CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 22 Sep 1921, p. 11

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Y. SFITrIfR,22- îoî et the Globe ond,. $av* Moea 6.Dws lits ats a savlng Mr. Mu.n lent for Saturdsy. (atterai and art 18 all vanteti50 1 Boys jancy raixtures full Iined., Sizes kturday $6350 PantsE wool fabrics, such ie@ and WorstecJs. 1Jpaca Iincd. The es 8i ta 18, c.t 50 SHIR'à Shirts wlttî .eio.rn -at- TIhe Kaynec rt. 54 tasI co'or. At,-.. .... aittIs i.neyhf60t m&Bdhave lber Ube ile In e p nde tr<JR TAPE!>IN bank It for 0<1,. Re charied tbat she *" 1 oinnce bas reus to10give hlm an at- Lake County independent - Waukegan Weekly Sun RAIK~mu~ cutn. Zet le5.150 known riZtz _________________________________________ U> UU tUnUg'M field Ave, was ralded and 'îêlded a AhsVftUL1ul1~I t'W1A~ sIliand large quantily ut masfi WIi thet boo m s. igtàig s so ai1 about the n*chs cf tte A I K tI Kle<ence Roxuankuti SaF relîeved j quanttetyT olNmouSSs ne t' viltoma lobe Couty çme woidthinki u sabout flue for thet o failatu ergeeaacd unieof2 (00 LiNo.. Wcisie ibat i'. ausru umsRs alrbonds each, and th? tate*t-i:orrey, 1_1_____RseTaylo and John Zet today filIed Informations ag;dns tht-m We'ro g*IMM ths ntien-wide attack on the Ka EMu -Ia ~among those seized; had Inlt'le (ounty court. invaltible advertising for the order rather tiate bave it wiped ont. moonshine stili going A T TI D M~.lan, oeulda't bave bought the space given te it lately by1 big news- VA L A papors and fthe past bus shown that, neo<atter what's said about a pesn MUCH HO CH BTIE FO PRN E- or a t"ig, there are a lot whoise sympathies go ot and the victim". ru wakea poul wr ttNz- gains by the publicity, Looks at mon City for ezample. If Dovie had net, by tht dry battery of Stitte's Aller- bY bis unuttl policies, atttacted the nwpaper spaelie wu5 gvez, le ntyI_ a .lariehquzay if a<tentn. ND- tO R seyer ýwould have been hovu u atiouafly-it was thse uewspapers that <taktn and mamb ntsat.lImeu London, -Wh4n ticT r o >ý ad hm-ad t s te prsé hiiskees Maalie " ovig ody. "'l t-tlaling taken ln the raid. Waes visite Indila nt.xl o 11 ,.t- mad hl-ai ifistheremwbib eep Zin aivean merngtody. Probably tht mont intvortant finit battleshîp Renown, on l,1111hlýr"il', 00 with thse Lan-tht attacks a m<ke the officiais winch but whit of vathat at tht place of Rose Taylor rmale *the voyage, villIfteri.; c k and John Zet. ocated ut 212 »t F01 trid fer receptlotte. . Ini tht- for fiefial tThere the offîcerb found a s'III in!, otticers are 195.,000 igiit,ý iptratlon and 30 gaffons cf mml' rzînbottez of ville ;end 09.1 Now fliat one can't mat bome-brtw, 'wisses, etc, cannef buy the Ztlau the mani who <t-cft 1W:j<he latter ln addition To i tu t-, Sirught tt IlaiainEtt1he Taylcr wu',,-!aken ty the Prince LînîilF fc-jý **majingstt and otisers cannot sel! flic, it looks as if the UWted StateS mouagnaiits'trtrdtepecc there willb .(l 't will lbe a reail &ban eré long. hfctIn bb s fa ogbrrpei ioîman accounting aller he Lad <r :ru-Yianti 4,000 galionF, cf li .. r t- fatitlok a f ln dy wiwihtruttte-d ber v 111. I$1> t,-rrtE1'et-n L.ack eu& ls l tb iir thirsts uuquenched and grapes and hop% going te waste, la in store for us dollars. Zcltou' it- 1r ILt- I. 'rPt'zTe (harles. seceni.t- . r bet-n tIo ;,rt- 0 r et-vandiýct't tht eMgtamF, iil i 1( mal- al-Çould't make mucb stronger rvling at Washington. could they? îe rnet ttmta - îg'! I tina n h eon ]But, it locks te us that it's going te taire thse entire army, navye intelli. genre officers and what not tintise goverilment service te enferce this lut. est rule-and even then if can't be done even fo a srnal percentage. 'Pears t iO E O LV N A W Y teus tbat the latest edict is taking things just a littie bit toc fur toi mdi. HOMoneES lv I oms cate a sane deaire in i this big movement. d5 osWObcm newisa Ilvoult be cnlttu0marke IDLE CARPENTERS TIIEY lIASTEN TO - mernt. atrtar trr Igmw easy le la to mairec-reta home couler and i < t rea ra FORCIN(i OPEN SIIOP SAY NAY! NAY! ie &I h:m.dotua nt - I odtoit tç ae lemle conrsnd eate'alffi 11 p ilttio8«ut nunqtriti ncar) in e r' ndr for thé et t. iiý-The iHeurît fthe torne à l In tmkt-the Splacét' of union Chicago job, rtitav eaid:*Ilfaeac nnounire -ew of the renons art-; $1 an hour Fcupg."tùd by. the Landis not stékîng tlie job, dont -xîrtt t* 2. The Strong uri *fe ili-Wiun b:-uVit irie building rader, Rtt il and dont WIiDt t. Frti. 3. Fuel Saing l"turt-t unIons facet- o fut t.with the ope-n 'm a candidate for sohingur çr a4. The saelrshkng grute. *fhop is -el'rtaV. îng county clerk next bpring and ý LeHoIo-ufO< -6. The vaut number clbt Irut-Il ouf ll< ir<e Imnportation Qet ,Andît <en, litre cran an,,rht-e O AiF IAE AEWAIXPMFIIDS.(îfear , u-cretr'uIncnjt<edv htv>'lfeiuea trlnuncn rii n acra <the unions% tHarold Durptî in't seekir.g lT i, jt, E(L£ NU ~j~ lh mdtroay 'Àîdo ill.I.E L IR ,Branch Manager Stuat <ic iii! 'crdpniciper' Cfrtr~t m nt altrtht~tb I <11uerI eterStret hone 1014 * ini,urir:i t 4 on ntht job with titi *nougii." ?Mr.Duret tald iWUIG1 ab" th r I'ftîîffice departîhtnt Iras ruil tru1en;4 1! w..' zuT- ', alIhi t hû Auud vi.iv-o 1t tis e m ýr-i. % r i(ti Ji,.ve aia(, ttd tt!.ri ,N;"Ti t 1.'tTo",k wiTh >lL I r iun t hcçtnt-î ir îte <lt i IJ. T. * Y i ot, h- I Tor and Ready to Fight carperters \. - it- ;Wrlîam Pehialit-.hé<,îl of <ttA' ui!,1 Bt'Ituirsut Ghiltart,. I-l':'iti ri), ('u o.,rrcrritî F. i.îlîrt" o't * ;tan fii .,ii eîir'I iL m ilr dTht r îîr fil(- (ri-r.i,; r TF' nonîînion mî'n,»lIT (' r.îg -...d T iti dnot ytTbeie tnec- * O'; 'ide t bu Lt lie-.did 'li t -,n, t#i t r! ne ait goino ii tU fit, T %i (-!.k cruT T if ,' t'unit-t'Titt <0! r , îî oflte thet- nilrt tet t.L, s;t-lTi rrt anlv ']tl iiaTiTi ' W:~iT a'1 go on in Tiîago, anItn tin! I iipi Tit-t. fIi it i r, ' r ' î 1 i , , 1 fii'Tl 'ilw u, Thý%' h i rliw t.;tf- -e ady iiît' -,teo 'isl.n"Tî Wî tel i bi î-î'îliniuu < ii'i w, in i O' -j rwi <iiiOlt.S m!i' îsirkîng et ,<î'i TT-Tr i'o lu"'i:i nt-f O hold <i l.ti.îj T t'lThuno U ton Officiart Worried roit .. ; , ! tiýTi ioiiaîs S. Kt r- ln " coiinr'il , s id. "f<ir'. tnlT Oie- TIoiO'-aiipeared toe_..teTti-at thticiuiliTi<TtTO!hutofthe- intîn' i ai T t-'i' fi ,t, icri pitateîi a hE Titrti i TiriT tri in Ithe bl ding tratc- 'irey aliTitreti in eonne cases Ibut ht-v contnt tlI hat tht men lue<Ftir crqanlzations vîildo under tcotni<diicifl STATE DEPARTMENT AIDS RECOVERY 0f STOLEN AUTOS Co oîeatiorn vth the tiare depart- mnent in liie r«t'ro'ely of tolen cars lje onet t tht latest- tactilties for theft preitntiOn <Of whlctî thr local police depatiaient has tatten adî'ant- ave. lu case a stol(fl car la founti, a re- port by 10e police OfIcer tlndnlgit la mt'de I once te the secretary of ritale whct Stitî uotiiy the Police au- thorit es in the city -from wbich the c tar isltkten. Reliorts et tolen cars fr er . < inte bulletin are reclve lion,î poire authoritiez ail over tbe S'errý,tary F.mrrbofl heievce that thîs r wtti wll Te t grsai, benefit in cccurinr the retiin o1 tOleticars andt apîirelcfding automobile tlica ls. seviitl Cira bave already _4bcvn ond andi returned tO thelr 'wtIcls. tire rIit e itm-niert tan- vorcstoiiay. WE W~StJRE CLASSES -AGAINST BREAI<A0e ttrpe oecters Twc Helur servie* ~ *IBOSt. Wpa it. Si 9 ...,usssso.o.......m0aêêa..êêâa Anno u nc eme nt The -War Is Over- Down Go Prices! Any 6-Volt Storage Battery Re-insulated, $6.00. Any 12-Volt. Storage Battery Re-insulated, $10.0O. Ail New Positive Plates and Insulation in Any 6-Volt Storage Battery, $15.00. AI] New Positive Plates anld Insulation in Any 12-Volt Storage Battery, $19.00. ALL REPAIRS GUARANTEED FOR ONE YEAR If1 your battcry does flot finîction properly brioîg it here witd we'wiIl test it and give you hoiiest a(odicecFREE. If it inccds r- paie o viiope te -atery l your prebence, oc you can see what repaire are neceusary. .Wèenploy oly expeerts -and( use thie-best inaterials obtain- able and with our large stock of Rentai Batteries nakes it un- necessary to I.ay up your car a minute. We cali for and deliver batteries free. We carry a full lime of New Storage Batteries to fit any car. Smith Battery & Ignition Co. 116-118 Madison Street. Waukegan, ElI. Phone 2022 Waukegan STARTERS, GENERATORS, MAGNETOS, LIGHTING AND IGNITION SYSTEMS. EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL FOR THE CAR. Coey' ght 1921 Hart Sctîallner & Mam Fin clothes for less money That's what everyone wants; not just "& clothes"; if's what were offering you for f the-se Hart Schaffner & Marx suits and overcoats at $35.eOO $45,OO Ifyoii'li 1e,, back a- year you'Il realize what a greatreductionthere hasclbeen ini the cost -ofï dressing weil. You'll like thé new f alilstyles; the splendid all-wool fabrics, the varied and colorful patteens. Hart Schaffner & Marx tailoring means longer wear, too. - Money back if you don't get satisfaction. ]Doolittie & Wht The -home of 'Hart Schaffner & Cothes and Stetson Hat%. i i I t,

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