CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 22 Sep 1921, p. 10

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mIa1t t deocreyaai e t " City. Xla.M emrent ra11115 51111t45 imuser 11ý o ot believe in democratie B.W* *Waay It plalicly. Wbm yèutéi-me that lou belleve i thé ~2lm rci hu epeopie by tb& piopie, aeruxthe, peopiel" 1 teul rau that. id a~ rule w fight against. Why? For r'_b easQii hat.tue peope axe Most- il' bad, the. people are Mmtiy dnnk, tt peple, are mely ungodlY. te great masoS of the peope hate <led. Tbey driniit they smoke, tbeY lie, tbJye3teal. the commit a4ominations. ID î lae bcst cities tbey are Ètil rngodly. if nLeémarlIy are ta raie, the vorst. viiiruie." .Independent residents of Zion are eoaiderabiy wrought Up over the * tatment. Rev. Thonrag Nelson, bead of race Meihodist churcL and thfe champion of the indAPendents' cause aserted that Eugemse V. Debs la serviiS a terni in the federai plis- .-for uttfrarcet' whih Q] weono 'Verte. Il, la itotiat certain mtmbers Cf the Independent f4t-ion nt 'ion hare reported the mater 10ta îL sate'. aflorneys olÙce wth a ir gilest that le tLke stome acliCÉ i 196 iUNI VERSITY SERKS EV ASION 0f TAXES JIERE IContiunucd f rom page ONE) Atty. Ncholas l'inn and TLos. J.. M04abon of Chicago, appeared be- t fre tht oard to argue hIle case for the sai. lý TLeise, mei ,îated that insamneh s the Schîoi is a relit-moue oLgçilzition, la edzgeationEi, main- teins plsygrounds, ad bet-aa,e a part of the land wiii Le under cuîi- vation for raisînig fcd for' studeila, the land sLhould Le exempt the saine as public srbooti and tbur-Les, An- cther argument is that lhere la ft- lite on the lad compriEhug I6 acres- The boar'd of let'eiw contendi3tliai the "lakte' is an artificial une and therefare cannaI Le laased as a swancp land or naturtîl laite; .ailso thmî wiliL e uaed ext-uiavely for the purpose of educating ose relg- Joua body, aid therefora coaid net ha placed i he .esanie ciass saa pdbtic a@cLoc]. The repieseiiai;t- ulA the schaui vwer. gîvenuti'rhum'day lu Ile their alidaviti'. This rptmY consista lîrgeiy of the Shellion acl.ool Lulîlilnga and the Itadiey B. Swit fai, in addition ta othes ails îoînieily pîirîately uwa- id sud te sr.unce ut mach rcVenue -f rom taxatioi. ()ne building, a dur- Wiuicmy, is pîjat-îica.ily ranpitted, and tumaier mcûbaOLS bn-n 1w-d or *two nacnliî n oie of te Orgnal buildings c!fie hbcidun eF0100. SOON AFTER SItE __ 6OT DIVORCE Wbeî Wliilam Haut-aki. vi-t tbt-u a mat-nage ceremony wititlEste Iasseill ln Indiana on Feb. 14, 1918, bu laImis Le ddni't knaw that six veeka before site 4had been df- vorced iroiane James H. iasen- Sil1: accordingtoa abill lu Suld souse time ago ii tLe Lakte tcir -tcuit iiiiedcôttlainas tbat athouf h the t3iarrjage vas performed i Indiena,, bue and the soma ntended to r.- aidein IllJinis.,He conteîded tbat btça-ag t-e i Iis factt hin .necessary fer p. divrces ta vwail one yean be- fore ent"rig mIa anothen mat-nage qt;nti at. lie aia charged desertion. .ludge C. C. Edwarde îoday ordered tata, deciee cf annuimefit bu en- lered. the iiny c et do te ms-u 1s.bang ingo dimeIy over Yokohiama. Tt van * Momtier-<f-leari tnoon. sud migbl itav-, teen rtafactureti by any cett* dtqe"te artisans lu -the Bmcchdori 4.ier Itflmpreaseti oie an being a a"m'ry good, Imitation, bui notbing more. <omnithtwn. te cioisoni-woiker at 'Xokio ci"1141 bAve tmde a bettes r mcci-'llmtt.itmsley Aitchl. j ind.u.iOc-- lcfsoittude. It id Qi'î' -,' vinlthlie woid ater Il o orhs ei.ii;o:, il la easy in sot- ltile ta 11<-c'flîr your O; ,but hb gr pe5t ir' tlxle NI-ntihinîe midalt . tblel i: P(lis almia perfect sjct ;' c , -iope'îinrhrce ù o stilai. ed Mt viaitt1Ê mii-Is vllagMWa rçrl ahola latii.e*Mty, tii. open- ,s ear i It u thé eousty la -com- a 4rabli ~ver that a yoar aos, Some Urne ago tbe sufplitendent 41spie 'OId Olory aid toile,miha't te the' impei Iegion. As aàresit ipla-ty mbobards bave put lp iiag- pàe or boughi fisge and 110w there am very t.w achoola vithout'them. sept. simps0ofl sIget out amother lut alter hie return f rom th chool PUBLIC iIEALTII SERVICE -WANTS LfIOCAL DELEGATEI Iast ycar ln Washington vas beid a very Interesting meeting on the question of" "Public Heath" under the direction of the Treasury De- partment 'cf the United States. Qute a number of medicai men attended f rom ail parts of the country. Wau- kegan was represented by Dr. A. PL. Brown. This year ihie been decided to continue these meetings in a series if Ilitutes In twenty-tbur ofth(e prominent itics o1 the Enited Statesa and an institute wiii be lield by flie Publie Health Serv ice in Chi- cago (turing the week of March 13 lo 18.'he Caniber of Commt~erce lias becn invited 10 senti ln the naines of tiuse Of ts memberS who are lnterçs4ed -in public heatth so tbat they mnay Le invited ta attend thts t-unit-. Secret.ary E. Il. Cliii Clifford is frepiring a list of -mern- bels of the Chamber of Commuerce expresvinj; a desire to take advant- age ofthte offer «- the governmetnt ha their caxnpaign af educatlon on pret entable diseatra. M4ARRIED TWICE; IS. NOW SEEKING AÀ DI- VORCE SECOND -TIME if et fr't you dont ceu try avain," namy Le airieht as a miot- ta iMorne things, but il doant ai- ,.,*ways appty t0 matrimOtly. At ieast that Las been the exper- ence cf Mrs. Bertha L Giilbert, who is suing hier huitband, Polke Glbert, for a divorce on the ground-9 of cru. elty, TÈLê .Cibi-el*s tIrst vere p;arried Jniy 1, 1911. according ta Mis. Gil- bert in ber Lili for divorce Elied ia court lre today. On Augtiat 14, 1915, she divorced Lim. on June. 22, 1920. she decided t try it again adi4hte and ber bias- eatrimely c Dow s Wen fUueoa .q li e merW .aanm, &Bd ma luat l.Gl lrt ave ma', -yearold l' l'.Il ik~o 5la ieW livin wIi tiith wigi 'Gilbet waa utther. Bho asko' thit the custotly Pie '-Y% that i t M 1h1 b»d b. awarded te lter. F0 BDdnd Many Ford owners cii aftord ta own and oper- mie ny car tbey may shoose, but they prefer a Ford "'because it fi a Ford." For ubecause t in a 'Ford" meni dependability, .ease of opermîmon, efficency-and il meana sure, quacis transportation. And *because it ila a'Fard" piemni gond laste, prîde of awnership and genuine Cqnman Senai. The Ford Sedun. a dlosed car of distinction, bcsuty nd convenience, ia the ideal al year 'round car, for pleasure or business-for the farmn, tovi or city. It-gives yau al l ùa ny car con give at a rnuch lower cost for operat ion and maintenance. Ford -Cars of al types arc in great deinand, soc. place your ordr ' t once if you cash îç avoid delay in delivery, WILSON & OHM Waukegan Libertyville I __ -. - -which embody comfort with style. These Foul offerings are **truly" esnart: the prices are reasonabie as always: and as for comn- '-fort when wearing themn--one is remninded of walking in grasay fiels. If you aie fitted with a pair of our shoe- you wilV readily upderstand why so many peo- pieare ur consistent loyal partons. -Dooilte & !Wliye 4wàuloegan'mBuSY Suce store à h ~7u- - $tesOur fAd la papi.. 7.- -ep *hopm et the 010"Su Ueiiey Here's mportant Néws For-,Saturday We Feat-ure Men'à -Snappy Fait Suits in Newest Patterns, At. 297 Many Blue Serges Are Included These are classy Sumîs of excellent quaity. They're from the workroomaw of the- foremnost makers and lthe tailor- ing as weii as the fabrica and style tell their quality at a glance. Bath aingle and double breasted modela for particu- lar young feliows and the older men too. The materials are handsome wor- steds, fancy mixturesanad blue serges. Thia is a saving you kan hardly afford ta overlook., Suits For High Schoel Men 24.75 They Have 2 Pairs of -Pants ThIese are handsome Suite for they ,oung fellows in high school. They're in the swagger modela the particular young man demandeanad corne irnix- tures and Herringboncs. AIl are beau- tifully tailored and the aizea range up to 36. Alil have two paire of pants and î that practically saves the cost of an- other suit. Very special $2.7 at.......... $ 47 Men'S New FaIt Hats Are Featured At, Tenew ba ou'Ir Wear ibis fait la ber@ St a saving Mir. Mun. .( We're featuwiig aSllcptionaily oagager aascrtment, for Safurday. * - Tbey laclade bats made yhe b.famous KBIx alters aid art la 101h sot and suf hbocha Inlthe newest shapes and all waated50 colora. The hlggest bal value vi kiiow o1 t ........ Schol Suts For Real Boys BOYS' S"uits i 2l IPàs .ofPutî rrailored from very strong fabrica in ,ancy mixture. Theyre in dark effecta and the penta are ful .Iined., Sizes Boys' Suits With1 2 Pairs of Pants Exceptionaliy weii tailored £rom splendid ail wool fabricti, auch es fancy mixtures, Tweeds, Cassimeres, Home Spuneanad Worsteds. rhe Coats have pleated bocks and Yokes- and 'are Alpaca lincd. The P'anta are f ull lined aid have reinforced seams. Sizes 8i ta i8, Fût $9.98 and $1-21.50 MACKJNAWS Boys, maclîlnaws et al vool fabl'ics. Have convertible col- laa and belle ail areund. iees 8 0 1 là a. SWEATERS Boys' sweaters lu buttai aid Siip-ever styles. Grav, Brown, Maroo and reen Rives 28 10 34 ai.... 9 SHIR-à' Boys' Shitrts vitil collo.rr et-a tached. The Kayîec brand. G.uarauiteed fast co 125o All- sis ah.-.. Libertft Lake County in<d violtnm aki..COU musme ttistenu am We're *Imm Ibis ê ~ inva"ble dertim ' La i, oulda t hav pqers and the pat ha or a thing, there are a gains by the publicity, by is unuathl policiei sever 'weuld have beec ade hlm-aid it je Ui ge with the i«-tb. fIe finale'2 - Now that euae caj "msings" and others WWl lie a reail ibaa ez thirsts unquenched andl al Çoulda't make x But, it loks 10 us tha gence officers and visa est rue--and even them teo us that the latest eti *cate a sane desire ini t IDLE CARPENI FORCIN6i OPE IN CIIEio. el 10tallth ep laces of L t W tr ho îefumed $1 an lirur Fîîgp. mtîd i-eltun b- avit ittcb ainçns face luto aie o t fho slit- 3e' irdas. ti!fît- i.' f îhe camp lpucîîd o fur iiat lte I ir nunion mn plat-rd uukrn underî tfii .ar lotu .tti the a ' aerid lin,riî: i '-oing (n a a" c;i Lilt 091fr 11int h it0deby 's bi e k. r- t t, r :mî f À fi 1 ; r t' îrîiîîî i l,-iit Ready to Fight C; ' h-r\%'rIilam Scli tiA - -ci i liui;îtçr i(t Y W;fg (' r"tac? r n i Ccniil l! 'irlfn t o; I.îr"' ýn tr-nana C":Àg '.i tl hai nom yE t0 le fl- It h1.1 an, uit t r. e ni. furi. o%(! rlilan!if i' 1 lt:; 4" t g ài iit:; e îof t tt.i il ne >'-,li rrt a.nly '. ;lrIitg a go 'rn ar.: înt- I C; r'nter tir a -01' ->r i , '. e - ri fiil rm:n <upenti-.' t, il 'te . -"i., i an fhi u iom Officiale; nnolai" ui,0til sali (.l(r' fail Oie tii ta elât atic aimi a et jtiua 'ni in i adn- 'flley ilttd , hat theyrcaniot tel] tui tht-jr crganiaationrt I.£ 'rConditionst. STATE DEPAR AIDS RECOVI STOLFI Cao îerattin vîtbth lt ment in tic m1tcOvelY la oie af ti!e latest- thidi presrntlin f a police delta trment Las aige' jn case a stoicn car port by lie i'alic oMt mc'ede rit once 'o thi ctaie whcî v ill iiiy thorities in îLe ci ly-fi c-ar is tîtien. RepOmîs fo;ra-e lunlte bulli i t ni toi ie sîtiorlite. siate. Sttr-aîEntirion Ibis ry,-Lûl:iilti e o in etcuriarthe e tuin mid apîreiîndiIC tlli( t-ca. seictai C3r * 4 btc-n i fund aund relu!-;C ri a te J' nouaces toiiay. WE U~SUJRE GLASE 9REAItAÉ titrée Ooclers T Jo se- oefutil s ýzw-v-ia -1

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