÂFTER AL. IAS À NEW' RARE SLI34ED AUTO tIIIIf' BRAND Of -CLO VER Pe Zoohlaln charged' with H. D. Hughes of Gurnee has ~w~ei;oi~hmedater chose; new sp m o fe sweet claver :yi w ~ iscaptors that lias annual seed crop MIAY SET A SANITY HEARINS DISCOVERED BY HIS SON tutuZoobgtae 34 ears o0f ILD. Hu~ghes of Ournee. ta veil x'~t asketstee, as rrated f ir »o" as a propagator of aew and a bf through 1h. business district p"i' planta. *Tus year Le is Produc- of~ WÎUMeg fiisemor110111119onua&'lu a three-acre field of a new fall- ebaffl «-bavin tteinPled 10 steI it f aeet ciover. its pecularity ~a 1#1 odei Bîlck automnobile ovnted ta that il; producesaua annual seed raý W. 1D. iertott. schief pettY officer crop. viereas.'alilother sweet clov- et t be Uth régiment et Great go te seed ouly eacli second year. Pé» jlefu case vas continued to0 Mr. Hughes son. (H. 0. Hughes. Jr.) 9«t R&atord*Y sfter»lOfl ai ivO for geveral years bas been ai the <1ok. Bondit vere fixaid t ,32.0 head of the, Farmn Cropa deparîmeni Tbn warrant signed by Krfotl charg- of the. Iova Stale Agriculturail Col- liu lm vlth larceny. legset ames. There Sie noticed one tiNe WauFegan police oslaY recag- year a fev sisîka of whit aeet teed Zôohigtinêtasthueman arresildclaver vhicb ver, aeedieg thom- h em. a few dsys ago on a charge of seves the lirai year. He carefoily -.belag demeneile. He vacammftted save each grain ofr iisaeed planted te the couciy jati with a recommenidi- thein the folowlng yesr. and diacot- tion thai Lie bd. tri ed for bis sanlty. H.e eed that lLe Lad establlshed a new vas heid for a fev daysanad then dis- faifily. seedlng itseif esch year. lie minsed. it la Posibe tuat is case sent thes.e zeda 10 Varlous agî'icui- floe 'ii came tefore a lunacy coin- tural collegea. aaking thein 10 plant -mjffliouinladclcrmin Iae heer or not tLe seeds Èand 10 report the resuita. - e la la bis rlght senees. Ilr. Hughea waa greatiy aurprised 10 receive information frain the tierlott. wlîo purchased the new Alabama Agrictltural caiege that Baîck a day or tva ago, ladt lef t tLe tSey badl conducted the aime espert- car otaudtng in front ai th, But ck menta for sevueral years and that Sasies campany in Washington' aireet they nov liaditifly acres of ibis new tbIS morning. A few minutes later he family of aonnuai aeed producing uutleed zoohigian in the machine. 8Aeet claver. Mr. Hughes vsiledl mcddling with th-' starlin!g ke'. le 1he Alabama colege and found their ruafîed up and Zooigian jumrped out exprmnaamlr 0Lyato ot ua achne.neither ladt any knowletige of the ...f'ils your car?" he d&nanded. other'a effort s. An organisation vaâ ly.u fel it la.- Kerfott replied. formed a1 once wvlich vas namcd "TSi Alabama Annual Sveet Cioyer zoobigi5n tien dastied lto a pool assocation." ln seeking A nanine for hall on the south ide of th se tl. thia new plant a mnemarable [sonar Rerfoit toLlowed, Zahoia. rushed wsbsoe pnM.Hge o out and turnied vest ta Géeeiee street bis loived untsMr. Hughones for and urne4 seutS. L. R. Starcke of aaheeefai bscneio thBl!][companv vas in front of inl the plant vas oaicially nsmed f lie place Mad took up the chase " The, Hughes-Bain" claver. combin- dii evaiI llira Zohiiania- ing Mr. Hughes' naine vitS one syi- iywvts captured In front of the Or- al kntam "lbm, 5 plumui theitre Su*- nat unUl Se badl first state ta organize asn "Annuai" slruck battu Starck. and Kerfoit. Bolh aveet clover association. 1 mrtn returiied the blows., The ai legeit A second Sonar vas tSen tiestowed thief vent down frottas blow on the upon Mr. Hughes, Jr.. ibis one of nope rocefved tram Kerfott.I took tînancial quallty, when the associa- foui, menl a hotd in until the police lion offeîed Mr. Hughes a salary of srriv'ed. I-ia ws!!lig as Le vas led $12000 for is pesanai services for tetuahe police station coulit Le -eard one yesî-. and ln addition lu the sal- Sif a block away. 1 -_. ary1 bonus of 10 per cent on sales Zoliîgian totdnihe police tIsat lie of aeed effected through Mr. Hughes' did flot knoaaw he.v te drive a car and direction and management of the as- slmply bal picnký"I up the key for tihe sociatlOnas business. il la needlese lluicî. lie ca-il-ftintexplain boy lie 1 utatae Ihat the oSfer vas accepied. lîsppened ta Se iuslie %eat of tise ina-1 if hthie consent af îhe Iowa college chiine~. and Ir. Huges. mter a bu 1,1 visit _______________ - itli li, fther aId ,ther ai lur- nee. trecently. vent fa Alabama and MAdbIE CONI CT ON asaumed bis new position, en ~ "an leave" f romt 1he Iowa colege for une year. BRI4iSSUI TO EXPECT ARRESTS IN TERMINAlE LEASE INCENDIARY FIRE; Thomas McCann is defendant iii action brouÙht by J. Blumhera under new Iaw PROBE IS STARTEDI y P. E. Bertram, deputY state WILL BE TEST 0F LAW tire marshal is on ground mak- - -iing thorough investigatio n What la said tai Se the fil ni action- fa lie siarted in Illinois under the WANTS TO MAKE EXAMPLE ni-w Searcl sud Seizure law te break a Iras, becaurie of a conviction under thie fresald. la-a. lias dev etoped fla P. E. Bertrain. a dePufY saae fire Waukegan. nîsîshil. la le Waukegan coîîductîng Jacob Diumberg. Ilirough Atornçya, a probe lto the lncendlary flre ai Millier and ' Herr. Ioda>' slarted an1 the Cîyton Luyster home oit West- a ction in Ju.qtie -les te>t'. Coulsana el-n avenue iassi Friday nîglul. Mr. court ta oblýain possesisrion afihe Berirain arniveit here Salurday. (on- promises -i21.S ienesco teet in ducteit a preliminar>' Inve8tigafiolu thie Sean cof the buisiness disti ict. inieutblen refurnoi tetaChicago. li-e nuw sc0îîpad by fortIllerAfdermuan I ettirned Ioda>' ta resumo ftSe proSe. Thonmas Mc2jin asr a pool room andý "Incendian-y fîes In Waukegaiu soft diil atiltor. 1cCanna bjase are geiling f na common.' mi.lDer- on te prorsis-ni drillaDutexpiretilainsaidtIoda>'., "Ils blgh thîne Ihtii 1923. but it la (lie contention ceailde an% exanpie oai snieealee 'Of 13lumberg tIla under the ter-zua ail hLonga can go o1, tle vus>'tiuey tie Sonrh ntdif 'izui art an avner ave." of pralbrty, ai isîs option, ean con-ý Mr. Berirmuut wouid net admîit Le aider a lease terninalod viieue îLe'Sas a good clv le the prosent case tenant sbas been lounid guîty or ai but Le intimated that Le la vorklîug 3iolsl ion aiflise prohibiioni law. aloig asfilne tat Se tblnks viii iead Nt se ver>' long ago a raiding!lhe fire-bug in cusiody Sciure lonug. crt-w iroi the office ai Stafes At- 'Air. Loyster had off ered santie sug- îrnaey A .. SmithS. ound a sull gestion$ ihat ouay prove valuabie in caga full o aisiukey in McCann's - Iocatlngthie gulily Party. Ho aays place. MoCana claînied friaithîe'Se Sas tearnei thial a certain vaman vlulskey dit net belong taefim- wRvaseaen la enter bis Loaisegter that il Lad heen Ici t there liy a, Le eft i lt sFrida>' night. Mr. Der- frîctui. Teasvaid ftrial, Lovever. ne tram la going loeths plisse of the tleadeit guilty ait parid a fine of $100 mater qulle deeply. Ho Sapes tu antd cents. -, -lie ablete mare arreats vithîn s few OnU fecenil>' lie raiders found 'daya. fitteen empty vhiskey liottles lI tLe basement of lLcCann'a pool r a f* J - vtb an Indication 11181 lie contenta VAIR FUN F N -R Mtbeen pouret on tle. fooT vLeb tb raiders mae ISein appotarants. blcCama sppeared in couritiî court, BY 'Di;w IT IIUNTER onutered a pies of guflly, anti yal a fise of $4N ansd resta. Because tbe owner of prapeni>' can "Dog-jone. vbeeiL saidtthis far lie field jaintiy hialle vilhu the 1ten- hait been put acrosa. 1 thougbtilI aunt la case a danmage suit la starteit sait a maounihful," ,panted JaSn Biumlierg is said.t-elaliebrinzlng bis Hodge. v, asbe ligavako Aui le break the lbase. Mt'ann la nigLIa thlnking oui nev vaya ai planning ta figlit the action. He ba"sellins the fair ta the public as tenitered theb. ent but il hbalicou Le called t". "'liothîe ibings no refuseit. fbus I Saven't been able fa find an>' The case bis bot-n set for earlas Lady rthal. l'n iaoking for le tIfvo tomorrowansd daubîlesa vill reamult:tIours." la the firnal-lest of titis par-ticuilar featre of theuelaw. W Le.Drsiry. veteran Wsukekaa liar- ber, wvisa farunning a kv'ifdl PLANE ACCIDENT AT LIBERTY VILLE Wben -tLe selator at thie faIr 'Vo""lsaiLieityv-ille nmade s lanI. ,-a Monýda>' mor,.Inns e sîructi soit oggt<b. cauatng tLe airplane ho lIimn o, urpit. Thse pane vgâ dama- 1x ýbut tiseaviatar vas flot son- Wijui'e& n e vas laken 10 fart1 1%îB n mneaMent of the fair - ibat exhIbilan jilh4 vouldý 1*M 'o re on ain tu n .,.0 aiîL fir. iSuds force of i labi a turrible tbing. H-e'@ coalinusîlly shautlag.t "Wiio's nexi?" MiaIa Dennis Limberry: 'Prahi- bilaon cetaitily la rnaking Sonda>' schoolflks ofmai saIl. lre vas s crovit of 20.000 ait ve lia t ta rua i4 oni>' one irunk. if Carnie Nation coulit ouI>' have livdtait tasee Iuius Jimmie tFallon, front lne treacber durting tie late unpleaaahitlueta. s helpng put îLe fair acrasa b> f eed lnu and refreshîns itue uulildea. He's a .clevo<r lniiuhuàan and bireit a .feIllowv wllb - Ly lever ta CrY -usai her." makig thc .'aear" il ét m la pi'oaei.- ALLEGfO DHOLDUP ROBBEDBRDA MAN- IS CAPTURED PAIR TO 'MN BY LOCAL POLICE, BACK THE $1,OO-1 W. 1. Gray of North Chicago is Bride, who resigned position, charged with having held- up gets it back and wiIl help «two local résidents mâte earn nest-egg FOUNO IN POLICE STATION WAS INSIDE JOB CLAIM W. J. Gray, aged 22. of 19 Baut When highwaymen hbeid up Ed- Seventeenili Street, North Chicago. Io mond Nîtache and bis fianeee, Mise uander arrest ta the Waukegan police Phyllits Oison. and look $1,000 froin station on a charge of having at- the former, wbiéh repreaented bis Ifte tempted 10 hold up two men ai ivo savings for a tart on the marital oplock Sunday morning. The attempt- jouruey. îhey dldn't leave the, couple ed hold-up occured on Tenth Street lie- hopeleas. Miss Oison became the twen Adamns and Preacoit streets. bride of Nitache Saturday atternoon. Tiie complaint viaa made by John the ceremony being 1PeAarmed se- Orunaz and Antan Danieiavity, bath cording te pre-robbery plana, by the ef 1052 Tenth Street. Rev. Samuel W. ChIdester. pastor of According t0 Ortinas and Duîtieiavi- the First Preabyterlan church. ty they were wall,,le.~ along Tnili St. 've ga a litt1e surprise for you" when thev were siopPeti by Gray who the bride aaid so ler iîuaband today. was personaily known Io then. H-e "I vent 10 the National Envelope orderî-i f hem 10 hold iup f unr unJa company and g01 back my former job.- and f urfi helr money aver it 4. Inl' in going to belp you Parni back that thSe daricneaa f bey aaw what they be- $1,000. Yop 'know i bold yau not to iieved ta le a gun ln hie handa. That werry about the money becaugse Ou ,hey must have been mistaken a s s uil hai me. if twa can live as cheap- %Pen laler when Gray vas arreste& iy as one; îwa can earn twice as and na sun was found in bis poases- much asa one, so you Wèe we wili b aion. four limes es veeli off aa we were lie- The- --nt4çn refused la comply fore w, were married." wilS the deni4iuds of the hlid-up man,I Nitache, vho la empioyed by the As a r"ut it)t of thern' recelved a Achea & Wells Molor compaay, la hlow lealthe face. On, hiaw broke the alzo perfecting a chemicai ta lie ulaed giassea whlch one oi lhe mcn vas as a cbeal> substituts for gasoline. wearing. The hold-up nian Mlen to0k Ia lis heela. Orunas and Danielavif y ran acrosa F U D YA DA L fîre lafer and f aid their experience. 1I R They accompanied the affîcers sund a T s serhfor the holdup mian vas stait- ST RS lIN S ed. At the North Chicago police asta- ~~ lion t hey foind Gray whom holh ATF I R U D fied as the man via tried tai haid ___ t15cm u p. Gray was brougbt ter the Wsulcegan jail viiere Le,,vas placediFormer t1iumph over Polonia under bonds of $1,500. Up fa the pres- Club-If ýto 10: Ail Stars ent lime lie ha, been unable ta obtaintrm HfDa a hondsman. rmHl a WAUKEEiAN IN DÂDflKl- NUSS WIIIN WIRI3S 1Se Polbnias ai theLaeCqnyFi Gr ounds at X.bertvville M!onday. Though 1h, score ran higli. the gain@ ARE BLOWN DOWN proved an excitiing one. The Foundry bosgot te }iendiiclnu early and gain- Pd a aine rua Iead. Spencer relieved çitv and county visited by ter- 1dm 7d ler wible Wn tun ied the rific wind and rain storm îasî round. The Polontas carne from IatSud ngt bch 1fnd and by long and hesavy hlting ls udY ngt sucreeded in running hp score ulu Ia tpn but vere unihle to lie the coutil. CONSIDERABLE DAMAGE B 1 - riiinAv Hiives, If.----...........--- 0 0 2 1 Waukegan. and ail ai Lake County Brown, $9sa-------------- 411120 for that mailer, vas visited by a uZ e.ns,, .if ..............-4 3 3 1 2 0 gevere vlnd sud naliksfoui Sunda>' i4i.ti'- ). .t,..... . t- i 11t10l0i nîglul. ('nsIderable damage la re- Deflîte. c2--------------..43212143t3O lurleit roin marW lacallîles. SI Anona. re-.-------------.i12 1 0l 0 Eleof rie Iigbts ver, cxtîngulslied ln Hlstetn. rc---------------i11 e i 1ti acueral localifles la Waukcgaa as a Jahn.,ou. pi.--------------.4 0 3 '0 e e reault of tb, breaking ai electrlc feed ar f..........100000 vires. lu camte of tLe dava lova Totalei-------------..4 I131-,27 10 1 est ablishmen-la lure Ic vas necessary OL ., A(IL.fIB Artr i PO H A .Pl la use candles. About ivelve 'clock Ji: fInev.-------------3i4 Z O the saine night the llghits on the veat T. i togrl,if-----------....I 4 5o01 aie er. exfingulslued ait candiesLti-. n. .i..i....... haite lbe used. lhn ct f------------I ...O41) 1 0 0i About ine o'ciaik a lie. vas blova'nkl-.F-- , 1u3a 2 2? dova at. St. Janues sîreet anit Glen îiui-- - --i1t149t) i Rtock avenue. 'The tree lfa fallas Il. <tn,. f u.asd ?1),. -1 I2 il 5 i knocked dowvina ieleibione tpole and ffi-uliik. ..---4 'C 3 61O an a rc liglif. vîîi .- - --........ 0 O( 2 O0 Rt-poila front various pi rfa i îL te ...........-- - - -i0o fifI CoUht>'are tu lthe effect Ihat à nuinm ona,. ..------------I0I0 O O ber of trees wiere bioovn dowin. Sae: aut-------- 10 tr1f32", Il 7r ut the canceisaion fi nis ai tLeLirl ville lait, în-luîling !t le loîientient t ttLV N Ni lent, veto itîowt doviii.i 'r11- 1 2 a 4 rf.7 Oil Tt Il 1'. Ivioni Yion ciuiiî-a îreterpoi t Ifiat i0u1.6r 3tUtJ ()i1lt0O1tt1522 elle of the- large bullhaaidsil i . 1 0 ()a r1S1) 2 0rr2 'r 1,-r ilo t i )iil 15ll jui becueuecled b>' Volita was Tuii. -ui , , 1 te: BIrownv. - bloc n ut or. ~~ ý.-. ri rr'2. Th-rI .- . .'litaý. (tri,. LI*n- t I tîrtilî. n d J. flogoli,. Dofili. TIIREE IIEROES ARE t .Go nHii.D t Wiii-- v t- tlî.'n a 5. altrt'on bIlIrt BURIED WITII-FULL i' a ltrri.- uunît ouI Si . 1A ý ai w ii k !, Wbteti.1pnice I IIIIIIIAKIflIUIIUUKN iiii,r Irni-u I andi A. Pagriiii. P-î,i'd MIIEA RY HONORS 1' , ii, irtilin.iti [i,.ieii K ,,ýr' t a t. l i 0lii ntuli n lia-tes. Tlme 2 hrms Tlir<e Lake countylireoflp vorld var were burledti iflumiitiry P an-t Nat tieally a Nul. honora Saturda>'. The>' vere George The t' rîîît is îlot a tit ;fif la a pea. Toflteli. Waukegan; Robert Glenn If la a îîaliîîg. atragglitig plant. grow- Dickson ai Edellyn I"arms, vesi ofIing fîî,îî onei'ta tîvo fout ligh. %vvtL Nolh Chicago and Wesley Strang af ilfi, atigliltur, paile gren, îîlcy s$tente Gurn*.9-.- *ntI spri'i'flig îbriineltes, anti il riptlni The funeral of î'vl. Dicîison. son Isfrirtt r ira peas or auia, utior ai Mr. ad Mra, Jolin Dic.taon. Thse grutol. il la a h-ng abit. SillaUi palibearens anî fi ring squad ver, uctînîr flrwersanre horne il theiO jilIs miunes train tGreat Lakes, four o hrai t lne aeatahdtuti f iern beung nietibers of the saume- éisrofii s lt s arc aiînlitliofie conupsny 15sf venimaeaction vhef laSceet oweriuui nssoox ndtheîîislia take hoe vuastkllled. Thte sainefirlag tiquaitplchihavrftlê dîL"ue. aiae officiated t aIthe luneral of Pvt. asIl Is coiniiuîly c blel unies Ailit Strang, andt Pet. Totterdeli. The lu filea grainai, c-lera the otle mebes fthe. iring sqasiter. R. velolta. Jonc-, C.-R Brv. W. Ant-. ., R. Choate. n. A. PoasIer, C. 'H. 'T'seker, (;. Watklns and T. A. James. The marine detachmnat -palîbeara sfor 'Pvt. tiletson wr Sergt. Hl. A. Sheitard. tlorpou'ai A. WV. Lirld, Cor-poral F L. Peoffies, Pt. lat clas. K. A. Morle, PYt. R. H. tulumplu>'andi Pel. R' . Suis.8 The paf ibearena for the funer2l Of i'I. Totteudili ver. Franle Douce. Fred Mare>'. John Fleming. ,'0e. itlack,,IlIai 'Farîell. Michael Jbhn- son. The palieanra efor i'vi. Strang' ,%;pro chu-bIsen Faulkner, Plaul Huni., Fred Letser, Williaaa Aibrightt. Tire,,. tiîrtsa and îiiiRaymond Madatu. Li" msen Wirl. and Warren SiYer led th@ aai4soafsliorep.. The Anerîcan Lýegion had chargte ofaitaI lIe tinrais. vLlcL vere latrgel>' atteniiet. To vv'i.fe 8ulis l utu-'.i4,:>' onae quils are ü18 ulnu'ittt-hti l luoihs>. Yet filcuati e u.h;evCd. b>' iskitig thtviaitt; u udIlta 8 titî0ni1te lalus hcui-trander Ilnlttv' -Satty en Dea.uftd Pou-siiitua s,%1:0 hav'oe een deeuacII opO- lesat>' insatua have 5ee,î kno.v'ii ta e- guitucilillilite sanity' lnic er lest boaurg ar lire. one man seitabail beeu a tuaniai for years, conuileti lanna>'- luia.exs"ss on -is deuuthî'dtlb. 'most louciing regrets for blîaing 80 long left lis.rnithor lnioeanepro- tecleti. A wvouîuan recav-ered tram a hrfaiifi iielir-clolin.ait that eue wes ablet a arrange lier anfis ra 'id bit e. f - - e teveli Wtlt the g. .'allû1Suiea. ployt Rleste, ai Zian. vas arresiet Salurîla> on a charge ai 'a5lng pro- Iane language. vSich ha la sali tot wsve usedta ev miaules t100moan. N-e vas ane 0f thse SPectaiuOra ai the dedication and tipenung oft Ahrtd Rua through Zion, ant' la ciargeçi vutti laviag becolae p-otaan. vtuili tLe hering of a couplIO fv omeli. before the dedicatar>' services. Hait ha valtet uÏIlI allerithe 11041. cationuha Lwiiuii Lave lieca an state piloterf y and theZMon auulrttles voulit Lave lices iiouf juriadicetioan. lie gave lionit Md Ne a .ziig.-wa 3fflli On Sa le Thersday and Friday ônly àAt $35 Values AND NEVER WERE DRESSES MORE BEAUTIFUL Everty w'onin who'Im lis titdie'J the FgIl Fasiuions kiiow-s tilat black Can- ton Crcpc is the forenuost of sinaî't fabriî's. In titis sale is an unusuai selection of smart Canton Crepe Frocks secured ini a really. sensational purchaâe from a noted New York maker. They are de%'elo>ped of an exception- aIIy hcavy Crepe and display- the new vogue slee%'cs anîd graceful, flowing silhouettes tlîat mai-k thein as Au- tumu's Iatest. You'Il findstyles aa varicil asiftieitîdividîtals. Not Even In the Days Before the War Did Yoù Get Bo Much For Your Money. Economny Specials on the Main Floor For Thursday and Friday POPIJLAR BLACK-.SILKS AT, EXCEPTIONAL SAVINGS Blaek Silks stand foretiloit ilia, I 8n favor foi fait antd here we've arrangeil a speeial array that wvili appeal to eî-ery The B1avk ýi1k $illlolîctte lias eartied the admiration of alil and uils its popu- - ~ larity. These x'eaves arc specially pieed. Satin Charmeuse Satin (Cepcs at . ý$2.65 at $ya39 thIyr the yard ... BLACK CANTON CREPES, $2.9 I REAVY QUALITY AT YARD ... Womeni's Hose Pure iltk. fuit. fashionet hase of fine texture eoit great durabillty. AIU styles ln black sud 0 colora ai yarit....... . -...... - Storm Serge Ail vool starin serge tensvy qiid braonainly. A sVlendid qualit>' 50 luches vide 16 ai, yard---------------. 1.6 Canton Crepe, yard $4è39 loxceDtionâliy Leavy aciioot base le &It aises. They're mate ta stand no end of vear and are great vaiues ai pafir......19C -Bed Sets Ah unusuat diipta>'ofai ayce p atterna le nev Land-prlnisansoi Iris style embroitery. Att SPÉCIALLY 'PRIOED (1repe, yard $2.98 Trlcotines. Beautiful ail vooi Ticotines le navy and coloa. It'a ail 50 taches vide. .6 si yard ------------------2 9 .Broadcloth A vonderfuil>' finlaseitBroai dlotS ln black, navy aut plun. 50. inchea vIde>29 ai yard...... --......29 SUOSRIBEFORTHE NDEFENEN V _One PrIce Many of G To Ait Ttiese Dresses la the Are I Unchantgeabje Our Windows . Policy of Ses Them! Tisa Store. A Special Purchase of- Sm artBlk Canton CreeFrock,,s.- VOLUME XXIX 4~VER TP SERT Made money exact figures as yet: was a '.ib - t : 'l -r e F ii v, 1 - .d bcvill> li -; n and .1 t IrIl Fa' A. i G rabbs à,, iafbit- n Tbe paie Ihua Il , top- -i-elhavé Ille-boy nîuch N5v Ai t hte fin ( l.epeople of U. * ia-rai patronage i".ir s success. tei.d l ythankx toi-"Clor.i Of thi' l e al cou-operaiiol would lîke tu r, 4) a certain 'di, w io trldiculed tl :î',osnliules in i il, the <-fuCce' ihii, %Y. have founul Ineariyeev year in Parki 1 Stfls toed vii .'a r Las. <iVlc>lu 1Ill. race ~ Ia i segger 1 john 1,iriz. 1 -i retar> ai the ;l *pttmist, la addif il-faigu .0-1Wutli 1 i- i ui iii Un l - i i>I.ll Iîrc ,-d lu :,e, ut su ith lu! ri - 1ni .01 iii. til; r-I-l\-. ilt ., i i: .4, ln Others Are -. i . i lli- i. ,rtli p S è 1( i -'u i il l 1r ýI i iHaldge dest i-t e lin i t, il . r ir li- it-ifng-1t i.a ile.-ilane l41 theitiie lîn 1 lartin ouf liniig t9air. TiM allicerf .'oîtd nel have Ilu Iy and tliey do i tend 10 film the Ils lits mien ".el, k liutyearif illedge lias mtade 4jgt iixthtlltîn fnis rlf- He la il e W)no mn inlÀik, delemmre lu nialw- sVngrealer su Ytitin Hodge! B ig Firswe icldway (Ir *--jaiot %Vei vl] uoi cieaeiy vvas f gond on evei'y p lgeed. Il vas not e«M ai the.end II prongramin for the Mg wgas as gond,. « otlier daYsanst week. people Who billedllest feeling - yul b. boosters fi la a fair rwieniz - -." - .re ,o 1 r il 1

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