CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 22 Sep 1921, p. 4

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THE IJBERYVM LLE NEi9 ENT TURAY, SEPTEMBER22,.1921. AVE A CH URCH H OM E? VEEK In the First Methodist. Episcopal ýSABBAT H and First Presbyterian Chlurches lold High the Cross of the Crucified Lord Jesus Christ LIBER TYVILL EILLINOIS. 4=B1 G A CT S-=4 BOOKED BY THE Western VaudeviHle Association DIR ECT from CH ICAGO. ÀLSO WM, S.eHKAR T "O'MALLEY Of, THE MOUNTED"9 A stirring five-reel picture of the West Something Everybody Has Been W aiting for. For a 'Real Good Time Don't Miss, This Show. You will En'oy Every Minaute. It's a 2 1-2 Hour- Show, Staring at :15 P. M. IJMITED TM uer0, t..d. *ýset. a o PegularPrice $1.10 For a imited time we are ofeéring this seven-inch "Wear- Ever" Fry'-Panl' which regulrly sells for $1.10--for 49v. "Wear-Ever" utensils aire nmade fromt hard, thtick. Cold- rolled sheet alumiinumi-metal -which again aýjnd again hat been passed thrmugh gigantic rolhing nulils and subjcte t- o tepressure of hutge stamnping machines. , This spec-ial offer is made so you Cani see fi ouslltht Aluintum uitensils are NOTr all the samne. SEE -the diference FEE1L the diffference - KNOW the difrerence be-tween ordinary aluminum andi "Wear-Ever" Get Your Fry Pan TODA Y! Cmm «Inl ntra.Resular 01.3s6. Schanck Hardware Co. . Phone 39 LIBERTYVILLE MHyvme Ideedent ASK SilPREME CT. - •©-W m .TO PREVENT BULlDZ DO YOU Hi -m. _"-'il Ï ING ZION CilURCil C HILDR EN'S W Ei ndependents, denied an in- BEGINS NEXT ....... ...... - .Mn...r janotion wait incircuit court B t f h s hu c e . .e ..v .......--.. -... -..-- oal Manager here, have taken an appeal oh f-T es C ur e H IndePendent r*esidents9 of Zioni Conrad 1Uchtim tri» lu Waukegar Will King, of visiting Ted Boys Mrr s d for their homir Mi- MOnnie Jà alives in saginas Mrl and Mrs. joying a two We ing the time t i Al. and Mrs daughter. Mabel, tives in Lon gC bagrtiude with a big "I" is written raillabout that Durandt case. " ° oi ow"' MRS J. FLORA DURAND AND iEEiIE lD MIS$ ANNA ALK0FER AND a boy like the adoptedà sos MU humbarnal bridges as hie went along nild an appeal in Ilhe suiP-iP)l; EDWARD L. SAYRE WED .JOSEH DADY MARRIED noittry to make good just a little when given the chance.that only in the casse wh(leen. IN DETROfT, U.ST MONDAY' 10 W OFE SW MAY IM."" CL SE MA G T *t of sa teanaorphansbas in a life-tiMe, is hard to figure out.1 refused to grani an injunet on , O M O ERCL S; AN E S of TINIG te make goodthis young mn ing*yhas tried t an aonva and L ber vu ends FROM MOTl'lReSTS r e=°rMia Aa"^ A TW YEARTER "w rak a mus he coud make of everything hie afttmpted and goad Plhe work of construcllon. prise the first of thre week when anRD rtyville ,and Joseph Dada. son of M Sgte-parets on to a point of desperaon which finally ends in their Ti nouncements were receeived conveying and M rs. J. Dada, of Gurnee, was sol- tohae imaresedan eentete fr anty caldipaesn y hefoloin 'sehe information of her marriage PoniWaukegan and North Chicago, ma a itSa. »ep' curhat 1 Anthony Monachie with lew te bve im aresed nd eeinte# .forsmiy. al dspach:Monday, Sept. 19th, to Edward Lyle, quartette walked from sfate Wde y h Rv atp-Ltbrde and babe, lves but (Wo arm's a cas where a Young man. tak'en from nothing was given Springflyld. Ili., Sept . rac Sayre, of Chicago. The wedding was th caeeo # hges duato, h bsto scalonetin adMissionary churreb of Zion ilil an solemnised by the Rev. Mr. Patterson. ,eauh The bride woretul awn r ievn. lcsfo eetdw so*mtWalweWUualt a aeir to a big property-yet he preferrd fast living fom 1.k, ',,tn out. tod a ivnls inse. hiDonetorayyon oeno a soe oqe fwiteo awke is.: seps.17 rwo th pt o hebigtliht ate ta asrbth thradatae . t case in which Ilhe circuit .cour Mrs.' Sayre is the daughter of Mr. kRegan ha % P, Pliuck. nrean< lkori s iws Mhebidseand ssa abuh le n Wo Srefused to gramthsIle v crebn - and .Mrs. E. W. Parkhurst, and hrais grit te. walk to) Milwaiuke from p ru l" what SOUE boys right in this town sof Pours would have done had JuneDIon 11aginsi -fhe ('1ty of zionIlived all hier life in Lilbêrtyville. where heere in on.e day? Tha1.11is whiatMis. saie te e a oaintdar nh os o *Yboeen given IEALFthe opportnity Young Durand had-think of the ad ayrw.Hudtindni ro hrfrens r lgin se anda' lignnensgns onsn 04se arid bqutofsu.urt n 90.Anhny e e yen e o oa woaedon1eiapakri rig ogtthog ring with the construction of ented musicia ,and is organist ai the i d g0rose, as bre Da ze attended the , j- a b n- e Yth calleg in order to-make their way in later life--and then think of this - Mr. Sayre is well known in Leber s Mr Kornauer 17 _44 Victoria A wedding dinner was served al thef-orn Ial 01 o a divorebt mped youg scamp who threw those chances to, the four-win4s, pestered and 'l'ieInèlindnt 'arred Hthe yville. being a brother »of 'r.A. L Noiidilo l e me of fihe bride's mothler. at which iå,awnim2 oAk erection (of a $25.000) chuilrch. The Webb. ,He is the son of Mr. and Mrs ItilI>.A ari eosldlbout firsy guests were pre:-ent. The n-,:nd a am"e h wM, Mo pifeedhs arnswoln' atndscol an he sn hm othe best work lhad progressed cniluiE L ar fCicg ei a e n at Il.:ialuln, Nitan auito huewabaaiul ecrtd'nnco and "y of them because as fast as lhe was fired from n, hytried we ezion police ord1uid, t .(onager of the Cica-,o real state firmal purph and whitec olor scm Aferi n en e Mmoila , M ot' hey sle rueIICIOn stopped. 'All IhewokienMark Levy & Brethier. - i Il Wý oM wlth. duinnerfilhebridail narly left on a kIopi wod- n w e son hima out in another), hie wouldn't go into business they established for, were arrested whien iley Iuedo M.adMs ay.w1 ii i a ortru :icnI y uo.Te o, h tnn himself. in fact. Ihe wouldn't do a single thing to repay them for taking ; la e o 'Ivn ail(]Il usI) ,i e s e aot i-iui n " oi uanI;b Sumul ui n.1 n s• -fe himi fromt a foundrilingsi' home and trying to make somfething out of him. werniit from thle moyai. nelxi week. They will be ;at home oI, Im BInli' li o'Il Iogil Il. In 1 P ohairll and lt'l 10 ..I, nL If he had only tried to do one or two things. to show this apprecia- when f they were re l hirriends ater oconer151 1)n b bly knowmnin ibet il Fil Ihei ur -d owork but NweIre 1117 N MNilwaukeil ne on n111T.- carih, Pbride hlas be. n e poe lion. Instead he seemed to lay awake nights to try and invent some new ilnd mIain wre jailedl and raT an vrston rmnwywde way of distressing his folks. Its the most pitiful. the most reprehiensible Ietiton tlen Ms iedi :n na u ilt.-iili lont n urin- expression of ingratituide fih this young Durýand's rase that has ever pomte loffiiai, be restrained from V7'ie$),S," who a Nid u .\. iéchinver ol Gutl, m n, ' o kV . to~~~~~~~ lih mwlh them. The imatter wyawou lanondthJ 'Cono o et in Lake County --The NOIE Ild;il some length but Judge :'lh M o e \uean n i ards ruiled that on thie s PRESBYTERFAN .1n-e b tei Callahlan, Il o301. PENDENT Made he could not grant un in juni Earl C. Morgan. Pastor. THEY HELP GRAND ARMY. lion. T'iis eaused the appeal :Im shha,;Th school and 1h,11 ni taken i,.o the highest Court In he ChutrericeNwill 1ombine oiforlth Du Page cooanty has a plan that could be put into effeot is Lake state. Thep independent.s ie (<hr- iall y )ay se vtic.I wiwl b e ned to bild a cr ch j P h 1 11a ia 10:30 ;a im. Our sholis doiný Opunty and weld ndoubtedly meet with the hearty approval of the' tax- manly p'ossible-slni okad a nefce payers. Du Page county sets aside a fund each year to meet the expense - orps of workers. We, invite, you[i of the Grand Army Reunion of the county. - The veterans also make the hpra is oUseand add hIle n eoarthouse their headiquarters for the reunion and meats are provided on BINDP1166ER PAYS vice and likewise gain ilhe profit ofth service. There will bierthe Annual U1TRM t lga and the campfire is held in the courtroom at Wheaton. Meals Promotions and demonstrations ofI- are frnished by the county and are prepared by the women's organiza- UIEOF$0sAD omfe of the work done in the different tims of the city, usually served in one of the churches. The expenei The Chistian Endeai ur Soclet y was' net sos laige but the idea the county conveys is that they show ineRa con- I S SONS ND Yýre-organized last Sabbath evening argl _____--- 1i ives great promise for the future. Ont, mlte way their appreciation of the services the Grand Army has given in111 of the hopeful signs was the earnest. Clem emck aged 48, was lineeli ness in the taking of the pledge. A tom y. 1200 and costs when hie was araig ood program is in store for this rom. ed in Waukegan police couiSna n Sabbath evening and will be ledl by the nastor. All are most cordlially Congresynan Chindblom was a guest at a dinner served to the sup- onachreifselngito atn nvited. gerhisors at the Country Club Wednesday noon and also attended the escl m stary Club luncheon t the Salvation Armay Hotel in the evening. kt son-in-law, LouIis ziga.. 10 a jgjIi hs abbath evening Thre speaker of Qe lab the congressman was lauded for the consistent work hie has been slerVaukerzan AccordrinFigwlib ir e.Joi deing for his district, in fact, the supervisors could find no word's too "1' oand be %feCormiiiek Theolog1l Seii strong in giving vent to their feelingsfor his close attention to the needs ih11oa li oni-alciIl in nbl oce.,i udwants of the people of this district. With one accord they feel that Th111 po er miiiglil nueia hav knon ilPort land Oregon. and s ia ,ira] sJ, il ve have a REAL congressman. one who is constantly on thec lookout for Ie r1 mb nlt i ll, i NId,-dt .ýeoeI) 1 wl th1ings perta his constituents, ever ready to peÈrformi little cor her-, as hle ouiteen o oýn Iu - beieldthe , i.Annual Cnrg 1w o .ra uc l w i, )I, 1on ildonal mesinu. Full and comp l n teslies for his friends providing their requests are reasonable and, the good - anneesofosn iewnbý part of it is that hie seems to know the ropes so well in Washington that a i hm r lImadefrlm., pulpii on Saibbailj u mI oe an a usdyand IVriday ofl ihm conungiii he usually gets what he goes after. wek awr inl be w.,r r I n n IIw, as,. The ponwe e ien1 111n1The church. rthe service lun Tuesdai;I 1l II thel, Zigas place and par i mei lin e eie [for ino mie. iinick Iund(er arest. The , iesa oyprayel and on Fidy-enn By his latest action in a booze prosecution in filing a case against the peddguilNy and wi in enowin hel(-aienIice weparaIorI* o l, oni mutnion on ithe Imorning (of Genoberi. 1ake Bluff party. State's-Attorney Smnith again proves thrat he is no re- "II 1 ie. Tii Boy scok. and Camip Fire Girl., spetor of-persons-that he believes in making the rich as well as the or' wiii lme t iiilh Chrch and fihe mans, LOCon onndyevening instead of Tures diary folks obey the law and pay the price if they have violated it. Tr-ans D IT NA ay. Kinly notc.he change of date> ýrttion of booze is as serious when done via. the limousine route as when -- and spreadl abroad the announrnieni whit hldien 1--il Th e choir will practice each) Frida.» Amvia. truck judging by the prosfecutor's action in this latest case, which, - .F re !anIllchide "'evening. F. J. Wright. dlirector; MItr. aight aptly say (if guilt is proved): "A case of good judgment." ina onu-lnei Edward %ayerIS. organist L.ouis The-y hat4%ebé,n visiting a On the morning of October 2nd wmill lives in Liberlyvlille and Eau Vlaire. be thc regzular Homte Coming Con, %Vs.flor several weeks. munion service. . in the evening 'ih service will be under the direction of Will Wells and daughteri. Eelyn the Womien's Missionary Society, amd ) *i will bie partly- in accordance, with the and Mrs. Nellie Doebler and Mir. and:gnea idea *of Children's Week. Mrs. Rittr spent Sunday with Mr. and dM m v e rMrs. Frank Overson at Racine. Mr-' THDS EPISCOPAL Overson lis manager of the Racine' C. F. Kieihauer, Pasàtor. = f1county asylum. Sunday Scholmeets ai 10 a. TRIM Promotion Day. ai amin Mis llroty Tennr rtured ome Mornjng Worship al Il. Sermon by, last Thursday from Litchfield, Michi.. the pastor'. where shte spent part of the sumimer at Ith j, eguë.devoiional eng wit he grndmthe. rs.H. . Fk,.-Wening worship at 7:30. Sermon Her mother. Mrs. Charles Trenner. -emeA Faith, a Task, a Hope " Sl e went to Chicago Io meet her. cial music. Wednes;day al 7 m I.. Prayer and Mirs. Jennie Just will give gleanings Biblie. CýnferenetP. ,Lesson John 13: fromntihe National convention. and 21-30. ocal delegates will report the County Ral>y 13ay exercises Runday, Oeto) Convention, at the regular meetingof herdia ele m to ail. h . .T. U. to be held -wittiMrg.i Just Tuesday, Sept. 27, at 2:30 p). m. M)AMON1) LAKE cHURCH Members and friends aire invited affil Sunday ai 2:30 P. M.. combined $un- urged to be presenit. day Schnoo and Chur-ch Service. .1 DID Now i have WHfl Makei Fire r The secretary of Ilhe Lake Co(unIy: Fair" ssoci tianouinces tlhatIlhe premdiums awarded al Ilhe fair i year will bc patid at the office of the' Farmni ureau in Libertyville next sal urday, sePtf. 24. Ait nersonl; ent ille'l to prize money andi other awards are requested to cal] on that date. Several friends of Miss Anna Alk fer, who was married Wedinesday. on Monday> evening, gave a kitchen show.%% er- in her- honor. She, receved 'Many useful gill:. The evening waLs speni in playing bineo. and Ilmeguest Inad an enjoyable lime. The shower wais given at Ilhe home of Mr&. Mayme , H1apk(ý. Misses Bertha Holzl Hai- Boehmi and Elizabeth Alkoferwo delre oms k 1illfuil in thle gn W e I For Sale Just The For Pn N u l'i is isua a nd Clara Van etrained ai a " Going Away ply Sunday eveninig' giv.en in ho o their -str iss Virginia nn Hn at her hiome In Wilson. A da iniy supper was sire whh ia (ng and gamles wen,.po. .were preen ev°"one "11%i."|t ood tanip 0 Iav3A V og 1 -IN30N3c3l30o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o'o o0o0o0n o0 Il Il 1 1 ilýam 1 lâlx IAIUMMUM Il rry ran Saturday and Sunday September 24 and 251 ADMISSION: --- 55c and 28c

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