L1B ERTY VI 'LLE LA-K-E COUNTY INDEPENDENT INDEPEND- ENT VOLUME XXIX.-NUMBER 37. LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COVNTY, ILLNOIS, TH-URSDA AM. SEPTEMBER 15, 1921. $1.50 PER YEÀR IN AUi COUNTY FAIR 15 4VER TuE TOP',9 ASa SERT ASSN. 11EADW Made money- for associatior exact figures being unknowr as yet: wIII big success Frif, 4ttiî annulal Idi 'Lake t I io ;I: A '.îbet lri. . amenut r. i Il Y i l.l i ig lurr- 'l.'Faui n- - , rî.r- > ilrr .1..11, -r 11in 'a i ,i un r ntil ri .nr 'riîit - 1,--;i r,'ta~ mn N ifrîu-,. t \'-lit/ .,r- a Utlîh i -- lt i i t S lIitll i.' lir- Fait- A.nt rîoîi i -i.' ui G rabbe Io Ptinaed. à, Grtiba' ma i tIre toi lm l,'t .. tueIlt- Tbe Fairlis ua ea1 lias guni'0o-, Il , top-W'ViaesLuimade sontie mone>, Ill- bac n uc h wl.do onot kuow a N' A t hîs Lime I deai-. n holanl îlpeople uofLake couuty for hefi :Ûusrai patronage wbich madeti heli l...nr a success. i desire atea 10 ex. teillé!my thankx tot h. oflicerb an. tiii'--don, of tii#-aetruclatlOOfor their tcvalI co-operation.--At this turne1 wouid like tu repi> t# the criticism i a crertain .'ditor in lake Count wio rldicul.-d the Idesa-n! parking : , otnobiles iu a ri-Id rallier than i , the s tcé' in , id, thoeracetri %Y. base foundtirli- plan agree-ablIs , nearl eseî'.iiue We relilzed ILi,.. Il wouiîl bi-, ilpnacllcabie tir clar 10 Park ini ti»e uual place and *- sans ,ured eve 4irt,-correct. Tit, icu r bas îc,îîn landithe ipace imalt.. h,,. race trrt, is n"edi foi nthie silgger Next Vear. John Wirîz. ai, teniâi. efllcienl e.:rqrt.ar> oft he a8s'ucl.uttOn a real l *ptmlsl, in addition tii being in in tir fatîg.tble aot hier I tai r irei i1, i-r'anu a a- rf i is " a., Ii-an Ire îi,,îîîbi t -n d. b t1tne' e, saill .Ol alli i va- i >i- a u. vess thi> unt- irce"d i', :e.,uloiluIIiau-ed as- li;,Il ghtr'!! .atîfac-t ion 1 want t r ni Tli - Vir i, gti, 'i jr. Fuir il' -rt. r - maiere 1; ' 1-rt i, utr-ran ia !ol'\. t 'i .- l .;i »-îti r, - r la tr T,, " I l i' ir Il Illîr. itr t'il; lI-la ,rurlr L 'l- 1 > ri.4 an marît-Sliri - Others Are Enl-uaraslrc lIlI, - r ' ' rit .l- r r i ll t ir , l r I , rrir irrrIl i tfryIi r èI olrf Ifir'-- r it<r-i 4as ii' iiru lil i , l iii ' 'i -i y i ll asi.r i IIHitodge despres Cretil , ira i- I r r r \f p i Itrr il. Il1 i 5gir ,, a d nig u ofi îfr nolî i o, iii iotid uge dî aî(snd tîcli rt il 1, .iI i i îe ne thîîîlnîîîît. iii" ou-rt iii the couni sand Look an active parti n ouilining' ie poiicy oflitt blair. TlM olicers or the assorciation .'o!àdne hnl~lav'e liai a iuorê able ai Iy and tii.> do flot hesitate to ex tend1t u i lte credit Ihai s lii- .,l tiîta "ar-ILi îa elieved tai Mr. LIBERTI VILLET Somebody's Always Taking the Joy Out of Life 1CIILD WELFARE fiRÂMMAR SCIIOOL ~ EXIIIBIT FINE S WINS SIL VERQcijPl oçsu4tk wxý jTe\*gi-tnt lr--a Tntr , Dîsptay s declared by judgesj - -- iNe tt -4 wyIILIltan o ;,ui , n hitre n n to be best in county; state :la in b b h board of health has exhibit -t-Ç kDWNEL -irtrit n Illn . r.r..... krlieni ru.,lrt, u- ilBi i): s s oN n ".il,, -Il'ietri r.ii(;:II -trt r'~~~~~~~ro ..,, rr i' nutrit 10ii fi r < 'r' rli r" t,il ri i m lo 'Ot a M;, r 1 1- I r. C I r' o: 'I r-l.. % 'e1C0 l ,0 i oi M I ; rlurr d N 1 1n- éATý,'t 1 lt f,ý :ý - 'l i rîrl f- 'i.ý i .n l'rG OOSiitr i Icî] ' "lit.l N -'l: -1 ei' llItiir. o lioniIlnd (G, i « et ,ir ltîn liC - r .l sen t r r i '- , &t t litl Tul ii t ru i le ' r ! en tr rr'g 9 r-tIraitnd h er l tc t'ent rai Sellato 1% r : <'tcg.were tlied for third luonorr BOARD OF RE VIE W r p r it. Iotwing 'ichoohilait antI t, -1 i st nti l pr rni m':V A L ID  T E S 19 19 il,îbenti ville hlîgh Seboot O RD d Hlghwooti Granamar Scitoîttft Souri Scliool. North Chicagoter I S North, Prairie scisool.f il.Fitteen other sehools lIn thrîunîy Vldae r '-Ch ortbained fesser pnemiuiîs4 The! aiae 300 per cntblan 1i LihbuI-r ville Grammar school b> wîu ke1nres:nWakgn nning ftrst place. won the Osiver cup kHughlrain ak, k oest donaled b, tlb, Kiwani.u club of Wau- ihadPrL.Fes i. avrSioh aoliu The Lake county board of review 1 sttution ai Fr(mont Cenler. vas tbe ltrlday announced thie validation o! tise ont% pI-i.at- achooll inte count, tea 1, 1919 baard's ilsuket inerease. glvlng eibrThsdl'siIa% pos.stozd imurîil2 ~IT~ out tife valuations inahi the town- meitil i.shipesud the cilles of Waaskegau. Th l ttaExhibit wtT~.Highland Park. and Lake Forest. t Tir i,'SîiteBoard uf Healîfi lias aa Th îe n astiin laentla1nle r ;dspla iun thei salnie buil htding wit s1. _________________________________________i________ ilsa 1.nchioof .-xhihiî. Ir wat a slnong pleal el s tîpi butllu andGanthetaowesnI fon beut-r conditions for tfi ebhidren. 1 osinsps lac ansomfive e t ent. its Aneast ofthigair to dt'hra ft,< îs I a have gnefurtîternd ru - -- sIOWas- - De-eU Ti Amîgofie hir fl o d he - aste'- ene nticonimu aLTI'I- 1.rase la mot a- diiona lcrese tai eie Ifin titir sleeping quartera.jfble nucafulth leao!gnflJC1 IL,> 1 ievlato sreturned b>' tise1920 'Suggestions a, t o %lui ra iberculosis ' 'raI lifor mna ion , po toffîce haspftali ., S i b9T H e ' f a"i w b t a s. a i rhould b. cembateti aud i pIes for' y, ansd partîcuhuir Information ta cvslasna eurdb b sesr tpi aitad imalipox ivaccine :1n i IJf~fai ua" Thusntsof'ASiî ae owm- IY inTe ree oad91cton9a. 10er f pnei-nttr.g nlildr-en', ftulasaen wm - lit s mad~ine.în l> trha TIR W B orilug ut)andi dowu lite country u J BL dTeshe 0pe ent bauke ationcealie Wne- riadeitmaslens and postal cmpia>s JdateLusatheu3loer o nt laus. iota su m haetire opportunity of b0ing of prac irevemutsioon lauds, Hogsan lm '-ilo bo'science and tontînrîn sen 'e i til' ifl IlP to'0sucht rîraugers iu the Prk antin ake onest ihlaondy filul ia ttena te deci aing Ileie n uiis hs raeldfiu. akadLk oet tafcsol fant mortalit ' rate ecdi - -Tragedy at Lalé Forest Fni- iiluiew9e rttet dficlandi values lu the townsips berei- t Tthe-r ctire ienonsîr-ation s to a i, l n uucuring lalernformaho-bICutyual t rcewt alue aien Thtrae bincee1 uon w-Ith Ile aid of iugeniour- iiiianl !day brnng saa ending t- a tio..I, aLL Gkthe t board tu 1919. but chici la Identlcal wit doit- Tie dspla liîtel sus n ay' outng ir'l tev anr' paising anti caîciing Wlh h valuation a s tuade ytib1h. li,:,l dll>. Th displa. %hichma., in ruls wrtlî i ti-m mail front home. Ilfta r roaubar iu119rbtougrlaMetia ill Nî,o r SmkjkaItail'tI.- rti-r rf-l ba u rsiatt illaok thg ha ith the1 bo ard, i as rolhoWs th rlrrThar Illerpr-raste' o eri -aoi otuclu t r-t inrl mar en%ýLcr. I', %. ' Cx Jr. 16- yiîr-oIt i eriie iesigntaed clenr In earlt office v - r A92i0e o T de i b s .1 ws 25 percent I-l,- ilIithoit.antm. In tact i -neOI- -irr d i e.u r.i ort iw niitrnajni r es lrri- itnuiu an srinsou shus 9o rîf i litîr-i 11ron Belsitiere boa ,1 v nI Township 20 percent if bot i l t â-ge 1.l ý1o'ltrcltrrlufqr. It n '.--Piori-r--Ci 'ocîetage ('omal un i i, regutar surir sa equip tur' ivaest ofit Wtukegan. lsb. d,1 N wprtTo nsi - r Ir' i 't.r. r fi, 'FIdaingIlr i lite Alice! ri as . i n t - b l. h,- tir gise quick crlly ar litcerp.' rvillage, contaiuing L I Vt Townshtip 30 ereu llrie Io-Iîa :k- Foest. f rit i nu- ible (h;ia t nîuirres concern- ul ui litîlîres, >et til e so impor WatL enk a 1 a'r.ht015percentl 1tir i n ci etîr kr itfr.I-îtfacture Hel mg Iiîertinut- der , amid (then generai tit, toiulr eoptlt tl cet Gat To wnship 30percent i ~ r'f in .-lor e.ndi irOtfrît'ta> ir'usefil. jrn ad.îancr- ut thte cuncrete road tiat ie - 'iaîrr Toawnsthip_15 perceut' I on or. t ite i)iî-ipatti nerî the iIf hn i, W - ing tr iit n d ciîeerfuh i r-')!ipeton t II It I .l.'Township 15 percent1 BOY CAUfiI1T IN tlnm unu t tt iiîriirtt ii' rfsltiunn- Orub Il umtlikethougHiedses uba Tnuî-nsluiir 10 percent9 MOUTII ITII A '~ i;d'rflt onne r <hircigo ' a~ T. ~ nO'Of lH. n cet oiffiri:r. iises nofuntlr foi- Verno:n ToafslehuIn pecn MO T W T À -il, rr n mii' tir-rf ritu s nddp oF no;Tm-hl, cp:lt'cent wIln il d d. ýNlil or il 1, t1i ýiIe il tîtrui ion li .t;ri illage, rutvtuugtîit - rrif i,! ;mi tIté' action ut te FIS 'II~ I l- I~K r ' rri -i r l n l . , 4 lrfir-i iti it , !foýI;; i ~ n lîîkaing, rill mrn :lin'- suite recuordis n'a is a iug! oi l.lm i ersuns mrho w'are flot Of file J tr i I nu , >i m -i utti i i t ut ' 'ruina, i t- i lo ni, i l( o to l i rr r r-" 'thMI aiît'iii < î - i l r - o ir l iS unîiri ttîeîi'efoiu-e if ttîe f r. rrbjî-î-tur, ut ir-a'nd t len- pre - r mn Iirman îeuinr,-s ur - -r tîr-r- - -s fitl ii' - -irpir 1,11:1Jt ii ri'il i ltli .t irn i %tlnig 'er' 'an i r rtricounrt andt il ' drit)irr lg. I i rr ir ' i 'ut\ ru f!ll'r I uni - W " 'trn I l,,- ur r t l oi iOr lie mitentflrllr'r' i -det ie s( ' ll inhg h nient orît t' InsrlIl i r- irri ïn li iti tî iin iitl ,il r is,,r u r- a Il :' rry anir more taxes. nu, No il 4 i. lan, )"(r ati fi ; ga i f>ir i, Ip Iom iltîe nllage [irrl 1:1ninr ant i s'I her bela'I.a "rg fiIi'rS'kl n irný, i i-' As't il ruilacr. no tflid, lin r n.- utii trri1 nge.,' mar in alu iua f h,," waiit i as r, l in iii tO S'n. Erirî'f 'n!nAnT 1 LAD"" À0 r' tli i l - i annot tmurin - irti mn tli itidiiu f îropenty I .itii u Ii l t,î rei riand sono- î'fau iirîe-r ' i m,- ilt urni tilî> mu - i n ritIl ittir a i tt 'rmîîntu Siperini r nIent n M l i- i nrt I t cs, hrtanges ti valu tlon am-'îce ay'il itni a . a pole uuud fiue r Il, u.rie ruunîînrît Ai hb' id(II chH IH t',iar> .tlarfes FhRussnelltua'. tlktur ti tu uit hi-' four alterrattloi , 't'îr lî1uiCA USES-niitniun tii- uîrte "ruin:iti- ir, îblrg g -r 'ît IL lita f uîr their- tittet- ss liIt llte tatl lI -tut inouni-'îenuî 10 buildings. Th lt tîtit aagg I irn in i ,-to C Ii 'l"' :,,,, ii ip nýnIe t i ri n lt' . tit T 'IIv1 u cuxnr riniutent, ss-iich teta atae, tiri tndi f rrr 1 -trirmr t'n rat. The b its' ît ii I, riel"irz i ttn ruiîrut l .is- . un tic inîfar'.-- un ~ ~ l ile tibi utr rt ii iroui tir- VillII' auII.JII.HU TDO t'N i tut tr i-rt ltiouil Iltue sillage. iri'.e il k Nîpaien un4 rliltoi hur! 't . ;if Irrki -re. t îiiusiiv-r unpajr.,î:rrtut ~ testtî u  l R T 5 5 :..1jlip 'm s t ie ait ir, r:. M l'n ientr-'taindlT. Pi-ox -î r~ ~ lIý 'T:1 it. i ii n n tnrr irs ur otnnu Building operations on $10O'. r 'îtns in> i 'nru i ntg t taol.t Tlv. o Le i sa sionetfi iut ti ti r , :'u-t> > A tr ct r c asa rbont ýsi"fr >i ir' tti i .Î ý(n(%cl wssn t h- 000,000 îstructutrerlso aI ig du f, N $5; COMES 1 Lnk- il, - 1t nrining satiton. -mii. mîtion rr'veated te boy cotidlti iiscompletely Friday rv li-iiiiern lands. turne iiar'u I FND$5 rrlni a rfrr,, tour,, No operattor n_____iîî wtl-- mtrt i .1er<t.ut ~n .r at' ateutieilfiflituti In.tu dIi AS AÀlIARD BLOW bi((,ýttok titi e duiing -l îPair.ratuiîr a[ s irk on ftue $10.- ilieîri-.tse I P aie r n.s kepî) i i uit.0 te- A et, Inuit F itay causeti the complete 11$ 20- I o- b n ed w is ftan.'l'he- întdway attractin.AE A nIast rn hein. thtian thIbii Iîad n; POSTMASTR R shtdowrif 'Otir we te-!6 T DP MA AS key taken from his place few îîtonî JILRJ tuseil fi)rastk for te cales deEilL lit'i'c kept CIIIrttna high standaIird0 A E vdduo yJgeKM.aniasaoinryad a ndi' n osi e ob k ýTluîs a bi t n g g' ran X E Td ailla bec aiu se out c in dbt on i. un- g leeu pdTispolie prtetin parltueXP ETDTO MA eitii,i ipotl.haidg ple M ad AR~ dailys a o n dy rado thst qlipFuircrina.proctuionte y U FFIll AT HOM o w.--Tit i- tatesiiieà um n tnî rnkloot'n oit T - îth unIret. who cas- bes th Fir verhal. oliii of401.altoquitare caniienters. bols;- daNAa 11aWew das g theîo m s Boot i n0f ceh a e of 'aptI n ~ i_ _ _ g cginricr. uiiens. bickaers, B CsIN'r hîeraiders trot ia. 'rf e t tl lie eprîeu. -t l tnrsenug ufpastersat aoe-.___AttorneyA. V. S-nmîb uonflscate:d lTeoa Boothda aofi hag nCpaI-;enraoisf and Ilie Iicers $1,200. ni-aIh o n ldeia lubliWittt liePprmlt H adsrig os ms1e Haesis- Theiti-quling etthe puttipei-s .hrew Au riui sudl î2î. ol iCiut.rlu hs rnchi credît.e Psmatr nea aesu dike> relbnd opwi ty Alrplanits made scores of fligls j sues instructions to cover terers. -1866 ta John Herrick 'o! Llbi-rlyNilie. fotiti l tii. lac-e. Trator was d Ir With pasgengera during the treel lîttuRefusalh of te aorkîîuen nu,îkfatiter of Dan H.errick oa! etyi anoliehad wlnJugP.Lt thr a ltasn,.It .rmýq.l,1 i .---inirtesvi tanubhie ' Ln ta wslUeorboc1 ltge lis imadeli- imai-lt a lpetnan- aise thiere Wî're, no trucaci Iciets. 4,4t îxttit' u nr tht' Fait as(ri-:itiorl Races Were Goad. Makirig the tna'nger in a citY fi-el staff He la it eai boostei ant ihler.' No acui<tofle the F1air coulti le nt home in titi postoffice, ls the meet Wq.no man n h.ake county Wlio coulti cempiete wlthoiit somithing being recent suggestion utftti- pealmaster do more lu ritale- ne'.t >ears fair ait saiti about the races. The race pro- general. Wil H. Haygs, witose paîîcy eingreater titccess ia.hus 'Oiff lii grain this >ean Cas unrtsuaily goot a, ince. taki'g over t-e greatest mail Johiln Hotige! a'ho had charge oethtii-basebali serv'ic'ei the Wrlt lias hieu taoalate s Big Firworks iaPlaY. gantes also deserres ctit for suit- Il'more efficient anti doser to the ' 1jeMidway onthtt-eoslug nîglut pliyg nncit peasanl diversion. gencral public. *,le jammenur--itl l tpeople. Standing n la flot necessary ulttis ivie tu Titis waa inaugunateti wîit lhe <st cleae.ty svas liii- act thlu titi- go Iinto dehais about te vrntus ex- establshment o! a genenal govern- PIn,, association hiad moret ian matie huibs. as mîîci hus beietraiti about mental information bureau at tbe good an eveiy Promtise. 'te Fair tent frofr itihune limOe. Il sa ufli_ pos'otfiute departmtent. Washington, ffld.Il was rot aliaweui tafilzzie dent lu say ltaI al the exhîbîtà,an,,antisd whichtt lasaidti lab. renteirng -«M. at tih. endi like sanie taire. Tii tlie word "aIl' la useti advusedly. real setrvice 10 lite people. Iu a notice pggram for lhe lat day anti even- were bgger sud better than ever be 10 ail poslmasters, publlshed lu the bulletin. the postiaster general says: Mg cas as goati f ual better titan 'fore. The. eutry list cas langer tian "We htear many expressions of ap- - o other tisys anti nighta turing, thti ever aut tiIs causeti more of an ex- preciatiait of tite action of posîmast- week. people dia atlerideti have the pense te, hbelr assocIatIon, but It ta ers over the country In desgnatlng - fiendiest feeling for the Fair and only analter Indication that tie ast on thii-post offi ce buildingIlugoarn cl be boters for next year'a Fafir. saclatlon u!us ment nec conditions. prom<nent way the n"me o! the clty jg a fair runlning Oive laya antiTise Fair bas gaacu ta a marked ex- these apprecialions coming parlir-- afebta Il le mont remarkabie' tbat lent anti muat b. conaldereti lu îarîy rani tourlats. -tbse. cere no e acdmAa. Not oge larger fIgurés in future. -W. nac <lad tiat saerQ Jpont- f.r the-s'gisas hixeni hy Jutige audisi dit flot coîne as a surprise tas 1liere itad bei-n cousldera ble dis- CuJson by lthe corkmen lu publie places Intiicating lie- were tissatîs- lied wiîiî lie ni-w scale. 59 CENTS LESS IN THE AVERAfiE POCKETIjOOI Wasington - The packetbpok 0f lhe av'erage Amenican lielti 59 cents riess ia August than la iuly. On Aju- egual 1 tie per capita Circulation an an esîlmateti population a! 108,228,M0 cas .$53 anti on September 1itI had tiroppod ta $52.41, citb an eatfated popul.ation of 108.36000. FORM MARXUTIM< 'CO.-IN WAUKE6AN Meeting of farmners Mon~ eve where steps atong fine are talked. roi itî r inier- frii le farin lin- Il ~about Waukegangah in t leG, A FI lHall. WaUkigàg \lfrtîr ri'ing in a proterieât- tJt aicaflatlii prercfr Pce ofml ir iiir rirrncSeî,îenîlber t- $1.5(j90 Au cen r. pe: quart. Hi Hoîriîrdge ar-td a, chairman of * 'tr- inqand! expressions, were ath1c variou. tarmers wbo are lu h1W nuilk producinri business. i f was s'liown durinç the couilé O« 'h,' eienlng that the net profits pot-, Pant te thp farierr who are selllag :it $1 5i1,-rant ail! be about 85e per a n Tii, Wai.gan dattie, go out Jot. ire countrY and 'oIllet the milk and frîr- doing tIhiricp lhey dedut tihat 15è lier carifro t ire farmers. $1.5tj per 100. That la how the Me profit 10 lite <armer o, set at aboli 85c per, can. Ae<rding tu Chairman Holdrlde, as a result of the protest. tiser. l@ S strong Dosslbility thât tise tarmera Ig the terrltory surroundlng Wagkff May for.i a marketlag C.Mmam. front which they Iwill disperse .11k Cà the. retal plan. No deflite stepu along Li t rn were talcen -but the farmer. aeeo*& ing to Chairman Holdridge. were 111W. anlmously In fauvor of *dopting s«»6 metbod of titis sort In orde, that thé, may reeîvp what they> conaider a fafr return on their iflvesti»ent ad wogk. Ir litestimatei that hetween *M anti 500 cana of Milk; are sold l Waukegan every day. CailsOnt Wheeer Te ^id That the. <armers are aertooal conslderlng a marketing co.mn tdeparture lu ,nbown turtiier hy -z tfac that they paye couftr.I e Mn. Whleeler the new aecreta:7 et the FParm Eureau of L4ake Couxty 1le cated at Lîberty-ille and bave aakd hM ta corne tu Waukeguan a ae lng to lbe held by the <armera vli"' the next few days. NMr. Wbftel.-~ thèy have beeai informed, accorteà tu Mr. Hoidrige ba$ organlaéd ta mers marketing comparles in othaj Places and the feeling la that th.« will b. able to taire advantage af bis experlence ln the local Move.en$. Speaking of tire matter Mr. Hold- î'îdge said- 'IV are startlng thse niosement rot ont> a_ý a mea« «d getitfg a better price for milk for tise farinens wiio are pnoducing tise mflk but 10 giv'e milh- to thte public at a cheaper price. We figure thnt there 's nu iea.son in lie worid wby. chaS lie farinens iare getting but 3o aý qtsart for iluilk. tliI etalleras souli gne le i0n Viaikean" DQD4iE CAR FOUND; 1TIIEVES FLUE AT APPROACII-OF RAf Auto had been dniven baok tret Libertyville gravel pit; pIannW to disguisepacbirne Tire hanon îoadstei ahieb cas r.tuleli orC. IL 'Doda. lIt front-aft tb. new Mlagonir, temple in Waukegaha l:aîi trida> nigit ms been týrover- edl- Irt a î. tritint laie Monday afler- linlon buick or a grasel plt on the. "Jus(t and Schnafeiee arm titre& nit l(, nOiîttwest of t.Ibortyvjile. The la o itpen wtîo liatstohen the mnachine were jttin the. act of repaintlng It in an effort tu hide Ils ldeatlty wlien tbey were disovered by a far-niernir'med J. Klnganan. lhey flied at siglit of the. fariner. 11 Kingmtan discovered thema quite isi accident. He. md wahked back ou' lb. farta 10 iliapect lthe cgr witii a vlew of cuttlng It an4ïd~ bled acroathe. machine. -' 1 = mnen had a bucliet of bitte 1peint au& cacmn o ie Nortb Shoôre j ralPer-tins inlncountY Courh issesset bac! ust anasaarled a lduau lon the' read. ai Sacret Hi-art crosgiug. for ftie et $760 aut casts when h. en- mtaehitti-. iafg eChi th lebetiîio tereti n pli-a of 'gujlty". Thte îrder o!f-Wlîen hi-y 100k te their biaIs lthe grounds," cas on dîspîay at lie lth-coutr waa liat bclie mc.itpsy bis' Kiigutan feii that somintg fcM Independnu lent at lbh- fair-. This fine <u serve il eut lunlte reîjty jaîl. wrng anti nolifieti Marsisai Denià dîpiotia was prînteti ?u four colo", Iîle paiti. Liiberry o! ljbartyvjlle TS'Mg4d- by lt.' Waukegan Gazette andi îs a etI. fliete ime Tralon's Place wrus raId- cen ciauducteti a Perannal inveti. îruumî,î in te prîuîîug art. especl- - lwmus reporledthalt the lange Ilion andtbeiin notifieti Sherilf Graee ly ln siew of lbe <cl that lie comn- Iquatsîtiy etboudeti whiskey which tluat itere cas au abantianed Mia postin as p 1 h. standard o! .i-futunîl iati mat beeu smugghenl mon car illere. if clor ar as inof tacros lteCanatitariborder 51 Detroit Ti-tii ntto o!lecatafe today. anti lte clluar au aut heo-ýipjn fth artll andclar s f teyhadben pInedandl bruoîgitl toaNaukegau na at-wilh sbat rf the car liaI bat boni anti cherdat he H .tiPb.en rd. imobili-- s-. tolen Ibere. sa0 Mr. Dotge cia no&A onlyra eterta. eu H. P. Yukad. Siverai otiiens dri-w flues ien- lied andi ar nmpaufedth te sieI t10 seleau e*apperau f Wakegn. huey alipeareti ln court anti pleaded cho now malutains offices lu Chi- -glty.. Ibscua.t. ir'si f't- -hi-ee oi-v cage. saC lie diploma. esati- i]- udenlByi-ti t g . bismccursteSa Da bes :--141escapeti jaolsentences as fec have ias tlled i F i-r teten ned tige M rek can reniember chen tise Gazette isad bhien sentenceti ta lau llie4e tley at rnut bre prha'.il any cy. lhe klnti of type that @was uset inbuhave pleadeti guîîty and al atii. - -A l ay ay the prlntlng of the dfploma" county teexpense of4 aed-heseat i itaa r - I tteetifor the. t" -It beara the. signature af James The otisers fUnel Cet.: thieesa but titey fiat -made Usé1 Y. Cory. secretary. and R. H. French Ernest Levln-1100 and*gow&.Ia. - helr escape. prealdenl. Tise diploma SITethe PhIîîP Pink-S300 and coM& .Il la belleveiliaIt t*7 8aWVn date of orgaalaon et lhe Lake Aie SaIonislky-8100 andti o. , hi-y coulti bitable taeea ,Çounty Pair association as Oct. 15, Tony Vansek-8$100 and coaa. lise car by paintingi Il a lui1. James Ratukal-$100 andmats colon. te Pnîce ro Ait la the. tiangeabhe îuICY of la Store. Lake County -Y Big Weekly 4CuaWÎoa QUêtedmaa 0"i.Wmks inun iy Coubined WAUKEGAN WEEKLY -SUN ftin lay AT ifavor for y th at tili $illîotîc'tte its popti- $3.39 ;2.98 Satin ,ard 8 [les. Tricollues in g ail 50 tuches oth ilshed Broad- anti jlutu. 6, 2.98 iDENT UN