CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 22 Sep 1921, p. 12

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e ambeu n 25C 'tdà pI onfU' tNew State- nts on Values. WAS, OVEIqLOOK'G?. bédow wbteb ladigatea Mtm »M u ILate coeaty tgioboard l'ut W@iapreaile enlougb.-m*nd ,4Fte aC trda ~ Sing ta ssi #'ecîottaa Ud chssk up en the qoult board atùaly ha. le. o. rallier 'on 'tibm; it mity »T bave d0ne. And tissa tiestate "wli readjust (whlch meana -ralse) thw»ell ys.Read tIbis. Sprlaiteid, Mi., Sept. 20.-'lise lii gj>oid tax comnisasion to.tay sersed fo ti mtal notice that If il is tou.nd that amy ciass of proiperly in uny cjuonty vlims net berne it propotionats share ,oï taxtion a r ar-esmte t i livb rete d. filie statrititt, îrlJtiAI iy Pei'ey B. clitin or Ct. lîtrr. - t.tiîiii tomiO ilofl, a. lihdlsit er lina les cf telein sutv.eflt5 tire lulng Cooks, meiü vd.îeced 10 rîli- l'to0hIe ro,.ni-.'iicl adtlotvi(d seé i'i~ttet is3,i e 'tn tiii cat.,tfie cap- 'I iio' i i\e kIot .I.,iiý' ifl i a ttritc1,ia 'l 1ar't insut itultion ,. a.,-]-ot rtle.îkr I e tîî.î'.' e Azlls Eank AssrOlS ITe ol.1o f c. ta itre a-.ed tW ..55,l&'tîfllttl' cct' ofthte lisses,, ila n.,.itattefile ycar 1ML biagainst Ile iettoperty and the àiares or stock oftfiteevrsai male and national banks. Tise board&ara- e qtîsgted 1o show the action of the body in re- xîewving these asseasmeats and aise èL matenent o! the methods used lu es-s hing eIt the valutation eit tIse mabaes o! stock of lb. variosis baniks for thse purpoe.oe taxation. ln addition te, requsttID reports front the tseentlive boardfi e e vîsw, thse commisaion lssîsed a tate- Ment in hehI il asys that the laves- tigation w'et ene te otites classéa 0ûf îreperty "ad psoceed sIeng the sa.-il..tuse theendtcatOu For'e -ortY-fr= TIne cry !the gridiron warrior wlIl aOOfl e eard throughOut the comnmonJ eaiîh. Ait 1h. colegs are praAc içtng. Ths ta Golf. a promiBIna' ecruit of th.eHriama'd et.ven. at ~ok wt! te tckle dur!nm , FIRST WOMAN JURY IN LAKIE COUNTY CALLED IN ZION b t- il sý il t i si a tMtatl justice ssay be accos-ded the ti sehole stite ia taxation and Chat al Action by Zion justice paves tuleresesMay b. sassesed accrding the way for more woman b tu the actual fait value et their prop- lunies ta be called b Cesaittas te 'Which thse etter vas - - etare -. Adas, ChampaiSîl. Cok, The CtIyot Zien bear thse dittlsc- y<-ktn, ài4liens-y.Jefferson, ]Kane. tnof betng th fis-t communily la 1 »Ito., Laite. La salle, las. Maecos Lake couaty te use a weman jury. blacoupin. Madson, Marion, McLean, Nev that the plan ha, beea tîid le t Iiorgp-i eorta. Rock Iltand, Ban-, la expected -thatalasitear course1 gaules. St. clair. Versiilli. Wili, will be taken ln Waukegflan d ther i 'WiiIiamsoa and WineDbaO. ctile. ln the county. la fact tise Lake County Board et Superviseray Commisaiofl'5 stateaieft. se. a way te .01v. the problem pt a Tu cmmssens tatement tel- gstting Jurien vhen men ln the e oVieÇm!: iD8 farming comsnunlttea are busy tili- i "Ille federal goversnent saper- lt '1h soit os-harvestlag titeire tences ao difilcuity Inueltaniai tu"t crs-Ot. and fais- relus-a on ail isses et tax- Martin Ruesdli, an Independeat lan afIon isîhect te governilet tat ad Zien, was th, Young man fer visom myrthe! expertenceS ne dithCUltY the veman Jury vas lrnpaneled lit 'ehatéver la colectniàaime; in tact, justice Schmaltu.a' court. it la consldes-dC riiel. te la amy Ruoscli vas arreted on a dhage vaY attempt te evade fedesil taxetorhavtag assaulted Raipli Browa, a tmn'or te fai ta paymet upon tise member et Veivas faction. Ruescli day nA eurvhlh tse ov.rnmîitdemaisded a lus-y triai. Ai an expsert- daelan er l pathe gnt. ment h justice caused -Iveive vo- nesr fialate tcmisin me-aen tO.-boý e<ted. Thse trialva ssse $aisvera o m mi sssiDsst fer 9:00 o'cleck ths mesniai. A besi i portsteaaeri e e nte v-deadant han the privilege ot cei- etsai preties ta lol eatesos r lin ie ucourt any lime vithin mn Ors utedJIL ocalassesosorheur, atter the case la set. Ruesch "la*r ept Of vb e v. mile pexerct.ed thi. Perogative fer l vss .. lein litmm h o. Scousrse-ai lmiost 10 'cieck lietore lie sts-lted 4oW& la 111%Inaugural message the lae Is c urt roo triosm. taletascomiSsOnvilii avalitlsi Justice selmita asfroha ta!tevyreot-eo1h taX se- 8thse detisy. Barely had Ruescli laiton csit fai su equlabl abes ,ta 5big Stse hen the justice dlschas-ged ùÏé f ail r ad p t la 18se5sellierthe Jury snd erdered te case con- s-ca l o r- itatu, foaett ltinued. Se t o ersonnel ri t fr C This la satd tu bave been Jit ata çapltii stck or frsflchlse. Rues-li mont destred for lie did net '0 8sy Os-der - A>.aose - t relsh the ides of living t-vlvesO in- suit. etheacori tattôi yl ntliet-en Iass on lits case. Ho vas rePro- t ceommis r.ssn ,nt l et bail aeated, by-Atterney H. c. Lltdlifield tatorr r e7 o &aayclsmet poferal'noetWaukegan. - Ruesdhl a saitd te 1ýrOert et&nYclue o prPerY i have detayed lits arrivai la court ,,y countY If, laia lJudgment as- purpo eiy ln the hope tlaItIhe voin- ,£$ent% ltherein have becs n'1V en Jury vould ho dischargelt. eSaii s shoe tiaIhe hankini Whettter another voman Jury viii ýttaties shw haesa tiart voatbe mpaneled te fs-y hlm whesi the ontrs o e haev latfelaltratvmOalt- t's.coules up again in len daesse- ta eurso isesaents for state.manteb ei colty Md Wiil paSurpoges. ThIÀ YF O IR tas,,Misionl propoesttuole,.a x ai tis i ater Petastenl il, thas À YF O D sedllred temuxed recorde t as -menta O! tise banits Ort Ibis xte. TO ATTEND> LAKE .i.r lin ecei'7sestl heglumens FOREST LLFAiE is! th' bankilsi Instttitons thse tom- ili te ut> othes- cassea o! p, 1r ----Y *udproses4'n and- North tiete theseed that subtaltlal Tstlhsse ave aa dsterh jiasice ay h acorde the'eh lCtcigo residents hveret oed Jusatlamai mIlo anA thI ailne -for otrance t LakeTe-tcieo esitmay be asaesed cs-15teIiseen 1h.acuelfas'valle et Ileir Proper* n i h8 aMs nI"lat tes.Act t ass tss, vt tadatihter to!Ms. afld M-. avld W. t1es-et tey»mne t 556 eves-y t-Hart. Sophoinere. voli wos Lakte ltsal myctes eanded ti0aI tuti tscote;.'. schoarahip tant yeax heidal Mays-v i leaccorde6d tht llfor 50041 grades. Sih. Won thse Lake hesiapww e aàSteand tl V otent cotige'.s cisolltht lainh(, the etisatl auiinti ittaWis 'gideWalkean, litaIs hool as -*elL sthe dl ti os and nao5.' of the Âi505itho» Wbo have rogsteted etae ax OMIU!n- ar teJobs WOO55iI. Wood *- ichtaf Tises Sain The w"oofàet reound iPaneS gis, Cavanillesa piataflhfOle. 18la-vo ligUgi"t<l iais the ceelrat ed bals voOal ,ý.4brui'iches aad-iemveestn il th* -,et top snd the triusk a1110 a luge 'gelos. Tie ytgil ertise transt lisesvOd 1 Sufragile a&ilhS ehntise ttruc"~li.. Carence EricisoS. J. Willams. Steve Currie 0orZMon. Richard Weaaer. Walter Cs-evford. id~erle Clif.- william liesttng- Siliton TheaipseiL- Roullas Zimaermali. AnltIsHart. Bart Sacitine. George làtdtheid. Geor-ge Nelson,. North ClicagO. Arthuir Graves, ZIen. LAusis JSOWiIs. MORE KINDNESS MnDrand' ven* 'unds fos- t-son>otan clothes welle ,7 ho's là couoty 1 ý*1DEi TKEATSVS. LIVES, That the apark qîf love .at1Ilubnerie ln the huart of Mrs. Mcott Durtiâ for bier omteson Jackils lidict4d, ter parents hied caused hie arr#st and letextion> et the Laite County 'jl, Mta. lnur4mi, sort? for t 4 e i ii rhos% SI' ioa itried nô là"rdtg m&k6 .4à ic14 sent te Lake BESsgantd eôi. ected somte of is clothing and sent ber chauffeur up te the eounty jli euth Il. 11urhermore. ihe made lt a Point oe get twooboxes of a certatin brand of cigars ygiîng Durand liked and sent thoBe along together with a smati note lin which site expreesed er regret at the situation ln whicli e ftu it imase!!. liopilsg for the tie o coule wlir-n ie would straiglitenU'p, be a moan and lie ailt tat his foater- p urents halld hoped lie wouid lie w.lîen h"i,ý adotuted hilm 15 years ago. Xnd toung Durand, havtng his fit-st experience as an tnmxat o!f the Laite County Jait sent a note hisck to1ils nitliter in wiUh lie t hanied lîir for er feticitation. Ire furttrsi salit ttîàt e lioped tie woiid soot i e ont tei the ,.,foî tutti;" toqiti.ln In wlir'u lie ritltd tlii ii f I and w itlitd gel i 'ie nq t' chance to îitkê gooit. lte- 1rld ditt if tic e ee vI 5 ' oilt'i- <'cane le sure] y wntil iilik eia il !ilncf hli- set! andl arlniîte.1i t tnt t lieIidtitl fs a "(,ad"' UIr to lole te te,,nt lie. In te note 10 itis nmothýiî young Duiind furttrrmalle lie iiiteresting' staternenst ilat lie tiat iSt no lime rle- ained Atty. A. K.- Stearns as his coun&et anti was nlot instrumentalinii Stcaîns taklng charge of lits case. Howcs'er, lhe tnsisted thatlire itnows nothlng about the whereabout -s of lier housand dotlar diamond ring which had suddenty disappcared freinlier home and whilh she auspected he knew somethlng about. He said that fl lie only knew ees l was lie would be gtmd te tell lier sehere she could recover it. Made Threate To Shoot Howeaer, even lu face of lthe ap- parent rernerse which younif Durançi bas devetoPed 'whiie at the county aoi itlhas been an tnterestlng thing e hear the reports that emanate front lie Durand home te the effect that le lias made the assertion that when se gea eut of laitlieowill shoot boîli M.r. and Mrs. Durand. The Duranda hiave heard tht, and naturmtiy tliey are somewhlat alsrmed because te youag man ba. sheen li the past that h. lu net a! raid ef anythtng or Lfrald te do anythtng. Hoseever. It dosa net senm pessilte that af 1er ail the kinAnesaes they have shown hlm he wouid make aay actuai attempt ait nuch an ae.. la vie 1o!the many thingas whicli yeung Durand bias don. there la a ttreag poaalbility that bis tester-par- tnte may mais on an exarninatien of bils mental condition and It may e entuiaIly end la a court movernent .e have hhlm declared mentally. de- fictent. Weil Caiied '.'saaSorroW." TheHwang Hoe or Yellow rive?. Chînese record, show, once flowed tiarengl a ricli fertile valley, lis tribU' te"~ hills weii wooded. Today Il:5la f brond suovtng qutcksand with a @mati. arneutt water moat eoftth. year, but sehen the 8004. corne th, e holeface eo! thse landucape mrn e change&. la 18868 iisrver, 'ehichlisi.known as "China', Sorrose," flooded smre 20,000 square tmile, of 1h.ernost denselY PeitU. 1.1.4 lands, wlped out thousands, et .villages and towns, and drewned 2.- 000,000 people. If for any irensun stuMcient ventila- tion hy moans of slnevi4 'd doors ie 1mýosatle, a pit!ther or paît of cold ïwater pltieed on a table In the tentegt et tIse'-05oseuwl absorli rnanl' of the impirti5. Tht. t. sornetimes Usefut in the sick room. Tihe sater slioutd l otesed te stand net more thon ne bout. ~uOwi oe~ . wITa~I 228 NORTH4 GîNESEE STREET Distinction I:n Appareél IBccon-dng clothies are such a fafor in a wonan's hfethat oly nttw'- ai that she should be partielaî' hotl a s tii the garnient slîc chooseS Iand the place where she buys thcîn. - The reputatiots of titis store for Style listitctioit. 41e extewîsivttFit Stocks (uncjuestionably thte mostt ' sîîeo u ti$o(' id the 'reit- soniable lîries t-otîneîid tiis stître asthe bîgicai piaev' fi attitilhtOii( (--n j) 'itut'- 1921 CYk~pleasure ofl ijfurpeselCe 15 requested atour informat1 ex hi bitionf yrGan sSatirda-Y Fail Frocks at 19.75, $259,$29e 29.50, $35, 39-50 Other Fail Dresses up to $125 At Twenty-five dîollars aloue, w-e sho w L51waIId to a ]iittîdî't'd ft'oeks. Tî'î coi-, pr'ise lovely quality Navy Tricotines in straighit lne and tunie models; Iteadeil, bra~id- ed and band enibî'oidcred. The silk frock s at $25 are of soft 'Messaline, 'titti ("epe anîd Combinations. 'Most every liste style feature. Fail Coats. at $25, 29.50,; $35, 39.50 Other FaIl Coatu up ta $150 Coats and Wraps of stick lov'ely pile f abrics as Veli'ura, Luxana, Clianaleoit Corîl N'lour, Flora Bolivia, Gerone, -Marvella, Duvetyn, Veldyn and Evora. - Mý\any have geuerous fur coUars. Straight Unme and flarin odels; frequ cntly dsigihdb wicscse.M.t 4re elaborately trimnned vith enîbroiderie s, chenile fringe, "*oodeîî hcads and nîctal thread stitcheries. -Fail Sits at $25, 39.50, 50 $5,$5 Sof t, ricli fabries, sucli as Erîa, Dîtv tyll, Velour de Lait-te, \e Dyî. oadeloth, Trictine, Serge and Wool.Velour.- Some models are fashioned upon stictytiou us;oies n x akt'- fects, short ripples and loose baek styles. Straightt tailored and bell scve.s. Collars of fur and self niaterial in versions of nîodificd sùaNvl', tuxedo and couver- 'i tible chokers. Trimn'cd with hand. cînbroidcrics'.of silk and metal thretd, fabrie aîp- plications, etitcberies, fringe -and woodcn belds. L LA VOL)iME XXIX.-Nt LAKE CO. REVI lOARO COMi WVITH STATI Whiereas Kane Cot sEP "commiss. -i gets f'1541 pe-sc; t Corfin. Itor rimat .% tatp tioars-E-nof! r iroîîg lo 1 . - h 'r r e ir ycr *sttsc.'tISCO' iltii, bulitTh(- 'y, i f'ci <'miL ', (n Kove ': l t 7é 1 il t iofn t 3., it I l ' i.-Il e. A! at ll ply c the ( o 'rfi tý.inse hi.s, , h -3tf s -t la, ttcb) tert astttî4tCiti »ui t ion10 lutýiidale fini tr Lake Ceui ln tishi- 'of the ptoard o<fitevi"w. thela icoimg tbroug the t'asse laike CeuIt anks at ne o5' rder sain, frein C 'rhe asseàiiors. undes- th' ali, ebau. c f the' cou maime basasý IN 'ieLake' ( isunty Bc tht--t vas net lar anttirec figures of Ilite 'iuîuIl ,iltlaiizing ftat--on Saut Amilldingli inquiry o017 threc hank, In Lait. lit eted , n fli vIshun .tîISIepiza t trn s! lit liank 't'î. e f i a .- - '- nissie lit s t tt 'i. l., nk't ffort qnl.î. the' publiilecd CIel, dtie n.eas-âthe ii-tnie w f<os- akç-r 11,r fil, ni!0Tt, i ordInrt> iJ.t,.4on Ir r,'ýl>lt t ,, t i ,,," , .1- tut i . i 1% tr fl.' , i . \ ,[,, trt d),r ' 'i "I ' t >l d Id li ir, tz Bord "ari rîrtrîr- tt1i'r liii, tit po rit. "oslt-ai ofcf.l tiI ': à) t i, t itb 'r ' t.'joute t i i'n p opr ioi . ter rtf lc i cf lut' 't' i ii'. :î.- i 'ttn t i as '.mp li. o liais ty a l- n oirilte li te. ienî5 doisnei rat..î îîdent ý-v n top-iîn foi -i tus cti gai ftax A f. ogi- 1 i ' lt "t i I wit ' ttie >1 iis rtit i3aeanks Deounçe b tstfy a1 i th tia 3»'e îonltOj5lt' rIale ' , 494F la ep te gots Other ?&Il -Suits as Righ as $125

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