LIBERTY VILLE* LAKE-COUNTY INDEPENDIENT INS EVER CARS: $50 r--ar-Ar r-- nor-r ;lait c- look.r- S1921 AI 150 91. orest. Oour-rty ý(;Er for a '-r--frr-rrh, A r-rr-rr- --irke-gian %7e TION r rr--ksiaarîr- hi'- r-'itiir- r-r-r -Orjld. ut ictiun*r--- -rk lie Octoirer lainant. i. Bull. ber Barron. la Il rnkaowm . r-r-resnred. br 11431. aving been erk of oad r-reby gIvpn mTon, an ln- the deft-nd- ('or-piaint, un ti--Ir» of -aed. tbai nant. here, r-Mplr-rint in ide Ilir-re- ereupon ise -gairnt thbe- rr--îrirnabip obr-r. A. D. r-rt of Lake *Id at thbe n in eaai - frrt Mon 1. a, r-r by <'1.-r-k SurpervIsors to ask people ta ' !~iir. authorize $250.000 bond is- sue next spring r- --- - r-rrrrr'-r RETAIN ARCHITECT BEERSIît r-r' in'-- -rrr rr'rrr rr r - -, n r-r- on 'r -. ir-rrrrrI r-rf ';i-rrrp-ï -- ----- , r -ra- j,-' ti-r'. -- -r-"r---rr lr-dy arrr--r-r "-NEW L AW IS AP-r îr'rr-r--r r rr--r itirr--- -tr'il -rr-r-', Y' PLIED) TO KEJ3P UP r--r--r----r -r r--rr--- 'r--- rr-r -STATE AIDýR A jr- dr-ur- r-i 4 i irr-- rr-- d I le i- r rrrr---rrI l- è ri'rrr !,,,i r r-rrto rrrrr----r irr - Ir nc!cr law v.1 or-Indesig I -r-i ir rr---rr--rr-d jrar-rr- rr irr-- '-rl r--rrr,- r-~td ro r-',!s instepd of tor-,vn "r--r- r-0 ,i rrrrrrrg ralrr-r-,ria r-xl' r- coml m ission r-r wrr- i-1r r--r--r-or-rS I-r-buir-dlirg tir-- ar-d r r-r-.'-r-r- i fi ap-aicldu TO RAISE ABOUT $5 ,0 r-r-- jrio >(rrr-lf,- p-sIfàtid-- ______ $50'000 jr"I r-rrrr rrf rj -r tir-'-"r--rn Irr-rr--ry -r-t i n. r-1,o-i-- s- rr--- rr-reri r: - rti--f-rr-t-he- adI--' r--- -I rf rr- -rr- r rrr---rr tirr- P- r--r r--I irr--rIrir--rr--.I i -r--rr--o-; -rr- - ' r-- -i lr-r- 1, -r-rrrr-----4u '-r ,1t rr---Iý 0 i s i' r---r n rrlrir-r-n rr- rr' r--r--r-- -r-- ' r- 'r r--t 'r-r-rr-r- -r-r r--r--r- r-.----rr - r r--- rrr---rrrr--- --r---ra--rr Ir-m'atndri-lrr--'- r-r-r-r-' r- r-'ililioig'i r-rr-,-Ill'r-e'- rr--rrr-r-i-rr-r rr-f-rr-rr- ir--1r-rr--- ba-r- '-rrr r--rrr---r t eir-rd an>' bar-r d rrrnrrriai---- ---- - r. r--r - lrrr o-ri rrr-- rrr-i: lai ' r-rr--r--rr- -c tir e rrrrrp-rrri -ir- ar--rI -rr-' -r--, r- r--r rrr- r--rr--r la- -i re r-rr ri rr - ir-r-- r-r-r--r-r-r-- arr-r- ial ter--ps a-ri heb --lir--rr- rr-' - l ,,r--ri rr rrr.--Imrl --rr il -rrr-rd- ilr-ar jr-'iii,--- o r--rr--rIrr-e r-r--rr-rJraCiel -rr- r--rr--e r--trrr ilrr--i ri 'rr-prr--1 r-- r- r--- 1 r. a s -c a -r r- trr'nrrr--- r- r'Arrr r----rirr---th r -r-r- ---rrr -- -irr- rr - r-r- I r-I r--a-r- r-c rarg-- -rf r-be rrrp rrir-- l r-r-rr-' r - ' rr-- -r r - Ar-r-or-ing 10r-o fir-rur-r-s ir the new Court Idouse ad (rr--a- o-rn r-rJrr 'ow r--rcler-r-r- ing of r--rtir-rn Itrcudea Surpervior Ftcke r-r-fj-rc r-rn r-r-rr- ,,r--r--'ar-a-r'- ro---- i I. lr-itoistein r-rf "W'aukegan rarnd Io--.abror-r-Ci $r-rr---rr-rr--bc ur-red for rri-r- prr micr fDetfil.pos- roin.ake- Cor-fr--ry. lIowlverr. ai--re i r--r--r--oro! jee- rr-r-idtirr-e ia l a irr-ral r-fre board ter-o raise up THKESTORMES ro 5c ',rrnir-r-rndrr-r-ldorlars tire cr-nr- l'jre plana irr--b Mr. Brer-r- ir- a---- ---I--,---- --r-- f-ri J-rrr -rrri rn ra- r-r-r--r-r-rr-r-ted r-o thr-toard ar-d a ir- ng for r--rrc'rr a big nom and tirererore r-re eaccepted as-.r-be Frlday-r-r- --r--r-r r-r-pr--r-r-redn---rt--rrrs Pr-r-$10i. TIrar- -r-ror- provîde for a tbree story br--id- %Irri gi--r-tIir-nm about $43,00 10r arcr-d r..but rcoftrary Itsaprer-iousyse> - lr--rg ro r-jr-r- triniartres nor-,-magineor-r-tir-r j rt-r-rrrIpre mtiar- y pranoa r-ber -i-r' r-ra-r--r-o!f r-r-h - r-.r-uai ror-r-o!f ri iItr-ie or-rd .r-rr-, -r--r- rrrovide for r-he cr-'-rr--ty jarl r-.r-r-r-0 -- rr- L r--e ---rrry rIt- en -r- T rhe jai r-r-iii bec irft rrj----- - Tr-r- rr-rr-r- r-rr-rs aork lira, or s-rr-n iran. r-r-1 r-ra- thr-e rresrit r-r-.dr--rd r--r-fr-r-r- tre to n-r rond dr-par-t lir-ar-ever. a cr-rir-r-pete heating ar--ri ment r--r rrr-rrar-infltirrc r-rrd airrady- r- r-rtilair--rtrg pant wli bc Itir---rrrler-i ----nair-d a-r-ma-aierrid rondis r--rut r- r-tre new uriJdîn, for ifrs r--r-e l-i-, ins -a-r rror- br-er-Im-rror-'rd. For -r-r-ed Ilirar- r-e present Courj jjor-r-r rnsranrr-- on Grand Ar-rnue r--ratr-o-rr-r- or--r-r-rr-rt bave a brating plant-rois ir---rrrrs rr---rr-ii '-pirnatr-d asr a strr--re aid r-s r-]-'rtrrc'- i ent. rorin tr-e prf r- ir-- tirgir-j rr-i . Ior-r-e ,r-rr-r. r-rere are r--r--r-nr- 1'r-er--rr- r--o-rr-par-ry. I lCr-r- a - - -rich ar-e rn rIrtr-ror-al-r- c'on- r-rinrr--- n oa' or-- Ir-e buirling or--- i--rrr-- dr-r-ron andrý-I -r- -rrrn tir-ar- r--rar- for na t---r", r-ir- frnaît' r ronr-m tt e r--r--r--I -1rr-1r--g -r--r--r ik r- irlr-ctr- Beerra ail ,bc busy a ir-i- .o r-ar-rrrr--ror--nr--p-r -iry i- r e-r- r i pr- ansr jri t h -e irhrpe rbat r--jren r-rr-r r-fu'-er- ro Ikej-er-r-a niup brcur---r-irey - r- -iquestior--rn rs st-frnrirted' r--r-th ir- e r-r- - i v-"r- d esid--rrgnar-rr-d rjr-tr- a. r-.r-(ers tn Aprîl tir-ry ariI appr-or- s' r-arr--ds. Ar-d r-r-r-u. tire rr-radsi r-ig 'rr'bond issue ar-d then work r--rar-'lr-u dorrn r-rfr- gel rn awfcrtonr-itionr l- r-rtartcd Immedr-atr-iy r-rn tir-r-' lir-epenri-r thegr- ne m e -r-n r-r-rr-'- týtar-e s]a --r--rr-rr--rg o!f rhe br-g addition-r. r-na r-rr-r-c -rr-rovr-mrnt-r. Tira rr - s wr-ry r - ýr- -rr- -rr--- -rrV -rras r-unr---rei anr-! r-r-r-r- figured or-r-t tree r-samplei --------- j- i-r' rr----y a v n-~ s r rrri ýttir-e a-cnt aideote o cor- r t o--U rr>-irrr f a-ti-r-rr- '-r-rr-i e change irrougirti r-'r r--rr-tr-be' add-ition r-r-'ic l a r-ii rt rn fr-r-r-aterie lirway comnmis-I ir-'r- r-uplicat-io--ofte r-es-rriet buid- sr--rners of r-ir-edifféernt townships wril r-r-rr-r-Al talk o! buildin-rg addtio-r ro nor-lirae ro payr attention 10tirose r-r-r-r-- ai have ber-n abr-rndor-red. roads -rr-lira -'a e censdesignar-ed asI NMEDIS APARET lar-,ar-r-i a-ar-a but aan lja---Alierif Ir- la rrcalir-d tir-t the supervirs- own r-ar-- and appiy hl on' t Or-ber orr---hrave long rer-rogtrized tir- need ronds of r-jre town wbic ir-ae nott oP.,--r-r additIon'f0 the présent build- clur-l n the star-e-aid. r r-r-rgr-or ari *.ntre nea- court bouse. Tbur-r- ithtr i-l coaring'rmis under r r-r-r-rr- act la rbar-t at rhapreseatfinie r-be new law tlicter--ny ilriway comr- r---r'ttafer- att-rorne'a office and r-be mislossrrscier go abead ana work on cr--rr'rty a ur-rerintp-ndrnt of achools are tbe atte aid rnatishringing ID tier-r r-r--r-r-rr-rd or-r-lide o!fr-be Court Hou-re Ô*r-i urount>' equIpment an-d paylng agdthe ouny ofcouse l pa i bgterefor out o!fr-be tai aprea inIa ir-ltr-d themu---. o oretap.iggeirerai way ur-r-er r-Is new law. This r- --r-- fr rhem r-mens sliai once a roa bas beeti Tir-le désir'e r-aturrally jero'have designated as a sa-re-aid road Ir- wr-h airithre -ounty 0fficrsr lroused r-rn. not ber- aiowed tor-o nn'dow-r ro a cou- r1-,r- rjresanme roof but titis-r bas, been dtlon wbera it la Dot passable Jut 1li-rr--rr-rble beera-zC thr-e bas been hecause the ar-are bas Dot been arbe r-r- r-fficier-rtIrouirt. fufthermore,-r wir-b ro ger- around anld lay the concrets.] ,b jrCcrer-rtioll i-rrrrtir- ta-o ew officfrsà This rs tIre,-case on many rmallern r-be cor-ing yerisbtaï:o!Of rprobté Lake Cor-rDry ar-d lias beau the ciels r- jur-Ie apgd probatr-r-crk rt means on Gr-and- Avenue a-car-o!fithe cOncre,ýe tir-lar dr-Itionar-l room mrustllbe »fts- up ro Lake Villa Rnadrý-' Undar the r--rdlfor r-jr-saber-artee. r-b érrsent Ia- r-bIscondition of affaira wil bll Ilr-ficè-rs o!fr-be Court HoUse reluirel remediaeil vry easily. .rr--ie *cvajlr-rbie r-par-e aurrr-a-d air-b ___Ir-C>. nr-rr-Offtcr-Sr locafe.d away f rom Issue 60 tbay can go aheati wrtir- Ilrtl -rj- -rrrrrrre ar-r-Ir-ban eaven be, tbeir plan. - ,rrr'- i-thIVr-'orr-w ofttîes are ID oper- ôO e!rbecosn tar-aments of rrrr----tIr-e jrl-iir-irrg ta crowded a-rnd the Friday session w.. r-fhe recom-. "r-rr cr----- i --rrrla f md rt very drfft.r mendatton by the Board of thse Pur-' r-rr-~ 0 ar-.'or-r- r-er business be-I chais o! a 1rew automiobîsil for thea rir-r-r-Je tir-r rrcrr-ested con--rdtio-I01 bertL:The car- b quesflor-laccord- r-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i sr-rr----r-- rrr e rvptir-rso Ille-. 4U toi tire,,sIbrff baè seau Ifs gsr-r- .'ee1n y r-r-o-r-'1r-r-rid ç-rf-ag tel-- IrbIrblY IàÏlsis d -eha a ssa a ra. A -sii. ticrrrltr-r-the l'- à-. s4b -ilbr #ei Lot Number 2 R e c 1 a i m-rr-e r- Plaid Blankr--r. F 0 11size r-r- par-r for ctir- S 2.75 Lot Number 3 AI\l \\'001l lreavy Nr-i-r-r- -w-igt -r-ýor-rt 6 pounds r-r $r--r Ir-rkcA 3.90 Lot Nuniber 5 Brand n-w ail wool U. S. N. Navy Gray. Silk stitched ain four aides- A $15$5 5 Blanket . INDEPENDENT Lake County 's Big Weekly Circulation Grimter tha O.ther Weeklies in Ceunty Combined WAUKEG;AN WEEKLY SUN" LIBERTYVILLE,, ILLINOIS, SEPTEMBER 22. 1921 av'nrn,. TIR1EVJUST :iE 4RANB iJURY ÀN9 DUaFu ~~~ Watikegan girls in rcgulation PTT '~> hîhinq costUlme \who scorn-PEIFO ed offers of auto rides eh- r A 11rI route to Milwaukee.- Jo [Ecut DDpI[ J'-r- ';(f -L 1-r-r--4,,' r-r-r-r-p r-'a r- cr -rrrr cale of Pre- ont Butilding Lot Number r- Reclani--d Cot- Cxr-r be iled r-r plnce of sli-ets Only 1.90 f0.- 3 t'-rrFil' i i' i tr- rr--ran. S PETI 1---.11 "r erw'.1r- r-'-" ' r-r-' ~'r- r- r- r- r- r- r-r-' '-"'r- r-. ' r- r- r- ' r- r-r- r-r- 'r- 'r-' - r-r- ' r-r- 'r- r-r-r-. "I .r- r-I. i '"r- r-r- r- ' r- - r- r-r-r-r-r-r- r-r- r-r-r-r-r- r- - r-r-r-. '- r-. r- r-' r-. r-r-r-r- r-. 'r-r-r- r- -r-r-r-"' r-r- I. f "r-r- r- r- i 'r- r- - r-' r-r- r- r-r- r-' r-' r- r-' r- r- , r-. r- r- r-' r-r- r-r-r-r-r-r-. r- 'I r- r- .'r-r-r-' 'r- r- r- "9 - ' ' r- r- r-r-r- r-r-r-r- r-r- r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r- Dr-r-ar-r-r-b-r Terr-r-'r-. r-r-r-r- r-r- i. -' r- r-r-r-r-r-r-. r-r- r-' ' r-r-' r-r- r-r-r-r-r- r-I. r-r-r-r-r-r-r- r- r-r-'.' r-r-r-r-r-' r-r- r-r-r--r-r-r- r-' r-r-r-r- r-' 'r- r-r-r-r-r-r- r-r-r- ' r-r-r-r- r- r-r-r- r-r-r- r-r-r- r-r-r-r-r- r-r-r-r--' r-r- r-r-r-r-r-'- r-r- r-"- r-r- r- "r-r- r-r-r-or-r-r- r- r-r-r-.r-'r-Xr-r-r-r-r-r- r-r-r-' -r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r- r-r-r-r-r-r- r-' i r- r-r-r-r-r-r-r- I. r-'. - -'5-r- i r- r- 5' ~'"r- r-fr-r-r-r-r- r- r- 'r- r--r-r-r-" r-r-r-.,. r-r-r-r- 'r-r-r- r- r- r-r- r- r- I. r-r-r-r-" r- r- r- r-. r- ' r- r-r-r-r-"" r-r-r-fr-r-r- 15 r-r-r-r-r- r- r-r-r--r- i r- r-r-r- r- r- r-r- r-r-Jr-r-r- r-r -r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r- r- I - r- r-tr-r-sr-r-fl r-r- r-r-r-r-, r- "r-r-r-r-r-r- fr-r-r-ar-r-r-r-- r-r- i-r-r-r-r-r-r-r- r-r- r-r-r-r- r- r-r-r- r-r-r-r-' r-r- Lr-r-r-r-r-s r-Or-r- r-r-r-r-r-, r-r--r-r- r-r-r-" r-r-r- Jr-r-r-r-r-i <'r-jr-r-r- r-r-r-r- îr-r-r-r-r- r-r-r- r-r-r- GRAND JUROFiS Mur-r-i. r-Termr- 1922. Fr-r- r-i S' r-r-r-r- r-r-r tIr-r-Or-on r-' r- iir-r-r- r-r- ftr-'5r-Ofl r-r-r -r-r-r-or-k. Nr-r-r-r-r-rr-r-r- Tr-r-,r-'tr-r-r-r-'r-i Tr- t. r-r-r-'. Ar-r-r-r-Or-i r-r-r- nr-r- r- r-r- r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r- r-nr-r-r-r-ctr-. r-or-r-n i-r-r-air-or-r-. Gr-nnr-. Itar- r-r-r- SI-r-r-r- '-r-r- r-r-r-r-r-- 'r-r-r-r-r-r-I <r-r-r-n. r-r-' r-r-r-r-,tr-r-r- Ar-r- r-r- tr-d (r-r-r-tr-nr-nr-fr-ar-r-i. Wr-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-. W r-tIr-r-r-r-r-r- Ber-r- r-. tVr-r-r-r-kr-r-gan i.or-r- r-r-r- r-r-t-jr- tV'r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-i. O. S'r-nd'-r-rr-r-r-r-r-. 'tVr-r-r-r-k'-r-tafl. - ' r-' r- r-' 'i 'r--'. r- r- 'r- ' r-r- 'r-r-tr-'. 'r-' r- I r-r-r-r-r- r-r-, r-r-'. r- r- r-r-r-r-r-r-. 'r-J.' r-'r- tr- Pr- r-r-', r-r-'. i 'r- "r-r-r-r-r- r--' -r-r-r- r- I r-r-r-r-r- r-t, r-r-' r-r-r- r-'. i r-r-. Wr-r-r-ar-. r-r- r- r-r- i-tr-rr-r-r-r, r-. ' t-r-r-, "r-r-r-' r-' r-' ' ' 'r-r-r- r-r-i. St 'r- i.' t r- r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-. Wr-r-r-r-r-r- r- W r-r- ~' r- r- r-r-. r-i r- r-,'- r-r-'r-r-r-r-r-.' r- 'r- r-r- t" r-t. ' t'rr-r-r-r-1r- r- r-r-r--r--on. 'r-r- r- r- r- r-.. r-O r- k. tr-r-.r-"r-" r- V ~l'r-r-r-.' . t r- r- ' r-r-r- r-r-i-I r-r-' 'r-r- r-r- r- r-r-r-fr- "'r- L'r-r-'r-'ir- . r-' r-r- i r- r- r-r-r-r- r-r--r-r-r- r-' r- r- ' S r-r-r-r- r-r-r-r-r-r-r-. r-r-r-" -r- i r- r- r- rr-r-. jr-r- r' r- r- r-' rr-r-r-'-r-. r-r-r-' ' 'r- Pi' r-r-J' r-t liv Nir-vember 719 r- r-r-r-r-r-r- r- r-.' r-r- r-. r-r- r-' fr-r-r-r-r-r-r-r- r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r- i-r-r- r-r-r- r-I r-r-' r-r-r--r-fr-r- r-jr-r- r-r- r-r-r- r-r- r-r- (r- (r-r-r-r-r-r- 'r-r-r- r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r- r-r-. r- r-r-r-r-r-r- r-I \'r-r-r- r-r-r-ar- r-' r-r-r-r--r- 'r-r-r-r-r-r--, r-r-r-r-k-- r-r-r-r-'. r-r-r-r-r-s i-r-r-r-r-r-r- t'tf~r-r-'r-'r-r-r-r- r-r- r-r-r-r- r-r-r-r-t ---.r-îr- r-r-' r-r-'r-r-r-"cr-r-n. r- r- r- r-r- r-r-r- r- r-r- r- r- "r-I r-r-r-r-r-r- r-'gafl. r-r- r- r-r- r-r-r- r-r- r-r-r-i r- r-r-r-n. r-r- Fr- r-r-on 'r-r-r-r-r- tr-r-r-r-r-r-krgMr-ar- r-. r- r-r-r-'r-r-r-r-r-.Ir- r- r-r-r-r-r-kr-r-r-ar-r-. 'V r-' r- r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r- r-r- r-r-r-r-kegas. r-r- 'r-r-r-r-. r-r-r-r- r-Iar-r-ir-r-'gnnr- r- r-r-r-r-r-r- r-r-' r-r-r-r-r-r-r-n r- r- r-r-r- r-r- r-r-. r-r-r-r-r-r-n r-r- r-r- r-r-r-r-r-r-r- il r-r-r-k-r-r-r-r-fl i r-r- (r-I r-r-r-r-r-r -r-r-r- r-r-r-r-t-'r-gr-in. r-r-Or-' r-r-r-r-. r- or-r- r-' ar-r-kr-gr-r-n W r-r-r- r-r-r-r-Jr--- r- r- r- iI'.r-îr-kr-gan. r-r-r-r-r-r- r-r-r-r-r-r- 55 r-r-r-fr-r- r-r-r-r-fl r-r-r-r- r-/r-r-r-r- r- r- r- r-V.r-r-r-kr-r-r-r-r-r-r- n 'r-'> r-r-r-r-r-~- r-' r-' r-r- r-r-r-' r- r-r-r-r-r- . tr- 'r-r-r- r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r- r-r-r- r- r-r-r-r-r-r- r- . r-r -r-r-m. r- r-r- r-r-r-r-r-. r-r-r- r--r-r-r-, r-r-r-r-. r-r- r- r- r-~'r-r-'-i r- r-r- . fr-r-r- ir-ir- 'r- r-r- r-r- r-r-'. '- r-r-r-I 1' r- r-r-r-r-r-r-r- r- r-r-r-r-r-r-r- r- r- r-t r-r- r- r- r- r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-ar- r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-' r- r-r-r-r- r-r- 'r-r- r-r-, r-r-r-r- r-r--r-'-' r- r-r- r-r- r- r-'lr-r- r-r-I t' r-r-r-r-r- r- r- r-r-r- r- r- r-r-r-,' - r-r -r- r-fr-r-r-r-f r-r- r-' r-r- r- r- r-r-r- r- r-r-r-'r-'ftr-'r-r-i nie se'- fori r-the > m' l-er-r-rr--iý MJCI'AL.OWSKI ON IWr-:.lai ir- icatir--y r in r-cof TPIAL; CONTEMPT Ur-r-iiilr- 1 0Fc CH CBMI ir---'-h rri li n t'..' -t. 'ir - îlr-l ý' -Ilr- Sobooi l Area ~vîcticn e ind.o.ate s thrrat if ans . ; r r -------r * ini r--r - -r one ias pquilty il was hrottner r-r-' ir----rrrr 'rrr-. j------ r---t Institut Aks r-' "rr-r:; QU.&RT 0F BOOZE r-r'i~'rIl"" r- IN BMI(IMIE O. K. r-'rr--- '-i'- r-r-r- r-.i n1r-"' dor- n a r-ila r- l, r- r-r r i-i 'r-r- d --rr--r'N irk I r--Li' t --of hUrrd 14 r ior rn fr-d r-rersonr-r- r--i- ---' Tir- e r iern r-- iei tre-neri- r-~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~~D ' --rr - --r' ---: --a--rrrr -grras gir-r-n yr-erierrry rn tir-e Su--r i ~ ~ ~ ion( "u Ltrr-' "'r---r-r-r r--îier- r-1r--r- n '.rr r-rri 'r-'. r r -11n '. rr- rr- irr-r--r aorrof tir-e d---f-nr la - rower'er:. Thet -~ ~ ~~u onl -r-r- -r -ridrr-'- - -rr r' r afer -rr--r--rerIi beratron. frn n r-r '-rr rI --r -rr-- r-ir-irr -rr--' rr--r irn <rrr c r-ir--jk, r-r-as r-r r---rer-i rn a aock. and-rI r-.r-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ý1 "---r-.-trrrrti---r-oerrr-r-der-iir-g Itirr- ssort'. ouir-Inri -rr- t .- '- -rJ" r- rr---- l rrO-- trr --l o---- r-r-' r-i r-rs 'ir-rr'ornr-- i n ga r St. Mary's of the Lake schood at Area case before board of review OWNS 1,000 ACRE TRACT Vie board uf rer-'rew oda>' ireard argumrentslir- utrepresentative of tihe St. rli' of tire Lakes School at Aiea, wai-ch see ksa rb re reljeved oc taxaiiofl on 1,000 acres of land upo. a hr-c' a $10,000,-rJO unjveraity fr- t'ail-olijC rir-ats i8 berng for-nded. tCCOt-nUr-d On Page Twr-,.l ALExH&làGoe ---Save and Redeem Our Blue Stam (inusual Savings Are Presented In This- Sale of Wool and Silk Dres Tli-r- Pr-e-opeuing Sale4 ir-,arly a ior-t rer-irarkable tbijrg. rhr-ef17 because ut ité timelicessa mi arwlirerause of the sizeable savtoge offerred onit-rew apparel. Her. art bandsone drues 0 f tri- r--rtir-r, wool serge. laffetaâ. sathIs. sitli crebe de r-hines antd canton trepa ln back ar-rr- collrai in & LI ar-es, m ar-ry I i .t-er- g 1rbo -arrteyi lirrm iiie d-and i b e ded. ifis ymnasiumBomr . The regular-lon gymnaalum bloomers for girls In ai aires ar-e ao' ftdt5cod ta 81-08. VOLUME XXIX, No. 38 Io Lot Nnber4 Plain Brown, Green an-d Black,. also plaids. Best -grade wbol- suit- able for- robes or over couchesfr $2.95 ULTS - - 4 rr- -:1 r--9 445 3CS 10,154 71 60,952 Il $12146 24 $ 25,(M-0 otu 1,760 0() 2r-117 9a jIM.2'l2 314 6 00 Bsnk, do knowldge -ident. Public. -Dl 10,000 Navy BianketsI Enough to supply all Lake County. We bave tbam ai-j ranged in lots. We guarantee ta save you HALF ofj regular cost of ar-bIanIet. BUVYOUR WýINT9RS. SUPPLY NOW ýu . c - E ýp 1 D AT CO . URT