CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 29 Sep 1921, p. 12

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* - - }t2~ERYV11JZ INDEENDE 'TIURAY, SEPTEMBER 299. T92t_________ ÊTS FORTUE QAR IN THE I3AT (Contlnved <rom page ONE) 'Imsta Iliglt one of those incA- dents in lite where a kind -sel ,brouglit a esmal fortune tb a man who va a villing to asslat another vt helewas ln trouble. Gardenler las32 years of go and bas been ln the navy 12 years. Ho bsai planned ta l'e-enllat folLowIng, bis disîliargo about aine .veekwa go' and expectod tb finish out th tertn whîcli vould place hlm on the re- tire4 Dit. That vould be four years more but nov ln vlew of the amal fortune that lbas corne to hm Il la mâcertain vhetlîer le ievlI re-enlist or flot., He i gong to Los Angeles for the purposeofo looklng over bis property and it la o! sufficient value or lie belitses t vorth more tlîan the $11,000 offered for At b>' the attorneys representing hlm, lie viii proliably lire on thie land and according to lis own admission 'pick out a ltte wite and settle down." Mett Up With Dggar. it vas over ftve >ears g_ that Gardier vas v alking along the atreet ln a New 'Jersey cît>. A man about 50 yeara ot g, not shabbily dr essor stepiped up 10 hlm and askefi baim if lie vould help hlm gel home. The ]mon explained that ho vas broke and requestefi $325 to geltot i1 home. Gardentpr replîrd that lie vasn't in the habit of giving that sum of money ta strangers but lie sald If lie vas actuali>' desîrous of Zetting home lie would go and bu>' a ticket for hlm and see tht lie vas started on biis way. The stranger, who * turned out 10 b. James Jorden, sald lie vould not forget the, klnduema and accompanled b>' Gardenler tho>' vent and bouglit the ticket . hlch vas tô take hlm ta bis home. 1 As lie vas lemvlmg the Youmg z:- lardon alfi, 'Vve me your card for 1 nover aal <'rgotthIim kimdnea. Garduler di not baye a cat,& but ho toak a aid envolope and vraIe bis nom@ and addroma an the back of ILt.Jordea put tlan bim packot ad accordins ta Gardent«r that la th laut ho ever thouglit about th mater unâtil re recelved à lette frtran aiattornley la Bufao laformimg hlm that ho hmd become thie bemeclar>' la a wIl! mlgued b>' a maimained Jorden. Cald't Bacall Remeen. At trt Gardemler coulA mot. uc- dératand boy ai>' body had remem. bere'dhlm and t vas onî>' mter ho liil read the Iptter clear tbrougli and the reference vas made that hoe limd shova kindnea toa aman n Nov Jersey tliat ho rocailed th n. cident vîterein hlim adadvanced the mono>' for tic ticket t0 a man named Jorden vlio vantrd la net home. According ta th. letter fromt lie attorneys Ilie> stood roady 10 gir. Cardenler $11.000 for the property In Las Aligeles and they encloseut n the ltter a certiird chieck for the $1,000 n cash. Hovevcer, Gardenler frîtthlat, if tie propert>' vas eslimatcd me wûÏth $11.000 b>' lie attorneys n Buffalo, Il mîiglitlie vortis more, and Ihore- fore, lie decideu totamaire 1hetrip himooeli ta 1h. veat coasi. 1ook over the proport>' anut then liandle the malter hîtaseif. Ho procureut a description o! il and even hautbils attorneys drav out a map of vhere the property lies go that hie vould hoe abe to go dl- rectly ta t viien ho gors ta. the western cl>. Thle notification camne fromtte Buffalo attorney onu<lie 2lst o! Ihîs montli and Gardenler lias since heen naking hils plans ta go vomI. Gardonier *as n the navy for 12 remis and receiveut a dîscliargo re- centi>' <roût San Pedro, Calîfornla. .lHe haut been at Great Lakes for a Yoar-am - a hbfan md vas -la -t aviation achool of Great Lakea for a short Urne. Ho bast recenîl>' cae frotathe Great Laites hospîtal vlier o li las beeu 111 for a short periad. Gardonler', homo laslanRîdgevood, Long Islandt, ear -Brooklyn. 1Hie parents lve tiero nov. In telling about nie uusual good fortune, (lardonler declares that lie can hardi>' beleve t possible. Ho amys AIt ail seectaslie a dream ta hlm, And tiat la why ho lias de cided te 1ook Ato the mattor hlm-. soIf liefore dIsposlng ai the prop- erty vîthout iraI golng ota ee t. 80Sunde Rallier Inlicpitable. Wommn Wrter-Wlion tiora le une». pected cmpmb>' I Juat <'ml back on thé eld-fmabOnod wblp 0of raadotbaj'o ITé Roee Fammly. The roseue al>' Inplude mutet o ta, beut fruI&t., uLne the appl%ý ae'>,plu, par, îloSsd. peacb. *edtu'r<ne, apsAeoC atrawberry, raopo j be" s amilar frultf. Smecially Priced Women' s. Outer A parel For Fail and Winter The first desiro of evory woman 18 of course to look hor boat and thiB la much "aior to do this TasU than formerly, bocauso of the lower pricos. The. viluus offered in thogo upocally pricod groups of new modes foroefully il- lurtrate the opportunty presented hore.î &SUITS Pur la extremel>' popular among these nov Suite. The>' are of the neweat mode.9 which sui. phasîz the longer Coat and Skirt, while the dl! ference in detail rendors ecd suit a dIsitInctIve suodel. Fashloned af fine al vaal Velour An desirable colora for Âutum.n. Priced I,t $25 $35 COATS- Com t that prateet f rom the vAnter vinda, yot 108e no-afo theîr attractivencs go te make Up these aDeclaly priced groupa. 'Tic>' are becomlng lu UIne and many are fui trlmmed ncuding Wolf, Beaver, Nutria, and kunk-whllo othora arc selt trimmed. zýVaaltned cf 811km.6 Satins, Trîcotine and o lier material favoreuj for Autumn, these cliarm- In tmg<rocks present the neweat modes for Fal-the uueven hem, nev leeves and nov trîmmîngs art Virtleularly natod., While black and nmvy are i oremost, mmm> new shades of broya are shown. lpelajlX prie" la twa groupe at --e HérC1oth.e.>e"t ei"->na of E-UroDC "611Q99VOLIVA' ON SUNFLOWEREN. GMIEMENT IDEA New York'Américan pokes fun ai Zion Overseer on sugges- tions 0f'no-diamnonds DIAMOND LIKE NOSE-RJNG Under that cmption, "Nothlng Do- lng, VlIsa,the. Nov Yor-k Ament- ca lime the fallowing edîleriai on Volva: "Joshua made lie sun stand still, but only dd II once. As far as re- corded hlstory shows 1h. etlias neyer boom repeated, Bealdes vhicli, modem science dlaims that the sun wasn't rnovlng. mway. "rar. Partington tried ta aveep back the wves o! thé ocean and gaI lier f<'0.1 vol. ".Nov cames Overseor Vliva, of Zion City', eho vanta girls ta vear a sunflovrornauthelr aleeves e-hem th. becorne evgagout ntead ofaisdI- mnd ring an tiseirlingora. Of cours. lic ls rîglt. Whou t cames te the customss and foîblesanmd vomkesses and styles ai Young vamen, the piolo- sopher las alvaîs rigit. 'Diarnands are a survis-ml ai th. aeso nose-ringa, tatooAng, >ellov paint and allier favorite metioda af dorning 1h human iorm Aivine ln barbarie tînes. '-Only t liaPpena <liaIt thegirls wait dismonda. And' vheu phloso- phy la pitteut against a girl wba vaits sometiing, phiosopliy ivriabl>' lam- es oui. Sa e-hy cannaI VlIsa b. a gaod litho. Overeer, stick te preach- Ing sermons on moral mnd ethicai questions and lot tie girls alome" Whon lb.>' viIA, yau knaw 1h.>' vAîl. Aid wo vhey wa' on't, vhy, lýoMetimeà thoe-Awil. Ina. Aid, whatever tic>' do, ami>' have to atsk' a broaaA survol af 1he girls that yaU se0 n an>' city lan tie Umited Statea, on ai> damy lanthe veek.lan di>' And ai vealli- Gr ta reaci the concluslc iontaI elat tie>' do le porfectlr ait sght. B. came, Iri jI vriaI.they eouldmt't b. go del!ghtfully aidcoaonudediy at' tractAve." 1'hmt'à th. Kin&, Belf-detosminatlcsm" ea> othe theos-> en e-hidi nov matuaom refonéfed, but jimI plin dtrA~mt ijol thing thaï: *ver, m«d on te gel Anîwhero- 'tmTranfflcA The Zion sourt room vmas the sce af a batistuasmOrming. Martin Ilusci was o tand mAtrial for, beat- log UV BalpisBrava, and wvilelieh aid hie irtends vere aaitlag Ithe ar- rAslal of Justice W. IL Schmmifsa h07 eil@d ava>' -the lIme b>' aunArir sam- casma hled at Colin Cargveli, via e-a saald t the Judes deak. Among Ruooc's fr-tonds vas ils brother Ticodore. and Guls Graf f. John Bille, a law student ai lie Nartbvester-i'University' vms ta cou- duel tie defence for,île client, Mar- tin Ruescis I'Seme l.udge vos-o goi"' salut Ruescli aareastlcalîY. AIlof i%[a fienda laugieut. Frenan Caravelli bld Iluen te> voulut hav, ta keeP quiet If tAie>'et- pected tla t>'thero, and Ihe> mut keop their alurs la lliemselves.. "lfeep il up, 1 lîke ta hear t!" eimc>iated Bills. Nov, t s80 happena Ihat,,Carswell As o! Scotch decect and alîhougi slow ta agner hoe maîntaîns a deaut Hle obeyond wvilciIl la uangerous ta go, and Ruescl mnd lits aqsoclales lieyotid he litait. At Ihls juncture, Justice Schmalfufs came on the scene and liogtiftles cesseut for a-lime. Carseru tien vent dovn mîmrné luring the PrelîmAmilres Of lte hearing, during e-hIdi J. U. Bisbop, representlng lis e cl>' aecAfer a con- tînuance of lie Ruesll came, Matia Ruescli nmde nomo remmrk lnthue hearîng 0of lie court auci as: "Miglil Jusl as veIl have lie trial nov, as the fine vas aIl setleA an." Mr. Bisiop calleu thle courts ai- tention ta lise remark. andt Ruescli nimediatelv. got varlike. TIue con- tinurance date vas flxed andthtie Jutige lefI lie court room. lunlte men urne, Caraveli vas valtlng dovu stairs anut asked the Ruescl's e-lit lie>' meant b>' tleir "slammlng' upstalrs. Tiseyt mmedi- alel>' got ta more yards anA a figlit foltowed. ailt<fur jumping anto Car- swee. Tise fîreman gave a good ac- counit oi hîiself and stoid three off while lie pummelout the fourîli one, anA vas so ongaged wfien AssistaIt Chief Georgo StrleA caine aiang and seperale t hem. Carsvell Ilion vent upsatrs. On ariving n lie courtroom up' taira, Bille asked Caravohl vial haut happeet ownstair-a, 'Il just bIt m flloa Anho musl!" salut Caravol lihils Seotlh ac- cent, "'I'm goimg ta hît nmre mare oi thien thle nush f-the> don't koep thoir dîrI>' larni ta tioeelves visen tise>' corne up lie," addcd the tire. "Whio are you referrligtt"akeut Bills. "l'au for ome!" roapouded tie tire- man.. Blls gaI a braad grln on hlm face and salut: "My mouti e-mm mdc la r-ln!" '11 vilI run tant nmre of these tîmes anut stop sudden.» salA Carevoil. "d«Wiat do yau menm b>' that?" ak etBills. -11Il stop t," salut Carsvelî. Carse-elIl hpped ta bils feet and saad: l'Ill show yau.,came on!"' Bis 100k a position laniront o! hlm and sbmpeA bis ls tt for- action. As CArsvoîl 100k a stép tovards bim. Bilîleseazeut a chair anA efruck Cars- wol! on lie lIt mmam. ,Mr. Blahap tien stepped An- and puiled thti chair mwaY f romt.Bille. Tise latter tien g9rabiseut aniothrerhair and struck &part. and bath wve.punclIiug aI oaci othsr oser tiechcimrnaovllle. Durlin tiAs fracas oser tie chair Blla sot a black ove, "1 vared Bll "a@id Mr. Bihop, "viais Caravoîl cash upsîmirs mat ta proyoke hlm. Bis th.ê sald: "worda Igm'l a sufficenl provoca- tion fpsai au «ull and imIter'. lHe lamglid aid kept t up. aidlieo saI mast vhat ho van Iooking for. Billes nta returu ta seioci aItih Nortiveatera University' ou Tiura- day. JURY -REUcSES T CONVICT ON TEST- IMONY 0f DEACONI Disagree in hearing at North 'Chicago, four holding out ,for acquittai verdict DISCRIMINATION CHARGED After a dellheratton lasting an hour andt a half a >Uwry In .lustlce Neloon's court In Northi Chicago Tuesday nîglit failîd te reach a ver- dict In the case orf'%I'P. Schmidt. arreatefi on a chrage or h'aving vie- Iated the rit>' ordînance providing against building a <'rame structure inalde the tire limita. The case start- ed et 7:30 o'clock and did flot go te the jury until 11:30 p. m. fI vas flot until 1 a. m. that the jury anaounc- ed At vas liopeirsl>'dradlocked. Four jurors are said te have lield out for acquIttaI. Schimidt was arrested on a var- rant aworn out liy Mayor IHenry Deacots. While resl trame struc- tures are pernîltîrd by the mayor te lie errcted cor moveut insîde the lire limIta, according 1telSchmnidt.,lie planned te tise steel sheeting vîlli a covrng of stucco. Nfayor Deacon took the stand that aucli a building would lie' of! <rame construction. From the IraI Schmidt cliargeut that lie was being miade the vAdtim of unfaîr discrimination. He vas i eprrsented liy Attorney Max Przy- brtski, former city attorney of Northu Ciciago. Mayor Ijeacon vas thie purincipal witness for the defense. Schmidt lias been advised b> lis attorney' to resuuie construction of the building. Whetlirr nflt lie wllilibe stopped remains te lie seen. ROAD, WORK LAKE CO., ILLINOIS. Sraled proposal is iili e receivrd at 1:30 P. m., Oct. 101h, 1921, et the office of the underslgned, An the Court liouse, Waukegan. Illiais. Rand Aoad, Sec. 8-15-d: 44244 sq. yds. 18' concrete pav-e- ment' 19-80 ru. yds. grading; 313.3 c u. yds, Clasa A concrete, etc. Lake VIlla-Fox Lake Road, Soc. V- 15d: 1141o £u. yds. grading; 152.4 cu. 1yds. Cas A concrete. Work 'As 10olie donc under State iSpeclfications as modifiod b>' Coun- t>' Supplemental Speeificationa. Piais, etc. on file ai office of Ca. Supt. Tventy Dollar deposit roliuired for plana takren avay. Cash or equivaient equal la 5 -per cent. of bld requîred. 1tAght la resered ta reject mli>'or mil b1dir Fer furtier information Inquire ai CHAS. E. RUISSELL, Co. Supt. of Hlgivays. Sept. 24, 1921. Sept 29.. Oct 5. Wkly 2t WE INSUNI OLASSES AGAINS'! BREAKAGE Tho. otera Twofflour servieaý 1Tutu j Islîar wônl ;.asterza used on t.glon 4u oek ezchutijx _ mat selment me hmvlch lie does flot posacss. prCssuîstngdeliver>' on a ce*-" dlay If aI settling tlime, tIi-astock e.U flt gone dow e A>a jpoint vliere ié rau maka a profit an the transaction, lie aosnepwe make an arrangeaient vIls the ' urofiaser et the stock vbereb>' deiii'14ledeforreut, payins for thîa pri uan '4 amuntI"'tâter. lper Not Made of bfttujrPmer la not msoefr-a r ie bt f104 tbe membrane cefthlia ed fruit trot. '<md l.jtfoyean 74 Oit tg a qtirstioti bt My mid,re. niarked (lie dentist wlie hall guI ulp <'roD a Warin Led <o réuçiOtid tùr a crjý <'rom hiii bah>, "if a fellow mutkes Most noise wheu'f bIsteeth are i'emi, or ~ u- tlîeY are gOing"-YOnkegB L GOOD WATER Cmu be bail from a Drileil WeIl. T. IL FERC*ISON Well Driller. Phone 168-M Mion, M. Personualattention and reamaable prices. THINK 0F IT, MADAM! A Fur Trunmed Sit To Fit Your Fancy Priced At OnIy ' Tbev'rc Sut \i t i l litIait tlistiîigi iishinlg sl1.llt - flCss VOU've lwiJgIilotott.. Siits 'il i t Iiiet S0 ger style tout'htis yoi've adîiiîî-) su îîîti inî t1i' highest piiced inits. lThe îateî'iais aîîd tilo'iîsg are jîîst about pei'fîetioîî wlile the styles are- as var'- ied as the peî's<nal prefereîies of tiî' îvoi-î w lîo look. Iîîdeed thc'v 'î'c as s\\-aggt î' as t hîî-v eiiî Lii built anîd the pI-iee is a dt-iglîti'îl :suî-pis'e. SiIlk Frocks '.Bewitching With 'Their Unique Trimmings Are Tit --*ii~.1 :u-lF:l~'1i44~i--,--'t-4~e-.-n-ra f ree fpi tiisUà- wonderful array-the styles are sa attractively var'- ied nnd the colors sa pew and sa fascinating. They " w-holly winsôme silk frocks that w-fi rike to cverY occasion. They 're developed of alluring CantoW Crepes and Riidi Satins in black as, well A~ the want- cd, colors and ail show beguiling fouches that are ~1a~Beetè8~i~v. Oie dh.v<h &aoe< bu - $35000 "OTiIER SIDE'S" VERSION 0f POLICE STATION"STO Yesterday's details Werof ur- nished by Independonts, te- day's by Volivaites, CAN TAKE YOUR CHOICE (Br' Edgar W. Croit.) VLUME XXI.-NUi TIVS WRE( STOEN CAR; INTO PUIO Machine taken. fr G'idaiI of Area,1 merty of WauI Area., -hu I a foi tit-tWa t was SfoIri. '-un: Sahtuut. A, t li ý,ilou k Stt i, itt' Irn ,, hi h.-. : t1 inl ing thr: b ih-t iiai 0 th er.- .i j l - At <t u- '1111. lu . î I)iatuîond l Ltik, t.- 1.1J lit- didts tmt ioc, lin loageu t I- Tht-s g.slivth fie c-ar bui th-, -tatc umîed tissu it hi iongrti staimed Mu'Comliii of !New 'Tie car lia ben run phnne pale anA wa i wrî SIinday Ithe Waukega ce.I" trf-poit? frott hie car had br-en i4toien 't-î "si t mpolir. disuc th. -tIr Wabirb !<uudbei-n lili- - te attempt hta rt *Aror whir-l,.'r the'> of If aed t the ,-pols- boita leurétis tiii uif lhe ffleqsa dflt,gis fer tise machin'- '-a- ebPt wag lotriiln.1no irreilise place whii, uu )MÂYY SEUTLE MORLANDS Cmigressman Carl blom aiso explaii $1 brig sal f!4l r t ho.t-htiland i t - !,5.-- tv; . 1- irunig - rd titur:-ntir,- v.:foitutu ,-nta,inc' tle sttion, A tantumbis' uti1 ebrit -tr-mentrul b> Mc(. bave- ii i rrvei theuir lNtIis î-u-kt lting iitîiitu i'r-di.vh o t3flt Ue.'sK t -lob: me- 'rhi-. utl u¶ --t tir a t té, I:vI -, tttri ' buihling a- .olutt tir dIo,- ('Uinu'r- cour an 'lu inilblu tWit the- n:îy detuarimieu to trirt' the' building ftaith thr. (tild not ilrglîi ly e waim -t---uSu-: fortirt'etS pRy dstt~ -iolla a inttake gai Uu I '1 ut il ttnt wFp- Wuuli-g.n. Norith lAt.tunty dd fitht îe viec- dtring ý hue war. Ohldndblom tiaid. "la ta UStu- for tht-e up-VlISOI the' dt-turtmt-nu triraiif coniriuinity Tisar i,, mt ofa1s tbuti'îlidings t iN wins.' r,-tidets flot onfv honr-.te) the navv nien t tin-' uîthin their power miiunplaces of rrî mssuseîm'-nt andt Io arr t a few outhelircongorts o la training t arG.tatLa) Concerlag lthe tallitth Rialom would acel the o»lpd counîrles, Congre omn o a recont visi dAeeared that these cauml "Ibgland wil pay." he vil lise aller coumîries. IV hie a question ofIlter omaugi gaid t nittthe. Payaient ;ai, t is tfli- ie those natiion.. Tiser,- a way-s liey can tua> An vire oi n nuu-reliandi le keep aur own Peoplie. ive dont vînt tht-At- nif the. sanie r-raton. C TÏyove'us >$10.004, '1W ail tise>'cati do now *W0,00,000 int-rouit a3 "Netier do Wr vaut WP have to keep our o, Regarding the sale o the cossaI>'Cougres4mii issipea'd tisaI the nav-al fia caty. visil vu f$Wàa. repairing tise - ~ed tla is Asmd ott %Wb hebo cty vu. ~Pdfi04tfit that gil colaI>' wu --n- iw

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