THE LIBERTYVILLE INDEPMENT. THURSDAI SEPTEMBER 15j,I MUST -MiFR CASE IIIiIIEST COURT,ý Treaiurer and taxi ng 1~ ighandPark ap- guriil ln Iglinsd ,Park wiîo f&yi-able decision in circuit Waslegan, will otl ie able paymeënt of a large share taxes witout a dight in the' o. {'outt Treasurer Roy bas lataen alippes]lto Ille court as wihtl be seen by dirpaieh. i.III. Spt. 10 An ap-' bAffld inti ti.- uprerni. court lb., eircuit courit(ili Lake- Court ,-%y W. Brache:. coonty tr'eau4- abri eX-officio cto . 3roi lect or. Wmrfteld SLieldis High seitoot dis thbe HtttiPark t' ar a t and dire ciy of Higthtandi là the rase bi-ougli:!againsl ,by Frrank P. Hawekins-. >case is unel whetein Fr nk P. is aud allier i esideii o! -igli Park obiained an injonctlion r-- sgthe roui treasuit. -front ýQlIection of a pIar It 0! tier] Tbey contendeîl ,1ha!t tie 1tirtl t blanket int-leasu r w a-litegi lie lax tex ted fot'I ',tr bond itssu,, w ut- t i W1F1i r- bUds Des-erl iad ben -r, 1(d nd e the rouni ý htîat . %Na- n<t! 0 In session ai t ir e 'lme1 he lcalling for tire- bontd issuei Weided upon, and ah-o fIiat ,1 ycIerk htîd not -î-alî-d it- ax the Juui taw. go Edward, iulej rin tai iio bdodgers and noiiititre u i;, % ter and te sarions iîrxing b a, e carried thte carse lui itie et court lunte state V LOSE RURAL dkIR FR MVICE UN- TIIL. ROAD OPENS Idspartment asks why ogan road îs flot thrown .ooen to public i resuit of Waukegan Road Of Wasitinglon S. cdown îhru WU Township having been là dsys longer titanil ltriad- & Bew collier te road lbas taLe atter Itl lt finisited. ttîere is a OezjI 1liW litI lite rural tmail eh~ ta road uay be eut off W01y ou ordue frnin Wasiting- * been uecessai-y for Postmas- 9MY ta report the mater ta r uO thi i he road luiashein 4bat flot open.Tite usuat rute a road r mains losed l hirt3ý Sroa sisaieen finistieti 45 Ie "",t '-etmins riossît. rulna-n atie to Mr-. Gia Cib ýt et:r 'u- eions retalis r Vu Las-e Inlies -ottepd befon- idcantiteopenedti h bossePx 40 001 go wit h the !pos~tal fth lut- Érauaf, l'le hi-îea, ilr bea il fititt r ai eo.tringo- ik If sitotld bt iic tînr malrt 696. Suggestion wa. iadnîtî. tebariiers lie taken down forý tIiers il foi nolînd, pis.- --4e:r bd coniissionr.-'refo se 1Iti i h, Titus lite carrnrnî-r<. id rover 1:rv rri ttI- ýWhy ih th-ioadji, ni!o1w nr, Ow51 andi(tw it' ain g da!eIr been set. Eleetri*cîty Waves-Serves LTmucit le -,than baU j LTu rcarof armedi-, gce potr carof a ntcdim- tte treat benefits of t-ec- b. p9w aud igit wit j "yUgbîh Illys Llght baus fty cÈtages and in addition UaMOÜS air - cooled bs-Kn1ght engine tha c W kerosente antd lim. Pm vith use. Let us FoM about thtesany tS iuprovçmtu o217 be Lebt ga. un~ UmmTOW. STes Phme 89a STVDm EL 'I Provedl toý Tuesday!. Libertyville!0 I j e Big Audience at High School Auditorium Hears Glen Ellison and -Alta Hill lnin"DISON Tone-Test ln a test of direct comparison, made Tuesday at High Scbool Auditorium. before a large audience, the New Edison scored a complete and convincing triumph. Gien Ellison. the famous 'baritoner- sang in direct comparison with the RE-CREATION of bis voice by the New Edison. To every ear, there was no difference between hie living voice and his RE-CREATED voice. This is the most drastic phorîograph test known. No other phonograph has ever sustatned it, No other phonograph has even attempted it The New Edison's marvelous performaance- of yesterday vrndicates rvervthing that bas been said or claimed for te perfect realismn. Mr. Ellîson stood on the stage next 10 a shapely Chippendale cabinet. He began to sing. Ris golden notes soared over the auditorium, bringing ail uinder its Magic spell. Halfv.-ay through bis song. he suddenly stopped sing- The NEW ing. The New Edison, at his aide, took up hie eong,- and continued it alone. Singer and pbonograpb thus alternated, throughout the song. The only way the audience could be -sure whicb was einging, was by watching Mr. Ellison's lips,--so exectly like the living voice was the RE-CREATED voice. Alta Hill made the saine test of comparison witb tbe RE-CREATIONS of ber piano selections. Again the same resuit-- there was no difierence fýetween the RE-CREATED performance and the living performance. l-roof bas plied upon prîl: 9' Evider.ce was massed on evidence! The end of the - ,ticert found the audience absolutely and compietely convinced, through its own personal experiene. that th-ze is no' difference betwteen an artist's living performance ad tis RE-CREATION by~ the News Edison,-- that listenî'rc 10 the New Edison la. tn literal truth. the samne as listeiîrrAt'a the living artista. E DISON Only- one question can , stiUl bother your minc~ This question we now answer. The instrument used in yesterdays test wasflot a special mode]. It was an Officiai Laboratory Model, taken froni regular stock. Every Officiai Laboratory M6del in our stock is guaranteed to sustain the same test of direct comparison with living artists. Phone 55 You can have an Official Laboratory Model in 'vour home. You can own an instrument which will do every thing done yesterday in' the test. Corne in. Hear the wonderful Off cial Laboratory Model for yourself. Learn about our Budget Plan, which pute our Official Laboratory Model into your home for no more than you would "pay down" for a talking machine: LibertyvMlle, ID,,' VOLUME XXD NUg P'ars now being foî big celebra Waukegan roa 1AARKS AN AC V.'u îk.-gri I-awil 'tnî. i wll lhen t-'- ti 'l' ii h- icam' .r) lIt k; av ila fctni n 1 t'.i o ir I. til tmaik, ti..-- sv't 'Iiahi o imauni'f tii- r ,îumlttie ilin 'if il Astitit i -e i Ui13' ai! I.îk' ',,Ut!" tI'ngtv Il f il -t- andi a-Aanda111:11rrifl au it la t i t.'-~ ' a MAi t i- 'w' -arrt '1.- in -r 'r ar t' t pt la --i.-r,.lat illit his eeretien lbu eniance ta fil big r. t- nit itnr-kstirs connue g.' 'kai lie 1 i " flT A r inr; u-in lins<O li't'ko:1.:fo; WM. MOIR S TO PENUI t),' i!V. M t 1 1l s-ir .? M- hm lit-' loi fou:.V 's D(., ias b en gnt seilltuhen A"-rica i,: r y linl of tir' e'.o atolit iiirs froit kii ttre. TInî4ri':ioi-res. liglît' 0M4t0t-. ri"'-lisi Ait)tin..s fi'tî ' tir ' IAriiiît.1 m î't 9 t t p c t- -.11 1* o î Cxr.r.4 r tr fuir sî-Ji'îirtf'î'r Na '-ilor-tlt labo r jrtp tir s w ili be C'ia li a0rrf K. fos lnuIle Swit"q.,tertetl Il Ms ire a- natif tng et lier ni"!:' st(! ite i-egai îried It as Tresve wofl '1i te fihat panel ola i: flibe!,terni at the Ci Morris E. Pi octir, wlin worksa t the Frances S. Siitri;.0 Yesterrilay' olatird Oftfa. here. Thte wEci -.plae» --4&v '.The Phono graph with a Soul" DECKER & HELTON